Mktg Manual

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 7,698
  • Pages: 34
204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Index S.No Contents Pg.No Introduction………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 4 1. Admission Drives……………………………………………………………………

……………………….. 5 2. Promote Hobson’s………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 5 2.1 Data sources


Competitor Analysis…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………



Promote training wing…………………………………………………………… ………………………… 6 4.1 Training @ i20fever 4.2 Training marketing campaign 4.3 College campaign


Student fairs………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. 7 5.1Introduction 5.2Arm Chair Marketing 5.3Helicopter Marketing 5.410 Steps to Organize A Fair 5.5College VisitsMeeting With Principal 5.6Check List (optional) 5.7Stalls/Desks at Student Fair 5.8Post Fair Details 5.9Summary


Road shows…………………………………………………………………………… ……………………….. 13 6.1Introduction 6.2Road Shows @ Hyderabad 6.3 Road Shows @ Telangana


Paid booths/college sponsorships...………………………………………… ……………………… 17 7.1Introduction 7.2F.A.Q (1, 2, 3,4th years) 7.3Advantages of Paid Booths 7.4Summary

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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EDU Abroad…………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 20 8.1Introduction 8.2Advantages to students 8.3Advantages to Colleges 8.4Advantages to i20fever


Presentations………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 21 9.1Introduction 9.2Discussion with Principal 9.3Request Letter for Presentation 9.4On the Day of Presentation

10 E-Marketing …………………………………………………………………………



10.1Introduction 10.2Bulk SMS 10.3E-Mail Blast 10.4Phone Calls 10.5Yahoo Groups 10.6Orkut 10.7Data Collection and Storage

11 New Branch Plan……………………………………………………………………

………………………… 24

11.1Introduction 11.2How to Start 11.3Competitor Analysis 11.4Launch Plan

12 O.U

Plan……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. 25


14 15 16

12.1Introduction 12.2Departments Plan 12.3Hostel Drive Expenses……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………….. 25 13.1Work shops 13.2Road shows 13.3Events/Fairs Report ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. 26 14.1FAQS How to approach………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 28 Planning……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………. 28 16.1College visits 16.2Educational fairs 16.3Road shows

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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16.4Events/Fairs 16.5How we go? 16.6@ Telangana (A.P) 16.7Things to be do 17 Futuristic Marketing Ideas…………………………………………………………… ………………………… 29 18 Marketing Achievements………………………………………………………

…………………………. 30 19 All Templates............................................................................................... .......... 30 20 Educational Products............................................................................................. 31

INTRODUCTION The Introduction to Marketing simulation is designed for the marketing principles and introductory marketing courses. It introduces the participant to the basic concepts of marketing. The decision content includes development, advertising.





It allows new employees to develop and execute a complete marketing strategy, including brand design, and distribution force management. Throughout the exercise, participants receive information on customer needs as well as a feedback on customer satisfaction with brands, advertising. They discover how their actions reflect in both brand profitability and firm profitability. The Marketing team learns to study competitive tactics and adjust their marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition. The complexity of the simulation requires a division of the tasks and coordination among the team members; the many tradeoffs force debate where participants must learn to communicate effectively and fight for their ideas. 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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We talk about providing free information Admission drives can be done at 1) College visits 2) fairs/events 3) online/Orkuting 4) Workshop

The idea is to manage students in the peak season /student fairs

Keeping track on the existing data

The time taken to explain about our services

We try to convert the leads in to members

We go to colleges for Road shows/Events/Fairs we directly interact with students and know their requirements we brief them about I20fever and our services

We try to yield the student to enroll in our services


Collect student profile Categorize them Submit to Hobson’s

Data sources a. Fairs b. Road shows c. Fairs/events d. Walk-ins e. Profile evaluation (online) f.

Yahoo groups


To analyze the local market and competitors

In this analysis we take all the useful information of the competitors

We must have an idea about consultancies which are located in the area

Visit the consultancies and know about their services ○

How much money they charge

How they track the students

Do they provide material or not

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Analyze the competitor strengths and weaknesses as a student with

immature knowledge on universities. ➢

Find out the out coming students who are planning for higher

education in particular location ➢

Get a report on the flow of students to various countries.

