May 21 2009 Newsletter

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Colonial Heights United Methodist Church PO Box 6027 Kingsport, TN 37663

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MAY 21, 2009

The Colonial News (423) 239-6031 or 6081 Email: [email protected] Web Site: The mission of Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is that by the Grace of God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will LEAD people to Christ, DISCIPLE people in Christ, and SERVE people for Christ!

Beginning June 7, Colonial Heights will venture into a new effort in “Caring Ministry” Pastor Tom will attend training for the purpose of beginning the “Stephen Ministry” program in our congregation. The “Stephen Ministry” program is the training and sending out of our laity into various forms of caring ministry.

Remember or honor your father this Father’s Day. Just fill out this form, attach a donation and put it in the offering plate or bring to the church office. UMW will use the money to purchase a prepre-lit Christmas tree for the Chrismons and will split the remaining funds between our preschool Deadline: June 15 In Memory of: _________________________________________________________ In Honor of:____________________________________________________________ Given by: ______________________________________________________________ Paid $______

check or cash (circle one)

Make checks payable to CHUMW.

Why are we entering this program? The first reason is that the “Stephen Ministry” concept gives us a great opportunity to train large numbers of our congregation. Secondly, after the annual conference this June, we will be transitioning into ministry without an Associate Pastor. This decision has been made with the understanding that we cannot support that position financially; saving the church approximately $20,000 this year and $40,000 next year. However, this leaves a large gap in our caring effort. Part of this will be picked up by the pastor, but there remains a great need for the membership to step in and lead in the caring ministries of the church. The future for every church of every denomination is to become a dynamic center for lay caring!! What kind of commitment is expected? There is an extensive class training component. It is only after that training that the invitation is given for those

trained to make a one-year commitment for second-mile service to be worked out with the pastor. For instance: someone might be able to give three hours a week extra to nursing home caring, while another might give after hospital follow-up on an as needed basis. Each year there would be a review and opportunity to negotiate a second year. There will be several follow-up ongoing training supplements during the year. It is hoped to hold two training classes per year, training 6– 12 in each class with a number being led to become “Stephen Ministers.” The training would be open to all, even if you did not expect to enter a formal commitment. However! In order to meet our caring ministry needs, it is hoped to have at least two and as many as four of our members who would take up this mantle of service. One of the great heartaches in the local church is to find out about a member that has fallen through the cracks of the caring networks. The Stephen Ministry can be a great tool for healing this heartache before it ever happens. - Pastor Tom


The Front Porch Traditional Service

73 149

Total Worship



Friday, May 29 8:00 AM—2:00 PM Saturday, May 30 8:00 AM—12:00 PM






MAY 28

There will not be a United Methodist Women meeting in May.

Early Bazaar Rummage Sale

Sunday School

Receipts 5/17


MAY LECTOR Jim Thoma Please sign up at the Welcome Center to be a Lector in 2009. MAY OFFERING STEWARD Sean Reed

HOMEBOUND MEMBER OF THE MONTH Dorothy Campbell Gray LifeCare Center


Room 213A Gray, TN 376 Please let Dorothy know how much she is thought of and cared about by sending a card, calling, or visiting.

There will also be an All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast on Saturday from 7:00—10:00 AM $5—Adults $4—Children $15—Maximum for a family

John’s Island Planning Meeting and Cookout— Saturday, May 30 at 5:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. Thanks to everyone who helped with the Sullivan South ROTC Banquet on May 1. We cleared over $800 of which 10% will go to conference askings and the remainder to the budget. —Linda and Judy

Visitation Te a m — Meeting on Sunday, May 31 at 5:30 PM in the Epworth Sunday School Classroom. Anyone interested in joining this team please attend this meeting.


Our children and youth

Colonial Heights United Methodist Church Childcare has received a 3-star rating from the state. This is the highest rating a center is given. I’d like to thank my entire 2008/2009 staff for their dedication to our program, children, and church.

