Mary T. Hill Diary (1891)

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  • Pages: 9
Mary T. Hill Diary 1891 January 1, Thursday A delightful day, slight fall of snow first hours of the year. Went to early Mass with Louis. Jimmie suffering with boil on back of neck. Frank Heffelfinger came home with him from Nushka Masquerade party. Rachel had to have neck operated on second time. She was pretty brave in the end.

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January 2, Friday Jimmie, Louis, Clara, Charlotte, Vallie and Phil. McQuillan went East in the evening. Poor Jim. suffering from boil on neck. Samuel and Mary here to see children off. January 3 – Janaury 5 {Blank}

January 6, Tuesday A perfect day. Mrs. Eaton obliged to go East to attend her mother who is ill. Telegraphed Mrs. Manvel to meet her if possible. Mrs. Abbott called to day.

January 7, Wednesday A very pleasant day. Rachel and I went to Minneapolis, found Mamie and Mary glad to see us. Mary wished to come home with us. Called Mrs. Lindley and met Annie Hill there. Little Louise was playing with Mary. Met Mrs. Dr. Smith at new house and went through it with her. Wood going in dining room looks beautifully.




January 8, Thursday A most delightful day. In the forenoon Rachel and I went to see mother. Auntie Phelps came about noon took lunch with us. Samuel came home to lunch with papa. In the afternoon left Ruths proofs at Fredricks and Kvesters and ordered photos. Wrote to Frank I. Kane. Called on Mrs. Munson, Mrs. E. Rice, Mrs. Acker. In the evening Mr. Shepard and Mr. Upham came in, joked of the trip across the ocean. Letter from Clara. January 9, Friday A very dark foggy morning quite dark up to noon. Not cold. Samuel came home with papa to lunch. Afterwards we went up to the new house to consider coloring for walls we decided on chamber walls and shall determine on hall walls after trial. Called on Mrs. Chas. Noyes - and Mrs. Fitzgerald. Letter from Charlotte. Rachel played out with children this afternoon. Mr. Casson talked of house of finishing and furniture and looked at lace late into the night. January 10, Saturday A very dark foggy day again and some colder. Rachel getting on nicely. Went up to mothers found her pretty well. Called on Mrs. A. B. Driscoll Mrs. Moholer and the

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McQuillans finding their rooms closed. I went down to Mr. Allens enquire for his mother there learned she had died in the morning at four. Louise Hills sixth birth day. Called on Mrs. Shepard Mrs. Krech and Mrs. H. S. C. Morrison. January 11, Sunday Still cloudy and dark not cold however. Went to early Mass. Samuel came at eleven a.m. papa and he went to Minneapolis at 12.30 on electric train - were nearly two hours getting there. Rachel and I went later and dined with Mamie. Little Mary delighted to see “Bon pa” and “Bon ma” and ‘Ait he’. Mr. Casson left for Boston in evening. Will. Thorne called.

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January 12, Monday A bright cold morning. Walter slept late after coughing considerable early this morning. Went to Mrs. Allens funeral in forenoon Mr. Chmedlin [sic] {Chemidlin} went with me. In afternoon went to mothers. To call on Mrs. Hammond to enquire for Ogden found he was able to sit up. John going back to New Haven this evening. Letter from Louis. Telegram from Jim both well in evening Papa and I called on Mrs. Judge Young. Father Caillet came while we were out. Called on Mrs. Schmidt this afternoon. January 13, Tuesday A delightful day more like April than Jan. children had a good time playing out of doors. Helen Driscoll called to day Conrads birth-day four years old. Mrs. Upham and Miss. Upham came in to talk over the proposed trip across the water. Children had fun playing dolls in evening. Mrs. McQuillans fiftieth birth-day.



January 14, Wednesday Colder this morning almost to zero. Rachel shows effects of suffering - but rides out every day and runs about too some with children. This morning she bought some cheese cloth to make aprons and caps for cooking club. She is also embroidering a table cover for the new house. Called to enquire for Gen. Sibley and saw him in patient cheerful sprits interested in every one and many things met Gen. Johnson there carrying a rabbits foot for luck. Called to see Mrs.McQuillan - also went to Mrs. Wm. A. Stephens. Capt. Gordon came home to super with papa. Father Caillet came in evening. Mrs. James called to wish papa safe return.


