Maximum -5 for any one categoryexcePtmisquoting,sk, or NNN's
CORRECTIONSYMBOLS cap = capitalize no cap or lc = should be lower case sp = spelling error (circle or underline it) p = punctuation error t = verb tense effor; past, present, future tense is wrong (circle or underline it) gr = grammatical error (circle or underline it) wd ch = word choice error (circle or underline it) fl
= paragraph sign; means switch to a new paragraph OR indent here
r-o = run-on run-together commasplicerun-on runs on and on (put bracketsaround it) frag = sentencefragment (put bracketsaround it) n.c. = not clear;well-worded but confusing awk = awkward; clearin meaning but rough wording agr = agreementerror (underline parts and connectw/line) (s-v agr = subject-verbagreementproblems) (tr-p ugt = noun-pronoun referentproblems) red = redundanUideasrepeatedin different wording
ref = unclearreference;a pronoun is confusing matters (circleit) wd msg = word(s) missing(usebracketsand caret) tr = transition word or phraseneeded (caret+ tr)
= caret: insert something here
sing. = singular pl. = plural col = colloquial(slang/casuallanguage) wordy = you have written it with too many words; boil it down = make this one word
= space
f=insertaspace .h
-y+r 44
= deleteextra space(s) = deletereturns (extra lines)
t.s. = topic sentence c.s.= concludingsentence misquote = you have quotedinaccurately;wording or punctuationis not exact X through a word or punctuation = used a Newman's No-No sk = skeletonwording