Mating Season 2

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  • Pages: 18
Naruto: Mating Season I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. Chapter One: Kanna Yeshua

Sasuke was mad, no make that pissed. It was currently 5 am in the morning in Hidden Leaf Village and he had been summoned by Tsunade along with the rest of team 7. Marching to the Hokage's tower he pasted several masked anbu and local villagers preparing for the day. Heading up the stairs he opened the door to Tsunade's office to find Sakura and Kakashi waiting. "Where's Naruto?" he asked ticked he'd have to wait for the dead last. "Naruto is currently on another mission, you on the other hand have a rank A mission right now" Tsunade spoke with a serious tone. "Rank A, Hokage?! We aren't ready for a mission of that rank yet we're just Genin!" Sakura exclaimed. "This may be true but you are all we have at the moment. Now on to your mission" Tsunade replied pulling out a scroll. "Earlier this morning, an unusal source of chakra was detected by the local Anbu. However when they tried to get closer the chakra vanished without a trace" she explained. "Do you think it could be ninja of another village?" Kakashi asked. "Possibly, but we have no evidence to suggest it is an unknown ninja, also we have reason to believe it is a demon of some sort" Tsunade spoke. "Demonic chakra? who besides Naruto and Gaara has demonic chakra?" Sasuke asked. "To our intelligence there are no other people that have demonic chakra, but that doesn't mean there aren't others" she replied. "Your mission is to locate the source of this strange chakra and report back to me your findings. If the sources are ninja you are to engage, capture, and question. Dismissed" Tsunade ordered. Forest of Death... Leaping from tree to tree, Naruto was trying to escape his pursurer. The unknown ninja was catching up fast and none of Naruto's tricks seemed to be able to fool her. "I'll get you Naruto-kun!" she yelled launching several kunai at him, forcing him to dodge. His enemy had shoulder length crimson hair and light blue eyes, she was clad in a dark blue vest top and dark blue pants. On her forehead was the shinobi headband of the Sound Village, except it had a line craved all the way across. (Like Itachi's) "Who are you and why did you attack me?" Naruto questioned, armed his a kunai. "I attacked you cause your like me, plus your kinda cute when your ready for battle" she winked. "Like me? what do you mean?" he replied. "Simple, you have the Kyuubi no Kitsune inside you and I have a demon inside me too" she smiled. "As for who I am, my name is Kanna Yeshua, please to meet you" she mock bowed to him. Branishing a dagger she took a battle stance and winked again, "I hope your strong as you are cute" Without warning she blurred out of sight and Naruto spun around to block the dagger pose to strike his neck. leaping away his hands flew through seals. "Mass Shadow Clone

Jutsu!" soon at least thirty Naruto's had Kanna surrounded. "Impressive, there are so many I can't tell which is the real one" she laughed, slashing through the closest target. Sheathing her weapon she began forming seals, "Sound style, Echo shockwave!" She screamed at a freakishly high pitch, creating shockwaves that ripped everything in range to pieces. Naruto's clones were torn to shreds and the real Naruto had to cover his ears which were beginning to bleed. Naruto knew he was in trouble, he could barely hear anything now and his opponet had vanished. He discovered where she was when he felt his legs being kicked out from under him and knocked onto his back, a dagger to his throat. "To slow Naruto-kun" she smiled. With Team 7... After detecting the use of demonic chakra, Team 7 was currently heading through the Forest of Death towards the source. After hearing a high pitch scream they were flying through the forest. "Are target is just ahead, be on guard" Kakashi voiced. "I'm picking up Naruto's chakra and another demonic chakra" Sakura replied. The team came to a clearing of torn up ground and knocked down trees to see a girl straddling Naruto waist with a dagger to his neck. "To slow Naruto-kun" they heard her speak as she removed the dagger. Sakura went wide eyed as the unknown ninja lowered her face towards Naruto and kissed him on the lips. What shocked them the most was Naruto wasn't fighting back, he was trying to prolong it. "Naughty little Kitsune, you can't have dinner with dessert yet" she laughed before vanishing in a poof of smoke. Rushing towards their fallen comrad they saw a dreamy look on his face. "Hey dobe, you still with us?" Sasuke asked, slightly kicking him in the side. "Yeah I'm here" Naruto replied with a sigh. "Who was that girl Naruto?" Sakura asked trying to hide the jelous tone in her voice. "Kanna-chan" he said lovingly causing her to flinch. "She must be strong if she managed to due all this damage and kick your butt dobe" Sasuke smirked trying to get a response out of his rival. "Yeah she is" Kakashi smirked under his mask. "It appears Naruto has been love struck" he voiced. Seeing how they weren't going to get any more answers out of Naruto, they carried him back to the village not knowing that Kanna was trailing them. Kakashi dropped Naruto off at his apartment and went to Hokage Tower along with Sasuke and Sakura to give his report. Masking her chakra Kanna sat in a tree outside Naruto's apartment with a smile on her face, "So here's where you live my cute Kitsune" she smirked leaping up to his window and peaking in. She spotted Naruto on his bed sound asleep, she used formed hand seals and poofed herself inside, several feet from the bed. Sneaking through the apartment she reached the door and placed a parchment with a seal on it. "Sealing Jutsu, chakra barrier" she spoke softly and a shield of blue energy covered the door. Returning to the bedroom she did the same to the window. (Warning beginning of lemon, if you are below the age of 17 stop reading)

