Migration From Tdm To Ngn

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,712
  • Pages: 6
Siemens SURPASS – the bridge to the new world of communication Migrate from EWSD to SURPASS Perfect Voice A white paper by Siemens Communications Fixed Networks Division

Abstract: Today carriers are facing strong pressure to optimize their networks to improve the maintenance cost position and to stay competitive in the voice market. From the subscriber side the increasing requirements for more next generation applications raise additional optimization issues on existing switching networks. Siemens ensures the maintainability of the TDM networks, oriented on a high degree of reusing the existing assets with an attractive upgrade offer. This allows to keep the existing voice revenues, generates OPEX savings with network consolidation and opens the path to new applications (e.g. Home entertainment, VoIP).

Issue: June 2005

Table of contents


Secure your TDM revenues .................................................................................................................... 3 1.1

Rely on TDM revenues............................................................................................................................ 3


Invest in the future of your network and secure your revenues ......................................................... 4


Rely on your existing TDM base ............................................................................................................ 5


Tap new revenue sources and secure the future ................................................................................. 5


Siemens – your partner on your way into the new age........................................................................ 6 2.1

Take the chance with Siemens special offer for migration ................................................................. 6


Upgrading with Siemens contains a lot of advantages ....................................................................... 6


Your Contact partners within Siemens ................................................................................................. 6

White paper Perfect Voice



Secure your TDM revenues 1.1

Rely on TDM revenues The profitable base for successful carriers in the telecommunication market of today is the voice business. 95 % of all subscribers worldwide are connected to TDM-networks and more than 80% of subscriber revenues are generated by TDM-networks.

Figure 1: Calling revenues are decreasing significant

But, as the example above from a big European carrier shows, the calling revenues are decreasing significant (here 12,9%). To face this situation carriers have to introduce new services and to reduce OPEX in order to save their revenues. Nevertheless the TDM voice stays the main business driver, as can be seen from the figure below.

Figure 2: TDM voice stays the main business driver for the next 10 years

Siemens EWSD has ensured carriers’ main revenue source

White paper Perfect Voice

Siemens as the partner of the carriers shaped the EWSD evolution since more than 20 years by continuous hardware and software adaptations to meet worldwide customer demands on new features and capabilities. For example in EWSD V14, Centrex features and the remote switching unit (RSU) were introduced to further optimize voice networks. In V15 among others Internet features have been implemented, which already support demand of modern communication networks. In V16 automatic speech recognition and a 50% footprint reduction were achieved. To ensure mid to long term stability of the existing TDM-platform and thus voice revenues, a base investment for the maintenance of the network is necessary. This is even more important, because the market feedback shows, that for 10 to 15 years lifetime from today some parts of the EWSD-hardware have to be replaced.


Figure 3: Outdated components of the TDM infrastructure are approaching obsolescence

As can be seen from the figure above, some parts of EWSD-hardware can only be supported by best effort. Without any investment in the existing network this would lead to increasing maintenance efforts and higher OPEX. Beside these cost drivers carriers are facing increasing pressure coming from the competition and herewith price erosion and churn. In example alternative operators offer voice as add-on to multimedia / entertainment services.

Competition and outdated networks force carriers to invest

To react on this situation carriers have four possibilities:



Leave the existing base unchanged which implies no revenue improvement


Choose the best effort support, this means faults will be solved maybe not in given time frames. This is critical for business cases with Service level agreements with the end customers.


Invest in the maintenance of the outdated network with the possibility to upgrade to NGN


Migrate directly to NGN with securing the TDM revenues and the possibility for new applications.

Invest in the future of your network and secure your revenues The steadily increasing demand on further EWSD enhancements brings optimization issues on a platform which was partly designed 20 years ago. Further new application demands, like home entertainment, presence management or VoIP will increase these issues.

Modernize your network with SURPASS to ensure existing and future revenues

White paper Perfect Voice

Siemens has reacted on this challenge in three ways: •

Introducing a new state-of-the-art hardware and software (SURPASS platform), which secures the existing TDM services and revenues while reducing the network OPEX.

Offering appropriate and flexible infrastructure upgrade packages. This offers a smooth and cost-effective path to migrate from the existing outdated TDM-infrastructure to a new platform.