Track the interest of students on coaching center for GRE/TOEFL/IELTS

How are they different from us

With these points we can get an idea on the market and students

4) PROMOTE TRAINING WING: I20fever have full time training faculty and self material for GRE/TOEFL/IELTS

Training @ i20fever ○

Small Groups , Personal Care

Emphasis on Basics

Full time dedicated Faculty, Additional Access to faculty after class rooms

Lab-Facility for TOEFL & IELTS

Comprehensive Material & CD’s for preparation

Customized training as per students requirements

Training marketing campaign I20fever has an exclusive marketing material for training. We use ➢

Schedule sheets/cards

Faculty profile broacher

➢ BMT(basic math’s test) kits (for non maths students) ➢

Training flyers

College campaign In all the Road shows/campaign we organize and we hit training (we market for training). We organize exclusive campaign for training during the time of exams.


1.1 Introduction The main activity of student fairs involves, conducting of workshops. We as i20fever team, visit towns/affiliate offices at Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda,

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Vizag etc. Conduct one day workshops at hotels where the students are facilitated to have a face-face counseling (in which the student is given a brief idea of the US, UK&AUS application process and familiarized with the education system there). At the end of the sessions the information of the students, who attended the workshop, is collected for the future marketing resource. At least 2 to 3 days prior to the workshop/student fair, marketing drive is conducted which runs in 2 phases: First phase 2-3 members visit selected colleges to take permission to hold the fair. Second phase involves invitation to the college and its students.

1.2 Armchair Marketing: It involves the marketing process through emails and phone calls. If there is any database (already existing from previous visits of that town), all the students are emailed or notified through phone calls, regarding the workshop which is being conducted. Marketing is mostly done through Orkut and yahoo groups.

1.3 Helicopter Marketing: Visit 3-4 colleges (colleges located around the area where we would be conducting the Workshop) and campaigning about the workshop to be conducted is done.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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1.4 10 Steps to Organize a fair Step Step10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Before Before 10 7 days 6 5 4 3 2 1 days

1.5 College visits-actual & virtual Plan 1: Visit colleges: ➢ Approach placement officer or concern department person. ➢

Explain about i20 fever.

➢ Provide a few sample Kit’s (Starter kits and Journey to US UK&AUS disc). Request permission to meet with HOD’s. Approach to concern department HOD’s and explain about Educational kits. ➢ Request permission for conducting seminars on Orientation classes. ➢ Find out student major (ECE, CSE or other Department) give him proper guidance according to major course and area of interest. ➢ Give overview of Educational kit on his/her major course and handover appropriate kit to thestudent. ➢ Provide contact details for further information. ➢ Collect student email id for our database. ➢ ➢

Virtual visits Plan 2: YAHOO Groups: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Enter into college communities. Introduce/Explain about i20 fever. (If not explained before). Collect Email ids of Professors, Assistant professors and HOD’s. Post mails to concern department person about i20 fever, Educational Kit’s, Training Classes and Services. And also collect email ids of students (if present). Post mail educating student about i20 fever. Explain about Educational kits and other information regarding the major courses he/she is interested in. Post list of universities on his/her major course (for sample purpose). Upload Educational kits overview on, what we are offering (Only Contents). Provide contact details for further information.

Plan 3: ORKUT communities ➢

Enter in to college communities.

➢ Introduce/Explain about i20 fever. (If not explained before). Collect Email ids of Professors, Assistant professors, HOD’s from college community. ➢ Post mails to placement officer or concern department about Services, Educational kit’s and Training classes etc. ➢ Provide scrap massages to educate student about i20 fever. ➢

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Explain about Educational kits, services and Training classes or any other information regarding major courses. ➢ List out a few universities of his/ her major course (for sample purpose). ➢ Upload the KIT overview that we are offering. ➢ Provide contact details for further information. ➢ Clarifying query’s through scraps. ➢

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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1.6 Check list: ➢ ➢ ➢

Information Centers (Stall) Kit Workshop Kit College Visits kit

Information Kit

Workshop Kit

Colleges visit Kit

Database sheets

Database sheets

Database sheets

Profile Sheets Business cards GRE & TOEFL Flyers Service sheets Company profile sheets Banner – Product Banners – Logo Banner

Profile Sheets Business cards GRE & TOEFL Flyers Service sheets Company profile sheets Banner – Product Banners – Logo Banner