Making her way to the bed she slowly removed to covers to find Naruto clad only in boxers which made her blush slightly. "He's more built then I thought he'd be" she smiled reaching into her side bag, producing several pieces of rope. She bit her thumb and rubbing the blood from it on Naruto's forehead, "Sealing Jutsu, Strengh" she smiled and her blood glowed blue. Now that Naruto was weak she tied his arms and legs to the bed posts and began stripping off her clothes. When she was down to her bra and panties she climbed ontop of naruto with her dagger in hand. "release!" she voiced and the seal on Naruto broke, making his wake up. The first thing he noticed was he couldn't move, his eyes shot open to see Kanna clad in her underware on top of him smiling brightly. "Hello Naruto-kun" she smiled teasingly running the tip of her dagger down his chest. Naruto shivered under the touch of the cold steel and pulled at his bonds. "Don't bother fighting, these ropes are made of my chakra, they can't be broken" she smiled. "What are you gonna do to me?" he asked excited and scared at the same time. "I don't know, I could do many things to you my naughty kitsune" she smirked kissing him on the shoulder. "I think your wearing to much clothing Naruto-kun" she smirked and used her dagger to slash his boxers to shreds revealing his growing erection. Naruto tried to pull his legs together but the bonds refused to move an inch. "You seem to be enjoying this Naruto-kun, maybe I should stop" she voiced slowly getting off him. "NO!" he yelled stopping her from moving. "So you want me to continue then?" she asked seeing him nod his head she smiled. "I knew you'd want more my sweet kitsune" she voiced slowly pulling off her bra to reveal her breasts. Pressing herself against him she gave him open mouth kisses along his collar bone down to his chest, nibbling at his nipples along the way. Naruto gasped and moaned as he pulled at his bonds wanting her to continue, she however stopped causing him to wimper at the lost of pleasure. Kanna smiled at her bond lover and kissed him on the lips to silence him. "Relax Naruto-kun, we have all night" she smirked lovingly cupping his cheek, runing her thumb over his wisker marks. Picking up her dagger she cut the sides of her panties so that she was now completely naked. Naruto saw her blush as he ran his eyes over body, "your beautiful Kanna-chan" he voiced making her blush more. "Your so sweet I think you deserve a reward" she giggled reaching back to his manhood and grasping it. Naruto bucked at the touch and tried to pull away but Kanna tightend her grip making him moan in pleasure. "Kitsune's like being dominated by their female counterparts, its their nature" she smirked tugging again making him moan louder. "Your much to loud Kitsune, I should silence you before you alert the Anbu" she smirked reaching down to her discarded panties and taking off her headband. Before Naruto could protest he balled up the panties and stuffed them into his mouth, she covered his mouth with her hand to keep him from spitting them out and then tied the headband around his head, keeping the panties from being forced out. "Much better" she laughed as naruto protested behind the gag. Tugging on his manhood

again his protests turned into groans of pleasure as she reached up for his headband. "I'm gonna torture you all night long my naughty little kitsune" she smiled tieing the forehead protector around Naruto's eyes, blindfolding him. Straddling him again she picked up her dagger and slowly ran it down Naruto's side making him flinch to the cold steel. Normally you'd think he'd be afraid but judging from his erection he was aroused at the teasing steel. Without warning she made a quick slash at his chest making him jump and scream into his gag. She smiled and brought her mouth to the small cut and began sucking. Naruto's began groaning in pleasure at the feeling and relaxing his grip at the bonds. Bringing herself up from his chest she kissed him on the nose, leaving blood on the tip. "A kitsune's blood can arouse any living being don't you agree?" she smiled as she made another cut and began sucking again. Naruto felt like he was in heaven, for some reason the scent of his blood made him feel relaxed and the sucking from Kanna made him shiver in pleasure. He couldn't even feel the pain of the cuts she was making anymore, all he felt was the pleasure of not being control of his own bodies actions. He could feel her making cuts all the way down his chest till she reached his manhood and that's when he got scared. Kanna stopped in her actions when she heard him wimper behind the gag. She could tell he was afraid now so she decided to calm his fear. She dropped the dagger, hearing it clang to the floor and Naruto relaxed again. "I'd never hurt you my loving Kitsune, I want to cause pleasure not pain" she voiced. Naruto moaned when Kanna took his manhood in her hand and rubbed it up and down very slowly. She stuck out her tongue and started playing with his nuts, still massaging his meat with one hand. The boy couldn't hold back any of his passionate moans and sighs, as the vixen was giving everything she had to pleasure him. She took his balls with one hand, still rubbing the cock with the other, and licked a spot on the soft skin of the penis. Naruto's moans were growing stronger with every passing second until Kanna finally decided to get to work seriously. She slid down her hand, stripping the tip of the penis, and took it in her mouth. Naruto screamed into his gag when she began sucking his head. Her tongue was dancing on his hot tip while her head was bobbing up and down. She was taking more and more from his staff, pressing lips close to the meat, sucking it tightly as a vacuum. The kitsune ninja was now sweating and shaking from her tongue's movements, moaning loudly. She released his dick from her mouth, now rubbing it up its length. "Kanna!"... - Naruto screamed into his gag when she suddenly sucked his penis again, swallowing it almost to the hilt. Naruto yelled from pleasure and trembled. The girl renewed her efforts, licking and tasting his staff, moving her head up and down. Her tongue slid up to the tip, caressing it with its wet touch, running around the flesh like a snake. He tugged at his bonds with the strongest effort possible but it was of no use. Kanna sucked the member up to his hilt for a second time, now determined to finish him off. Her

