Mary T. Hill Diary 1921

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Mary T. Hill Diary 1921 January 1, Saturday A cloudy day. Snowing a little this afternoon. I went for a drive out the Ave. this forenoon. It was pleasant. Charlotte is in her room. Georgiana has gone to Echo Lake with the Egil Boeckman family for the day. Not cold. Yesterday was Egils birth-day.

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January 2, Sunday Mild day. 12 above at 8 a.m. A cloudy day. Not so dark as of late. One inch of snow fall yesterday afternoon. 20 above at noon. Have been out for a drive far as St. Thomase’s. [sic] Norman left for New Haven last evening. George Slade arrived from New York this early morning. Wrote to Ruth just now. January 3, Monday 20 above at 745 a.m. A beautiful forenoon. So bright and mild. 30 above at 11 a.m. I went for a drive far as the River. Mittie Porter is here just came. I have a letter from Mrs. Upham to day from Rome - Italy. I just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. January 4, Tuesday Such unusual Weather for this month. Rained last night. 34 above this morning 8 a.m. 40 above at 11 a.m. quite sultry atmosphere. I went for a drive - to River. Just wrote to Gertrude. Ras and Clara reached Jekyl [sic] Island yesterday mild weather there too a telegram tells me.


January 5, Wednesday 18 above at 730 a.m. A remarkably fine warm day. Thawing brilliantly bright. A letter from Dorothy jr. yesterday. I just wrote to her. The Slades are leaving this evening. Wrote to Anson sr. to day.



January 6, Thursday 26 above zero at 8 this a.m. An unsettled day but mild - temperature. Have been out far as the River. Just wrote to Clara to Jekyl [sic] Island and to James N.B.H. A telegram from George Slade tells me they made their train from Chicago. They left for New York last evening. Nell Finch going too as their guest. January 7, Friday 24 above at 8 a.m. This is the most gloriously beautiful day. So warm. My ride was very pleasant. I was helped in to Rachels house to day to see the childrens new doll house. It is a marvel of furnishings. I just wrote to Mamie and a note to Clara.

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January 8, Saturday 18 above at 730 a.m. Another beautiful day. Have been out and enjoyed it invigorating air. Sent Charlotte small package of things they left. Check Book and a {inserted: fountain} pen. They went to day. January 9, Sunday 14 above at 730 a.m. It was a glorious morning of sun shine and a lovely day. I went to 8 oclock Mass. Dave Morrison called to-day. So did Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Schulze. They leave for Florida this week Wednesday. I wrote to Mrs. Upham to day.

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January 10, Monday 16 above at 8 a.m. An unsettled day. Not cold, 20 above at 11 a.m. Went for a drive to River. A letter from Clara to day from Jekyl [sic] Island Club. Just wrote to Clara and note to Mr. Grob. January 11, Tuesday 4 above this a. m. at 8. Another fine Sunny day. Not cold. I went for a drive far as the River. Have just written to Mamie and to Ruth to Mamie to the Ambassador Atlantic City N. J. January 12, Wednesday 6 below zero at 745 a.m. A gloriously bright day. pretty cold so I have not been out. A postal from Clara to day from Jekyl [sic] Island. She says she is better than for a year. I have just been writing to Mike Gavin and a note to a M. D. Cooper at St. Lukes Hospital. I have a letter from Georgiana to day she says her mother is well.


January 13, Thursday 12 above at 745 a.m. A mild day went out for a drive this forenoon. Just wrote to Georgiana. Received a letter from Charlotte to day. Also one from Norman. I have written a note to Mr. Thos. O’Hanlon.



January 14, Friday 20 – 25 above at 2 p.m. About an inch of snow fell last night. I did not go out to-day. Had a letter from Clara and I have just written to her. She is better. January 15, Saturday 4 above at 745 a.m. A mild day. Just wrote to Norman and to Charlotte. Mittie is here. “Tine” Meagher was just here. She is better. Have not been out yesterday or to-day taking a rest. January 16, Sunday 4 above at 830 a.m. I am not up to-day. Taking a prescribed rest after indulging in Shirred eggs last Friday. It looks bright out but I am told it is cold, windy ect [sic]. Just writing to George Slade.

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January 17, Monday 5 below 7.45 a.m. Day grew warmer by 2 p.m. Just wrote to Mr. James W. Ellsworth . Received a letter from Charlotte to day. Mrs. Raguet was here this forenoon. January 18, Tuesday {on page for 1/20} Not cold. A fine day. Maud just in. She came home this morning. Just wrote to Charlotte and to Ruth. This should be the 18th. Tuesday 18th. January 19, Wednesday 30 above a.m. An unsettled day dark, some rain fell this forenoon. Sun shine in the afternoon by spells. Just wrote to Walter and to Clara. Sent Clara a box from Chicago. Was up to 48 above to day.

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January 20, Thursday [on page for 1/18} 30 above this a.m. Thursday 20th. Very warm all forenoon water running everywhere. Snow about gone walking risky. Just wrote to Mary Beard and to Maudie. Went for a drive this forenoon. “Tine” Meagher just in. Sweater from Dorothy jr. sent to Gertrude to day. January 21, Friday 36 above at 730 this a.m. 50 above at 2 oclock this afternoon. Snow all a thing of the past. Just wrote to Clara, to Anson jr. and to Georgiana. It was warm out to day. I went as far as the River. A letter from Clara to day from Jekyl [sic] Island.


January 22, Saturday A gloriously perfect day and so warm. Very like Spring in its best form. We went over to Home of the Friendless this fore noon to enquire for Mrs. Schell. Miss “Van” found her better. I just wrote to Gertrude and a note to John A. Taylor to Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland.


January 23, Sunday 24 above at 730 this a.m. This is the most gloriously by perfect day of this month. Went to Mass this morning and later for a drive. Very warm to day. Have just written to Charlotte.


January 24, Monday 18 above at 730 this a.m. Slept very well last night. Received a letter from Gertrude to day. Have just written to Gertrude P. Harrigan and to Gertrude enjoyed a pleasant drive this forenoon. Sent a note to “Mittie.” January 25, Tuesday 13 above at 730 a.m. Some colder to day. A letter from Clara to-day. I just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James and to Clara. Did not go out to day had digestive trouble yesterday. We are sending 110 prs. of socks out for cold feet to day.

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January 26, Wednesday 13 above at 745 a.m. A cloudy morning. Letters to day from Mr. Bailey and from Ruth. Sent 42 Prs. Socks to Walker. To Tubercular Sanitarium. Wrote to Mrs. E. W. Durant to day. January 27, Thursday 22 above at 745 this a.m. Mild forenoon, have been out for a drive far as the River. A letter from Charlotte to day. Mr. Toomey was here this afternoon. Just Mr. Rockafeller, a note to Georgana [sic] and a note for paper to Theodore Starr. (N.Y.) Wrote to Clara to day.

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January 28, Friday 28 above at 8 oclock a.m. 32 above at noon was out for a drive. Wrote to Ruth and to Gertrude to-day. A telegram from Clara this morning says “Ras” returned yesterday. Snow at Jekyl [sic] Island first time in fifteen years. Miss “Van” heard a Blue-jay this morning January 29, Saturday 32 above at 8 a.m. A dark morning. Colder weather predicted. Went out for a drive. Letters from Clara and from Charlotte. Just wrote to Clara and to Charlotte. Charlotte answered 22 letters. January 30, Sunday 24 above at 8 a.m. Snowing this early morning continues to {inserted: snow} at 3 p.m. It is a blessing as it covers the dust. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Tudie was there. Such a good little girl. Went for a short drive.


