Math 105 Sac Syllabus

  • November 2019
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Santa Ana College MATH 105 – Fall 2008 Ticket # 6310560; Class hours: Friday 8:00 – 12:15, room L-207 Instructor: Hao-Nhien Q. Vu Email: [email protected] Other contacts by appointment TEXTBOOK: Angel, Abbott, Runde, A Survey of Mathematics with Applications (8th edition) PREREQUISITE: MATH 080 or placement by exam. COURSE DESCRIPTION: An overview of mathematics for the liberal art student. Topics will include financial management, probability, statistics, and selected other topics such as geometry, logic, mathematical modeling, and the history of mathematics. Students are expected to use their prerequisite skills from Intermediate Algebra (MATH 080). ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATION STATEMENT: A student with a disability, who would like to request an academic accommodation, is responsible for identifying herself/himself to the instructor and to the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS). To make arrangements for academic accommodations, contact the Physical Disability Center in Johnson Center, U-103, or phone (714) 5646264, TTY (714) 564-6284 for a referral to the appropriate DSPS Department. SUPPLIES: You need graphing paper, a notebook (or notebook paper with a loose-leaf binder), pens, no.2 pencils, erasers, and a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator. For exams, you will also need Accu-Scan forms. NOTE: At the time of exam, I may clear the memory in your calculators. If you have materials in your calculator memory you want to keep, transfer it to something else. The use of all electronic devices other than approved calculators (such as cell phones, pagers, electronic dictionaries/translators, PDAs, etc.) during class tests and exams is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED, even if you’re just using them as calculators. A violation of this policy may result in the filing of an Academic Honesty Incident Report and/or other disciplinary actions. STUDENT CONDUCT: Please review the SAC Standards of Student Conduct, available online: If you do not have access to the internet, please see me. In my class, students are expected to follow the golden rule: Do unto others (that means me and your classmates) as you would like done unto you. We respect you, and you respect us. Come to class on time. Don’t disturb classes. TURN YOUR CELL PHONES OFF BEFORE COMING TO CLASS. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHEATING: Academic dishonesty or cheating is defined as an intentional act of fraud in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another. This includes helping or coercing others to cheat or help cheat. There is ABSOLUTELY NO tolerance for cheating in this class. Cheating will result in a zero on that assignment, and may also result in more severe disciplinary actions such as receiving an “F” for the entire course. ATTENDANCE: If you are absent at ANY TIME during the FIRST TWO WEEKS of class, you may be dropped. If you miss 10% of the classes you may be dropped. If you have to be absent but don’t want to be dropped, you MUST tell me in advance. If you are dropped, please see the Admissions office about getting reinstated.

WITHDRAWALS: If you decide to drop this class, it is your responsibility to turn in a drop card at the Admissions Office. Check the college schedule for relevant deadlines. HOMEWORK: Homework is essential to YOUR SUCCESS in the class. In all homework, quizzes, exams, finals, you MUST SHOW YOUR WORK. Getting the correct answer without showing how you got there will not be accepted. QUIZZES AND CLASS WORK: There will be quizzes and class assignments given from time to time. If you miss class when a quiz or class work is given, you will get zero for that quiz. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES OR CLASS WORKS. Class assignments are given from time to time to be completed in class. Some may require written work to be turned in. To earn credit on class work, you must be in attendance and be an active participant. PROJECTS: There will be 3 individual projects and one group project. Individual projects will be based on the material covered in class. The group project will require students to independently learn a topic outside of class materials. EXAMS: There will be 3 exams given on the dates indicated. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP TESTS. If you miss one test, the score you receive on the final exam will be used for that test, but THIS CAN BE DONE ONLY ONCE, and NOT THE LAST TEST OF THE SEMESTER. FINAL EXAM will be given on the last day of class. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP FINAL, so do not plan to miss class on that day. GRADING: Projects Homework Quizzes and class work Exams Final

