Mid Term Review

  • November 2019
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MID- TERM REVIEW (06) UNIT 1: SCIENTIFIC PROCESSES 1. Distinguish between the independent and the dependent variable in controlled experiments. Independent is what is being tested and dependent is how it is measured. 2. What is the difference between ancestral and derived traits? Derived is only found in certain members and ancestral is passed on to the entire group. 3. What is the main criterion for establishing domains? Name the kingdoms in each domain. rRNA; Archie Bacteria Eukarya

Archeobacteria Eubacteria Plants, animals, protista, and fungi

4. List the eight major classification levels and provide and example for each level. Domains Kingdoms Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Eukayra is the Domain for humans Animalia is the Kingdom for humans Chordata is the Group for humans Mammalia is the Class for humans Prime apes is the Order for humans Hominidate is the Family for humans Homo is the Genus for humans Homo sapiens is the Species for humans

5. Distinguish between analogous and homologous structures. Analogous have the same function but a different origin and homologous have a different function but the same origin. 6. In the scientific method, what is the purpose of experiments? To confirm the prediction. 7. Describe the following in a cladogram: a clade, the in-group, and the out-group.


A branch in the cladogram


The organisms being evaluated The first clade (distantly related to the Out-group other clades) 8. Describe convergent and divergent evolution. In Convergent evolution organisms are not closely related and in divergent they are. 9. What is a binomial? Name the two parts of the binomial. Consisting of two terms or names, such as the genus and species names of organisms. 10. Describe the experimental group and the control group in an experiment. The factor that is changed is the independent variable Experimental group It receives some type of experimental treatment It receives no experimental treatment Controlled group It is identical to the experimental group except for the factor. 11. Describe these type of explanations: rational, empirical, tentative 12. Describe the following levels of organization: atom, molecule, cell, population, community, and ecosystem. Atom The smallest unit of an element Molecule The smallest unit of a compound Cell Basic structure and functional unit All group of organisms of the same species in a Population certain area Community The populations in an area Ecosystem A community in a biotic environment 13. Describe a taxon and name the basic unit of taxonomy. Taxon is a classification grouping. A species (the basic unit of taxonomy) is a group of populations that inner bread and reproductively reproduce. 14. What is the relationship between a theory and a principle? A theory is a set of related hypotheses that has bin tested and a principle is a well established theory. 15. What does quantitative and modeling refer to when gathering or using data? Organizing into a logical order. 16. Describe resolution when using the microscope. Resolution is the ability to show detail. 17. What is the trinomial and who has one? A specific name with 3 parts; ___ 18. What does phylogeny refer to? The showing of relationships. 19. Which is the most structurally diverse kingdom? Animalia 20. What was Linnaeus’ contribution to biology? Linnaeus developed a two name classification system and a hierarchical system.

UNIT 2: ENERGY PATHWAYS 1. Distinguish between free energy, entropy, and calories. Free Energy Energy available to do work Entropy Disorganized energy Calories The energy used to measure foods 2. What is the relationship between an enzyme and a substrate? A substrate is the reactant that is being targeted upon by an enzyme. 3. In lipids, what does saturated and unsaturated refer to? Saturated means that the carbon atom is fully bonded (described) and Unsaturated means that the carbon atom is no fully bonded (described). 4. Distinguish between polymers and monomers. A polymer is another name for a large macromolecule with repeating units and a monomer is the repeating unit in a polymer. 5. Where does glycolysis take place? Give the net number of ATPs for the following: glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle, and electron transport chain. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm. Glycolysis 2 ATPs Kreb’s Cycle 2 ATPs Electron Transport Chain 32 ATPs 6. Describe the four levels of protein structure. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

The sequence of amino acids in polypeptide The folding or the coiling A 3D view of a polypeptide The interacting between the poly peptide in Level 4 proteins 7. Distinguish between potential and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy and Kinetic energy is energy in motion. 8. When talking about proteins, what does conformation and denature refer to? The Structure and function of a protein 9. How does photosynthesis and reparation depend on each other? Sugars produced through photosynthesis go through many transformations, some are used directly in respiration and others may be transformed into lipids, proteins, Ect. 10. Name the monomers for the following: proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates. Proteins Monosaccharides Nucleic Acids Nucleotides Lipids Fatty Acids Carbohydrat Amino Acids