January 31, Monday 22 above at 745 a.m. A pleasant forenoon not sunny. Sun out after noon. Went for a drive. To day is Ruths Birth-day. Sent her a telegram. Ordered magazine and map of Europe to-day and Life of B. Franklyn [sic] at Book store. Knitted 26 prs. of sock tops this January.



February 1, Tuesday 26 above at 8 a.m. More snow to day. A letter from Clara to day. I just answered it. Mittie Porter came to day for the week I hope. Went for a drive this forenoon. February 2, Wednesday 22 this a.m. 8 oclock. Cloudy, not dark sun out later depends on time of ground hogs out look whether he saw his shadow. Went for a drive. Wrote to Charlotte. February 3, Thursday 15 above at 8 a.m. Cloudy morning. Went out for a drive at 1130 a.m. was pleasant, no wind. “Tine” Meagher was in this morning. Just wrote to Walter. Egil and Rachel here last evening with “Mittie.”

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February 4, Friday 20 above at 8 a.m. A dark damp forenoon and day - not cold. Went for a drive but it was not pleasant. Wrote notes to Mrs. C. P. Brown and to Bell a New York Tailor. Letters to Mike and “Ras.” February 5, Saturday 10 {crossed out: below} above at 730 a.m. Beautiful Sun rise and glorious day. Not cold. Annabel came to day. I wrote to Clara to day. Dave Morison came in this afternoon. 10 above at 730 a.m. Egil and Rachel dined here this evening. Mittie Porters birth-day.

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February 6, Sunday 6 above at 740 a.m. Sun tried to shine failed to and has been unsettled. Did not get to Mass had not a restful night. Ate a good luncheon and feel better. Just wrote to Miss Hillard in reply to a pleasant note. February 7, Monday 6 above at 750 a.m. A glorious morning and a lovely Winter day. Went for a drive to the River. Miss Nellie Finch came home yesterday morning. Maud, Louis jr. Jerome and Cortie left last evening for California. Received a letter from Charlotte this morning. February 8, Tuesday 14 above 730 a.m. An unsettled morning. Began to snow at nine oclock a.m. Now at 3 p.m. continues. Mittie Porter leaves me to day going home. Just wrote to Clara. February 9, Wednesday above 16 {crossed out: below} at 730 a.m. All trees and Shrubs covered with grey frost lace work all day to day - quite a fall of snow yesterday. Just wrote to Charlotte. Not at all cold. Telegram from Maud to day. She had reached Sanfrancisco [sic].



February 10, Thursday 25 above at 815 a.m. The Trees and shrubs retain their silvery frost work same as yesterday. Letters to day from Gertrude, Mike, Maudie and Georgiana. Wrote to Gertrude. Mrs. Toomey called to day. Wrote to Blue Goose Grove, Florida for oranges.


February 11, Friday 24 above this a.m. at 830. Snowing hard. Not at all cold. Wrote to Georgiana and to Mike to day. Letters from Clara and from Charlotte this morning. A letter from Mrs. T. A. Schulze from Palm Beach to day. February 12, Saturday 24 above at 730 a.m. Lincolns Birth day a gloriously warm day. Such Sun Shine. Wrote Clara and James N.B. to day. February 13, Sunday 34 above at 730 this a.m. Jims 51st. Birth-day. That makes me in a way realize my age. A telegram from Louis telling me he is spending to-day with Maudie at her School

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Westover. 43 above at 2 p.m. Sun gloriously bright. Just wrote to Mrs. T. A. Schulze to Florida. February 14, Monday 28 above at 745 a.m. St. Valentines Day. A wonderfully fine day, so warm. Just wrote to Clara and to Maudie. Mrs. Raguet went home this forenoon. Previously she went to see her brother Dow 78 to day. February 15, Tuesday Such a warm morning and day. Such glorious Sun shine. Winter wraps too warm. Quite Spring like. Just wrote to Clara. We found Mrs. Schell better to day when Miss “Van” went to see her. 63 {inserted: above} this afternoon. 55 above tonight at 10 30.

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February 16, Wednesday 18 above at 730 a.m. Much colder to day a blizzardy day to day high N. W. winds snow blowing everywhere. Katherine Abbott and Nellie Finch in this forenoon. Katherine to tell me of birth of Johns son yesterday. Just wrote to Mamie and to Gertrude. February 17, Thursday 7 above at 740 a.m. This is a sunny beautiful day. Wind gone down. Louis arrived home reports all well in the East. I have just written to George Norman Slade to New Haven Box 1332 Yale Station Conn. February 18, Friday 10 above at 750 a.m. The day has been pleasant one. Dr. Hutchins Dentist came this morning. A letter from Clara this forenoon. She said Mike Gavin was at Jekyl [sic] Island.


February 19, Saturday 2 below at 745 a.m. A bright cold day. I stayed in to day on account of weather. Just wrote to Clara and a note to Straus Yarns 443 – 4th. Ave. New York.



February 20, Sunday 8 above at 750 a.m. Quite a pleasant day. 22 above at 1130 a.m. Went to Mass and went for a drive. Just wrote to Charlotte. February 21, Monday {written on page for 8/10} 30 above this a. m. at 750. A fine day. Sunny this afternoon since one oclock. Went for a drive and to do an errand. Just wrote to Ruth. All snow is gone. A foot of snow fell in New York yesterday. {written on page for 2/21} A fine Sunny day since 1 oclock. Went for a drive and to do two errands. Wrote to Ruth – a foot of snow fell in New – York yesterday. Weather mild.

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February 22, Tuesday {written on page for 8/11} 30 above at 750 a.m. Just wrote to Clara and a note to Fliesher. Mrs. Hersey called yesterday. {on page for 2/22} Wrote to Clara to day and a note to Flieshers. Mrs. R. Hersey called to day in good spirits. Nellie Finch was in too later. {at bottom of page for 8/10} Wrote Feb. 22nd. Wrote to Fliesher this date {at bottom of page for 8/11} Feb. 22nd.

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February 23, Wednesday 2 above 750 a.m. A pleasant Sunny forenoon. Went for a drive. Wrote to Charlotte to day - had a telegram from Gertrude that she will be here tomorrow morning. “Tine” Meagher here to day - a cable to day from Walter from Aberdeen. February 24, Thursday 22 above 740 a.m. Letters from Clara and from Mike this forenoon from Jekyl. Gertrude arrived this a.m. early Burlington Train. She looks well. I am writing to Maud to California - and to Maudie. February 25, Friday A mild pleasant day. Sunny in the afternoon. Just wrote to Clara and to Georgiana. Mr. Toomey was here to luncheon. Egil Rachel, Gertrude and I played cinch last evening. Louis went east this evening.


February 26, Saturday 22 above at 750 a.m. A wonderfully glorious day and warm. Such sun shine! Wrote to Mike Gavin and to Dorothy jr. Had a most delightful drive this forenoon. Mary B. goes to Fancy dress party this afternoon as {inserted: Little} Bo Peep. I think Louis W. went East this date on the 24th 25.



February 27, Sunday 22 above at 740 a.m. Morning was Sunny afternoon is clouding. Went to Mass and for a drive. Gertrude went to Mass at Paulists little church at the university. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. February 28, Monday 26 above at 740 a.m. A wonderfully fine day. Warm and so sunny. Just wrote to Charlotte. Went for a drive and enjoyed it. Gertrude went to luncheon at Rachels, who has a cold so has to stay in her room. Made 20 prs. Socks tops in February. March 1, Tuesday 34 above at 750 a.m. Delightful forenoon for March 1st. Just wrote to Clara. The Paulist Father Allard was just here. A fine bright looking young man. A lovely drive this morning.

