Mnemonic 2 For Science Year 5

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  • Words: 2,558
  • Pages: 20





2. Electricity

2.1 Knowing the sources of electricity.

2.1.1 State the sources of electricity.

Sources produce electricity e.g. a)dry cell, battery b)accumulator, c)dynamo, d)solar cell. E.g. activity such as lighting up a bulb or ringing an electric bell. Sources of Electricity


2.2 Understanding a series circuit and a parallel circuit.




Dry cell Accumulator Solar Cell Dynamo Hydroelectric Power Mercury Cell

Don’t Always Sleep During Holiday

Torch Light Car Calculator Bicycle Turbine


Watches/ Handphone

2.2.1 Identity the symbols of various components in a simple electric circuit. 2.2.2 Draw circuit diagrams. 2.2.3 Identify the difference in the arrangement of bulbs in series and parallel circuits.

Build different electric circuits and using the symbols of the components in an circuit, i.e battery, bulb, connecting wires and switch.


CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CONSIST OF : Battery/Dry Cell, Wire, Switch, Bulb` Use battery and wire to switch on the bulb. OR



Battery Wire Switch Bulb

Beli Wire Susah Betul


2.2.4 Build a series circuit. 2.2.5 Build a parallel circuit.

Pupils are given batteries, bulbs, switches and connecting wires to build series and parallel circuits.

2.2.6 Compare the brightness of the bulbs in a series and a parallel circuit.

Observe and compare the brightness of the bulbs in: a)series circuits, B)parallel circuits, C)between series and parallel circuits when number of batteries and bulbs must be the same..

2.2.7 Compare the effect on the bulbs when various switches in a series circuit and a parallel circuit are off.

Comparing what happen to the bulbs in the circuit when certain switches are off.



SERIES tiada simpang, lampu semakin malap

Rosak satu semua black out

PARALLEL banyak simpang, lampu sama cerah

Rosak satu yang lain ok

2.3.1 Describe the danger of mishandling electrical appliances. 2.3.2 Explain the safety precautions to be taken when using electrical appliances.

The danger of mishandling electrical appliances, e.g. electric shock, fire, burn, electrocution. Safety precautions need to be taken when using electrical appliances, e.g. A) do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands, B) do not use electrical appliances that are faulty or having broken insulation wires,


The danger of mishandling electrical appliances : Item Burn

Mnemonics Buy

Fire Electrocution

Food Enhance

Electric Shock

Energy Or

Bila basah “electricshock” , silap-silap “electrocution” . Bila panas “burn”, silap-silap “Fire”


3. Light .

3.1 Understanding that light travels in a straight line.

3.1.1 State that light travels in a straight line.

Gather information and give examples of events or phenomena that show light travels in straight line.

3.1.2 Give examples to verify that light travels in a straight line. 3.1.3 Describe how shadow is formed.

Discuss the formations of shadow . Conclude that shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque or a translucent object.

Properties of Light Item


Light travel in a straight line

Lurus tak bengkok Langgar tembok Shadow terbentuk

Light can be reflected

Lurus tak tembus Terlanggar cermin Pantul balik terus

3.1.4 Design a fair test to find out what cause the size of a shadow to change by deciding what to keep the same, what to change and what to observe. 3.1.5 Design a fair test to

Investigate the factors that cause the shape and size of a shadow to change. A) when the distance between an object and its light source decreases, the size of the shadow increases and when the distance between an object and the screen decreases the size of the shadow decreases. b) the shape of the shadow changes according to the position of light source and the shape of the shadow changes according to the position of an object.



3.2 Understanding that light can be reflected.

Size of Shadow Mnemonics

The further the object from source of light, the smaller the shadow

Far Object …Small

The nearer the object from source of light, the bigger the shadow

Near Object…Big



Investigate reflection of light using: a)a mirror, b)an aluminium foil. Pupils draw ray diagrams to show the reflection of light. 3.2.2 Draw ray diagrams to Uses of reflection of light in everyday life, e.g. show reflection of a)side mirror of a car, light. b)mirror at the sharp bend of a road, 3.2.3 Give examples of uses c)mirror in the barbershop, of reflection of light ind)d) periscope. E)Apply the principle of light reflection e.g: everyday life. -periscope , -kaleidoscope 3.2.1 State that light can be reflected.

Ray diagram to show the reflection of light.







4. Heat

4.2 Understanding the effects of heat on matter.

4.2.1 State that matter expands when heated. 4.2.2 State that matter contracts when cooled.

Effects of heat on matter, e.g.

