Microwave Cooking Book

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  • Pages: 46


We recommend that you read this section before you start using your Kenstar microwave oven. This section is designed to introduce to you the ahnolopv anda*precauh'onsyou "rust take to get the best out of your microwave oven. The Kenstar Microwave Cookery Book is a collection of over 75 mouth watering all- time fdourite recipes, which have been creoted and tested in bring out the taste, appearanceand texture. just as your mother would have cooked them using conventional methodr. They use same steps for cooking, as used in the traditional gas stove coo&. For better understanding of this book certain general guidelines are given below : 1. Abbrevhiions:-


* Tsp. = Teaspoon

K. Sunita

* Min = Minutes


All weights & meusures are given in grams & milliliters.


3. Ingredients For convenience & shorter cooking times. we have substituted certain ingredients like fresh @ureed) tomatoes by ready& tomato puree. Similarly tamarid paste is used, instead of tamarind extract. If desired, you may subsitute them by fresh products & alter the cooking time accordingly.

4. Step by step cooking instructions and methods of preparations have been provided for each recipe. For best results follow these steps meticulously.


5. Meclsurements Quantity of food affects the cooking time in a microwave oven. Even one minute dzjierence may be crucial in food being under or over done. It is essential to correctly meusure the main ingredients of the recipe. Use standard measuring cups & spoons and a good quality, accurate kitchen scale.



The way rHworld lrvrs

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9. Cookware - f o r best results we have used round,flatbottomed, straight edgedplasticor glass containers.

11. Spices and cooking oil quantities may be

* ml = Milliliters

Printwell E-16/2/5, MIDC Chiknlthana. Aurungubud Ph. : 0240 - 2484521, 2485206 E-mail : [email protected]


recipes.refers to the use of cling film, with a small vent. You may however, use an ovenproof glass lid for this purpose.

* See = Seconds


* ,,&,paw

10. The term partially covered used in our

* gms = Grams .2 Weights & Measures


I.. Cooking T i The cooking time indicated against each step may varydepending upon the shape, size & quality used. - of - inmdients &&to mnnSt&katiOn of quality of meat (goal) a time range (4-5 minutes) has been provided. Cook for 4 min. Cover with an aluminium foil and allow to stand for 15-20 min. Checkfor doneness, then cookfurther for 30 see. at a time, ifrequired. Always take into account standing time to be given after each microwaving.

6. Sewing AN portions in these recipes serve four adults.

altered - according to taste. However, microwaving time might abo have to be adjusted. UsualrY. reduction of cooking oil will alter the texture and appearance of the cooked dish.

12. Sd- Exact quantity of salt used has been deliberately left out, as it dependr upon individual taste and prefrences. 13. Higher / Lower ambient temperature would affect cooking time. Test cooking has been done at ambient temperahve of up to 30°C.

Caulion : It is possible that your cooking is under or over done, in the time and the quantity specifd in the recipes M nwy be because of the quality of w&r, size & unevenness of cuts, or the incorrect measuremenls of main ingredients Even fluctuations in electrical voltage or ficquenq (Hertz) might be responsible. In such an eventuality, we suggest that you undercook the food by one m k , c l a d for doneness, and cook further for 30 seeon& at a time, if require& Always take into account stending time to be given after each microwaving. Repent till cooked ro your trrsle.


fix The way the world ~iw

Microwaves Microwaves are. live TV or radio waves, high frequency non-ionizing, elecfromagnetic waves, but of a shorter wavelength. A vacuum &be, called the "magnehvn" generates these microwaves,which are guided into the oven cavity through a "wave guidew. On being generated, the microwaves are reflected by the metal walls of the oven cavity and are conducted into the food penetrating through the container holding the food and getting absorbed, causing the water molecules to vibrate at a very high jkpemy, releasing heat, which cooks the food. As the "agitationn of water molecules taka place th;mghout the food mass, simultan--ly & uniformly, food is cooked evenly. However. microwaves can (effectively) penetrate the food up to 1.5 inches (4 Cms) in thichness. Hence, pieces raw food are bigger than inches. would remain under cooked at the core, since that portion will be dependent for cooking on the heat mceived through "wnduction"fiom the segments nearer to the &aces. Miirowave Vs oonventiond cooking

The microwave cooking process is completely different! - -fiom wnventional caoking - using- the -gas stove or wnventional ovens. In gas cooking, the cooking utensil (a conventional oven heats up the air inside the oven, which in turn heats up the cooking utensil) first absorbs heat fion the gasjlame. The heated utensil then traqfers the heat to the surface of food fiom all directions. Heat fiom the surface moves (is conducted) towordp the core. This conducted heat cooks thefoodgmdually, from the sluface to the core, o f t n overnoking the fiod U I thesurfce, thus creating the "crust". Microwu~~v directly penetrate the,food up to 1.5 inchcs rrrrd agitate the moktum rnoleculeu prvsenl in tlre food. Thk high speed agilu,iorr q/' molectrles rrIea.~eheat, which sp~cadsto //rc. other I M I ~ I .c!/' ~ thaJhd crsd cooks i/ rvcrrly. This px)cc.ss t*rruhlt,.s f d to />ecooked (or whc~urc~cl) willrout c.hcrrrgDrg either the,/bnr~or rhe cnlour: br ul~ncstI/.PJ rhc, cooking tirnr* rukerr hy corrvrrr~iorrcrlcooklrrg systems. Your Micrvwu~teovcJrr is cr corrrl~l~~tr cooking systcnr. wlriclr curl cw)k olrrrost ever:v kirrd

of Indian food-currie.~, IiMus. idlies, halwa, bilynni etc., wiihout the uid of any other (gas, electric or kerosene) overrs. Indeed, we recommend to use a microwave, for cooking all your daily meals, without the uid ofgde/ecbic stoves, except where specififunctions cannot be pefonned in your present Kenstar Microwave mode viz. Deepfjing. Advantages of Mmwave Cooking Convwdence Set the time for cooking and watch your favourite TV serial, while Kenstar Microwave Oven cooks your meal. Momver. you can cook & serve in the same dish.



Effciency and saving of time & energy Microwave oven saves up to 60-70% of cooking time and up to 40% of energy as cornpared to gas stove cooking, - under spect$u: - wdtions.


He&y Retains nahval flavours & nubitiw value of food. as mostfood is cooked in it's own juicer, requiring very little additional

Low f a cooking - Possible to cook your meals with very little even nil-far/oil. Economical Saves up to 65% of energy while cooking.


Usafiicndly Your Kenstar Microwave Oven is simple and safe to use. Special metal grill on the door frame protects you fiom the microwaves. while allows you to see inside. Easy to use buttons and wmbined functions ulong with the step by step Kenstar Microwuve Cook Book will enuble you prepare your nreals c~rortIe.~.sly. unrl w i n g like your Iruditionul cuisine. Microwave ove~rsure.a safe cooking system the post. pcoplc, huve Iwen uriduly worried ulwut rhe .YU/~.IS c?/'micrv>n~uve ovens due to the krck q/'l'urrdcrstundirr($heir functioning and the rise oj'thr word "ru(1iution"in conjunction with 11ri.srrew cooliin~ - .svslem. . It is u well-known medical fact that microwaves U I P rro~i-ionizing radiation, which create/pmduce heut. wilhou1 uflecting the human body. (It is the ionizing radiation that can be h a n n z to body cells.) Furthermore, food does not retain any rriicrowave energy. All microwaves are converted into heat energy, and are used for cooking, /PI

Microwaves are completely safe to use. There is no medical evidence to show ,that microwave cooking has a health risk Indeed, your Kenstar microwave oven is designed to emit radiation ' levels that are a fraction of the radiation levels recommended as safe by the WorM Health Organization. Special safety features of your Kenstar microwave oven I. The cavity of your Kenstar microwave oven is specially designed to reflect all micmaves into the food, and to contain excess microwaves, ifany. within 2. The specially designed oven door contains a ship of microwave absorbing material as well as a sheet of d o r a t e d metal sandwiched between its panels, which prevent any mic-ve energyfiom escaping. 3. The oven door also has a specially designed door latch (along with two safety inter-), which switches off the magnetron instantly when the door is opened. 4. All

these safety measures make the microwave an absolutely safe appliance. Due to i& simplicily, ease of operation and the fact that the oven walls remain cool even during cooking, even a child can be taught to use it without the fear of a scald or a bum. Its weight makes it heavy enough not to topple.

5. The lack of smoke and condensatton in the kitchen reduces the heat and discomfort caused by wnventional cooking appliances. 6. Microwave ovens are ensy to operate. They cook low fat food, save up to 70% cooking time (and 55%fuel costs), preserve natural nutrition, vitamins and nntuml colours - all of which make it a better cooking medium than conventional cooking systems. Features of your Kenstar microwave oven 0 Output power Your Kenstar microwaveoven has a high output power specially designed after taking into wnsideratton the Indian cooking needs of making "tadh-a",browning of onions, etc.



decreased to a lower level depending upon the nuare of the cooking process/recipe u n d e h , using the appropriate button.


0 Instant

Cook/Rehcat Your Kenstar microwave oven has a set ofpre-programmed Instant Cook / re-heat fwrctions which allow you to cook/reheat food by simply feeding in the type and quantity of food to be cooked / reheated. Your microwave oven will then automatically calculate the time, power settings etc. required to reheat / cook the food without even pressing the start button !

- This is a set of preprogrammed functions, to defrst (wmme~~ially) j w e n W h ) food, kept at 18*centigrade. Ym need to only feed in the type and quuntity of food The microwave oven calculates all other parameters automatically. Remember that defrosting is to bring j k e n raw food fiom - 1 8 ' ~to room tempera-re. Allow the defrosted food to stand for a f m minutes before cooking to prevent it f r m overcooking. To defrost foodhcff other than that stated on the control panel, use the manual defrost function at 20°% power setting.

U Instant Defrost


0 Child-safe lock


This feumay be activated to prwent the microwave ovenfiom being acdentally switched on by a child. When activated, allfknctions/ buttons on the confro1 panel become inoperable. Running the microwave empty may cause damage due to the re&ction of microwaves inside the cavity. It is advisable to m& it a habit to keep a glass f l e d with water in your microwave oven at all times, so that if switched on accidentally, the water will absorb the microwaves, preventing themfiom causing hann to the oven.


0 Browning Your Kenstar microwave oven has a wider quartz-gn'lIing element that does

not require any pre heating. The gngnllfwrction is used for browning suface of foodr such as toasts, au g r a m etc., which only require the top surjiace to be brown and crisp.

0 The & f d or to to ma tic power setting (after

switching on your microwave oven) is 100% power. The ou@t power may however be 7kc way

tz wodd lives

The wuv rlrc trorld Irtvs

Remember that browning is done to add colour and crust to food a f i r it has been cooked. Use the grill rack supplied with your microwave oven for this pwpose.

Factors affecting Microwave Cooking Food characteristics affect all forms of cooking, but the speed of microwave cooking makes the dzTerence even more pronounced

0 The Combination function combines the

0 Shznhg temperature The colder the food the longer it will take to heat up or cook and

speed of microwave cooking with the colour and crkp texture of browning. You may use the dzrerent combination settings depending on the amount of cooking/grilling time 'requiredin a recipe. 0 Your Kensfar Convection microwave when used on t h e convection function works eruct& like a conventional oven, requiring you to first preheat it at the desired temperature. It has a twin source of heating, one on fop and the other at the back of the oven, which provide a crisp and crusty texture to your food. The stirrer fan located at the back of the oven; circulate the hot air inside the oven cavity thereby resulting in uniform cooking, without any .burnt edges. 0 Your Kenstar microwave oven is equipped with 6 dzrerentpower s a g s:

.W ?~mostu i k Indian b lfem dishes like



w euxltef d

0 Densiiy

- Dense, heavy foods like meat or

vegetables take longer to cook than light porous foods like b r e d , cakes, etc.

