Minutes 2006 October

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Draft Minutes of the NZALT Meeting held at ILANZ. October 28/29, 2006 Present: Anne Jacques (chair), Philippa Doig, Jane Lee, Jenness Riethmaeier, Jo Rittey, David Hall, James Donaldson, Sue Sutherland, Adèle Scott Apology: Glenda Koefoed 1 The minutes of 18th March were taken as read. ( AJ/AS) and the minutes 1 & 5 July, 2006 were passed with one amendment - Exec members were stranded in Wellington, not Christchurch due to fog. 2 Matters arising from Minutes Conference: A letter (SS) to be written to Mairi and Deborah thanking the committee for a successful conference with a reminder that a report is due by the next meeting. Polyglot (SS) Due to go to printer (Taeri Print) early November 500 Copies to be ordered (Membership 447) David Hall to send an Excel file of the current members to editor for forwarding to Taeri Print. Certificates of Excellence need to be applied for before the March executive meeting - see website for criteria with downloaded application form.The classroom teachers need to be members of NZALT to be able to apply. It was moved that the wording on the application form (on website) include the requirement that the teacher be a current member of NZALT, (PD/JR) and that Adele will prepare a template of congratulations for regional officers to send to the teacher and principal of the recipients of Certificates of Excellence. AS/DH CorrespondenceSchool It was agreed that any group wishing the support of NZALT send the secretary a position statement a month/ proposal before an executive meeting. A spokesperson may be invited to attend a subsequent executive meeting JD/JL Maggie Friend will be apprised of this motion. Portfolios The Human Resources folder was handed over Jo Rittey and James Donaldson. Asia New Zealand - Jo agreed to take over this portfolio Asia New Zealand Report yet to be received from J. Sirisomphone. The NZALT manages $5000 for professional development of teachers of Japanese and Chinese. Money needs to be allocated in the financial year it is granted or has to be returned. There is a need for publicity for these awards. Jo Rittey and Anne Jacques to approach Janet Sirisomphone for handover of AsiaNZ file and a report.. 3 Correspondence inwards 1. FPLV Jenness will discuss with Jan Robertson, previous Treasurer of FPLV, NZALT’s future relationship with and responsibility to FIPLV. 2 Evaluation of Building Capacity in New Zealand Subject Associations Draft report 3 Jan Robertson: 1. thanks on behalf of FPLV for the presentation and morning tea for Mairi Ferguson and 2. giving notice of the termination of her contract as NZLT editor 4 Finance (JL) The 28/10/06 statement of payments and receipts was received. Balance $17,643 JL/DH There are 447 paid-up members The meeting thanked the treasurer for her clear presentation of accounts.


Discussion followed about the difficulties experienced with on-line subscription payment. Changes are to be made to clarify the instructions. NB user name = membership number; password = own first name. NCEA booklets – regional officers will advise membership of the need to order this year. Future printing/viability to be decided by Sue S and Noeline G It was moved that Sue Sutherland be made an ex gratia payment in recognition of the ongoing administration involved. (PD/ AS) AJ to write a letter to Noeline, thanking her for all her work and include a $50 book voucher. SS to be paid $300 for various administrative services. Payment of subscriptions 2007 In 2007 cheques will not be accepted for subs; in exceptional circumstances a direct credit will be accepted with a handling fee of $10 per sub. DH/JL Invoices will be sent out in January. It was agreed that, as an incentive, payment of subscriptions by 1 March will enter members into a draw for a membership refund. Winning members will be drawn electronically at the March meeting of executive. 5 Website (DH) Conference papers are available on the website. Powerpoint presentations are not included, but a list of those available will be added. It was decided not to have a secure section on the website for members. 6 Human Resources (PD) Badges: Cost price $1.00 each from Badgeworks in Wellington. To be sold for $2.00 each at cluster groups, Langsems, etc Sasakawa have agreed to fund the prizes of $500. CD vouchers and badges to be sent to winners as soon as practicable. 3 prizes at each level. 1st prize $50, 2nd prize $30, 3 $10 670 entries from over 84 schools were received It was decided that prizes would be awarded only to students of NZALT members. 7 Assessment - Richard Steel of NZQA addressed the meeting PEPs: consistency is difficult to achieve/assess in languages with the relatively small numbers involved. PEPs have two uses for languages 1 safety net to ensure that results don’t go patently astray, i.e that they are within reasonable tolerances 2 A loose measure of cohort ability has been defined to measure the extent to which the rates of achievement in languages differ from all other students in all other cohorts. Thus the difference between results in languages, e.g the recent discrepancy in German and French, cannot be ascribed to the cohort. Languages differ from other subjects in the level of excellence – 20 per cent in Level 1 compared to other subjects where it is generally about 5 per cent. Languages stand apart for two possible reasons: 1. langs optimistic about what constitutes excellence , 2 that the other subjects have not got the idea. Cf Excellence in chemistry is 8 per cent In Australia rates of excellence are generally 20 %. Students find it easier to achieve in reading comprehension than listening; so reading performance appears better than listening performance, though this does not always happen. Questions arising from this: Is it acceptable to have higher rates of achievement for reading than for listening? Should the aim be to get the levels of achievement in reading and writing about the same? Should this aim be reflected in the PEPs? Difference in scholarship 2006 signaled - there are now four questions, previously two, for each of the writing and the speaking sections. This on the advice of STAG to provide better ability to discriminate for the purposes of awarding a scholarship. Each question is worth 8; mark is now out of 32 as opposed to 16 previously. Thus marking will yield results which are different from last year. Native speaker issue – decision -making has been taken over by policy and other groups. Criteria to remain the same for 2006.