January 15, Thursday A bright quite cold morning. Rachel and I walked to look about trunk for papa. Sent the boys a box and a trunk and box to girls. Letter from Clara. In the afternoon went to Mrs. Griswalds reception from there to call on Mrs. Milton Griggs she was not at home. Went on out to Mrs. Herds she was out too then to Mrs. Will Maxfields met her mother and sister Mrs. Gibson and Miss. Gibson. Found Mamie and Mary here on my return children to delighted to have her. Mr. Upham came in to enquire if they are to go tomorrow. Col. Clough came home to supper with papa. Mr. Richardson came then all went to Office.

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January 16, Friday Not so cold as yesterday morning. Pap and I went to new house after breakfast which was not early as Papa and Samuel did not go to bed until two oclock this morning. Busy all day seeing to papas things and attending to Rachel. Mrs. Wilder and Mrs. Beamont called. Auntie came down. Col. Clough came home with papa and Samuel to tea. Mr. Anthony Kelly badly hurt to day by horses. To see papa and Mr. Upham off at the Station were Mr. Wilder Mr. Shepard, Mr. Shelby, Mr. Mohler Mr. Alexander, Mr. Stephen Mr. T. L. Schurmeier Mrs. Gotzian. I went right over to enquire for Mr. Kelly found broken leg dislocated hip and serious injury. A cheerless evening at home so lonely: Mamie and Samuel went with papa far as New York.

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January 17, Saturday A pleasant day went to mothers found her much better. Went over to enquire for Mr. Kelly found he was doing well as could be expected. Sent a telegram to Samuel to Chicago. Went to Mrs. Lightners reception with Mrs. Upham. Went to Mr. Sahlgards office to enquire when the Lahn sails. Went in the evening to Metropolitan opera house to see Shenandoah with Mrs. Upham and Miss Upham. January 18, Sunday A perfectly lovely day unlike winter. Went to early Mass on account of Rachel. In afternoon went to mothers she came home with me and remained all night. A very long day. Wrote to papa to steamer Lahn to Mamie to New York. To Louis and to Clara. In the evening we looked over Father Ravoux book.


January 19, Monday Morning dark, not cold at all – telegram from Papa from hotel Impereal [sic]. Little Mary very well enjoys the mild weather evidently. Went over to ask for Mr. Kelly found he was doing well. Took mother home. Called on Mrs. Judge Dickenson and her sister Mrs. Ketchum on Miss and Mrs. Nelson Mrs. Fred Driscoll jr. and on Mrs. E. A. Young. In the evening wrote to Mamie and to Charlotte, and read Mr. Reeves book on Egypt. Then to bed to think long of all the absent. Christine went for two weeks.



January 20, Tuesday A day so fine as to be more like May than January. No word from papa. Telegraphed him. Busied myself all day looking over odds and ends putting closets to order ect [sic]. Mrs. Wm. A. Stephen called so did Mrs. M. D. Flower. No fire, windows and doors open all day. Poor Rachel had a hard time when Dr. came in the evening almost a nervous chill. Mrs. Raguet and Mrs. C. C. Smith and Karl Ponsonby came in the evening. January 21, Wednesday A dark damp morning, not cold only to freezing. Spent morning in sewing room looking up material ect. [sic]. Sent two telegrams to papa one to Hotel and the other to Steamer Lahn. (Time of sailing (one p.m. New York) I saw them off in sprit from St. Marys church.) Dr. Smith came at one p.m. to day. Rachel did not suffer so much as last evening. 5 p. m. telegram from Mr. Nichols says papa sailed at one p.m. to day. Called on Mrs. Griswald Mrs. Lightner Mrs. Dawson Mrs. Geo. Squires and Mrs. Robbins.

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Telegram from Samuel and Mamie says Boys and girls saw papa off and returned to their work. January 22, Thursday A cloudy colder morning yet not very cold only to freezing or few degrees colder. Tried all day to snow but failed. Dr. Smith left medicated gauze out of Rachels wound to-day for which she is thankful. Letters from Mamie. She appears to be having a pleasant time although weather is not agreeable in New York. Wrote to Jimmie and Mamie also to Mrs. Eaton. Mary M. very well. Called on Mrs. Chas. Morris and her niece {inserted: Miss Sherwood} Mrs. Wm. Rhodes Mrs. Robt. Smith Mrs. Copley, Mrs. T. L. Schurmeier. Tried to find Mrs. Perrin but failed. Mrs. Upham and Miss Upham came in on way home from Mrs. Wrights reception this p.m. called on Mrs. T. L. Schurmeier.