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March 2, Wednesday 34 above this a. m. 740. Very mild unsettled forenoon. Just wrote to Ruth and a note to Straus. Driving was pleasant to-day. Mrs. Furness was here yesterday. March 3, Thursday 12 above 745 a.m. A fine day. Rachel Mary and “Tudie” came here for luncheon with Gertrude and me. Just wrote to Charlotte. Mother Seraphine and Mother Mary Rose were here yesterday. Also Father Ryan.

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March 4, Friday 22 above 740 a.m. Just wrote to Park and Tilfords. Inauguration of President Warren G. Harding. Gertrudes 38th. birthday. Rachel, Nellie Finch Katherine Abbott and I took luncheon with her. A wonderfully fine day. March 5, Saturday 24 above at 750 this a.m. Very mild day - a little rain much more is needed. Archbishop Dowling and Bishop Wm. Turner of Buffalo took luncheon to day with Gertrude here. Bishop Turner looks well. Just wrote to Maudie. March 6, Sunday 24 above at 750 a.m. A gloriously sunny day and very mild. Went to 10 oclock Mass and for a shortened drive. Bishop Wm. Turner of Buffalo N. Y. and Archbishop Dowling had luncheon with Gertrude here yesterday - later came up stairs to see me. Bishop T. looks older and stouter. Gertrude left for New York last evening. I just wrote to Georgiana.


March 7, Monday Quite a warm Snow Storm to day. We need the snow very much. Letters to day from Clara and from Walter. Walters from Aberdeen, Scotland. Just wrote to Clara. A telegram from Gertrude of her arrival in New York this morning.



March 8, Tuesday 24 above at 750 a.m. This is Auntie Phelps birth day. Her 72nd. She, Mittie Porter Mary B. and Tudie were here to luncheon. Later Mrs. Buckley and her daughter and Mrs. C. M. Griggs called. Mr. Toomey and Mr. Gross came in for a signature. March 9, Wednesday 12 below at 750 a.m. A little colder some snow falling. A letter from Clara to day. They were to leave Jekyl [sic] Island Monday the 7th so are probably in Washington D.C. now. Just wrote to Charlotte and another note to Straus’s. March 10, Thursday A very warm day. So sunny, no wind. Sent a Wedding - present to Canada to day. Just wrote to Mrs. Upham and to Aunt Emma. Mrs. F. Ward called to day. A letter from Charlotte to day.

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March 11, Friday Colder but not much. I have been out for my airing. “Tine” Meagher Annabel McQuillan Mrs. Raguet and Mrs. Wm. J. Dean called yesterday. A postal card from Clara to day from Washington D.C. Just wrote to Charlotte and to Mike Gavin. March 12, Saturday 24 above at 750 a.m. A mild day, not as cloudy as yesterday. Went for a drive this forenoon. Just wrote to Mamie and to Clara.

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March 13, Sunday A very mild morning. I went to ten oclock Mass - and later for a drive far as the River. Rachel was here a short time to day looking pretty well. A telegram from Louis to day. Just wrote to Maudie. March 14, Monday A cloudy, mild day. Not at all cold. I went to the River for a drive. Had a message from Maudie that she had luncheon with her father and Mr. Budd at Waterbury, Conn. Louis has been East two weeks and says he may have to stay ten days longer. Just wrote to Georgiana and a note to Farris. March 15, Tuesday Very warm day thawed all night rained a little this morning a sunny delightful day - had letter yesterday from Louis and from Gertrude. Just wrote to Walter - hearing a report that he is on ocean returning to New York from Europe.


March 16, Wednesday Such a warm morning. More like a warm May morning than a March one. Just Just [sic?] wrote to Gertrude Phelps and a note to Dututh [sic?]. Mr. Toomey was here to luncheon back from New York.



March 17, Thursday A gloriously beautiful day - and so warm. 40 above zero at 730 a.m. Just wrote to Gertrude. Had letters to day from Charlotte and from Maud. Tine Meagher was here a little while ago on her very way to a St. Patricks silver Tea. The Robins are here in numbers. March 18, Friday Another fine day. 40 above at 8 oclock this morning rather windy. Just wrote to Clara and to Jerome. A letter from Clara to day. I did not go out to day on account of wind and an intimation of neuralgia. March 19, Saturday 54 at 745 this a.m. 68 at noon to day. A very warm day - unseasonable. Just wrote to Louis jr. and to Charlotte. Mrs. Raguet is here over Sunday.

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March 20, Sunday Palm Sunday. A thunderstorm this early morning. Went to Mass and for a drive. Very mild day grass begins to look green. Just wrote to Maud to California and to Maudie to Westover. March 21, Monday A wonderfully fine day for the first day of Spring according to the calendar. The robins have looked at home for a week. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James and a note to Aunt Emma asking if the wedding silver reached her. Mrs. Raguet went home this morning.

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March 22, Tuesday A beautiful Day. 88 - 99 in Washington. D.C. yesterday very hot in New York too. Just wrote to Clara 3 notes and ordered [frowers/favors?] at Dards for girls. Mittie Porter just came. March 23, Wednesday Another very mild day. Mother Holy Cross and Mother Provincial leave for New York evening of the 28th on way to France. Miss “Van” and I went out to Good Shepard House this morning - as soon as they knew I was out side in the Car Mother Holy Cross Sister Mary, Mother Provincial, Sister ‘Olivia” and an other Sister all came out to Car and got inside. Just wrote to Charlotte. March 24, Thursday Holy Thursday. Services would be so long I did not get to Mass to day. Went out for a drive between showers. Dr. Arthur J. Gillette died this morning. 24 hours illness 57 years old a great loss to suffering children particularly. Wrote to Maud to California and to Maudie at Westover. Mittie porter here to spend Easter.


March 25, Friday Good Friday. A perfectly beautiful Day. Sunny and so warm – a letter from Gertrude to day. Louis returned from New York this morning after a strenuous months absence. Cardinal Gibbons died yesterday in Baltimore. Just wrote to Clara.



March 26, Saturday Easter Saturday. A cloudy, warm morning. Rainy afternoon. A blessing that is needed. Mittie Porter has just gone to North Oaks with a wreath for Papas grave. Wrote to Gertrude to day and notes to Helen Driscoll, to Dorothy Upham and to Katherine Abbott. An Easter card from Mother Seraphine. March 27, Sunday Easter Day. Sunny but cold wind this morning. Coldest day this month because of wind. Wrote Georgiana to day. Quite a wind and rain storm last night from 9 oclock until 930 p.m. after heavy rain all afternoon. “Tudie” took luncheon with me to day. I have so many flowers and such beautiful ones from the girls and from friends. Chinese lilies from Mamie new to me. Wrote Clara to day.

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March 28, Monday First cold day this month. 3 above this morning at 7 oclock. Quite a cold but sunny day. Wrote notes to day for Easter blossoms. March 29, Tuesday A windy morning but a pleasant sunny day. Have been writing thank you notes for flowers at Easter. Rachel Egil and children have gone to Echo Lake to spend some days. Tine Meagher goes to French Lick this evening.

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March 30, Wednesday An unsettled day. Not cold at all. To some roses over to St. Josephs Academy for Mother Seraphine. She and Mother Rose came out to see me in the car. Have been writing another lot of (thank you notes) after Easter. Mittie Porter went home to-day. (Wrote to Ruth March 2nd). March 31st., Thursday {on page for 4/2} A beautiful mild day. Lamb like surely. Alice Forepaugh came in to-day. Civic Work betterment. Laid out work on Paris Linen to-day. A letter came here to-day for Walter from California looks like Dorothy jrs. writing. Knitted 26 prs. Sock tops this month. April 1, Friday A very fine day. Warm and calm. Had a delightful drive this morning. Miss “Van” has sore throat to day. Just wrote to Clara. Had a letter and photos - from Jim. from Santa Barbara {inserted: Cal.) to day. Egil and Rachel in from Echo Lake to-day. She for luncheon. They are spending week there.


