Mlhs 1982 Memory Book

  • November 2019
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'82 of *\




8th' 2oo> g"#"rnber

Name: Date of Birth: City/Stalelives in: # of Ststes lived in: Spouse/Signifi canl Other Name: Date of Maniage: # Kids, Nsme6& Ages: # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets, Species,BFed & Name: HighestLevel of Education: Cunent Job/Occupation DreamJob: Hobt*es: # Body Pi€rcings: * Tattoos: When you realizedyou were middleage: Five peopleinvitedto dinn€r & why:

RicbPearson 10/19/1964 Wes{Allis Wl only Kim 7'2Et2000 21,se.vinginlheArmylon Mountain I, Joshua, Division,iusl b€d(fromA&h8nistan 0 3 1 yearcoll@e css (RepairTechnician, AT&T0,VicePresidenl WorkeFof Ame.icsLocal4603 Communications (2200membe6) Author Ridingmy Hadey 0 0 I havea 7 yearoldnephewnamedMark. I tookhim for a Dr.apptandthe nurseaskedif I washis GRANDFATHER. HuntorS. Thompson, KunVonnegut,Mario Andretti,KeithRichads,andJimmyHoffabecause successin theiaciosen field. eachrepresent

Uniqueor tunny thing few knori,aboul you: 2 FavodteMLHSTeache6: 2 Least liked MLHSTeachers: Unusualthing you are proldest of accomplishing: Sinceluming ,f0 I have been eleded VP of CWA Local460:|, ti€nt skydMr€, bor.lghta Harl€yand driven a race car at the MilvraukeeMile Thingto sccomplishb€foredying: I have lo pickiust one? StevenSpielberg'smovie eboutyour life would Cry Urfil You Leugh be called: Undermy bed: I never look in csse it is a scary monster! Favorite3 songsfrom '7&'82: FavoriteMovie: Pulp Fiction,Anedcan Beauty,ApocalypseNow FavoriteMovie Quote: I love tho smell of Napalmin the moming FavoriteTV Shovr: IRL Racing(doesthat count?) FavoriteBook: Shadowland(Pete. S:traub) Thir€ you do now you $vorB you would neverdo Say You c€I fiis Music?) whenyou weroin highschool: Secrol fantasy/desire: Slowdown- is this a memoaybookoaPenthouse? Favorite Biblo # of limes a Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Cadburyspecialdsrt candy bsrs Would hate to be lef, alone in a roon wih: Geoee W. Bush Momingpe.sonor Nightold: NiohrOwl Oppositesex drives me c€zy wilh: Every responseis emotionbased,to oflen no basisin logic. Oppositesex is appGciatedfor Every r€sponseis omotionbasod,to ofren no basisin logic. Worsthabit: Not takingthings seriouslyenough. Favoritesmell: Ethanolin the momingat the racetrac* Favoritefood: Rare Prime Rib Favoritesporllo watch: lndy car racing Favoritesportto play: Flag footballwith my nephevr''sleam (which I coach)

Name: LynnKurtz Dateof Birlh: 6tgt64 Ciiy/Statelivesin: QueenCaeek,AZ # of Stateslivedin: 5, Wt, Mt,lL,OH,AZ Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: No thanks Daleof Marjage: # Kids,Names& Ages: No lhanks # Grandkids, N€mes& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: No lhanks HighestLevelof Education: AsscDegree CurrentJob/OccupalionFlightAttendant DrcamJobi Alreadyhaveit. Hobbies: Crossstitch,drinkingbeea # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoosl 1, Hean- chest Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: I am notthercyetFive peopleinvitedto dinner& why: l\ryGEndparents.I missthema lot andwouldenjoy theircompanymoreas an adultUniqueor fuflnythingfew kno$/aboutyoul 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: [rr. Schmidt,Pdncipall\4r.Ellwein 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeacheIs: Any teacherwhotaughtenglishand history. you are prcuclest Unusualthing of accomplishing:Stayingsingle(HaHa),Enjoyingmy family& friends. Thingto accomplish beforcdying: co see packergamein GreenBayonlyAug-Oclafler thal waytoo 6oldfor me. StevenSpielbe€'smovieaboutyourlife would EnjoyyourLife be called: Undermy bed: Tilethat brokeoff my roof. Favorile3 songsfaom'78-'82: Can'tthinkof anytitles- styx,reospeed$/agon FavofiteMovie: Chitty,ChittyBang,Banq FavodteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: Survivor FavoriteBook: SuzannesDiaryfor Nicholas youwouldneverdo Smoke Thingyoudo nowyous,wore whenyouwercin highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:Jumpinghorsesin the Olympics. FavoriieBibleVerse: # oftimesin Love: 3 FavoriteIndulgence: Beer Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Momingpersonor NightOwl: Moming Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Beingmessy Oppositesex is appreciated for: Makesme laughand cancook Wolst habit: Favoritesmell: Freshcut grass Favoritefood: Rib6andcrablegs Favoritesporl to watch: FootballPackersof course Favodtesportto play: Couchpotato

Name: LisaBfaalzLevandowski Daieof Bidh: 2t23164 City/Slate livesin: # of Stateslivedini SpouseJSignif ic€ntOlherName: Dateof Maffiagei at19t2a00 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Samuel4, Chanes2 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 1, dog,Pittbull/Boxer, lvlarbles Highest Levelof Education:Bachelors Degrcein Letters& Science CuffentJob/OccupationDomestic Engineer DreamJob: Workingal a zoowitheithefrhinosor giraffes Hobbies: Gadening,hikng,biking,camping,reading # BodyPi€rcings:0 # Tattoos: youweremiddleagei Haveyetlo realizemiddleage,notallowedw:tha 4 and 2 Whenyourealized 've peopeinvitedlo dinnerI why. WilliamRandolph Hearst- get an inviteto stay at his mansionin California andatlendone of hasinfamous -take me scubadiving,Harold parti€s,PhillipeCousteau (My Braatz G€ndfatherwhomI neverknew)| am told he wasfunandlovedlife. I wouldliketo find out for myself, Noah-would liketo askhowlongit reallytookto buildthe Ark andwhatwas it reallyliketo be with allthoseanimals, HenrySimmons(actot just becausehe is so goodlooking anditwouldbe n;cetohavehimnextto me atlhe dinnef lable. Uniqueorfunnythingfewknowaboulyou: 2 FavoriieMLHSTeacherc: lvlrSchmidt(Band)& Mr-Schmoockisoph. Religion), PasiorHarmann(Religion) and I\,4r. Reeb(Ivlath)muslbe on myfavodtelisl too. 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Misslvloeller (Language) (Language) & lMrDobberfuhl Unusuallhingyouare prcudest of accomplishing:ScubadiMngwithNurseSharksoffthe coastof lsla l4ujeres, Mexicoanddivinglhe BlueHoleoff the coastof Belize Thingto accomplish beforedyingl TraveltoAfrica,divethe GaealBarier Reefand drjvemy ownHarley.(toomuchtjmeleftto onlyaccomplishone thing) StevenSpielbengs movieaboulyourlifewouldbe ''TrulyBlessed" mlled: Undermybed: A moosepdntby RobertBaieman Favorile3 songsfrom'79'82: '1999 Ptince,Our LipsAreSealed- The Goco's, September-EarthWindand Fire FavodteMovie: EnglishPatienl Favoriiel,lovieeuote: "Toto,l'vegot a feelingwere not in Kansasanymore." FavoriteTV Show: Seinfeld(reruns) FavodteBook: Aztecby GaryJennings Thingyou do nowyousworeyou\rr,suld neverdowhen I don'tremember eversayingnever youwerein highschool: Secrelfanlasy/desire: Livefor 6 monthsin l exicotravelingtoallthe l,,layanruins withmyiavoite gal pals. FavodteBibleVerse: # oflimesin Love: Favorite lndutgencei Wouldhalelo be leftalonein a rcomwithi HilaryClinton pe6onor NightOwl: Morning I\,4orning Opposite sexdrivesmecmzywith: Theydon'tlisten Opposite sexis appreciaied for: Sincerckindness Worsthabit: Doingtoomanythingsat onetime Favorite sme[] Ivlyboyshair aftertheir baths , Favodtefood:Cfab Favo te sportto watch: Tennis Favoitesportto play: Volleyball

Name: ElizabethBremer Dateof Birth: 10t20t1964 City/State livesin: I\/enomoneeFalls& EagleRiver,Wl # of Stateslivedin: One Spouse/Significant Other: Mark Rehorst,significantother ' Dateof l\,,larriage:Divorcedin 1989 # Kids,Names& Ages: 0 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species& Breed: 0 Levelof education: BS - Business Admin& Fashion Merchandising CurrentJob/OccupationCorporateEventPlannef,DirectSupplyInc.,Milw DreamJobl What I am doingor not workingat all Hobbies: Biking,hiking,fishing,reading # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealizedyou weremiddleage: When I couldn'treadanythinganymore Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: LeticiaBaldridge- Jack Kennedy'sSocialSecretary KatherineHepbum- lfind herfascinating Bono- to discussworldeventsand listento GeorgeClooney- simplyio lookat MarthaStew€rt- in my lineof workwe leastto stealher ideas L,nique orfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: WithoutcontactsI literallycan notseean inchin front of my face 2 Favorite[,4LHS Teachers: Religionteacherwe wentto Europewithwhosename I cannotrecall 2 LeastIikedMLHSTeachers: Therewere unfavorablesubjectsnotteachers Unusualtl'ingyouareproudestof accomplishing:Participatedin severalAvon3 day60 milewalksfor BreastCancer- my motheris a 23 yearsurvivor Thingto accomplish beloredying: Makesurefamilyis takencareof StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewoutd On GoldenPondbecausewe spendweekendsat our be called: Iakehome'n EagleRiver Undermy bed: Carpetand probablya bit of dust Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Journey,Van Halen,REO,HeadEast,AC/DC Favoritel\,'lovie:GoneWith The Wind FavoritelvlovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: GilmoreGiris,Grey'sAnatomy,FridayNightLights FavoriteBooki GoneWith lhe Wind Thingyoudonowyousworeyou wouldneverdo I haveno idea. whenyou werein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: That'sbetweenMarkand me FavoriteBibleVerse: The ones I still rememberfromgradeschool- SPI # of timesin Love: One time for real and few timestryingto get it rjght FavoriteIndulgence: Chocolateand spa day Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: Unhappy,negativepeople Morningpersonor NightOwl: Neither Opposite sex ddvesme crazywith: The wholecommunication thing Oppositesex is appreciated for: Jusi spendingtime together Worsthabit: I fiddlewith myjewelrywhennervous Favoritesmetl: Chocolate Favorite tood: Anythingmadeon the grill Favorite sport to watch: Football ' Favoritesportto playl Spectator

Name: HollyBrundage Dateof Bifth: 1112't11963 City/Statelivesin: NewBerlin,Wl # of Stateslivedin: One Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Dateof Marriage: 1 # Kids,Names& Ages: '1,Leighage 17 # Grandkids,Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 0 HighestLevelof Educaiionl CurrentJob/Occupation Frontend manager,The FreshMarket DreamJobl Hobbies: Camping,Hiking,Races # BodyPiercings: o # Tattoosi 0 Whenyou realizedyou were middleage: When I turned40, My daughterwent to highschool Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: '1.My Gramma- Shewasa wonderful person& I wouldloverher to see Leigh.2. A witch- so they coulddo a spell& get ridoI dll thegarbage( s weird).3. NIyGrandpa- So I couldrcallyremember him,sincehe s beendead34 years.4. Gov-Doyle So I couldtell him he is an ass& shouldcleanupthe city beforeit js ruined.5. JohnOliver-just so I could see how he is doing,seeingas we touch(Hi) Uniqueoafunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I cantouchmy tongueto my nose 2 FavoriteI\,4LHS leachers: N4rRiggs,Mr Schmidt 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: MissB, Mr Pollack you are proudestof accomplishing: Unusualthing Thingto accomplish beforedying: To go scubadiving StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife would Survivorin hell.I doni know be calledi Undermy bed: Shoes Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Timeforme to fly FavoriteMovie: Gonewiththe wind FavoriteMovieQuote: Franklymy dear I don'tgivea damn FavoriteTV Show: CSI LasVegas FavoriteBook: IT Thingyoudo nowyousl,loreyou wouldneverdo Neverusethe phrasesmy parentsusedto my child whenyouwere in highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: To finallygo scubadivingandbeingtheluckiest personaliveandfind a sunkenshipwitha chestof gold. And stayon vacationforeveron a islandwith perfect weatherevery day! FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 5 FavoajteIndulgence: To get dressup and go out to a fancyplace Wouldhateio be leftalonein a roomwith: Don'thavea namea liarandcheat personor NightOwt: Morningperson ft,,loming Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Menthinkthey knowit all Opposiiesex is appreciated for: A beautifulbodyto lookat wori habit: Puttingoff exercising/making excuses Favoritesmell: Applepie baking Favoritefood: Filet . Favoritesportto watch: Car racing Favoritesportto play: basketball

