Mike's Power Point Final

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 243
  • Pages: 5
Intro to Nets for Students Grade Level 6-8 An Informative Look at Ways Students Can Use Technology to Become Better Learners By

Michael Pelchat

Select and Use the Appropriate Tools and Digital Resources to Accomplish a Variety of Tasks and to Solve Problems. (3,4,6)

Students can learn by interacting and participating in the classroom by playing interactive computer games.

Students can choose the categories that interest them and in so doing would create a fun and interactive learning environment.

Participate in a cooperative learning project in an online community. (2) 

Learning goes beyond the classroom and students with instant messaging and social bookmarking can collaborate on assignments and projects. Students will learn from each other as they share and gather information outside of the classroom.

Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making using digital tools and resources. (1,4) 

Students can acquire and reinforce valuable problem solving skills working independently and as a group with computer programs.

Students can get visual and step by step instruction to further enhance key concepts and applications to solve mathematical problems.

Describe and illustrate a content-related concept or process using a model, simulation, or conceptmapping software. (1,2) 

I think introducing students to an economic simulator using a stock market game will be a valuable tool learning financial responsibility.

Gives students ability to invest in a hypothetical online portfolio learning economic and financial concepts they will use forever.

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