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RFS Microwave Antennas Systems

• Radio Link Antennas characteristics • RFS Microwave Antennas • RFS Grid Antennas • RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides • RFS Dehydration Gerd Bohnet Technical Consulting European Sales & Customer Service

[email protected]

Radio Link Antennas characteristics

• Radiation Pattern, fundamental principles

• Gain (G) • Half power beamwidth (HPBW) • Survival and Operational windspeed • Front-to-back ratio (F/B) • Cross-polar discrimination (XPD) • Radiation Pattern Envelope (RPE) • European Specification • Return loss and VSWR • Attenuation

Radio Link Antennas Point-to-Point infrastructure

Point-to-Point scenario

Radio Link Antennas Point-to-Multipoint infrastructure

Point-to-Multipoint scenario

Radio Link Antennas Definitions

Gain (G): The ratio of the radiation intensity, in the main beam axis to the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power were radiated isotropically. Value measured in dBi. Half-power beamwidth (HPBW) or 3dB-beamwidth: The angle, relative to the main beam axis, between the two directions at which the measured co-polar pattern is 3 dB below the value on the main beam axis. Half-power beamwidth (3 dB-beamwidth) -3.0 dB

Radio Link Antennas Comparison of gain and 3 dB beamwidth at f = 38.25 GHz

Antenna size [m/ft] Gain [dBi] 3 dB beamwidth [°]

0.3/1 41.2 1.64

0.6/2 46.3 0.92

1.2/4 52.4 0.46

1.8/6 55.8 0.3

Radio Link Antennas Frequency ranges above 10 GHz and antenna types

Antenna LA 05 SB 1 SBX 1 SB 2 SBX 2 SU 2 SUX 2 SU 4 SUX 4 SU 6 SUX 6 UDA 4 UDA 6 UA 8 UDA 8 UA 10 UDA 10 UA 12 UDA 12 UA 15 UDA 15

Freq. Range [GHz] 37.0 - 40.0 29.5 - 31.5 27.5 - 29.5 27.3 - 28.5 24.2 - 27.5 21.2 - 23.6 17.7 - 19.7 14.2 - 15.35 12.75 - 13.25 10.7 - 11.7 10.3 - 10.7 freq. Code 380 (30) 300 280 270 250 220 190 142 127 107 103 s ize [ft/m ] 0.5 / 0.15 X X 1 / 0.3 X X X X X X X X 1 / 0.3 X X X X X X X 2 / 0.6 X X X X X X X X X 2 / 0.6 X X X X X X X 2 / 0.6 X X X X X X X X X 2 / 0.6 X X X X X X X 4 / 1.2 X X X X X X X X 4 / 1.2 X X X X X X X 6 / 1.8 X X X X X X 6 / 1.8 X X X X X X 4 / 1.2 6 / 1.8 8 / 2.4 X X X X 8 / 2.4 X X X X 10 / 3.0 X X X 10 / 3.0 X X X 12 / 3.7 X X 12 / 3.7 X X 15 / 4.6 15 / 4.6

G < 30 dBi

G > 50 dBi

RFS Microwave Antennas Survival and operational windspeed, definition

Antennas withstand specified survival windspeed without any permanent damage!

Antenna axis deflection is less than one third of half-power beam width at operational windspeed!

Radio Link Antennas Co-polar radiation pattern with RPE and F/B-ratio Front-to-back-ratio (F/B): The difference in dB between the co-polarized main beam gain and the signal measured in a defined region back to the main beam.


Radio Link Antennas Cross-polar radiation pattern with XPD Cross polar discrimination (XPD): The difference in dB between the co-polarized main beam gain and the cross-polarized signal measured within a defined region.


Radio Link Antennas Contour plots, co-polar and cross-polar

Co-polar pattern:

A diagram representing the radiation pattern of the antenna under test when the reference antenna is similarly polarized, scaled in dBi or dB relative to the measured antenna gain.

Cross-polar pattern:

A diagram representing the radiation pattern of the antenna under test when the reference antenna is orthogonally polarized, scaled in dBi or dB relative to the measured antenna gain.

Radio Link Antennas Result of the European standardisation EN 300833: Standardisation of antennas used in point-to-point radiorelay systems operating in frequency range 3-60 GHz. • Range 1:

3 - 14 GHz

• Range 2:

14 - 20 GHz

• Range 3:

20 - 24 GHz

• Range 4:

24 - 30 GHz

• Range 5:

30 - 47 GHz

• Range 6:

47 - 60 GHz

Class 1: Those antennas required for use in networks where there is a low interference potential Class 2: Those antennas required for use in networks where there is a high interference potential Class 3: Those antennas required for use in networks where there is a very high interference potential Class 4: Those antennas required for use in networks where there is an extremely high interference potential

In addition: 2 Gain- and 3 XPD categories have been specified!

Radio Link Antennas Comparison of specifications and measurement The Regulatory Authority may impose tighter requirements than the minimum values given in this ETS, in order to maximize the use of the scarce spectrum resources.

Radio Link Antennas Return loss, reflection coefficient and VSWR Return loss:

The ratio of incident to reflected power at a reference plane of the network. r = -10 log Pref / Pin [dB]

Reflection Coefficient:

rlin = 10 exp (- r[dB]/20)

Standing wave ratio (VSWR): The ratio of the maximum to the minimum amplitudes of the voltage or current. VSWR = (1 + rlin) / (1 – rlin) Pref / Pin r [dB] rlin VSWR

1 0 1 ∞

0.5 3 0.708 5.85

0.1 0.01 10 20 0.316 0.1 1.924 1.222

0.001 30 0.0316 1.065

Radio Link Antennas Attenuation


The power reduction in a transmission path in the mode under consideration. It is usually expressed as a positive ratio in decibel. α = -10 log Pout / Pin [dB]

Pout / Pin α [dB]

1 0.794 0 1

0.5 3

0.1 10

0.01 20

0.001 30

RFS Microwave Antennas Contents

Design requirements

RFS antennas frequency and size

RFS antennas in detail

Integrated antennas

Mechanical tests

Structure of model name

Link calculation tool


RFS Microwave Antennas Applications

RFS Microwave Antennas Design rules

Requirements for the antenna system • Suitable selection of corrosion-resistant materials and material combinations • Minimum wind loading while assuring high mechanical stability • Insensitive to vibrations • Inconspicuous • Blend with the background • Radiation pattern according to international standards • Low-attenuation waveguides

