Mating Season

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,395
  • Pages: 5
Chapter One: Kanna Yeshua Sasuke was mad, no make that pissed. It was currently 5 am in the morning in Hidden Leaf Village and he had been summoned by Tsunade along with the rest of team 7. Marching to the Hokage's tower he pasted several masked anbu and local villagers preparing for the day. Heading up the stairs he opened the door to Tsunade's office to find Sakura and Kakashi waiting. "Where's Naruto?" he asked ticked he'd have to wait for the dead last. "Naruto is currently on another mission, you on the other hand have a rank A mission right now" Tsunade spoke with a serious tone. "Rank A, Hokage?! We aren't ready for a mission of that rank yet we're just Genin!" Sakura exclaimed. "This may be true but you are all we have at the moment. Now on to your mission" Tsunade replied pulling out a scroll. "Earlier this morning, an unusal source of chakra was detected by the local Anbu. However when they tried to get closer the chakra vanished without a trace" she explained. "Do you think it could be ninja of another village?" Kakashi asked. "Possibly, but we have no evidence to suggest it is an unknown ninja, also we have reason to believe it is a demon of some sort" Tsunade spoke. "Demonic chakra? who besides Naruto and Gaara has demonic chakra?" Sasuke asked. "To our intelligence there are no other people that have demonic chakra, but that doesn't mean there aren't others" she replied. "Your mission is to locate the source of this strange chakra and report back to me your findings. If the sources are ninja you are to engage, capture, and question. Dismissed" Tsunade ordered. Forest of Death... Leaping from tree to tree, Naruto was trying to escape his pursurer. The unknown ninja was catching up fast and none of Naruto's tricks seemed to be able to fool her. "I'll get you Naruto-kun!" she yelled launching several kunai at him, forcing him to dodge. His enemy had shoulder length crimson hair and light blue eyes, she was clad in a dark blue vest top and dark blue pants. On her forehead was the shinobi headband of the Sound Village, except it had a line craved all the way across. (Like Itachi's) "Who are you and why did you attack me?" Naruto questioned, armed his a kunai. "I attacked you cause your like me, plus your kinda cute when your ready for battle" she winked. "Like me? what do you mean?" he replied. "Simple, you have the Kyuubi no Kitsune inside you and I have a demon inside me too" she smiled. "As for who I am, my name is Kanna Yeshua, please to meet you" she mock bowed to him. Branishing a dagger she took a battle stance and winked again, "I hope your strong as you are cute" Without warning she blurred out of sight and Naruto spun around to block the dagger pose to strike his neck. leaping away his hands flew through seals. "Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu!" soon at least thirty Naruto's had Kanna surrounded. "Impressive, there are so many I can't tell which is the real one" she laughed, slashing through the closest target. Sheathing her weapon she began forming seals, "Sound style, Echo shockwave!" She screamed at a freakishly high pitch, creating shockwaves that ripped everything in