- Smaller amounts of food take lesser time to cook than larger quantities. the amount of main ingre&nts given in a recipe in this cookbook is doubled, the cooking time will increase by about haK as much while if the quantities of main ingredients are halved, the cooking time will be reduced by 40%.

0 QuMtily


curries, rice, dals, cakes,fwh, chicken etc: boil milk, water etc


vice-versa. Remember room temperature too may dtffer considerably with the changes of season, altitudes etc. Therefore,cooking times given in this book may vary slightly with the change in temperature. The r e c m in this book have been developed for an ambient temperature of 25-300C.

0 Size Small pieces of food cook faster than large ones. Since microwaves can effectively penetrate food only up to 1.5 imhes, evenly cut pieces under 2 inches in diameter cook faster and more evenly.


Medium-High 80?? Sim-ng /gentle heating of foods; cooking food on . mediwir heat; reduce . . . ' milk soups etc; ., reheating



0 Shape Thin parts of uneven foods cook f&er than thick parts, while uniform shapes

I s

requiring low heat; reheatingfwh, chicken etc. to avoid

cook evenly. Thin parts of food must, therefore, be placed towan&the centre of the dish where they receive less microwave energy. Where they will cook at almost the same ti&peed as the thicker pieces, place them towan& the edges/outer rim of the dishes (since heat is transferred from the outride to the centre of the food.) 0 Amount of f a and bone

,Medium-M ;?&+ DepOstfngfodds: melting buaer: chbcolates efc. . /

. , . d -




Bone conducts heat. So the pieces of meat with bones cook faster along the bones. Boneless cuts cook less rapidly but more evenly.


0 Composition of food Fats and sugar absorb

microwave energy faster than other lquids, so foods with a high fat and/or sugar content

cook fate,: Evenly distributed fat tenderises and helps cook food evenly. Foods with high moisture content t& longer to cook than those with lower moisture content. 0 Sensitive ingredients

short re-heating.) Glass, china, pottery, ceramics, etc. are most suited for microwave cooking. A wide range ofplastic cookware, easily available in the mnrket may also be used, provided its manufacturer recommends it. However; plastic cookware cannot be used for grill or combination functions or for cooking foods with a high fat and sugar content(like halwa).


For ingredients like cheese, eggs, cream, condensed milk etc. which can overcook quickly and toughen~curdle, a low power setting must be used unless otherwise stated in a particular recipe.

Test For SuirPbiliry of A Microwave Cookware Place the container next to a glass bowl filled with I cup of water. Microwave on 100°% power for 1 min. afler which, if the water feek hot and the container is just warm, it suggests that the container is suitable for microwave cooking. how eve^ if the containerfeek hot (not warm) to touch, while the water is still cold, it indicates that the contnrtnrner has absorbed the microwaves and is therefore unsuitable for use.

0 Stirring or repositioning or rearranging is very important for even cooking.

0 Covering helps retain the moisture in the food and prevent spluttering. Either use a lid or cling film for covering, but always remember to leave a vent, by folding back a small part of cling film. 0 Cookware


Play an important part in microwave cooking, due to ,the inherent nature of microwave cooking process. Round flat dishes with straight edges are most suifable, and produce best results.

Microwave cooking techniques Most technques used in microwave ovens are similur fo those used in conventional cooking methods. However; their application may dzffer.


Choosing Cookware Cookware must be chosen with care for cooking in microwave ovens.

0 Timing The timing is of prime importance

A. Shape and size

0 Always underestimate rlie cooking times while adapting a new recipe for the microwave oven. Should your food be underdone, (ajier allowing appropriate standing time) for your liking, cook food for an additio~l30seconds at a time, till food is done to your satisfaction.

when cooking in microwave ovens. It depends on the quantity, starting temperature, size and type of food cooked.

0 The depth and the capacity of the

container is important. Shallow dishes work better than deep ones. 0 Straight-sided dishes cook the food

evenly. In sloping sided dishes, food in shallow parts gets overheated/ overcooked.


0 Covering Covering food with a microwave safe lid or a cling film rerains steam and

0 Round and ring shapes are excellent for

moisture. It speeds up the cooking process and makes food tende,: A loose cover will also prevent splattering on oven walls especiallyjkm fatty foods.

foods that cannot be stirred. '1Cookware mclteriol Cookware Selection Gui& :

Microwave oven is the one that allows microwaves to pass through without absorbing or reflecting them. Choose your cookware carefully. (Cookware marked microwave safe can be used for cooking purpose in a microwave oven while cookwaremarked microwave friendly may only be used for



0 C h s covers prove usem when food does not need much moisture. Remove these lids carefilly,as they can become very hot. Paper towels may be used f o keep certain food items dry (like breaci, rotis, ete.) as the paper will

The way ~ l world u lives

The way rib; world lives


absorb the moisture and fat. However; do not use recycled paper or newspaper for this purpose. Cooking bags without metal tags can be placed in a glass dish. Check the material and ensure that it is of a nonmelting variety. Remember to tie loosely with apiece of string or an elastic rubber band to allow steum to escape. Plastic wrap or cling film make good covering material. Before placing in the microwave oven roll back one corner to allow trapped steam to escape. Yepetables and foods that do not require a&ed moisture- should be covered more tightly. 0


Stirring Stirring i.s mininrun~ill rtriwowuve cooking wilh vuriuble power setfirrgs. However, stirring reduce cooking time by equalizing the temperature for sensitive foods that must cook slowly. Stir foods from the outside of the &h towards the centre.


0 Turning food When microwaving, turn over

large, dense foods such as roasts or poultiy, tikkas, etc, that might cook more near the topwhich is closer to the source of heat. As a general rule, turn food over at least once half way through cooking time.


0 Shi&ing Shielding is the technique of protecting vulnerabW&licate ports of food from overcooking. Use small pieces of aluminium foil for this pwpose since foil will reflect microwaves from senstive areas like the wings and tips of poultiy, head and tails o f f i h , bones of chops etc. Be sure that the amount offoil used is less than the amount of food, the shiny side fuing inwards. Do not allow the foil to touch the oven walls and do not place foil direciiy on the metal rack (while using grill or combination functions) to prevent arcing. 0

Arranging - Whw cooking ,/o(d.s c$ uneven thickrre.ss (like chickeri legs) plcrce tlrirrrrc~r are(1.~fobvur-d~/he centre o/' the cli.slr lo prevent their over('ookil~g. lde~~lly , / ~ o ~dI I ~ I S I he orranged in rr rirrg put~rrrr.

The way the world lives



Rearrattging Since the corners or sides of dishes receive more energy, and some places in the oven may be warmer than others, Rearranging during cooking process helps to cook food more evenly.


0 Piercing Steam builds up pressure infoods, which are tightly covered by a skin or membrane. Such foods are likely. to burst unless pierced before cooking. Hence, prick potatoes, eggyolks & whites, whole vegetables like tomatoes, apples. etc. bqf3re cooking. 0 Sinnding time

- Due to internally generated

heat, ./i continues d to cook even ajter it is removed J i m /he oven. Standing time is observed to allow the residual heat to complete the cooking process. It is especially important while cooking dishes,which must be covered in foil to keep them warm during this period.


0 Seasoning Salt has a toughening effect on meat, fuh and vegetables etc. So do not add it directly to foods without any liquid until cooking is complete (unless otherwise stated in a recipe).

Standing time Microwaves penetrate food and cause the water molecules to vibrate at a very high fkquency (speed). ThiY agitation of molecules releases heat that cooks the food. After the microwavc~arc shut 08"agitation" of molecules conlinue ,for some time and then stop gradually. 11fo1Iow.s that the "afl'tation" of molecules will continue to releaye heat and "cook"./owl. (till t1re.v s/op) even afier the microwuve hu.s been st~.itcl~ed y@ lime loken ,/br cookirrg c?/',/i~odaftcr the micmwave has 11eeri .swi/checl (?[I: is called the ''standing fir~re".Slar~dirrgfinie is analogous to /he time given to u yrvs.sure cooker for releasing evcupi~rgc!/'.sfeurrr.ujier the gas has been turned (?/I.' A.s 111c,/vod continues to cook during this /~Wl'OtlU S we//. Stcrr~clirg/itnes./breach recipe is given separately irr this book. This time is in nddition to the time for miwwuving. During the standing time, the cook war^ ought to be covered with a lid or c~luminiumfoil, to preserve the moisture (steam) in the food.

Defmting Deforsting in microwave ovens is a speedy. hygienic and healthy pmess. m e n the auto defrost function is used, the microwave energy in the oven is automatically cycled on and off to allow rest periods/standing time in between short bursts of microwave energy. These short gentle bursts e m that thawing is carried out at a uniform rate so that food thaws without getting cooked. Thawing refers to the process of bringing down raw/partially-cooked products frozen from a temperature of - 1 8 ' ~to room temperahue. Unlike conventional methods, microwave defrosting prevents the growth of bacteria. Nutrients do not get leaked away and food retains its natural colour, texture andflavow. In a microwave oven you can simply def;ost, then cook in a simple operation at a moment's notice. Foods defrost best at 20%power level. T i s on Defrosting : 0 Flex pouches andpackages, which cannot be

broken, up or stirred. This distributes heat more evenly. 0 Shield thin edges, of fuh and poultry, to prevent them from getting cooked.

0 Pour offliquids fromfonen foods in a plastic bag since they will absorb heat and slow the process. 0

Observe standing time to thaw food completely. especially the thicker innennost parts.

0 Separate pieces of food as they thnw. 0 Remove any piece that feels warm to

prevent it from starting to cook. Allow standing time before returning it to the microwave oven for further thmving. 0 Allow food to stand for a fav minutes

prior to cooking to prevent it from overcooking.

Reheating Unlike in conventional cooking, reheating in the microwave oven is quick, effiient andmakes food piping hot. Food reheats without any loss of quality or texture, tasting freshly cooked, notjust warmed over. Care must be taken to avoid additional cooking. Meats should never be heated at high powe,: Main dishes taken out of the refigerator are best reheated at medium power. Individual serving on a plate are best reheated at a lower power setting.

Tis on reheating: While reheating food, feel the bottom of the plate being used. r t h e food is reheated, the plate will be just w a n Reheuting Chart 0 When reheating in a plate, place thick or

dense food towards the outer rim and delicate foods t o w a d the cenre. 0 Wherever possible, spread out food for quick, uniform heating. 0 Cover main dishes for effective reheating. Plates can be covered with kitchen towels or clingfilm.

0 Stir main dishes, curries, casseroles, etc. to distribute heat. 0 Add gravy to dry meats to provide moisture. 0 Wrap breads, rotis, etc, in paper towek to

absorb moisture. 0 Reheat rice in a casserole, sprinkled with a little watec make a well in the centre a d reheat covered with a lid or cling film. 0 Use medium power for reheating most

foodstuffs to prevent oven2ooking. 0

D v vegetables may be sprinkled with a little water and reheated covered, to prevent them from drying out. Fibrous vegetables lose their texture when reheated. Bwy them in sauce or gravy.

0 Tiun food over when yow microwave starts

to beep.

The way

rzworld lives

Sufety Precautions f

Do not operate the microwave oven when enipty. Always place a glass filled with water

inside the microwave oven when not in use, as a precautionaty measure or else put the mains olf:


Do not block the vents or exhaust outlets.