April 2nd. {on page for 3/31} A remarkably fine Day. So Sunny and. Wrote to Jim to day to Santa Barbara Cal. Hotel El Encanto and Cottages. Just wrote Gertrude abou [sic] “Moby Dick” (Book). Miss ”Van” not well these days light case influenza.



April 3, Sunday A Summers day. 70 on North side nearly 90 on South Side. Went to eight oclock Mass this morning. Went for a drive at 1130 a.m. it was too hot! Just wrote to Charlotte. Miss “Van” is ill these days, influenza. Wrote to Dorothy jr. to day. April 4, Monday 61 this a.m. 730. A hot Summer like day. Too hot. I wrote to Clara and to Cortie to day. Mr. Chas W. Ames died last evening at 930 {inserted: at his own home} after quite a long illness. Louis W. Hill sr. arrived in California to day. April 5, Tuesday Still warm. This forenoon we crossed the High Bridge in search of coolness and went out on Jefferson High Way far as Wescott. The aspect of the country is advanced, green looking. Wrote to Maudie to - White Sulphur [sic] Spring, West Virginia and to Mittie Porter.

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April 6, Wednesday An unsettled day. Warm and rainy. Miss Van telephoned that she is much better - of grippe. Just wrote to Georgiana. A regular April day sun shines and rain falls by turns. Grass has turned green in an [sic] night. April 7, Thursday A gloriously fine day had such a delightful drive this forenoon. Just wrote to Clara. Had letters to day from Mamie - and from Georgiana. Sent a telegram to Louis to day to California. Mittie Porter was here to day. Showed me a number of March 12th Living age an Article on [Moby?] Dick.

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April 8, Friday A lovely morning turned to rain - in afternoon. Mrs. Raguet here for over Sunday. Rachel Mary and “Tudie” here for Luncheon to day. Louis arrived in California the 4th last Monday. Mr. Toomey had a message from him to-day. Mrs. Allie Demers [sic] 75th. birth day to-day. April 9, Saturday An unsettled day. There was snow to day. Not cold. Wrote to Mamie and to Georgiana to-day. Received a letter this morning from Anede [sic?] Manvel. Her mother died in Washington D.C. April 5th. at the Hotel Powhatan. Had a stroke March 30th. April 10, Sunday A fine day. Sunny, not cold. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. Mr. John F. Stevens called to-day. So did Dave - and Mr. Walter Morison. Richmond Warner Mrs. F. De Mers Miss Loulie Morrison and Mary Connolly.



April 11, Monday A fine day some cooler in early morning - perfect day. Mrs. Raguet went home to day. Wrote to Mrs. Seymour. Mr. McNeil V. Seymour died last night. Just wrote to Adene Manvel. Received a telegram from Walter this morning. He arrived in New York the 9th. from Europe. Mrs. E. Schell 88 years to day.


April 12, Tuesday A beautiful day. We drove out on Jefferson Highway this forenoon. Wrote to Gertrude. “ “ Clara and sent Dorothy letter to Maudie. Mr. H. Kirk Porter died at Washington D.C. a few days ago. April 13, Wednesday A pleasant Day. Father Ryan and Rachel here for luncheon. Dr. Ramsey, Mrs. Boeckmann and Rachel here in afternoon. April 14, Thursday A mild rainy morning. Answered notes to Mrs. James H. Brooks and one to Chicago. Wrote to Maud and to Clara.

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April 15, Friday A cooler day but a fine one. When I came in from my drive this morning I found Walter here. Nelie Finch has just been here. April 16, Saturday Much cooler to day but sunny. Went for a drive. Had a Champoo [sic] to day. Walter left for Montana to-day. Says he will return in two weeks. Mrs. Gus. Borup 75 years old today.

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April 17, Sunday A fine day but colder - quite a frost this morning. Mary and Tudie took luncheon with me to day. John Tierney - Mr. and Mrs. Schulze Auntie and Mary P. were here this afternoon. Wrote to Charlotte to day. Just wrote to Jerome. April 18, Monday A lovely day and very warm. A pleasant drive this forenoon. A letter from Gertrude to day. Sent cards to the Langtons and to the Roses of Knoxville in response to Wedding cards. Wrote notes to Mr. E. W. Durant to Goodrich Manvel and to Mrs. Chas W. Ames. April 19, Tuesday A very fine Warm Day. Just wrote to Gertrude and to Gertrude. Received a letter from James N. B. Hill this morning. Began to put sewing room in order. Maria and Miss “Van” doing the work. Went for a drive. Telegrams yesterday from Louis and from Walter.


April 20, Wednesday Weather rather unsettled and sultry. Wrote to Dr. Fisher. Wrote a note to Rev. John J. Burke C. S. P. 1312 Massachusetts Ave. Washington D. C. and returned Moby Dick. Letters to day from Maudie and Georgiana.


April 21, Thursday A mild quiet rainy Day. Went out for drive in Spite of the rain. Wrote to the Lord Queensborough to day (Almeric Paget). We finished putting the sewing room in order this fore noon. Mr. Toomey here to-day.


April 22, Friday An unsettled day foggy, warm and misty. Letters to day from Clara and from Ruth. Just wrote to Clara. Went out to Lake Como to day. Lake looks better: quite a lot of water in it. Wrote to Charlotte to day. April 23, Saturday An unsettled morning afternoon more promising. There was an eclipse of the moon at mid-night. I did not see it. Just wrote to James N.B Hill and to Georgiana. Drove over to Mounds Park this forenoon. Spring so advanced, country looks beautiful.

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April 24, Sunday A warm windy morning. After Ten oclock Mass went for a drive far as River. “Tudie” went with us. Just wrote to Maudie. Expect Mittie Porter for luncheon. Trees nearly all in foliage. April 25, Monday An unsettled Day. Mittie Porter is here. We went out on the Jefferson Highway for a drive this forenoon. Just wrote to Mike Gavin and a note to Fuller Ave City. Just learned that Mr. M. Taylor Pyne died the 22nd in New York 263 Madison Ave.

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April 26, Tuesday An unsettled day. Cooler. This forenoon while out I went through Irving [sic] Park. It does not look as it did even twenty years ago. Just wrote to Ruth. Mittie went home yesterday afternoon. April 27, Wednesday A windy - cooler day. Just wrote to Mrs. Upham to 4 Via Gregorio Allegri Rome, Italy. Have been out for a drive. April 28, Thursday An unsettled forenoon fine afternoon. Wrote to inquire for book Mary the Mother of Jesus and just wrote to Clara. Fruit trees blossoming beautifully. Cold Wave and foot of snow reported at Hibbing yesterday! Wrote a note to John A. Tierney to-day. April 29, Friday A fine day, warmer. We drove out on Snelling Ave. far as paving goes to Crosby Road. Letters to day from Charlotte, Clara, Louis jr. Dr. Fisher, Mittie Porter. Just wrote to Charlotte. Auntie Phelps and Mary were here this late afternoon.



April 30, Saturday A warmer unsettled forenoon. Went out to enquire for Mrs. Cathcart. She came out to Car to see me. She is very remarkable for 91 years. Just wrote to Maudie. Went to enquire for Mr. Kennys son, he had a little set back occasioned by absence in tooth: but looking up again. Knitted 22 prs. Sock tops in April.