es 11. Distinguish between gamma rays and radio waves in terms of photons. Radio Waves have the largest number of photons and Gamma rays have the smallest. 12. What does hydrolysis refer to? Hydrolysis is the process of breaking a polymer into a monomer. 13. How are covalent bonds and carbon atoms related? A carbon atom can form many covalent bonds with others and with itself; this is why it has a diversity of compounds. 14. What are examples of naturally-occurring steroids? Cholesterol 15. Describe the following terms: metabolism, catalyst, and ATP. Metabolis All the chemical reactions that take place in m your body. Catalyst A substance that speeds up a reaction. ATP Provides the energy for cellular activity. 16. Describe the chloroplast in the following structure or processes in the chloroplast: thylakoids, stroma, and the Calvin Cycle. Thylakoids The membranes with the chlorophyll A rich protein fluid where respiration takes place or Stroma photosynthesis. Calvin Cycle The most common form of carbon fixation in plants 17. Describe isomers and cofactors. Cofactors are molecules that help the enzyme do there job and isomers are different compounds that have the same molecular formula. UNIT 3: THE CELL 1. Define mitosis and meiosis and name three differences that exist between the two types of cell division. Mitosis is the division of the nucleus and meiosis is a form of cell division that reduces the deployed to the haploid. 2 daughter cells Mitosis Haploid Somatic 4 daughter cells Meiosis Deploid Sex cells 2. Distinguish between the polar bodies and ovum. Polar Bodies are the cells that do not develop and Ovums are the ones that do. 3. Distinguish between diffusion and osmosis. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a higher to a lower and osmosis is the movement of water through a membrane. 4. What type of cell environment causes the following: equilibrium, cytolysis, turgor pressure, and plasmolysis? Equilibrium Isotonic

Cytolysis Hypotonic Turgor Pressure Hypotonic Plasmolysis Hypertonic 5. Name the contributions to our knowledge of cells by the following: Hooke, Virchow, Leeuwenhoek, Schwann and Brown Hooke Gave us the word “cell” Said that cells can only come from preVirchow existing cells. Leeuwenhoek The first to see microorganisms Schwann Said animals are made up of cells Brown Discovered the nucleus 6. Distinguish between pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Pinocytosis involves the movement of fluids and Phagocytosis involves the movement of solids. 7. Describe the cristae and the matrix Folds in the mitochondria and the area between the cristae. 8. This needs to be present for diffusion to occur. A concentration gradient. 9. These organelles have their own DNA. Mitochondria 10. Who provides the vesicles for endocytosis and exocytosis? The cell membrane prepared the vesicles for endocytosis and the Golgi complex prepared the vesicles for exocytosis. 11. Which cell organelle has a bilayer of phospholipids? Plasma membrane 12. How are crossing-over and a chiasma related? Crossing-Over is the exchange of genes between chromosomes and Chiasma is Crossing-Over actually occurring. 13. What is the purpose of a spindle in cell division? They move chromosomes 14. In what part of interphase does replication take place? Synthesis (S) phase. 15. Chromosomes line up along the equator in this phase of mitosis. Metaphase 16. Name the major function of the following organelles: lysosomes, ribosomes, and perioxiosomes Contain the digestive enzymes for Lysosomes the cell Ribosomes Break down lipids Perioxiosom Breaks down hydrogen peroxide es 17. What process allows cholesterol to be brought into the cell? Endocytosis 18. Distinguish between passive and active transport. Passive Transport is the movement of materials without using energy and Active Transport does (use energy). 19. What is the relationship between chromatids, a centromere, and a chromosome? Chromatids are the two copies of DNA that make up the chromosome and centromere is where the two chromatids are attached.

20. Distinguish between haploid and diploid. A Haploid has one set of chromosomes and a Diploid has two sets of chromosomes. UNIT 4: GENETICS 1. How can you tell if a sequence of bases is from replication or transcription? Replication as the nitrogen base ‘Thymine’ (T) and in Transcription Uracil (U) replaces it. 2. Distinguish between the codon and the anticodon. Codon Is transported by mRNA Anticodon Is transported by tRNA 3. Describe the processes of PCT and RFLP Expands DNA when there is a small PCT amount RFLP Takes DNA out of tissue 4. Distinguish between homozygous and heterozygous. Homozygous is when you have to similar alleles for a trait and Heterozygous is having two different alleles for a trait. 5. What type of pollination produced the following generations: P1, F1, and F2? P1 Self-Pollination F1 Cross-Pollination F2 Self-Pollination 6. What is the difference between introns and exons? Introns are the noncoding areas of DNA and exons are (the coding areas of DNA). 7. Distinguish between codominance and incomplete dominance. Codominance is when two alleles contribute completely and Incomplete dominance is when 2 alleles contribute partially. 8. Name the three RNAs and list the functions of mRNA and tRNA. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA; Transports codons mRNA Used in transcription Transports anticodons tRNA Used in translation 9. Name the four blood phenotypes and the six blood types. (phenotypes) A B AB O (blood types) OO AA AO BB BO AB 10. Describe a Testcross. A testcross is preformed to find the genotype of an unknown. The unknown is crossed with the known homozygous recessive.