mouth was running on his meat, deep-throating it passionately, sparing not a single spot of skin. When her mouth sealed around his penis again, she sucked tighter than before, creating vacuum that finally set Naruto off. He made a final moan, louder than the last one, and unloaded himself in the persistent vixen's mouth. Kanna released his member and licked the arc of sperm that was connecting his tip with her lips. She sucked gently the head again, extracting more cum from the devastated leaf ninja. She tasted the semen dripping down the boy's cock and swallowed it. Kanna gulped down the last drops of cum and smiled, at her bound lover. "I hope you enjoyed that Naruto-kun, I won't release you right now. maybe in the morning when or if I feel like letting you leave" she smiled cuddling next to him and pulling the covers over them. "Sleep well Kitsune-kun, tomarrow is a big day" she voiced as the two lovers fell into a deep sleep. Ok time for you to vote who seduces Naruto next. When you review please choose one of the following characters. Sasuke Hinata Gaara Sakura Neji Tenten Itachi Tsunade Also suggest themes of what should occur with your choice. Please Review!

Chapter Two: Hinata Hyuuga To say Kakashi was surprised would be an understatement. After not showing up at the training grounds he decided to come find what was taking Naruto so long. What he didn't expect to find was that Kanna girl from yesterday feeding Naruto while he was tied to his bed. Like any normal pervert he decided to sit down and watch until Kanna noticed and released Naruto from his bonds. "Kakashi-sensei, why did you have to interrupt! I was enjoying my breakfast!" he yelled pissed off that his beautiful lover wasn't feeding him any more. "You were late to a mission but now I can see you had a good excuse not to leave" Kakashi voiced smiling behind his mask. "Kakashi-sensei, this is Kanna Yeshua, S-class missing ninja of Sound Village. She's here to give important information on Orochimaru's plans" Naruto smiled at the beautiful redhead. "Very well, Ms. Yeshua I will escort you to Hokage's office" he

replied and the two left leaving Naruto to get ready for the day. Hyuuga Estate... She felt odd, really odd this morning. When she awoke she felt this tingling feeling go throughout her body and it scared her. She remembered having wierd dreams about Naruto and her which returned the blush to her face once again. Hinata may have been a shy girl but she did know what sex was after catching Negi making out with Tenten in his room. She always pictured herself and Naruto having that type of realtionship but would never voice it, knowing her father wouldn't approve. Not know to many, Hinata was not the shy weak girl everyone thought she was. She was quite powerful and very well skilled as she had shown when she asked to Kiba to spar with her. Also she had the body of a goddess hidden under that big coat she always insisted on wearing, her father always wondered why she wore it when she had such a good looking figure. She claimed on the man she loves will be allowed to gaze at it. Currently Hinata was heading towards the village hotsprings, her sister had said she was far too stressed about the families issues and need a place to relax. It was also the perfect place to think about her Naruto since no one else would be there, or so she thought. Lakeside Training Grounds... "Your late dobe" Sasuke voiced seeing the blonde haired genin walking up to them. "Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night" he replied not feeling like telling what really went on besides sleeping. "Naruto, is that a bite mark on your neck?" Sakura asked pointing to his neck. That made Naruto freeze up and run to the small lake to look at his reflection. Sure enough he saw two small holes in the side of his neck that were made by kanna's teeth and blushed bright red. Seeing Naruto's face go read, Sakura decided to tease him alittle, "So Naruto why couldn't you sleep last night? were you with a girl?" she smiled seeing Naruto rapidly shake his head. "No I wasn't with a gir.." he replied but was cut off, "Then why do you have a bite mark and your sweating really hard?" Sakura asked mentally laughing at the red faced blonde. "Enough Sakura, don't be jelous because Naruto got some before you did" Sasuke voiced saving the blonde from even more embersement. Sakura's eye twitched and Naruto fainted, Sasuke of all people had come to his rescue, getting back up he sat down next to the avenger and ignored the pink haired girl infront of him. Sasuke leaned over and spoke softly in his ear, "I want details later" Naruto blushed even more and quickly jumped up. "That's it I'm out of here, screw the mission I need to be alone!" he sprinted off into the woods leaving a dumbfounded Sakura and Sasuke. Leaf Village Springs.... The hot springs were one of the more private sections of the hidden village. Only the upper class types were allowed here and since most were out on missions or being pampered in town, Hinata was all alone with her thoughts. She was currently trying to