May 1, Sunday We have had all kinds of weather to-day. May Day - rained all night, snowed for nearly half an hour this forenoon. Afternoon pleasant. Wrote to Louis jr. and to Clara to day. John A. Tierney was in to day. Mr. John E. Seabury died yesterday. May 2, Monday A fine day. After rain and snow some frost this early morning. A letter from Gertrude. Just wrote to Gertrude. Egil and Rachel in this evening. Can get the worst Farmer to day.

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May 3, Tuesday This was a very bright early morning - unsettled forenoon not cold however. We drove down to South St. Paul this forenoon. It was in every way a revelation to me. Never saw so much Sand! A letter from Clara to-day. May 4, Wednesday George Slade arrived this morning. Just wrote to Clara. This is a perfect day. Tudie was here early this morning.

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May 5, Thursday A perfect day for Asension [sic] Day. First communion at the Churches to day. Went over to Daytons Bluff this fore noon for a drive. Found the old Yandes House burned a year and seven months ago and that Flats are to be built there. Just wrote to Maude to Seattle Wash. to Maud. May 6, Friday A Charmingly warm day - might be June. Mrs. Raguet is here for over Sunday. We went for a drive out on Jefferson Highway far as Wescott this forenoon. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. George Slade left for Montana this morning. May 7, Saturday A fine day. Lilacs out behind the House to-day. We drove over to Indian Mounds Park this forenoon, there I heard frogs croak for the first time this Spring. A letter from Clara this morning. Just wrote to Charlotte. Mrs. Percy Rockafeller [sic] called to day.

May 9, Monday {Blank}


May 8, Sunday Mothers Day. A warm day, to day. Just wrote to Clara and to Walter. Walter sent me the most beautiful Amercian Beauties this morning. “Mothers Day.” 73 in the shade at 245 p.m. Rachel sent a bouquet of Spring blossoms - very pretty.



May 10, Tuesday {on page for 5/9} A sultry unsettled day. Ordered “Mary Mother of Jesus” to day it will be imported if possible. Just wrote to Charlotte. A letter from her to day. A letter from Grace Bigelow to day. Writes they will return in August. May 11, Wednesday Rainy, warm. Just wrote to Georgiana and to Gertie Horrigan. George returned from the West to day. A letter from Maudie this morning. May 12, Thursday A cooler day and pleasant. My room being cleaned to day. Just wrote Mother Holy Cross to Angers, France. And a note to Wm. C. Cuzen to California.

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May 13, Friday Some Cooler. Rained this morning. Drove out to Hazel Park this forenoon. “Tudie” went with us. Ruth arrived late an hour and 3 quarters last night. Just wrote note to Christian Brothers. Ordered sweater from Peck and Pecks. Wrote to Maudie. May 14, Saturday Quite a cool change. Rachel and the children here to luncheon. Went out to Good Shepard house.

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May 15, Sunday A beautiful day. We escaped the predicted frost last night. Just received a telegram today that Louis sr. and his family are detained in California by an ulcer on cornea of one of Louis srs eyes. Just wrote to Grace U. Bigelow and to Sisters in Alaska. May 16, Monday An unsettled day warmer. Did not go far for a drive this forenoon. Across high Bridge and short distance on Jefferson Highway. A letter from Gertrude. A Book from Rev. John J. Burke and a Book from Ruth. May 17, Tuesday Warmer - rained all night - early afternoon looks as if it might clear. Ruth leaving for home this evening. Miss Trott came in this {crossed out: evening} forenoon. Mary {inserted: Boeckmann} is comfortable for one with mumps. May 18, Wednesday Ruth left for New York last evening. Ras and Clara returned this morning. She looks well have not seen him yet. Another rainy Day. Telegrams from Ruth and from Louis sr. to-day. Hers from Chicago his from San francisco [sic].



May 19, Thursday The two Louis birth day. They are detained in San Francisco by some trouble Louis sr. has in one eye. The Lady Strathcona and her son Arthur arrived here to stay until tomorrow evening. A fine day. Wrote to Gertrude to day.


May 20, Friday A very hot day. We went across the High Bridge out on the Jefferson Highway far as Wescott for our drive this fore noon. They have gone out to North Oaks to see Papas grave. They (Lady Strathcona and her Son) leave this evening for Montreal. Wrote to Maudie to day. May 21, Saturday Was 90 yesterday, as hot to day. Lady Strathcona and her son the Hon. Arthur Howard - got off last evening. Just wrote to Charlotte. Telegrams to-day from Charlotte and from Gertrude. Congratulations on 71 years in St. Paul. Since May 21st. 1850. Rachels birthday - usual door mat down.

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May 22, Sunday Another very hot day. Went to 10 oclock Mass and for a drive. I hear indirectly that Gertrude will be here the 26th. Mary Boeckmann is still in her room with mumps. Ordered and {inserted: was} sent books to Lady Strathcona. May 23, Monday Another hot day, cloudy and sultry. 91 yesterday. Sam Hill here this morning - on way to Seattle from long stay in Europe. John Atwater died Friday or Saturday last week. Letters from Maud and from George to day. Louis sr. having trying time with eye trouble. Began Tonic to day.

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May 24, Tuesday After 3 extremely hot days – to day is cooler. Reached 91 - above. Just wrote to Louis sr. in reply to Mauds letter to Stanford Hospital San-Francisco, Cal. Wrote Alice Maynard to day. May 25, Wednesday To day we are enjoying a delightful change to cool weather. Went for a drive and out to Mrs. Raguets. Telegrams tell me Gertrude will be here tomorrow and Jim. will be here Friday. May 26, Thursday An unsettled day. Mike and Gertrude arrived this morning. We had quite a rain this forenoon. Just wrote to Charlotte. Did not sleep well last night so do not feel very active to day.


May 27, Friday An unsettled day. Threatens rain but rains little, cooler. Jim arrived this morning, looks fairly well. A telegram from Louis sr. this morning says San Francisco,Cal. Eye getting on aparently [sic] well. Maud and Cortie with Jerome leave for home (May 26th). Louis jr. stays with Louis sr. yet a while.



May 28, Saturday A very hot day. Our ride was uncomfortably hot. Mike Gavin spent yesterday and last night with Egil at Echo Lake. I believe Rachel is moving to the Country to day. May 29, Sunday A very dark early morning, a little rain distant thunder and lightening - heat has returned although cold was predicted. Went to Ten oclock Mass. Mike and Gertrude went with me. Jim approves of my home made Wine. 5 years to day since Papa left us. Gertrude has gone out to his grave. Jim left for New York this evening. May 30, Monday Decoration Day. Sultry hot day. Mike Gavin out at Rachels. Echo Lake. Gertrude goes out there this evening. A letter from Lady Strathcona to day. Just wrote her of Books

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sent. I am feeling very comfortable. Slept well last night. A letter from Louis sr. to day from San Francisco. Maud Jerome & Cortie returned from California last night. May 31, Tuesday A cool day. Maud over early this morning. Went for a drive with me. Nellie Finch came over and told me how Louis’ eye was hurt. Father Ryan called. Jerome and Cortie came in the evening so grown. To days message reports Louis doing well.

