A mysterious random
It was a cold winter day. I was walking with my friend, Andrei, wandering with the bicycles in the park. We stopped at a shop to buy some food, leaving him outside with the bikes.when I returned I found him fatally shot in the head. I asked for help, calling the ambulance, they arrived in about five minutes. I waited until he was taken to the hospital,then making sure that he was feeling better. On the way home, I saw a police car following the murderer. The Police finally managed to catch him and he proved to be the one who had shot my friend. I went home and i couldn’t tell anything to my parents or to the police.
Intamplare misterioasa
Este o zi friguroasa de iarna .Ma plimb impreuna cu prietenul meu, Andrei , cu bicicletele in parc. Am oprit la un magazin pentru a cumpara de mancare , lasandu-l pe Andrei afara cu bicicletele.Cand m-am intors l-am gasit pe acesta impuscat mortal in cap . Am chemat ajutoare ; sunand ambulanta , aceasta a ajuns in aproximativ cinci minute . Am asteptat pana ce acesta a fost transportat la spital , asigurandu-ma ca se simte bine . In drum spre casa , am vazut o masina de politie care era pe urmele un infractor . Politia a reusit in final sa-l prinda si s-a dovedit a fi cel care l-a impuscat pe prietenul meu . Am ajuns acasa , neindraznind sa spun nimic parintilor si politiei.