Camera Visa kit E-Mentor Cd’s – Journey to USA – Visa CD – GRE & TOEFL KIT

Camera Visa kit E-Mentor Cd’s – Journey to USA – Visa CD – GRE & TOEFL KIT


Safe University list Starter kits Application Kit Booklets Visa kits

Business cards GRE & TOEFL Flyers Stationary Service sheets Company profile sheets Banner – Product Banners – Logo Banner Camera Visa kit E-Mentor Cd’s – Journey to USA – Visa CD – GRE & TOEFL KIT LAPTOP with Data card 3 Pin socket Spike Pharmacy Kits and Cd’s* Presentation Cd’s

Stationary Application requisities LAPTOP with Data card 3 Pin socket Spike Pharmacy Kits and Cd’s*

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Stationery:The team must carry the following while going for marketing: Writing Pads 5, Pens15 , Cello tape 1 ,Rope10 meters ,Scissors 1 ,Staplers / Pins set 1 / 1,Banner Pins 1 Box, Paper holders(Clips) 1 Box ,Doc Folders covers 20, Two side Plaster.

1.7 Stalls/Desk at Student Fairs: The stall must have the following:

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Reception (Front) desk. Counseling desks separately for Engineering and Science students. University selection desk. Visa information desk. Feedback desk (Taking feedback from students, identifying active students, building relation with them, marketing through them in there colleges).

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Tasks to be performed by Front desk person: 1. 2.

3. 4.

Welcome and Interact with students warmly. Helping them in filling data sheet. Directing student to the right desk. Identifying active students and forwarding list to Feedback desk.

Tasks to be performed by Counselors: ➢ Finding the requirements of student. ➢ Counsel depending up on their needs. ➢

Explaining our services and make student feel free.

Tasks to be performed by Relationship officer (Feedback desk): Taking feedback from students. Identifying active students from each college. ➢ Interacting with students and providing satisfactory information. ➢ Try to build a healthy relationship with the students. ➢ Market i20fever through students who are identified as active. ➢ ➢

Responsibilities of i20fever team: Attending workshop on time. Wearing team uniform. ➢ Clean shaved. ➢ professional look ➢ Complete and thorough information of i20fever website and the services provided by the organization. ➢ Interacting politely with students. ➢ ➢

1.8 Post Fair Details Tasks to be performed after the workshop: Sending database to i20fever Help desk. Short listing prospective students and tracking them. Preparing a standard email and mailing to entire database. ➢ Sending emails at frequent intervals.(if any updates in US educational process, supportive mails). ➢ Taking feedback from students, faculty. ➢ Being in regular contact with active students or focus groups and market i20fever in their respective colleges. ➢ Tracking faculty and other consultants who attended our workshop. ➢ ➢ ➢

Evaluation ➢ With the response, feedback from the students evaluate workshop success rate. Every thing should be in numbers. • No of Students attended workshop • Students turned positive • Students registered ➢ Filling up summary sheet. ➢ Finding, analyzing and understanding the reasons for success/failure of workshop. ➢ Should get a clear view to make future events better ➢

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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6. ROAD SHOWS 6.1 Introduction:Target of this marketing strategy would be to visit one area in one day, distribute the information kits, and collect the database of students. We visit the college and request for an appointment with the principal. Set up a meeting with the principal enlighten him/ her about our services; the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden, Germany educational kits and the processing for the same. After getting the permission from the principal, distribute our kits and explain to the students about the US and other admission process. Give away the information kits and finally collect the database of the students. 6.2 ROAD SHOWS @HYDERABAD Objectives:➢

To develop the brand value of the company

➢ To find out the student pulse ➢ To increase the awareness of i20fever in the market

Ideas:➢ We contact the students through college visits ➢

Distribute i20fever material to students’ communities at bus stop, net


Game Plan:➢ Divide colleges by highway ➢

List of highways

• Warangal (Ghatkesar) • Vijayawada ( Ramoji film city) • Srisailam ( Santhosh Nagar) • Sagar (Ibrahimpatnam) • Bangalore (Mehedipatnam) • Nizambad (Medchal) ➢ Favorite four : 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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(Warangal, Vijayawada, Sagar, and Bangalore) visit these highways once ➢

In a month Based on the level of the colleges we go for different marketing plan.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Tier 1 High-level colleges like • Chaitanya Bharathi institute of technology • Vignan bharathi institute of technology • Vasavi engineering college • Gokaraju Gangaraju institute of engineering and technology • We concentrate more on U.S education Tier 2 low level colleges like • Green fort engineering college • Hi-tech engineering college For these colleges we concentrate more on U.K, AUS education

On The Day of Road Show: ➢ All the required material must be packed for the event ➢ ➢

Based on the requirements teams are divided. Target is to speak directly to the students. ➢ To build awareness in their mind. ➢ To collect information from students. ➢ We take photographs to promote our organization’s value.