Do not poke any metal objects through the grill or other vents while the oven is in use.


Do not install your microwave oven next to a kitchen sink or a gas stove.


Do not use metallic cookware in the microwave oven, while using the microwave fw2ction. which may result in sparking in the oven and m e damage to the oven. However metal cookware can be used in the convection mode.




The grill element and the cavity walls become very hot during grilling, combination and convention cooking. Be careful not to touch them while removing food.

If smoke is observed inside the cavity, keep the oven door closed and switch off/disconnect the oven from the power supply. Do not anempt to deep fry in the microwave oven since the temperature of oil cannot be controlled and the oil may catch fue.


Do not use the microwave wen to boil eggs in their shelk. h s u r e built up inside the eggshell will cause them to explode.


Do not cook/reheat food in contcliners with seals or namw necks. This may cause the container to explode or the food to spill over:

J Do not defrost tinned food in their tins.


Do not overcook food. It may catchfire.


Do not use the microwave oven for dying ~~ewspapers. kitchendusters, napkins etc. O~~erheuling may c a m them to catch fire.

J Always use oven mittens while removing a

hot dish from the oven. J Always stir liquids during and after reheating since they may boil over without any signs of bubbling. J Food particles stuck to the oven walls or floor can cause paint damage and reduce the e&iency of the oven. Therefore, always keep the insides of the oven clean. J Always keep a watchful eye m i the progress of cooking while using your microwave oven. Do not leave it unattended, especially while J Always ensure that the roller ring and turntable are securely placed and locked in

position before operating the microwave oven. J Remember to utilize the child safety lock

when oven is plugged in and the electrical switch is left on and the oven is left unattended. J For best results follow the insbuctions given

in each recipe carefully. J Accurate & correct measurement of main ingredients is essential for microwave cooking. J Cut the vegetables, meat, fish etc. into equal sized pieces for even cooking. J The initial temperature of fats & ingredients would affect cooking time therefore, always use ingredients at room temperature unless otherwke specified. . J Always pierce the skidmembrane of poultry and whole vegetables like potatoes. tomatoes etc. and fncits like apples. plums etc. before cooking them in the microwave as their skid membrane may burst during cooking.

J Always underestimate the cooking time as

overcooking may result in fire in the oven.

wate,: Rinse the cloth and wipe again. Be careful not to allow the water to seep into , the vents.

J When in doubt or while adapting a new recipe (outside this book) for the first time, reduce the cooking time by 1-2 minutes, check for doneness & cookfurther for 30 sec.

O Wipe the door and windows on both sides frequently with a &mp cloth to remove any

after taking into account the standing time to be given after each additional microwaving.

U Ensure that food never accumulates around door seals to prevent danger of microwave leakage.

J Always allow standing time to finish the cooking process, either insiukloutside the oven cavity.

R Clean the oven cavity with a mild detergent

J Use round bottomed, straight edged circular containers for microwave cooking as far as possible. For liquids, use containers of at least double the capaicty than the volwne of liquid to avoid spilling over:

spills and splatters.

solution after each use. Allow it to cool before cleaning, to prevent the paint from chipping.

R Do not use abrasive cleaners, scouring pads or hives as they may cause scratches. U Allow the huntable to cool before washing because otherwise it may crack.

J While removing the cling film, remember to

O The turntable, roller ring and grilling rack

remove it from the side away from you to avoid steam b u m .

must be washed in a bowl of warm soapy water and wiped dry before being re-used.

CIeaning your Kenstcu MicrowaveOven R Microwave ovens are easy to clean and need

R Af&r cooking, remember to clean the grill element completely. Also, clean the areas behind the element thoroughly.

only to be wiped with a domp cloth after use. However in case of accumulated dirt, follow these easy steps for best results:

R Disconnect the oven from wall socket. R Clean the outside sw$ace a, door seals and parts with soft cloth and warm, soapy

R To remove any built up smells from the oven cavity, place a container with 250 ml water with lemon slices. Microwave on 100% power for 5:OO minutes. Remove the water then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

J Always leave a gapbent on one side while

covering with a clingfiIn. J Place a microwave safe plate / container

below the grilling rack to collect the drippings while cooking rikkar, roasts etc. TkL way t& world Iivcs

The way &world lives



r y




3mFA1 RAVA IDLI ........................

char / DHOKLA ....................... &S3 T Q b / GRILLED POTATO TIKKA


&SdkRd'Z / BAKED PANEER CUTLETS . . . . &Sib3d a / BAKED BREAD ROLLS ................................. 07 T!RF4 %?T 1 MUSHROOM QUICHE


F n m ~ l T O M A T O R A S A M........................................

08 .09 10

ddl&m qy / MEXICAN VEGETABLE SOUP .....................I1 .... 12 .... 13 dkh1 PANEER TIKKA ......... &&FT

m a V I C R E A M OFSPINACH ................




~ 9 m l A L O O ~ A........................................... R

14 15

Fk1 KADAHI PANEER ........................................ 16 ~ ~ ~ / K H O Y A M A T........................................... AR 17 ~%F~~&/MDCSDVEGETABLE

.... 18

Wk @q

.... 19



... ......

/ SUKHEALOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

M ~ ~ ~ T I MASALA B H I ........................................ NDI 21 d'&&f 1 VEGETABLE JALFAREW ............................ 22 Combination Coddng

Grill Cooking



zlzrf f h a %f ~ I STUFFEDCAPSICUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ....24 .......


33Z W i1 SUKHI URAD DAL .............


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 .27 SOUR CABBAGE ......................... 28


48t WWIM I SWEET 4&haa d h 1 VEGETABLE CHOW MEIN ............................ 29 F@

~ ~ ~ I C H I N E S E F R I E D R I .C. .E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 .





....31 ....32

rn/ TOMATO PULA0 ........... rn/ VEGETABLE PULA0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33



p / BE ~ANS FOOGATH ........................................ 34 . m j r ~ h k f r O h TONION l CAPSICUMPIZZA ......................... 35 %M9 hd1 MACARONI & CHEESE PEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 -37

f The way 1% world lives



a Kway theE world fivesz


...................................... 41 F@~~~ITANMX)RICHICKEN grfsf$mfr kmj~ 1 MURG HARYALI TIKKA .............................42 ~ ~ ~ & W / ~ S H T M K............................................. A 43 qllrftwml SHAM KABAB ........................................... 44 ................................. @~~~&WJIMURGMALA~TMK A 45 &IS 1 BAKED STUFFED FISH ...............................46


~ ~ ~ ~ ? % ~ I ~ ~ T ~ ! &SPRINGONION c H I c K E SO N UP


Wqy I n s s ~ o u p ................................................48 hd~&f q~1CHICKEN SWEETCORN SOUP ..........................49 50 FRT%mI BUTTER CHICKEN ........................................ ~ @ I B A D A M IMURG ..........................................51 iwhanr yf I TAMARIND CHICKEN ................................. -52 ~ R& v l SPANISH OMELETTE ..................................53 1GOAN FISH CURRY ................................... 54 1 MAKHANI FISH CURRY ..............................55 +FITd m & I KEEMA KOFTA CURRY ...............................56 -57

~ & ? ' ~ T / M U T T O N K O R M........................................ A 58 k4-cTITW 1 NOODLES WIM MEAT SAUCE ......................59 hx fk4Mf 1CHICKEN BIRYANI ..................................... 60 - 61 W pI MUTTON PULA0 .........................................62

! !




w rnMIAPPLE CINNAMON PIE ............................... 65

.....................................-66 I VANILLA SOUFFL~ 1STEWED PEACHES IN SAUCE ...................... 67 f%TI 1 CHOCO CHIP COOKIES ............................68 ............ 69 % q a ~ d e & / CHERRY WALNUTTART ......... ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ I B E S A N K E L A.................................... DDOO 70 ~ ~ I F R W T C A K................................................ E 71 df4m h 1VANILLA SPONGE CAKE .............................. 72 $W h i I LEMON CAKE ............................................73 a a d vh ~ h - iI CHOCOLATE SPONGE CAKE ......................... -74 ?T@ I %91 SHAH BREAD PUDDING ...............................75



F d 1CARAMEL CUSTARD ................................... 76 W m ~ I G A J A R K A H A L W A....................................77 argft 1 UASUNDI ................................................... 78 h T 8 e l KESARI KHBER ...................................... 79

The way rL world lives


The way r k ; world lives

RAVA IDLI - - - - . .>. ... ..Ingredients

250 gms semolina 250 gms sour cud 1 tbsp oil 112 tsp mustad seeds 7 cuny leaves 500 ml (approx) water

I tsp split black gram 1 tsp bengal gram 2 d y broken, red chillies 1/2 tsp soda bicarbonate Salt to taste

Meikod 1. Heat oil in a 1/2 Iifre dish on 100°%power for 1:00 min. Add fhe mustard seeds. red chillies, cuny leaves and &k. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 1:00 min. 2. Add the semolina, microwave on 100%power for 3:00 mins. Stir twice during cooking. Allow to cool. 3. Mix in lightly beaten curd, salt and watm Mix well. Keep aside for one hour: Add fhe soda bicarbonate and beat till light and jbthy Pow spoonfuk of the buffer into a lightly greased idli moulds. 4. Pour 200 ml water in fhe plate of the mould, microwave on IOO?? power for 1:30 mins. Place the mould in the plate, cover and microwave on 100°%power for 2r00 mins. 5. Allow to stand covered for 5 mins. Serve hot with sambhar and coconut ch-.


The way rk world I i w

The way the w l d lives









.-~ . -




300 gms gram flour 300 gms sour curd I "pc ginger 3 green chillies in tsp mustard seeds I tbsp oil I tsp soda bicarbonate I tsp sugar A pinch of asafoetida Salt to taste

500 gms potatoes, boiled I tsp red chilli powder 1.5 tsp garam mcrpala powder I tsp ginger paste I tsp garlic paste 100 gms cream I50 ml thick curd, lightly beaten Oil for brushing Salt to taste


Method Metluhi

I. Mix well the gram flow, salt and curd and l a v e aside for 6-8 hrs or overnight.


2. G""dthegingerandgreenchil1iestoapte and add to the mixture. Finally add the soda hirmhonate and S ~ P ( Ubeat : well till light and @thy Pour spoon& of the batter-into a lighlty greased idli moulds. 4-&#dad@d4STi?l 3.Pow200mlwarerinthephteofthemouM. microwave on 100% power for 1.30 mins. 3. 7ooR. #@-&**431FliR Place the mould in the plate, cover and q o o % m w 9 . 3 o f 4 1 z ~ d l m microwave on IOPA power for 2.00 mins ~$~?&Wi?i54im3900%mZmW Allow to stand covered for 5 mins. ~ : o o f 4 1 z ~ d 1 9 f 4 1 z i 5 4 i m 3 ~ 1 4. Microwave oil in a small dish on 100%power for 1:00 min. Add the mustard seeds and 8. q / ~ ~ F R ~ $ - & ~ & m 9 0 0 % m 9 3 asafoetida and microwave on 100%power for 9:0of41z~dl@Yl$$@lm 30 secs. Pour over the dhoklas and serve hot. qoo%m213w30~*4~l~w

81W6-~ernmmma21 7.3lWF?#m*m3mm13~3e atar&xa4'&31~li~dm~#l~





I. Cut the boiled potatoes into large p a . Mix well the curd,cream, salt, red chilli pow&r. garam masala powder. ginger paste and garlic paste. 2. Add the potatoes. Mix well. Cover and marinate, in the refigerator for 5 hours. 3. Place the marinated potaloes on the grilling rack brush with a little oil and grill for IS-20 mins, (till golden brown on all sides.) Rearrange frequently for even cooking, brushing with a little oil each time. 4. Sprinkle with a little chat m a l a powder and serve hot.



