Meter Types

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 244
  • Pages: 1
8 English Newman Metric foot types Metrical feet are made up of stressed and unstressed syllables. The stresses make up a poem's beat or rhythm. In order to determine meter, read the lines aloud, exaggerating the stressed syllables slightly, and listen for a pattern. Often two types of metrical foot are in the same line. iamb – dah-DUM (No*EL)

dactyl – DUM-dah-dah (TIFF*a*ny)

trochee – DUM-dah (RI*shi)


anapest – dah-dah-DUM (Mister SCHMIDT)

→Here’s a familiar line that employs anapests: “’Twas the NIGHT before CHRIStmas and ALL through the HOUSE . . .” Anapests show up in limericks quite often, when the writer keeps strictly to the form: There once was a miser named Clarence Who simonized both of his parents; "The initial expense," he remarked, "is immense, But it saves on the wearance and tearance.” --Ogden Nash

→Iambs are extremely common: “Whose WOODS these ARE


OR “I BURNED my LIFE, / that I might FIND / a PASsion WHOLly OF the MIND.”

→Dactyls: “THIS is the FORest prim EVal. The MURmuring PINES and the HEMlocks” OR “PICTure yourSELF in a BOAT on a RIVer / With TANgerine TREES and MARmalade SKIES.”

→Spondee: “BAA BAA, BLACK SHEEP / HAVE you ANy WOOL?” (first part only) →Trochee: “I shall DIE, but / THAT is ALL that I shall DO for DEATH.” OR “JACK and JILL went UP the HILL / to FETCH a PAIL of WATer.” 11/07

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