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Psikiatri (15 soal pilgan) 1.Klasifikasi menurut PPDGJI-III (1 soal) 2. Klasifikasi menurut DSM-IV (1 soal) 3. Etiologi (2 soal) 4. Ciri2 paranoid, skizoid, dissosial, histrionik, anankastik, cemas,emosional tak stabil ( msg2 1 soal) 5. psikoterapi (1 soal) 6. farmakoterapi (1 soal) 7. pedoman diagnostik umum (1 soal)

IKGA (4 soal essai) Dikasih sebuah kasus anak usia 8 thn...... 1. Tuliskan tingkah laku anak usia 8 thn dan apakah anak dlm kasus bertingkah sesuai dgn usianya. Jelaskan? (4) 2. Fktr2 yg menyebabkan anak menolak perawatan. Tuliskan dan jelaskan? (8) 3. Falsafah yg dianut orgtua anak dlm kasus ini. Jelaskan? (3) 4. Tuliskan dan jelaskan klasifikasi menurut wright. Klasifikasi apa yg sesuai dgn anak kasus tsb. Tuliskan dan jelaskan? (9) IKA (20 soal pilgan) 1. Tujuan umum tumbuh kembang anak 2. Ciri2 masa embrionik 3. Perbandingan proporsi kepala dan badan bayi 4. Persentil dalam kurva CDC 5. Ciri2 tumbuh dan kembang remaja 6. Kebutuhan cairan triwulan III 7. Gemar meniru  brp bulan? 8. Perbedaan karakteristik anak dan dewasa

9. BB normal anak usia 1 thn 10. Ciri2 tumbuh kembang 1-2 thn 11. Masa bayi lanjut 12. Memakai dan membuka pakaian sendiri brp bulan? 13. Refleks neonatus 14. Kebutuhan dlm “asah” 15. Pertumbuhan adlh.. 16. Timbulnya ciri2 baru 17. Berat badan anak 5 thn brdsrkan rumus 18. Peran departemen tenaga kerja (anak cacat) 19. Intervensi tingkat II tujuan? Psikologi (45 soal pilgan) 1. Tahap perkembangan piaget umur 2-6 thn (1 soal) 2. Ciri2 remaja (1 soal) 3. Persepsi (6 atau 7 soal) 4. Motivasi (5 soal) 5. Teori kebutuhan Maslow (1 soal) 6. Classical Conditioning (3 soal) 7. Operant conditioning (1 soal) 8. Ratio dan interval (4 soal) 9. Teori bljr (3 soal) 10. Teori james lange, cannon bard, lazarus (4 soal) 11. Emotion focused dan problem focused (3 soal) 12. Chirologi arti? 13. Kepribadian menurut hipocrates, kretchmer, jung(+ eysenck), rogers (msg2 1 soal) 14. Kepribadian mnrt freud (3 soal)

PSIKIATRI 1. 2. DSM- IV-TR A. Panic disorder with or without agoraphobia 

An acute intense attack of anxiety accompanied by feelings of impending doom is known as panic disorder  The anxiety is characterized by discrete periods of intense fear that can vary from several attacks during one day to only a few attacks during a year  Patients with panic disorder present with a number of comorbid conditions, most commonly agoraphobia, which refers to a fear of or anxiety regarding places from which escape might be difficult B. Agoraphobia with or without panic disorder  Specific Phobia & Social Phobia  Phobia : an excessive fear of a specific object, circumstance or situation  Specific phobia : strong, persisting fear of an object or situation  Social phobia :strong, persisting fear of situations in which embarassment can occur  The diagnosis of both specific & social phobia requires the development of intense anxiety, even to the point of panic, when exposed to the feared situations C. Specific phobia  Specific Phobia  More common than social phobia  May anticipate harm, such as being bitten by a dog, may panic at thought of losing control if they fear being in an elevator  The peak age of onset for the natural environment type & blood-injection-injurytype : 5-9 years  Onset for situational type (except fear of heights): mid 20s  The feared objects & situations in specific phobia (listed in descending frequency of appearance) are animals, storms, heights, illness, injury & death D. Social phobia  Social Phobia= Social Anxiety Disorder  Have excessive fears of humiliation or embarassment in various social settings, such as speaking in public, urinating in public rest room (‘shy bladder”) &speaking to a date E.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Represented by a diverse group of symptoms that include intrusive thoughts, rituals, preoccupation & compulsions