Name: Tom Buuck Dateof Birth: 11t15t1963 City/StateUvesin: Meridian,ldaho # of Stateslivedin: 4, ldaho,Oregon, Florida, Wisconsin Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Susan Dateof Maffiage: 6t28hSB7 # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, N4ckenzie (12),Tanner (11) # Grandkids.Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Brced& Name: 2, BlondLab& GoldenRetrieverMix50/50,Stanfod & Daisy HighestLevelof Education: Masters- Business Administration CurrentJob/OccupationManagingpartner-ldahoMutualTrust DreamJob: I haveit now Hobbies: Timbedand management, golf # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoosl 0 Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleage: WhenI playedin thefather& sonfootballgametast yearand pulledmy hamstdng Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: '1-JesusChrist- wouldliketo knowif the 10 commandments arefor real.2. JerryLewis- he still makesme laugh40 yearslater.3. & 4. Lewis& Clark - Howdidtheypersevere whentheyexploredthe west.5. [4yfamily- becauseI enjoytheircompany. Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I fde a tractorontheweekends 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: I\,,1r Heinkle- rhebestbaseballcoachin tne sraLe 2 Leastliked MLHSTeachers: None,theywereallgood Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Swanlhe southfork of the PayetteRiverCtassV rapidand lived Thingto accomplishbeforeoytng: Justcontinue to bea goodfather StevenSpielberc'smovieaboutyourlifewould Its not us,lt'sGod be called: Undermy bedl Slippers Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Cheaptrick- Didn'tI seeyou crying,Cars- Good TimesRoll,AC/DCShookme all nightlong FavoriteMovie: Fletch FavoriteMovieeuote: l'm all right,I'mall dghtsaidby UncleBillyin lt's a WonderfulLive FavoriteTV Show: Seinfeld FavoriteBook: Bible,Calvin& Hobbscomicbookis semndptace Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Weaf cowboyboots whenyou werein highschoot: Secret fantasy/desjre: To suNivein ihewilderness for a year FavoriteBibleVersei # of timesin Lovel FavoriteIndulgence:Chardonnay Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: HilaryClinton ftIorningpersonor NightOv!4: [/orning Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Thefactthattheyareopposite Oppositesex is appreciated for: Curves Worsthabit: Whispering to myself Favoritesmett: Freshsawntimber Favoritefoodl Pepperonipizza ' Favoritesportto watch: Football Favoritesportto playl Golf


Name: WilliamCorallini Dateof Bidh: 6t21t1964 City/State livesin: NorthLake,Wl # of Stateslivedin: NewJersey,Oklahoma Spouse/Signif icantOthefName: Dateof Marriagel # Kids,Names& Ages: 2 Erika22,Christopher 19 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 1 - SienaRosebornAugust3'" 2007 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2 cals HighestLevelof Education:l2gradeplusonesemesterof college Cu|rentJob/OccupationEnginedismantler / assemble / automobilewholesaler DreamJob: Hobbies: Racing # BodyPiercings:0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: Kidsareout of H.S-andonegraduatedfrom college, that'senoughto makeyoufeel old Five peopleinvitedto dinner&whyi Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: PastorHarmon 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplish;ngl Withmycunentjob,beingableto Nascarshopsdown souln Thingto accomplish beforedying: Raceat certaintracksaroundthe country StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewould WTFChuck! be called: Undermy bedl Nothing at all Favorite3 songsfrom'78-'82: Favoriielvloviel Rudy FavoriteMovieQuote: Favorite TV Show: Favorite Book: Thingyou do nowyou sworeyouwouldneverdo Smokecigarettes whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:lf I toldyou,thenit wouldn'tbe secretanymore FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Lovei In realit 3, but it seemseverytime I drinklately,LOL FavoriteIndulgence:BarcardiI cokes Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOvvl: Nightow4happedin a morningperson Oppositesexdrivesme crazywith: Oppositesexis appreciaied for: Thefactthattheyareopposite,LOL Worsthabit: Smoking Favorite smell: Bakingbread Favoriiefood: Italian Favoritesportto watch: Racing Favoritesportto play: Racing

Name: LauraDresslerMcOlash Dateof Birth: oato4hs64 City/State livesin: # of Stateslivedin: OtherName: Mike Spouse/Significant Dale oI Mamage: 1012411987 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Matt15,Morgan12 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Baeed& Name: HighestLevelof Educationl CurrentJob/Occupation DreamJob: Hobbies: # BodYPiercings: # Tattoosl youweremiddleage: Whenyourealized Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyoul 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachersl 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: youareproudestof accomplishing: Unusualthing Thrngro accomplish beforedying: movieaboutyourlifewould StevenSpielberg's be called: Undermy bed: Favoflte 3 songsfrom 78182: FavodteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBookl Thingyou do nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschooll Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Love: Favoritelndulgence: Wouldhateto beleftalonein a roomwith: personor NightOwl: I\ro.ning Opposite sexdrivesme crazywith: forl Opposite sex is appreciated Worsihabit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefood: Favoritesportto watch: Favoritesporito playl

't have been btssed wnha wonderlulhlsband oi dm6t 20 yea6. We have hro groat kids. Maithew is a sophomo.eal MilwaukeoLutheran and t\4organis in 6'" gradeat Our Redeem€r.Our iamily loves lo t%vel and we enjoy biking all the bails in Wisconsin. Much ol our froe lime is spent atiendingthe baseball,basketball,cr6s counlryand irack evenis lhai our kids pariicipatein, Fdthe past 21 years lhaveworkedal the MedicalCollegeofWisconsin doing research. My lat6t adventureshavetakenme to Nicaraguaon missionlipsi conslruclionand teaching English. These fips have truly been ablEsing lo me and I l@k foryardio ny nenjourney. lwish allofthe classof 1982God'snchestbl6sins. Thanksto our reunioncommitee for allthenwork in organizinglhis evenl."

Name: Pam DowlingBusalacchi Dateof Birth: 9t12t64 Ciiy/Statelivesin: Shorcwood,Wl # of Stateslivedin: Spouse/Si9n;f icantOtherName: PeterBusalacchi Dateof Maniage: 8/i 989 - 10 # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, Ana- 13,Nicholas # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Educationl Post College CunentJob/Occupation RegionalVice-President / Busalacchi & AssocPrimerica DreamJobl I haveit. Hobbies: Swimming,reading,takingkidsto activities # BodyPiercings: # Tattoosl Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: When I had to get bifocals Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: ElinorRoosevelt,God,MotherTheresa,ColinPowell, ArthurAshe. They all haveamazingthingsto offed Unique orfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: I was acceptedto be a FBIAgentbutturnedit down when I met my husband. 2 FavoriieMLHSTeachers: Mr Haeger,SarahBolz 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: N4rBahr,Mr Engebrecht you are proudestof accomplishing:Completeda triathalonin'06 L,nusualthing Thingto accomplish beforedying: Havea positiveimpacton as manypeople'slivesas possible StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife would [Iiss Congeniality be called: Undermy bed: Shoes,books Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: FavoriteMovie: Prjdeand Prejudice Favoritel\,,lovie Quote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Bible Thingyoudonowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Ask my kidstons of questions wfienyouwerein highschoot: Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Lovel FavoriteIndulgence: Food- all kinds Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: pe6onor NightO\rvi: Nightowl l\4orning Oppositesexdrivesme crazywith: Inabilityto multitask Oppositesexis appreciated for: Ummm Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Lilacs Favoritefood: Anything Favoritesportto v/atch: Gymnastics Favoritesportto play: Swim

Name: WillEbel Dateof Birth: City/Stateiivesin: Mt.Clemens,I\,,11 # of Stateslivedin: 5 - Ivljnnesota, lllinois, Wisconsin, Texas& Michigan Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Dateof Maniage: 7 t6t1996 # Kids,Names& Ages: 4, Jeanette& William,twinsage8, Hannah6, Olivia2 # Grandkids.Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 0 HighestLevelof Education: Bachelors Degree(3 moreclassesto go for Masters oegree) CurrentJob/OccupationLutherHighSchoolTeachef& Coach(ceometry@ LutherHighNorthin [,4acomb, lVl) DreamJobl Professional huntingguideona 10,000acreranchin TX rlobbies: Homerepairs& coaching highschoolfootball # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleage: WhenI pulleda musclejust warmingup fora charity flagfootballgameandhadto sitout Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: VinceLombardi-excellent footballcoachand great motivator Uniqueorfunny thingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteN4LHS Teachers: 2 LeastlakedMLHSTeachers: Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing: Thingto accomplishbeforedying: StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewould be called: Undermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favodtel\,,tovie: Favoritel\rovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Th;ngyou do nowyou swo.eyou wouldneverdo when you werein highschool: Secret fantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Lovel FavoriteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOrvl: Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worst habit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefood: Favoritesportto watch: Favoritesportto play:

Name: Dateof Bifth: City/State livesin: # of Staieslivedin; Spouse/Signff icantOiherName: Daieof Mariage: # Kids,Names& Ages;

VickiEberleBusaacchi 6t7tu Two,Wisconsin andGeorgia

3t13t2003 2, Andrea6 andAngela2 (Yes,Welivedin sinfor 6 years p.iortomaniage) # Gfandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Brced& Name: Lots,Lilac(blacklab),Maple(yellowlab),Catalini(black cat),Slinjry(yellow cat)andchickens, andvariousfish, tunles,irogs,ioadsandwhatever elsethe kidscatch HighestLevelof Educatjon:MastersDegrce CurrentJob/OccupalionCPA (nevermind, DreamJob: Zookeeper I am one,seeabove.) Hobbies: Gadening& volleyball # BodyPiercings:0 # Tattoos: 0, Areyoukdding?Don'tyouremember my falher? Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleagei N/A,Im NOTmiddleaged Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner&why: I\,4y famiv.We havefamiLy dinneroncea week. I\,,|y mother: Sheis a saintandan inspiration. I amthankfulforeveryday sheis herewilhme. My brotherKarl:he;s my brother,my friend,andlikea (great)fatherto me. My sislerin law l\,4ary: sheis likemysisterandmakesm€ laugh.l y Uncle Gefhard:Hewasoneof the kindestpeopleI haveever known,HepassedawayandI misshimdeafly.Andy:He is the beslcook.Hewill cook the meal Uniqueorfunnytningiew knowaboutyou: 2 FavodteI\,ILHSTeachers: Dei Schmicllandthe physicsieacher 2 LeastlakedI\,4LHS Teachersl Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:I wentbunge€jumping Thingto acconplishbefofedyaog: To misemyKdsiobe responsible adults StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewouldbe called: Undermy bed: Nolhing Favoite 3 songsfiom '78182: 1999,VideoKilledlhe RadioStar,Rockinthe Casba Favorite[,,lovie: Favoritel\,4ovie Quote: FavoiteTV Show: LawandOde. Favo te Book: Sinsof ihe Father Thingyou do now you sworoyou wouldneverdo when Havea garden youwercin haghschoot: Secrelfanl,asy/desire: To sleeppaslS:00am Favo ie BibleVersei # oflimesin Love: FavodteIndutgence:Cheeseandcrackerc Wouldhateto be leftalonein a rcomwilh: Momingperconor NighO!1,l: Nighiowl Oppositesexdrivesmecrazywith: Failure to readdirections Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Ple3s,thisis a Chrjstian HighSchoolReunion Wo|sthabit: I smoke(Thanks, l,laribeth) Favorile smell: LillYs Favontefood: Favoritesportto watchi Football Favoritesportto play: volleyball

Gosrski Name: JaneEggebrecht Dateof B;rthl 9t5t64 City/State livesin: Batavia,lL # of Stateslivedin: 2 - W r & t L OtherName: DennisGorski Spouse/Significant Daleof Marriage: 3122lA6 - 21,Julia- '19,Quinn- 15,Renatta- 13 # Kids,Names& Ages: 4, Natalie Names& Ages: # Grandkids, Breed& Name: '1,WestHighlandTerrier- Guffman # Pets,Species, Education HighestLevelof Education: B.A.Elementary CurentJob/OccupationPt Time- DecorativePainter,Teacher(MiddleSchool Drama) DreamJob: N,lyowncableshowon HGTV Shopping,Traveling Hobbies: Exercising, Painting,Decorating, # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: WhenI turned40 and took my firstdaughterto college Fivepeopleinvitedtodinner& why: l-Jnique orfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Mr Ebel,lvlissKrueger 2 LeastlikedN4LHS Teachers: Mr Henke you are proudest of accomplishing: Unusualthing Thingto accomplish beforedying: movieaboutyourlifewould StevenSpielberg's be called: lJndermy bed: Pillows Favorite3 songsfrom'78-'82: Favorile Movie: Waitingfor Guffman FavoriteMovieQuote: "Everybody Dance" FavoriteTV Showl The Office Favorite Book: Blackbirdby JenniferLauck Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desirel Favorite BibleVere: # of timesin Lovei Favonte lndulgence: l,4assages Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: BillClinton Morningpersonor NightOwl: Neither,anymore! Oppositesexdrivesmecrazywith: Oppositesexis appreciated for: Worsthabit: WatchingHGTV Favorite smell: AnythingCitrus Favoritefood: Irr&M's Favoritesportto watch: GradeSchool,HighSchool& CollegeBasketball Favoritesportto play: Tennis