A)heating an iron ball and inserting it into an iron ring, B)cooling the heated iron ball and inserting it into the iron ring, A)heating coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube and observing the water level in the glass tube, b)heating a dented ping pong ball in hot water, C)cooling coloured water in a beaker with a glass tube and observing the water level in the glass tube. Conclude that: A)matter expands when heated, matter contracts when cooled..

Effect of heat on matter: Item


matter expands when heated

Gain Heat Expand GARY HATES EVA

matter contracts when cooled

Loose Heat Contract LET HER CRY



1.1 Understanding that matter exist in the form of solid, liquid or gas.

1.1.1 Classify objects and materials into three states of matter.

1.1.2 State the properties of solid.

Classify objects and materials into solid, liquid and gas. Suggested objects and materials for pupils to classify are: Inflated balloon, deflated balloon, stone, cooking oil, milk, water, paper, paper clip, ruler, glue and bicycle pump. Pupils study: A)weighing various kinds of solids, B)measuring the volumes of various kinds of solids, C)putting various types of solids into containers of various shapes. Properties of solids, i.e. a solid: a)has mass, b)has fixed volume, c)has fixed shape.

1.1.3 State the properties of liquid.

Pupils study weighing various kind of liquids, measuring the volumes of liquids, pouring liquid into containers of various shapes. Conclude the properties of liquids, i.e. a liquid has a) mass, b) fixed volume, C)no permanent shape but takes the shape of its container

1.1.4 State that some liquids flow faster than others.

Observe the flow of different liquids, Examples : water ,milk ,condensed milk , cooking oil , tomato sauce , cordial , shampoo , glue


States of Matter

1.1.5 State the properties of gas.

Study the properties of gas by: A)balancing two inflated balloons on a stick and puncturing one of the balloons, B)inflating balloons of different shapes, C)observing smoke in a closed container then placing an inverted container on it. Removing the cover of the first container and observe. D)how smoke moves from a container to another inverted container placed directly over it, e)feeling the pressure of gas in a syringe when its plunges is pushed down with nozzle closed. Conclude that properties of gas, • has mass • has no fixed shape but takes the shape of its container • occupies space and has no fixed volume • can be compressed.

States of Matter: Item Mnemonics So Solid Liquid gas



1.2 Understanding that matter can change from one state to another.

1.2.1 State that water can change its state. 1.2.2 Conclude that water can exist in any of the three states of matter.

Observe the change of the state of matter: a)allowing ice to melt, b)heating water until it boils, C)collecting water vapour, allowing it to cool and making it freeze. Additional observation: melting butter, melting ice cream

1.2.3 Identify the processes Water can change from one state to another. involved when a Water can exist as solid, liquid and gas. BOILING EVAPORATION matter changer from MELTING Process involved changes from one state to another: one state to another. melting, boiling, evaporation, condensation, freezing. 1.2.4 Identify factors that affect the rate of evaporation of water.

Item Melting

Mnemonics Mak

Boiling Evaporation

Balik Esok





Factors that affect water evaporates e.g a) temperature b) wind c) surface area



CHANGEs changes IN STATE OF WATER changes in the state of water

Mak Balik Esok Cuci Fridge


1.3 Understanding the water cycle.

1.3.1 Describe how clouds are formed. 1.3.2 Describe how rain is formed.

View video formation of clouds and rain Discuss and explain the changes in the state of matter in the water cycle , how water is circulated in the environment, discuss the importance of water cycle.

1.3.3 Explain how water is circulated in the environment. 1.3.4 Explain the importance of water cycle. 1.4 Appreciating the importance of water resources.

1.4.1 Give reasons why we need to keep our water resources clean. 1.4.2 Describe ways to keep our water resources clean.

2. Acid and Alkali.

2.1 Understanding the properties of acidic, alkaline and neutral substances.

View video

A)the importance of water for living things, B)the effects of human activities on quality of water supply. Gather information on how to keep our water resources clean and present it in the form of folio. Draw posters to show appreciation that water is an important resource.

2.1.1 Identify acidic, alkaline and neutral substances using litmus paper.

Test substances to determine whether they are acidic, alkaline or neutral substances based on the change of wet litmus papers colour.

2.1.2 Identify the taste of acidic and alkaline food.

Pupils should taste the food samples provided only and not any other substances. Determine whether food samples are acidic or alkaline by tasting the food samples and testing with litmus paper.

2.1.3 Conclude the properties of acidic, alkaline and neutral substances.


The changing colour of litmus paper and taste Item Acid

Mnemonics Bunga Raya (Blue Red)

Bunga Raya Campur Cuka Rasa Masam Item Alkali

Mnemonics Rehat Bersama (Red Blue)

Rehat Bersama Minum Kopi Rasa Pahit

Nyanyi le…. Acid ,acid, acid Asid itu apa? Asid tukar litmus Biru jadi merah Acid,acid,acid Asid rasa apa? Asid rasa masam Macam itu cuka….. Irama lagu Sayang-sayang nyanyian Alif Aziz bahagian Chorus.