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June 1, Wednesday Cooler to day. Windy in the afternoon. Wrote to Walter to Los Angelos [sic], Cal. Gertrude gone out to spend the night at Echo Lake. Copy of telegram from L. W. Hill sr. He is improving (his eye). Maud gone to Rochester to-day. Made 24 Prs. Sock tops in May. Maud went to Rochester to day. Wrote to Charlotte yesterday. June 2, Thursday Wrote notes Thanks for flowers the 29th. Mr. Chisholm (A.M.) Mr. Bailey Mr. Toomey. Wrote to James N.B. Hill. “Tine” Meagher was here to day goes fishing the 4th. June 3, Friday Quite cool last night down to 60 this a.m. at 7 oclock a perfect day. Katherine Abbotte [sic] here to day. Judge Hook called last evening. Very kind of him. Wrote Park and Tilford to-day. June 4, Saturday To day is Lady Strathcona and her son Hon. Arthur Howard sails. This is a wonderfully fine day. Sunny - cool and little wind. Rachel in for luncheon. Mr. E.W. Durant was here this forenoon. Wrote Alice Maynard to day. Ordered yarns. Annabel McQuillan here to day



June 5, Sunday This is the 20th anniversary of Louis W. and Mauds marriage in New York City in 1901. After 10 oclock Mass “Ras” Clara and I went to Mr. Wm. Kenney’s to enquire for his ill son he has slightly improved. The day pleasant cool. Writing to Ruth to day.


June 6, Monday An unsettled day. Showers. Warmer. Just wrote to Charlotte. John Kenney quite ill today. I took him something to day. We left him Eskay food yesterday. Mike and Gertrude leave this evening. Copy of telegram from Louis sr. to day. He is progressing still at San Francisco. June 7, Tuesday An unsettled day. Rained all night and this morning until near eleven oclock. Mr. Toomey up for luncheon and some matters. Louis doing well. A telegram from him and one from Walter. He {inserted: W} goes back to Montana from San Francisco. Gavins left last night – arrived in Chicago all right. A letter from Charlotte to day. Miss “Van” went home to day.

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June 8, Wednesday A foggy, warm morning. This day is or should be an important anniversary to this family of 1864 when their father and I became engaged. Just wrote to Mrs. Upham. Went over to see Mrs. Schell to day. Maud came home from Rochester tonight. June 9, Thursday An unsettled day again. Now we are getting tired of sultry threatening weather. Maudie got back from school this a.m. Just wrote to Charlotte. Sent Book to Duttons to day.

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June 10, Friday Still unsettled weather. Cooler however. Wrote to Ruth to day. Went to Lake Como for drive to day. June 11, Saturday Quite a hot day. Mother Seraphine and Mother M. Rose were here this afternoon. Maudie, Jerome and Cortie were here same time. Went over to Church this early afternoon. June 12, Sunday Hot day even with good breeze. We went for drive over Jefferson High Way far as Wescott. The fields look fine. June 13, Monday Not so hot. 90 above yesterday. Slightly cloudy. John Kenny is decidedly better to-day. Went to inquire for Miss “Van”. She is better. Goes to Faribault tomorrow in til the 22nd. Rachel in to day for luncheon. I slept very well last night.


June 14, Tuesday Flag Day. We had quite a severe Electric storm this early morning. Cooled off the air however. Wrote to Park and Tilfords to day in regard to Wheats worth crackers. Mrs. Raguet left us to-day to spend the day with Maud - goes home this evening.



June 15, Wednesday A warm unsettled day. Threatens rain. Louis W. and Louis jr. returned from California this morning both well. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. Sent May National Geographic to Mr. John F. Stevens to day. A letter from Gertrude. June 16, Thursday Another hot day does not seem settled yet. Rachel in town to day. Wrote to Mr. John F. Stevens to day. A letter from Mike this morning. June 17, Friday Little sleep last night it was too hot. 78 at 630 this a.m. on Terrace outside my room before sun reached there.

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June 18, Saturday Charlotte and Georgiana arrived this morning. After a fearfully hot trip. This is the 3rd. very hot day here. As they sent their baggage to White Bear they go out there this evening. June 19, Sunday This is the 4th. very hot day. Charlotte and Georgiana stayed last night and until after 10 oclock Mass. Left for Dellwood at 1130 this a.m. This evening a storm seems to be gathering which may bring relief. Louis was in this p.m. all right.

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June 20, Monday After four days of trying heat To-day is delightfully cool weather - perfect in every way. Just wrote to Mike Gavin. I have a letter from Mr. G. Farrer to day and I am waiting for one of the girls to come in and make it out. June 21, Tuesday Charlotte Georgiana and Rachel in for luncheon. Cool breeze but heat hangs on in the evening the Louis Hill family and Mr. and Mrs. Ordean of Duluth came in. 84 at 7 p.m. A letter from James N.B.H to day. June 22, Wednesday An other hot day. Wrote to James J. Murray to 407 Goodrich Ave. St. Paul, Minn. to day. John Upham brought over a pretty bouquet of Pink Lady slippers last night. He gathered them himself. A letter from Mamie to-day. June 23, Thursday Still very hot and dry. The fields and crops I see look fine. We went through the agricultural frounds {grounds?} this forenoon.



June 24, Friday Still very hot weather. Went far as Lake Joanna this morning. Just wrote to James N.B. Hill and a note to Park and Tilford. A letter from Ruth to day. Charlotte, Rachel, Clara and Georgiana are all here for a few minutes.


June 25, Saturday Very Very, hot day. Mother Bernardine a mother from Kansas City Hospital and a St. Paul Mother were here yesterday. Just wrote to Mamie. Charlotte is here for a visit of a few moments. Jerome had some treatment in Minneapolis yesterday from Dr. Matthews. June 26, Sunday Still very hot. As hot as any day. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Then for a short drive. Maud and Maudie, and Louis jr. were over before luncheon. They all but Cortie go down to Rochester this afternoon. Just wrote to Gertrude.

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June 27, Monday And still so hot and so dry! Georgiana was in Town this forenoon. Just wrote to Ruth. We are tired of the heat since the 15th. June 28, Tuesday As hot as any day of the many hot days this month. Charlotte and Georgiana and Rachel are in Town to day. Just wrote to Mr. G Farrer. Went out to City Hospital to see Mr. McDonald his birth-day.

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June 29, Wednesday 94 above. Very hot to day. Charlotte, Nellie Finch and Clara came in from luncheon at “Tine” Meaghers. Rev. Mother Seraphine and Mother Mary Rose came too. Letter from Ruth. June 30, Thursday This seems the hottest day. 90 on the N. W. Terrace at one oclock. A breeze but a hot one. And yet, I slept well last night. We drove through St. Anthony Pk this morning. Wrote to Mittie and to J. A Tierney to day. Letters from Gertrude and from Mrs. F. James - to day. Knitted 21 Prs. Sock tops this month. July 1, Friday 99 above yesterday p.m. Still hot this a.m. was very hot last night. My 75th. Birth-day. The 4 Hill grandchildren two Boeckmanns - Dorothy Hill jr. and Ann Freeman took luncheon with me to day to celebrate. Auntie and Mary Phelps called. I had loads of flowers. Dr. C.E. Smith called in the evening.


July 2, Saturday Still hot - but quite a good breeze to-day. Lindleys going out to Charlottes for over the 4th. Maud gave Mrs. {inserted: Susie} Morten a luncheon to day. Wrote to James N.B to day. Wrote to Gertrude to day. Telegram from S. Hill in regard to Mary M.s and my birth birth [sic] day



July 3, Sunday Another very hot day. On the N.W. terrace in the shade of at two p.m. it is 90. Just wrote Ruth and Uncle Alex. Even the cathedral was hot this morning at 10 oclock Mass. We need rain very much. July 4, Monday Cooler. 80 at 130 p.m. 90 yesterday at same time. Just wrote to Mamie. Mrs. Raguet is here for the day. A very quiet 4th. of July. I saw a circus parade to day and went to congratulate Mother Seraphine who is 79 to day. She is spry as a girl. Mother Seraphine 79 to day.