Summary:The main motto is to know the views of the students, to do competitor analysis and collect the data. Using the same, we can get a good hold on them and improve i20fever’s services keeping the students in mind. 6.3 ROAD SHOWS @TELANGANA Introduction: Target of this marketing strategy would be to visit one area per day, distribute the information kits, and collect the database of students. We visit the college and request for an appointment with the principal. Set up a meet with the principal and tell him about our services, about the US and other global educational process for the college students. After getting the permission from the principal we distribute our kits and explain to the students about the US and other admission process. Give away the information kits and finally collect the database of the students.

Objectives: ➢ To develop i20fever strength in Telangana districts. ➢ To meet their requirements involving higher education. ➢ ➢

To solve their application and visa processing related issues. We organize these road shows in Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3 cities to get yield.

Ideas: ➢ ➢ ➢

We send request letter to the principal. We visit the colleges. We distribute our kits where students gathering places.

Game plan: ➢

We divide the colleges tier (branches) wise.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Tier 1 Nalgonda Ranga reddy Hyderabad This district’s come under VidyaNagar branch. Tier 2 Medak Nizambad Mahabubnagar This district’s come under Ameerpet branch. Tier 3 karimnagar Warangal Khammam This district’s come under Warangal branch ➢

We visit these colleges once in a month.

➢ We meet the principal explain about i20fever ask permission to approach the students directly in the college campus. ➢ Based on the district’s we promote our services. ➢ We visited the districts where we previously got good response.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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6.4 OU Hostel Drive OU hostel has many students from all over the state. It is like a catchment area for i20fever. Quite easily we can attract high and medium profile students. We can also get some foreigner to enroll with us, who might need our services. The potential in the hostel is very big. Since we are located at hop and jump distance from the campus, we should strive to get maximum number of registrations here. Contact with warden. Explain about i20 fever. ➢ Explain how we are going to help students, who are planning for higher education in USA. ➢ Find out procedure for conducting counseling and ➢ Provide a few sample Kit’s (starter kit and journey to US disc) for warden. ➢ Provide flyers to warden, for distributing among students. ➢ ➢

Flyers Information: Training classes (GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS) Training hours. Educational kit’s (during preparation). Guidance regarding VISA. Services. ➢ Prices charged at i20 fever. ➢ Provide contact for further information ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

One day before thecounseling: ➢ ➢

Make our team members well prepared about the counseling. Collect materials (Kit’s or other information) for distribution among students.

On the day of counseling: ➢ ➢ ➢

Approach to warden. Discus with warden generally (Time we are going to stay etc). Select proper place and start counseling.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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We sponsor the college events/fests. We will be allocated a separate stall/booth at the fest. We give away the information kits/CDs etc. As a fest will be flocked with many students from various colleges, it would be a good place to market our organization. Also care must be taken to keep in track with the inflow of the students so there must be a rapid giveaway of the kits

7.2FAQ: Student Queries: 1Q: What is i20fever? Ans: i20fever is a student educational organization. We provide services for those who are planning for higher education in USA, UK and AUS. 2Q: What are the tests required for USA, UK and AUS? Ans: Country Tests USA UK AUS


3Q: What is GRE, TOEFL& IELTS? Ans: GRE: Graduate Record Examination  Total marks of 1600 Verbal: 800, Quant’s: 800, AWA: 6.0. • Quant’s : Basic Math’s (8th, 9th, 10th Standard) • Verbal : Reading comprehension, sentence compulsions antonyms and analogies TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language Writing:30,Listening:30,Reading:30,Speaking:30. IELTS: International English Language Testing System  Writing: 9.0bands, Listening: 9.0bands, Speaking: 9.0bands, Reading: 9.0bands TOEFL/IELTS evaluates your English skills. 4Q: How much is the exam fee for GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS? Ans: GRE: $170(Rs 8900), TOEFL: $165(Rs 8580), IELTS: Rs7200 5Q: When should we go for GRE, TOEFL and IELTS? Ans: You can write/take these exams in 3rd year second semester. 6Q: How do I get help from i20fever? Ans: We educate the students in University Selection, Application process and Visa Guidance. 7Q: What are the eligible scores? Ans: There is no such word like eligible/minimum score for GRE, But its better if you get 1000 score TESTS Minimum Scores GRE 1000 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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79 6.0

