Mechanics Burg Minutes

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BOROUGH OFFICE BUILDING 36 West Allen Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-6257 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING February 17, 2009

7:30 PM

CALL TO ORDER: President Whitcomb called the regular Council meeting of February 17, 2009 to order at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: President Whitcomb led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken with the following present: President Whitcomb, Vice President Ryder, Councilmen Ciecierski, Humes, Seagrist, Stoner, Mayor Ritter, Solicitor Schorpp, Engineer Barber, Chief Seagrist, Chief Spotts, Manager Dennis and Assistant Secretary Boyer. Councilman McDermott was absent due to a family emergency. Also in attendance: A Palleschi – Patriot, K. Wilson – Sentinel, Rob Bertram, Eric Casanave, Mary Coover, John Espenshade, Sean Forsythe, Lee Frey, Chris Gulotta, Darryl Kenes, Ranny Singiser, Ron Trace, John Walker, Jack Winchell and Rebecca Yearick. GUESTS: Ranny Singiser, President of the Wildcat Foundation, addressed Borough Council. Mr. Singiser thanked Council for their help with the installation of the turf field, noting that Lacrosse and Soccer would be played there this spring. He encouraged Council to let Community Organization know that they could make arrangements to use of the facility for Community Events. Mr. Singiser then reviewed the current projects of the Foundation which include putting in new bleachers at the soccer filed and putting a green environmental classroom at the Trails and Tree Enviromental Center. This Thursday the Wildcat Foundation will be reviewing 45 applications from teachers, students, and the community and will help to fund project that fall outside the School District’s budget. He noted that any money that is contributed through the Wildcat Foundation Capital Campaign does not go to cover administrative costs. He explained that the Administrative Costs are raised by the Foundation Board Members. Mr. Singiser then challenged Council Members and Borough Staff to contribute by sponsoring the Foundation Black Tie Gala Fund Raiser and Silent Auction, noting that the Upper Allen Commissioners had agreed to the challenge. For $250 Borough Council can participate. Interested Elected Officials and Staff should contact Boyer with their donations. John Espenshade, McCullough Consulting Group, addressed the Borough Council regarding the Borough’s CFA grant application. Mr. Espenshade stated that he has met with Borough Staff and reviewed what is required in this grant processes and stated his firm would be interested in working with Borough Staff to secure this grant funding in the second round of CFA grant funding. After his presentation, he answered questions from Borough Council on the funding stream and anticipated subsequent grant funding rounds. Mr. Espenshade reviewed the methods of payment open to the Borough should they contract with the McCullough Group which includes a contingency fee, shared fee basis and also on an hourly rate basis. He noted that his firm would work with the Borough from the application process through the completion of the project and grant audit. CITIZENS COMMENTS: None ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Chief Spotts requested the addition of discussion and possible action to hire Kendrick Jones, III as a school crossing guard. Chief Spotts also requested the addition of discussion and possible action on the 2009 Humane Society contract. Chief Spotts also asked for the addition of an Executive Session on a personnel matter, with no action. Vice President Ryder requested the addition of Resolution 05-2009 in honor of Eagle Scout Jordan Duncan. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Ciecierski made a motion to approve the agenda, with the additions noted. Vice President Ryder seconded the motion, which passed with no dissenting votes.

Regular Borough Council Meeting – February 17, 2009


CORRESPONDENCE: Manager Dennis stated that he had no correspondence to report.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Vice President Ryder made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular Council meeting held on February 3, 2009. Councilman Ciecierski seconded the motion, which passed with no dissenting votes. MANAGER’S REPORT: Manager Dennis reported that Hamilton and Musser completed the annual audit last week and all went well.

MAYOR’S REPORT: th February 9 – Record turn out for the monthly Crime Watch meeting. Matthew Bennett from the Cumberland-Perry Drug and Alcohol Commission had lots of good information. Hot dogs were served before and after the meeting. th February 14 – Friends of the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library held their used book sale at Books by the Gross on Cheryl Avenue. th February 14 – Served on the Host Committee for the United Methodist Home “Have a Heart for Kids” banquet held at the West Shore Country Club. The Methodist Home for Children was started on West Main Street at the Cumberland Valley Institute in 1859. st The Washington Fire Company will be holding their annual Banquet Saturday February 21 at the Mechanicsburg Club. th


