Maximillian Robespierre

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  • Words: 535
  • Pages: 13
Maximillian Robespierre By: Ryan Bogdan

Gotta Start Somewhere Born: May 6, 1758 Maximilien François Marie Isidore de

Robespierre Arras, France Poor family Mother died when he was 9 Raised by relative Had 3 siblings 

Middle Years First studied at the College at Arras Rose above in his studies He was granted a chance to study at Louis-le-

Grand Studied law like his father Continued to excel at his studies Like a happy story book? 

Influences Jean Jacques Rousseau  Deism  Natural Goodness  Born freely into chains  Democracy  Anti-Catholic  Anti-Monarchial   

Jacobin Club???

A Call To Politics Went home to practice law (Arras) Was known for his enlightened thoughts Elected to the Third Estate Served on the National Constituent Assembly Became know for his oratory skills Also became known among the people Petion de Villeneuve and “the Incorruptible” Girondists 

What happened to Louis??? He tried flee France with his wife and kids Duke of Brunswick???? He had a Manifesto He ran away to Versailles with his wife and

chillens Georges Jacques Danton…….Gotcha!!!! Louis was put to trial and……………………………..  ……………………………………….was found guilty??? Robespierre spoke at the trial

Wisdom of Robespierre "You have not to pass sentence for or against a

single man, but you have to take a resolution on a question of the public safety, and to decide a question of national foresight. It is with regret that I pronounce a fatal truth: Louis ought to perish rather than a hundred thousand virtuous citizens; Louis must die that the country may live.“ 

Louis was executed on July 21, 1793

Griondin Rule Moderate Rule end in June of 1793 Declared war on Prussia and Austria Lost a lot of battles Managed to hold them off near Vedee Soon hated for its policies Mountain party formed Griondists were kicked out of the National

Covention Robespierre was elected as one of the 12 to the Committee of Public Safety

The Only One Who Matters Started to eliminate those dictated as enemies

of the Revolution Pure Rousseauism Jacques René Hébert (March 24th 1794) Little Herbs Georges Jacques Danton (April 6th 1794) All about the money Reign of Terror???   

And Here We Go Commune of Paris Cult of the Supreme Being Justice ------ Condemed 1300 people in one month About 28 a day Even the Jacobins began fearin the Max Many victories began to be won be the French

Guard Security is not a problem 

Now Down The Hill With less need for high security Robespierre

began to lose power Saint-Just trying to help out July 27th 1794 Held under arrest with supporters Commune to the rescue……sorta? Tough Shape Was beheaded on July 28th with 21 other supporters Next not much better 

Legacy As Seen Today Is taken to be a tyrant First Fascist Leader? Popular Successful law man Psychology Tried to make things look “necessary” Jacobins were shut down Ended the French Revolution 

Work Citied  Hayes, Brian J. "Maximilien Robespierre biography."

Age-of-the-Sage. N.p., 1 May 2000. Web. 30 Nov. 2009. .  Kries, Steven. "Maximilien Robespierre, 17581794." History Guide. N.p., 30 Mar. 2005. Web. 30 Nov. 2009. .  

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