8Q: What are the Financial Requirements? Ans: Depends upon on your University Selection if you are applying to 5-6 universities it will cost you around 30,000 and for visa around 20,000-30,000, Country Minimum amount Required USA 5lakhs(1 semester) UK 5lakhs(1 semester) AUS 5lakhs(1 semester) 9Q: Which is the best time/ semester to apply to USA, UK, and AUS? Ans: Fall intake for USA (AUG) September intake for UK September for AUS 10Q: How much score is required to get Scholarship? /Can we expect any fee waivers from the universities? Ans: It depends on the university some they give 20%, 40%, 50% etc Tests Score for scholarship GRE 1200 TOEFL 100+ IELTS 7.5 Academics Above 65% percent 11Q: How long does it take to complete the process? Ans: Country Application Processing Visa Processing Time time USA 6-8weeks Interview(1-2 weeks) UK 1-2 weeks 3 weeks AUS 1-2 weeks 6-8 weeks 12Q: Will I get a part time job? Ans: Depends upon your profile, skills and location and university. 13Q: How are you different from other Consultancies? Ans: We do entire process in a transparent way. We have an R&D team and have all the latest updates. 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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14Q: Which is the best university in USA / what are the top universities? Ans: There are 3000+ universities in USA. Selection of university is done according to your profile. Go through our Website And click university selection link. And you will find the list of universities. 15Q: How can I help you? Ans: We have some informational kits regarding higher education in USA, UK, AUS .So we need permission for distributing the kits in college campus for free of cost, keep these kits in library and Notice board.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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16Q: In what way can you help our students? Ans: We help our students by giving them the required information and material free of cost and guide them in the processing, starting from training, till visa. 17Q: How many branches do you have? Ans: We have branches at Hyderabad, Ameerpet, Warangal, Vizag, and Guntur. 18Q: Which is the best country among USA, UK and AUS? Ans: We cannot compare education system or lifestyle of various countries. Generally, for higher education USA is preferred first. 19Q: Are GRE, TOEFL/IELTS exams compulsory for studying in USA? Ans: Yes GRE, TOEFL/IELTS are compulsory. 20Q: Can we go only on TOEFL score? Ans: Yes, you can go with only TOEFL score but its better if you have GRE as well From Students From Principal

Frequently asked questions 1-14 15-20

7.3 Advantages of Paid Booths:

➢ By conducting these types of fairs we get data and which would help us in future.

➢ In these types of fairs we can interact with many engineering college students.

➢ When we interact with the engineering students, we build a strong network, they will refer their friends to us, they will be the brand ambassador of our organization. ➢ By conducting these types of events we get a good hold and support from all the engineering colleges. ➢ From all these(booths) they can easily recognize our organization

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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8.EDU ABROAD Introduction: To study abroad is one of the best decisions one can make to enhance ones skills. This will in turn become a driving force for an excellent career to master our future. The young minds that have chosen to grow in the professional lines need to be well equipped with all the necessary skills to meet the global challenges. The colleges and academic institute in India provide necessary impetus; however, to have an expertise and excellence it is desirable to make them aware of the concept of educational destination in various countries abroad. 8.1 Advantages to Students: The foreign education exposes the students in their field of study to a global scenario in term of ➢Acquiring a body of strong knowledge and skills. ➢Earn a qualification that would be a sign of credibility and competence. ➢Gain confidence and self belief through reaching a significant benchmark. 8.2Advantages to Colleges: The colleges also get an excellent name and pride in finding their Alumni competing in different walks of life with multiple specialization and competence across the world. 8.3 Advantages to i20fever: I20fever pushes the young minds to go beyond the knowledge and gain the best expertise from the university chosen by them.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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The main target of this marketing strategy would be to visit one college per day, distribute the information kits, conduct a seminar and collect the database of students. We visit the college and request for an appointment with the principal. Set up a meet with the principal and express our interest to conduct a seminar on the US education process at the college. After obtaining the permission from the principal, set up the seminar and explain to the students about the US UK&AUS admission process. Give away the information kits and finally collect the database of the students.