The way the wwld livcc

The way I& d d lives




J & C ,

a i 3 W = k e








I .


Zngredicnts 250 gms m h e d paneer 4 green chillies, finely chopped 2 tbsp coriander leaves, finely chopped 3/4 tsp pepper powder 1 tbsp cornflour Oil for brushing Salt to taste


.fefB ... 9.

p;ft3,-AfZrd,m31,.mmadM m ~ 3 3 - e m w 1

1. Mix the paneer, green chillies coriander leaves, salt and pepper powdes 2. Mix well. Add the corn flour: M u and shape into cutlet.

3. ~ ~ ' ~ F & ? R ' W ? ~ O " C W ~ ~ 4. I Brush the cutlets with a little oil. Place on a 8.

W-dffift'g W

d $ @ F I ' l $ ~ ~ ~ w ~ , ~ ~ J ; ? 4 0 T 9 3 9 ~ - ? 4 k ~ l ~ 3 m q



KEN$.--. 77te way the world livcs


lightly greased tray, placed on the grilling rack BaRe at 25PC for I8-25 min. Turn the 3 * half ~ way through grilling time, cutlers over and grill till golden brown on all sides.

8 Bread slices 225 gms bolied potatoes, mashed coarsely 314 tsp red chilli powder 314 tsp garam masala powder 1 tsp dry mango powder 5finely chopped green chillies I00 gms finely chopped onion 2 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves Oil for brushing Salt to &ste

I. Mix the potatoes, salt, red chilli powder: garam masala pow& dry mango powder. green chillies, onions and coriander leaves. 2. Soak the bread slices in water: one by one and squeeze out excess water: Stuff the slices with the pornto mixhrre and shape into rolls.

3. Pre heat the oven on 'convection' at 250'~. with a lightly greased metal tray, placed on the grilling rack 4. P h e the rolk on t$e mehl tray. brush with oil and bake at 250 C for 50 mitts. Turn the bread rolls over 2-3 times for even browning, brushing with a litle oil each time.


nic way rhe world lives

.A. ...-**I.. ,.


MUSHROOM QUICHE To make the frUing For the pastry

I. H a t butte6 in a I litre dbh on 1000% powec for 30 seconds, Add the onions and microwave, on 100% power for 8:00 mins. Stir twice during cooking. 2. Add the mushrooms, mix and mictowave on 100°% power for 4:30 mins. Stir twice dwing cooking. 3. Stir in the capsicum. Mix well. Microwave on 80%power for 3.00 mins. 4. Add the salt and pepper pow&x Mix well. Allow to cool slightly. 5. Beat well the eggs and cream. Add salt and pepper to taste and beat again, till thick.

250 gms plain flour 150 gms salted butte6 sofrened 2 eggs For the f i g I25 gms onwns,finely chopped 400 gms mushrooms I tsp pepper powder 200 gms cream 100 gms capsicwns,jnely chopped 100 gms processed cheese, grated 2 eggs 4 tbsp butter Salt to taste

TOmake the quiche

1 I. Mash the sofiend but^ till smooth. 2. Add the eggs and beat well. 3. Siew the flourand add to the mixture. Knead into a dough. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour: Then kmad again. 4. Divide the dough into 2 portions and roll out each portion, on a lightlyjlouredd a c e , into a circle. 5. Line a tart dbh with the parby, pressing well to seal the sides. Refrigerate for 10-15 mins. Preq the pasty down again to bring it up fiom the sides.

1. Spread thefilling evenly over the pasby. 2. Top with the egg and cream mixhrre. 3. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

4. Pre heat the oven on 'convection' at 230'~.


5. Bake the quiche at 230'~.ploced on grilling rack for 25:00 mins.








740 f4.


9 q?rm&sm

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9 (8kI)mdk.r 7 (m)-*

?@mW 4mftd 'I00 f4. a. wft 9m m m 5 5 3 ; m m m

Ingredients I tsp cumin seeds 50 gms taman'nd I tbsp oil 250 ml water I25 gms chopped 2 dry red chillies tomloe~ 6 curry leaves Sflakes chopped garlic 500 mI water extra I tsp raram powder 1/2 tsp mustard seedci 10 peppercorns Salt :o taste

Method I. Boil the famarind in 250 ml water in a IL? 9. spdta?qoR.d?.wft, q/?&~iti&%=hif. lifre shallow &h on 100% power for 4:00 mins. Cool, strain & retain the extract. 900 ~ 9 3 8 : o o f 4 1 z ~ 3 5 ? 1 i S T i R i S i 2. Rerurn the &marind emact to a I Iifre ~ ~ ~ m 3 m # l medium dish. Add tomatoes, salt, garlic, 2. &%m;R&q*$sam*lf&,* cumin seeds and peppercorns and microwave m,Tm,zqr,ziirdtfwifi*iz* on 100% power for 4:30 mins. Strain and hqoo%mq?(1:30 fimw$rh31 keep aside. 3. Heat oil in a 1.5 litre deep dish on 100Apower m;R&maxmm#~ 3. q . ~ ~ i f i ~ ~ ~ i l - d i i i t q o o % m ~ for 3 030 sees. 4. Add the mustard seeds, dry red chillies and **evFf 381 cuny leaves and microwave on 100% power (I. *?T$,@mm*&d-34 for 35 sees. ~ ~ 5 ? 1 5. A& the strained tamarind extract, 500 ml 9, f4xw~mmwfl, '300fll.-dd,~ water, rmam powder and a little salt. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 5:00 mins. vms3aF4lcQiw;mm(sR~fr)~ m t ~ 9 0 0 % m w ~ : o o f q ; r z ~ ~ l 6. Stir well and serve hot.




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- --.-

- -


100 gms chopped onion 2 clovesJnely chopped garlic 50 gms boiled chick peas 1/2 tin red kirlncy beam I50 gms tomatoes, pureed 1 stick chopped celery 75 gms chopped carrots 200 ml water 100 g m ~ chopped spinach 2 tbsp butter I tsp pepper powder salt to t&e


9 / ? h &



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I. Heat butter: in a 2 litre dish, at 1004 power for 30 secondc. Add the garlic and onions and microwave at 100%power for 2.30 to 3 rnins. Stir once during cooking. 2. Addtkrupu.adtomatoesamimicrowave~

9 o o % m z n w ? . 3 o + r 3 ~ ~ d 1 ~ 10004power for 2.30 to 3 m m . ~~1

7. ~ ~ m 3 i f t @ ~ 9 o o % V l i r n 9 3 ? . 3 0 3 f

3k-d1 3. ~ P * a ; r r . m . m # m a w f t 31F12tji:qoo%mR~~:00k~&1

3kT 4 m,3TFi d Plif mJs3 WM 90o%mw?.30*3flRZ9~&l 'I. rnrn&19d-f93dfl: (I.

3. Stir in the boiled chickpeas, kidney beam, celery. carrots. water and microwaveat 100% power for 5:00 mim. 4. Finally add the spinch. salt and pepper; mir and microwave at 100°4 power for 2.30 to 3 mins. 5. Mix well andserve hot

fnx rhe tvav I/IC IVOIIA li,:‘..\

Tkc way rk world lrvrs





- .. -








. -




Ingredients I50 gms tomatoes, chopped 40 gms onion, chopped 450 gms spinach, chopped 200 ml water I/2 tsp pepper powder 200 ml milk I tbsp cornflow 2 tbspfresh cream 1/2 tsp roasted Cumin seeds 1 tbsp butter Salt to taste



1. Place the tomatoes, onions andspinach in a 2 Iitre deep dish. Add 200 ml water and microwave on 100% power for 7.30 min. Stir once during cooking. Allow to cool. 2. Pour and Strain. 3. Heat the butter in a 2 litre deep dish on 100%

4. Add the roasted cuminsee& pureed and .qtrained - -. -.. .. vegetables and milk Bring to a boil, on 100% power for 4.30 mins. fq-d m~33 9'~p qO0% 5. Dissolve the corn flow; in a little water and add to the boiling soup. Stir and microwave W Y . ~ O ~ ~ * I on 80%power for 4 to 5 mi-., till thick. 9. H ztmR*?#~ ?j#*ifa*l* 6. Serve hot garnished with lightly beaten i ~ r & ~ * ~ b ~ 1 ~ - 6 5 1 ~ o % m a 3





750gms paneer. cut into I" cubes 200 gms beaten hung nuri 1.5 trp red chilli powder 2 trp garam masala powder 2 tbsp gram flour Oil for brushing Salt to taste


I . Mix the curd, salt, red chilli powder, garam

masala powder and gram flow: Mix well. 2. Add the paneer cubes. Mix, cover and marinate in the refigerator for 4 hrs. 3. Place the paneer cubes on the grilling ra& brush with a little oil and grill for 15-20 mins. (till golden brown on allsides). Reposition the paneer pcs fiquently for even cooking and brush with little oil each time. 4. Sprinkle chat naasala, lemon juice and serve










I 250 gms panee,: cut into 1"p 100 gms tomato puree 1 tsp gingec 2finely chopped green chill es I/2 tsp cumin seeds 2 bay leaves I slick cinnomn 4 cloves 4 crushed greon cardamom./ A pinch of mace powder


f 1

I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam m a l a powded 3/4 tsp coriander powder 2 tbsp coriander leaves 50 ml beatenjkh c m m I tsp sugar 4 tbsp butter Salt to taste




I. Melt butter in a 1.5 I/& deep dish on 100% power for 20 sec. 1 2. Add the whole spices ginge,: Microwave on IOWA 40 3. Mix in the tomato &e, salt, suga,: spices. Mix and microwave c(n 100% powerfor 1:30 mins. I 4. Add green chillies corimder leaves and p a w Mix and m k w a v e on 100% power fir 2:00 mins. 5. Add lightly beaten c-. Mix ond microwave on 80%power for 2:PO minr. 6. Garnbh withfinely c opped coriander 1eave.s. Serve hot with naan r mti.

s&r 1


250 gms potatoes, cut into I cm slices 100 gmr shelled pear 200 gmrf;neiy chopped onion I00 gms tomato puree 4 tbsp thick curd, lightly beaten I12 tpp cumin seeds A pinch of asafoetida I tsp ginger paste I tsp garlic p t e 3 crushed green &moms I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam m o l a powder I14 tsp turmeric powder I tsp coriander powder 3 tbsp oil I00 ml woter & I t to m t e

I. Heat oil in a 2 liire dish on 100°% powerfor 1:00 min. Add the cumin s 4 , avafoerida, green cardamoms, ginger p t e and garlic poste. Microwave on 100h power for 1:00 mim. 2. Add the onions, mix and microwave on 100°% power for 6-7 min. Stir 2-3 times dwing cooking. Now o d i the tomato puree, salt, and spices. Mix well and microwave on 100% power for I.30 min. 3. Mix in the potatoes, peas, nuri and watec microwove, covered. on 100%puwerfor 5:30 min. Stir 2 times dwing cooking, 4. A h w to srand covered for 9 min. G m b h with finely chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot.





