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Mobile robot From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to navigationJump to search "Mobot" redirects here. For the victory pose of distance runner Mo Farah, see Mo Farah § Trademark. A mobile robot is a robot that is capable of locomotion. Mobile robotics is usually considered to be a subfield of robotics and information engineering.[1]

A spying robot is an example of a mobile robot capable of movement in a given environment.[2]

Mobile robots have the capability to move around in their environment and are not fixed to one physical location. Mobile robots can be "autonomous" (AMR - autonomous mobile robot) which means they are capable of navigating an uncontrolled environment without the need for physical or electro-mechanical guidance devices. Alternatively, mobile robots can rely on guidance devices that allow them to travel a pre-defined navigation route in relatively controlled space (AGV - autonomous guided vehicle). By contrast, industrial robots are usually more-or-less stationary, consisting of a jointed arm (multi-linked manipulator) and gripper assembly (or end effector), attached to a fixed surface. Mobile robots have become more commonplace in commercial and industrial settings. Hospitals have been using autonomous mobile robots to move materials for many years. Warehouses have installed mobile robotic systems to efficiently move materials from stocking shelves to order fulfillment zones. Mobile robots are also a major focus of current research and almost every major university has one or more labs that focus on mobile robot research.[3] Mobile robots are also found in industrial, military and security settings. Domestic robots are consumer products, including entertainment robots and those that perform certain household tasks such as vacuuming or gardening. The components of a mobile robot are a controller, control software, sensors and actuators. The controller is generally a microprocessor, embedded microcontroller or a personal computer (PC). Mobile control software can be either assembly level language or high-level languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Fortran or special real-time software. The sensors used are dependent upon the requirements of the robot. The requirements could be dead reckoning, tactile and proximity sensing, triangulation ranging, collision avoidance, position location and other specific applications.[4]

Contents  

1Classification 2Mobile robot navigation o 2.1Manual remote or tele-op

   

o 2.2Guarded tele-op o 2.3Line-following Car o 2.4Autonomously randomized robot o 2.5Autonomously guided robot o 2.6Sliding autonomy 3History 4See also 5References 6External links

Classification[edit] Mobile robots may be classified by: 

The environment in which they travel:  Land or home robots are usually referred to as Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). They are most commonly wheeled or tracked, but also include legged robots with two or more legs (humanoid, or resembling animals or insects).  Delivery & Transportation robots can move materials and supplies through a work environment  Aerial robots are usually referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)  Underwater robots are usually called autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)  Polar robots, designed to navigate icy, crevasse filled environments The device they use to move, mainly:  Legged robot : human-like legs (i.e. an android) or animal-like legs.  Wheeled robot.  Tracks.[5]

Mobile robot navigation[edit] There are many types of mobile robot navigation:

Manual remote or tele-op[edit] A manually teleoperated robot is totally under control of a driver with a joystick or other control device. The device may be plugged directly into the robot, may be a wireless joystick, or may be an accessory to a wireless computer or other controller. A tele-op'd robot is typically used to keep the operator out of harm's way. Examples of manual remote robots include Robotics Design's ANATROLLER ARI-100 and ARI-50, Foster-Miller's Talon, iRobot's PackBot, and KumoTek's MK-705 Roosterbot.

Guarded tele-op[edit] A guarded tele-op robot has the ability to sense and avoid obstacles but will otherwise navigate as driven, like a robot under manual tele-op. Few if any mobile robots offer only guarded tele-op. (See Sliding Autonomy below.)

Line-following Car[edit] Some of the earliest Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) were line following mobile robots. They might follow a visual line painted or embedded in the floor or ceiling or an electrical wire in the floor. Most of these robots operated a simple "keep the line in the center sensor" algorithm. They could not circumnavigate obstacles; they just stopped and waited when something blocked their path. Many examples of such vehicles are still sold, by Transbotics, FMC, Egemin, HK Systems and many other

companies. These types of robots are still widely popular in well known Robotic societies as a first step towards learning nooks and corners of robotics.

Autonomously randomized robot[edit] Autonomous robots with random motion basically bounce off walls, whether those walls are sensed

Autonomously guided robot[edit]

Robot developers use ready-made autonomous bases and software to design robot applications quickly. Shells shaped like people or cartoon characters may cover the base to disguise it.[6] Courtesy of MobileRobots Inc

An autonomously guided robot knows at least some information about where it is and how to reach various goals and or waypoints along the way. "Localization" or knowledge of its current location, is calculated by one or more means, using sensors such motor encoders, vision, Stereopsis, lasers and global positioning systems. Positioning systems often use triangulation, relative position and/or Monte-Carlo/Markov localization to determine the location and orientation of the platform, from which it can plan a path to its next waypoint or goal. It can gather sensor readings that are time- and location-stamped. Such robots are often part of the wireless enterprise network, interfaced with other sensing and control systems in the building. For instance, the PatrolBot security robot responds to alarms, operates elevators and notifies the command center when an incident arises. Other autonomously guided robots include the SpeciMinder and the TUG delivery robots for the hospital. In 2013, autonomous robots capable of finding sunlight and water for potted plants were created by artist Elizabeth Demaray in collaboration with engineer Dr. Qingze Zou, biologist Dr. Simeon Kotchomi, and computer scientist Dr. Ahmed Elgammal.[7]

Sliding autonomy[edit] Main article: Robotic mapping See also: Autonomous robot More capable robots combine multiple levels of navigation under a system called sliding autonomy. Most autonomously guided robots, such as the HelpMate hospital robot, also offer a manual mode. The Motivity autonomous robot operating system, which is used in the ADAM, PatrolBot, SpeciMinder, MapperBot and a number of other robots, offers full sliding autonomy, from manual to guarded to autonomous modes.