40% 10% 5% 30% 15%

You need approximately 90% for an A, 80% for a B, 70% for a C, and 60% for a D. TIPS TO SUCCESS: • Look over the materials BEFORE coming to class. You don’t need to understand everything; just get an idea of what it is we will be learning. That way, you set your mind and won’t be surprised or frustrated. • Ask questions and participate in class. As you do your homework, anything you don’t quite understand or have trouble figuring out, write a note so you remember to ask about it in class. • Form study groups. Study during study groups, don’t just chat. • Give yourself plenty of time outside of the classroom to do your homework and understand the materials. Plan on at least 8 hours a week outside of the classroom for this class. • BEWARE: This class only meets once a week for 4 hours. That means there’s A LOT OF HOMEWORK DUE EACH CLASS in addition to working on projects. Don’t wait until the last day to do them. MATH STUDY CENTER: The Math Study Center can be excellent resource for learning math. You can go there to do your homework; there are tutors and instructors present in the MSC to help you if you get stuck. You need to sign in at the MSC computer each time you come; if needed please ask for help from one of the staff on how to log in.

MATH 105, Fri 8 – 12:15, room L-207

Hao-Nhien Q. Vu

[email protected]

The following is the tentative schedule. By “tentative,” I mean that this schedule may be changed as the class progresses. That means: EXAM DATES MAY CHANGE, AND MATERIALS TESTED IN THE EXAMS MAY ALSO CHANGE. You are responsible for coming to class and knowing what materials are being taught and exactly on what date an exam will be given. If you must miss a class, make sure you contact me or a class mate to keep track of daily coverage and homework assignments. Friday

Date Aug. 29


Sept. 5


Sept. 12


Sept. 19


Sept. 26


Oct. 3


Oct. 10


Oct. 17


Oct. 24


Oct. 31


Nov. 7


Nov. 14

Friday Friday Friday

Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5


Dec. 12

Chapter Homework 1.1 3-8, 10, 12, 13, 27, 31, 41 1.2 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 21, 42, 53 1.3 1, 3, 6-8, 28, 57 11.1 1-4, 6, 7-9, 11-12, 15-17, 25, 33, 47-50, 60-62, 68 2.1 1, 2, 3, 6-12, 22-24, 35-36, 67-74 2.2 1-6, 21-27, 57 2.3 1-12, 21-24, 29, 49-55 4.1 1-12, 23-42 4.2 1-7, 9, 15, 21-25, 33-35, 45-48, 61-63 8.1 4-6, 10, 25-27, 37-39, 51-52 TEST 1 12.1 3-7, 11-14, 15-25 odds, 28 12.2 1-8, 10, 13-25 odds, 35, 45, 57, 58, 67, 70 12.3 1-8, 11-16, 31-35 odds, 39, 40, 42-44, 56-60 12.4 1-8, 11-23 odds, 33-49 odds, 51, 54, 56 12.5 1-6, 7-15 odds, 19-21, 27 12.6 1-14, 19-22, 27-28, 35-36, 57-60, 75-76, 79-82, 98 12.7 1-8, 25-27, 41-44, 65-68 12.8 1-8, 24-27, 31, 49-53 12.9 1-10, 21-29 odds, 40-42 12.10 1-5, 9-13, 23-33 odds 12.11 1-4, 5-9 odds, 12-14, 21-23 11.2 1-8, 9-12, 26, 55, 57, 58 TEST 2 11.3 1-6, 7-9, 20-22, 31-32, 35, 37, 41 11.4 1-6, 14-18, 25, 29, 33 11.5 1-8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24 11.6 1-5, 9, 13, 20, 23 13.1 1-13, 19-24 13.2 2-6, 11-19 odds 13.3 1-4, 7-9, 11-29 odds 13.4 1, 3, 4, 9-13, 18-20, 27-28 13.5 1-6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 21, 26, 41-44, 48, 51 13.6 1-10, 15, 17, 18, 29, 30 13.7 1-6, 9, 10, 27, 28, 31, 51, 81 13.8 1-14, 23, 24, 40 GROUP PROJECT PRESENTATION DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING – NO CLASS TEST 3; SEMESTER REVIEW FINAL EXAM IN CLASS, 8:00 a.m.

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