Namei Dateof Birth: City/Staie livesin: # of Stateslivedin: Spouse/Signff icantOlhefName: Dateof l\,laffiage: # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species, Breed& Name:

JackieEhmkeJansen 3t1U1964 Sebfing,FL 3, Wl, FL, GA. Rightaftergraduation, movedto FL,a few monthsin GA, backto FL

9t28tfts 4, Sabrina20,Frans lll 17,Sylvia15,Samantha 13 0 3, GreatDane/Daisy, CockerSpaniel/Beauregard, DachsuncyAkura HighestLevelof Educalion: HS diploma CufientJob/OccupationOwnersof Spas.Pools& Patio DreamJob: We'vegot itl Hobbies: Traveling,watchingOldiebut Goodie"movies # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0, Sorry,l'm bodngthatway youweremiddleage: I didnt thinklwas thereyetl Whenyourealized Fivepeopleinvitedlo dinner&why: JimmeyBuffet- Ive alwaysadmnedhisadveniufes, and wouldliketo heaf his stories,firsthand.PfesBusl - rove him or him; he is the mosi powerfulpersonon earthduring someoflhe mostturbulenttimes.KjngArthur(of l,,tedieval iimes)comparchis reignwith PresBush.Princess DianaI'd loveto hearthe realinsidestoryon the royalfamiv. Uniqueorfunnything few knowaboutyou: 2 Favo ie MLHSTeachers: PastorBruceHarmon,lrr Ebel(biology) 2 Leastliked[,4LHS Teachers: Unusualthing youareproudest of accomplishing:Beinga gifl scoutleaderandiakingmy2 troopson bigtrips Thingto accomptish beforedyingi Leamto scubadive StevenSpielberq's movieabouiyo!rtifewoutdbe c€tJed: undermy bed: Dustbunnies Favo le 3 songsfrom'78182: BohemianRhapsody Favoritet\,4ovie:Officerand Gentleman FavonteNtovie Quote: 'Playit again,Sam" FavoiteTV Show: FavodieBook: Evergreen,BelvaPlain Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo when youwerein highschoot: Secrelfantasy/desire:To be on a privateyacht;myfamilyandsinger/songwriter JimmyBuffet'sfamily. We?eall panotheadsandI can picturethesailing,the sunsels,the dancingon deck, snorkelingw/clolphins & manatees,barbeque on ihe beach, sia€azingat night FavodleBibteVerse: # oftimesin Love: Probablyh^/ice,my HS sweetheadand my husband FavodieIndulgence: A pinacoladaormargaritabyihe poot Wouldhateto be leflalonein a roomwith: NancyGrace(on HeadlineNews) personor NightOwt: l',4oming l\,4orning Opposilesex drivesme crazywith: Whenyou get sick,they get sickef Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Worsthabit; Favodtesmell: Orangeblossomsdghtfromthe tree Favodtefood: Steak Favoritesportto watch: Nonereally,bui if I hadto choose,lce Skating(figure) Favo ie sportto ptay: Diving/volleyball

Name: DaveFassbender Dateof Birthr 3/3/1964 City/Statelivesin: # of Stateslivedin: '1,43 years Spouse/Signif icantOtherNamel Gennifer(Gengler) MLHSl984 Dateof Marriagel 5t28t94 (8),Nritchel (4) # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, Alizabeth # Grandkids,Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, Catflobbi)DogTipper HighestLevelof Education: B . S . CurrentJob/Occupation Supervisor of RehabServices,St LukesMedicalCk DreamJobl Retired Hobbies: Softball^/olleyball # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleagel WhenI lookedintothe garageandsawthat somehow "PoooF"middleage we olmed2 mini-vans. Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueor funnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteIVILHS Teachers: CliffThompson, JamesBatchelor 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Westfall,Truog you are proudestof accomplishing: Unusualthing Thingto accomplishbeforedying: StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlife would be c€lled: lJndermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom '78-'82: FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Showl FavoriteBook: Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo when you wefe in highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOwl: I\rorning Owl Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefood: Favodtesportto watch: Football Favoritesportto play: Softball

Name: Date of B'rlh: Cily/S{alelivesin: # of States livedini

Kisten Fried chs 7/2111964 Monona,Wl lL

Spouse/Significant Otrer Name: DanielWong Dateof Maffiage: 6129t96 # Kids,Names& Ages: # G|andkids,Names&Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: - Diplomate HigheslLevetof Educationi BoardCertilication in the AmeicanCollegeof VeterinaryPalhologisis pathologist CurrentJob/OccupationVeteinaryclinical atihe Univercity of Wl DreamJob: Hobbies: Cross-country skiing,volleyball, biking,reading # BodyPiercings: # Tattoos: Whenyou realizedyou we.emiddleage: WhentheconveEation atthebaraftervolleyball league changed fromlastweekend's toumamentto.., bonedensity scans,mammograms, menopause & colonoscopies Five peopleinviledio dinner& why: lvlarkJenkins, PeterJenkins, BillBryson,Billlvckibbon, JohnKrakauersomeofny favoritecolumnists, authors, adventurers, envircnmentalist. An eveningof laugnerand adventure $onesis myideaof a lun evening. lJniqueorfunny thingfew knowaboutyoui AJewishbagpipeplayer{inkilts)played at ourwedding 2 FavoriteMLHSTeacherc: PastorHarmann, [i]rEbel(biology) ltrlrGlass(art)t\4ass Wolter(coach) 2 LeastlikedI\,ILHS Teacherc: l\,4rDobbertuh{ Unusualthingyou are prcudestof accomptishing:Learningto apprcciate a goodsinglemaitScotch Thingto accomplishbeforedying: "LiveoffiheGid" StevenSpielbergs movieaboutyourlifewouldbe called: Undefmy bed: US RoadAllas&Wisconsin Gazetteer Favorite3 songsfrom 78182: OpenAms (Joumey), Longef(DanFogelberg), Youshook meallnightlong(A(yDC) FavoriteIVovie: Lordolthe Rings FavoriteMovieQuote: Frodo "ldont knowhaifof youhalfaswellaslshouldlike, andI likelessthanialf ofyouhalfaswellasyoudesetue" FavoriteTV Show: Battlefield Bdtain- PBS FavoriteBook: TheOutlander seriesby DianaGabaldon Thingyou do now yousworeyou wouldneveroo wnen I sworein highschoollwouldneverstoplistening to rock you werein highschoot: Secret fantasy/desirei FavoriteBibieVerse: # of times in Love: FavodteIndulgence:Reading a goodbook'lilthewe€hoursof the morn Wouldhateto be left alonein a rcomwith: Mr.Dobberfuhl Morningpersonor NightOwl: A momingperson- AFTERthefrst 15minutes Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Thewaytheythink Oppositesex is appreciated for: Thewayf€y think Wolsthabit: Hittinglhe snoozealarmmorethanonce Favorit€smell: Favodlefood: Beer Favoritesportto walch: Favodtesporlto ptay: Cross-country sk'ing

KarenHaas Howland 4t26t1964 Wl Sheboygan, Florida,l,4innesota, Arkansas,California(& a stateof awakening) Spouse/Signilicant OtherName: DivofcedfromSiuan 7t23t94 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Chole(10),Arden(8) # Grandkids, Narnes & Ages: 0 # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 7, 4 cats:Spy,Mr Bliss,blackcaicalledSunny& [,lercy,2 rabbits,l salamander & a dolphinwho comestomy dfeams at night HighestLevelof Educaiion: Masters CurrenlJob/OccupationPoet,Wdter,Folksinger, holisticnurse DreamJob: Surfer guacamole, metapho.s, sailing,Kalimba, Hobbies: lridescence, acousticguitar,laby nths,watchingdust moies # BodyPiefcingsi # Tattoos: youweremiddle Whenyourealized age: Whenmy catsaid mam" - to disclssthe st angeedgesbetween Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner&why: Viggoli,lodensen poetry& photography, Joni Mitchell- howio re-createlife over& overwnhmusicand colors,JohnnyDepp just because,l,laryPoppins- wantto leamthe umbrellatrick, Van Gogh hisfuckingloveofsunflowefs,stars,lhebeauty Name: Dateof Birth: Clty/State livesin: # of Statesivedin:

Uniqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyoul 2 FavoitelvlLHS Teachers: HibbeWeidenkeller andthe sky outthe window 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: God& [,4f.Pollack youarc prcudestof accomplishing:2 homebidhs, gettinga screenplay lJnusualthing to l\,'liramax, singingto dolphins& in gondolaboatsin venice Thinglo accomplish befo€dyrng: Absolutely nothingmorethanwhal I havehere...maybe cleanlngmy stove.-.nah movieaboutyourlifewouldbe OraclesandOrifices StevenSpielberc's caIed: Undermybed: A magicaldoorand a hundrcdbooks Favodte3 songsfrom'78182: Canifecall,JohnLennon,AnnieLennox,SuzanneVega Favodtelvlovie: Howl'sIVIoving Castle Favorite l\,4ovie Quotei Thisshouldbe a moviequotei"letus walkout among 10,000,00 tTings"GalwayKinnell - okay...MontyPython FavoiteTV Show: Killthetelevision , Favorile Book: Atie bet\iveen One FishTwo Fishand CompleteEE Cummings and Rumi Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo when Skinnydipanddo a Sheela-na-gig youwercin highschool: Secretfantasy/desi.e: To sailwiththe lrishpirateAnneBonny& meetup with JohnnyDepp,captureBush& Cheney& makethernwalk the plank,abolishwar,the needlor oil,b.eathdeep& eat ihe sun set almondswhilewatching FavorileBibleVerse: # oftimesin Love: Everyday wiltrwords,sounds,arcmas& sometimespeople occasionally trees,,. FavonleIndulgence:Walkingal the waiersedge Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwilh: personor NightOv!,l: Nightowl- whoowhoo I\,4orning Oppositesexdrivesmecrazywith: Inexpression of emotions Opposilesexis appreciated for: Worsihabii: Favoilesmell. Favoritefood: Favodtesporlto watch: Surfing Favodtesponlo play: Swimming or tantricsex


Namel JeffreyHoffmann Dateof Birthl 3t23tU City/State livesin: Oconomowoc. Wl # of Stateslivedin: JustWisconsin Spouse/Signifi cantOtherName: SandyHoffmann Dateof l\raniage: 6t13t87 # Kids,Names& Ages: 5, Eric19,Leah'18, Robyn16,Loni14,Sadie2 # crandkids,Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: '1,BishonTeniermixdog HighestLevelof Education: '16yea|s/ collegedegree CufrentJob/OccupationPostmaster WatertownWl DreamJob: Landscape/Lawn maintenance or what I am doing arreaoy Hobbies: Running, treework # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoosl 0 When you realizedyou weremiddleage: Haven'tyetrealizedit stillfeellike30 Five peopleinvitedto dinne.& why: Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: Thallloveanangingcouponsfor shoppingto save money 2 Favorite[/ILHSTeachersl VictorPaulos,l\,4rs Schwartz 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Davekish,MrsFinger Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Running marathons andcurentemployment Thingto accomplish beforedying: Runa marathon withoneof mychildrenand see my daughter fly a USAFplane StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewould FullHouse be called: Undermy bed: A carpet Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favo te Movie: ThePatriot Favoritel\,lovie Quote: To themoonAlice FavoriteTV Showi Seinfeld or IVIASH FavoriteBook: RunnelsWorld Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Act likemy parents whenyou werein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:ThatI couldfly by flappingmy armsand be like superman FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Love: Oncea weekbeforeI wasmarried,oncesincethen FavoriteIndulgencelPepsi Would hateto be leftalonein a roomwithl I\,4y mother Morningpersono. NightOwl: Morning for sure Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Thelacof sex0ustkidding)Howtheyshow themselves offthroughdress Oppositesex is appreciated for: Thattheylookso muchbetterthanmy sex Worsthabit: SnoringI guess- drivesmywifeban€nas Favoritesmelll Grillingoutsmells Favodtefoodl Lasagna Favoritesportto watch: Fooiball avoriiespoft to play: Running events