History[edit] Date



During World War II the first mobile robots emerged as a result of technical advances on a number of relatively ne bombs that only detonate within a certain range of the target, the use of guiding systems and radar control. The V1 modern cruise missiles.


W. Grey Walter builds Elmer and Elsie, two autonomous robots called Machina Speculatrix because these robots l light source they would move towards it, avoiding or moving obstacles on their way. These robots demonstrated th cells.[8]


The Johns Hopkins University develops 'Beast'. Beast used a sonar to move around. When its batteries ran low it w


Mowbot was the very first robot that would automatically mow the lawn.[9]


The Stanford Cart line follower was a mobile robot that was able to follow a white line, using a camera to see. It w At about the same time (1966–1972) the Stanford Research Institute is building and doing research on Shakey the link. Shakey was the first robot that could reason about its actions. This means that Shakey could be given very ge The Soviet Union explores the surface of the Moon with Lunokhod 1, a lunar rover.


In its Viking program the NASA sends two unmanned spacecraft to Mars.


The interest of the public in robots rises, resulting in robots that could be purchased for home use. These robots se the HERO series. The Stanford Cart is now able to navigate its way through obstacle courses and make maps of its environment.

Early 1980s

The team of Ernst Dickmanns at Bundeswehr University Munich builds the first robot cars, driving up to 55 mph o


Stevo Bozinovski and Mihail Sestakov control a mobile robot by parallel programming, using multitasking system


Stevo Bozinovski and Gjorgi Gruevski control a wheeled robot using speech commands.[12]


Hughes Research Laboratories demonstrates the first cross-country map and sensor-based autonomous operation o


Stevo Bozinovski, Mihail Sestakov, and Liljana Bozinovska control a mobile robot using EEG signals.[14][15]


Stevo Bozinovski and his team control a mobile robot using EOG signals.[15]


Mark Tilden invents BEAM robotics.


Joseph Engelberger, father of the industrial robotic arm, works with colleagues to design the first commercially av MDARS-I project, based on the Cybermotion indoor security robot.


Edo. Franzi, André Guignard and Francesco Mondada developed Khepera, an autonomous small mobile robot inte


Dante I [16] and Dante II [17] were developed by Carnegie Mellon University. Both were walking robots used to expl


With guests on board, the twin robot vehicles VaMP and VITA-2 of Daimler-Benz and Ernst Dickmanns of UniBw up to 130 km/h. They demonstrate autonomous driving in free lanes, convoy driving, and lane changes left and rig


Semi-autonomous ALVINN steered a car coast-to-coast under computer control for all but about 50 of the 2850 m


In the same year, one of Ernst Dickmanns' robot cars (with robot-controlled throttle and brakes) drove more than 1 maneuvers to pass other cars (only in a few critical situations a safety driver took over). Active vision was used to


The Pioneer programmable mobile robot becomes commercially available at an affordable price, enabling a wides standard part of the university curriculum.


Cyberclean Systems [4] develops the first fully autonomous vacuum cleaning robot that self-charged, operated ele


NASA sends the Mars Pathfinder with its rover Sojourner to Mars. The rover explores the surface, commanded fro find its way through unknown martian terrain.


Sony introduces Aibo, a robotic dog capable of seeing, walking and interacting with its environment. The PackBo


Start of the Swarm-bots project. Swarm bots resemble insect colonies. Typically they consist of a large number of


Roomba appears, a domestic autonomous mobile robot that cleans the floor.


Axxon Robotics purchases Intellibot, manufacturer of a line of commercial robots that scrub, vacuum, and sweep LLC operate completely autonomously, mapping their environment and using an array of sensors for navigation an


Robosapien, a biomorphic toy robot designed by Mark Tilden is commercially available. In 'The Centibots Project' 100 autonomous robots work together to make a map of an unknown environment and s In the first DARPA Grand Challenge competition, fully autonomous vehicles compete against each other on a des


Boston Dynamics creates a quadruped robot intended to carry heavy loads across terrain too rough for vehicles.


Sony stops making Aibo and HelpMate halts production, but a lower-cost PatrolBot customizable autonomous ser The US Department of Defense drops the MDARS-I project, but funds MDARS-E, an autonomous field robot. TA options, is released.[19] Honda's Asimo learns to run and climb stairs.


In the DARPA Urban Grand Challenge, six vehicles autonomously complete a complex course involving manned units sort themselves according to the popularity of their contents. The Tug becomes a popular means for hospitals blood and other patient samples from nurses' stations to various labs. Seekur, the first widely available, non-milita learning how to navigate itself outside. Meanwhile, PatrolBot learns to follow people and detect doors that are ajar


Boston Dynamics released video footage of a new generation BigDog able to walk on icy terrain and recover its ba


The Multi Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challenge has teams of autonomous vehicles map a large dy


The Multi-Function Agile Remote-Controlled Robot (MARCbot) is for the first time used by US police to kill a sn and robots by police as instruments of lethal force against a perpetrator.

During the NASA Sample Return Robot Centennial Challenge, a rover, named Cataglyphis, successfully demonst 2017

Within the ARGOS Challenge robots are developed to work under extreme conditions on offshore oil and gas inst

See also[edit] 

Robotics portal

     

Ant robot Autonomous robot Autonomous Underwater Vehicle DARPA LAGR Program Domestic robot Humanoid robot

                 

Hexapod robot Industrial robot Justin (robot) Lists of types of robots Mobile industrial robots Mobile manipulator Mobile wireless sensor network Personal robot Robot Robot kit Robotic arm Robotic mapping Robot kinematics Rover (space exploration) Transport robot Ubiquitous robot Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Wi-fi

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