RFS Microwave Antennas Frequency ranges and antenna sizes

Frequency ranges: All common radio link bands between 1.4 and 40 GHz




0.7 ft 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft 6 ft 8 ft 10 ft 12 ft 15 ft

0. 25 m 0. 31 m 0. 61 m 0. 96 m 1. 22 m 1. 83 m 2. 44 m 3. 05 m 3. 66 m 4. 57 m

one-part* one-part* one-part* one-part one-part one-part one-part one-part split, two-part** split, three-part

* High and Ultra High Performance antennas with integrated shroud ** except UXA antennas


split, two-part split, two-part one-part

RFS Microwave Antennas Product Standardisation, microwave antennas

• The standard antenna colour is white for all models. RFS-blue is available as an option. Standard


RFS Microwave Antennas Antenna types, Standard and Improved performance RFS Microwave Antennas PA PAL PAX PAD

single polarised single polarised, low VSWR dual polarised single polarised, improved performance PADX dual polarised, improved performance

RFS SlimLine Antennas


single polarised dual polarised

Features Moderate side lobe suppression, Improved performance antennas offer a better Front to Back ratio Antenna size:

0.6 up to 4.5 m

Moulded radomes:

0.6 up to 3.7 m

RFS Microwave Antennas Antenna types, High Performance

RFS Microwave Antennas


single polarised dual polarised

RFS SlimLine Antennas


single polarised dual polarised

Features High side lobe suppression by use of a shroud. Aperture covered by a planar radome. Antenna size: 0.6 up to 4.5 m

RFS Microwave Antennas Antenna type, Ultra High Performance RFS Microwave Antennas


single polarised dual polarised dual polarised, high crosspolar discrimination

RFS SlimLine Antennas


single polarised dual polarised

RFS CompactLine Antennas


Antenna size: 0.25 to 4.5 m UXA: 0.6 to 4.5 m

single polarised dual polarised

Features Very high side lobe suppression by use of a shroud equipped with absorbing material.

RFS Microwave Antennas Radiation Pattern Envelope (copolar)

25.0 dBi 20.0 dBi 15.0 dBi 10.0 dBi

Gain in dBi

5.0 dBi 0.0 dBi 0.0 °

20.0 °

40.0 °

60.0 °

80.0 °

100.0 ° 120.0 ° 140.0 ° 160.0 ° 180.0 °

-5.0 dBi -10.0 dBi -15.0 dBi -20.0 dBi -25.0 dBi -30.0 dBi Angle in °

PA-antennas DA-antennas DA-antennas with absorber UA-antennas

RFS Microwave Antennas Antenna types / UXA series

Features • XPD > 40 dB inside rectangle (frequency ranges up to 13 GHz)

• XPD > 36 dB inside circle (all antennas up to 24 GHz)

• XPD > 30 dB elsewhere (all antennas up to 24 GHz) Application Antenna size: 2 to 15 ft

Networks with very high XPD requirements (SDH systems)

RFS Microwave Antennas UXA 2-190, contourplot at 17.7 GHz








40 -5


45 50





Elevation [°]

2 1,5 1 0,6 0,4

55-60 50-55

0,2 0 Elevation [°] -0,2

45-50 40-45 35-40

-0,5 -0,7


-1 -1,5

Azimuth [°]























XPD [dB]








Azimuth [°]



XPD [dB]


RFS Microwave Antennas Radiation Pattern Envelope (crosspolar)

0,0 dBi 0,0 °

20,0 °

40,0 °

60,0 °

80,0 °

100,0 ° 120,0 ° 140,0 ° 160,0 ° 180,0 °

-10,0 dBi -20,0 dBi

Gain in dBi

-30,0 dBi DAX-antennas

-40,0 dBi


-50,0 dBi -60,0 dBi -70,0 dBi -80,0 dBi Angel Angle in in °°

Flat Panel antenna Product offering

Size (ft) 0.5 1 1.5 1

Freq (GHz) 2.4-2.5 2.4-2.5 2.4-2.5 2.5-2.7

Model No. MA0245-13AN MA0245-16AN MA0245-18AN MA0257-16AN

Description 2.4GHz 13dBi 2.4GHz 15.5dBi 2.4GHZ 18dBi 2.5GHz 16dBi

0.5 1 2 2 0.5 1

5.25-5.825 5.25-5.825 5.25-5.825 5.725-5.85 5.25-5.825 5.25-5.825

MA0528-19AN MA0528-23AN MA0528-28AN MA0578-28AN MAX0528-19AN MAX0528-23AN

5.8GHz 19dBi 5.8GHz 23dBi 5.2-5.8GHz 28dBi 5.7-5.8GHz 28dBi 5.8GHz 18dBi Dual Pol 5.8GHz 23dBi Dual Pol




10.5 GHz 25 dBi

Flat Panel antenna Product offering

Light weight •Reduces tower loading •Reduces installation costs •Reduces shipping costs

Aesthetically pleasing profile •Avoids zoning issues •Ideal for buildings and roof top installations

Rigorous environmental testing for safe and reliable long term operation

RFS Microwave Antennas Inconspicuous 0.15 m / 0.5 ft Lens antenna (Ultra High Performance)

Antenna code:

LA 05 - ***


22 and 38 GHz

RFS Microwave Antennas RFS SlimLine and RFS CompactLine antennas

RFS CompactLine antennas: Antenna size:

0.25 up to 1.2 m


(7) 10 - 40 GHz

Short shroud due to modified cassegrain feed system. Pleasing environmental impact and reduces weight and towerload!

RFS SlimLine antennas: Antenna size:

0.3 up to 1.8 m


6 - 40 GHz

Rectangular waveguide feed system for lower returnloss requirements!