think up a way to admit her feelings for her favorite blonde ninja but just wasn't getting anywhere. "Its hopeless, I'll never be able to admit I like him to his face" she voiced resting his chin on her head against the large rock behind her. "If only Naruto could hear just how much I love him then maybe he consider me more then a friend" she sighed. "You love me?" Woods... Naruto was sprinting through the woods away from the training grounds went he felt a tingling feeling in his body. Deciding to find what was causing it he changed direction and headed straight for the Village Springs where this feeling was leading him. Once he arrived he noticed that all the springs were empty except fo one, which held the beautiful Hinata Hyuuga. Now Naruto wasn't a pervert, he could control himself better then the average teenage guy but seeing Hinata's body made him sweat. She had decent size breasts, a curvy figure and beautiful looking skin, deciding to get a better look (like the pervert he really is) he snuck closer only to overheard her conversation. "If only Naruto could hear just how much I love him then maybe he consider me more then a friend" she sighed. "You love me?" he asked without thinking, Hinata spun around to see Naruto no more then a few feet away with a look of shock on his face. "Narutokun? what are you doing here?" she asked trying to forget what had just happened. "Stop avoiding what just happened, do you really love me?" naruto asked stepping closer to the springs, ignoring the fact Hinata's naked body was right infront of him. "Well, um... yeah I do" was here softly spoke reply. What happened next really caught her off guard when she felt Naruto's lips on hers. She gasped and Naruto took advantage thrusting his tounge inside to taste her causing her to moan his name. "Your sweet Hinata-chan, I love you too" he voiced before kissing her again with the same passion as before. They were fighting for control but Hinata soon gave up allowing Naruto to overpower her as she fell weakly against him. Steeping into the spring Naruto shed himself of his clothes and joined Hinata against the side of the spring, ready to go one step further. Hinata blushed when she saw Naruto standing there naked and looked away and trying to cover herself. Cupping her chin her turned her face back to him and spoke, "you don't have to afraid Hinata-chan, I won't do anything you don't want to do, I have higher morals then that" he smiled. Starting to relax she continued with their make out session till she felt something hard against her belly and she looked down into the water, "is that a kunai Naruto?" He smirked, "Maybe" he voiced rubbing it against the inside of her leg making her moan. While all this was going on, Kakashi and Kanna were hiding in a nearby tree watching with a video camra. "Jiraiya will quite pleased with this, I'll get the next issue of Icha Icha

Paradise for sure" Kakashi smiled behind his mask as he resumed filming. Kanna had find stars in her eyes as she saw her Kitsune lover ramming into Hinata over and over again, "I'll be sure to punish him later" Naruto currently had spun Hinata around and was hammering into her ass over and over. She was clutching the side of the rocks so hard her knuckles were turning white, her eyes were glazed over with passion and lust for her blonde lover. "HARDER NARUTOKUN!" She screamed making his thrust even harder. Naruto's body slowly started to release glowing red chakra giving him more energy to thrust even faster making Hinata scream so loud the entire village heard her. Hyuuga Estate... "Was that Hinata just now?" Neji asked looking to Hinata's sister. "Hmm, I don't know" Springs... Hinata clutched the rock side so hard her fingernails were digging into it, she just couldn't keep up with Naruto's speed and her ass felt like it was on fire. She had barely noticed the red chakra emitting from Naruto's body and was too busy trying to remain concious as her blonde lover fucked her senseless. Naruto was beginning to break free of what ever was making him do this, the fog of red chakra was clearing around his eyes, allowing him to see Hinata as she finally lost conciousness and fainted from the relentless pounding. Pulling out of her and hugging her to his chest he sat down on the bottom ledge of the spring to rest from their session. "What the hell happened to me? One second I'm hearing Hinata loves me, the next I fucking her in the ass" he spoke to himself. He was sure that the damned fox had something to do with this but he'd have to wait and ask later when he could be alone. "Naruto-Kun!" he heard from woods and froze, "Sakura-chan" he spoke. He couldn't let Sakura see him and Hinata like this, she'd tell the entire village. Without a second thought he leapt from the spring with Hinata into the trees just in time to avoid Sakura, hugging Hinata closer he peered down to see Sakura looking around. "Well he couldn't have gotten too far, but why would he come to the springs?" she spoke allowed walking around the area. Luckly for Naruto he had grabbed his and Hinata's clothes at the last second so there was no trace of them being there. This is the time however when another voice caught his attention. "Yo" Kakashi called out appearing a few feet from Sakura. "Sakura, Sasuke is looking for you, I had feeling I'd find you searching for Naruto" he smiled behind his mask. "Thank you Kakashi-sensei" she happily replied taking off back towards the village. "You can come out now Naruto, Sakura is gone" he laughed as Naruto and Hinata came into view. "Why are you following me you pervert? can't you go back to reading your porn instead of watching me have sex with people!" Naruto yelled at him using Hinata's large jacket to shield them both from Kakashi's eyes. "It is by mere chance I found you here Naruto, as I said before I was searching for Sakura

