Microobes & Diseases Jiwanwala Faridkot

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 496
  • Pages: 16

Disease It is a condition when normal functioning of body is disturbed.So disease is a departure from normal health through structural or functional disorder of the body.

TYPES OF DISEASES Diseases are classified in two types:• Communicable. •



 These diseases are caused by pathogens like bacteria,virus,protozoa,fungi etc.These can spread from sick person to healthy person by means of air, water,food etc.

Disease caused by Bacteria:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tuberculosis (T.B). Cholera. Typhiod. Tetanus. Whooping Cough(Pertussis).

Tuberculosis:T.B is caused by bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It mainly affects lungs,brain,eyes, and intestine.It occurs mainly in unhygienic & congested areas. Symptoms:-Low grade fever, Chest pain, Loss of weight,cough. Prevention:-BCG Vaccine. Issolation of T.B. patient.

Cholera:-It is caused by bacterium vibrio cholerae.these are coma shaped bacteria. it is more common during fairs & floods. it is transmitted through contaminated food & water it affects all age groups. Symptoms:-Watery stool(Dehideration),Sunken eyes, Hollow checks, Low BP, Dry tongue. Prevention:-Neat & clean food free from contamination, Boiled water, Cholera Vaccine.

Typhiod:-It is caused by Salmonella typhi. It usually infects intestine. It is transmitted through food, water & flies. Symptoms:- Headache & Fever. Red colour rashes on upper abdomen. Prevention:-Contamination of food & Water should be prevented, TAB Vaccine, Proper disposal of human faeces.

Tetanus:- It is caused by Clostridium tetani.this disease is also called as Lockjaw because in the last phase the patients jaws are tightly closed or locked. Prevention:-By giving prophy lactic doses of Tetanus Toxaid (TT vaccination)

Whooping Cough

It is caused by a bacillus Bordetella pertusis.it is spread by discharge from the throat of the infected person.

Prevention:DPT is given to protect children from three diseases-diphtheria , tetanus & whooping cough.

Diseases caused by virus

2. 3. 4. 5.

AIDS. Common Cold. Influenza. Rabies.

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) It is caused by a retrovirus. Symptoms:-Swollen lymph nodes,fever,night sweats,weight loss.

Transmition of AIDS Sexual contact, contaminated blood transfusion from mother to child during pregnancy, through infected needles Prevention:-AIDS Edu. Program.

Common Cold

It is caused by Rhinovirus.It is drop-let infection by sneezing or coughing.

Symptoms:Watery secretion through nose, fever & headache.

Prevention:The patient should cover mouth & nose while coughing & sneezing.

Influenza It is caused by Myxovirus influenzae.It is similar to that of common cold.

Symptoms:Common Cold, Coughing,Body-ache,Sneezing.

Prevention:5. 6.

Keep away from the influenza patients. Do not use the articles like handkerchief, towel etc. used by the patient.

Rabies (Hydrophobia) 

  4. 5. 6.

It is caused by rabies virus. it is 100% fatal disease. Virus enters the human body with saliva of an infected animal, generally by bite of the dog,cat,fox etc. Symptoms:- Fear from the water, high fever with headache, choked throat , alternating stages of excitement & depression, paralysis.

Prevention:Eradication of the stray dogs. Killing of rabid animals. The wound should be washed with soap & water. Immunization of pets.

Designed By:S. Charnjit Singh Brar (Science Master) S. Balwinder Singh (Science Master) Govt.High.School , Jiwanwala (Fdk.) Punjab.

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