Be sure to visit the Mechanicsburg Museum’s exhibit “Enriching Your Life Through quilts” February 4 through May 16 . Trivia Question: There was a church on the South West Corner of the square here in Mechanicsburg. Four part question, what was the name of this church? Why did it move? Where did it relocate? What is its name today? Answer: Mechanicsburg Methodist Church is now the Wesley United Methodist Church at Filbert and Simpson. It relocated after storm damage in the 1950’s. CHIEF OF POLICE REPORT: Chief Spotts reported that he received a letter of commendation for Office Vincent on a recent Community Relations Program. SOLICITOR’S REPORT: No report. ENGINEER REPORT: No report. FIRE CHIEF REPORT: Chief Seagrist reported that he and his wife attended the Upper Allen Fire Company annual banquet. He reported holding nd a Fire Officers meeting on February 2 . Chief Seagrist noted that he has assisted Codes Enforcement Officer Ressler in several matters over the last few weeks. Chief Seagrist commended the Washington Fire Company for providing lighting for the Friday evening book sale for the Friends of the Library. Chief Seagrist reported recently participating in both Cumberland Valley and Mechanicsburg High School’s shadowing program. This program allows students to observe different professionals as they work through a typical day in their field. Chief Seagrist provided this service to two students from each school. Chief Seagrist reported that the Washington Fire Company will be holding their annual banquet this Saturday at the Mechanicsburg Club. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Capital Area COG - McDermott – No report. Community Development – Humes – Councilman Humes thanks the Fire Company for providing lighting for the Library Book Sale and reported that the sale generated over $9,500 for the Library which was the highest revenue for a February book sale. Environmental Committee - Ryder – Vice President Ryder reported that the both the Enviromental Advisory Council and th th Recycling Committee met this evening. On April 25 and April 26 the community will be celebrating Earth Day. Awards will be given for a business and a resident that does an exemplary job of recycling. On Jubilee Day the Recycling

Regular Borough Council Meeting – February 17, 2009


Committee and the Adult Enviromental Club have volunteered once again be providing recycling services. The Recycling Committee is going to be offering scholarships for children to defer the cost of the summer environmental camp program at Tree and Trial Enviromental Center this summer. The EAC and Shade Tree Commission are once again doing a tree planting and are in need of tree lawn locations to plant trees. There is a grow out center sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Alliance and that may be moved from the East Shore to a location on the School District property behind the middle school if an agreement can be reached with the School District. The bear root seedlings would be grown at the site and provided to residents for planting to increase the tree canopy in the Borough. Finance/Appropriations/Insurance – Whitcomb – No report. Fire – Ciecierski – No report. th Health and Recreation – Seagrist – Councilman Seagrist reported that the Recreation Commission met on February 10 th at 7 PM in the Borough Council Chambers. The Joint Recreation Commission will meet on Thursday, February 19 at 7 PM in the second floor conference room at Elmwood Elementary. The next Recreation Commission meeting will be held th on March 10 at 7 PM. Councilman Seagrist stated that he would like to discuss changes to the financial reporting for the park and pool with Borough staff. Highway/Public Safety – Stoner – Councilman Stoner reported that Verizon is going door to door to sell their services and asked Chief Spotts if they have a solicitation permit. Chief Spotts stated that he would have to check on the status of that permit. Stoner reported having a negative experience with the solicitation. Vice President Ryder reported that he also had a sales call from Verizon and had a totally different experience than Councilman Stoner. Manager Dennis reported that the Borough does not control programming under the franchise agreement, noting that the office has received several complains about Verizon not offering the sports package. Loan Review Committee - Humes – Councilman Humes reported that there is an agenda item this evening Ordinance Administration – Ciecierski – No report. Property & Buildings – Stoner- No report. Public Communications – McDermott – No report. School Board - Ryder – No report. ♦