RFS Microwave Antennas Feed of RFS CompactLine antenna SBX 2-220

RFS Microwave Antennas 0.25 m / 07 ft Ultra High Performance Antenna C-Series

• Frequency: GHz

21 – 40

• Antenna diameter

25 cm

• Survival windspeed:

270 km/h

• Operational windspeed:

250 km/h

• Weight including mount:

< 5 kg

• Radome:

rigid plastic

• Low environmental impact • Available with customised interfaces

RFS Microwave Antennas 0.3 and 0.6 m / 1 and 2 ft RFS CompactLine® antennas • Frequency: New Under development:

14 – 40 GHz (0.3 m) 10 – 40 GHz (0.6 m) 31.0- 33.4 GHz 51.4 – 52.6 GHz (0.3 m) 54.25 – 59.0 GHz (0.3 m)

• Survival windspeed:

250 km/h

• Operational windspeed:

230 km/h

• Weight including tower mount:

4 kg (0.3 m) 12 kg (0.6 m)

• Elevation adjustment:

± 30 ° (0.3 m) ± 15 ° (0.6 m)

• Installation pipe diameter:

48 – 114 mm

• Tower mount:


• Radome:


RFS Microwave Antennas Tower mount of 0.3 m antenna in detail

• Material:

aluminium casting

• Spindles:

refined steel

• U-Bolts:

refined steel

• Nuts:


RFS Microwave Antennas 1 ft antenna, special installation without radio

RFS Microwave Antennas C-mount for 0.3 m / 1 ft antenna, optional

• Material:

aluminium casting • Elevation adjustment:

± 30°

• Bolts:

refined steel

• Spindles:

refined steel

48 – 114mm / 2 – 4.5 inch

• Nuts:

brass / steel

• Installation pipe diameter:

RFS Microwave Antennas Tower mount of 0.6 m antenna in detail

RFS Microwave Antennas 0.9 m / 3 ft, Ultra High Performance Antenna

• Frequency:

up to 26 GHz

• Survival windspeed:

200 km/h

• Operational windspeed:

190 km/h

• Weight including tower mount:

23 kg

• Elevation adjustment:

± 15 °

• Installation pipe diameters:

90 - 114 mm

• Tower mount:


• Radome:

flexible (Complan)

RFS Microwave Antennas 1.2 m / 4 ft Ultra High Performance Antenna, SlimLine

• Frequency:

up to 26 GHz

• Survival windspeed:

200 km/h / 125 mph

• Operational windspeed:

190 km/h / 120 mph

• Weight including tower mount:

35 kg / 77 lbs

• Elevation adjustment:

± 10 °

• Installation pipe diameter:

114 mm / 4.5 inch

• Tower mount:


• Radome:

flexible (Complan)

RFS Microwave Antennas Comparison of 4 ft SlimLine and CompactLine antenna 510

Antenna type SU • • • •

Shroud with tilt Button hook feed Flat radome Reflector without rim


Antenna type SB • • • •

Short shroud, without tilt Backfire feed Rigid radome Reflector without rim

RFS Microwave Antennas 1.2 m / 4 ft RFS CompactLine® antenna • Frequency: • Survival windspeed:

7 to 26 GHz 200 km/h optional 250 km/h

• Operational windspeed: 190 km/h optional 200 km/h • Weight including tower mount: 35 to 39 kg • Elevation adjustment: • Installation pipe diameter:

± 10 ° 114 mm / 4.5 inch

• Tower mount:


• Radome:


• Radiation Performance 7 to 22 GHz 26 GHz

EN 300833 class 3 class 2

RFS Microwave Antennas 1.2 m mount outline with 250km/h windspeed option





















All dimensions in mm

RFS Microwave Antennas Oversized Mounting Hardware for 0.3 up to 1.2 m antennas The Oversized Mounting Hardware has been specially designed for the installation of small antennas on larger diameter pipes which are already in place on radio link towers. The Oversized Mounting Hardware enables small antennas (0.3 to 1.2 m) to be mounted on pipe diameters of 120-219 mm.

Example 0.3 m

Example 1.2 m

RFS Microwave Antennas Heating system for 2 and 4 ft antennas with shroud

The heating system includes: • 2/3 stratified shells with polyurethane foam • 1 resistance cable • 30 m power cable • Temperature Control Box with power supply temperature sensor

Main features: • Heating power • Power source • Additional weight • Optional:

440/800 W 48 V AC 19/27 kg

Power supply box 220/48 V AC

RFS Microwave Antennas Ultra High Performance Antennas 1.8 to 3.7 m Features • T- frame mount • Three-part shroud (3.7 m/ four-part) • One-part reflector (3.7 m/two-part) • Flexible radome (Complan) pretensioned with springs • Edge protection at the rim of the shroud • One swaybar at the mount • Survival windspeed:

200 km/h optional 250 km/h

High stability due to strong backring structure!

• Operational windspeed: 190 km/h optional 200 km/h • Elevation adjustment:

±5 °

• Installation pipe diameter: 114 mm

RFS Microwave Antennas 1.8 m / 6 ft Ultra High Performance Antenna • Frequency:

up to 24 GHz

• Survival windspeed:

200 km/h / 125 mph

• Operational windspeed:

190 km/h / 120 mph

without swaybar

120 km/h / 75 mph

• Weight including tower mount: 110 kg / 242 lbs • Elevation adjustment:

±5 °

• Installation pipe diameter:

114 mm / 4.5 inch

• Tower mount:

steel, hot dip galvanized

• Radome:

flexible (Complan)

RFS Microwave Antennas Outline of Ultra High Performance Antenna 15 ft Features • T- frame mount with diagonal struts • Four-part shroud • Three-part reflector • Flexible radome (Complan) pretensioned with springs • Four swaybars at rim of reflector

RFS Microwave Antennas Comparison of Size and Weight

12 ft 460 kg / 1012 lbs

15 ft 950 kg / 2090 lbs

6ft 80 kg / 176 lbs

RFS Microwave Antennas Tower mount with swaybar Number of swaybars: 6 to 12 ft, 1 swaybar at the mount 15 ft, 4 swaybars at the rim

RFS Microwave Antennas Tower mount with change of offset

Swaybar attachment Offset left

Swaybar attachment Offset right

RFS Microwave Antennas Installation of swaybar, instruction

Do not angle the swaybar more than 25 deg in any direction for tower installation!

RFS Microwave Antennas Installation of swaybar, examples

Bad example!