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January 23, Friday A cloudy day but not cold tried to snow all day but failed. Busy all day looking through closets and gathering things for the needy. Letter this afternoon from papa written just before he sailed. Two letters from Mamie. Called on Mrs. E.N. Saunders found she was in Michigan City with Mrs. Barker who is not well. Also on Mrs. And the Misses Lamborn, Mrs. Dr. Jay Stuart Mrs. Wm. Warner Mrs. Peet. Went over to see Mrs. Gotzian after the children had retired. Doctor Smith did not come Rachel really better. January 24, Saturday A bright beautiful morning cold but delightful. Rachel in cheerful spirits this morning. Miss Upham and I went up to the new house in forenoon. Mrs. Henry Brown of Minneapolis called to day. So did Mrs. D.C. Shepard. Went up to mothers and on my way home called on Mrs. Henry Burbank and her mother Mrs. Mitchel. Found a letter from Mamie on my return telling me of papas departure ect. [sic]. Mary very well.


January 25, Sunday A cloudy damp morning did not clear all day was not cold. Mother came after church to stay until Tuesday morning. Wrote Papa. To Mamie to Louis and to Charlotte. Little Mary well indeed.



January 26, Monday A threatening day not cold tried to snow all day but little fell. Letter from Mamie and Louis. Went to call on Mrs. Dalrympl [sic] Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Sawyer. Went to see Jefferson & Florence in the evening and enjoyed a rare treat in the Rivals – Mother went with me. Spent forenoon at new house seeing to finish of closets. January 27, Tuesday A cloudy damp morning but not cold barely freezing. Walter and I went to Minneapolis we called on Dr. Hills family and went to Aunties. In the afternoon Mrs. Auerbach and Mrs. Dr. Stewart called. Mrs. Upham went to Chicago in the evening and Grace to Cleveland. In the evening went to see Jefferson and Florence in the Heir at Law. Auntie Phelps and Mamie went with us so did Mr. Chmedlin [sic]. Father Caillet called in the evening.

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January 28, Wednesday Another cloudy damp day scarcely freezing. Spent part of forenoon looking over curtains for new house. Hoping this day may bring news of papas arrival in London. Went to Jefferson Florence Matinee with children. Snowing fast all afternoon. Children happy in anticipation of first sleigh ride of this winter. Wrote to Clara.

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January 29, Thursday Very mild morning considerable snow although it cleared in the night snow too wet. Still every sleigh in town out and children all over town wild with delight that there is snow. Early in the day at 8.30 cable from papa saying arrived in London this morning well. Telegraphed Louis Clara Samuel Mrs. Upham and cabled papa. Went to Mrs. Shepards reception quite happy having heard of papas safety and good health. It was an unusually pleasant reception I thought. Everyone seemed happy. Wrote Jimmie. Letter from Charlotte January 30, Friday A delightful day too mild to preserve the snow. Letter from Mamie she is still in New York. Children enjoying the sleighing very much. Spent the afternoon at Mrs. N. P. Langfords and had a most enjoyable time as there were so many agreeable ladies present. In the evening went with Mrs. Gotzian to see Agnes Huntington in Paul Jones we were not well entertained. January 31, Saturday Very misty dark morning. Trees beautiful with frost covering. Letter from Mamie. Rachel feeling encouraged again and hopeful. Went to new house in forenoon progress very slow indeed. Wood came to day for hall.


February 1, Sunday Quite cold. After church stayed in all day and evening. In the afternoon finished reading Mr. Reeves Book. Will Thorne called in the evening also Col. Clough. Rachel getting on comfortably now. Mary very well.



February 2, Monday Quite cold but snowing. Decided to put up Toboggan slide. Called at Mrs. H. Bigelow and found Alice had come home on a visit (Mrs. Ethan Allen). Called at Mrs. Hammonds to see Ogden before his going back to New Haven. Found him and Mrs. Hammond too looking very well. Then went to Mrs. Fred Driscoll jr. reception and met Miss Seixas. It was a very cold afternoon. Letters from Mamie and Clara. February 3, Tuesday Very cold 29 below zero at 10. p. m. an entire day of hardship and still the children would slide on toboggans. Walter delighted with his boys toboggan suit. Auntie came down. Not feeling well stayed in room all forenoon. Mrs. Dickinson Mrs. Ketchum and Miss Dickinson called. Mrs. Heard called later was surprised to see her such a cold day. Miss Upham came in the evening. Mary very well. Heard Mrs. Wilbur Steele is in town.

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February 4, Wednesday A bitter morning 24 below zero at 8. a. m. Children gave up the slide this one day reluctantly. Rachel sore and lame after yesterdays exercise on the slide. Ruth a little trouble with tonsils. Walter and Gertrude all right. Telegram from Mr. Nichols of cable from papa. Letter from Jos. Dynan from London. Wrote to papa, to Mamie, to Jimmie, and to Clara. Took lunch at Mrs. Schuumeiers and there met Mrs. Spencer sr. Mrs. Driscoll sr. Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. Tarbox, Mrs. Forepaugh, Mrs. Elmer – Mrs. Langford, Mrs. F. Gotzian. Harriet went to Chicago this evening. Letter from Mrs. Upham.