range to pieces. Naruto's clones were torn to shreds and the real Naruto had to cover his ears which were beginning to bleed. Naruto knew he was in trouble, he could barely hear anything now and his opponet had vanished. He discovered where she was when he felt his legs being kicked out from under him and knocked onto his back, a dagger to his throat. "To slow Naruto-kun" she smiled. With Team 7... After detecting the use of demonic chakra, Team 7 was currently heading through the Forest of Death towards the source. After hearing a high pitch scream they were flying through the forest. "Are target is just ahead, be on guard" Kakashi voiced. "I'm picking up Naruto's chakra and another demonic chakra" Sakura replied. The team came to a clearing of torn up ground and knocked down trees to see a girl straddling Naruto waist with a dagger to his neck. "To slow Naruto-kun" they heard her speak as she removed the dagger. Sakura went wide eyed as the unknown ninja lowered her face towards Naruto and kissed him on the lips. What shocked them the most was Naruto wasn't fighting back, he was trying to prolong it. "Naughty little Kitsune, you can't have dinner with dessert yet" she laughed before vanishing in a poof of smoke. Rushing towards their fallen comrad they saw a dreamy look on his face. "Hey dobe, you still with us?" Sasuke asked, slightly kicking him in the side. "Yeah I'm here" Naruto replied with a sigh. "Who was that girl Naruto?" Sakura asked trying to hide the jelous tone in her voice. "Kanna-chan" he said lovingly causing her to flinch. "She must be strong if she managed to due all this damage and kick your butt dobe" Sasuke smirked trying to get a response out of his rival. "Yeah she is" Kakashi smirked under his mask. "It appears Naruto has been love struck" he voiced. Seeing how they weren't going to get any more answers out of Naruto, they carried him back to the village not knowing that Kanna was trailing them. Kakashi dropped Naruto off at his apartment and went to Hokage Tower along with Sasuke and Sakura to give his report. Masking her chakra Kanna sat in a tree outside Naruto's apartment with a smile on her face, "So here's where you live my cute Kitsune" she smirked leaping up to his window and peaking in. She spotted Naruto on his bed sound asleep, she used formed hand seals and poofed herself inside, several feet from the bed. Sneaking through the apartment she reached the door and placed a parchment with a seal on it. "Sealing Jutsu, chakra barrier" she spoke softly and a shield of blue energy covered the door. Returning to the bedroom she did the same to the window. (Warning beginning of lemon, if you are below the age of 17 stop reading) Making her way to the bed she slowly removed to covers to find Naruto clad only in boxers which made her blush slightly. "He's more built then I thought he'd be" she smiled reaching into her side bag, producing several pieces of rope. She bit her thumb and rubbing the blood from it on Naruto's forehead, "Sealing Jutsu, Strengh" she smiled and

her blood glowed blue. Now that Naruto was weak she tied his arms and legs to the bed posts and began stripping off her clothes. When she was down to her bra and panties she climbed ontop of naruto with her dagger in hand. "release!" she voiced and the seal on Naruto broke, making his wake up. The first thing he noticed was he couldn't move, his eyes shot open to see Kanna clad in her underware onto of him smiling brightly. "Hello Naruto-kun" she smiled teasingly running the tip of her dagger down his chest. Naruto shivered under the touch of the cold steel and pulled at his bonds. "Don't bother fighting, these ropes are made of my chakra, they can't be broken" she smiled. "What are you gonna do to me?" he asked excited and scared at the same time. "I don't know, I could do many things to you my naughty kitsune" she smirked kissing him on the shoulder. "I think your wearing to much clothing Naruto-kun" she smirked and used her dagger to slash his boxers to shreds revealing his growing erection. Naruto tried to pull his legs together but the bonds refused to move an inch. "You seem to be enjoying this Naruto-kun, maybe I should stop" she voiced slowly getting off him. "NO!" he yelled stopping her from moving. "So you want me to continue then?" she asked seeing him nod his head she smiled. "I knew you'd want more my sweet kitsune" she voiced slowly pulling off her bra to reveal her breasts. Pressing herself against him she gave him open mouth kisses along his collar bone down to his chest, nibbling at his nipples along the way. Naruto gasped and moaned as he pulled at his bonds wanting her to continue, she however stopped causing him to wimper at the lost of pleasure. Kanna smiled at her bond lover and kissed him on the lips to silence him. "Relax Naruto-kun, we have all night" she smirked lovingly cupping his cheek, runing her thumb over his wisker marks. Picking up her dagger she cut the sides of her panties so that she was now completely naked. Naruto saw her blush as he ran his eyes over body, "your beautiful Kanna-chan" he voiced making her blush more. "Your so sweet I think you deserve a reward" she giggled reaching back to his manhood and grasping it. Naruto bucked at the touch and tried to pull away but Kanna tightend her grip making him moan in pleasure. "Kitsune's like being dominated by their female counterparts, its their nature" she smirked tugging again making him moan louder. "Your much to loud Kitsune, I should silence you before you alert the Anbu" she smirked reaching down to her discarded panties and taking off her headband. Before Naruto could protest he balled up the panties and stuffed them into his mouth, she covered his mouth with her hand to keep him from spitting them out and then tied the headband around his head, keeping the panties from being forced out. "Much better" she laughed as naruto protested behind the gag. Tugging on his manhood again his protests turned into groans of pleasure as she reached up for his headband. "I'm gonna torture you all night long my naughty little kitsune" she smiled tieing the forehead protector around Naruto's eyes, blindfolding him. Straddling him again she picked up her dagger and slowly ran it down Naruto's side