AGENDA ITEMS – February 17, 2009 Discussion and possible action on the application of Ritter’s Hardware for a Commercial Revitalization Loan. Vice President Ryder moved for approval of the loan application. Councilman Ciecierski seconded the motion, and President Whitcomb opened the floor for discussion. Applicant Jack Winchell was present with Chris Gulotta and Rebecca Yearick from the Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority. Mr. Winchell reviewed the project with Borough Council. He explained the heat, air conditioning and lighting improvements proposed for the Ritter’s Hardware and also improvements that would be made to the heating and air conditioning in the two residential units over the commercial space. Winchell noted that local contractors will be used for the upgrades, with the exception of the lighting upgrades, which would be done by a firm from Lancaster. Mr. Winchell indicated that he has secured a commercial loan for the residential portion of the upgrades. Chris Gulotta, Executive Director of the Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority, addressed Borough Council stating that this loan has been reviewed by him and the Borough’s Loan Review Committee and meets the requirements. Mr. Gulotta recommended that Borough Council approve this loan application, as recommended by the loan review committee. Mr. Gulotta indicated that this would be a ten year loan from the revolving loan fund and that if this loan was approved, it would be subject to review of the Borough Solicitor. Councilman Seagrist asked what other businesses have received funds from the fund. Gulotta noted that the Library, Eckels and Linda Willis have all received funding. Councilman Seagrist asked where the funds originated. Gulotta explained that the funds are from a 1983 grant from DCED for Commercial Revitalizations loans. The original twelve loans have been repaid and the money is now being recycled to other commercial establishments under the loan fund guidelines, with about $80,000 out on loan at this time. The motion and seconded where amended to include pending review and approval of the Borough Solicitor. President Whitcomb stated he will abstain from the vote, which was taken and the motion passed with all in favor. Discussion and possible action on the Land Development Plan of Admirals Quay – Brandy Lane. Eric Casanave of Penn Terra Engineering and Lee Fry, the applicant were present to represent the application. Mr. Casanave advised that this plan was before the Commission about one year ago. He added that the original plan, which was approved by the Borough, proposed 90 homes in Hampden Township on approximately fifteen acres. Mr. Casanave stated that the property has since changed hands and the new owner wishes to increase the density by thirty-six units. He added that Hampden Township gave conditional approval on 01/08/09 and advised that they must come before Mechanicsburg Borough for approval due to the impact of increased traffic. Mr. Casanave stated that the Borough Planning Commission has reviewed the plan and recommended approval of the waivers requested and the land development plan, subject to the conditions noted in Engineer Barber’s review. President Whitcomb questioned the increased traffic volume, in view of the modest contribution the developer previously made towards future signalization of the Brady Lane- Walnut Street intersection. Councilman Seagrist asked if the 34 foot cartway proposed for Admiral Quay Drive would be adequate for Emergency vehicles to access the development. After

Regular Borough Council Meeting – February 17, 2009

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considerable discussion on these two points, Engineer Barber interjected that nothing was changed on this plan from the previously approved plan other than the number of dwelling units. Ms. Frey noted that the size and configuration of the units, which range from 1200 square feet to 2,400 square feet, was done in response to the changing real estate market. She noted that the impervious coverage was reduced as a result of the changes made. Vice President Ryder asked if the proposed units would be sold or if they would be maintained as rentals. After much additional discussion, President Whitcomb asked for a motion on the six proposed waivers, outlined in Engineer Barber’s memo of February 16, 2009 (attached). Councilman Humes seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of five in favor (Ciecierski, Humes, Ryder, Stoner, Whitcomb) and one against (Seagrist). After the waivers were approved Solicitor Schorpp asked the applicant if the agreed to the conditions as outlined in Engineer Barber’s memo. The applicant indicated that they agreed to the conditions. With discussion concluded, Councilman Humes made a motion to approve the land development plan for Admiral’s Quay condition upon the applicants compliance th with the conditions outlined in Engineer Barber’s memo of February 16 and in the developer providing maintenance guarantees for all public improvements in an amount acceptable to the Borough Engineer and providing a developer agreement and performance guarantee in a form acceptable to the Borough Solicitor. Councilman Ciecierski seconded the motion and President Whitcomb called for a vote. The motion passed with five in favor and Councilman Seagrist voting in the negative. Vice President Ryder noted that it would be better if Council could receive an 11 X 17 copy of the plan instead of these large plans that waste a lot of paper. Engineer Barber noted that full sized drawings are a requirement under the Borough Ordinance. Councilman Ciecierski noted that he will look at having a change in that regard added to the Subdivision and Land Development revisions. Discussion and possible action on the Land Development Plan of Suburban Roofing – Mulberry Drive John Walker, Hoover Engineering, was present to represent this plan. Mr. Walker explained that the proposed construction would be for a warehouse to store supplies for future projects. He noted that water and sewer service would not be required. President Whitcomb opened the floor for discussion on the four requested waivers. Councilman Seagrist questioned the waiver regarding the installation of sidewalk along West Church and Mulberry Drive. Engineer Barber explained that Planning Commission reviewed this request and determined that installation of sidewalks at this location would prevent sheet flow from Mulberry Drive which may result in water damage to the roadway during period’s heavy rain. After some additional discussion of the floodway lines on the plans, Councilman Humes made a motion to approve the four requested waivers outlined in Engineer Barber’s memo of February 16, 2009 (attached). The motion passed with all in favor. Solicitor Schorpp asked the applicant if he agreed to comply with the two conditions outlined in Engineer Barber’s February 16, 2009 memo. The applicant indicated that he would. Councilman Ciecierski made a motion, second by Vice President Ryder, to approve the land development plan for Suburban Roofing, 210 Mulberry Drive, subject to the conditions outlined in Engineer Barber’s memo of February 16, 2009. The motion passed with all in favor. Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Scott and Linda Bishop – 135 West Main Street for Roof Replacement. Councilman Humes made a motion, second by Vice President Ryder to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Scott and Linda Bishop, 135 West Main Street for roof replacement as recommended by the Historic Architectural Review Board. The motion passed with all in favor. Discussion and possible Acton on the Special Events Application for Jubilee Day. Councilman Seagrist made a motion, second by Councilman Stoner, to approve the special events application and street closing for Jubilee Day as requested. The motion passed by a vote of six in favor, none opposed. Consider request of Cumberland County Bureau of Elections to use the Municipal Center as a polling place th rd for the 2009 elections to be held on May 19 and November 3 . Councilman Ciecierski made a motion to approve the request of the Cumberland County Bureau of Elections to use the Municipal Center as a polling place for the 2009 elections. Manager Dennis noted that Council will need to th reschedule the May 19 Council meeting if this is approved. The motion passed with all in favor and President th Whitcomb stated that rescheduling the May 19 meeting should be added to the next agenda. Execute Agreement with Hess Farm Communities Limited to establish an escrow account to pay for engineering and solicitor fees in relation to review of sewer plans and documents for development of the Hess Farm. Councilman Ciecierski made a motion to execute the agreement and establish and escrow account with Hess Farm Communities Limited to pay for engineering and solicitor fees related to the plans to provide sewer service to the Hess Farm Tract. Vice President Ryder seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor. Discussion and possible action to authorize submission of the application to the Cumberland County Conservation District for review and approval of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation Project. Vice President Ryder made a motion, second by Councilman Stoner, to approve the submission of the application to the Cumberland County Conservation District for review of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for the Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation Project. The motion passed with all in favor.