11. What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? Genotype refers to the genetic make-up and phenotype refers to the external appearance. 12. What is the ratio of dominant to recessive in the F1, F2? 3:1 13. What plasmids used for in DNA technology? Insulin 14. Distinguish between the following: replication, transcription, and translation. Replication Duplication of the DNA molecule Transcriptio Coping of DNA n Organizing of information on mRNA by Translation tRNA 15. Describe the contributions of Mendel and Morgan to genetics. Laid down the foundation for Mendel genetics Morgan Discovered sex-linked traits 16. What does aneuploidy refer to? Aneuploidy describes a deviation from the normal chromosomal number. 17. Describe the following terms: Allele, locus, and polygenic. Allele An alternate form of a gene Locus The location of a gene on a chromosome A characteristic controlled by the interaction of genes at more Polygenic than one locus. 18. What Mendelian principle does a dihybrid cross illustrate? Mendel’s Principle of Segregation. 19. Name three products of DNA technology. a. Finding Criminals b. To find out if animals or species are related. c. Finding biological parents 20. Describe a polysome. A number of ribosomes working together as one. 21. Describe the following terms” recombinant DNA, transgenic, euchromatin, and histones. Recombinant DNA form 2 or more sources DNA Transgenic The host that received recombinant DNA Euchromatin Uncoiled DNA Proteins that allow the DNA to form into Histones chromosomes 22. Describe the following genotypes: XXX, XO, XYY, XXY More than two x chromosomes XXX Would seem too feminine but not necessarily true. May have menstrual irregularities and early metapause.

XO (Turner Syndrome)

XYY XXY (Klinefelter’s Syndrome)

Has only one sexual chromosome Short and has webbed neck The ovaries never become functional Do not undergo puberty Taller than usual Have barely normal intelligence Suggested that they may be criminally aggressive Has two or more x chromosomes Sterile male with under developed testis Abnormalities are not apparent until after puberty

UNIT 5: EVOLUTION 1. Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution. Microevolution is the change in a species over a small period of time and macroevolution is the change in a group over a long period of time. 2. Distinguish between evolution and natural selection. Natural selection allows evolution to occur. 3. Distinguish between allopatric and sympatric speciation. Allopatric is a type of speciation that is caused by a physical barrier and Sympatric is caused by a genetic difference. 4. What is adaptive radiation and provide examples of this process. Adaptive Radiation is speciation that occurs very fast some examples of this are the “Darwin Finches” and the “Hawaiian Honeycreepers” 5. Distinguish between Absolute Age and Relative Age. Absolute age is trying to determine the approximate date and Relative age is used to establish what order events happened (timeline). 6. What is genetic drift? Describe the Founder’s Effect and the Bottleneck Effect. Genetic drift is when there is a more than normal allele frequency. Founder’s A condition that can be traced to a couple Effect Bottleneck When a large population is reduced to a few Effect individuals and then builds up again. 7. What period of the Mesozoic era is dominated by the Dinosaurs? In what period do they become extinct? In the Jurassic Period Dinosaurs dominated and in the Cretaceous period Dinosaurs became extinct. 8. In what period do we first see evidence of life on land? We start seeing first life on land in the Devonian Period. 9. Describe the following primate groups: prosimians, Anthropoids, Hominoids, and hominids. Prosimians (The earliest prime apes)Include the tarsiers, the

lemurs, and lories Anthropoid Include the monkeys, ape, and humans s Hominoids They are the Apes and the Humans Hominids They are the family of Humans 10. Describe speciation. What is an incipient species? Speciation is the process where by one species become two separate species and an incipient species is a subspecies that is on its way to becoming a subspecies. 11. Describe the Hardy-Weinberg Principle. The Hardy-Weinberg Principle is used to show equal Librium in a population. It states that if no mutations, gene flow, non-random mating, genetic drift, and selection take place than evolution is not occurring. 12. What is adaptive radiation? Give example of adaptive radiation. Adaptive Radiation is speciation that occurs very fast some examples of this are the “Darwin Finches” and the “Hawaiian Honeycreepers” 13. Describe the following hominids: A. afarensis, H. habilis, H. erectus, and H. sapiens. A. Afarensis It is best known (this is “Lucy’s’” generation. First member of our genus H. Habilis Good with tools Same size as Lucy, but bigger brain Replaced H. Habilis H. Erectus Much taller than previous hominids First Hominid to use fire Include Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, and modern H. Sapiens humans 14. Name the two types of gene flow in a population. The Bottleneck Effect and The Founders Effect. 15. Distinguish between direction selection and stabilizing selection. Directional selection is typical of change in environment and stabilizing selection is typical of stable environments. 16. Describe the Out-of –Africa hypothesis on the origins of modern humans. The “Out-of-Africa” hypothesis states that “African women have more variations in there mitochondrial DNA than Asian women do”, so this means that African women have had more mutations and have bin around longer. 17. What is assortive mating? This is when you are looking for a specific phenotype. 18. Describe the following geologic time units: Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Holocene, Cambrian, Devonian, Pleistocene, and Carboniferous.

