Prepositions 3 1. to depend _on___ 2. to look ___for____ (a cauta) 3. to look _____forward to___ ____ sth (a aştepta cu nerăbdare ceva) 4. away __from____ (departe de) 5. to help ____with_ sth 6. famous _for___ 7. __ out of __ the garage (din garaj) 8. _under_____ the bridge (sub pod) 9. ___over___ the river (peste râu ) 10. ___past__ the pub (pe lângă cârciumă) 11. to try __on___ (a proba) 12. to be dressed _in____ 13. to drive___to__ a place 14. to sit __on___a chair 15. to sit __at___the table 16. to sit ___in___an arm-chair 17. to arrive _in___ (a big town) 18. to arrive __out__(a small place) 19. to wear _-____ sth 20. to pay __by___ credit card 21. to pay __for__sth 22. to hear ___of___ sth 23. to be interested _in____ 24. ___through_____ the air (prin aer) 25. to walk __through__(prin) the wood 26. to take part ___in_ 27. to participate _in__ 28. at____ the same time 29. __in__ the same place 30. __in__ 5 days (peste 5 zile) 31. to live __on____ a plane 32. to wait ___for__ sb (sth) 33. to give sb _-___ sth 34. to give sth __to____sb 35. to move __to____ a place
Jessica is waiting __for__ her mother. You must start _at____ the same time. I want to try __on__ this jacket. What is he looking __for__ ? - A book. Help me __with___ washing up. Will you pay ___by___ credit card? Did you hear ___-__ Greg? He usually wears _-___ jeans and a T-shirt, but today he is dressed __in__ an elegant suit. 9. Cats are afraid _of____ dogs. 10. She walked ____through______ (prin) the wood every morning. 11. Will you take part __at_____ the debate? 12. A new tree grew __at________ the same place. 13. __in___ weekends we usually go ____to_____ the disco. 14. They depended ______ their master. 15. I’m looking ___for_____ _____ your letter. 16. My sister is away __of___ me. 17. Shakespeare was famous __by___ his plays. 18. Did you pay __for___ the glasses? 19. I am not interested __in___ German. 20. We don’t know who will participate ___at____ the competition. 21. My school is next __to____ my house. 22. ____ summer we drove _to___ the beach and had a lot _of___ fun. 23. They arrived _at___ the office late. 24. Give me __-___ the phone. Give it __to___ me. 25. You can sit _on____ the chair or __in___ the armchair. 26. I want to move __to___ another place. I’m looking ___for___ a new flat. 27. Would you please help me ____with______ washing the car? 28. When did you arrive ___in__ the village? 29. He drove ______to__ the garage, __on_____ the bridge, then __over____ the river, then _past_____ the pub and _at___ the house where we waited __for_________ him. 30. We went on a hike ___on_______ the mountains. 31. They agreed __with_____ our proposal. 32. Sit down __at_____ the table and have breakfast. 33. All the family are sitting __on____the sofa and talking. 34. I live ___in____ Moscow, _________Gorky Street. 35. Come ___on______! And sit _________ this chair. 36. You can sit____on_______the table. Lunch is ready. 37. People depend a lot ___of_________ their leadership. Translate paying attention to the use of prepositions:
1. Depinde de mine. 2. Ce cauţi? 3. Aştept cu nerăbdare venirea ta.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
12. Unchiul meu a sosit în Chişinău alaltăieri 13. Când ajungi la aeroport trebuie să-ţi înregistrezi bagajele. 14. Aşteaptă-mă!
4. El a ieşit cu maşina din garaj, pe lângă şcoală, apoi sub pod şi peste râu şi a ajuns la staţia de alimentare, apoi a condus înapoi spre casă. 5. Voi plăti cu cartea de credit. 6. să-mi plăteşti pentru pagubele pe care le-ai făcut! 7. Am auzit despre incendiu ieri seara. 8. Ai probat rochia? 9. În ce eşti îmbrăcat? 10. Aşază-te pe scaun. 11. Seara ne-am aşezat la masă. .
15. Ce porţi azi? 16. Sunt interesat de această afacere. 17. În week-end-ul trecut ne-am plimbat prin pădure. 18. Doreşti să participi la acest concurs? 19. Ea a participat la Eurovision anul trecut. 20. Documentele vor fi gata peste o săptămână. 21. Dă-mi banii înapoi! 22. Dă-mi-i înapoi 23. Acea familie s-a mutat în altă casă.