Joann Bowery

In Memory Of:

Given By:

Tom Tom Tom Tom

Bert & Mary Lea Byer Roy & Jane Adams Jane Harris Ruth Circle

Little & Doris Little & Doris Little & Doris Little

In Honor Of:

Given By:

Her Music Students

Martha Egan

Dot Campbell Nancy Collins Janice Fields Kent and Angie Harris (Jane Harris’ son & daughter-in-law) Ferril Harrison Brad Jefferson Janet Manning’s father


Invite your neighbors, friends, and family! Senior Violin Recital— Onzie & Bernice Woods request the honor of your presence at the Senior Violin Recital of their daughter, Stacey R. Woods, on Saturday, May 30 at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.

Showtime at First Baptist, Barter - lunch at Martha Washington Inn

Pastors, Staff and Ministries of CHUMC

Paul Bragg

Old Education Wing, 2nd Floor


Mennonite Store, Greeneville - lunch at General Morgan Inn - meet at CHUMC at 9:30 AM


The Kingsport District has a goal of 300 kits. The following items should be included in each kit:

• • • • • • • •

2 toothbrushes 2 tubes of toothpaste (4 oz) 3 bars of soap 1 bottle of roll-on deodorant 1 bottle of cough suppression syrup (Equate) (i.e. Robitussin) 1 bottle of cough suppression expectorant (Equate) (i.e. Delsym) 1 bottle of children’s cherry flavored cough syrup 1 bottle of children’s animal shape vitamins

Stop by the Ministry Center to pick up a 2-gallon storage bag for these items. Filled bags should be returned to the church no later than Sunday, June 7. A $5.00 donation for shipping is to accompany each kit. Please make your check payable to CHUMC and designated Zimbabwe. Attach check to the outside of the kit—DO NOT PUT ANY MONEY IN THE BAG. Let’s do our part to reach the Kingsport District goal of 300 kits!

Arthur McNutt Betty O’Leary Michael Putman (Frances Reed’s grandson) Edie Roach Harold Shell

Sheila Parker Linda Kaywood Regina May Teresa Grills Sandy Clark Dawn Blair Shonda White

Melanie Beach Kelly Jacobs Tammy Bewley Peggy Catron Lize Kinsler Carol Whiting Whitney Henley

and the Preschool Board - Vicki Jacobs Tribute to a Childcare Provider There is no job more important than ours, No job anywhere else in the land. We are the keepers of the future, We hold the smallest of hands. Into our care we are trusted, To nurture and care for the young. And for all of our everyday heroics, Our talents and skills go unsung. We wipe tears from the eyes of the injured, We rock babies brand new in our arms. We encourage the shy and unsure child, We make sure they are safe from all harms.

Carol Shelton Betty Starnes Rhea Starnes Wanda Stewart Mack Whitlock

We foster the bonds of friendships, Letting no child go away mad. We respect and honor their emotions, We give hugs to each child when they are sad. For molds a child’s mind, We have more impact than does a professor. So whatever we lay on the table Is whatever that child will explore.

Our At-Home Members Those who are in a nursing home/assisted living All serving in our military

(If you would like to be removed from this list, please contact Jane Miller in the church office.)

Give each child the tools for adventure, Let them be artists and writers, and more. Let them fly in the wind and dance on the stars, And build castles of sand on the shore. It is true that we don’t make much money, And we don’t get a whole lot of praise. But when one small child says, “I LOVE YOU,” We’re reminded of how this job pays. - Author Unknown

THOUGHTS ON PRAYER In the last newsletter we looked at the tool A.C.T.S. What does Adoration mean? The dictionary defines it as (1) an act of worship or (2) profound love or regard. Is there someone in your life that you love deeply or that you regard highly ? How do you treat that person? What do you say? My life has been deeply influenced by the witness and the lives of some incredible Christians. Some of them are well known and some are only known to a few others. They all point to the great goodness and faithfulness of God in their lives. God has also been faithful, a loving provider of all that I need in my life, including discipline. He has always been there. He has always given me strength especially in the hard times. How do I adore Him? Praise Him for: His love, His power, His majesty, His gift of Jesus. What are some tools? Try praying a hymn from the Praise or Worship section of the hymnal. Try praying one of the praise Psalms. Try praying one of the prayers or prose in scripture. (Eph 1:3-14, Pil 2:6-11, Col 1:15-20, Rev 4:11, Rev 5:12, Rev 7:12, Rev 15:3-4, Rev 19:6-8) I know that I like to be told that I did something right. I am sure that God likes to hear it also. Spend some time each day telling Him how much you love Him.