RFS Microwave Antennas Table of permissible torques

Bolt M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20/24 U-Bolt M10 M14 M16 M20

5 Nm 8 Nm 17 Nm 35 Nm 50 Nm 140 Nm 240 Nm 20 Nm 95 Nm 124 Nm 206 Nm

Hexagonal brass nut of fine adjustment M8 5 Nm M10 10 Nm M12 17 Nm M16 50 Nm M20 80 Nm M24 115 Nm

Very bad installation!

The values in the table are valid for screws and bolts which have been greased according to the installation instruction!

RFS Microwave Antennas Increased Windload Kit, example 1.8 m antenna

Large RFS antennas (1.8 to 3.7 m) already incorporate a strong back ring structure to support the reflector. The hot dip galvanised steel mount is fixed to the back ring. This configuration allows a simple upgrade of one of the antenna’s most important mechanical features. The Increased Windload Kit of additional struts for mounting between the back ring and the reflector rim. Thus enables the wind forces to be directed to the most rigid part of the antenna mount. The kit can be installed on site before lifting the antenna onto the tower.

RFS Microwave Antennas High Windload Kit, example 3.7 m antenna

The kit 270 km/h for 1.8 m to 3.7 m antennas consists of: Increased windload kit and 3 additional sway bars (dia. 60 mm, length 3.0 m) fixed at the rim of the reflector.

RFS Microwave Antennas High Windload 1.2 m antenna

The 1.2 m antenna for 270 km/h consists of: Reflector with backring and a sway bar (dia. 60 mm, length 1.50 m) fixed at the mount

RFS Microwave Antennas Survival and operational windspeed with 30 mm ice layer

Windload Performance

survival operational

antenna size


270 km/h 250 km/h 250 km/h 230 km/h 200 km/h 190 km/h

0.7 ft, C-Series 1 and 2 ft 3 to 15 ft


250 km/h 200 km/h

4 to 15 ft


270 km/h 200 km/h

4 to 12 ft

RFS Microwave Antennas 0.1°- deflection windspeed

Antenna deflection is less than 0.1° up to specified 0.1°- deflection windspeed! Size

0.1°-deflection at

0.6 m / 2 ft

200 km/h / 125 mph

0.9 m / 3 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph

1.2 m / 4 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph

1.8 m / 6 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph (100 km/h / 63 mph without swaybar)

2.4 m / 8 ft

130 km/h / 81 mph

3.0 m / 10 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph

3.7 m / 12 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph

4.5 m / 15 ft

150 km/h / 94 mph

RFS Microwave Antennas Integrated antennas, status Supplier of the radio Suffix

Antenna size [ft]

Alcatel Italy

1 and 2


Alcatel Telspace (Melodie)

1 and 2


Stratex Networks / DMC

1 up to 4

Fresnel / Centerpoint

0.7 up to 2

Ceragon (former Giganet)

1 up to 6



1 and 2



1 up to 8



1 up to 4



1 and 2



1 and 2


Siemens ICN

1 and 2



RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Alcatel Melodie-radio

SB 1 - ***MEL: SB 2 - ***MEL:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Alcatel USY-radio

SB 1 - ***A2G: SB 2 - ***A2G: SU 2 - ***A2G:

SBX 1 - ***A2G: SBX 2 - ***A2G: SU 4 - ***A2G:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, NEC Pasolink-radio

SB 1 - ***NEC: SB 2 - ***NEC: SU 3 - ***NEC:

SU 4 - ***NEC: SU 6 - ***NEC: UA 8 - ***NEC:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, NEC Pasolink

New design! SB 4 - ***NEC

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Siemens SRAL-Radio

SB 1 - ***ITL: SB 2 - ***ITL:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Stratex Networks Altium-radio

SB 1 - ***DMA: SB 2 - ***DMA: SU 2 - ***DMA: SU 4 - ***DMA:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Stratex Networks XP4-radio

SB 1 - ***DMX: SB 2 - ***DMX: SU 2 - ***DMX: SU 4 - ***DMX:

RFS Microwave Antennas 1 ft antenna (DMX) with XP4-radio

RFS Microwave Antennas Remote mounting kit for DART and XP4-radio

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Intracom Microlink-radio

SB 1 - ***INT: SB 2 - ***INT:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Ceragon Fibreair radio

SB 1 - ***GNT: SB 2 - ***GNT: SU 4 - ***GNT:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Lucent

SB 1 - ***MDL: SB 2 - ***MDL: SB 3 - ***MDL: SB 4 - ***MDL:

RFS Microwave Antennas OEM, Plessey

SB 1 - ***PSY: SB 2 - ***PSY: SU 2 - ***PSY:

RFS Microwave Antennas 1 and 2 ft antenna with SIAE-flange

SB 1 - ***SIA: SB 2 - ***SIA:

RFS Microwave Antennas 2 ft adaptation for Radio Data-radio

SB 2-71 RD Frequency range: Gain:

7.125 – 7.425 GHz 30 dBi

RFS Microwave Antennas 1 and 2 ft antenna with Rescom-radio

RFS Microwave Antennas Antennas blend with the background /1

RFS Microwave Antennas Antennas blend with the background /2

RFS Microwave Antennas Wind tunnel test of 0.3 and 0.6 m RFS CompactLine® antennas

Antennas prepared for test

No permanent damages or deflections have been observed at the applied wind speeds! 











RFS Microwave Antennas Wind tunnel test of 0.3 and 0.6 m RFS CompactLine® antennas

RFS Microwave Antennas Vibration test according to ETS 300 019, class 4M5 (old)

Test conditions • Acceleration

10 m/s2

• Frequency range of vibration 5 - 9 Hz and 9 - 200 Hz • Axis of vibration


• Number of sweeps 5 in each axis

0.3 m RFS CompactLine® antenna with radio under test

RFS Microwave Antennas Shock test according to ETS 300 019, class 4M5 (old)

Test conditions • Shock spectrum


• Duration

6 ms

• Acceleration

250 m/s2

• Number of shocks

500 in each direction

• Directions of shock 6

0.6 m RFS CompactLine® antenna with radio under test

RFS Microwave Antennas Rain test according to Finabel No. 2.C.10

0.3 m RFS CompactLine® antenna with radio under test

RFS Microwave Antennas Model name structure /1

Antenna options

RFS Microwave Antennas Model name structure /2

Antenna type:


Single polarized standard performance Single polarized standard low VSWR Dual polarized standard performance Single polarized improved performance Dual polarized improved performance Non pressurised standard performance Single polarized High Performance Dual polarized High Performance Non pressurised High Performance Single polarized Ultra High Performance Dual polarized Ultra High Performance Dual polarized Ultra High performance High Cross Polarisation Discrimination Non pressurised Ultra High Performance Single polarized SlimLine standard Non pressurised SlimLine standard Dual polarised SlimLine standard Single polarised SlimLine High Performance Dual polarized SlimLine High Performance Single polarized SlimLine Ultra High

UAF SP SPF SPX SD SDX SU Performance SUX Dual polarized SlimLine Ultra High Performance SB Single polarized CompactLine SBX Dual polarized CompactLine LA single polarised Lensantenna

Freq. Range GHz:

15 17 18 19 21 23 25 34 36 44 56 57 W57 59 W59 65 71 W71 77 78

1.427 - 1.535 1.7 - 1.9 1.7 - 2.11 1.9 - 2.3 2.1 - 2.3 2.3 - 2.5 2.48 - 2.7 3.4 - 3.9 3.6 - 4.2 4.4 - 5.0 5.67 - 6.17 5.725 - 5.85 5.725 - 6.875 5.925 - 6.425 5.925 - 7.125 6.425 - 7.125 7.125 - 7.75 7.125 - 8.5 7.725 - 8.275 7.75 - 8.5

Freq. Range GHz: 103 105 107 122 127 142 190 220 250 270 280 300 380

10.3 - 10.7 10.5 - 10.7 10.7 - 11.7 12.2 - 13.25 12.7 - 13.25 14.2 - 15.35 17.7 - 19.7 21.2 - 23.6 24.25 - 26.5 27.3 - 28.5 27.5 - 29.5 29.5 - 31.5 37.0 - 39.5

RFS Microwave Antennas Model name structure /3


05 0.5ft (0.15m) 07 0.7ft (0.25m) 1 1ft (0.3m) 2 2ft (0.6m) 3 3ft (0.9m) 4 4ft (1.2m) 6 6ft (1.8m) 8 8ft (2.4m) 10 10ft (3.0m) 12 12ft (3.7m) 15 15ft (4.6m)

Color radomes and antennas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 G L N R

Natural White (Standard) Beige Brown Grey Green Light Tan Black Grey (7000), grey Light Grey (7035), grey Nato Green, green RFS-Blue, white

Flange Type:


PBR-flange CPR-flange PDR-flange EIA-flange Cover gasket N-male connector with Jumper WR75 contact flange CMR flange N-female connector UAR-flange PAR-flange UG-flange UDR-flange UBR-flange Choke-flange

Environment: T

Standard Temperature range -45°C to +60°C E Extended Temperature range -64°C to +60°C H Harsh Environment S Standard Environment

Teflon Radome: T Teflon Radome

Mechanical features:

1 Survival Wind speed 200 km/h, standard reflector condition, 12 ft split, 15 split 2 Survival Wind speed 250 km/h, standard reflector condition, 12 ft split, 15 split 3 Survival Wind speed 270 km/h, standard reflector condition, 12 ft split 4 Survival Wind speed 200 km/h, non standard reflector condition, 12 ft non split, 8 and 10 ft split 5 Survival Wind speed 250 km/h, non standard reflector condition, 12 ft non split, 8 and 10 ft split 6 C-Mount 7 Survival Wind speed 200 km/h, standard reflector and Swaybar at the rim 8 Survival Wind speed 250 km/h, standard reflector and Swaybar at the rim N Installation on pipe dia. 51mm M Installation on pipe dia. 76 mm L Installation on pipe dia. 114 mm, if not standard B Installation on pipe dia. 219 mm J Installation on pipe dia. 89 to 114mm K Installation on pipe dia. 51 to 114mm P Bird Protection

RFS Microwave Antennas Data for link- and interference calculation


Radiation Pattern Envelope

UDA 6 - 36 A

(Azimuth Diagram)

HTT 990922 Nominal Diameter Gain

34.2 dBi


1.8 6

m ft



Frequency Range HPBW

3.6 - 4.2 GHz

Horizontal Polarisation


Vertical Polarisation

Engineering Approval








Scale Change

Scale Change




dB 30






The pattern data are available in NSMA-format!


crosspolar Expanded Scale




80 180








340 345


355 Degrees




15 20









All data are accessible via internet: www.rfsworld.com (http://selldoc.rfsworld.com)

RFS Microwave Antennas Features of solid parabolic antennas

• Antenna sizes:

Waveguide feed CompactLine

• Reflector and Shroud :

Seawater-resistant aluminium alloy

• Mount assembly

Aluminium casting (0.25 – 1.2 m) Hot-dip galvanised steel (1.2, 1.8 – 4.5 m)


• Survival windspeed with 30 mm radial ice :

• Operational windspeed with 30 mm radial ice :

• Temperature range


• Interport isolation > 35 dB • Pressure tight feed system

0.3 up to 4.5 m 0.25 up to 1.2 m

270/250 km/h / 155 mph (0.25 up to 0.6 m) 200 km/h / 125 mph (0.9 up to 4.5 m) 230 km/h / 144 mph (0.25 up to 0.6 m) 190 km/h / 120 mph (0.9 up to 4.5 m) -45°C up to +60°C

RFS Microwave Antennas µ-wave Link Calculator, introduction

The power level available at the receiver is calculated based on specific system parameters • Transmitter output power [dBm] • Frequency [GHz] • Link distance [km] The calculator takes into account: • Free space loss [dB] • Rain attenuation [dB] • Atmospheric attenuation [dB] • Polarisation • Antenna gain [dB] • Loss in feeder or Twistflex section [dB]


RFS Microwave Antennas µ-wave Link Calculator

Three different installation cases are considered: • Radio integrated with antenna The radio unit is directly mounted onto the back of the antenna. This is a very common type of installation avoiding additional loss in feeder or twistflex sections. • Radio near to the antenna In cases where the radio can not be attached directly to the antenna, an additional section of twistflex provides the connection to the radio. The radio is installed on the pipe or tower near to the antenna. • Radio in a shelter In traditional backbone systems as well as in configurations where quick and easy maintenance is required, the radio is installed in a shelter at ground level. In such cases FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguide (feeder) provides a low-loss connection to the antenna.