These recurrent obsessions or compulsions cause severe distress to the person

The obsessions or compulsions are time –consuming & interfere significantly with the person’s normal routine, occupational functioning, usual social activities or relationships

A patient with OCD may have an obsession, a compulsion or both

Obsession : a recurrent & intrusive thought, feeling, idea or sensation

Compulsion : a behavior

Specifically, a compulsion is a conscious, standardized, recurrent behavior, such as counting, checking, or avoiding

A patient with OCD realizes the irrationality of the obsession & experiences both the obsession & the compulsion as ego-dystonic (unwnted behavior)

 OCD has 4 major symptom pattern : a) Contamination b) Pathological doubt c) Intrusive thoughts d) Symmetry  Obsessions  Contamination  Pathological doubt  Somatic  Need for symmetry  Aggressive  Sexual  Other  Multiple obsessions  Compulsions  Checking  Washing  Counting  Need to ask or confess

 Symmetry and precision  Hoarding  Multiple comparisons  Treatment  Pharmacotherapy : SSRI, clomipramine  Behavior therapy : desensitization,thought stopping,flooding,& aversive conditioning  Psychotherapy

 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)& Acute Stress Disorder  Condition marked by the development of symptoms after exposure to traumatic life events  The person reacts to this experience with fear & helplessness, persistently relives the event, & tries to avoid being reminded of it F.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

 PTSD :The symptom must last for more than a month after the event & must significantly affect important areas of life, such as family & work G. Acute stress disorder  Acute stress disorder : occurs earlier than PTSD; within 4 weeks of the event, & remits within 2days to 4 weeks H. Generalized anxiety disorder  DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Panic Attack  A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort,in which four (or more) of the following symptoms developed abruptly & reached a peak within 10 minutes : 1) palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart beat 2) sweating 3) trembling or shaking 4) sensations of shortness of breath or smothering 5) feeling of choking 6) chest pain or discomfort 7) nausea or abdominal distress 8) feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint 9) derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization ( being detached from one self)

10) fear of losing control or going crazy 11) fear of dying 12) paresthesias ( numbness or tingling sensations) 13) chills or hot flushes

 The DSM-IV-TR contains 2 diagnostic criteria for panic disorder, one without agoraphobia and the other with agoraphobia, but both require the presence of panic attacks  Panic attacks can occur in mental disorders other than panic disorder, particularly in specific phobia, social phobia & PTSD  Unexpected panic attacks occur at any time & are not associated with any identifiable situational stimulus, but panic attacks need not be unexpected  Attacks in patients with social & specific phobias are usually expected or cued to a recognized or specific stimulus  Some panic attacks do not fit easily into the distinction between unexpected & expected, and these attacks are referred to as situationally predisposed panic attacks

 DSM- IV- TR Criteria for Agoraphobia A. Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult(or embarassing)or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationally predisposed panic attack or panic-like symptoms. Agoraphobic fears typically involve characteristic clusters of situations that include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd or standing in a line; being on a bridge & traveling in a bus, train or automobile B. The situations are avoided (e.g., travel is restricted) or else are endured with marked distress or with anxiety about having a panic attack or panic –like symptoms, or require the presence of a companion C. The anxiety or phobic avoidance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder , such as social phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to social situations because of fear of embarassment), specific phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to a single situation like elevators), obsessive compulsive disorder ( avoidance of dirt), posttraumatic stress disorder ( avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stressor) or separation anxiety disorder (e.g., avoidance of leaving home or relatives)

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