9.2Discuss with the principal: ➢ First we should approach the concern department

➢ Tell about i20fever and take permission from the concern person We have to ask them where to setup the equipment ➢ Provide our contact details for further information ➢ We take photographs of college with the principal which would helpful to us in the future ➢

9.3Request letter for presentation: ➢ We give a presentation to the students on higher education and ask permission for the presentation.

9.4On The Day of Presentations ➢ To give the latest updated information and collect the data ➢ We provide free information/introduction classes in the colleges with which we can get build a good relationship with the colleges

➢ By conducting the seminar we educate the students on USA, UK, and

AUS education. Taking feedback from students Collect the data from the students ➢ Distribute our kits to students ➢ Provide our contact details for further information ➢ We get develop a healthy rapport with the students by giving these types to seminars ➢ ➢

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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10.1 Introduction: In the process of e-marketing, bulk emails are sent to the students (from the database) regarding the events and services offered by i20fever. Helpdesk would clarify the doubts of the students. Our team members from e-services are available online during the day to clarify the doubts of the students through yahoo messenger and orkut.

Procedure: E-Mail Blast Bulk SMS Phone Calls Yahoo Groups ➢ Orkut Blast ➢ Data Collection and Storage ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

10.2 E-MAILS BLAST: The following format is an example for the workshops and fairs: Hi all, i20fever is organizing a Workshop this Sunday 13th of July on ADMISSION PROCESSING, UNIVERSITY SELECTION, (Assured Admission), VISA Procedures for US, UK AND AUS to the students of Warangal town. It's open for one and all. There is no entry fee to attend the workshop. Venue: Timings: More information, call on 9959992255, 9000072266 We do ADMISSION PROCESSING, UNIVERSITY SELECTION &VISA PROCEDURES for students planning for US, UK, AUS. We assure Admission. All i20fever members are welcome and can pick up Kits regarding application process, visa, and journey to USA disk. Students can visit us along with their parents and get free financial counseling. Please pass on the message to your friends in Warangal Town Regards, Naveen Team

10.3 E-Mail Blasting: ➢

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

we collect email ids of students and professors and give the full information as required Post emails to the students and educate them about i20fever and services offered Build the list of university selection emails(with complete profile) in the group into one single word document we also solve the queries through emails Provide contact details for further information

10.4 Bulk SMS: For bulk SMS we can Use Route SMS tool ➢ ➢

We collect the phone numbers from students and send bulk messages through route SMS. By this route SMS we inform them about i20fever events and workshops.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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➢ Students should easily recognize i20fever. ➢ students react to these type of messages immediately. 10.5 Phone calls:➢ Through helpdesk and get back the status. ➢ To make phone calls by existing data. ➢ We make calls about the workshops and resolve the quires.

10.6. Orkuting:➢ We mainly target particular college areas. ➢

We search college communities.

➢ Post in forum using specific templates. ➢ the templates must be attractive and catchy. ➢ Send request to the communities. ➢

We also provide useful information to the student.

The below template is used in orkut blast: Templates for profile evaluation: SUBJECT: Free online profile evaluation For USA Education BODY: Hey friends, Visit the following link to get your profile evaluated for free Fill your details & get the opinion of our experts. All the Best!!! 10.7 Yahoo groups:Introduce/Explain about i20 fever. (If not explained before). Collect Email ids of Professors, Assistant professors and HOD’s. Post mails to concern department person about i20 fever, Educational Kit’s, Training Classes and Services. ➢ And also collect email ids of students (if present). ➢ By posting mails we educate students about i20 fever. ➢ Explain about Educational kits and other information regarding the major courses the student might be interested in. ➢ Post list of universities on his major course (for sample purpose). ➢ Upload Educational kits overview on what we are offering (Only Contents). ➢ Provide contact details for further information ➢ ➢ ➢

10.8 Data Collection and Storage: ➢

We collect data from the students by conducting road shows and fairs

➢ We take students names, telephone number, and E-mail id and store them in Excel sheet which would help us in the future.

➢ From this data we divide, categories the students based on their profile and we call them, send e-mail and orkut them which will help us in future.

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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11. NEW BRANCH PLAN 11.1 Introduction: The main objective is to capture the market in different states and towns. In this survey we take all the necessary information of the competitor. We use well equipped kits. We strike the market with qualified trainees. We have managed to expand our operation by offering wide range of international services to introduce a more comprehensive and fulfilling range of qualified, ambitious young students and conduct events/fairs from which students acquire good knowledge.