not you" he smiled even though Naruto couldn't see it. "What ever perverted sensei" he replied as Kakashi vanished. "Naruto-kun?" he heard her voice as she opened her pale eyes, "did we just..." she asked and Naruto nodded. "I'm so happy I got to do it with the one I love" she exclaimed hugging him tightly. Hyuuga Estate... "I just got a feeling something really bad just happened" Neji spoke as he sat up in bed. "oh shut up and get back here before I shove this kunai up your ass" Tenten voiced grabbing Neji by the hair and dragging him back down to continue their fun. "Violent wench" he smirked bringing his lips to hers. Hokage Tower... Tsunade was worried, she had recieved a scroll from the elders of Sand Village. Gaara had mysteriously left and was currently heading towards Leaf Village and break neck speed. On top of that she had just learned from the missing sound ninja Kanna, that it was mating season for demons and they attracted anyone of the opposite sex to them to find a powerful mate. Kyuubi was female, Naruto was male, so he attracted both male and females to him. Kanna had already made it worse by pleasuring Naruto the previous night by releasing the kitsunes blood into the air. Kitsunes were known for being passionate creatures and their blood served as a drug to anyone that inhaled the scent. Also Naruto would fall into a trance when the fox took over to complete her sensual deed meaning Naruto couldn't control Kyuubi at those times. "I need a drink" Ok so he's got Hinata and she will stay loyal to him, you'll find out next chapter but for now I need another choice for a partner. 1. Neji 2. Sasuke 3. Gaara 4. Ino 5. Sakura 6. Itachi 7. Tsunade review and vote please

Chapter Three: Tsunade Wiping the sweat from his forehead Naruto placed Hinata onto his bed. Thanks to

Tsunade he had been given a brand new apartment way over in the Hyuuga district in the village. No one seem to mind the demon vessel's company since he didn't cause trouble so no one noticed as he carried a passed out Hinata down the street. It was quite common to see someone carrying Hinata since she passed out all the time. He really didn't have the chance to thank the old woman since then, prehaps it was time he should. He looked down to Hinata's angelic like face fast asleep which a smile to his face. "I'll wait till she wakes up and then go, I need to have a little chat with a demonic fox" he thought as he closed his eyes and thought of said fox. Appearing in a dark tunnel that looked like a sewage pipe he walked towards a large gate with a piece of partchment that had seal written on it. "Hey Kyuubi-chan you awake?" He called out into the darkness. "Naruto-kun you have come, its been awhile" A large red fox with nine glowing tails replied appearing behind the bars with a smile on its face. "Kyu-chan do you know what's happening to me? I've had relations with two girls I know and each time I lost contol of my body" Naruto voiced as he slipped between the bars to stand in front of the feared fox demon. "It seems you are experencing the effects of mating season Naru-kun" Kyuubi replied lowering her head to meet Naruto's. "At this time of the year my demonic chakra becomes highly unstable and the only way to correct this problem is to find someone to mate with. The only bad part about this is my or should I say Our chakra affects people that we wish to mate with. Hinata was the firs of many you will mate with until our chakra returns to normal. That Kanna girl helped trigger it by exposing our blood to the air. Kyuubi explained "Can't I just control it like I always do? Can't I stop myself from having sex?" Naruto asked. Saddly the fox shook its head. "I'm sorry kit, if you do not mate the chakra will overwealm your chakra system and kill you in a very painful way" she replied. Naruto hugged the foxes leg, trying to understand he had to due this or he'd die a most painful death. "You should go now kit, your mate is waking up" Brilliant flash of light "Naruto-koi?" Hinata asked looking to her blonde lover slightly confused. Blinking rapidly he smiled and turned to the pale eyed girl, "Yes Hinata-koi?" he replied. "Where are we?" she questioned looking around the large well furinshed apartment. "My home in the Hyuuga District, don't worry no one saw us" he smiled trying to calm her. "You do love me right Naruto?" she asked standing up and throwing her arms around his neck. Smiling he brought his arms around her waist returning the embrace, "of course Hinata, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't" Happy with the answer Hinata pulled his head down to have her lips meet his in a steamy long passionate kiss. Naruto didn't fight her as she pulled him down onto the bed as they continued making out, their lips never parting the entire time. Hokage Office...