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February 5, Thursday A more comfortable morning. Thermometer going up rapidly. By noon above zero. {Crossed out: “A letter from Joseph Dynan from London”} Lunched at Mrs. D. A. Monforts. Went to Mrs. Geo. Finchs reception to meet Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Green (her sisters) and Mrs. Asey (a niece). Later went to Mrs. Baileys and met Miss McKay. In the evening went to the Kutcheon Flandrau wedding reception and afterwards to the De Vere Concert. Letters from Clara and Jimmie. Jimmie not real well Clara very well. Mary enjoyed her ride very much after being confined to the house three days. She is so well.


February 6, Friday A foggy morning too warm after such cold. In the forenoon did not feel well but managed to go out with Walter and Rachel to do some errands. Had Walters photo, taken in toboggan suit. In the afternoon after Mary and Walter came in Ruth Rubie Rachel and I went out each to her own interests. I called at Mrs. Langfords Mrs. Judge Gilfillans Mrs. Krech and Mrs. Shepards also on Miss Huntington at Mrs. Shepards. Then went to Mrs. And Miss Fields reception met Fannie Mattocks there. A long letter from Mamie from Philadelphia. She mentions visiting Haverford with Samuel. Wrote to Mamie, Louis Charlotte and Miss Ely. Helen and Archie called this evening.



February 7, Saturday A dark foggy morning. Cloudy all day. Not well of bronchial cold but better than yesterday. Annie Gertie and Fred. came to spend afternoon. Annie had bad cold. I went to Mrs. F. B. Clarkes reception for few minutes. She looking very ill. Twenty or thirty ladies assisted to receive. House beautifully decorated and ladies in fine dress making a brilliant ensemble. Mrs. Gotzian ill. I spent part of evening there. Telegram from Mr. Nichols says papa going to Paris to day. February 8 , Sunday Another cloudy dismal day very moderated weather hardly freezing. Mrs. Gotzian better. When we came out of church snow was falling fast continued all afternoon and quite windy. Went to mothers found her better than yesterday. Rachel improving from day to day. Telegram from Samuel says they will be home in the morning. Mr. Shepard called this afternoon.

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February 9, Monday A bright beautiful morning after heavy snow storm. Quite a blizzard last night growing colder. Mamie and Samuel came this morning glad to get back to Mary. Mamie looking better. Kept in room nearly all day by bronchial cold. Telegraphed Jimmie and Louis inquiring how Jim is no answer. Geo. Wentworth called in morning. Children enjoy the snow and toboggan slide.

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February 10, Tuesday A pretty cold morning 15 below zero. Moderated so that by noon it was above zero. Busy all day morning at new house. Mr. and Mrs. Langford and Miss Wheaton went through it. Mrs. Steele spent day at Miss Uphams. Mrs. Mitchel and Mr. H. C. Burbank were there too. Mrs. Mitchel and Mrs. Steele came in to see pictures. Made cake and sent it for Jimmies 1stt birth day. Wrote him and sent scarf pin too - received a telegram from him saying he is well I am greatly relieved. Went Mrs. John L. Merriams saw Mrs. Geo. Merriam there. Ruths party passed off nicely this evening. John Upham and Brad took prizes at observation part. February 11, Wednesday A delightful winter day. In bed all day with bronchitas [sic]. He children have had a good time all day. Mary joining in most sports even tobogganing. Letter from papa written on board the steamer near Southampton writes he has had a comfortable passage and good rest. Letters from Clara and Charlotte. Rachel still under Drs. care daily neck slow to heal. February 12, Thursday Letter from Papa written in London just after arriving. My cold will keep me in my room all day. Dr. Smith said to day he will leave off Rachels bandage and await developments. Looks as if she is getting along nicely now.



February 13, Friday President Elliot of Harvard College and Mrs. Elliot guests of our city. Mrs. Geo. B. Young gives them a reception this evening. This is Jimmies 21st. birth-day it does not seem as if the boy is a man. Samuel and I attended the reception and amongst others met there Maud Howe Elliot and her husband a young looking artist.


February 14, Saturday A lovely day - our snow fast disappearing. Went to the reading at Mrs. F. B. Clarkes. On the advance in American Art. Mrs. Elliot has a most pleasing voice and the reading was entertaining. Mrs. Gotzian Helen Driscoll and I went through the new house carefully. February 15, Sunday A very warm day water running everywhere. All well this morning. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc. C. Reeve took dinner and spent the evening with us. Rapidly turning colder storm predicted.