Enabling a fast and simple rollout of NGN-based applications with SUR-


PASS to generate new revenues easily. With this strategy Siemens secures TDM revenues based on existing networks and concurrently build the base for future, all-IP telecommunication networks.


Rely on your existing TDM base Siemens offers a smooth and riskless upgrade to SURPASS including a maximum EWSD investment protection. With this customized upgrade, network consolidation advantages can be achieved. This consolidation will result in a reduction of the network elements, which can be e.g. as much as 80%, depending on the legacy network structure. Beside a reduction of the fault rate through less elements and a reduction of space by a factor of up to 10, a big advantage is also the reduction of process, maintenance and utility costs (e.g. for buildings and power supply) of up to 60 %.

Consolidate your network and save OPEX with SURPASS

All these upgrade packages have two criteria in common: •

Use the assets of the existing EWSD base for next generation networks

The structure at subscriber side may remain unchanged with full reuse of existing Digital Line Units (DLU) Full reuse of existing Line Trunk groups (LTGP) at switch site as media gateway where applicable

The different upgrade packages are tailored to the carriers wishes and needs. In example the carrier COLT in Germany enabled his network for VoIP with an upgrade from EWSD to SURPASS hiE9200 IP S3. As another example Swisscom Switzerland performed an upgrade from EWSD to SURPASS hiE9200 TDM S3 to offer IP based consumer voice and video telephony, e.g. “Bluewin Phone”.


Tap new revenue sources and secure the future The TDM market is still the main factor for carrier business, but this tendency is slowing down. The SURPASS platform as the successor of EWSD has a new high performance HW-platform that is capable to handle all challenges of this new world of communication. It is also the base of the future network structure of our Fixed Mobile Convergence solution. The switchover to this unified fixed and mobile network has already started and will be the standard network topology in a couple of years.

SURPASS enables new applications and features to enhance business

With the SURPASS platform the Centrex features have been optimized with the application ‘Hosted office’ and further features like e.g. automatic speech recognition, SMS in the fixed net and speech controlled call back have been released for use. In addition to this SIP applications like presence management, unified messaging and conference bridging have been released. In the residential area SURPASS VoIP@Home and Home Entertainment solutions offer video/IP telephony, TV and video broadcast services. Smart Home applications like Health care and Home security build additional business potentials. By offering these new applications carriers generate new revenues with residential and business customers in an even more competitive and IP-based environment..

White paper Perfect Voice


2 Siemens – your partner on your way into the new age 2.1

Take the chance with Siemens special offer for migration Siemens as your partner has created special migration or upgrade packages, which can be tailored to your wishes and your needs to pass the bridge into the new world of communication.

Use the attractive offer for migration now!

These packages are all based on the SURPASS platform and include upgrade scenarios from “keep the TDM Network interface” up to “switch to a complete NGN IP network”. In addition this offers the possibility of different intermediate steps, depending on your existing network. With these customized packages you will be able to reuse your specific assets and get new chances to enlarge your revenues. It is a matter of course that we offer attractive conditions for these packages. Please ask your local sales contact to get detailed information to your special offer. 2.2

Upgrading with Siemens contains a lot of advantages Through the partnership with Siemens and this attractive offer you have a lot of additional advantages that ease the decision for you to enter the new age of communication: • • •

Siemens is the best partner on your way in to the future

• •

Siemens has set high value on no change in the billing system, so you won’t get in danger to loose fees by the migration to NGN. Network availability with respect to Repair and Replacement and procurement procedures keep stable by the continuation of the known processes. Because of the high reuse of assets, which result in minor changes in the hardware, and the untouched operation and maintenance procedures, your training costs will stay low. The SURPASS platform is managed by the well known Net-Manager of Siemens, so you will keep your familiar network management surface and avoid handling errors. And, last but not least, you will keep your familiar and reliable Siemens business partners.

Together with Siemens you will be on top in technology and revenue!


Your Contact partners within Siemens We will address your needs proactively. Think about this proposal, you will hear from us!

© Siemens AG 2005 • Siemens Communications • Hofmannstr. 51 • D-81359 München

The information provided in this whitepaper contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of the contract. Availability and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Printed in Germany.

White paper Perfect Voice


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