This is the age of reptiles. It has 3 periods (Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous). Mesozoic Dinosaurs appeared, flourished, and became extinct during this era. The Age of mammals Primitive, monkeylike, and apelike primeapes first Cenozoic appear. Era of the ice age and the age of human civilization The age of human civilization Holocene The destruction of the tropical rainforest The acceleration of extinctions The age of invertebrates Cambrian The first plants appear The age of fish Devonian The first amphibians appear Mass extinctions take place (mostly fish) The Ice Age Pleistocene The herbaceous plants start to decline Modern humans appear The age of amphibians Carboniferou The first reptiles appear s Most fossils were laid down during this period 19. Describe temporal isolation. This is a type of pre-mating isolation where species breed at different times of the year. 20. Describe the contributions to evolution by the following: Wallace, Darwin, Cuvier, and Lamarck. Developed a theory on natural Wallace selection Said evolution is decent with Darwin modifications Proposed mass extensions to explain Cuvier diversity Proposed the inheritance of acquired Lamarck traits UNIT 6: MICROORGANISMS 1. Distinguish between a coenocytic hypha and septate hypha. Coenocytic Hypha has a cepta and the septate doesn’t. 2. How does a conidium differ from an ascospore or a zygospore? Conidium is Asexual and Ascospore and zygospore are not (they are sexual). 3. What is the food storage product from the following algal phyla: Rhodophyta, Chlorophylta, Euglenophyta, Phaeophyta, and Chrysophyta? Rhodophyt Floridian starch

a Chlorophylt Starch a Euglenoph Paramilon yta Phaeophyt Laminaian a Chrysophyt oil a 4. Distinguish between an endospore and a cyst in microorganisms. Endospores allow bacteria to go dormant for long periods of time and a cyst allows some protozoa to go dormant. 5. Describe the following genera: Plasmodium, Anopheles, Trypanosome and Paramecium. Plasmodium The pathogen for malaria Anopheles The vector for malaria Trypanosom A genus that causes a few e diseases Paramecium The largest genus 6. Describe the mode of locomotion for the following protozoan phyla: Sarcodina, Zoomastigina, Ciliophora, and Sporozoa. Sarcodina Pseudopedia Zoomastigin Flagolla a Cilophora Cilia Sporozoa None 7. What does glycogen and chitin have to do with fungi? Chitin makes up the cell wall and Glycogen is how they store there food. 8. Name the four thalli forms in algae and give the name of an alga for each thallus. a. The unicellular algae - photoplankton b. The colonial algae - Volvox c. The filamentous algae - Spirogyra d. The multicellular algae - Macrocystis 9. What is a pyrenoid? What is a capsid? Describe a mycelium. An organelle that synthesizes and stores Pyrenoid starch Capsid A protein coat on a virus Mycelium A mat of interwoven hyphae 10. Distinguish between a viroid and a prion. _ 11. Describe fucoxanthin and phycobilins. Pigments in brown algae are considered fucoxanthin and pigment in red algae (to allow them to live in deeper water) are phycobilins. 12. This phlum probably gave rise to the plants. Chlorophyta

13. Name two differences that exist between the Euglenophyta and the other algal divisions. It has plant like and animal like characteristics. 14. Distinguish between pinnate and centric diatoms. They have rectangular values and are Pinnate fresh water Centric They have circular values and are marine diatoms 15. This algal phylum has plates that resemble armour and some members have bioluminescne properties. Dinoflagella 16. What does the red tide represent? Dinoflagella in bloom 17. Name and describe the three types of genetic recombination in bacteria. Transformatio Picks up DNA from the environment n Forming a conjugation tube and exchanging genetic Conjugation material. Transduction Exchange of DNA between bacteria by a virus 18. Describe a prophage. A virus that is coexistent with the host.

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