Question to RS: Is the philosophy one of eternal modification and review? (PD) Reply: Languages getting closer to ideal status. Further changes fewer/unlikely. Moderators have been given the instruction that if a task is adequate don’t suggest changing it (Richard Steel) Richard was thanked for his willingness to address executive meetings. 8 Professional Development (DH) No applications received. Applications must be received by 28 February. RO’s urged to encourage applications in their newsletters. Awards may be made retrospectively. 9 Conference, 6-9 July, 2008 (PD/SS) Keynote speakers are being sought and venues canvassed. Conference venues small in Wellington. One possibility, the Michael Fowler Centre, and Events Centre, called the Wellington Convention Centre is booked out for the dates involved. Queen Margaret College and/or Wellington College to be approached Publicity is to be prepared for conference in Perth, 2007. Presentation at the closing ceremony to be considered. 10 The Draft Curriculum Discussion was noted by David Hall prior collation for the NZALT Executive response. 11 Year 7 and 8 (AS)) It was agreed that a year 7 and 8 teacher be co-opted to exec for a period of two years. PD/JL Philippa will approach Noeline Grant to find a suitable person. Sasakawa Conference 2007 for Year 7 and 8 teachers of Japanese will be held in Christchurch 19 and 20 April. Jo Barber is the convener There are 154 Year 7 and 8 teachers on books, but 63 paid up A Survey for year 7 and 8 is planned. Format and questions were suggested as follows “In order to increase the support we can give to Year 7 and 8 teachers of languages, we are soon to appoint a Year 7 & 8 representative on NZALT Exec. To help us develop this role please respond to the following questions and make further comment. Did you attend the Auckland conference? What were the benefits of Auckland Conf? What would you like to see at future conferences? What can the Association do for you, eg. professional development opportunities, assessing and reporting formats, newsletters Have you visited website? Are you aware of Polyglot/NZLT/PD Awards? Do you belong to a SLA ( Specific Language Association)?” Adèle will format, expand the above and ask that responses be emailed back to her. It was agreed that in order to make membership more accessible to Year 7 and 8 teachers we consider at the March exec meeting an institutional rate for implementation in 2008 (JL/PD) 12 TRCC (21-25 January, 2007, The Devon, New Plymouth) Adèle presented the programme for this refresher course. The committee was canvassed for suggestions for a visionary speaker in the Creating a Vision section on Wednesday 24th, in the case that Bali Haque is unable to participate.

13 Update from Min of E. Gail Spence of MoE who addressed the meeting at 10 a.m.Sunday Min of E July roll returns have been analysed and are on the web at www.education counts


In language learning at the primary levels, Years 1-8, there has been an increase in the number of students learning a language for more than 30 hours a year 2006 4461 in Year 1-6, 5000 + in Year 7-8 There may be double entries Domestic student rolls by ethnicity show that European participation is decreasing at 26 +% of students learning languages. It is necessary to bear this in mind when talking of diversity There has been an increase in the number of secondary students learning languages 66536 (2004)v 68229 (2005) secondary students Encouraging to see that the numbers up in the Chinese language. Cook Islands Maori numbers are down; French, Korean and Spanish numbers are up, Te Reo Maori and German are down.There was steady growth in Chinese from 1995 to 2001 , but since Chinese not growing as fast as anticipated. Resurgence of French 1995-2005. Japanese numbers have fallen to 20,000. Gail distributed a paper: The Relationship between early start in language learning in NZ schools and students’ motivation by Shawn Loewen, Rod Ellis & Penny Hacker The conclusion (p 28) is significant: This study provides some support for the Ministry of Education’s own ongoing initiative in promoting the teaching of additional languages in pre-secondary schools. It indicates that the positive response given to this initiative by principals, teachers, parents and students is justified. However, the study does suggest that the relationship between prior experience and motivation only becomes apparent in those students who have had two years of learning a language (i.e. one year may not be enough). Curriculum project Important that the feedback is given on the feedback form. Colmar Brunton has the contract for analysis of the feedback There has been a debate about the place of Te Reo Maori in the curriculum The govt is keen for the Curriculum to be in place by October, 2007 Not clear what will be mandated/regulated. This will be decided after the analysis of feedback. There was a question about the Years 7-10 – will the offering of langs to this group be regulated? Answer ? Regulation, if done, likely to occur through a change in the NEGs and NAGs The Curriculum Statements will be revised to be consistent with the over-arching (Draft)Curriculum No PD is planned around the (Draft) Curriculum. MoE emphasis is on PD for Years 7-10, because that is the area of greatest need. Trevor Blakely of PPTA is seeking advice on behalf of the Secondary Principals’ Council re vetting teacher competence in foreign languages. Could NZALT respond to this/does NZALT want to have a role in providing guidelines for principals? Gail was asked to refer Trevor Blakely to NZALT. Should Trevor Blakely approach NZALT/ contact the President, the three P’s (Publicity, Panning and Policy) will present a proposal to the March meeting. Higher profile for NZALT? Issues for Gail. There is a need for PD at Year 9 teachers who are having to cope with varying language experience in their classes. Philippa D enquired about research on integrating or providing courses for students with prior learning. Jill Ussher has replaced Martin Henry in the Min of E’s Secondary Team for English and Languages.

