May 2009 Elementary Lunch Menu

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  • Pages: 1
y Elementar

1l Tony’s Cheese Pizza

Taco l Chickenlad tree l Tuna Sa ButtEner & ut l Pean ndwich Jelly Sa toes l MashedCPooitans l Carrotn Fresh l Garde Salad pple l Cinnamon A Slices elight l Blueberry D


n Note: N u t r i t i o H PROTEIN

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ein, which help IT ts provide protrvings every day. Choose nu GO LEANanW d an gs eg s, 3 se Meat, fish, be teeth and muscles. Eat 2- y beans and peas. strong bones,ultry without skin, fish, dr lean meat, po

4l Beefy Macaroni

5l Tony's Cheese Pizza

Taco l Soft BeefN en uggetsJelly ck hi C le ro l se as C Butter & hicken l Peanut ich l PopcornJoC on a Bun Sandw /Cheese l Sloppy Buetter & Jelly l NachotsCwoins l Peanut ich l Carro Peaches Sandw Starz l Diced d Fresh Fruit l Potato Green Beans Assorte l Tenderrry Applesauce l l Raisinslate Chip l Bluebe l Choco l Raisinsy Delight Cake e ki Coo l Cherr

6l Spaghetti Casserole

Patty Sandwich l Chickenlad Entree Sa f l Che Butter & Jelly l Peanut ich Sandw ies l Potato Fr en Beans l TendernGFrreesh Salad de ar G l pple Slices l Cinnamon A l Raisins Gelatin l Fruited

8l Tony's Cheese Pizza

7l BBQ Chicken

eenies l Beanie WTa l ChickenButtcoer & Jelly l Peanut ich Sandw tatoes l Sweet tPo ns l Carro nCFroiesh Salad l Garde d Fresh Fruit l Assorte uce l Applesa l Raisins y Shortcake l Strawberr

Supreme l Nachosoo e l Tuna N ledl Cassero tter & Bu l Peanut nd ich Jelly Sa wta toes l MashedGPo en Beans re l Tendern Fresh Salad l Garde Sour Sauce l Apple l Raisins kie l Sugar Coo

1l 4Sliced Roasted Turkey

1l 5Teryiaki Chicken

Heatlhy Time! Choose your lunch food wisely on our colorcoded menu. l Healthy all the time l Most of the time l Some of the time

Here’s How the Lunch Menu Works...