Sitting at her desk Tsunade was going through another pile of paper work when suddenly she felt a shiver go down her spine. Dropping the pen she was holding she stood fast, knocking the chair over and startling the genin in front of her. Her eyes clouded over with a red hue and she smiled. "Naruto-koi" Naruto's Apartment... "Hinata there's something I need to tell you if we're going to be together" Naruto began at the beginning explaining everything to his blue haired lover. He told her of Kyuubi, his childhood, mating season and what he had to do in order to live. At the very end she had tears in her eyes and hugged him tightly. "I love you even more now Naruto, you are so strong to have been through so much" she cried as she hugged him tighter. Greatful that she understood and didn't hate him he hugged her back, a few tears falling from his eyes. "Hey kit you feel that in the air?" he heard Kyuubi's voice say in his head. He felt it alright, it was the same feeling he felt in the forest before he discovered Hinata. "This could be a problem Kyuubi, its pulling me away from Hinata" "Explain it to her that you are being affected now and she'll understand. No matter who you mate with you'll remain loyal to her only and she knows that" "Hinata-koi, my chakra is acting up" naruto voiced to his mate. "You need to go right? I understand, you need to do this to stay alive. Just swear you'll come back to me" she asked looking deep into his blue eyes. "Of course, you are my one and only love Hinata, do one will change that" he smiled kissing her again before standing up. "We'll continue this later Hinata, I can't wait either" he smirked as Hinata blushed crimson red. Into the streets Naruto felt the pull of his chakra grow stronger, pulling him towards Hokage tower. "There's no way it be her, it must her assiant yeah that's it" he thought as he let the chakra pull him. "Don't be so sure kit, your chakra attracts powerful mates, not weak ones." Kyuubi laughed. The guards didn't even spare him a glance as he walked by since it was common for Naruto to visit. Walking up the stairs towards Hokage's office his eyes began to cloud with red chakra, slamming open the door he looked towards the desk to see Tsunade waiting with a smile on her face. "Hello Naruto-kun" Smirking Naruto shut the door and preformed a few hand seals, a barrier focused around the entire room that blocked anything that emitted Chakra from entering. "Tsunade baachan" he replied finishing the seal. Before walking closer to his next partner he formed a very well known seal, "Shadow clone Jutsu!" and in a puff of smoke three more Naruto's appeared. "Think you can overwealm me with clones Naruto-kun? go ahead and try" Tsunade smirked launching herself at the blonde. Smiling Naruto side steeped her as two of his clones grabbed her arms and forced them behind her back. The real Naruto began shedding his clothes while his third clone stripped Tsunade of hers with the help of a kunai. "A five way Naruto? you are kinky" she laughed as the clones forced her against

the desk. Smiling at the naked sannin he struted towards her, kunai in hand. Tsunade's eyes were wide as she saw him slash as his arm, releasing his kitsune blood into the air. The scent was overwealming to the hokage and she began to feel weak, so weak she dropped to her knees allowing the clones to overpower her. "Kanna was right, kitsune blood does arouse any one exposed to it" Naruto laughed at the dazed look on her face. Nodding to the two clones they pulled her towards the desk and layed her over it. They then produced chakra binding ropes and tied her down so her ass was exposed for all to see. Two of the clones poofed away leaving one clone and the real naruto. "Time to have some fun Hokage-sama" he smiled evily mounting her ass. The clone moved towards her head shoving his manhood into her mouth as Naruto pounded her ass. Tsuande tried screaming out loud but it was muffled by the clones cock as she was forced to deepthroat it. She was moaning so loud naruto was glad he put up that barrier or ever Anbu in the village would have come charging. Soon he became bored with this postion and poofed up two more clones, they untied Tsuande and flipped her over and then retied her. Naruto and her clone switched places so he pounded into her mouth while the clone pounded her pussy. The remianing clones brought chakra to their hands and began fondling Tsunade all over her body making her scream in pleasure from behind Naruto's cock. "Scream for me Tsunade, no one can hear you" Naruto laughed pumping harder, montioning for the clones to do the same. She was screaming as he thrusted over and over again, red chakra emitted from Naruto and the clones as the gang-banged her. Soon though the red chakra began to dispell and Tsunade slowly lost conciousness. dispelling the clones and untieing Tsunade he smiled at the blonde covered in sweat. Kissing her softly on the lips he softly spoke, "not bad for an old hag." Putting his clothes back on and covering Tsunade with a towel he pulled out of nowhere he removed the barrier and poofed away. Naruto and Hinata's Apartment... She was dreaming. Not a bad dream, oh no, a very enticing dream. Her body was covered with a light sweat and tangled in pure crimson silk sheets. Every now and then Hinata would voice out her awesome dream with a sweet moan. Her body would arch off the bed periodically and her breathing came out in soft pants, but Hinata knew she was dreaming and it was bittersweet bliss. Hinata’s pink lips turned into small smile as she lazily opened her pale eyes, ‘That was the best dream ever.’ Hinata laughed with glee, while raising up and stretching out her arms, feeling the sheets slide down her shoulders to pool at her waist. Her whole body was sore, but she passed it off, letting out a yawn, Hinata opened her eyes fully to look outside the large window, "Where is Naruto-koi?" Quickly crawling to the edge of the enormous bed, two smooth ivory legs swung over the edge. Her feet touched the cold wood floor causing her to shiver as she grabbed the red silk, wrapping the sheets around her body. She held it up by one hand in front of her chest