14 International Liaison It was agreed that a term deposit be broken to provide funding, as required, for the attendance of President, Vice President and 2008 NZALT conference convenor to attend the AFMLTA Conference in Perth, July 2007. SS/DH Passed with three abstentions


15 Regional Reports Regions have been holding meetings to discuss the draft curriculum Wellington Examination post-mortem meeting willl be held on 7 December. Outing to the Karori Wildlife Centre is planned on 11 Nov. Canterbury The secondary language teachers were invited to the University for drinks and conversation with the university language teachers on 14 September. All agreed that there needs to be more liaison between secondary and tertiary levels. The sectors face similar problems, e.g. lack of retention and lack of support from marketing and careers advisors. Programmes offered were discussed and plans made for “look around” days in the language departments for senior students early in the year. The branch has also held a workshop on the NCEA student writing samples, collated and distributed by the NZALT. Canterbury assisted a member to the National Conference by payment of registration, and is offering $350 towards accommodation costs for the TRCC Conference in January Otago This year has seen 4 Language Immersion Camps in the region – two French Camps and two German Talkfests. A special feature of the latter was the presence of two rappers, Kronstădta and Johanna from Germany, who worked with the students to create their own raps. Jenny McKinlay’s presentation of the AIM method was well-attended by Year 7 and 8 teachers. Several schools are introducing the method in 2007. Scholarship tutorials are being held again this year. They were instigated by the local Principals’ Association and are funded by the Community Trust. There are 20 sessions for each subject, including French, German and Japanese. They are usually held in the school of the teacher offering the tutorials and run once a week from 4-5 p.m. Jenness and Jan Robertson will run Draft Curriculum meetings in Dunedin Oamaru and Invercargill, Meeting for retirement farewell to Linda Harvey and post mortem on exams planned. Massey Languages week celebrated. Japanese section ran own competition Regional Japanese competition in IPC Language camps - French one in HB and German in Wanganui in Term 2. Members surveyed in order to improve attendance at meetings. 16 Langsem 2007 timetable so far Waikato Friday 10th Septembert, Hamilton airport motor inn Auckland July Massey September August 18 – Victoria 25 June Canterbury 27th July

17 Publicity and Marketing NZLT advertisement for editor to be put in Polyglot and NZLT. Job description approved 18 General Business NZALT Meetings 2007 17 & 18 March, Wellington July/August to be notified 27 & 28th October Wellington Availability of the NZALT Executive minutes Minutes are available through Regional Officers. Suggestion that one of the exec members take a minute summary to be posted on the web. Human Resources portfolioholder to disseminate the full version of the minutes to the SLA’s, Regional Facilitators and National Advisers Life Members have voting rights and receive Polyglot/Language Teacher Complete list was reviewed: Mary Boekman, Anne Pentecost, Denis Cunningham Jim Madden, Mary Gray, Gail Spence, Rolf Panny, Noel Watts


Realignment of regions. Nelson members to be surveyed by Jo Guthrie as to whether they would prefer to be part of the Canterbury rather than the Victoriq region Patron Approach to be made to the present Governor General . SS to find out contact details and criteria Archives Regional officers are asked to locate and cull from NZALT files in their area – minutes, photos, letters of historical importance. Material to be located, culled and brought to March exec meeting in a box which could be taken to Glenda’s cave. Adèle to collect material from Mary Boekman, Sue from J Gibb, Jenness from Anne Pentecost, Anne J from J Sirisomphone Working rules The working rules were provisionally amended. Some issues lie on the table for reflection and revisiting at the March Exec meeting. No final amendments have been made. David and Jane to consult on job description for treasurer and webmaster and return to Adele for formatting and tonal changes, before consideration prior to the next meeting. This will have implications for the Constitution Meeting closed at 15.25


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