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July 5, Tuesday While I was out this forenoon Susie Morton called. As she leaves this evening. I felt I must see her so arranged to see her at 4 p.m. How the afflicted child has changed. I am glad to went to Mrs. Lightners house to see her. July 6, Wednesday Very hot again. We were blessed with some rain last evening. We would have liked more but are thankful. Just wrote to the Krechs Auntie P. V. Robertson Gen Finch birth day acknowledgements - for kindness extended. Louis, Maud, Louis jr. Maudie, Jerome and Cortie left last night for the West. Glacier ect. [sic] and California.

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July 7, Thursday We had a sudden but heavy rain this morning. Just wrote notes to Mrs. Forepaugh and to Dr. Boeckmann. Wrote to Gertrude to day. Miss Van came back to-day. “Tine” Meagher was in to day. July 8, Friday Possibly to day was a little cooler not much however. “Ras” and Clara came in the evening. Rachel was in Town. Auntie Phelps and Mary Phelps were here to day. July 9, Saturday An excessively hot day from early morning. Sorting Books from New York Apartment. Sent Table to Christian Brothers Summer Home to day. Charlotte and Georgiana were in Town to-day. Stan Morison got back from Mexico he and Dan went out to Dellwood with Charlotte. Annabel McQuillan was here to day. A letter from the Lord Queensborough to day.


July 10, Sunday Very hot day. 97 above yesterday. Even the Cathedral is heated through. Wrote a note to Gertrude to-day. And wrote to Minnie Dryden. 88 out here on N. W. Terrace.



July 11, Monday Very, very hot. 90 on the 2nd. floor Terrace the N. W. at noon. Yesterday was 98. above. And the nights do not cool any to remark. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. We went to Minnehaha Falls this forenoon - very little water coming over. July 12, Tuesday Hot weather lasts. To day hot as ever. Have to come in off Terrace which is over 90. Rachel in to-day. A telegram from Louis W. from Glacier Park yesterday said “slept under 3 blankets last night.” July 13, Wednesday A very hot morning. We had a wind storm and the Blessing of much needed rain in the afternoon. Quite a cooling off. Mittie Porter here for luncheon and for the afternoon. Stan. Morrison called. He leaves for the East in a day or two. He is just from Mexico.

1921, p.22

July 14, Thursday Some cooler, not much in the house. Went for a drive to Wescott on the Jefferson Highway. 15! inches of hail is said to have fallen in Montana yesterday. Letters from Maudie. She reports ice and snow in Glacier Park. A letter from Mrs. Dahlgren and one from Gertrude. July 15, Friday It is cooler To day. Did not feel very well last night. Better to day. Just wrote to Maudie to Glacier Park. Mrs. Raguet came yesterday for a few days. Wrote to Schwarz to day hoping to get unbreakable doll for Tudie for her birth day the 25th.

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July 16, Saturday Discontinue Tonic for the present. Much cooler. Slept well last night. Some welcome rain to day. I went to Little Sisters of the poor to day. The Mother and two sisters came out to Car. Ras returned to St. Paul this a.m. He and Clara moved out to Dellwood to day. Just wrote to Gertrude. July 17, Sunday Hot weather again. We had an electric storm last night and heavy rain. Just wrote to the Lord Queeborough [sic]. I see in to days paper he is to be married in New York the 19th. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Cathedral was comfortable. I have not felt as comfortable the last three days. Too long a hot term. Wrote to Mrs. Lucy Drexel Dahlgren. To care Morgan Hayes & Co. Paris.


July 18, Monday As hot as the hot days have been. Went out to see Mother Holy Cross before she goes down to R. the second time. Sister Mary came out too. Charlotte Georgiana and Norman in town to day. Nellie Finch came in this evening. Mrs. Raguet went home to day. Letter from Ruth to day.


July 19, Tuesday To day is not too hot. Got little sleep last night so did not go for a drive this forenoon. Had a letter from Maud yesterday {inserted: from Glacier Park}. Rachel and Mary came in this forenoon. Good N. W. breeze to day. {crossed out: Just wrote}


July 20, Wednesday {Blank}

July 21, Thursday Not so hot to day. I feel better to day. George Slade arrived at Dellwood this morning. He Charlotte and Norman came in this afternoon. Mother Seraphine brought Archbishop Dowlings Sister a Sister of Mercy to see me to day {crossed out: yesterday}.

1921, p.23

July 22, Friday I had a good sleep last night. I am much better to day. Just wrote to Ruth. Received a letter from Ruth this morning. They went to Southampton yesterday. We have cooler weather - a little rain early to day. George Slades 50th. birth-day at - Dellwood. July 23, Saturday This is a hot day. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James and note to Schwarz. Wrote to Maude to California. They left Glacier P. for there last evening.

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July 24, Sunday A hot sultry day. Have just written to Mike Gavin to Murray Bay and to Myra Grover to C. S. Benevolent Association Chestnut Hill 67 Mass. Telegrams from Louis and from Maud from Portland, Oregon. They saw F. Mrs. James at Spokane, Wash. Delicious fish to day from “Tiny” Meagher. July 25, Monday Not so hot. I slept pretty well last night and feel better. To day is “Tudies” sixth birth day and Normans 19th. birth-day. She sent me a small cake with tiny candles as I may not go out to celebrate. She made the cake she thinks. Clara, Georgiana and Mrs. Wann spent last night here. Egil was here to day. “Tine” Nellie Finch and Rachel were here this a.m. July 26, Tuesday A windy, hot day. George, Charlotte and Norman in this morning. George and Norman have gone to Montana for a week. Just wrote to Gertrude note to John A. Tierney. Did not sleep well last night - feeling pretty well.


July 27, Wednesday Rachel and Tudie spent the day with me. To get her doll ect [sic]. Mittie Porter came to luncheon later Dr. R. Hill came. They both went away together. I went out to day for a drive.



July 28, Thursday A cooler day. Clara was in to day. Georgiana stopped in on way from Minnika. Auntie here to spend the night. Went out for a drive to day. Dr. Hutchins was here to-day. Mrs. Raguet called to day. July 29, Friday A hot day. Auntie Phelps here for a few days. Went for a drive this morning. Charlotte here to day - on way to Mrs. Schulze to luncheon. I feel better to day. A good rest last night. Saw fine fields of corn to day. Wrote to James N.B. Hill to day. July 30, Saturday Quite a cool day. Early this a.m. about 4 oclock Auntie Phelps who is spending a few days here fell in Bath room fractured a bone and broke another bone in the wrist. She

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feels better this p.m. A surgeon having attended her. Wrote to James Murray to day. Dorothy jr. was here to day. Sigrid and Anne Freeman go East tonight. July 31, Sunday A cooler day. 66 above outside my room at 830 a.m. I went to 10 oclock Mass and for a drive. Auntie Phelps had to go down to let the Dr. Alfred Hoff see her Wrist. She seems more comfortable . Charlotte and Georgiana were in a few minutes. Knitted 22 Sock tops in July (Prs.).

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August 1, Monday A really cool day. 64 on terrace door of my room. Aunty [sic] seems comfortable to day. Charlotte and Georgiana Egil and Rachel were in this early p.m. Dr. Hoff going on vacation to day. Maria begins her half days vacation. “Carl” Smith died Saturday after long illness. August 2, Tuesday An unsettled day. Went for a drive - this a.m. Just wrote to Anson Beard sr. Rachel in Town to day to go to “Carl” Smiths funeral. Did not sleep well last night. August 3, Wednesday Warmer again to day. I have some stomach trouble so am not perfectly comfortable. Went out for a drive this a.m. Just wrote to Walter and notes to Dr. and Mrs. C.E. Smith. Auntie doing well. August 4, Thursday Warmer. Went for a drive this a. m. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. Auntie Phelps improving well. A broken bone in the Wrist takes time at best. Charlotte and Georgiana in to day. Wrote Maud to-day.