dashing to the door. Everything was silence for those few seconds until out of no where, Naruto appeared out of no where, flips her over, to where he was on top. Hinata gasped as he settled on top of her, a bright blush formed upon her face as she noticed the sheet that was covering her was slightly now exposing her ivory legs and a slight bit of her breast. Naruto was settled right in between her thighs. Hinata was both scared and aroused, it’s such a painful coincidence that those two can coincide together. Unlike Hinata, Naruto was completely ready to finish their little session from earlyer. Every time he thought of her, his body would ache and his heart clenched inside his chest. Naruto couldn’t take it anymore, but he wasn’t expecting to have returned to find her dressed in only a bedsheet. Control was barely in order with him before and now that she was under him and so close. His instincts were kicking in. Naruto narrowed his eyes as he inhaled her scent into his nostrils. His demon blood was on fire and he needed to have her, and he knew good and well that she wanted him. Running a greedy hand up her arm to her neck only to fist in her hair, Hinata slightly whimpered, gently clawing his chest unconsciously. Her eyes were locked with his. His eyes were firm and they told her to obey his command, but Hinata wouldn’t have it. This is her body and if he wants it…he’s going to have to work for it. So she mimicked him. She sensually grazed her finger tips over his collar bone around to his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair. Balling her hand up, she gave defiant glare daring him to meet her challenge. Naruto grabbed her wrist hitting a pressure point, making her hand go numb. He placed the defiant limb by her head, leaning down he gently touched the shell of her ear with his lips. Growling huskily he spoke, “Are you not afraid of me? You should be.” His hot breath seemed to fan over her face as he took her into his mouth. All Hinata could was try to breath. She was taking in deep which were coming out short now. Her heart was pounding and her head was light. Her stomach was tingle with excitement and fear, only adding to Naruto’s cause. He released her wrist, sliding his hand down. He stopped at her exposed left thigh, roughly forcing the leg to go around his waist. Flowing his tongue down to her delicious neck, Naruto was completely hard. His erection was becoming rather painful and he only started on Hinata less than five minutes ago. Try to find some kind of relief Naruto bucked into Hinata. That was a bad idea…that only made it worse. Lifting up abruptly Naruto took deep breaths. He was about to get somewhat rough with Hinata. Gazing down at his maiden he regarded her. Hinata's eyes were closed, lush pink lips parted, neck exposed, hair fanned out, her cheeks had a soft blush. She was beautiful. Letting her hair free from his grasp, Naruto snaked the hand around her waist pulling Hinata flush against his chest, crushing his lips to hers. This kiss was forceful and wanting. He slid his velvety tongue passed her lips and into her mouth, wanting her to battle.

With as much force Hinata complied. She wasn’t about to let him dominate, but Naruto was simply to skilled for her to win. He was already manipulating her body to his will. Sighing into the hard kiss Hinata lighted up, ‘He’s such a cheater.’ Pulling back from the kiss taking in harsh breaths of air for his lungs, Naruto lifted up from the doorway, while picking up a very naked Hinata. His groin was in pain and she was submitting to him, there was no better of stating the obvious than, ‘Fuck Hinata senseless.’ Laying her on the bed gently, Naruto yanked the red and orange clothes off causing them to pool on the floor. Hinata was watching Naruto wondering what he was doing, until he undressed. She rouned her head turning red all the way from her hairline to her chest. “Umm…Naruto, can’t we talk this over…” Hinata rambled on nervously, “I don’t think that was exactly a fair fight…” She stopped her sentence when Naruto snatched the sheets away from her. Hinata was scarlet from head to toe, trying to cover herself with her arms from Naruto’s gaze, on the other hand he was in awe over her form. Hinata was so embarrassed she was completely naked with Naruto. Crawling up her body slowly Naruto turned her stare to his with a chakra glowing hand, “You will look at me through this entire experience Hinata.” He stared at her for a moment than spoke once more, “If you are so nervous of what I might do to you, then touch me.” Hinata’s mouth fell open, “…b-but I…” Giving a slight smile he grabbed one of her hands and placed it on his chest, “Just feel Hina-chan.” Sighing in defeat, She used the hand that was on his chest to nudge him to lie on the bed. He did as she wanted and closed his eyes to make her feel more comfortable. The problem was she’s never done this before or even touched a guy in that fashion other than the spring incident. Hinata chewed her bottom lip as she slowly, but surely started to move her hand. She knew all about sex and male body parts. First she lightly went over his throat and his collar bone, reveling on how smooth and hot his skin was. Gathering more courage she moved over his pecks, feeling his strong heartbeat pound against her finger tips. Turning a quick glance to him, she went down lower over his ribs. Naruto struggled against a moan as Hinata’s innocent hands caressed his body. Keeping his hands to the side of his hips, He clawed the bed into his fisted hands. This was sweet torture, but he would suffer to make her feel comfortable. Hearing the small moan made Hinata giggle and feel more confident. She bent down and licked Naruto’s nipple to see how he would react. Naruto panted quietly as he slightly arched his neck. Hinata felt a tingle between her thighs, and oddly it was started by her touching him. At this point she felt powerful, ‘No wonder he likes to do it to me…He’s completely defenseless.’