RFS Microwave Antennas µ-wave Link Calculator, configuration

RFS Microwave Antennas µ-wave Link Calculator, rain rate

RFS Microwave Antennas Short summary

• Meet national and international standards • High mechanical stability • High corrosion resistance • Easy installation •Software tool for link calculation

RFS Grid Antennas Contents

• Frequency and size • Mini Grid Antennas • Grid Kit Antennas

RFS Grid Antennas Grid antennas below 4 GHz

RFS Grid Antennas Features

RFS Grid Antennas MGA, MGAR MINIGRID antennas

Small light-weight welded grid reflector

• •

Fast site assembly Extra high survival wind speed of 350 km/h (0.6-1.2m)

Sizes: 2 ft 0.6m, 3 ft 0.9m, 4 ft1.2m and 6 ft 1.8m

Suits all broadband and narrowband feeds from 820 MHz to 3.7 GHz

R-types for low capacity rural application

RFS Grid Antennas GKL, Gridkit antennas

• Suits all broadband and •

narrowband feeds from 820 MHz to 3.7 GHz Knockdown reflector for economy of transport

• Survival wind speed of 200 km/h

• Low tower wind load • Sizes: 8 ft 2.4m and 10 ft 3.0m

RFS Grid Antennas GKA, Gridkit antennas for heavy duty, extra high wind rating

• Suits all broadband and • • • •

narrowband feeds from 335 MHz to 3.7 GHz Knock-down reflector for lower shipping costs Extra high survival wind speed of 300 / 350 km/h Low tower wind load Sizes: 6 ft 1.8m, 8 ft 2.4m, 10 ft 3.0m, 12 ft 3.8m

RFS Grid Antennas GPW 46, High Gain Grid Series

• Fully welded reflector supplied in • • • • •

two halves Simple on-site assembly Complete with mount and azimuth arms Ultra high survival wind speed of 300 km/h Suits all broadband and narrowband feeds from 335 MHz to 2.7 GHz Diameter: 15 ft 4.6 m

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems Contents

• Fundamental principles • 3.5 GHz-Antennas • 25/28 GHz-Antennas • Summary

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems Sector characteristic, fundamentals /1

Optimizing the network by sectorization

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems Sector characteristic, fundamentals /2

Increase of capacity by the use of smaller sector sizes

f2 f1

f1 f2 f2


Advantage: - Present antennas can be used - Change of frequency by software

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 25 GHz, azimuthdiagram with EN 301 215-2

-3.0 dB



Azimuth [deg]

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 3.5 GHz, omnidirectional characteristic

• Omnidirectional antennas (VOA-Series) - polarisation vertical - Connector N-female - two different gain values (3 dB difference)

VOA35-360ANVH (VOA 35-11) - Gain: >11 dBi 6.5 deg - 3 dBelev: - Length: 880 mm ; 32 inches VOA35-360ANVL (VOA 35-08) - Gain: >8 dBi - 3 dBelev: 11.5 deg - Length: 520 mm ; 20.5 inches

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 3.5 GHz, sectorcharacteristic

• Sector antennas (SEC-Series)

- designed for point-to-multipoint application - polarisation vertical and horizontal - available in azimuth sectors of 60, 90, 120 and 180 deg - two different gain values (3 dB difference) SEC35-90ANVH (SEC 35-90-16 V) - Gain: >16 dBi 6.5 deg - 3 dBelev: - Length: 815 mm ; 32 inches SEC35-90ANVL (SEC 35-90-13 V) - Gain: >13 dBi 11.5 deg - 3 dBelev: - Length: 495 mm ; 19.5 inches

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems Mount with tilt option The optional tilt mount enables the network planer to optimise the coverage within a cell by adjusting the down tilt from 0 up to -20 deg in elevation.

It can be applied to all sector antennas in different array configurations. An example is shown with 4x90 deg sector antennas.

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 3.5 GHz, Subscriber-antennas

SA-Series - Cost effective design - Available in two gain versions - With integrated coaxial cable - The antenna is protected by a solid radome - The antenna mount provides a quick and easy installation on standard pipes from Ø 30 up to 60 mm as well as wall installation - Survival Windspeed 200 km/h - Operational Windspeed 120 km/h

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 3.5 GHz, Subcriber Antennas PAN/SA-Series (Panel-Ant.)

SA35-15ASH: 14.5 dBi, 0.2m cable SA35-15ASM: 12.7 dBi, 2.0m cable SA35-15ASL: 11.9 dBi, 3.0m cable

SA35-17ASH: 17.0 dBi, 0.2m cable SA35-17ASM: 15.1 dBi, 2.0m cable SA35-17ASL: 14.0 dBi, 3.0m cable

Height x width 125 x 220 mm

Height x width 310 x 210 mm

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 25 GHz, 90 deg sector characteristic

SEC260-90ABH SEC260-90BBV Frequency range: 24.25 - 26.75 GHz Polarisation: vertical or horizontal Gain: > 15 dBi Diameter x length 170 x 210 mm

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems 28 GHz, 90 deg sector characteristic (LMDS)

SEC280-90-21-H SEC280-90-21-V Frequency range: 27.35 - 29.5 GHz Polarisation: vertical or horizontal Gain: > 21 dBi Height x Width x Depth 450 x 90 x 230 mm

SEC280-90ABH SEC280-90BBV Frequency range: 27.35 – 29.5 GHz Polarisation: vertical or horizontal Gain: > 15 dBi Diameter x length 170 x 210 mm

Antennas for Point to Multipoint Systems Summary

• 3.4 - 3.6 GHz

Available: Omnidirectional characteristic, vertical Sectorcharacteristic, vertical and horizontal Pencil beam characteristic - Flat panel - Grid antennas - Parabolic antennas

• 24.5 – 26.5 GHz and 27.35 – 29.5 GHz Available: 90°-sectorcharacteristic - Medium gain, (25 and 28 GHz) - High gain, (28 GHz) Pencil beam characteristic - Parabolic antennas

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides

• • • •

Standard waveguides Overmoded waveguides Connectors for waveguides Dehydration of waveguides

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Product Portfolio

Three versions of FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguide are offered: • FLEXWELL® “Standard” waveguide, 1.7 – 39.5 GHz • Low VSWR “Premium” waveguide, 3.0 – 19.7 GHz • “Overmoded” waveguide”, 10.7 – 39.5 GHz Standard and premium waveguide differ only in testing and guaranteed attainable VSWR. FLEXWELL® “standard” waveguide is recommended for low and medium capacity radio relay systems, while FLEXWELL® “premium” elliptical waveguide assemblies are recommended for high capacity radio systems. Overmoded waveguides offer exceptionally low attenuation characteristics compared with conventional waveguides. The waveguide operates above the cut-off frequency of higher order modes utilizing the lowest attenuation characteristics of the waveguide.