Name: PeterJest Dateof Birth: 8/14l1964 City/State livesin: Ivlilwaukee, Wl # of Stateslivedin: One Spouse/Significant OtherName: Dateof Marriagei # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 3, Sammymixeddog, Olivertabbycat, Echoscarlet Highest Levelof Education: Somecollege CurrentJob/OccupationOwnernightclubShankHall& ACG Productions DreamJob: Seeabove Hobbies: TV, motorcycle # Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: youweremiddleage: Someonecalledme Mr. Jest. Friend'skidsstarted Whenyourealized workingfor me. Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Moe,Larry,Curly,Shemp,CuriyJoe Uniqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: I am old 2 Favorite MLHSTeachers: 2 LeastlikedIVLHSTeachers: Unusualthingyouareproudest of accomplishing:My Club Thrngto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewoutd be called: Undermy bed: Dust Favorite 3 songsfrom'781821 FavoriteMove: BlazingSaddles Favorite MovieQuote: It's good to be the king Favorite TV Show: FavoriteBook: Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo Still be single whenyouwerein highschooll Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 4 Favo le Indulgence:Beer Wouldhateto beleftalonein a roomwith: Oprah Momingpersonor NightOwll Both Opposite sexdrivesme crazywithl Theydon'tlike me Opposite sexis appreciated for: Theyavoidme Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Beer Favoritefood: Pizza Favoritesportto watch: football Favodtesportto play:

Name: DianeJohnsonBalBee Dateof Birth: 12t21t1963 City/State livesin: Duluth,MN # of Stateslivedinl 2, Wisconsin& lvlinnesota Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Jeff Dateof Marriage: 7/25t1992 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Jennifer9'1/2- Brandon6 yrs # Grandkids, Names& Agesi # Pets,Species,B.eed& Name: HighestLevelof Education: 2 yrs tech collegein Racine/ ChildCareTeacher CurrentJob/OccupationTeachersAide LakeviewChristianAcademy,Dull'ih DreamJob: Beingat peacewithwhatGod has planned Hobbies: Sewing,makingjewelry,rearranging fumiture # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoos: 0 - | don'tlike either,don'tbelieveour bodieswere meantfor that Whenyourealizedyouweremiddleage: Turning401And not ableto sleepweilon an air mattresscamping Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: JesusChrist- the worldwouldbe overNo morepain. Pres Bush- | wouldloveto talkto himin person,My Dad and Jeffs Dad- they havebeengoneandhave not met my kids,All of our friends- havea BigPartywe couldaffordto entertain Unique orfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteI\,,lLHS leachers: N4rsAnn Otto (Art) 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Mr Paulus youare proudesr Unusualihing of accomplishing: Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould BasicLife be called: L,ndermy bed: Drawers/socks & underwear Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favorirel\,4ovie:Cheaperby the Dozen FavoriielvlovieQuote: "Run likethe wind Bullseye!" Favorite TV Show: HGry any homeimprovement FavoriieBook: Just read"The Penny"Joycel\reyersandthe "The Resue"LoriWick Thingyoudonowyousworeyouwouldneverdo Nevermarryourfamilyfriend,he waswithus allthe whenyouwefein highschool: time,went our separatewaysandthe Lordbroughtus backtogetherand we maried Secretfantasy/desirel Favorlte BibleVersel # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Flavored Coffee Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: lrorningpersonor NightOwl: lvlorningperson Opposite sex drivesme crazywithl Not beingableto find thingsthat theyput away Oppositesexis appreciated forl Checkingour cars allthe time makingsureeveMhing is in workingorder Worsthabitl Talkingin completesentences Favoritesmelll Campfires Favoritefoodl Italian/fetticene & alphrodosauce Favoritesportto watch: Football Favorite sportto playl baseball

Namel BrendaJustMoriarty Dateof Birth: 8t28t64 City/Statelivesin: Hingham Wis # of Stateslivedin: lL, lvich,Wis Spouse/Significant OtherName: Sean Dateof Mardage: 7t12t1986 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Collin17,Connor'14 # Grandkids,Names& Agesl # Pets,Species,Breed& Namel 1 HighestLevelof Education: CurrentJob/Occupation Business owner/ Enreco-tlax mill DreamJob: Hobbies: # Body Piercings: # Tattoos: Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleagel Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunny thingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavodteMLHSTeachers: 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing: Thingto accomplishbeforedying: StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlife would be called: Undermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo whenyou were in highschoot: Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Favoritejndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightO\a,l: Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefoodi Favoritesportto watchi Favoritesportto play:

Name: SuzetteKlucznyl\,,lerkel Dateof Bidh: 12t23t63 City/Statelivesin: Farmington, Wl # of Stateslivedinl Spouse/Significant OtherName: Mark Dateof Marriage: 3, Jonalee23,Jake2'1,James18 # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Education: AssociateDegree CurrentJob/OccupationAdministrative Assistant DreamJob: Currentposition nobbies: Exercise, crochet, knitting, tatting,bobbinlacing # Bodypiercings: # Tattoos: Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleage: Whenthe achesandpainsstartedshowingup Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueor funnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: 2 Leastliked [4LHSleachersl Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Pewaukee Triatholon, kettlebe test Thingto accomplishbeforedying: Anything& eveMhing thatcomesmyway StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewouto be called: Uhdermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom'78-,82: Favoritelvlovie: NloneyPit Favoritel\,4ovie euote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Bible Thingyou do now you sworeyou wouldneverdo whenyou werein highschool: Secret fantasy/desire: FavodteBibleVerce: Phillipians 4:'13 # of timesin Lovel FavoriteIndulgence: Would hateto be left alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOwt: Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Wo.sthabit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefood: Favoritesportto watch: Football' Pro Favoritesportto play:



Name: CandyKuennCrass Daieof Birth: 9D6t64 City/State livesin: Glendale, Wl # of Statdslivedin: OnlyWl Spouse/Significant OtherName: Brl'lce Dateof Maniage: 5t4t85 # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Billy- 17,Hunter- 13,Tyler- 13 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Education: Bachelors Degree CunentJob/OccupationPreschool Teacher- St. John'sLutheranGlendale DreamJobt Owninga coffeeshop Hobbies: Reading,walking # Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealized youweremiddleage: Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: 2 Favorite MLHSTeacners: 2 LeastlikedN4LHS Teachers: youareproudest Unusualthing of accomplishing: Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould becalledl Undermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom '78-'82: Favorite Movie: Favorite MovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: Favorite Book: Thing you do nowyou sworcyou u,ouldneverdo Mrenyotrw€rein highschool: . Secretfantasy/desire: Favorite BibleVere: # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Momingpersonor NightOwl: Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Opposite sexis appreciated for: WoFt habit: Favorite smelll Favoritefood: Favodtesportto wEtch: Favorite sportto play:

N a m e i KarenLaatschGross Dateof Birth: 4t21t64 Cjty/State livesin: lllinois # of Stateslivedin: 3, Wt . tL,NC Spouse/Slgnificant OtherName: MikeGross ' Dateof Maniage: 8/'16/1986 # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Julia- i5, Danny- 13,Joey- 10 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 1, yellowlab- Zeke Highest Levelof Educationl 16 - College- UW Whitewater CunentJob/OccupationMom@ home- workingparttime at a winestore DreamJob: Sameas above Hobbies: Floralarranging,gardening,cooking,decorating, beingartistic # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealized youweremiddleage: Whenmy eyes startedchanging& the printstartedto look far, far away Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner&whyi My Dad- becauseso much has happenedsincehe died& I'd loveto see him again.My husband'sfather - becausehe died only 1 yearafterwe manied& | didn'thavea chanceto get to knowhim. My husband'sbrotherHal- becauseI misshim dearly he diedway too soon. Uniqueorfunnything few knowaboutyoul (Accordingto myfamily)| knowwhereeverythingis 2 Favorite MLHSTeachers: Mr Schmock- Rel,MissNelson(cym) 2 LeastlikedL,ILHS Teachers: Unusualthingyouareproudest of accomplishing:Moundsand moundsof laundry& buildingour house Thingto accomplish beforedytng: Go on a missiontdp somewhereAfrica-, to dance with PatrickSwazey StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewoutd It's a WonderfulLite be called: L,ndermybed: Dusi Favorite 3 songsfrom'78182: FavoriteMovie: The Notebook& RemembertheTitans FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: Oprah& DivineDesign FavodteBook: The PurposeDrivenLife Thingyoudo nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo Drinkcoffee whenyouwerein highschooll Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Love: 1 FavoriteIndulgence:Chocolate Wouldhateto beleftalonein a roomwith: personor NightOwl: NightOwl Itlorning Opposile sexdrivesme crazywith: Opposiie sexis appreciated for: The abilityto makea quickdecision Worsthabii: I wigglemy leg Favo te smelll Brownies/Cookies/Bread bakingin the oven Favoritefood: Chocolate& raspberries,Pasta Favorite sportto watchl Football& volleyball ' Favoritesportto play: Volleyball

N a m e l PaulLandgraf Dateof Birthl 7t16t1964 City/Statelivesin: Coventry,England # of Stateslivedin: 2, Missou, lowa OtherName: Janet(NeeBuesking) Spouse/Significant Dateof Marriage: 4t9t1954 (1) # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Joshua(10),Sarah(7),Rachel # Grandkids,Names& Ages: 0 (FishyandLightningi # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2 Goldfish HighestLevelof Education: PostGraduaiefor Seminary(STIvl) Church,Coventry CurrentJob/Occupaiion Pastorat GoodShepherdLutheran England lJniversjiy DreamJob: Professorat Cambridge Hobbies: Reading,writing,exercise, classical music # Body Prercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 ageof Whenyou realizedyou were middleage: WhenI dividedthe aveEgelifeexpectancy Americanmalesin half- andlwas thatagel Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Thefive hungriestpeoplein theworld to givethema free dinnerl Uniqueorfunnything few knowaboutyou: I am tryingto gei a PHD 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Too difficrjltto answer 2 Leastliked MLHSTeachersl Again,too difficultto answer ofTheBookof Matthew Unusualthingyouare proudestof accomplishing: I'm an experton the structure Thingto accomplishbeforedying: Writeseveralbooks movieaboutyour life would A SheepIn Wolf'sClothing StevenSpielberg's be called: andMappingpaper Undermy bedl An old computer Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Can'trememberanyof them FavoriteMovie: JeremiahJohnson FavoriteMovieQuote: "Whattrouble" FavoriteTV Showl Don'twatchTV - exceptfor movies FavoriteBookl TheBible Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Nothingcomesto mindrightnow whenyou were in high school:

FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Favoritelndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: l\4orningpersonor NightOwl: Oppositesex drjvesme crazywithl Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Worst habit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefoodl Favoritesportto watchl Favoritesportto play:

Don'treallyhavea favorite is thaiokay? I wasn'treallycounting BenandJerry'slce CreamChocolate FudgeBrownie peoplein theworldwhilethey're The five hungriest eatingdinner(SeeAbove) Both to detail Thefine attention to detail Thefine attention Takingioo muchtimeio answerlongsurveysl A gardenfull of flowers T-BoneSteak(Rare) Anythingmy kidsare playing Anythingthatgivesme someexercise

Name: TimothyLawonn Dateof Birth: 1/5/64 City/Statelivesin: Hartford, Wl # of Stateslivedinl 1, Wisconsin Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Dateof lvlarriage: # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Aaron'16,Amanda13,Alexander 8 # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 3, 1dog,2cats HighestLevelof Education: 2 yearscollege CurrentJob/OccupationRealEstateBroker DreamJob: nobbies: Remodeling, Landscaping, Photography # Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou were middleage: Whenmy oidestbecame a freshmanat MLHS F;vepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunny thingfew kriowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: l\rr Hager,PastorHanmann 2 Leastliked MLHSTeachersl I\rissMueller,lllissBdnkmann Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishingl Thingto accomplishbeforedying: Walkmy daughterdown theaisle StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyour lifewoutd be called: Undermy bed: Nothing Favorite3 songsfrcm'78182: FavoriteMovie: lvlontyPython- Holycrail FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: Law& Order FavoriieBook: Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Act likemy parents . when you were in highschool: Secret fantasy/desire: N/A FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 3 FavoriteIndulgence: Frozencustard Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: l\ry soonto be ex-wife Morningpersonor NightOwi: Morning Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worsthabit: Smoking Favoritesmell: Roses Favoritefood: Mexican Favoritesportto watch: Football Favoritesportto play: Softball

