Maternity Benefit Act By Sam

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  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 11
Maternity Benefit Act By; Samuel Kant Roll No: 46 München International Business School

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<1+$6",+2&9$"$:+&?&@4"=31;>& "! Light work for 10 weeks (6 weeks plus 1 month) before delivery. "! 2 Nursing breaks of 15 Minutes until the child 15 months old. "! No discharge or dismissal while on maternity leave. "! No charge to her disadvantage while on maternity leave.



J! Miscarriage/Termination of pregnancy: Leave with wages @ of maternity benefit, for a period of 6 weeks J! Tubectomy operation : Leave with wages @ of maternity benefit for a period of 2 weeks.


F,;7,;;10&FE6,"8&.(;$"*$&4B&G6$8"1"*2& •! Any discharge or dismissal of a woman during pregnancy for absence is entitled to maternity benefit/medical bonus. •! In case of Gross misconduct the employer in written can communicate about depriving such benefit. •! Within 60 days from date of deprivation of maternity benefit, any Women can appeal to the authority prescribed by law. 92H&I17E$0&

G$"10+2&B46&34"+61-$"+,4"&4B&.*+& J! Imprisonment with minimum period of 3 months to maximum 01 year J! Fine from Rupees Two Thousand to Rupees Five Thousand.


Thanking You


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