Masscue/m. A. S. S. Talk

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 372
  • Pages: 17
Strategy Exchange and Online Content Creation in the IRT classroom.

J. Greg McVerry

W. Ian O’Byrne

Reading Offline §

Reading in print:

Offline Comprehension

Reading on t he Web

Online Comprehension

New Literacies Framework






New Literacies Framework






Our students Technologically savvy

Inform at ionally savvy

Supporting Information Savviness

Strategy Exchange

Strategy Exchange in Action

Supporting Strategy Exchange

Crit ical Evaluat ion of Online Inform at ion St udent s face num erous challenges w hen evaluat ing websit es (Coiro, 2003; Reih & Belkin, 2008; Tat e & Alexander, 1996) There is no em pirical evidence t hat checklist s im prove st udent evaluat ion of w ebsit es (Met zger, 2007). When st udent s are t aught t o look for com m on m arkers of reliabilit y t hey oft en m ake errors of over sim plificat ion (McVerry, 2008).

Crit ical Evaluat ion of Online Inform at ion

A cont ext ual process of exam ining, adopt ing, and changing perspect ives in order t o judge t he relevancy and reliabilit y of a websit e.

Facilitation of Critical Thinking through Online Content Creation §


Investigate if critical evaluation skills could be improved by first analyzing the techniques authors use to make websites more credible (Britt & Gabrys, 2002; Fogg, Marshall, Laraki, Osipovich, Varma, Fang, et al., 2001) and then having students build their own spoof websites by using these techniques.

Facilitation of Critical Thinking through Online Content Creation §

Intervention included initial overview of critical evaluation strategies and hoax website activity.

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Students were allowed to pick their own topics and groups.

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Facilitated by classroom teacher, student teacher and researcher in a one-to-one laptop classroom.

Facilitation of Critical Thinking through Online Content Creation §

Classroom management, strategy exchange between students influential in the model, and agency of students.

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Just-in-time teaching moments most important to workflow of groups.

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Filters, online tools, upfront work with tools used in online content creation.


Navigate to the NLRT presentation website… oaxwebsites.html

Strategy Exchange and Online Content Creation in the IRT classroom.

J. Greg McVerry

W. Ian O’Byrne

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