Name: LindaLennaftzDean Dateof Birth: 6t3t64 City/State livesin: Wisconsin # of Stateslivedin: 2, Indiana, Wisconsin Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: DavidDean Dateof l\,4arriagel7t12t86 # Kids,Names& Ages: 0 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 1, Rabbit,namedSalsa HighestLevelof Education:MS Chemistry, l\4BA CurrentJob/OccupationTeacherCandidate DreamJob: Philanthropist Hobbiesl Biking,quilting,gardening # BodyPiercings:0 # Tattoos: 0 youweremiddleage: WhenI wenlbackto graduateschooland discovered Whenyourealized that manyof my classmates werehalf my age. Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: JesusChdst,AlbertEinstein,AbrahamLincoln, SleepingBull,The Captainot the Ma)4lower Uniqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyoul 2 Favorite MLHSTeachers: l\rrWiedenkeller 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: l\rissNelson,IvlrBahr Unusualthingyou areproudest of accomplishinglI havelandscaped my yard Thingto accomplish beforedying: lmprovemy pianoplayingskillsto be ableto playin cnurcn. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould In SchoolForLife becalledl Undermybed: Ivlyweddingdress Favorite 3 songsfrom'78182: Rollwith thechanges Favorite Movie: TheAmericanPresident FavoritelvlovieQuote: You hadme at hello" Favorite IV Show: 24 Favorite Bookl TheBible Thingyou do nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo Get up beforenoonon Saturdays. whenyouwerein highschool: Secrerfantasy/desire:To be a CIAagent,undercover,workingon missions. dangerous FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Toomanyto count! FavoriteIndulgence:Havinga rootbeerfloatfordinner. Wouldhateto beleftalonein a roomwith: My oldbossMorningpersonor NightOwl: Morningl Opposite sexdrivesme crazywith: Ivlendon'tseemto listen. Opposite sexis appreciated for: Theyshovelthesnow Worsthabit: Skippingexercise. Favorite smell: BreadBaking Favorite food: Piz2a Favoite sportto watchl Men'sCollegeB-Ball Favorite sportto play: Cycling

Name: StevenMahnke Dateof Birth: 9t1311964 City/State livesini N,,lilwaukee # of Stateslivedrn: One,Wisconsin Spouse/Signifrcani OtherName: Karen(maidennamePerry) Dateof l\,4arriage:215194 # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, Austin(13)and Myles(7) # Grandkids, Names& Ages: None # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 2, dogs- FemaleElackLab, 10 yrs otd (Justice),[,4ate YellowLab,10 yrs old (Dylan) HighestLevelof Education: 2 yearAssociateDegfeein PoliceScience CurentJob/Oc6upationPoliceOfficerfortheCityof MilwaukeePoliceDept. DreamJob: Professional golfer Hobbies: Golfing,traveling # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 youwercmiddleage: Whenmy oldestson (Austin)becamea teenager.And Whenyou realized whenI foundout aboutthe reunion. Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: ComedianJim Carcy,Jack Nicholson(Actor),Brett Favre,Jack Nichlaus(colfer) and ceorge Washington.Becausethey all haveaccomplashed a greatdealin theirlivesand careers. Uniqueor funnythingfewknowaboutyou: ThatI ownedtwo Harley's 2 Favorite l\,4LHS Teacllers: Mr. Schmock(Religion),Mr Hagger(Gym) 2 Leastliked|\,4LHS Teachers: Mr. Dobberful(English),Mr. Grienke(History) Unusualthingyouare proudesL ol accomplishinglWentskydivingbac( in the mid 80 s & deepsea fishingin CaboSan LucasMexico. I ^ingto accomplslbeforedying: To havea longand enjoyableretirement StevenSpielbe€'smovieaboulyourlifewould 'ShyGuy,TurnedCop" be ca ed: Undermy bed: l\rywife'sshoes,and variousgolf suppliesof mine Favorite 3 songsfrom'78182: AnythreeRushsongs Favorite IVlovie:Silenceof the Lambs Favorite lvlovieeuote: Fromthe movieStripes,John Candystated"Excuse me siewardess, is therea movieon thisflight?"as JohnCandywas aboutto get on the bus. iavonreI v Snow: CSI ftIiami Favorite Book: Don'thaveone Thingyoudo nowyousvloteyouwouldneveroo Own/takecare of pets whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:I cant say,my wifewouldkill me (XXX) Favorite BibleVerse: John3:16"ForGod so lovedthe woid that he gave hisonly begottensonthat whosoeverbelievethin Him shallnot padshbut haveeverlastinglife." # of timesin Love: Favorite Indulgence:Sweets Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: HillaryClinton Momingpe$onor NightOwt: Morningperson Oppositesexdrivesmecrazywith: Alwayshavingto get the lastword in Opposite sexis appreciated forl Sex,kiddingaside,theyare muchmore understanding and sensitive Worsthabit: [4ydrivinghabits Favorite smelll Someone gdllingout Favorite food: Lobster Favorite sportto watch: Golf Favorite sporito play: Golf

Name: Marvin l\,4aile Dateof Birth: 10t7t63 City/Statelivesin: Las Vegas, NV # of Stateslived inl California,New York, Switerland Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Jantce Dateof Maniage: 2001 # Kids,Names& Ages: 0 # Grandkids,Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 1, GermanShepard;Diva HighestLevelof Education: College CurrentJob/Occupation Owner/Concrete Conskuction DreamJobi Ownerof a business Hobbiesl Traveling # Body piercings: # Tattoos: Whenyourcalizedyou were middleage: At age 40 Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: My lovedones,dearffiends& family Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Fish,Schmidt 2 LeastlikedN,4LHS Teachers: youare proudestof accomplishing: Owninga business Unusualthing Thingto accomplishbeforedyingl Fulfillinglife,livinglifeto itsfullesi. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyour life would The Traveling\,,lan be called: Undermy bed: Dust Favorite3 songsfrom '78-'82: Don'tRemember FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuotel FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Thingyou do nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo whenyou were in high school: Secretf antasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Sweets Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Somebodythatdoesn'tspeakthe samelanguage lvorningpersonor NightOwl: Morning,I earlyriser Opposiiesex drivesme crazywith: Talk too much Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Companionship Worst habit: Eatingtoo much Favoritesmell: Jet Fuel Favoritefood: Fish Favoritesport to watch: Soccer Favoritesportto play: Squash

Name: JoAnnel\,4almstone Owens Dateof Birth: 7t21 City/Statelivesin: Gilbert,Arizona # of Stateslivedin: 3, Georgia,Wisconsin, Arizona Spouse/Signif ic€ntOtherName: Tom Owens Dateof Maniage: 6/19 # Kids,Names& Agesl # Grandkids.Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Education: Masiersof Education CurrentJob/Occupation 1srgradeteacher DreamJob: Interiordesigner Hobbies: Traveling,walking,beading, reading # Body Piercings: # Tatioos: Whenyou realizedyou were middleagel WhenI gotthe 25thReunionInvite Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: JesusChrist,My grandfather, My husband's father, Paul Nlolitor, JenySeinfeld Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I knowJordinSparks,2007Amerjcan ldolandI met the top 10idolsin personat a backstage party! 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: MissKruegerand MissNelson 2 Leastliked MLHSTeaohers: you are proudestof accomplishing: Unusualthing Thingto accomplishbeforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyour life would be ca ed: Undermy bed: Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieeuote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Thingyoudo nowyou s\,!oreyou wouldneverdo whenyou were in highschool: Secret fantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgencel Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: l\rorningpersonor NightOwt: Oppositesox drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Favodtetood: Favofite sport to watch: Favoritesportto playl


Name: Scott[Iillef Dateof Birth: 1t4t64 City/Staie livesin: Janesville # of Stateslivedin: U.Kduringa fellowship Spouse/Significant OtherName: Ltsa Dateof l\,4afiiage:12129t90 # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Katie(13),Sam(11),Zac (6) # Grandkids, Names& Agesl # Pets,Species,Breed& Namel HighestLevelof Educationl[IedicalSchool CurrentJob/OccupationPhysician DreamJob: Beinga biologyprofessor at a univercity Hobbies: Biking,kayak,canoe,modelshipbuilding, woodworking, reading # BodyPiercings:0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleagel Haven'tyet? Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner&why: Jesus,JohnLennon,AlbeitSchweizer,Steven lvlaturn, DianeMiller(mysisterdied when I was 3) Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyoul 2 Favoaite MLHSTeachersl MissB, Mr Batchelor 2 LeastlikedN,ILHS Teachers:Can1remember, mustmeanthatthis (realizedI was middleage)hashappened? Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Finishing offthe basement, andtinishingmy first woodenshipmodel Thingio accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewoutd be called: Undermybedl Boxes Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Whocanit be now?,Rockthe Casbah,Tempted (Squeeze) FavoriteMovie: "WhataboutBob?" FavoriteMovieeuote: Fromthe Princess Bride"Thereis nothinglikea good MLT,MrttonLettuceandTomato,whenthe muttonis niceandleanandthetomatoes,Oh They'reso perky" Favofte TV Show: StarTrek FavoriteBookl Master& Commander Thingyou do nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secretf antasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgencel Wouldhateto be leftalonein a rcomwith: Morningpersonor NightOwll Moming Oppositesexdrivesme crazywith: Oppositesexis appreciated for: Worsthabit: Forgetting date6of events Favoritesmelli Favoritefoodl Beefstew Favoritesportto watchi Football Favoritesportto playl Baseball

Name: JohnMorton Dateof Birth: 3t11t64 City/State livesin: # of Stateslivedin: JustWl! (Boring) gnificantOtherName: Chris Spouse/Si Dateof l\,4afiiage:1 9 9 0 # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Kate(11),David(9),Will(6) # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0, Get Reall # Peis,Species,Breed& Name: 1, yellowlab Bodhi,hampsters- Honey& Tony HighestLevelof Educaiion:College CurrentJob/Occupation VP, overseeing Gemplers& l\/cFeely'scompaniesfor W.W-Granger DreamJob: Fishing guide Hobbies:Our cabinin BoulderJunction,fishing,an).thing oulooors # BodyPiercrngs:0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealizedyouweremiddleage: Whenmy daughterKateput a posterof HillaryDuff Posteron a wall. Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: 1. lMyDad- | mis6him,2. ErnestHemmingway - he couldwrite,3. BobBarich wouldliketo see him too, 4. ChrisFarley- hewasveryfunny,5. crandpa Doff - he lr€s a greatguy. L,niqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I was childhood fiends with ChrisFarley 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers:I onlyrememberl\,4r Schmock 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers:Mr Engebrecht Unusualthingyouareproudestof accompllshing: At the moment,helpingmy motherwith Alzheimer'sis it. Thingto accomplish beforedying: Catcha 50# muskie! StevenSpjelberg's movieaboutyourlifewoutd JohnN4ofton andthe pimpleof Groom becalled: Undermybed: Carpet Favorite3 songsfrcm'78r82i StartMe Up (Stones),TheTrees(Rush),Back in Black(AC/DC) Favorite lvovie: PaleRider FavoriteMovieeuote: "Areyougonnapulldempistolsor whistledixie" Favorite TV Show: Manvs. Wild Favodte Book: TroutBum Thingyou do nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo I don'tdrinkor smoke! whenyouwerein hlghschool: Secretfantasy/destre: Like l'd tellall of you! FavoriteBibleVersei # of limesin Love: One FavoriteIndulgencel2006MustangGT, Cabinup north Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: [/y sister personor NightOwl: Morning lvlorning Opposite sex drivesmecrazywith: Wantingand notgetting Opposite sex is appreciated for: Commonsense Worsthabit: [,4ywifeclaimsits grabbingmy crotch Favorite smelli LilliesofValley Favoritefood:Well madesushi Favoritesportto waich: Football ' Favoritespofito play: Football

Name: Alan Najmabadi Dateof Birthl 2t13t19U City/Statelivesinl Merton,Wl # of Stateslivedin: One Spouse/Significant OtherName: Justine Dateof l\,4arriage:at23t19A5 (14) # Kids,Names& Ages: 2. Jessica(19),Brittany # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, Shihtzu- Cinnamon, Ginger...Don't laugh,I didn't namethem HighestLevelof Education: Severalyears@ UWM,not degreed CurentJob/Occupation I am a generalforemanfor a Mechanical insulation co. DreamJob: A pro pokerplayer Hobbies: Golf,TexasHold'em,Fishing,Hangingoutwiththe lamily # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 youweremiddleage: I havent yet Whenyou realized Fivepeopleinvjtedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I liketo be calledAlan,notAl 2 Favorite|\4LHS Teachers: Mr. Hagger,Mr. lrish 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: you are proudest Unusualthing of accomplishing: Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife would "Life goeson" be called: Undermy bed: Whateverwas lyingon the floorjustbeforeourlast visitorsto the house Favoriie3 songsfrom'78182: You ShookMe All NightLong(AC/DC),Dont LetHim Go (REO),Don'tStopBelieving(Journey) FavoriteMovie: The Silenceof the Lambs FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Showl Seinfeld FavoriteBook: HowTo Win Friendsand Influence People.{besides THE BOOK) Thingyoudo nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo Usethis stupidmathwhichwill neverbe useful whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: To haveenoughmoneyto retireto a tropicalresort while I am still youngenoughto enjoyit. FavoriteBibleVerse: John3: i6 # of timesin Lovel Once in highschooland oncefor life FavoriteIndulgence: Leavingwork earlyon a weekdayandenjoyinga roundof golf with a coupleof BloodyMarys Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: HilaryClinton personor NightOlvl: I enjoythe nighttime morebut I haveto wakeup so ft,lorning earlythat I don't makeit sometimes Oppositesexdrivesme crazywithl They don'tthinkthe way mendo Opposite sexis appreciated for: Womenare very loving Worsthabit: Bitingmy nails Favoritesmell: Fridays@3:00pm (TheWeekend) Favoritefood: Pizza Favorite sport to watch: Football ' Favoritesport to play: Golf