Regular Borough Council Meeting – February 17, 2009 ♦

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Discussion and possible action to authorize submission of a Water Quality Management Permit Application to the Department of Enviromental Protection for the Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation Project. Councilman Ciecierski made a motion, second by Vice President Ryder, to authorize submission of a Water Quality Management Permit Application to DEP for the Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation Project. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion and possible action to name the following Community Service Officers as Substitute School Crossing Guards. Gary Gochenaur Andrew Herr Michael McCormack Nathaniel Grove Michael Hughes Shane McMillan Brian Gryzboski Ryan Hughes Councilman Stoner made a motion to name all the above listed Community Service Officers as Substitute School Crossing Guards. Vice President Ryder seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 6 in favor, none against. Discussion and possible action to hire Kendrick Jones, III as a School Crossing Guard. Humes – stoner a Councilman Humes made a motion to hire Kendrick Jones III as a school crossing guard. Councilman Stoner seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor. Discussion and possible action to authorize the Humane Society Contract for 2009 Chief Spotts indicated that no reasonable alternative had been found to the Humane Society services for stray animal control. Chief Spotts reviewed the cost of the contract which is $7,976.76, with the Department providing transportation of the animals to the East Shore Shelter. Councilman Ciecierski asked what the cost was for the Humane Society to provide transport and Chief Spotts indicated it would be $75 per pick up. After discussion, Vice President Ryder made a motion, second by Councilman Ciecierski, to authorize execution of the Humane Society contract for 2009. The motion passed unanimously. Discussion and possible action on Resolution 05-2009 in honor of Jordan Duncan. Councilman Seagrist made a motion, second by Vice President Ryder, to adopt Resolution 05-2009 in recognition of Eagle Scout Jordan Duncan’s service to the community. The motion passed with all in favor.

CITIZEN COMMENTS: None OTHER BUSINESS: Manager Dennis asked that Council remain after the Executive Session to sign the Resolution passed this evening. Manager Dennis also thanked Office Manager Boyer for her work in preparation for the 2008 audit by Hamilton Musser. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:22 PM, President Whitcomb adjourned the meeting to an executive session on a personnel matter, with no action.

Patrick E. Dennis, Borough Secretary

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