ce Entree - Students Over FluffydleRiCasserole vy ra oo G N y ke na must select one (1) ur Tu /T l w b & Su er tt all tb Bu ea entree. l Peanut ndwich en etti l Italian M ck gh hi pa on C /S r d w ge te ur as Sa Jelly l Cheesebd Bun Side Dishes e Pizza l Beef Burrito uffin l Ro es M he s y ie C rr ’s Fr be ny lly to ue Je To he ta Bl & l Enric l Chili & Nuggets Students may select & Jelly l Po anut Butter ns Chicken Bake oi Pe y er C tt es l t Bu he ro C ut ar l C en an ck Pe l l hips l Chi Joe Sandwich up to three (3) side Sandwich cken Salad Fresh Salad n /Nacho Cer ich de w w ar G nd lly py Sa l Je op hi & Sl l Butt items. l Fiesta C er & Jelly lesauce h Fruit t Potatoe es pp ee l Peanut ich A to ta Sw l Po l d l Peanut icBuh tt he l Mas t Coins Milk - Students Sandw tatoes ssorted Fres serole A as l C s Sandw ies an ro Be Po ar lC Fr may select up to l Mashed y Gravy esh Fruit s Tender Greesenh Salad l Raisins Gelatin Fr d l te l Potatot C or ss A ke l ur ns w/T l Fruited one (1) choice of Beans l Gardend Fr on Apple Slice m en l Carro n Froiesh Salad s na re in G he C ac er l Pe nd lad l Te n Fresh Salad l Chille milk. l Garded Peaches den Fresh Sa ar G de l ar G e ns l isi uc l Ra l Chille t Raisins risp berry Applesa igh w el l ra D y St rr l ns be isi l Blue l Ra All trays must have l Cherry C Cobbler l Raisins kie l Blueberry a minumum (entree e Pizza es he C l Sugar Coo ’s ny To l & 2 other items) Cheese eenies & W i ie on an ar Be ac M l l totaling three (3) lad Entree Sa le f ro he se C ke as l Ba C i tt ies er & l Spaghes Supreme items. Maximum Cheese Frrk anut Buttich li Pe hi C l l ho w l Nac d Turkey & Cheese l BBQ Pulled Po (entree & 4 other Jelly Sandre BBQ Chicken l s a an zz Pi Be te e as en es i To he l acaron items) totaling five Sandwich tter & Jelly l Tender G l Tony's CJoe on a Bun ich w l Beefy M nd ns Sa oi C t lly Bu l Carro n Fresh Salad l Sloppy Butter & Jelly l Peanut Butter & Je (5) items. l Peanut ich CasseronleChicken ut de w an ar Sand lG l Pe l Popcor ef Taco hes es ndwich ac to Sa le ta Pe ro ich d Po w se d lle as nd hi he C C Sa as Be l tato l M t Coins l Soft Butter & Jelly Note: i Rice l Sweet Po en Beans l Raisins rry l Confett l Carro n Fresh Salad l Peanut ich ns l TendernGFrreesh Salad be 1/2% chocolate w ra de St ar G l l CarrotnCFroiesh Salad l Sandw tatoes l Garde on Apple Slices Homestyle tcake arde or G ot milk, 1% low-fat H Sh t l ui l Fr m l Sweet Po h s na es an in e d Fr lC en Be ApplesaucFr l Assorte milk, and l TendernGFrreesh Salad esh Fruit Raisins kie Peaches l d d te lle hi or C ss de A l ar l oo lG condiments are l Sugar C Applesauce l Raisins l Raisins elatin l Very Berry obbler offered daily l Blueberry C l Fruited G l Raisins st Cake with meals. l Black Fore en BBQ Chickes l a zz ey Pi rk e Tu d te he l Tony’s Clad l Sliced Royas Entree If you have questions l Tuna SaButter & Jelly w/Turke liGPiraevy en Cacciatore ck hi C ut hi l C an Pe or concerns, please ito Fr l s ich all l w ti tb et nd ea Sa gh M y pa & tt i /S ich tt Pa w w he en nd ag ck Sa Sp l contact us by calling our l Chi Butter & Jelly ese Pizza ft Beef Tacotree Potatoes ans he d C So ’s he l ny as ut M an To Pe l ol l l Customer Care Line at No Scho Green Belad rrito Chef SaladttEn er ich l w nd lly Je Te nd & Sa l le l Beef BuBu lly er ro Je Bu (904) 732-5174 er & den Fresh Sa l Peanut ich t Potato Casse ar ee G e Sw l l Peanut ichtt uc l sa le pp Sandw ce rot Coins Salad Blueberry A Sandw ies ar C l l Ri Fe a h es l Sant Green Beans Raisins l Potatot Fr l Garden Fr ns Applesauce l l Tendern Fresh Salad l Strawbeakrrey l Carro nCFroiesh Salad l Strawberry de ar G de l Shortc l Gar on Apple Slices l Raisinsy Crisp aches t l Chilled Pe Frui herr h C l Cinnam es l Fr d te or ss l Raisins e Chip Cookie l A l Raisins Gelatin l Chocolat l Fruited tice. ge without no bject to chan su e ar us en M offerings: daily snack r u o y tr l, ea r regular m Ice Cream -on to yougs , Sandwich, $ .75 As an addte in er Off Low Fat Cup lair $ .50 Ec A La Car te la .00 Choco ty Buddy $1 $ .75 ut Fresh Fruit N , by ba ry C 5 rt $ .7 Yogu ckers $ .50 Goldfish Craer $ .50 Drinks pp Po l ze .00 $1 Pret t .00 ea ilk $1 Tr M ie sp ri K 60 Rice ade, Dole ana, Chips $. or ed at ak G B d te ic 50 $. op Assor Fruit Juice, Trer $1.00 Belly Bears ia tled Wat ot B an hm 5 .3 nc $ Cru e $1.25 Small CookiRoll on m na Cin







1l 3Chicken Cacciatore







Lunch Prices Paid $1.50 • Reduced $ .40

For online meal payments, go to ww

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