Swirling her tongue around the nipple, Hinata used her free hand to go lower to his biceps. Naruto moaned loudly as his muscle twitched under her touch. Hinata’s innocent curiosity was becoming alittle to much for Naruto’s demon self as he felt her hand travel of his navel. Grasping the wondering hand he panted roughly, “No…that I can not let you do just yet.” She just stared at Naruto with curious eyes and started to repeat the movement downward, but he grabbed both of her hands. “Do not disobey me.” With that he pushed her down to the bed under him, keeping her hands to next to her head. Hinata’s gaze stayed intently on his as she struggled against his hold. “let me go.” She snapped. “No.” Naruto retorted with his face lowering to hers. “Let go now or I’ll…” she gasped as he grinded his hips against hers. She had totally forgotten they were naked. That simple movement sent a shock wave through Hinata’s body as she gleamed wideeyed at Naruto. He felt hard against her as he did it again. Instinctively she spread her legs wider for him, and pushed her hips into him. It was exciting to say the very least. All her senses seemed ten times better and the feel of his skin against her was indescribable. Her whole body felt hot and she wanted Naruto to touch all of her. Arching her back off the bed she moaned softly as Naruto pressed against her. “Naru-koi, please…” She moaned sweetly to him as she arched against him. Moving to her neck Naruto nipped the soft skin there, “Please what?” He taunted. Hinata mewling with impatience as Naruto took a patch of skin into his mouth, she bit his shoulder hard, “Don’t tease…I need you!” In slight shock that she gave him an exciting bite, he taunted further, “Need me to do what?” Emphasizing her need, he bucked into roughly teasing her. Slowly moving his tongue from her neck to her left breast he laid a trail. Oh how she loathed him. He was going to make her say it weather she wanted to or not. “I hate you…you’re such an ass,” she gasped out as he bite harshly on her breast, while his hand pinched the other breast. Using his free hand Naruto traveled down over the flat of her stomach, passed her dark curls and into the bundle of nerves. She jumped at the sudden feeling, but that’s where she’s feeling hot and bothered. That’s where she wanted Naruto to touch her. Naruto never would have thought she would be wet in all his life and he felt even harder that it was for him. He plunged two fingers into her, pumping with slow even pace as his thumb rubbed her pearl gently. This was not the pace Hinata wanted as she timidly bucked into his hand. She wanted him to go fast and make this hot feeling go away. “Say it. Tell me you hate me.” he growled into her ear as his body emitted red chakra. Hinata could barely breathe and he wanted her so say something. She was gasping for breath as he went at an incredibly slow pace. Whimpering into his ear, she moaned. “Say it.” He growled rubbing his thumb harder on her button. Arching into Naruto she

screamed out with frustration, “I-I can’t…” “Tell me why.” He whispered, his hot breath tickling her neck. She began to feel a tingling sensation in her stomach. Her whole body felt so hot as he continued his torment open her. Placing her arms around his shoulders she buried her face into his neck, “Because…because I love you DAMMIT.” Naruto lifted back to see her eyes. They were on the brink of tears, “As do I.” Well that's it for this chapter. Vote for the next victem

1. Neji 2. Sasuke 3. Gaara 4. Ino 5. Sakura 6. Itachi 7. Tenten

Chapter 4: Tenten It was currently 11pm in Leaf Village. Hinata slept peacefully under the red silk covers of her new bed with Naruto curled up beside her. They never noticed a streak of blonde hair or the piercing eyes of Ino watching them from across the street in the trees. Next to her sat for reasons that escape me, Gaara of the Desert. They both appeared to be covered in a thin layer of red chakra, well more Ino then Gaara who was currently fighting it. They were also unaware that they were not the only ones spying on the loving couple. Neji was currently watching along with Tenten on the otherside of the apartment with the use of his bloodlimit. They were all covered in a thin layer of red chakra and were seething with rage at the blue haired hyuuga currently wrapped in Naruto's arms. "We must make him ours, she will not take Naruto-koi away from us" Tenten spoke in a hushed tone. "Yes Naruto will be ours, after all it is fate" Neji smirked. The two vanished moments later as several anbu appeared, detecting the strange chakra. "We must capture Naruto, he can make us feel really good" Ino laughed to the red head beside her. "Only Naruto can calm my beast, he will be mine soon enough" Gaara warped away and Ino leapt off into the town, red chakra trailing behind them. Next Morning...

Well apparently the entire village was on high alert now after the hokage was discovered naked in her office. Anbu, Jonin, Chunin, and even the genin were everywhere, searching for anything that stood out. But in the hyuuga section of the village, two teenagers were just waking up after a wonderful night of making love. "Morning Hinata-hime" Naruto smiled as he kissed her cheek, "good morning to you too Naruto-koi" Hinata smiled back. Getting out of bed and walking over to a full length mirror, Hinata began holding up several different outfits for her to wear, Naruto stood there with a smile on his face. Walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist he began kissing her neck. "You should wear that one, it really brings out your eyes my love" he spoke. The outfit was a black leather mini skirt and dark blue tank top with mesh lining the top around the neck area. "Are you kidding? My father would never approve of this" she voiced and then moaned as Naruto sucked on her neck hard, leaving a large red bruise. "All the more reason to wear it, unless of course you rather be nude, I wouldn't mind" he smirked against her skin and hugged her tighter. "Pervert" she smiled, kissing him and the pushing him aside to head to the bathroom. Naruto just smirked and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, just as he began making coffee there was a knock at the door. "Naruto-kun! are you home?" the sweet voice of Tenten called from behind the door. Naruto smiled and ran for the door, swung it open and smiled, "hello Tenten-chan" Tenten couldn't move. Why couldn't she move? well it was because Naruto was standing there in nothing but a pair of black boxers and that adorable smile on his face. She could feel the blood coming down her nose and quickly wiped it away before starring into his blue eyes. "Like what you see Ten-chan?" Naruto asked and she blushed big time. "Naruto-kun do you have any shame? answering the door almost naked when anyone could be waiting of the other side" Tenten voiced trying to keep her eyes from traveling down his body. "Of course I have no shame, besides I would never get to see the look on your face if I was clothed" Naruto answered and she blushed harder.

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