Midi Theory Test Review

  • June 2020
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Midi Theory Test Review

1. What does midi stand for? Musical Instrument Digital Interface 2. Name 3 Midi ports and describe their functions? • In – Receives Data • Out – Sends Data, Transmits • Thru – Passes data received at devices in port 1. Does the Midi system transmit digital audio data or analog audio signal? Neither, it carries no audio, only Midi data. 2. Over how many channels is Midi transmitted? 16 3. What device records, plays back & edits Midi data? Midi Sequencer 4. What do we call an instrument that can play multiple programs, each assigned to its own Midi Channel? Multitimbral 5. What is a Midi workstation? A multitimbral synth or sampler with a built in sequencer. 6. What sequencer function is used to shift midi data to the closest available rhythmic value? Quantization 7. What do we call the device needed to input/output midi when using a software sequencer? Midi Interface 8. How can we allow the use of more than 16 Midi Channels? An interface with multiple outs. 9. What is tempo and how is it measured. • The rate or speed of a performance. • Beats per minute.

1. If we want to automate a mix, must we use a mixing console with automation? No, the program usually has its own automation features. 2. What do we call a synth or sampler that is a program run in a computer? Virtual or soft Synth/Sampler 3. What do we call a synth or sampler that is self contained? Hardware Synth/Sampler 4. What do we call the delay produced between input and output? Latency 5. What is usually used to sync 2 or more sequencers? Midi Clock 6. What is usually used to sync sequencers to multi tracks? Midi Time Code (MTC) 7. What do we call the creation of an audio file within the sequencer/Hard disk recorder? Exporting or Bouncing 8. What is a cycle? A complete change in air pressure or voltage 9. What do we call the number of times per second a waveform completes a cycle? Frequency 10.What do we call the speed at which a waveform travels through a medium? Velocity 11.What is wavelength? The distance it takes for a waveform to complete a cycle. 12.What do we call the amount of change in sound or signals intensity?

Amplitude 13.What is harmonic content? The relative number and amplitude of overtones and harmonics contained in a sound (balance of frequencies in a sound) 14.What describes how a waveforms characteristics change over time? Envelope 15.What do we call the time relationship of a waveform to a known time reference? Phase 16.What do we call changes in atmospheric pressure that occur from 20 to 20,000 times per second? Sound 17.What is audio signal? Changes in voltage that represent sound 18.What word describes a synth capable of playing more than one note at a time? Polyphonic 19.What word describes a synth capable of playing only one note at a time? Monophonic 20.What is a sampler? Digital recording and playback device with real time control of pitch. 21.In to what type of memory does the sampler generally record? Ram 22.What sampler function removes an unwanted part from beginning or end of a sample? Trim or Truncate 23.What sampler function repeats all or part of a sample? Loop

24.How much of a copy righted source may be sampled and used without owners permission? None

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