Name: Dateof Bidh: City/Stalelives in: # of Stateslived in: SpousdsignificanlOther Name: Daie of N,,taniage: # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HigheslLevelof Educalion: CuffentJob/Occupation Dream Job: Hobbies:

MaribethNebelBeller 911411964 EasiTroy,Wl One DanielBeller 12t18t1944 2, Tom(13),J.D.(11) 0 2 cats,grayandwhilefemalelonghairnamedMookittyand her brother,a graytabbynamedMilk)4ray 2 sefiestersof college Account& ReferralSpecialistat AuroraHealthcare Workon a cruiselineor a guidefof a travellourcompany gardening, Knitting, traveling,computerstufflike printing photos,cards,reunionquestionnaires, nametags, invites,

# BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealized youwercmiddleage: At age39 whenI couldn1readline p nt anymore Fivepeopleinvited to dinner&why: My Nana- she passedawaywhenlwas 8, lwould liketo haveknownher better,RobinWilliams- my favorite actor/comedian, Hary ConnickJr alwayslovedhismusic, BrittanySpears justto see if she is reallythat stupid, I\,4ichael Crichton- love his books. uniqueor funnythingfewknowaboutyou: I oncereplaceda blownradiatorhoseon a ChevySuburban by myselfinthe DelavanShopkopaftinglot in 98'heat with my4 yearold and 6 year old waitingin the vehicleafterI orderthepaftffom Napaautopartsto be delivered to me in the parkang lol. 2 Favorite MLHSTeacherc: VictorPaulos,PastorBruceHarrmann 2 teasl tikedI\,4LHS Teachers: Unusual thingyouareprcudest of accomplishing:I recenllygfaduatedfromAdelmanTravelAcademy & most eveMhingI havelearnedto do on a computeris self-taught Thingto accompiish befofedying: I wantto havelaroundtheworld StevenSpielberu's movieaboutyourlifewoutdbe 3 Menanda Lady called: Undermy bed: A wholebunchof clust,shoes,sctabblegameandotherjunk Favodle 3 songsfrom'78-82: OurLipsAre Sealed(Gocos) RockiheCasbah{The Clash),WhatI likeaboutyou (Romantics) FavoriteMovie: White Christnas Favoriiel/ovie euole: FrcmeverySiarWarsfilm I havea badfeelingaboutth,s" Favoie TV Show: Survivor FavoriteBook: HarryPotterandthe DeathlyHallows Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo when Washmy kidslace with spiton my thumb!& | sworeI would youwerein highschoot: nevefowna pet,let alonecats! Secrellanlasy/desire. I wishmy housewouldmagicallycleanitselfovemighland ouf clotheswouldneverneedwashingandwefewrinklefrce alltheiime. Favorite BibteVerce: John3:16 # oftimesin Love: Favorite Indulgence: l\,largadtas Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: TomCruise pe6onor NightOwl: [,'lorning [,4orning Opposite sexddvesmecrazywith: Oppositesexis appfeciatedfor: Theydon'thaveas manymoodswings Worsihabit; Favodtesmett: [,4yhoma.nade pumpkinpie baking Favoritefood: Lobsier Favorile sporito watch: Football Favodte sportto ptay: darts

Name: Dateof Birth: City/Statelivesin: # of Stateslivedin: Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Dateof Marriage: # Kids,Names& Ages:

KarenOllieKing 4t28/64

Just this one Joe 2t22t02 3, AndrewLuczak(20),AshleyLuczak(18)& stepson Evan King(7) # Grandkids,Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 0 HighestLevelof Education: High schoolplussomecollegeclasses CurrentJob/Occupation AccountingTech@ GoodwillIndustries DreamJob: A beachdweller Hobbies: Travel,jewelrymaking r nooy Pterctngs: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou reallzedyou !\,eremiddleage: Haven'trealizedit yet Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Familyandfriendsbecausetheyare mostimportant Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Mrs Pieland Mr Grass 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Mr Dobberfuhl Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing: Thingto accomplishbeforedying: Seeingthe world StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife would be ca ecl: Undermy bed: Pursesand dust Favorite3 songslrom '78182: Favoritel\,4ovie:Grease,PettyWoman FavoriteMovieQuote: "Go ahead,makemy day" FavoriteTV Showi Grey'sAnatomy FavoriteBook: Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Got to bed early whenyou were in highschool: Secrctfantasy/desire: To liveon a tropicalisland FavoriteBibleVersel # of timesin Love: 2 FavoriteIndulgence: Chocolate Wodd hateto be left alonein a roomwith: personor NightOwll It usedto be night...ii N4orning is nowmorning! Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: The way we seethings Oppositesex is appreciated for: The way we seethings Worsthabit: Puttingthingsoff Favoritesmell: The smellof rain Favoritefood: AnythingN,lexican Favodtesportto watch: Football- the Packers Favorite sport to play: Tennis

Name: I\,4ary OttoBeulow Dateof Birth: 1t17t64 City/State livesin: Hartland, Wl # of Stateslivedin: 1,Wisconsin Spouse/Signifrcant OtherName: Paul Dateof lvlaffiage:5t27t89 -'12, Chris 16,Stephanie- 14,Alyssa# Kids,Names& Ages: 4, Jonathan 4 # Grandkids. Names& Agesl 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, dog Princess,gecko- Dora HighestLevelof Educalion:CollegeDiploma . CurrentJob/Occupation Childcare teacher/owner DreamJob: Thisjob Hobbies: Scrapbooking 4 BodyPiercings 0 # Taitoosl 0 Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: lvorewlinkles,gainingweight Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: lJniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteIVILHS Teachers: l\,4r. Thompson 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Mr.Pollack Unusualthingyou are proudestof accompllshing:Owning a business Thingto accomplish beforedying: TouringU.S. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould be called: Undermybed: A guncase Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favoriiel\,,lovie: Favoritel\,,lovie euote: Favoritery Show: E , R , FavoriteBook: Myfavorite author:Danielle Steel Thingyou do nowyousworeyou wolld neverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secreifantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of iimesin Lovel 1 FavoriteIndulgence:Chocolate Wouldhatelo be leftalonein a roomwith: personor NightOwl: Ivlorning I\,4orning Oppositesexdrivesme crazyw{h: Selective hearing Opposite sex is appreciated for: Companionship Worsthabit: Beingtoocautious Favoritesmetl: Vanilla Favorite food: I\,4exican Favoritesportto watch: Football Favoritesportto play: Volleyball

Name: VickiOrlow-Brandt Dateof Birth: 6t12t64 City/Staielivesin: Portland,OR # of Stateslivedin: 3 WI,KS,OR Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Carl Brandt Dateof Marriage: 6t27tA7 # Kids,Names& Ages: 4, Sarah19yrs,Timothy17yrs,Matthew 15yrs, Nicholas3 yrs # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, dogs,mixedbreeds,SydneyandMei HighestLevelof Educationl BS Mcontinuing ed CurrentJob/OccupationTeacher DreamJob: Author- Childrcn's books Hobbiesl G a r d e n i n g ' # Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou wefe middleage: Whenformerstudents weregettingmarriedand havingchildren. Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: AbEhamLincoln- to seehowdedicated he wasto freedom,JFK-to undersland thedynamics of his relationships, Dr Seuss- wouldliketo observe - Lovehismyste ous creativeprocess, Dumbledore past. Uniqueor funnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: JoanMoeller,BruceHarmann 2 Leastliked MLHSTeachers: ElmefDobberfuhl, LafryPollack you are proudestof accomplishing:President Unusualthing of localLittleLeaguewhosefieldwas dedicatedby JFK. Thingto accomplishbeforedyingl TourGreece StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlife would be called: Undermy bed: Drawers(waterbed) Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: "Lights""Keepon LovingYou" FavoritelMovie: Camelot FavoriteMovieQuote: "Youhaveto admitit, Dumbledore hasstyle" FavoriteTV Show: Survivor FavoriteBookl Bible Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo whenyou were in highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:Notsharingthat,but it involves moonlight, tropical "cabanaboy". beachanda handsome FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Lovel Twice FavoriteIndulgence: Italiansoda- blackberry Wouldhateto be Ieftalonein a roomwith: Formerprincipal Morningpersonor NightOwi: Neither Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Stubbomness - don'tadmitmistakes Oppositesex is appreciated for: Strengthandingenuit Worsthabit: Procrastination Favoritesmell: Browniesbaking Favoritefoodi Eggfoo yung Favoritesportto watchl Baseball Favoritesportto playi Volleyball

Name: I\,4ary OttoBeulow Dateof Bidh: 1t17t64 City/State livesin: Hartland, Wl # of Siateslivedin: 1,Wisconsin Spouse/Significant OtherName: Paul Dateof Maniage: 5t27t89 -'12,Chris- 16,Stephanie- 14,Alyssa# Kids,Names& Agesl 4, Jonathan ' # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, dog- Princess, gecko- Dora HighestLevelof Education:CollegeDiploma CurrentJob/Occupa{ionChildcare teacher/owner DreamJob; I n t sl o o Hobbiesl Scrapbooking # BodyPiercingsl0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: Morewlinkles,gainingweight Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner&whyi Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Mr.Thompson 2 Leastliked[,,|LHS leachers: Mr.Pollack Unusualthingyouare proudestof accomplishing:Owninga business Thingto accomplish beforedying: TouringU.S. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould be called: Undermy bed: A guncase Favorite3 songsfrom'781821 FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: E,R, FavoriteBook: Myfavorite author:Danielle Steel Thingyou do nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: FavoiteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 1 FavoriteIndulgence:Chocolate Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: personor NightOwl: I\,lorning I\rorning Oppositesexdrivesme crazywith: Selective hearing Opposite sex is appreciated for: Companionship Worsthabit: Beingtoocautious Favoritesmell: Vanilla Favorite food: Mexican Favoritesportio watch: Football Favoritesportto play: Volleyball

Name: KevinPike Dateof Birth: 11t2t1964 City/State livesin: WestBend,Wl # of Stateslivedin: 3, Wisconsin, ButteMontana, FortSillsOklahoma Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: KathleenI\,1.Pike Dateof lvlariagel 7t7t91 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, AlexanderMichael-'13, JohnathonThomas '12 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species, Breed& Name: 2, Dog,shepherdmix, Max and Cat, Louis HighestLevelof Education: '13+ CurentJob/OccupationHeating,venting,Air conditioningInstallation Tech= HVAC DreamJob: Hobbiesl Hunting,fishing,PC gaming # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoos: 2 - 1. SouthernChristianCross,left arm 2. Scorpian, rightshoulderblade Whenyourealizedyouweremiddleage: I don'tthinkI'mthereyet! Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Unjqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: 2 Favorite MLHSTeachers: Mr. Schmoock, Mr. Otto 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: lvlr.Greinke,Mr, Hefflefinger L,nusual thingyouareproudest ol accomplishing:ThatI madeitthroughmilitarytraining Thingio accomplish beforedying: To seemy 2 sonsare betteroff and go fartherin life thanl. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould be called: lJndermy bed: Thecat andChristmaswrappings Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favorite Movie: DirtyHarry FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriieTV Showl Favorite Book: Thingyoudo nowyousworeyouwouldneverdo lvhenyouwerein highschoot: Secretfantasy/desire: Favorite BibleVersel # of timesin Love: 4 Favorite Indulgence:Pizza Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: N4ysister-iniawElizabeth Morningpersonor NightOwl: Morningperson Oppositesexdrivesmecrazywith: Thatsometimes I needto repeatmyself Opposite sexis appreciated for: Thatsheputsup withme Worsthabitl Crackingmy leftfoot Favorite smell: Lilac Favoritefood: Greatsteak Favorite sportto watchl Hunting Favoritesportto play: Hunting