11.2 ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

11.3 ➢ ➢ ➢

How to Start: We have to visit the colleges Analyze the competitors To list out the out coming students from the colleges We have to find out to which country they are giving more preference

Competitive Analysis To know how many consultancies are there in that area Visit the consultancies and know about their services Analyze the consultancies and based on that we implement our strategy

11.4 Launch plan: Overview of Particular area Market Dividing the colleges in to Grades, on following factors: ➢ College establishment date ➢ College influence in market ➢ Placement activities ➢ USA, UK, AUS aspirants

Marketing Plan Distributing Flyers, Training cards, Kits every month. Conducting Seminars in colleges. ➢ Gathering student information and sending them E-mails, SMS. ➢ Motivating students by conducting workshops. ➢ Frequent Visits to Colleges. ➢ ➢

Local Consultancies review: ➢ Before launching the branch








i20fever @ new branch ➢ ➢ ➢

Organize a seminar in colleges Organize few workshops at planned areas. Visit colleges around that particular area

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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12. Osmania University Plan 12.1 Introduction: We create infinite possibilities to achieve student’s safe journey to U.S.A/U.K/AUS by conducting several experiments in the universities and colleges nearby. We judge ourselves and determine a few characteristics about the student in this place and differentiate it from other institute or universities. The Osmania University is a very vast and one of the oldest universities of the country. A large number of colleges are affiliated to it. The campus is easily accessible from i20fever’s VidyaNagar branch.

12.2 Departmental Visits: ➢ Approach the placement officer. ➢

Explain about i20 fever.

➢ Explain how we are going to help students, who are planning for higher education in USA.

➢ Provide a few sample kits (starter kit and journey to US disc). ➢ Request permission to meet with HODs. ➢ Approach to concern department HODs and explain about Educational kits. Request permission to conduct seminar on Orientation classes. ➢ Approach the students and educate about our i20 fever services. ➢ Find out Students major (ECE, CSE or other Department) give him proper guidance according to the major course and area of interest. ➢ Give overview of Educational kit on his major course and handover appropriate kit to student. ➢ Distribute flyers among students and placement officer. Flyers Information: ➢ Training classes(GRE, TOEFL, IELTS) ➢ Training hours. ➢ Educational Kit’s (during preparation). ➢ Services. ➢ Prices charge in i20 fever. ➢ Provide contact info, Email id = [email protected] Phone no= 9959992255. ➢

13) Expenses: We spend money on marketing in different ways they are 1. Work shops 2. Road shows 3. Events/Fairs

Work shops Steps to be taken

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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Select an area where the students flow is more, to find this speak to a person concerned in advance and get the details of rent and facilities provided by them.

Make a smart deal with a person and book the place for the required date

Give the details of the workshop on a paper ad a day before it is to be held

Make sure all the marketing team members plan it in a way that all the required things for conducting a work shop are completed a day before.

Posses all the required material in advance for the workshops.

Late booking of the hall

Late marketing

Late arrival

No prior information for cancelling the trip


Road shows ➢

Mainly we list out a specific college area which is to be visited.

Have an idea on how far the college is. So, that we can make our travel arrangements and with a required budget.

Visit the college on time, and take permission from person concern department and distribute our material in a useful way so that our visit would not go in vain.

Events/Fairs ➢

Make a smart deal with the person concerned and book the stall for the planed date.

Take all the required marketing material in advance.

Make sure that our agreement for setup a stall in the event is done by a receipt of payment.

14) Report Date: Place/College Visited: Time: Conducted: Fair



204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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No. Students who visited: 20-30



Queries: 1) What is i20fever? Ans: I20fever is student educational organization .We provide services for those who are planning for higher education in USA, UK and AUS.

2) What are the tests required for USA, UK and AUS? Ans:









3Q: How do I get help from i20fever? Ans: We educate the students in University Selection, Application process and Visa Guidance. 4Q: What are the eligible scores? Ans: There is no such word like eligible/minimum score for GRE, But its better if you get 1000 score TESTS

Minimum Scores







For UK US No students from 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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4th year Response: fair



very. Good


Visit Success Rate:





100% How to Approach In Future: a. Best time to visit b. Best spot to visit c. Which approach was best here


road shows

d. New idea Any Problems Faced: Organizers Details:



College Management Response: 1. Favorable 2. Friendly 3. Wanted additional information 4. Challenging 5. Difficult

