Minutes Of Meeting Rev1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 2
MINUTES OF MEETING PROJECT: Alterations to Loch Greshonish Camping and Caravan Site Toilet Block NO: 1 TYPE OF MEETING: Pre-contact VENUE: Loch Greshonish Camping and Caravan Site DATE: 20 November 2009 Present at Meeting: Name David Weller (DW)

Position Client

Nicky Sellier (NS)


Jon Howarth (JH)

Sen. Surveyor

Hamish Grice (HG)


Graham Watt (GW)

Contracts Manager

Contact details Loch Greshonish Camping and Caravan Site, Borve, Arnisort, Edinbane, PORTREE, Isle of Skye

Telephone Number 01470 582230

Clachan Geal, Edinbane, Isle of Skye IV51 9PW

01470 582365 07500538324

James MacQueen Building Contractors, 24-25 Bornaskitaig, Kilmuir, IV51 9YS

Action By Whom By When

Item 1





01470 552353

Project Review: The extension and alteration of existing shower/toilet block to camp site. Work involves removing existing roof, extending footprint of building and all other associated works. Contract Sum: The contract sum is £136,500.00.GW Confirmed that the contract sum is based on the original roof specification of slate tiles. It was confirm by DW & NS that the Planners Authority had approved the use of profile sheet roofing. Contract instruction required for change of roof. Start Date and Completion date: The start date was agreed to be 23rd November 2009 and completion 11 March 2010. GW Confirmed that they could achieve this date. Contract Document JH confirmed that the contract used would be SBCC Minor Works building Contract and he would complete the contract after agreement of contract conditions during the meeting. Statutory Consents DW & NS confirmed that planning permission was valid. The details of the planning permission were checked and no items could be found that deviate from the drawings and schedule of work. DW said that the gas supply to the shower block was being upgraded to meet current regulations. It was noted that the works is subject to Building Standards.

Minutes of Meeting










Incoming Service A new electric and gas supply will be installed to the building. At this current time James MacQueeen builders will be required to provide temporary electrical supply to the works. Services are currently being installed by Robertson Construction. Insurance JH informed DW & NS that insurance of the works needs to be covered by them as building owner. DW request proof of insurance from MacQeen builders for their broker and JH terms of engagement. Payments JH confirmed that in accordance with the contract payment would be monthly. GW Requested that this was changed to stage payments due to the high initial capital outlay for materials. JH said he would look into the possibility of making payments in this way. DW & NS said they could make initial payment of 35% if required. Communication HG & GW Should be contacted with regard to day today matters. GW Confirmed he was the contracts manager and would be on site at times but would have a site foreman running the works. Site Restrictions It was confirmed that there are currently no site restriction.


Other matters


GW Requested more copies of the drawings NS said she will give GW The architects email address so he can obtain electronic copies. GW Said they need to get the building wind and weather tight by Christmas to keep to programme. To achieve this he requested that the blockwork cavity was changed to timber frame. It was agreed that this was acceptable although MacQueen Builders must liaise with building controls to make sure they comply with building standards. This change was agreed with no cost implication. GW Was concerned that the underfloor heating could present future maintenance issue to the underfloor drainage. NS & DW confirmed that their preference was underfloor heating. James MacQueen Builders will have a 2 week shutdown at Christmas It was noted that the existing showers are not reusable and these will require replacing. Contract Instruction required for this work. Shaving points are not requires to ladies wash hand basin. Contract instruction required to omit this work DW pointed out there was an error on the drawings, the private wash areas are shown having curtains. DW said these should be doors. GW Said he would look at the possibility of installing doors. It was noted that the external taps do not have drains. The installation of drainage for the external taps requires further investigation. Aztec had provided the price for cubicles, DW & NS to choose preferred colour/finish



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