Name: nah^r.h A^h6v - Fl^ra7' Dateof Birth: 5111164 City/Statelivesinl Inman,SC # of Stateslivedin: Wisconsin& SC Spouse/Signiflcant OtherName: Wally Dateof Marriage: 4lala9 # Kids,Names& Ages: 3, Benjamin- '15.Alexander- '10,Jordan- I # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 9, Cats- 3, Dogs- 3, Lizards- 3 & Fish HighestLevelof Education: Graduatedi 982- MLHS CunentJob/Occupation Homemaker DreamJob: Author Hobbies: Reading,sports,emailing& snailingpenpals # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 3, shoulder clusterof hearts,stars& roses,armflower,chest- butterfly Whenyourealizedyou weremiddleage: Whensomeyoungpersonat a storecalledme "mame' Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& whyl Elvis- so he couldsing,Jim Monison- 60 he could sing,NoraRoberts- to talkaboutherbooks, CatherineCoulter-to talkaboutherbooks,Wallybecausehe is my husband Uniqueor funnyihingfew knowaboutyou: Can'tthinkof a thing 2 FavoriteI\,,ILHS Teachers: Mr Hefflefinger/Mr Fish 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Mr Dobberful,MrWiedenkeller Unusual thingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Sorry,just beinghappilymarriedto thesamemanfor '18years Thingto accomplish beforedying: Writea bestsellingbook/ novel movieaboutyourlife would The BoringFat Housewife StevenSpielberg's be 6alled: Undermy bed: A Halloweensword,tilesand airfilters Favorite3 songsfrom'78-'82: FavoriteMovie: ShawshankRedemption Favoritel\,4ovie . Quotel "Stellal" FavoriteTV Show: "TopChef" FavoriteBook: Any HarryPotiersl Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Get fat whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Once FavoriteIndulgence: Food& buyingstationary& candles Wouldhatelo be left alonein a roomwith: CindySheehan- waf activ;st personor NightOwl: Eitherl l\4orning Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Not listening Oppositesex is appreciated for: Theyare ten;ficproviders Worsthabit: Eatingtoo much Favoritesmell: Hazelnut Favoritefood: Lasagna . Favor:tesportto watch: NFL!I! Favoritesportto play: Bowling

Name: KurtRoller Dateof Birth: 4t18t64 City/Statelivesin: Cranberry Twp,PA # of Stateslivedin: 2 , W I & P A Spouse/Significant OtherName: Karen . Dateof lvlarriage: 4t29t2000 # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, Syndi 6 yrs,Shelby- 4 yrs # Grandkids.Names& Ages: 0 # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 0 - BA- Ivarketing HighestLevelof Education: Collegeundergrad fromUW Whitewater CurrentJob/Occupation RegionManager- RR Donnelley DreamJobl Professional Golfer Hobbies: Children,Golf,workingout # Body Piercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou were middleage: When I gotthe invitation to a 25 yr reunionl Grayhair, sportsinjuries,etc...younameit Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& whyl RonaldRegan- greatleadef,VinceLombardi-great - creative motivatorandleader,Einstein/Trump genjusandcompetitive drive(butreally.-.what's with the hairguys?),TigerWoods- ultimate competitor. Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyoul Stillwatchcartoons(withmy kids),andenjoytheml 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Schmookand Rhode 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Dobbefuhl,Barr Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing: Not exac{yan adventure seeker...but l'veonly workedfor oneemployersincecollege_..noi exactly the normthesedays. Thingto accomplishbefo.edying: Reiire! FelllikeI'vemadea difference. StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyour life woutd be called: Undermy bed: Baseballbat,blankets, iron,dust.monsters! Favorite3 songsfrom '78-'82:'reaskinga lot hefelI canl remembe. where I was mostof thoseyearsl FavoriteMoviel PulpFiction FavofiteMovieeuote: "rule#1,neverleaveyourwingman" FavoriteTV Show: Seinfeld FavoriteBooki DaVinciCode Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Can'tthinkof an],,thing whenyou were in high school: Secretfantasy/desire: ClimbNrt.Eve.est,Runthe ColoradoRiver,Cycte (motor)acrosslhe US. FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Once Favoritelndulgence: lce Cream Wouldhaieto be leftalonein a roomwith: Too manyto count! Morningpersonor NightO\ /: Both,moremorningthatnnight. Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Lackof understanding. .. the marsvsvenusthing Oppositesex is appreciatedfor: The differcnces betweenthemandus Wolst habit: Procrastinating vs doing Favoritesmelll FreshCoffee(Starbucks) Favoritefood: Steak Favoritesportto watch: Golf,Football Favoritesportto play: Golf

Dateof Birthl Cty/Stalelives n: # of Staieslivedin: Spouse/SigniI cantOth$ Name: Date oI l\4afflage: # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Speci€s,Bfeed& Name:

Arizona,Ohio,Wisconsinand lsrael Zoey v122007 3, Nicole19,.lacob16, AmilS (stepson) Beiter nol haveany yet 2, Dog cockerspanielpoodlemix narnedHamsa,St_Peter

HighesiLevelof Educalion: B.S.Chemislry cuffentJob/occuparion DfeamJob: To run my Mn philanthropic cha ly Hobbies: Spending timewilhiriendsandfamily Visilinghistoricalsilesin l s m e l a sw e l i a sl h e r e s to f t h e w o . l d . # BodyPiercings: # Tatloos: None,bui pleniyof scarc When youlealizedyouweremiddleage: lvliddleAge? Whatareyou leliingme my life is hatf ovef? How d o y o uk n o w w h e lnw i l l d i e ? l s t h i s t h eb e g i n n i n gm, i d d t e o r endoi my lfe? Thanksforlellingme now. I gues it is time for a Five peopleinvitedio dinner& why: l',4y wifebecauseshe is my padnerin everythingand is lruly my otherhalr. Myson and daughterbecauseI live in lsraetand lhey live n lheslalesand I mlsslhemdaity.RichardBfanson, philanlhropist, one h€ckoian entrepreneur, and entertaining pelson.Jesus,was he a rctomisi rabbiorlhe [,,lessiah? Besidesifit runslatehe can alwaysmakemorewine if we run Uniqueor funnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavodteMLHSTeacheB: Mr Schmock? Religionleacher/Badender. Thaiworks! Coach youmusthavepide. Thompson 2 Leastlike! |VILHS Teacherc: Jlsl Two? To be honestI rcallydid noi tikeany of them excepi the iwo aboveand Mr. Riggs. Unusualihingyou are proudestof accomptishing:Followedmy heartand movedio lsrael Thing1oaccomplish beforedying: Peacewlh mycrealor,myselfand my family. StevenSpielberg'smovieabouiyourtitewoutdbecaled: Yor dd w'ral!ll?? Undermy bed: WellMB if youarethinkingoi pom you are wrong! | live in lsraelwhere spaceia a premiumso we havesuitcaes fitled withwinlerclolhe and schoolsupplies. Favoriie3 songsfrom'78182: Recorded lhenor listenedto? Thereis a difierence.Too Drunk To Fuck- DeadKennedys;Crrelto be Kind- Nick Lwe; Hetl ls forChibren Pat Benelar cavoire[4ove Favorileltovie Ouole: FavodteTV Show: OurWorld- polilicalcomedy satireshowin lsrael FavoriteBook: Religious Torah Non ReligiousMenare fiom [4areand 'Ihing you do now you swofeyou wouldneverdo whe.r Drinking? No-..Drugs?No... Sex?No... Havea kid during High you werein highschoot: Secrel,a.tasy/desire:li I told you it would not be a secret! iry wire knows and ii is Favoiie BibteVerce: I converled to Judaismso whichbibleare yourreierringto? In lhe To@hit would bo Gen 'l : 1 # oflimesin Love: Goodquesiion, the morelknoM/and leamol lovethe more difncultthlssto answer. lt couldbe from6 -1 dependingon whaiyou believeloveis. FavoriteIndUlgence: Would hale lo be left alonein a roomwilh: Anychristian preachefor IVILHS teacher.No really!! MomingpeEonor NightOwt: Bolh,I am an insomniac Oppositesex ddv€sme crazywith: lra womanwanllo get laidshe can anylimeor placebecause us menarcdogs. Thal arrowsthemro maniputate us men! Oppoeilesex is apprcciated ior: Theirloysll WoFt habit: Favodtesmo[: Favoite food: Favoriie spoft to waichi Favodtespodto play:

Name: Daie of Birtht City/Statelives in: # of Stateslivedin:

Joe Schmidt 5/16/64 Wauwatos€,Wl NV, FLA, CA

Spouse/Signif icaniOtherName: Dateof Marriagel # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Education:BSEE& MBA CurrenlJob/OccupationSalesEngineer DreamJob: Hobbies: Racing,waterskiing # Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyouwercmiddleagel Didn'tknowI wasthereyet Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: SteveJobs,BillGates,Bin Laden(25 MillionReward), DallasCowboysCheerleaders Team,Hew Heffner L,niqueorfunnythingfewknowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Mr Ebel,l\4rWeslphal, l\,,|s Boyle 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachersl Allthe rest Unusualthingyou are proudest of accomplishing: Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould be calledl Undermybed: Favorite3 songsfrom'78182: Favoritel\,,lovie: Favoritelvlovie euote: FavoriteTV Show: Favorite Bookl Thingyou do nowyou sworeyouwouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desre: FavodteBibleVerse: # of timesin Lovei FavoriteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be leftalonein a rcomwith: personor NightOwl: I\,,loming Opposjtesexdrivesme crazywith: Oppositesexis appfeciated forl Worsthabit: Favorite smell: Favorite foodl Favoritesportto waichl Favorite sportto play:


Namel RobertSchultz Dateof Birthl 01t23t1963 City/Siatelivesin: # of Stateslivedin: '1Wisconsin Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Dateof l\/arriage: # Kids,Names& Ages: # Grandkjds, Names& Agesl # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, KittensDSH Felix& Penelope HighestLevelof Education: High School CurrentJob/OccupationWalmartInventoryControlSpecialist DreamJob: ComputerTech Hobbies: Bowling. # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealizedyouweremiddleagel Whenltumed30. Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: 1. PeterPan No reason.2. Christopher Re€vesNo rcason.3. PamelaAnderson- Beautiful Body.4. Abe Lincoln- l6rn presidentof the UnitedStates Unique orfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: Nothing 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Undecided 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachersl Undecided youare proudestof accomplishing:Nothing Unusualthing Thingto accompiish beforedying: Writeautobiography StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife woutd My life as les be called: Undermy bedl Nothing Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieeuote: E.T. phonehome Favoaitery Show: Priceis Right FavoriteBookl I don'tknow Thingyoudonowyousworeyouwouldneverdo Nothing whenyou werein highschool: Secrelfantasy/desire:To be with PamelaAndersonon the beachin Hawaii wearingonly a towel FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: None FavorlteIndulgence: lce cream Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: Paris Hilton Morningpersonor NightOwl: Morningpeason Opposite sex drivesme chzy with: Talkingon the cell phonewhiledriving Oppositesex is appreciated for: Senseof humor Worsthabit: Smokingor drinking Favoritesmell: Favoriielood: Anything Favoritesportto watch: Football Favoritesportto play: Baseball


Namer DavidSchumacher Dateof Birth: 7126164 City/Statelivesin: Franklin, Wl # of Stateslivedin: Spouse/Signifi cantOtherName: Margaret Dateof Marriage: 6t17t89 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Enc(7)Bnan (41 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: HighestLevelof Education: CurrentJob/Occupation ConsultingSoftwareEngineer DreamJob: Hobbies: Coachingbaseball,playinggolf # BodyPiercingsl 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyou realizedyou weremiddleage: l'm enteringmiddleage? Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: 2 Favorite|\4LHSTeacher: Mr. Schmidt,[Ir Kowert 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: you are proudestof accomplishing: Unusualthing Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyouriife woutd be calledl lJndermy bed: Wrapping paper Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: FavoriteMovie: . FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: Who'sLinels lt Anyways? FavoriteBook: Thingyoudo nowyousworeyou wouldneverdo whenyouwerein highschool: Secretf antasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: Ephesians 2:8 # of timesin Love: 1 FavoriteIndulgence: Frozen custard , Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOwl: A litileof both Oppositesexdrivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worsthabit: Procrastination Favoritesmell: Cinnamon Favoite food: Pizza Favoritesport to watch: Whatevermy kidsare playing Favoritesport to play: Golf

Name: JeffSmith DateofBitlh: 4l7lM City/Siatelivesin: LakeTomahawk, Wl # of Stateslivedinl gnificantOtherName: JeanSmith Spouse/Si DateoI lvlaniage: 10/8/1988 # Kids,Names& Ages: 2, Jamie- '16,Justin- 14 # crandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Brced& Name: 1, Labrador Retriever HighestLevelof Education: - SportShopOlrner CurrentJob/OccupationSelfEmployed DrcamJob: Livingit now Hobbies: Fishing,Huniing, Photography,Softball # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoos: Whenyou realizedyou \tere middleage: WhenI dovefor a baseballandbroketwo ribs. I caughltheballat least! Fivepeopleinvitedto dinnef& why: , Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I playsnowshoe baseballin LakeTomahawk, Wl. Onlyplaceinihe world. 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachers: Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Arialphotography Thingto accomplishbeforedyingl Successful retirement StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewould be c€lled: phnts Undermy bed: Art andphotography Favorite3 songsfrom'78-'82: FavoriteMovie: FavoriteMovieQuote: FavoriteTV Show: FavoriteBook: Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo whenyou werc in highschooll Secret fantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVersel John3:16 # of timesin Love: FavorjteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOwl: Ivlorning Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worst habit: Favo*tesmell: Favoritefood: Favoritesportto watchj Football Favoritesportto play: Softball