15) How to approach: Student:1. interested: spend time (depending on time and crowd) 2. Time pass : don’t encourage

3. In a hurry: 1st pass the flyer 4. Confused: provide useful information 5. No idea about :

tell our services and tell them clear view and

provide our visiting card


First we greet them

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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➢ ➢

We came from i20fever and explain our services Then purpose of visit (explain)

Need permission to distribute kits and flyers

The way of talking and body language should be important

➢ Provide our contact details for further information 16) Planning: College visits ➢

Approach the placement officer or department concerned

Explain i20fever and Hobson’s

Provide few sample kits of i20fever and Hobson books

Give an overview on educational kits and distribute the Hobson book

Educational fairs ➢

Conducting educational fairs in colleges once in a month.

In these educational fairs we communicate with all engineering colleges’ students.

It is a good marketing place to promote organization

We collect the data from students.

Mainly we list out a specific college area which is to be visited.

Have an idea on how far the college is. So, that we can make our travel

Road shows

arrangements and with a required budget. ➢

Visit the college on time, and take permission from person concern department and distribute our material in a useful way so that our visit would not go in vain.

Events/Fairs ➢

Make a smart deal with the person concerned and book the stall for the planned date.

Check all the required marketing material in advance.

Make sure that the receipt of payment for the stall is received and field properly

How we go? ➢

Keep our training banners near the college

Two months ahead of a visit the plan must be made

The schedule sheets must be distributed among the team members

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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We pick up a high way and try to hit 5to7 colleges a day, we go with a team of 4 to 5 members and have individual tasks and hit colleges individually and we hit bus stops and buses, It is a similar to a rapid fire brand, where we have 30 to 45 min time to hit a college, so, we try to hit/meet as many students as possible.

@ Telangana (A.P) We hit a district by selecting 2 to 3 Colleges and distribute kits, take same time and interact with students and ask about training plans and try to convert them, in Tier2 town’s students more as a group for training, so if we convince a single person you can expect a group for training

Things to be do ➢ Proper planning: - As students are busy with their exams hit them at right time in a right way. ➢

Data collection: - collection of data is very important and tracking them is a major task.

17) Futuristic marketing ideas ➢

No parking boards with i20fever logo to be put on the gates of hostels, apartments

Insert handouts in the bikes at colleges and institutions.

Stick papers on college buses and local buses.

Arm bands should be provided at events/fairs.

Cloth banners

FM radio

College canteen

➢ T.V. scrolling

9. Marketing Achievements ➢

Reached 150 Engg &pharmacy colleges in AP through Road shows

➢ Organized 50 work Shops all over India ➢ Reached leading colleges in Hyderabad through Orkut communities ➢ We reached up to 50,000 Students ➢

We have collected 10,000 Students Data base

19) All templates: The below template is used in orkut blast: Templates for profile evaluation: 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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SUBJECT: Free online profile evaluation For USA Education BODY: Hey friends, Visit the following link to get your profile evaluated for free Fill your details & get the opinion of our experts. All the Best!!! The following format is an example for the workshops and fairs: Hi all, i20fever is organizing a Workshop this Sunday 13th of July on ADMISSION PROCESSING, UNIVERSITY SELECTION, (Assured Admission), VISA Procedures for US, UK AND AUS to the students of Warangal town. It's open for one and all. There is no entry fee to attend the workshop. Venue: Timings: More information, call on 9959992255, 9000072266 We do ADMISSION PROCESSING, UNIVERSITY SELECTION &VISA PROCEDURES for students planning for US, UK, AUS. We assure Admission. All i20fever members are welcome and can pick up Kits regarding application process, visa, and journey to USA disk. Students can visit us along with their parents and get free financial counseling. Please pass on the message to your friends in Warangal Town Regards, Naveen Team

S .No


Email ID

Contact No

College /Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

20. Educational products: 1. Application kits 2. Visa kit 3. Company profile sheets 4. Pharmacy Kits Cd’s – –

Journey to USA Visa CD GRE & TOEFL KIT Pharmacy Kits and Cd’s

204, Usha kiran arcade, Shivam Circle, O.U Road, VidyaNagar, Above Andhra Bank ATM, Hyderabad-44,Ph: 04030582255/9959992255 | HYDERABAD | VIZAG | WARANGAL | GUNTUR | KHAMMAM | TIRUPATI | NALGONDA | VIJAYAWADA |

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