SOCIETY FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES – REUNION & INFORMATIONAL MEETING – Thursday June 4th, 7:30—9:00 PM at First Broad Street UMC Have you dreamed of taking a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, visiting the sites where Christianity was born, walking in the footsteps of Jesus in Capernaum and Jerusalem or Paul in Ephesus, Corinth and Athens, or sites throughout Italy where early Christianity grew? Then you will want to attend the informational / reunion meeting of the Society for Biblical Studies (SBS) at FBSUMC on June 4. SBS tailors its pilgrimages for pastors and lay persons who want more than a commercial tour. SBS has coordinated many pilgrimages for members of Holston Conference and is planning four for the coming year, including a trip to Italy coordinated by Bishop Swanson. These tours are lead by Biblical and archeological experts and not tour guides reciting canned information. Discounts/scholarships are available for pastors. Please attend the meeting if you would like to get more information, or to see various site slides presented by SBS representatives or to visit with Holston Conference pastors and lay members who have taken these pilgrimages. Also see their web site at Desserts and drinks will be served from 7:00—7:30 PM. RSVP To Wes and Frances McConnell Home phone 423-288-4512 or email [email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!! COLLEGE Neal Blair University of Tennessee, College of Dentistry Clint Desatta BS in Computer Science Technology National Business College in Bristol Nicholas Jackson University of Tennessee Law School Zachary Jacobs BS in Sports Fitness and Public Health University of the Cumberlands Devin Lyon BA in Political Science and Philosophy and Minor in Piano Performance Vanderbilt University Diane Vermillion BS in Nursing East Tennessee State University

HIGH SCHOOL Sierra Allen, South Bennett Becker, South TJ Blanken, South Jacob Bower, South William Chamblee, South Charlie Colombo, South Linsey Garland, E. Rochester, NY Brandie Gilliam, Dobyns– Bennett

Seth Gilliam, South Adam Griffith, South CJ Hyder, South Mary Kindrick, South John Parker, South Aaron Pinto, South Stacy Woods, South

UNITED METHODIST MEN INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is hosting Interfaith Hospitality families June 7th— June 14th. Currently, Interfaith has 11 guests. The two families have a total of seven children; ages 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 20-months, and 17-months. Our Mission Team will be signing up volunteers for meals hosts, evening hosts, and meals. Call Mira Wilhelm (477-7406) or Frances Statzer (288-9835) if you would like to help. DAY CENTER WISH LIST DVD Player Bookcases Cleaning supplies Laundry detergent Day center volunteer—4 hour shifts

Colonial Heights United Methodist Church announces the reactivation of the Methodist Men’s Club. We will be meeting on the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at the church. A meal will be provided. The next meeting will take place on Thursday, June 4. Jim Lyon will be doing storytelling. Mark your calendars now! Cost is $10. We will also continue to hold our monthly Prayer Breakfast on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00 AM at the Shoney’s on Fort Henry Drive. Please come and join us!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2009 MAY 31—JUNE5 6:00—8:30 PM CAMP E.D.G.E. Vacation Bible School 2009 takes your children to an extreme adventure camp where they Experience and Discover God Everywhere! CAMP E.D.G.E. VBS is not your typical stroll through the woods. It's an action-packed, adrenaline-filled expedition that teaches kids their strengths and that they come from God. VBS will be held starting Sunday evening on May 31st and ending on Friday evening, June 5th with a BBQ for everyone to enjoy and celebrate the week by showcasing some of our songs and artwork.

FALL CHURCH BAZAAR Beginning the week of June 1 and continuing through the summer months, we will be collecting items for the October Bazaar Garage Sale by appointment. Please call Edna Vesley (239-8955), Nancy Locke (239-9083), or Lesa Worsham (349-5740) to set up a time to deliver your items. Please remember to price your items and no clothing please. There will be more collection dates set closer to the date of the bazaar. Thank you for your wonderful response.

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