Ingredients 250 gms panee,: cut into I" cubes 125 gms thinly sliced onions 125 gms chopped tomatoes 125 gms thinly sliced capsicum 50 gms tomato puree I/2 tsp cumin seeds I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam masala powder I pc ginger, diced 6 8 green chillies, slit 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp coriander leaves, chopped Salt to taste

Method 1. Heat oil in a 1.5 litre dhh on 100% power for 40 sea. Add the cumin se& and ginger, microwave on 100% power for 40 secondr. 2. Add the onions, mix and microwave on 100% power for 4-5 min. Stir hvice during cooking. Now add the tomatoes. Mix and microwave on 100%power for 1.30 min. 3. Add the tomato puree, red chilli powder, garam masala pow&< green chillies and capscium, mix well. Microwave, covered, on 100% power for 2:00 min. Stir once during cooking. 4. Finally, add the paneer cubes. Mix and Microwave, covered, on 60% power for 3:00 min. Stir once during cooking. Add salt. Mix well and serve hot.



KHOYA MATAR Ingredients 100 gms khoya-grated 250 gms shelled peas 2 tbsp oil 50 gm tomato puree 112 tsp red chilli powder 112 tsp cumin powder I12 tsp garam masala powder 415 cashewnut (optional) 50 gsm onion 1-2 gms green chillies 112 piece ginger salt to taste

Method I. Grind onion, green chillies and ginger together 2. Heat oil in d ~ on h 100% power for 2 min. Add onion paste to oil and mix well. 3. Microwave on 100% power for 5 min. Ada tomato puree, garam masala, cumin powdec peas and 3-4 tbsp wate,: Microwave on 100% ' power for 3 min. 4. Add salt, grated khoya, 6 7 tbsp of water and cashewnuts. Mix gently so that khoya should not be mashed. 5. Micro on 100%power for 2 min. Serve hot.

Veget b?




Ingredients 200 gms carrots-cut into pieces 100 gmsfrench benns-cut into pieces 60 gms onion-chopped 50 gms tomato-chopped 50 gms khoya-grated (optional) 112 tsp turmeric powder 1 R tsp red chilli powder I12 tsp garam masala 1 tsp coriander powder 2 clover - crushed 2 tbsp oil salt to taste

1. Wmh chopped beans carrots. Keep on dish, cover and microwave in 10PA power for 5 min. till vegatable turns sop. 2. Add oil and microwave on 100% power for 2 min. Add turmeric powdec red chilli, garam masala, cvriender powder and salt. Mix well and add onions. 3. Microwave on 100% power for 4 min. Add the cooked beans and carrots. Mix tomatoes. Microwave covered on 100% power for 6-7 min. 4. Sprinkle 2 tbsp grated khoya and keep aside. Microwave on 100%power for 2 min. before serving.

Ikc way r f u d d lives








Ingredients 300 gms brinjal, cut into I " cubes I tbsp oil I tsp red chilli powder I tsp aniseed powder 114 tsp turmeric powder 1.5 tbsp tamarind paste 112 tsp cumin see& 1 tsp coriander powder salt to taste

I. Heat oil in a 1 litre medium dkh on 10PA power for 30 secs. Add cumin seeds and microwave on 10PA power for 25 seconds. 2. Add the brinjal, salt, red chilli powder. turmeric powder (optionaI), aniseed powder and coriander powder Mix well. 3. Cover with a clingfilm/lid and microwave on 100% power for 2:30 to 3 mins. Stir twice during cooking. 4. Add the tamarind paste dksovled in a little water. Mix and microwave on 60%power for 2:00 min. 5. Mix well. Allow to stand covered with a lid/Alwninium foil for 5 mins before serving.

TkL way r& world Iiws


0 Ingredients



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450 gms potatoes, cut into l n C p c s I tsp red chilli powder I tsp coriander powder I tsp dry mango powder I tsp garam masah powder 3 green chillies, finely chopped I tbsp coriander leaves, finely chopped 3/4 tsp cumin seeds A pinch of asafoetida 112 tsp turmeric powder I tbsp oil Salt to taste

250 gms kadyls fingers, slit 75 gms onions, finely chopped 314 tsp red chilli powder 314 tsp corinnder powder I tsp aniseed powder I tsp oil 114 tsp turmeric powder I tsp dry mango powder I/2 tsp cumin see& I tbsp oil Salt to taste

I. Heat oil in a I/2 litre shallow dish on 100°% power for 1:00 mins. Add the cumin seeds and asafoetida andmicrowave on IOO%powerfor 25 seconds. 2. Add the poratoes, salt and turmeric powder, mix and microwave partially covered on 100% power for 6:00 mins. Stir twice during cooking. 3. Add the red chilli pow& coriander powder: garam masala powder, dry mango powder & green chillies. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 2:00 mins. 4. Mix and allow to stand covered with an aluminium foil for 5.30 mins. before serving. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

I. Mix well the onions, salt, red chilli powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder: dry mango powder and aniseed powder. Add 1 ~sp oil for binding. Mix well. 2. Stuf the prepared masala in the slit 4 ' s fingers. 3. Heat oil, in a I/2 litre shallow dish, on I W ? power for 40 seconds. Add the cumin seeds and microwave on 100% power for 30 seconds. 4. Add the s t u d f i n e s and the le&ver masala (iy my) and microwave, partially covered on I W ? power for 3:30 mins. Stir twice ckuing cooking. 5. Allow to stand covered for 5 minutes before serving. Serve hot.

mNfiAR\ The way the world liw

Thc wnv rhe ~rmrldlives


--.A a.RIh57-




Method I. Heat oil and butter in a 2 litre dish at 100% power for 1:00 min. Add the cumin seeds and nutmeg and microwave at 100%power for 40 seconds. 2. Add the onions and microwave at 100% power for 5:00 ' min. Stir twice during cooking. Mix in the tomatoes and salt, microwave at 100% power,for 2:00 min. 3. Add the vegetables, cover and microwave on 100% power for 7:00 mins. Stir once during cooking. 4. Finally add the .$pieces. Microwave at 100% power for another 3:00 min. Mix well. 5. Allow to stand for I0 min. Serve hot with rice or roti.

7kc way &world lives





- -



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--. - .



225 to 250 gms (5 medium) capsicums I00 gms chopped tomatoes 200 gms potatoes, boiled I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam masala powder

I50 gms potatoes. 1/2"pcs I00 gms m t s , cut into I / 2 " p I50 gms dzjbwer, ID" p a 100 gms shelled peas 125 gms bmccoli cut into 1/2"pcs 7 5 zucchini. ~ cut inlo 1 / 2 " p 1 &P w p o * I b-p red chilli powder 1 tsp garam masala powder I50 gram onions, thinly sliced 250 gms tomtnes, chopped IR tsp cumin seeds A pinch of nutmeg, grated 2 tbsp oil I tbsp butter Salt to C t e


314 tsp coriander powder I tsp anbeed powder 3/4 tsp cumin seeds I/4 tsp turmeric powder I tbsp oil Salt lo fa?.&

Makod I. Cut the tops of the capsicums and scoop out the centre. Coarsely mash the potatoes. 2. Heat oil in a I litre medium dish on I0099 s, mr + t?lifil~~ power for I:00 min. Add the cumin seeds and f f l ~ ~ ~ m 3 ~ f f l microwave on 10PA power for 30 s e c o h . 7. ~ ~ ~ T * W U ~ ~ T ~ ~ S T ~ ~ R Add ~ O % Wtomatoes, R theOchopped salt and turmeric powder and hicrowaw on 100% power for 9:00k-*lI*ST3aR 900% m m m 3 o d % s e + 1 I & ~ m ~ ? , I:OOmins. 3. Mix in the potatoes, salt and spices. Mix well and microwave on 100% power for 1: 45 mins. Allow to cool for I0 mins. 4. Stuff the potato stujing into the scooped out capsicums and phce in a I litre medium dish along with the leftover stujing, if any. Brush with oil, cover with a lidlcling film and microwave on 100%power for 4.30 mins. 5. Allow to srand for 5 mins. before serving. ~



TkL way

,zworld lives

A -


--- - -


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225 gms onions 500 gms pureedjkh tomatoes 100 gms shelled peas 200 gms potatoes, cut into small p a 125 gms caul~jlower; cut into small pcs 75 gmsjvnch beans, cut into small pcs 150 gms paneer; cut into small cubes 3/4 tsp cumin seeds 2 bay leaves 4 green cardamoms 4 cloves I stick cinnamon

?00rngFRWc31~1 XOOR. m;R 9 1 8 (h) FW@l 9 1 8 (h) WiTS'dm~53 9ornw,&& 8&%f,&zfift


A pinch of mace powder 4 cloves garlic 1" pc ginger 2 green chillies I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam masala powder

3 (*) w 3 m ! T m , 9".tprm(&m)

q(m)-m* Pm $q;m r 9/?

314 tsp coriander powder 400 ml coconut milk 3 tbsp oil Salt to taste




200 gms split black gram 400 ml water 114 tsp crsjoetida 114 tsp tunneric powder 50 g m onion, finely chopped 4 green chillies, finely chopped 3 tbsp coriander leaves,finely chopped I" pc gingec finely chopped I tbsp h i ghee Juice of 1 lemon 1/2 tsp cumin seeds salt to tasfe

I. Wah and soak the dal in water for one how: Drain and keep aside. 2. Heat ghee in 1.5 litre deep dish on 100% power for 40 secs. Add the cumin see&, asafoetida and ginge,: Microwave on 10PA power for 40 secs. 3. Add finely chopped onions. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 2:OO min. 4. Add &l, salt, turmeric powdec green chillies, coriander leaves and water. Mix and microwave, partially c o v d on 100% power for 5.40 min. Reduce power level to 80% and micmwavefkrther for 15:00 minx 5. Mix and allow to stand covered for I0 min before serving. Sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Serve hot with Roti, Nan, Paratha.

I. Grind the onions, ginger, green chillies and garlic to a paste. 2. Heat oil in a 2 litre deep dish on 100%power for I:00 min. 3. Add the cumin see& bay leaves, gmen cardamoms, ccloves, cinnamon stick, mace, nutmeg and microwave on 100%power for 40 seconds. 4. Add the onion paste. Mix and microwave on 10PA power for 7-8 min. 5. Add salt, red chilli powdec garam masala powder; coriander and pureed tomatoes. Mix .and microwave on 10PApower for 3:30 min. 6. Mix in the peas, potaroes, cauliflower and beans and microwave on 100% power for 7:00 mins. Stir hvice during cooking. 7. Finally add the paneer cube.v und coconul milk Mix and microwave on 100% power./or 3:00 min. 8. Allow to stand coverwl Jbr 5 min. lxJore serving hot. '

The way tz world lives

The way the world lives

D -"'"7C-iIi-









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I n *I


50 gms split red gram 50 gms split black gram 50 gms split green gram 50 gms bengal gram 50 gms lentil 850 ml water 125 gms onion, thinly sliced 4Jake.9 garlic, finely chopped 1"piece gingq finely chopped 2 green chillies,finely chop@ 1 tsp cumin seeds

114 tsp asafoetida 114 tsp humeric powder 100 gms lomaloes, chopped 1 tsp red chilli powder 314 tsp gamm masala powder 3/4 tsp coriander powder I fbsp coriander leaves. finelychopped Juice of 1 lemon 1 tbsp desi ghee Salt & lark

1. Mix the dals. Wash and soak for one hou,: Drain. 2. Boil the h k , with salt, humeric powder a d water. on 10004power for 9:00 mins. 3. Reduce the power level to 80% and microwave partially covered, for 20:OO mins. Stir once or twice during cooking. Allow to sfand covered for I0 mins. 4. Heat ghee, in a 2 litre deep dish, on 100°4 power for 40 secs. Add the asafoetida, cumin seeds, ginger and garlic and microwave on 100% power for 40 secs. 5. Add the onions and green chillies and microwave on 100% power for 3:30 mins, till tender Stir once during cooking. 6. Add the red chilli powder; garam masala powder. coriander powder and tomatoes and microwave on 10004 power for 1:30 mins. Mk. 7. Add the boiled pulses. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 4:00 mins. 8. Garnish with coriander leaves and sprinkle with lemon juice, if desired. Serve hot with rice or chapatti.