making him flinch to the cold steel. Normally you'd think he'd be afraid but judging from his erection he was aroused at the teasing steel. Without warning she made a quick slash at his chest making him jump and scream into his gag. She smiled and brought her mouth to the small cut and began sucking. Naruto's began groaning in pleasure at the feeling and relaxing his grip at the bonds. Bringing herself up from his chest she kissed him on the nose, leaving blood on the tip. "A kitsune's blood can arouse any living being don't you agree?" she smiled as she made another cut and began sucking again. Naruto felt like he was in heaven, for some reason the scent of his blood made him feel relaxed and the sucking from Kanna made him shiver in pleasure. He couldn't even feel the pain of the cuts she was making anymore, all he felt was the pleasure of not being control of his own bodies actions. He could feel her making cuts all the way down his chest till she reached his manhood and that's when he got scared. Kanna stopped in her actions when she heard him wimper behind the gag. She could tell he was afraid now so she decided to calm his fear. She dropped the dagger, hearing it clang to the floor and Naruto relaxed again. "I'd never hurt you my loving Kitsune, I want to cause pleasure not pain" she voiced. Naruto moaned when Kanna took his manhood in her hand and rubbed it up and down very slowly. She stuck out her tongue and started playing with his nuts, still massaging his meat with one hand. The boy couldn't hold back any of his passionate moans and sighs, as the vixen was giving everything she had to pleasure him. She took his balls with one hand, still rubbing the cock with the other, and licked a spot on the soft skin of the penis. Naruto's moans were growing stronger with every passing second until Kanna finally decided to get to work seriously. She slid down her hand, stripping the tip of the penis, and took it in her mouth. Naruto screamed into his gag when she began sucking his head. Her tongue was dancing on his hot tip while her head was bobbing up and down. She was taking more and more from his staff, pressing lips close to the meat, sucking it tightly as a vacuum. The kitsune ninja was now sweating and shaking from her tongue's movements, moaning loudly. She released his dick from her mouth, now rubbing it up its length. "Kanna!"... - Naruto screamed into his gag when she suddenly sucked his penis again, swallowing it almost to the hilt. Naruto yelled from pleasure and trembled. The girl renewed her efforts, licking and tasting his staff, moving her head up and down. Her tongue slid up to the tip, caressing it with its wet touch, running around the flesh like a snake. He tugged at his bonds with the strongest effort possible but it was of no use. Kanna sucked the member up to his hilt for a second time, now determined to finish him off. Her mouth was running on his meat, deep-throating it passionately, sparing not a single spot of skin. When her mouth sealed around his penis again, she sucked tighter than before, creating vacuum that finally set Naruto off. He made a final moan, louder than the last one, and unloaded himself in the persistent vixen's mouth. Kanna released his member and licked the arc of sperm that was connecting his tip with her lips. She sucked gently

the head again, extracting more cum from the devastated leaf ninja. She tasted the semen dripping down the boy's cock and swallowed it. Kanna gulped down the last drops of cum and smiled, at her bound lover. "I hope you enjoyed that Naruto-kun, I won't release you right now. maybe in the morning when or if I feel like letting you leave" she smiled cuddling next to him and pulling the covers over them. "Sleep well Kitsune-kun, tomarrow is a big day" she voiced as the two lovers fell into a deep sleep.

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