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February 16 , Monday Storm is with us a heavy fall of snow much colder than yesterday. Went to new house early to see to changing some closets finish. Storm continues all day. Letters from Louis and from Mrs. Swan. In the afternoon Maud Howe Elliot and her artist husband came to see the pictures. They appreciated the treat thoroughly being familiar with many of the Artists represented.

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February 17, Tuesday Still snowing and weather more moderate. Children delighted at prospect of sleighing again and tobogganing. To days mail was rich for us two letters from papa both from London. Speaks of a pleasant stay and meeting many friends. Of going to Paris, Amsterdam and Edinburgh. He will sail all day after tomorrow. On steamer Spree from Southampton. Letters from Clara and Mrs. Upham too to day. Wrote to Dr. Metcalfe, to Mrs. Swan to Mrs. Upham and to Joseph Dynan. It is thought Gen. Sibley is dying today. Mamie and I went to second Elliot reading at Mrs. F. B. Clarkes in evening. Mrs. Clarke looked very ill. February 18, Wednesday A delightfully bright morning 10 below zero but moderating. Gen. Sibley died this a. m. at 430. So ends a life of 80 years. Lamented by all. Samuel went to Duluth this noon. Mamie not very bright to day stayed in her room nearly all day. Little Mary very well. Rachel fears another gathering in her neck. Letter from Jim-mie this afternoon. Sent cable to papa to Steamer Spree Southampton. Called Mrs. Geo. B. Young Mrs. T. Field Mrs. Bailey – Mrs. John L. Merriam and Mrs. Hiram Stevens. Wrote to enquire for Mrs. Lowry who is very ill.



February 19, Thursday Quite cold - morning and day. Went to Mrs. Worleys in morning. Annie came at lunch time. In the afternoon I went to call on Mrs. Flandrau. To mothers: to Mrs. Geo. Finchs and Mrs. Day’s. Took Auntie to train. Met Mrs. Morrison and went with her to see Mr. and Mrs. De Mers. Mrs. Merriam and Mrs. Morton called. Message from Mr. Lowry gives us hope that Mrs. Lowry may regain health. Papa sailed on the Spree from Southampton at six p. m. Cable at night from Mr. Upham asking to have his wife meet him in New York.


February 20, Friday A mild day - thawing some. Very busy all forenoon marketing and shopping - and trying to see Mrs. Merriam in regard to going East Monday. Wrote to Mrs. Upham and sent cable from Mr. Upham. Mr. Chmedlin [sic] took lunch with us and went with me to Gen. Sibleys funeral service at St. Pauls church. Later I went to call on Mrs. Shuremeies [sic], Mrs. Forepaugh. To enquire for Mrs. F.B. Clarkes; She is not at all well and to Mrs. Dr. Markoes. In the evening Miss Upham and Mrs. Lull Mrs. Gotzian and Harriet Father Caillet and Mr. Wm. Thorne called. Harriet just returned from Chicago. Telegram and telephone message to said Mrs. Lowry improving. All well here.

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February 21, Saturday Walters Birth day, six years old this morning and how happy he is with his watch and ring. A cold morning grows colder towards noon and although a real winter day pleasant. The anniversary of Mr. Gotzians death. Went over to see Mrs. Gotzian and found her sad indeed to look at. Annie and Fred came down to see Walter. A very busy day. Samuel came home very tired and nearly ill. We heard to day Mrs. Lowry continues to improve. February 22, Sunday A cold morning eight below zero when we went to Mass at 7. a. m. Mothers birth-day as well as Washingtons. Samuel feels better this morning. All the rest of the family well.

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{in 1891 diary, days and dates not altered, entries may be for 1891 or 1892. All dates not indicated are blank.} November 23 Kaken [sic?] in morning #. Samuel and papa went East in evening. Mrs. Shepard starts for California. A pretty cold day cloudy. Evening paper reports tornado at Washington. Letters from Mamie Louis and Jimmie. November 24 A bright cold morning. Large fire in Minneapolis. North Star Shoe Factory. Wrote to Mamie.


Miscellaneous newspaper clipping with no date or paper indicated, placed within diary pages on the following subjects: Columbia’s Moving Mountain To Purchasers of Seats on the Tribunes Floral Festival Special Notice A Proclamation Grand Reception of the Goddess Flora by the Grand Marshal



List of Premiums to be Awarded to the Horticultural Exhibition of Floral Festival

1891, p.9

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