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Different models

E380 12x9mm E130 29x18mm E70 48x28mm

E105 33x20mm

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Frequency ranges below 10 GHz

Model Number E20 E30 E38 EP38 E46 EP46 ES46 ESP46 EP58 E60 EP60 E65 EP65 EP70 E78 EP78

Operating Frequency Band [GHz] 1.70 - 2.30 2.30 - 3.10 3.0 - 4.20 3.0 - 4.20 3.65 - 5.0 3.65 - 5.0 3.9 - 5.0 3.9 - 5.0 4.40 - 6.20 4.5 - 6.425 4.5 - 6.425 5.0 - 7.125 5.0 - 7.125 5.4 - 7.75 5.9 - 8.50 7.10 - 8.50

Performance Dimension over Jacket Max. VSWR / Max. VSWR / [mm, (in)] R.L. Standard [dB] R.L. Premium [dB] Standard 145 x 81 (5.7 x 3.2) 1.128 / 24.4 Standard 112 x 64 (4.4 x 2.5) 1.128 / 24.4 Standard 84 x 48 (3.3 x 1.9) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 84 x 48 (3.3 x 1.9) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 71 x 42 (2.8 x 1.7) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 71 x 42 (2.8 x 1.7) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 68 x 41 (2.7 x 1.6) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 68 x 41 (2.7 x 1.6) 1.073 / 29.1 Premium 57 x 33 (2.3 x 1.3) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 56 x 33 (2.2 x 1.3) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 56 x 33 (2.2 x 1.3) 1.062 / 30.5 Standard 51 x 30 (2.0 x 1.2) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 51 x 30 (2.0 x 1.2) 1.062 / 30.5 Premium 48 x 28 (1.9 x 1.1) 1.062 / 30.5 Standard 44 x 26 (1.7 x 1.0) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 44 x 26 (1.7 x 1.0) 1.062 / 30.5

Option: Fire retardant jacket (JFN-type)

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Frequency ranges above 10 GHz

Model Number Operating Frequency Band [GHz] 8.1 - 11.70 E105 10.3 - 11.7 EP105 9.3 - 13.25 E130 10.7 - 13.25 EP130 10.8 - 15.35 E150 13.4 - 15.35 EP150 13.70 - 19.70 E185 17.3 - 19.7 EP185 16.7 - 23.6 E220 19.0 - 26.5 E250 27.5 - 33.4 E300 29.0 - 39.5 E380 10.7 -11.7 EO11 12.7 - 15.35 EO15 17.3 - 19.7 EO19 21.2 - 23.6 EO22 EO38 27.5 - 39.5

Performance Dimension over Jacket Max. VSWR / Max. VSWR / [mm, (in)] R.L. Standard [dB] R.L. Premium [dB] Standard 33 x 20 (1.3 x 0.8) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 33 x 20 (1.3 x 0.8) 1.062 / 30.5 Standard 29 x 18 (1.1 x 0.7) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 29 x 18 (1.1 x 0.7) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 26 x 16 (1.0 x 0.6) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 26 x 16 (1.0 x 0.6) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 21 x 13 (0.8 x 0.5) 1.15 / 23.1 Premium 21 x 13 (0.8 x 0.5) 1.083 / 28.0 Standard 18 x 12 (0.7 x 0.5) 1.105 / 26.0 Standard 16 x 11 (0.6 x 0.4) 1.151 / 23.1 Standard under development Standard 12 x 9 (0.5 x 0.3) 1.151 / 23.1 Overmoded 50 x 32 (2.0 x 1.3) 1.073 / 29.1 Overmoded 41 x 27 (1.6 x 1.1) 1.083 / 28.0 Overmoded 31 x 21 (1.2 x 0.8) 1.083 / 28.0 Overmoded 28 x 19 (1.1 x 0.7) 1.105 / 26.0 Overmoded 18 x 13 (0.7 x 0.5 ) 1.151 / 23.1

Option: Fire retardant jacket (JFN-type)

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides EO38, extension of frequency range (27.5 – 39.5 GHz)

Advantage: • RFS offers a complete waveguide solution from 27.5 to 39.5 GHz! • Accessories are available! • First on the market!

Attenuation [dB/100m]

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Attenuation curves

2a = 2.5 cm 2a = 3.0 cm 2a = 4.0 cm 2a = 6.0 cm 2a = 8.0 cm Frequency [GHz]

2a x

Broad axis of elliptical waveguide End of single mode operation (HC11)

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Comparison of attenuation

Frequency [GHz] 38.25 22.40 18.70 14.50 11.00

Attenuation of FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides [dB/100m] Single Mode Overmoded Advantage including filters 60.7 24.7 35.3 28.3 14.0 13.7 19.3 9.5 9.2 14.0 6.4 7.0 9.1 4.5 4.0

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Connector with ‘Plast 2000’ sealing

Plast 2000 Sealing Plast 2000 has a very good adhesion to the metallic parts of the connector and to the waveguide. The curing process depends on the humidity and temperature of the air. Under normal conditions, sealing against moisture is accomplished in a very short time. These connectors have been carefully designed for excellent VSWR performance without the use of any tuning screws. Model numbers on these connectors end with a letter “P” to designate the use of Plast 2000 sealing. Exception all connectors with gasket and shrinking sleeves: E250 and E380 series, all overmoded waveguides.

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Connectors, gasket sealing

Gasket Sealing In this design, the connector is sealed between the backnut and the waveguide with a conical shaped threaded gasket. The threaded gasket is held in place with an internal pressure plate to create a gas tight waveguide assembly that will not leak even if the waveguide is flexed near the connector. A seal between the connector backnut and the waveguide transition is achieved with a specially shaped flat gasket that encompasses the waveguide flare and connector bolt holes. A heat shrink boot is supplied for application over the elliptical waveguide and the connector backnut to provide strain relief and additional weatherproofing. Model number on these connectors end with a letter “G” for designation of gasket sealing.

