Republican War Hero Legislation. The republicans got a higher tariff. They built a transcontinental railroad. They got land by the homestead act, Morill land grant act provided money for colleges. They got the national banking act, it got uniform currency and green backs. Financing the War. Jay Cook sales bonds for the union. He sales two billion dollars worth. Both sides had income and excise taxes. The southerners rarely paid these taxes. Both sides printed money. Both sides had a tariff, but the southern tariff failed. Trent Affair Mason and Slidell goto get European help for the South. A union captain takes them off of a British ship. The British treat, they send tens of thousands of troops to Canada. They want Mason and Slidell back or they will invade. (Two font war) Lincoln apologizes. The European threat was over. Raphael Semmes He is a MD native who is loyal to the confederacy. The CSS Alabama is his ship. He is a pirate. After the war the North demanded that Britain pay for the loses that he inflicted. We want Canada, but they pay us millions of dollars. Copperheads Northern Democrats that want peace, Maryland had attempted to leave the union. He suspends habeas corpus, this is your right to know your charges and the right to face your accuser. Forty thousand people people were arrested without knowing why. The union kicks out Clemont Vallendigham. They sabotage the union cause.