7kc way the ~ ) d d/ivcs


fix ?kc way the world lives






c c d






250 gms cabbage, shredded I00 gms shelled peas IL2 tsp cumin se& A pinch of asafoetida I tsp red chilli powder I tsp coriander powder 1/4 tsp turmeric powder I tsp g a r m masala powder I tsp dry mango powder I tbsp oil I tsp sugar Salt to Caste

I. Heat oil in a I litre dish at 100%powerfor 30 sew. Add cumin seeds and asafoetida and microwave at 100% power for 30 seconds. 2. Add the cribbage, peas, salt and turmeric powder Mix well. Microwave, covered, at 100% power for 7:00 min. Stir once during cooking. 3. Add red chilli powder,garam mawla powder, dry mango powdec sugar and coriander powder: Mix w d .Microwave further at 1004% power for 2:00 min. 4. Allow to stand, covered, with an aluminium foil for 4-5 min before serving. 5. Serve hot with roti or paratha.

200 gms noodles 800 ml vegetable stockhwter I00 gms spring onion, thinly sliced 100 gms thinly sliced cabbage 100 gms thinly sliced c a m & I tsp thinly sliced ginger I tsp thinly sliced garlic I lbsp vinegar I tbsp soya sauce 2 tsp chilliy sauce A pinch of anjinomofo(optional) 3 tbsp oil salt to taste


Method I. Boil water/stockin a 2 litre deep dbh at I W ? power for 8:00 mins. Add the noodles, salt and a little oil. Microwave at 1000% power for 7:00 mins. Pour in a c o ~ under c running water Drain and keep aside. 2. Heor oil in a 2 litre deep dish on 1000% power for I:00 min. Add the ginger and garlic and microwave on 100°%power for 40 sew. 3. Now add the spring onions and microwave on 100% power for 2:00 mim. Add the vegetables, salt and ajinomoto and microwave on 1W ?power for 2:00 mim. 4. Add the remaining ingredients and boiled noodles. Mix well and microwave on 60% power for 2:00 mins. 5. Mix well and serve hot.

a The ~fibi way I

~ world C lives

Tkc way the world livcs

.+. --

- -



Ingredients 400 gms rice 650 ml water 100 gms spring onions, sliced 25 gmsfinch beans, diced 100 gms carrots, thinly sliced 50 gms shelledpeas I tbsp vinegar I tbsp soya sauce 2 tsp chilli sauce A pinch of anjinomoio (optional) 3 tbsp oil Salt to taste Method I. Wash and soak the rice in water for h a y an hour. Drain and keep aside. 2. Pour the rice in a 1.5 litre deep dish with water; salt and 1 tsp oil. Microwave, partially covered on 100°% power for 12-14 min. 3. Allow to stand covered for 10 min. 4. Heat oil in a 2 lifredeep dish on 100% power for 1:00 min. Add the spring onions and microwave on 100%power for 2:00 mins. 5. Add thz vegetables, salt and ajinomoto and microwave on 100%power for 2:30 mins. 6. Add the remaining ingredients and boiled rice. Mix well and microwave on 60% power for 2:00 min. 7. Mix well andse

Tk way ti; world lives



I .


- .

.-.,..... ;-,..

LEMON . . RICE Ingredients 400 g m basmati rice 625 ml wafer 114 Lrp turmeric powder 1R tsp cumin seeds I tsp split black gram 1"piece ginger


100 gms onions, finely chopped 6-8 nu?y lemes I &pbengal gram Juice of lL? a lemon /to taste

2 tbsp oil 2 Lrp salt

Method I. Wash and soak the rice in water for half an hou,: Drain and keep aside. 2. Boil the rice in a 1.5 litre deep dish with water; salt and turmeric powder on 100% power; partially covered for 13 min. 3. Albw to stand covered/or I0 min. 4. Heat oil in a 2 lips deep dish on 100% power for 1:00 min. Add cumin seeds, bhck gram, bengal gram, curry leaves and ginger and microwave on 100?power for 1:00 min. Stir twice during cooking. 5. Add the onions and microwave on 100% power for 2:00 min. 6. Add the rice and lemon juice. Mix gently and microwave on 60%power for 3 min. Mix well and serve hot.



The way the world l t v s


fii E#





; :



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II --



500 gms mashed boiled pofatoes 1 tsp pepper powder 1 bread slice SaN to taste For the stqffig

50 gms macaroni 200 ml. water 2 tsp plain flour 2 tsp butter 125 ml milk 112 tsp pepper powder 25 gms cheese 50 gms bread crumb 1 egg Salt to taste

c c e ~ * h d CHEESE PEARS s Y m MACARONI &


1. Add the salt, pepper powder and b r d slice p t m ( d ~ ~ h t(soaked l din water and squeezed) to the potatoes. Mix well and keep aside. a ~ h a i ~ r w ' i l 2. Pour the water, in a 1 litre dish, and ?. 9.'4&3$3&4V#FER% qoo%WW microwave on 100%power for 2:00 min. Add ? : o o k ~ & l $ d ~ . ~ Bthe macaroni, salt and oil. Mir and si13T &M i 900% W W ?:30 k microwave, on 100°%powerfor 2:30 to 3 min. under cold running 9 ' ~ $ & & 1 ~ 4 ~ ~ W f l $ Drain ~ ~ in a cola& water: t l 3. Heat butter, in a 2 litre dish, on 100°% power 3. ? F ~ X $ ~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ O O % W W ? O for 20 seconak. Add the flour, mix and ~ r ( l & l $ d h ~ B 9 0 0 % W microwave, on 100°% power for 40 seconds. W ~ O ~ ~ C ( ~ I ~ ~Stir 2-3 ? times - d $w i " nW cook ~ in^. " 4. Pour the milk slowly, stirring all the time, to formation of lumps, microwave, on 8. p l m - p i m ~ ; ~ ~ r n m ~ ~ o o avoid % 100% power for 2:30 to 3 min. Stir thrice ~ z ~ W ? : ~ O ~ ~ ~ I ~ W $ ~ R dtuing cooking. MI - . 5. Season with salt and peep,: Mix in the cheese 9. = i W , d ~ ~ , ~ Band macaroni. ~ M Allow to cool. & = M ~ & * w ~ I 6. Divide the potato mixture into 8 equal jlaiten with palm, stuff a little S. ~ $ R s ~ & L M ~ & # I portions, ~ ~ ~ 4 X i T ~ ~ f 4 r n ~ h ? macaroni r m mixhve and shape into pears. 7. Pre heat the oven on "convection" at 25PC r n % l with a lightly greased metal troy, placed on (9. ~ * ~ ~ f t ' $ the ' grilling W rack.~ ~ m m b W d q ~ 790"CW 8. Beai the egg lightly, add salt. Dip thein 9.

@g m qmq,T&

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d d l

the buttel: roll in bread cnunbs. B m h the pears with oil, keep on hot tray and microwave for 40 min. on 25ODC. Reposition frequently and cook till go&n brown on dl sides.

("&The way the world lives






---.- NAAN






450 gms plain flour 7 tbsp cwd I50 ml milk 2 tbsp butter 2 tsp castor sugar 2 tsp bakingpowder 2 tsp bulter: melted (AdditionaI) 3 tsp onion seeds 2 tsp soda-bi-curb 1/4 u-p salt Method

I. Sieve the flow; sugar; salt and baking powder togethe,: 2. Rub in the butte,: Rub well. Make a well in the centre. 3. Mix the curd andsoda-bi-curb andpour in the well. Mix well, and knead into a soft dough with the milk and a Iiitfe water: if required. Knead well. 4. Add the melted butter and knead again. Cover and leave aside,in warm place for 3-4 hours. 5. Divide the dough into 8-9 portions, roll into smooth balk. Roll out on a lightly Jloured mrJace. B d with melted butter andsprinkle with onion seeds. 6. Pw heat the oven, on 'convection' at 250'C. with a lightly greased metal tray, placed on the grilling rack Bake the Naans on metnl tray, at 25PC for 18-20 mins.

The way th d

d Iiw


7 Ingdnts

800 gms chicken, cut into 8-I0 pcs Juice of 1 lemon 1.5 trp red chilli powder 1.5 trp garam masala powder A pinch of tandoori colour (optional) 200 gnu hung curd, beaten Oil for brushing Salt to taste

f4fB 9.

I. Clean and wash the chicken. Prick the pcs all

grf&d~@m~~8ld?/ih~+ iwith a forkhife. over


K The& way i\ the world lives

2. Rub the pcs well with salt, red chilli powder; garnm masala powder and Iemon juice and keep aside for 30 mins. 3. Add a pinch of tandoori colour to the lightly beaten curd. Mir and odd the marinated chicken pcs. Coat well with the marinade, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. 4. Place the chicken p a , on the gnlling rack and allow to stand for I5 mim. to drain the excess marinade. 5. Brush with a little oil and cook on the grilling rack on combimtion-1 for 9 mins, till tender. Turn the pcs over halfway through cooking time. 6. Then grill for 15-20 mins repositioning the -p a-frequently. - Brush with a little oil 2-3 times for even colouring.


The way the world lives

.-- rel="nofollow">.





. --*.. - FISH TIKKA ---




% '-*




1 I -

Y Ingredients


500 gms fsh fillet, 2"pcs

5OOgms chicken breastfillets,cut into 4pcs

1.5 tsp red chilli powder

1 small bunch coriander leaves I small bunch mint leaves 1 tsp marred cumin seed powder

1.5 tsp ginger paste 1.5 tsp garlic paste 1 tsp ajwain

I "pc ginger 6-8 cloves garlic

2 green chillies Juice of 1 lemon Chnt musala powder to taste 100 gms thick curd,beaten 1 tsp red chilli powder 1 tsp garam masala powder Oil for brushing W t to taste

Juice of I lemon 100 gms ctud beeten

2 tsp vinegar 2 tsp g a r m masala powder A pinch of tandoori colour Oil for brushing m t to taste Method

Pa. 2. Mix well the curd, salt, red chilli powder,

garam masala powder and cumin seed powde,: 3. Grind the mint, coriander, ginger, garlic and green chillies to a thickpaste. Add the curd. Mix well. Add the chicken fillets. Mix and marinate, covered in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. 4. Brush the p a , with a little oil and cook on the grilling rackon combination-1 for 4:10 mins. Reposition the chicken pcs. once during cooking. 5. Brush with a little more oil andgrill for 15-20 mins. Reposition several times during cooking.

xi) 771c way the world liws

rnf~ i b t * a ; r w q

powder; I tsp s& and lemonjuice. A& this (*)Fwamm mixture onfuh p a and leave aside for halfnn k,9 ( d z r ) F w a w m k , 9 (*)mm hou,: fllrfqwx, 9 (em)waTfmm, 9 (*) 2. Prepare a mixture of curd, sah, vinegar, m i n i n g red chilli powder, garam masala wa-, 9 (eim)wams%m m& powder,gingermte, garlic paste, ajwain and m m 9/? izrwel 7. ~ ~ ~ 4 m , ~ $ m ~ f 4 i f , T tandoori f m colour Add the f s h pcs to the marim&, cover and repigerrate for 2 hours. ~ , ~ 3 m m m k . ~ w k , ~ m m s ; r 3. ? ~Place h the tikkas on the gn'lling rack; b m h ml@&f@-dmh81k with a little oil and cook on combination-1for ?6ismM4wZrl 3:00 mins. Turn the t i b over half way through cooking time. 3. H % nd@ ~!rhkm f~r$ 4. Brush again with a little oil and grill for 15'--9'~3:ooham*l q:3of312m 9.

