Moe Upper-intermediate.docx

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,262
  • Pages: 25
UNIT 1 Apron= delantal Costume= disfrás, uniforme, traje. Counter= superficie de la mesa Hake=merluza Cod=bacalao Sole=lenguado Trout=trucha Plaice=platija Sea bass= róbalo Mussels= mejillones Prawns= camarones Squid =calamar

Question Tags= confirmar información. They were properly coocked, weren’t they? You coocked those chikens for long enough, didn’t you? I’m just going to wear this apron and hat, aren’t I? I’m late, aren’t I? She lives near from here, doesn’t she? He broke his leg, didn’t he? They won the match, didn’t they? You have been to London, haven´t you? She’s (has) left home, has’nt she? She’ll (will) pass, won´t she? They can swim, can´t they? We must go now, mustn’t we?

CERTEZA I’m sure it won’t (estoy seguro de que no) I’m certain I’m absolutely positive Of course I did Definitely I’m convinced

TRANQUILIZAR A ALGUIEN Stop worrying It’ll be fine Don’t fuss (no te agobies)

UNIT 2 Boast= presumir

Comparatives and superlatives Comparativo= dos cosas Lucas is younger tan Dallas.

Superlativo una respecto de las del resto. He is the most expensive player in the team now. It is the least expensive.

Adjetivos cortos De una sílaba o dos, acabados en “y” (cambia a “i”). Se les añade la terminación “er” y “than”. Para formar superlativo en adjetivos cortos se les añade “est” y el artículo “the” delante. Los adjetivos en que acaban en consonante-vocalconsonante, normalmente doblan la consonante. Adjetivos irregulares

My grandfather is the oldest. Which is the easiest language?

Adjetivos largos Tres o más sílabas Se agraga “most” o “less” delante de la palabra y “than” detrás. Para formar superlativo largo se agrega la palabra “the most” o “the least”

My house is bigger than yours.

“boring” y “useful” son adjetivos largos.

My boyfriend is older than me. Is French easier than Germany?

”quiet” y “narrow” (angosto) son cortos. Good-better-the best

Running is most dificult than jogging. It is less difficult than skiing? Formula 1 is the most expensive sport. What is the least dangerous?

Are westerns more boring than action films? She is quieter than him.

Bad-worse-the worst

Chauffeaur= chofer Holliday home= casa de descanso Spare room= cuarto de invitados Landing= descanso Utility room= cuarto de lavadora Attic= desván (ultimo piso) Cellar= sotano Hall= recibidor Private jet Chalet= cabaña comparaciones It isn’t as big as yours. It’s less expensive than yours. It’s most modern than mine. It isn’t as attractive as yours. It´s better than mine.

elogios It’s really lovely! It’s huge, isn’t it? I think is beautiful. It’s gorgeus. That looks great. I really like it.

desventajas It’s a bit small. We need something bigger. It isn’t big enough. There is enough room. Yours is better. We need more space.


Rudeness= mala educación Head waiter= camarero o mesero Plaster= tirita Rare= poco cocido/poco hecho/raro Burnt= quemado Refund= reembolso (sustantivo) Refound= reembolsar (verbo) Exchange= cambiar (por otro artículo). Receipt= ticket de compra recibido. Fauty= defectuoso Wore= llevar puesto (wear en pasado simple)

CARTA Yours sincerely = saludos cordiales (alguien cercano) Yours faithfully= atentamente.

Unit 4

Dodgy= poco fiable Circuit breaker= circuito automático Light bulb= bombilla Light fitting= lámpara

Passive extensión

La voz pasiva se utiliza para resaltar la persona o el objeto que reciben la acción del verbo, cuando el sujeto que la realiza no es importante o se desconoce. Pasta is eaten all over the world. Kimonos are worn in Japan. How many books are printed a year?

PAST SIMPLE The criminal was arrested. When were the trees planted?

PRESENT PERFECT The party has been canceled. The bed hasn’t been made yet.

FUTURO SIMPLE The car will be fixed on Saturday. The player won’t be choosen today.

FRASES PASIVAS DE VERBOS MODALES Details can been found on the website. Drugs should be banned. The picture was painted by Picaso.