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Connectors, product portfolio

Connector Types FLEXWELL® elliptical waveguide connectors are available in standard (non-tuneable), tuneable and fixed tuned versions. FLEXWELL® connectors are offered with interface to EIA and IEC standard waveguide flanges.

Fixed Tuned FP-Type

Tuneable TG-Type

Non-Tuneable FG-Type

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Connectors, types for E150

Model Number

D120-150FP B120-150FP D140-150FP B140-150FP G419-150TG G419-150FG K75-150TG K75-150FG B140-150TG W140-150TG Z75-150TG Z75-150FG D140-150TG

Frequency Range [GHz]

13.40 - 14.5 13.40 - 14.5 14.0 - 15.35 14.0 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35 13.40 - 15.35

Connector Type

Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Tunable Non-tunable Tunable Non-tunable Tunable Tunable Tunable Non-tunable Tunable

Sealing Method

Plast 2000 Plast 2000 Plast 2000 Plast 2000 Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket

Flange Type

PDR120 PBR120 PDR140 PBR140 UG-419/541/U UG-419/541/U WR75 contact WR75 contact PBR140 UBR140 WR75 choke/cover WR75 choke/cover PDR140

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Summary

RFS FLEXWELL® Elliptical waveguides •

Low attenuation single mode waveguides

Extra low attenuation overmoded waveguide

Suitable connectors

RFS FLEXWELL® Elliptical Waveguide Dehydration

• Dehydration of waveguides • Why dehydration? • Manual and automatic dehydrators • Dehydration of small volume waveguides

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Steam pressure curve of water

45 40

Saturation pressure [hPa]

35 30 25 20



60 %

10 5 0 -20

overheated steam


Triple Point







Temperature [°C]

5% 10






RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical waveguides Dehydration with dehydrator


Both ends of the waveguide run are closed with pressure windows (or at one end by the pressure tight antenna). The dehydrator is used to remove any moisture from the system.


Different dehydrators can be used, but the maximum pressure of 0,3 bar has to be kept.


The max. length of waveguide is dependent on the capacity of the dehydrator

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, manual regeneration LAB2

The air is dried through chemical absorption by granular substances in a disposable cartridge accessible from the front panel !

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, manual regeneration LAB2


• Wall or 19“ rack mounted • Air capacity 100 l/h • Operating voltage 230 VAC or 36 - 72 VDC • Operating temperature -10°C...+50°C • Size (WxHxD) 48 x 9 x 18 cm • Weight 7.5 kg • Number of outlets 4 • MTBF higher 180.000 h (25°C, 50% flow rate) • Output pressure programmable from 0,1kPa up to 4,0kPa (1,0 mbar up to 40 mbar) • Maximum recommended air-volume of waveguide 400l

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, manual regeneration LAB2

Shutoff valves


Warning LED’s

Power Switch


The cartridge must be replaced when the color changes from blue to pink

Knob for shutoff valves in parking position

Fuses Function keys

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, manual regeneration LAB2

Rear panel

View inside

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, manual regeneration LAB2


Prepared for rack 19“ mounting

ETSI-N3 Brackets for frame N3 mounting and for wall mounting

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, automatic regeneration LAB4

The air is dried by an automatic heating process !

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, automatic regeneration LAB4


• Wall or 19“ rack mounted • Air capacity 100 l/h • Operating voltage 230 VAC or 36 - 72 VDC • Operating temperature -10°C...+50°C • Size (WxHxD) 48 x 31 x 15 cm • Weight 17 kg • Number of outlets 4 • MTBF higher 165.000 h (25°C, 50% flow rate) • Output pressure programmable from 0,1kPa up to 6,0kPa (1,0mbar up to 60mbar) • Maximum recommended air-volume of waveguide 400l

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, automatic regeneration LAB4, Installation Remove the metallic case for rack 19” mounting

With metallic case for wall mounting

ETSI-N3 brackets

Attention: Because of humidity coming out on top of the equipment during regeneration and the high temperature (100°C) leave an upper free space of at least four units from the dehydrator to the closed equipment!

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Outlet extension kit for LAB4, ADD-ON4

The total number of outlets can be extended up to 8 with the outlet exitension kit.

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Dehydrator, semi and automatic regeneration

– –

Automatic - APD-20 and APD-70 Semi Automatic - SPD-10



RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical waveguides Dehydration concept for small volume waveguides

The closed system with purging, seal test and humidity indicator


Both ends of the waveguide run are closed with pressure windows (or at one end by the pressure tight antenna).


The system is purged with dry nitrogen (5.0) and seal tested after installation – with a transportable purge and sealing device. Moisture is eliminated from the waveguide.

Open the gas inlet during purging

Purging and seal test

Attention: The max. pressure is 0,3 bar!


In case of leakage the desiccant cartridge will provide an early warning (changing colour from blue to violet). The maximum length of waveguide is determined by the size of the nitrogen bottle.

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Transportable purge and sealing device

The RFS purge and sealing device can be used up to a waveguide volume of approx. 2 litres:

The closed system FLEXWELL with purging and seal test and waveguide humidity indicator

E 380

< 75 m

E 250

< 30 m

E 220

< 25 m

EO 38

< 25 m

E 185

< 16 m

E 150

< 10 m

E 130


EO 22


E 105


RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Desiccant cartridge with humidity indicator The RFS desiccant cartridge is an economical solution designed to eliminate moisture in antenna/feeder system. In case of leakage an early warning is provided by the humidity indicator. The cartridge is installed at the connector in general. For installation on small-size waveguides the kit includes an additional waveguide component. Rectangular flanges R220, R260 and R320

Installation on waveguide connector for E100 – E185

Installation with DCKIT adaptor for E220 – E380

RFS FLEXWELL Elliptical Waveguides Example for 28 GHz antenna waveguide system Antennas • SB 1-280 or SB 2-280 • SEC280-90BBV FLEXWELL Elliptical waveguide • EO38 with B320-L38FP Desiccant Cartridge • DC-KIT-320

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