1. Make deep incisions on either side of chicken

1. Mix 1 tsp ginger paste, 1 tsp garlic paste, 1 tsp red chilli powdec 1 tsu Earam masala

. .. .


rndl 0.

d 3 T ~ ~ f R 9 ' 1 - ? 0 ~ ' ~ ~ I d hFPmx~3lli'tdlmmiftir-iftaiC9-dtl

20 mins. Turn the tikkas over 2-3 times, applying a little oil each time for even 3 browning. T - ~



fkc way the world lives

Non - Veaeta LJ'


Zngrerlints 500 gms chicken breast jillets, cut into 4 pcs 100 gms beaten thick curd 100 gms beaten fish cream I tsp red chilli powder 1 trp g a r m masala powder A pinch of tandoori colour (optional) Oil for brushing Salt to laste

250 gms jne mutton mince 50 gms bengal gram 4-6 green chillies, finely chopped 50 gms onion, finely chopped I stick cinnamon 4 cloves 4 green cardamoms, crushed A pinch of humeric powder Oil for brushing 2 tbsp mtinader leaves,finelychopped salt to taste

I. Wash and soak the dal for 1 hour. Drain. 2. Boil the dal, mince, cloves, cinnamon, cardamoms, salt, turmeric powder and mutton mince in a pressure cooker, till done and &. 3. Grind the cooked dry d d and mutton mince to a fme paste, without any water. 4. Mix in the onions, green chillies and coriander leaves. Mix well. Shape the mixture into small tikkis. 5. Pre heat the oven on 'convection' at 2 5 W with a lightly greased metal tray, placed on the grilling rack 6. Place the t& on a hot me&l Imy. Brush with oil. Bake at 250'C for 29 mins. Flip the kababs over halfbay - - through cookinggtime and b m h again with oilforreyen cook&.

Method I. Mix well the curd, salt, red chilli powder; g a r m masala powder; cream and tandoori colour (optiwI). 2. Add the chicken fillets. Mix and marinate, covered in the refigerator for 3-4 hours. 3. Place the marinated chicken, on the grilling rack and keep aside for 10-15 mins (to drain the excess marinade). 4. B m h the p a with a little oil and cook on the grilling rack on combination-1 for 4:10 mins. Turn the chicken pcs over halfway through cooking time. 5. B m h with a little more oil andgrill for 15-20 mins. Reposition several times during cooking. B m h with a little oil 2-3 times for even cooking.



Tkc way the world lives

L i E N $ A d TkL way the world livcs


Non - Veaetarian SJc





150 gmsjsh fillets, 1"pcs 50 gms onions, chopped 2 cloves garlic. finely chopped 175 gms tomatoes, pureed 100 ml water 1 &P pepper powder 1 tsp dry oregano l5gms butter Salt to taste

7'40 f4.



250 ml water 125 gms chicken 1 bay leaf 4 cloves 6 pepper 'ml-m 1 stick cinnamon

I tbsp butter 2 tbsp milk 450 gnu tin creumed sweet corn I tsp pepper powder I tsp soya sauce 1 tbsp corn Pour Salt to taste

Method I. Heat butter; in 1 litre dish, at 10P?powerjor 30 seconds. 2. Add the garlic and onions and microwave at loo?? power for 3:00 mins. Stir once during cooking. 3. Stir in the pureed tomatoes, microwave on 10PA power for 3:00 mins. 4. Mix in the salt, pepper; oregano, and water and microwave at 100%power for 3:00 mins. 5. Finally stir in the fuh, Microwave at 80% for 2.00 mins. 6. Allow to stand covered in an aluminium foil fir 9 mins. 7. Serve hot.


Method 1. Boil 250 ml water in a I litre medium dish with the whole spices and 1/2 tsp salt on 100% power for 2:30 min. 2. Add the chicken p a and microwave on 10P? p o w e r 3:00 min. Stir once during cooking. Cover with aluminium foil and allow to stand for 5-7 min. Debone, discard the bone and shred. Strain the stock 3. Heat butter in a 1 litre medium dish on 100% power for 20 seconds. Add the stock, milk, corn and shredded chicken. Mix and boil on 100% power for 4-6 min, till it starts to boil. 4. Add salt, peppec soya sauce and corn flour dissolved in a little wales Mix well and microwave on 80% power for 3-5 min, till thick Sprinkle lemon juice if desired and serve hot.


7 7 way ~ the world lives .


. .





!Ei b.I




.. . b-

. d~+>b.. &*

GOAN FISH CURRY .--i-A------.



- --


Ingredients 500 gms fuh fillets, 2 " p 125 gms onion 5-6jlaRes garlic I"piece ginger 4 green chillies I tbsp coriander seeds 3 dry red chillies

3?j$tmfM 7 (6l2)a=m* 990 R.8.*m$y 9.9 (m) 917 (*) aTem353 ? (d) m*


2 tsp cumin seeds I50 ml coconut milk 1.5 tbsp tamarind paste 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 2 tbsp oil salt to toste

Method I. Dry roast the coriander seeds, cumin seeds and dry red chillies. Cool and grind to a fine paste.

2. Grind the onions, ginger and garlic using just enough wale,: 3. Heat oil in a 1 litre medium dish on 100% power for 1:00 min. Add the onion paste and microwave on 1 00°% power for 4r00 min. Stir mice during cooking. 4. Mix in the salt and spices and microwave on 100°% power for 1:30 min. Stir once during cooking. 5. Add the f i h and microwave partially covered on 60%power for 5:00 min. 6. Finally, d the coconut milk and tamarind paste dissolved in a little water and microwave on 60% power for 1:25 min. Mix. Allow to stand covered for 5 min w o r e serving.


9oo!n4mh3ffam, 9 " ~ 4 &





w&fh?TZiist -%-

MAKHANI FISH CURRY Ingreriients 500 gnu fish fillets. IWpcs 80 gms tomato puree 50 gms curd, lightly beaten 65 gmsjksh cream I tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam masala powder 30 gnrs butter salt to taste

Method Heat the butter in a I litre medium dish on 1000% power for 20 seconds. Add the Tomato puree, salt and spices and microwave on 1000% for 1:30 mins. Stir once. Add the lightly beaten cutd and microwave on 1000?powerfor 1:00 min. Add thefish fillets. Mix well and microwave on 605% power for 5-00 mins. Stir twice during cooking. Finally add the lightly beaten c m . Mix well and microwave on 60%power for I:00 min. Allow to stand covered for 5 min. before serving hot.


The way the world lives

The way th world livcs

Nan - Veuetarian S--':. I






For the Koftos 250 g m fine mutton mince I bread slice/ I Egg 1 tsp red chilli powder I tsp garam m a l a powder I tsp salt For the Gravy 200 gms onions 6-8flake.s garlic I"piece ginger 65 g m tomcrto puree 2 tbsp curd I tsp garam masala powder I tsp red chilli powder 4 isp coriander powder 1/4 tsp iunneric powder 4 tbspfresh cream (optional) 2 tbsp oil Salt to m t e


Method To make the KOI. Wash the minced meat thoroughly under water: Squeeze out excess water: 2. Add salt, red chilli powder and garam masala powder and mix well till sticky. 3. Add the soaked b d sliceilightly beaten egg. Mix well. 4. Divide the mirture into I2 equal portions. Shape into small balk and keep aside.

To make the Gravy I. Grind the onions, ginger andgarlic to a paste. 2. Heat oil, in a 1/2 litre shallow dish, on 100% power for 1:00 min. Add the cumin see& and microwave on 100% power for 30 seconds. 3. Add the onion paste and microwave on 100% power for 6:00 mins. till golden brown. 4. Add the tomato puree, cud, salt, red chilli powder, garam masala powder, turmeric powder and 100 ml water: Mix and microwave on 100°% power for 1:00 min. Mix in the cream.

5. Place the kqftas, towam3 the edge of the dish, pow some gray on top and microwave on 60% power for 3-4 mins till*. 6. Allow to stand coveredlor 14 mins.


%way the world liw

KEN~-A~ 771e way the world livw



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I "

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500 gms basmati rice 500 gms mutton 100 gms onions, thinly sliced 1/2 tsp cumin seerls 1 Stick cinnamon 2 bay leaves 4 green cardamoms. crushed 4 cloves 2 black cardamoms, crushed

6-8 peppercorn 1 tsp red chilli powder 1 &p g u r m masala powder 1/4 tsp funneric powder 1 tsp corianderpowder 650 ml water 2 tbsp oil Salt to taste

Method I . W a h andsoak the rice for hayan how: Drain the rice and keep aside. 2. Heat oil in a 2 lihe deep dish on 100%power for 40 secs. Add the whole spices and microwave on 100% power for 35 secs. 3. Add onions & microwave on 100%power for 3:30 mins. 4. Add the rice, salt, spices, mutton pcs and water. Mix and microwave partially covered, on 100°%power for 15 mins. 5. Allow to stand, covered for 8 mins before serving. Garnish with tomato pieces and corinder leaves.

I The way the d d liw


fKEN~A 7kL way the world lives







125 gms plainjlour 85 g m butter I tsp castor sugar 20 ml cold water 250 gms cooking apples 50 gms sugar 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder I tsp lemon juice 1 egg A pinch of salt

I. Sifi together the flour and salt, rub in the butter and sugar quickly to resemble bread crumbs. Sprinkle cold water evenly and press the mixiure together using a pdate hif. 2. Bind the mirture into a smooth dough. Divide into 2 portions. Roll out on a lightly floured nnjiie, to I cm thick circles, using short sharp sbnkes. 3. Lightly grease and dust a tart dish, place I roundel at the bottom. 4. Cover the pastry with apple slices, sugw cinnamon powder and a little lemon juice. Place the other pashy on top. Press the edges together and cut away the surplus pastry. 5. Brush the top with lightly beaten egg white, making a cross in the centre to allow the steam to escape.


6. Pre heat the oven on 'convection' at 190'~. Bake the pasay at 190DC. place on thegrilling rack for 56:OO mins.

The way the world lives


.*.--. .T - -".-",+-..:


.. .. ..:.,. , :. - . .

. ..






- -

--- -Ingrediem 4 big (ripe&firm) peaches (Mdus) 6 tbsp sugar 8-10 tbsp water



900 3 T 4 h 900 m * m coo f4. q ? o m M M ?Miff* 917 (*) aammmw


100 gms plain pour 100 gms white butter 600 ml milk 120 gms castor sugar 2 eggyoIh ID tsp vanilla essence 4 egg whites



Method I. Heat butler: in a 1.5 litre dish, on 100Apower for I:00 min. 2. Add theflour and microwave on 1004Apower for 4:00 mins. Stir 3 times dunng cooking. 3. Gradually add the milk, mix well to avoid . lumps. Microwave on 100% power for 5:OO mins. 4. Add the castor sugar and essence. Mix and cool slightly. 5. Beat in the egg yolks. 6. Whisk the egg whites separately, until stif/ penks are formed and gently fold into the cooled mixture. 7. Pour the mixture, into a greaed soufle dish. 8. Pre heat the oven on 'convection' ai 19PC. Bake the s o u m at 190°C for 60.15 mins.

m 7 9.