“Have something done” Se usa cuando se acude a un profesional o alguien que sabe. I have had my hair done= he pedido que me peinaran. You ought to have them remplaced= tendría que hacer que se los cambiaran. How can I get(have) that done? = Quien puede hacerlo? I have my hair cut every month= me corto el pelo cada mes.

She is having her eyes tested= se va hacer una revisión de la vista.

They had they house painted last year= Les pintaron la casa el año pasado. I did not have my hair cut last week. She has not had he reyes teasted.

Where do you have your car repaired?= donde llevaste tu carro a reparar Get=have, pero informal. I’m going to get my hair cut= voy a que me corten el cabello. She got her shower replaced last week= le cambiaron la ducha la semana pasada.

También se utiliza cuando se distingue que le ha pasado algo desagradable a alguien. They had their house burgled= Se metieron a robar a su casa. He has had his Passport stolen= le han robado su pasaporte. She had her car clamped= Le han puesto una abrazadera a su carro

Chiropractor Chiropodist Optician Plumber Beautician

Buen comportamiento Back someone up= respaldar o apoyar Bring someone up= educar o criar Put someone up= dar alojamiento

Mal comportamiento Rip someone off= timar/estafar/engañar Tell someone off= regañar Let someone down= defraudar

Pay someone back= pagar deuda Pick someone up= recoger en coche Drop someone off= dejar en coche

UNID 5 Litter= basura desperdicio Clamb= poner un cepo Lead= correa para perro Wildlife Countryside

Beat someone up= dar una paliza Take someone in=engañar Knock someone over= atropellar

We do not have to work tomorrow. It´s a bank holiday. Permiso: can, could, May Obligación: must go/have to go (had) Consejo o recomendación: should/ought. “don’t have”= “no es necesacio hacer algo” o qur no hace falta hacerlo Prohibición: mustn’t

Be+allowed= The say we are only allowed to park her for one hour. Be+permited= Smoking is not permitted. Be+prohibited= Fires are prohibited. OBLIGACIÓN Be+supposed+to= I’m supposed to be on time/ I’m not supposed to be late (no debo llegar tarde) Be+meant+to= I’m meant to be on time. (tengo que ser puntual)/ I’m not meant to be late. What time are you supposed to start work?

FORMAS VERBALES PASIVAS (se usan en letreros). Be+forbidden= Taking fothograps is forbidden. Be+prohibited= Ball games are prohibited.

Footpath= sendero (se usa para personas) Line= camino (se usa para carros) walk down Hedge= seto Fence= valla/ clim over Signpost= poste de señalización/ follow Field= walk through Hill= go up.

Gate= go through Valley Mud= barro Stream= arrollo/ cross Grass= hierva / sit on

Beetle= escarabajo Wasp= avispa Flea= pulga Tick= garrapata Grasshoper= saltamontes Caterpillar= oruga Cockroach= cucaracha Ladybird= mariquita Bee= abeja

UNIT 6 Handle= Heater= calefactor Plug socket= enchufe Lock= cierre o cerradura Bathmat= alfombrilla de baño Razor= rastrillo/manilla de afeitar (manual)

Cupboard= alacena Regardless= en cualquier caso Rubber= plástico/goma Mat= alfombra o tapete Appliance= electrodoméstico Slip= resbalar

Washbasin=lavabo Plaster= yeso



PAST PERFECT (AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE) Se utiliza para indicar una acción pasada que ocurrió antes que otra. After he had locked at the bike, he decided to buy it. I’d(had) just got home from work, in the taxi, when he knocked on the door. It was the only money I had. I hadn’t been on the bank.


UNIT 9 Scam= estafa Faint= desmayarse Dock= banquillo de los acusados Cop= policía Raid= redada Premises= edificios, locales


Nevertheless= CONTRASTAR DOS IDEAS EN 2 FRASES DIST no obstante. A+Nevertheless,+B Whereas= CONTRASTAR 2 ideas en 1 frase“mientras que”. A+,whereas B Despite o “in spite of”= INTRODUCIR IDEA OPUESTA en la misma frase. A pesar de, pese a. Puede aparecer al principio o en medio de la frase.

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