1.1 Understanding the constellation.

1.1.1 State what constellation is. 1.1.2 Identify constellations.. 1.1.3 State the importance of constellations.

View video or visit planetarium to observe various constellations. Constellation is a group of stars that form a certain pattern in the sky. Build a model to study the pattern of Orion, Scorpion, Big Dipper and Southern Cross. Importance of constellations, a)to show directions, B)to indicate the time to carry out certain activities, e.g planting season. Big Dipper and Southern Cross can be seen between April – June. Orion can be seen between December – February. Scorpion can be seen between June - August.

Shapes of Constellation

Item Orion Big Dipper Scorpio Southern Cross

mnemonics English Malay Hunter Pemburu Ladle Gayung Scorpion Kala Jengking Kite Layang-layang


2. The Earth, The Moon and The Sun.

2.1 Understanding the movements of the Earth, the Moon and the sun

2.1.1 State that the Earth rotates on its axis. 2.1.2 State that the Earth rotates and at the same time moves round the Sun.

View video model about the movement of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Discuss and explain the rotation of the Earth and the Moon and their movements around the Sun.

The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east and completes one rotation every 24 hours.

2.1.3 State that the Moon rotates on its axis. 2.1.4 State that the Moon rotates and at the same time moves round the Earth. 2.1.5 State that the Moon and the Earth move round the Sun at the same time.

Movements of the Moon and earth

MERWE Moon and Earth Rotates from West to East Length and position of shadow




2.3 Understanding the phases of the Moon.

2.3.1 State that the Moon does not emit light. 2.3.2 Explain that the Moon appears bright when it reflects sunlight. 2.3.3 Describe the phases of the Moon.

Discuss that the Moon does not emit light but reflects the sunlight. View video on the phases of the Moon phases of the moon: a)new moon, b)crescent, c)half moon, d)full moon. Build a project to observe and record the phases of the Moon for a month and relate them to the dates of the lunar calendar.

Situation 1: The sun is on the left

new Sun


crescent half moon 66

full moon

new moon


half moon

full moon

O hitam

C terbalik



O hitam C terbalik DO

half moon Situation 2 : The sun is on the right crescent Sun full moon


new moon 67

new moon


half moon

full moon

O hitam

C terbalik



O hitam C terbalik DO



1.1 Knowing the shapes of objects in structures.

1.1.1 State the shapes of objects. 1.1.2 Identify shapes in structure.

Pupils walk around the school compound and identify shapes of objects, i.e. a)cube, e) cylinder, b)cuboids, f) pyramid, c)sphere, g) hemisphere d)cone,

Mneumonics Cube , Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere, Pyramid Pak Ali main dadu macam cube atas meja cuboid, kaki meja berbatang cylinder, sambil makan ais krim cone, tersepak bola sphere, pecah dua jadi hemisphere, Raja Firaun marah di dalam pyramid. 1.2 Understanding the strength and stability of a structure.

1.2.1 Identify shapes of objects that are stable. 1.2.2 Identify the factors that affect stability of objects.

Pupils carry activities identify the shapes that are stable. Investigate factors that affect the stability of a structure, e.g. A)pushing a bottle standing upright and a bottle standing upside down,

B)pushing a high chair and a low chair,

Conclude that the stability of an object is affected by base area, and height.

1.2.3 Explain how base area affects stability. 1.2.4 Explain how height affects stability.

Pupils investigate affects the stability of an object e.g: a) the bigger the base area, the more stable the object is, b) the higher the object, the less stable the object is.


stand at attention – bersedia

1.2.5 Identify the factors that affect the strength of a structure. 1.2.6 Design a model that is strong and stable.

Factors that affect the strength of a structure. E.g. A) suspend a weight on a straw and then on a pencil, B) make two bridges, one using a piece of flat paper and the other using a folded paper. Then put objects of the same mass on each bridge. Conclude that the strength of a structure are: a)types of materials used, B)how the structure is placed. Pupils design the strongest and most stable structure using materials of their choice. ( Suggestion: use reused and recycled materials )

Factors affects the stability of an object :: Stability ( Bang Selebu)

The Bigger Base Area, The More Stable Object The Higher The Object, The Less Stable Object The Smaller Base Area, The less stable object The lower the object The more stable object Bigger base area More stable object Smaller base area Less stable object


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