For Sauce I tbsp Vanila custeredpowder 1/4 cup water Method I. Wash peaches well. Divide into two halves by running a knife all around at the centre. Pull

m m t ~ l m w i f @ ~ ~ ; t ' 4 m f ithe f two parts apart to divide into two equal n%!~dbffhFfR~ halves. Remove the seed carefully.

2. Place them in aJlat dish. Sprinkle sugar with a ibsp on all the peaches. 3. Pour a tbsp of water on each piece. 4. Microwave on 100% power for 4 minutes or till thepeaches turn very soft, depending upon the ripeness of thefiuit. 5. Remove the stewedpeaches in a clean sewing dish, leaving behind the sugar syrup. Arrange properly and keep aside. 6. Dksolve custanipowderin 114 cup water and add to the sugar syrup. 7. Microwave on 10PA power the sugar syrup for I minute, stimmngonce after 10 sewnds or when it starts to boil, to prevent lumps j v m forming. 8. Pour the ready sauce over the arranged peaches in the dish. Decorate the peaches by placing a j k s h cherry or a grape in the centre of each piece.

f-&T The way the world lives

The way th mrld livcs



,. *kl.&.







Ingredient% 150 gms plain flour 90 gms butter

90 gms castor sugar I tsp baking powder 1 egg 15 ml milk 75 gms white chocolate, chopped A pinch of salt

? (&)m?lR

? ~ o W T dkRli?& ~ ,

lPlh (*g) 9/?R&M 9/? m;mm


F 9


2. Cream the butter and sugar, until light and creamy.


3. Add the egg and mix well.



4. Add the flow; chocolate pcs and milk Mix


& iff


9.4-9 ~





93 ~

RcAlf S


wdd1 &. *7Fm*Rrnf $ w r n - W * w d 31t3 dahk mm SLO'C m ?u:oo f2m




.5. Pre heat the oven, on 'convection' at 1 8 0 ~ ~ .


with a lightb greased on W ~ L Ometal ~tray, placed C the grilling rack 6. Pour spoons fill of mixture, onto the metal tray, top with some chocolate and bake at 1 8 0 ' ~for 27:OO mim.

m$l+r3+il h i j 3 l * t f P i 3 ~ 4 . 9 3 t l 7. & r n M * 3 9 3 e M i r d f l 3. -' w 990°C m rlrf d I ~

7Ogm.sbutter 5-7 tsp wakr 250 gms -pel&, cored and chopped --


Metkod I. Sieve theflour, salt and baking powder



Ingredient% 13Ogmsplainflour 190WWs-l



930% W w R 99 k~I



I tsp cinnamon powder. 30 gms sugar 2 &P honey 50 grits walnut, chopped ~ I tin R g h cherries 1/2 Isp salt

Method To make the wsbv 1. Sieve togejrer lhe flour and salt, Rub in the butter and mix gently to resemble bread crumbs. Lifi the mixture up lightly and quickly to incoporate as much air as possible. 2. Sprinkle cold water; evenly over the mixture and bind together: using a palette knife. Then knead into a smooth dough. 3. Roll out the pastry on a lightlyfroured surface into 314" thickness, rolling in one direction only, without pressing or stretching the abugh, Grease and dust a tart bay and line with thepasQ. 4. Pre heat the oven on 'wnvection' at 23PC. Place the farttm~on the grilling rack, and bake at 2 3 K for 18 mins. For the fJIing I. Phce the apples, in a I liav dish, sprinkle with a little water, cinnamon powder and sugar: Microwave at 100°%power for 5:00 mins. Allow to cool slighlty, thenfll in the pawy. 2. Mix in the walnuts and honey andfinally top with the glaced cherries. 3. Pre heui the oven 'convection' at 190°C. Place the tart,on the grilling rack, & bake at 190"Cfor19 mins.

. ..*A*-... BESAN KE LADDOO y3->-



Ingredients 250 gms coarse gram jlour I50 gms desi ghee 220 gms castor sugar 5ogmsnwWtonas 50 gms chopped almonds 50 gms raisins Method I. Deepfry the makhanas in hot oil, over the gas, till golden brown. Cool and crush. 2. Heat ghee in a 2 litre dish on 100%power for I:25 min. 3. Add the gram flour and microwave on 100% power for 5:30 min. Stir hvice during cooking. 4. A l h cooling slightly, d the castor sugar. crushed makhanas, chopped a l m o d and rabins. Mix well. 5. Shape into balls (laddoo) while the mixture is still hot.

Tkc cony

tz world lives


- .- .. .-

Wmm 200 mim q?omMW 9?om*rliw? ?(D'k)rn*rn

30mdThm 40m*& qomf&ml$Em 3omMW 70 mthRa 979 Lft.


u (d)m&39



- .<> FRUIT CAKE -. . . ZF- *


Ingrediene 200 gms plainflour 125 ml milk 120 gm castor sugar 120 gms white butter 2 tsp baking powder 30 gms cocoa powder 50 gms candied peel 10 gms ciystallized ginger 30 gms glace chemmes 20 gmS sultanas I00 ml milk 4 tbsp dark rum

33% I. Soak the fruit in rum for 6.30 to 8 hours. 2. Beat the butter and sugar. till light and creamy. 3. Sieve together the flow; baking powder and cocoa powder 4. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 5. Fold in the flour. and milk, alternate^, using cut and fold method. Gently mix in the h i t s , along with the rum. 6. Grease and dust a 2 litre cake dish, pour in the batter 7. Pre heat the oven on 'convection'at 1800C. 8. B a k the cake, placed on the grilling rack at I800C for 60 mins.



The way I /

Id lives

Dessert Sel ..Y.

VANILLA SPONGE CAKE --a-e-.--.. - -. -- L

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Ingredients 200 gmsplain flour 200 gms castor sugar 200 gms white butter 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp vanilla essence 4 Eggs

For the G k c e icing 150 gms icing sugar 1 tsp butter 2 tsp (appran'mate) water Few drop orange colour


Method I. Sift together the flour; and baking powder: 2. Cream h e k f t e r and sugar until light and cream. Add the essence. Mix well. Add the eggs, I at a time, beating well after each addition. 3. Gently fold in the flour milk, and lemon rind. Add the essence and fold gently. 4. Pour the batter into a 2 litre dish lined with butter paper and microwave on 100% power for 6:00 min, till the top feels jut*. 5. Allow the cake to stand for 9-10 min in the oven before turning onto a wire rack to cool.




Ingredients 225 gms plain flour 225 gms castor sugar I20 gms white butter 314 tsp baking powder 150 ml milk I tsp lemon essence 112 tsp lemon rind A few drops of yellow colouc (iyrequired) 2 eggs

Method To bake the sponge 1. S i j together the flour and baking p o k 2. Bent the but&, essence and sugar until light and creamy. Add the eggs 1 or a time & beat well, a+ each addition. Fold in the flour mixture mir gently. 3. Preheat the mimwave on "Convection" at 180PC. 4. Line a 2 litre cake fin with butter paper,pour in the buffer and bake at 180'C for 25-30 mins. 5. Allow to sfand for 11 min inside the oven before inverting onto a wire rack to cool. Cool completely before icing.

To make the C h e leing 1. S$ the icing sugar into a I lit, dish stir in buflm and enough water to make a ~ h r p t e . 2. M'c'Owaw at 10009 powmfor 19 sea. until just 9. m-M$, C , a * i f m d I warm and running. Do not overheat or icing will ~m;Rsli;rm3mk~~d1 ctys&llize. Stir 3 times during heating. A& aJav 2. 9 0 0 % r l l r 1 3 9 3 9 3 ~~~ ~d 3~ f ~ d i ~ s ~ ndroos l oforange colm " * ~ * ~ ~ l d ; r r n S 3 ~ k l ' ? ~ * 3. Pmtheicingoverthecakeandspreadevenly using a+s AUow the icing 10 set forfew min * ~ f i%flf!i 3. h d ~ ~ * & m t & ~ m m befire decorating.




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6. Cool the cake completely, before cutting into slices. Store in an airtight container to prevent it from drying up.




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Ingredients 400 mljdl cream milk 3 eggs 5 tbsp sugar 2 tsp vanilla essence

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For the Caramel 5 tbsp sugar 2 tsp water Method To make the Caramel 1. Place the sugar in a 1.5 Iitre microwave safe pudding mould, sprinkle with 2 tsp water and microwave on 80°% power for 6:05 min. Do not stir while cooking. 2. Spread the caramel evenly in the dish and keep aside to cool. To make the Custard I . Beat the eggs lightly in a bowl. 2. Add milk, essence and sugar andstir till sugar dissolves. 3. Strain the mixhce over the caramel in the pudding mould, and microwave on 60% power for 8:00 min. till set. 4. Chill completely. Invert onto a serving plate and serve cold.

The way the world lives

ImgrediettLv 500 rrrl Jirll cwum milk 60 gm.v .sugur/to hste 250 grnv currots. gruled 150 gms Mioyu. gratedhshed ID tsp kewrn cs.sence @frequired) 10 almoIldY I0 cashew nuts 2 tbsp desi ghee 20 raisins

1. Boil the milk in a 1.5 litre deep dish on 1W/o power for 3:00 min. 2. Add rhe grated m&. Mix and microwave on 100% power for 1:25 min. 3. Then microwave, u n c o d a t 80%power for 25:OO min, stirring occaswnaUy till d v . 4. Add the ghee, sugar; khoya and essence. Mix well and microwave on 100% power for 3:00

3. & do% WR W ?9:0o k & W t m m a j m m r ~ ~ 8 1 ~ ; r m s....... 3-8 r in m 5. Garnish with chopped nuts and serve hot. 8. ~ $ ~ ~ 9 0 0 % m w 3 : 0 0 P m ~ ~ 1 4. & ~ i m m ; m q a ~ # m $ r m m 3 m f - d



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& BASUNDI Ingredients 500 mlfirll cream milk I50 gms khoya I50 gms castor sugar I tsp green cardamom powder ID tsp kewra essence 15 almonds. chopped 15 cashew nuts, chopped A pinch of s a a n Method 1. Boil milk in a 1.5 litre dish at 100%power for 3:00 mins. Reduce p e r level to 80% and microwave further for 10:OO mins. Stir mice during cooking. 2. Add Rhoya and microwave at 80% for 5:25 mins. Sfir 3 times during cooking. 3. Add suga'; cardamom powder, kewra essence ?. f ~ 1 7 . ~ l i ~ mm 9:79 and s a a n dissolved in a little lukewarm * I ~ M ? W ~ I milk Stir till sugar is completely dissolved. 3. mmqks4~4. Garnish with the chopped nuts. Serve chilM.


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Ingredients 1 litrefill cream milk 100 gms basmati rice 200 gms condensed milk A pinch of saffron 112 tsp canlamom essence I tsp cardamom powder I5 cashew nuts, chopped 10 pistachios, chopped 15 almondr,chopped 20 raisins Method I. Wash and drain the rice. 2. Boil milk in a 2 litre deep dish on 100%power for 7:30 min. 3. Add the rice, mix d microwave on 80%power for 14:OO min. Stir three times during cooking. 4. Mix in the condensed milk, saffron. cardamom essence and camhmom powder. Mix and microwave on 80% power for 2:25 min. 5. Allow to stand covered for 9-10 min before serving. 6. Garnish with chopped nuts and raisins. Serve hot nr rnlA

77z way tG world lives




The lvoy the ~wrldlives

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