Mid Term Review

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 355
  • Pages: 3
Art 1: Foundations of Art

Title: Artist: Medium: Year:

Step 1: DESCRIBE A. B.

What do you see??? Describe what you see in the artwork. Describe the ELEMENTS OF ART!

1. First MOST IMPORTANT Element of the painting 2. Second MOST IMPORTANT Element of the painting 3. Third MOST IMPORTANT Element of the painting TIPS FOR DESCRIBING When describing Color… Refer to it in terms of bright or dull color, complementary colors, primary colors, secondary colors, analogous colors, etc. DO NOT SAY INTENSE COLOR When describing Space… Refer to it in terms of deep, shallow, or flat. When describing Shape… Refer to it in terms of geometric and/or organic Basically, BE SPECIFIC!

Elements of Art LINE






Step 2: ANALYZE (the Principles of Design) 1. First MOST IMPORTANT Principle in the painting 2. Second MOST IMPORTANT Principle in the painting 3. Third MOST IMPORTANT Principle in the painting. TIPS FOR ANALYZING When analyzing ANY Principle of Design… Be sure to refer to the Elements of Art! Ex. The REPETITION of BRIGHT ORANGE COLOR throughout the painting helps the viewer’s eye to move from the bottom left corner, through the middle, and finally, to the top of the painting.


Step 3: INTERPRET A. Decide whether the painting is NON-OBJECTIVE, EXPRESSIVE, OR PERCEPTUAL and explain WHY B. Decide what you think the artwork is about. What are they trying to communicate or express to us? C. How have they communicated this to us through the Elements of Art and Principles of Design?


Non-Objective art focuses mainly on lines, shapes, and colors. No objects can be recognized. Expressive art focuses mainly on how something feels. Objects and forms can be recognized, but do not look identical to real life. Perceptual art focuses on making things look mostly realistic.

Step 4: JUDGE the painting in comparison to another similar painting. 1. Two similarities (elements or principles) 2. Two differences (elements or principles) 3. Compare and contrast the Interpretation (perceptual, expressive, non-objective of both) 4. Your opinion, based on the elements and principles

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