Name JimSpotts Dateoi Birth 12106t63 Ciiy/State livesin: # of Statestivedinl Spouse/Significant OtherNamel Sarah Dateol [,4arriage]N o v 1. 1 ,1 9 9 0 # Klds,Names& Ages: 2, Jacob,'10 NaomiT # Grandkds, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: I, cal faz HighestLevelof Education:Associate DegreeHorticulture CurfentJob/ designer DreamJob: Artist Hobbies: Cycling, camping, cooking 4 BodyP ercirgs: 0 # Tattoosl 0 yet...l'mstillfighting Whenyou realizedyouweremiddleage: I haven't offthatrealization! Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Unlqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I ama greatcook/ | startedmy own landscape bus|ness 2 FavoriteI\ILHSTeachers: Mr Riggs,PastorHarmon 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeachersi l\4rBuck& Mr Buck Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Goingskydiving with4 peopleI met a barthe night before Thingto accomplish beforedying: Hikein the rockymountains andthe apalaciantrail StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlifewould be called: Undermy bed: Theboogieman Favoriie3 songsfrom'78-'821CrackthatWhip,SomeGirls,AnotherBrickin the Wall Favoritelvlovie: Steell\,4agnolias Favoritelvlove Quote: Stellaaaaa!ll FavoriteTV Showl SpongeBob FavoriteBook: Giigamesh Thingyou do nowyou sworeyouwouldneverdo Trimmy noseand ear hair whenyouwerein highschool: Secreifantasy/desire: FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 1 Favo te IndulgencelReadingin the bathroom Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: I\,4f Buck personor NightOMI 24 houra day person I\,4orning Oppositesexdrlvesme crazywith: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worsthabit: Favoritesmelll Tl^eg.eenalgaeon La<eMichiganBeacnes - Bunitos Favoritefoodl Conejitos Favo te sporito watch: Sincronized swimming Favoritesportto play: Bycicling. hiking

Name: N4ark Strege Daieof Birth: 7 t21t64 City/State livesini Brownsburg, lN # of Stateslivedin: O n l y W I a n dl N Spouse/Significant OtherName: Jennifer Dateof Marriage: 6/10/06 # Kids,Names& Ages: 5. Anna(4 mo),Ryan(7),Kendyl(9),Connof(12) Alyssa(deceased) # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species.Breed& Name: '1,BichonFrisedog HighestLevelof Education: chemistry CurentJob/OccupationAnal},,tical chemistat Eli Lillyand Co pharmaceutical company DreamJob: To be on staffat a churchsomeday Hobbies:PlayingWkids,exercising,reading # Bodyp efcings: 0 # Tattoos: Whenyourealized youweremiddleage: Haven'treallythoughtaboutthisat all, other circumstances in live havedominated Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Jesus- to discusstruth & God'splansfor my life Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: I havea bookpublishedandfor saleon 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Nrr.Ebeland Mr. Schmidt 2 Leastl;kedMLHSTeachers: None,likedthem all youareproudest Unusualthing of accomplishinglI havebeenableto livethrougha famiv tragedythat took place3 yearsago. lvlywifeElayna& daughter Ally were killedin a car crash. I'vesincebeenableto get remar ed (to Jennifer)and havea babydaughter Thingto accomplish beforedying: Can'tthinkof anything,guessI am readyto go to heavenanytimethe Lordcallsme home. StevenSpielbee'smovieaboutyourlifewould "BlessedBeyondAll Measure"(comesfroma Jeremy be called: CampSong) Undermy bed: Nothing Favorite 3 songsfrom'78182: Shockthe Monkey,Blindedme withScience,cant thinkof a thirdsong. Favorite[,4oviei NachoLibra Favoritel\,,lovie euote: "Chanco,I needto borrowsomesuedos" FavoriteTV Show: I don'twatchTV FavoriteBook: "ShatteredDreams'by LarryCrabb Thingyoudo nowyousworeyou \,!ouldneverdo Nothingcomesto mind whenyouwerein highschooll Secretfantasy/desire:I takemy wife Jenniferto Canadafor a conoeing/camping/fishing trip in earlysummeror in Fall. Also,take my wife to Hawaiion a pineapple plantationtour and otheractivities FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: 2 FavoriteIndulgence:MountainDew Wouldhateto beleftalonein a roomwith: Oprah personor NightO\r4: Nightowl Morning Opposite sexdrivesme 6razywith: Tjes eveMhingtogether,thingsthat happenedin the past. Opposite sexis appreciated for: Seesthe "big picture"whenit comesto relationships Worsthabit: I laughwhen I am initated(thiscomesfrommy wife) Favoritesmelll Coffee Favorite foodl Pizza Favoritesportto watch: Collegefootball Favoritesportto play: Sandvolleyball


Name: MichaelVandeZande Dateof Birthl 3/11t64 City/Statelivesin: Coon Valley,Wisc # of Stateslivedin: Three- Wisconsin,Minnesota and lllinois Spouse/Significant OtherName: Gwen Dateof lvlarriagel 11tA/2001 # Kids,Names& Ages: 4, Jenna- '14,Ariel- '12,Liam-3, carelt - i1t2 # Grandkids, Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: 2, YellowLab - Beau,Cai Hjdey HighestLevelof Education: Bachelorof ScienceDegree CurrentJob/OccupationPharmacist DreamJobl Anythingbut pharmacist Hobbies: Skiing,ScubaDiving,GuitarPlaying,CoinCollecting 4 Bodypiercings: 0 # Tattoos: 0 Whenyourealizedyouweremiddleage: Oh Crap! l'm middle-aged? Fivepeopleinvitedto dinner& why: Jewel,a chef,a wine steward,a waiteranda violinist...just to talkoverdinner Uniqueorfunnythingfew knowaboutyou: l'm tallerin person 2 Favoritel\,,lLHS Teachers: Mr. Schmoock,Mr. Ebel 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeacners: They were all good youare proudestof accomplishing:I authoreda bookaboutskydivingmarathons! Unusualthing Aclually...lwrotesomesongsanda coupleof books. ThtngLoaccompl;sn beforedying: lve doneit allalready StevenSpielberg's movieaboutyourlife would "Loser"("JoeDirt"wastaken) be calted: Undermy bed: My dog, beau Favorite3 songsfrom '78-,82: Lovin'Touchin'Squeezin'-Joumey,Don'tBringIVe Down- ELO, I MeltWith You- l/odernEngtish FavorireMovie: GoodWill Hunting FavoriteMovieeuote: "Allahforbidyou shouldhaveanydaughters'prjncess Jasmlne'sfatherin "Aladdin" FavoriteTV Show: Two and a HalfMen FavoriteBook: The RoadLessTraveled Beck Thingyoudo nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Be aliveafter 30 whenyouwerein highschool: Secretfantasy/desire:Ok. I get up in the morningandsomebody maoeme coffee,my houseis clean,my kidsare pottytrained, dressedand madetheirbeds. I go to a job thatisn,t like some Dilbertcaftoon. I get a chanceto wort(out. I eat a mealthat I haven'tprepared or paidfor...andI sleepthrougha night. FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: ...lvlany-..But onlyoncewell FavoriteIndulgence: ExpensiveGin Wouldhateto be leftalonein a roomwith: The cast of "HighSchoollvlusical" Morningpersonor NjghlOwll NightOwl Oppositesex drivesme crazywithl Boobs Oppositesexis appreciated for: Boobs worst habit: Writinginappropriate . answerson suNeys Favoritesmell: Cedarmulchand Autumnleaves Favoritefoodl Lobster Favoritesportto watch: CollegeBasketball Favoritespodto playl Basketball

Name: LynneVanHecke Beyer Dateof Birth: 1/9/64 City/StateIivesin: Phoenix, Az # of Stateslivedin: WIS,AZ,CAL Spouse/Signifi cant OtherName: RichardLoode Dateof Marriage: 3t11t2007 - Nicholas 17) # Kids,Names& Ages: '1,Garrett(11) (Siepson # Grandkids,Names& Ages: # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: Havehad4labradorsallarenowgone. HighestLevelof Education: BA- InteriorDesign CurrentJob/OccupationInteriorDesigner DrcamJob: I'm doingitl yoga,monies Hobbies: Reading, # BodyPiercings: # Tattoos: None When you realizedyou weremiddleage: About5 yearsagoFive peopleinvitedto dinner& why: 1. Mymother- she'sbeengone14yearc& nevermet my son.2. lvlyhusband's parentswhomI nevermet eitfrer.3. TheartistJohnSingerSargeant.4. Sting.5. MikhaelBaryshnikov Uniqueorfunny thingfew knowaboutyou: I oncewasin MaryKayCosmetics and earneda pink Cadillac. 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachersl Mr. Schmook, [,,1r. Wiedenkeller 2 LeastlikedNILHSTeachers: Can'tremember any. Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing:Beingon television fordesignaccomplishments, oflen. Thingto accomplishbeforedying: I\,4ay wantto do a TV show. StevenSpielberu'smovieaboutyourlifewould "Persistant" be called: Undermy bedl Nothing! Favorite3 songsfrom '78182: "Leather& Lace",ZZTop"She'sgot Legs",'Working for theWeekend" Favoritel\rovie: WhenHanyMetSally FavoriteMovieQuote: "Lifeis likea boxof chocolales, you neverknowwhat you'regonnaget" FavoriteTV Show: Anythingonihe FoodNetwork FavoriteBook: Language of LettingGo Thingyou do nowyou sworeyou wouldneverdo Drinkalcohol&getmariedmorethanoncewhen you werein highschoot: Secretf antasy/desire:To ownmy ownplaneandhavea homeon an island thatwe fly towhenevefwewant! FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: Toomanyto countl Favoritelndulgence: Goingto the spa,siftingin thesun,reading. Wouldhateto be left alonein a roomwith: Anymemberof Al Oueda! l\4ornin9personor NightOwl: Morning Oppositesex drivesme crazywith: Whentheytreatwomenpooriy. Oppositesex is appreciated for: Strength, courage, ambitjon, humor , Worsthabitl Bossiness Favoritesmell: Roses Favoitefood: Balistreri's Eggplant Stripsl Favoritesportto watch: Golf Favoritesportto play: Tennis

Namer JohnWilks Dateof Birth: 3/20lg City/State livesin: Wis. Brookiield # of Stateslivedin: Wis,lllinois(Ohio,Califomia, priorto Pennsylvania HighSchool) Spouse/Signif icantOtherName: Divorced Dateof l\,,laniage: - 16,Liz- 10 # Kids,Names& Agesl 2, Justin # crandkids,Names& Ages: - "Trixie" # Pets,Species,Breed& Name: '1,Parakeet HighestLevelof Education: BBA CurrentJob/OccupationProductDvelopment and Buyer DreamJobl Hobbiesl # BodyPiercings: 0 # Tattoosl 3, Tribal- leftarm,SacredHeart- rightarm,Chinese letter- torso you you When realized weremiddleage: Stillhaven'trealized Five peopleinvitedto dinner& why: JesusChrjst,lt artinLuther,Rasputin,Houdini,Stalin Uniqueo.funny thingfew knowaboutyou: 2 FavoriteMLHSTeachers: Fraulein SchwarE 2 LeastlikedMLHSTeache|s: Unusualthingyou are proudestof accomplishing: Thingto accomplish beforedying: StevenSpielberg'smovieaboutyourlifewould be called: lJndefmy bed: Favorite3 songsfrcm'78182: '1.Abracadabra (SteveN4iller), 2. TwilightZone (GoldenEaning),3. Mr.Crolvley(OzzieOsborne)4. No OneLikeYou(Scorpions) FavoriteMovie: 'WhateverHappened to BabyJane" Favoritel\,,lovieQuote: FavoriteTV Showl Desperate Housewives FavoriteBook: The HolyBible Thingyou do nowyou sworeyouwouldneverdo whenyou werein highschooll Secretfantasy/desirei FavoriteBibleVerse: # of timesin Love: FavoriteIndulgence: Wouldhateto be lefi alonein a roomwith: Morningpersonor NightOlvl: Oppositesex drivesme crazywiih: Oppositesex is appreciated for: Worsthabit: Favoritesmell: Favoritefoodl Favoritesportto watch: Favoritespo.tto play:

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