MINUTES OF MEETING OF FLOWERDALE RECOVERY COMMITTEE @ BURGO’S SHED MONDAY 7TH September 2009 PRESENT: Peter Auty, Judy Baker, Julie Bateman, John Burgess, Annie Robertson, Ric Stubbings, Darryl Treloar (MSC Bushfire Reconstruction & Recovery Coordinator), Leanne Pleash (Hub Captain), Liam Mc Carthy (MSC CDO), Betsy Harrington (VBRRA) APOLOGIES: Kim Fawcus (VBRRA)
WELCOME: John Burgess welcomed our guests. INTRODUCTIONS: Around the table. POETRY: Peter Auty: No more COMMUNITY UPDATES: 1. Economics (John Burgess): Jane Arwis & Paul spent a day in Flowerdale (thanks Betsy). Discussion around training for the new wholesale markets and Donnybrook Interchange. Discussions around agricultural issues: growing locally to supply markets. Discussion around the acquisition of the Hazeldene Store and set up as co-op, long term project and in its early stages. Meeting with Mara Bunn Green Cross in conjunction with other bodies – Building Back Green funding with Flowerdale being the main area for development. 2. Environment (Julie Bateman): Trees: Julie reported. As environment is part of her special interest with the FRC, Julie has been monitoring the issues of trees, bores and the environmental issues surrounding them. Peter Auty suggested we keep free the 6th December for the BBB – Big Blackberry Bash. Request to Council for suitable chemical products to help with this. 3. Funding (Ric Stubbings): Donation for Playground equipment $536, with the possibility of putting this to playground at Community House. 4. Sustainable Building (Ric Stubbings): Council is requiring new builders to use treatment plants, yet, this may not be in the best interest of Flowerdale’s long term sustainability objectives. FRC would like to see more co-ordination, communication and efficiencies
in rebuilding in relation to treatment plants, water etc. FRC Action: Working group to be set up from CRC, Community and Shire. Fire Safety including community safety (Judy Baker): Concerns that the recommendations of the fire and safety plans for the Village have not been implemented. Judy to follow up asap. Judy suggested we need a Community Fireguard meeting for the Village, and indeed, the whole of Flowerdale. Community House and Hall (Annie Robertson): Community House delighted with the new grant. Hall committee is looking at being auspiced by Community House, as some members are retiring. Arts, Culture & Memorial (Peter Auty): Artists Shed in the process, Men’s Shed in the process, Tool Library up and running at the Hub. Men’s Group for the Village is being worked upon. Memorial: discussions ongoing.
UPDATES: 1. Kinder: Final meeting recommended 10 votes to 1 that the Kinder be located at school 2. Community Events: Community Connectedness Dinner last Friday at the Recreation Reserve was a great success over 60 dinners were provided. 3. CFA Ultra-Light Tanker should be ready by end October and training will start at CFA as soon as it arrives. 4. Village: Issues with Global Care and the Village People. Request for Betsy’s input into these issues. FRC would prefer that issues be dealt with immediately. Pete’s second Poem: Johnny and the Weasels. Betsy will sing her response at the next meeting and John will blog it. BETSY HARRINGTON REPORTS: 1. Flowerdale Early Childhood Centre (ECC): Explanation of governance, roles and responsibilities. (handout given to FRC) 2. Community House (CH): Project management model for new Community House will be similar to that of the ECC. Question: will VBRRA manage the funds from the CH grant. 3. Recovery Plans: Betsy has a draft of document which outlines the projects which will be prioritised from each of the recovery committees, in a way which is equitable across all the communities. There are 700 projects outlined in all the CRC plans, and there is a need to look at all sources of funding for these plans eg Statewide funding, VBRRA funding, Matching funding, etc 4. IPO: Do we need assistance with media? John’s response: Work in Progress. 5. Memorials:
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Christine is facilitating a reference group of bereaved individuals for memorials. Sustainable rebuilding. VBRRA has identified a pro-bono company who may come on board for piloting project. Work in Progress. Economics: VBRRA has been requested that updates be provided to FRC weekly. Re sustainability: Work in Progress Re: Village: Meetings between Village Managers and residents to ensure that Village issues are addressed. John’s response: the key stakeholders may be missing what is happening on the ground, and essential to ensure good communications between Village stakeholders.
DARRYL 1. CRCs establish a framework for recovery. The CRCs are advisory to the MSC. MSC established a Section 86 Committee, which acts on behalf of the council to make decisions. 2. CRCs are formed to write the Recovery Plans and help with their implementation. 3. Generic Terms of Reference (TOR) were circulated and adopted by the Section 86 Committee 19th August. CRC provides direct link to Council, to give opportunity to have decisions made in relation to projects. 4. CRC committee members are insured under the Council Section 86. 5. Funding is available for each of the CRCs to assist with expenses. $5,000 is available immediately to FRC for communications and is to be decided by FRC on how this is to be spent initially & minuted. 6. Council has advertised for Secretarial Support for each of the committees, and a local person would be desired, subject to FRC’s approval. 7. CRCs also are a local point of contact for ongoing building and rebuilding issues. 8. There is no need to sign the Terms of Reference. Ric: the FRC have a mandate from the Community, and has a standing on the council now the appointment process of the CRC’s has been approved. JOHN’S RESPONSE: The TOR document was a draft adopted on 19th August. The FRC was not given any indication that the TOR was either proposed or accepted. There was no community or CRC consultation on this document in Flowerdale. FRC then tabled some changes to the Draft TOR. Action: FRC tabled changes will be emailed to Darrell, Liam, Betsy and Leanne. Darrell to be taken back to the Section 86 Committee and will advise outcome. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Material Aid survey feedback was reviewed and it clearly identified the need for food both human and pet is still a requirement. All in attendance agreed
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that these priorities would not require material aid services to be maintained as food share provided through the community house and Berry St is an alternate avenue for people to source these needs. Peter commented about the working bee at the Flowerdale Primary School being a great example of the community working together. Judy made a request to use the Flowerdale Community Bus for the cricket for club to attend games each Saturday. Action: Leanne to follow up. Annie acknowledged that this meeting was difficult for Darrell as he had to account for many of the actions taken by Council, before his appointment. She asked Darrell to communicate to the council that the FRC has done everything it can to communicate more information to have plans written on time and to be open and accountable. The FRC feels the council has not communicated with us in a way to help us forward. We acknowledge that the existing communications issues are not solely Darrell’s responsibility but still needs to report back to council of these issues. Darrell Treloar to review funding acquired by MSC for CRC’s and will report back to the FRC. Darrell at closing of meeting advised he is advocate for the FRC. Meeting Closed 10.30pm Menu Roast Beef & Gravy Roast Potatoes Vegetables Thanks to Annie Red Wine