August 5, Friday An unsettled sultry day. I hope for rain. Mrs. Raguet is here for few days. Telegram from Louis to day says all {inserted: well} Maud better. Ras. came in for luncheon to day. Just wrote to Gertrude. Went for drive this a.m.


August 6, Saturday A cool change N. wind. Charlotte and George were in this forenoon. Mr. Toomey goes East this evening - for two weeks. Went for a drive this a.m. Mrs. Kenney says her boy is improving. Went over to church this p.m. August 7, Sunday Cool this early morning. 62 above at 7 oclock. Went to 8 oclock Mass. Just wrote to Gertrude to thank her for honey and maple sugar. We went for a drive this forenoon. Dan. Morrison was in this p.m.

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August 8, Monday Warmer to day. Alice and Victor Robertson, and George and Nell. Finch were here last evening. Just wrote to Maudie. The Slade family were all in this a.m. George returns East this evening. Clara and Anne Carter were in. Rachel is in this p.m. some better of rheumatism. August 9, Tuesday Hotter to day. 72 at 8 a.m. Just wrote to Louis jr. Mittie Porter was here yesterday afternoon. Aunties wrist doing well the Dr. says. Went for a drive far as St. Katherines College this forenoon.

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1921 August 10th. {on separate piece of paper} Went out to Good Shepard for a drive. Saw Sister Mary of the Holy Name. Mother Holy Cross doing well. Some hotter to day. Rain last night. 1921 August 11th {on separate piece of paper} A dark unsettled weather. Went for a drive this forenoon. Auntie improving very well. Sunshine and warmer this p.m. Rec. letter to day from Mr. J. F. Sevens from Harbin, Manchuria. Dated July 14th. August 12, Friday Judge Wm. C. Hook died yesterday in Wis. at Sayler - his summer home of Pneumonia. 64 years old. Rachel and Dorothy jr. took luncheon here to-day. Grace Bigelow was here this p.m. She and Mrs. Upham returned from Italy yesterday. Mrs. Morgan and Miss Fannie Prince were here too, they are going for a trip the 15th. To see Charlotte ect [sic]. Unsettled weather. Warm.


August 13, Saturday An unsettled day brighter in afternoon. Went for a drive in forenoon. Auntie Phelps improving daily. Cool to day. Do not sleep very well. To day is Mamie’s 53 years [sic] old to-day. Born in 1868.



August 14, Sunday A cool clear bright morning. A glorious day. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Auntie Phelps went too. She is improving fast. Went for a drive later. Slept well last night so this is a good day. It seems I feel better on Sunday - than other days. August 15, Monday Quite cool to-day. Mr. Muller Uri [sic] {Muller-Ury} arrived this morning to go out to Charlottes. Charlotte Norman and Georgiana were in to luncheon. “Tine” Meagher was in. Rachel still suffering from rheumatism. Mrs. Steele (Wilbur F.) called. Went to Mass this a.m.

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August 16, Tuesday A cloudy threatening morning at 2 p.m. no rain yet. Out for a drive this forenoon. Auntie went to the Drs. this forenoon. He says he will take off the splints in a week her wrist bones doing well. August 17, Wednesday This has been a changable [sic] day - rain several times - quite warm rained nearly all night. Charlotte and Norman with Muller Uri [sic] were in to-day. She took luncheon with Nellie Finch in honor of Ann Carter. Clara was in too. Fred Tarbox called too. I do not know from where. Muller Uri [sic] and Norman lunched here.

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August 18, Thursday This is a perfect day. We drove out on the Jefferson Highway to day. Saw 3 Gypsey [sic] (or Gipsy) waggons [sic] probably coming to State Fair. A letter from Gertrude this morning. Just wrote to Gertrude. August 19, Friday Wrote to Ruth to day. Sent puzzle to Canada too. Quite a warm morning. Sun shine between 6 and 7 oclock: electric storm by 930 a.m. We went out about eleven a.m. Drove over to See Daytons Bluff. Auntie first saw the new R.R. Station and old St. Paul since old houses have gone for R.R. improvements. This is our 54th. Wedding Anniversary and Rachel came in. Rachel better. August 20, Saturday A fine cool day. 65 out on Terrace at 1145 a.m. Went out for a drive. Charlotte, Norman Georgiana and Dorothy jr. were here for luncheon. Mrs. {inserted: D. M.} Robbins was here this p.m. She had been at the funeral service of Mrs. F. Driscoll sr. who died in N.J.


August 21, Sunday A beautiful cool morning. Went to Ten oclock Mass - and for a drive. Just wrote to Gertrude and notes to Mitchells and two others. Auntie is very comfortable.



August 22, Monday A fine morning cool - unsettled in the afternoon. Just wrote to Mrs. Freeman James. A letter from Anson Beard sr. to day with Kodaks of him Anson jr. and Norman fishing on St. James River. We drove in an unknown and to me new part of St. Paul S. and W. of Summit Ave. August 23, Tuesday An unsettled morning - bright afternoon. Just wrote a note to Ruth. Mrs. Tarbox Mrs. Stemble, Miss Ames, Mrs. Ames - and a Mrs. Johnson - called this a.m. Rachel in for luncheon. Mrs. Tarbox Miss Ames, Mrs. Ames, Mrs. Stemble and Mrs. Johnson were in a few minutes to day.

1921, p.27

August 24, Wednesday Quite hot day. Auntie Phelps has been champooed [sic] manicured and pedicured [sic] so she will soon go home. She is much better. Wrote to James Murray to day. August 25, Thursday A hot day. Just wrote to Anson sr. Letters from Mike, Mrs. F. James and Myra Grover this forenoon. Charlotte, Anne Carter and Muller Uri [sic] were here this p.m. August 26, Friday We had an electric Storm and a good rain in early hours this a.m. It is quite hot to day. Just wrote to Mike Gavin. Received a letter from Maudie this forenoon from San Fransisco, Cal. on way to Seattle.

ne ar so y T ta . H Hil is l P to a ric p al ers So ci et y

August 27, Saturday A hot morning. Went out to Good Shepard House this morning. Mother Holy Cross better. Sister Olivia very ill and weak. Wrote to Mrs. Freeman James to day. Clara and Anne Carter slept here last night. Ann leaves for Murray Bay tomorrow evening to visit Gertrude. August 28, Sunday A hot Day. This is Mrs. Raguet’s 77th. birth-day. She spent last night and to day here. Mrs. Uri Lamprey took luncheon here with her. Mrs. De Mers Mrs. Raguets Sister is quite ill. Went to Mass to day and for a drive. August 29, Monday A very hot day. 94 before 4 p.m. Mr. Toomey back to day - after 3 weeks absence. A letter from Gertrude this afternoon. Auntie Phelps went home. She has been with us since July 30th. She looks well wrist quite comfortable.



August 30, Tuesday Not so hot to-day. 92 yesterday. Just wrote a note to Sam. Hill and a letter to Myra Grover. Charlotte and Georgiana were in to luncheon. Miss “Van” making Black berry Cordial to day. Knit 23 Prs. of Sock tops this month.


August 31, Wednesday Quite a hot day. Threatens rain. Mr. Muller Uri [sic] left last evening. Just wrote to Gertrude. Saw Mrs. Cathcart this forenoon. She is badly broken up at the death of her grand Son Commander Louis H. Maxfield. September 1, Thursday Another very hot day. Ras and Clara were in to-day. Charlotte and Georgiana were in on way to Sommerset Club. The two Dorothys were here this afternoon. They leave for California this evening. A letter from Mrs. F. James to day.

1921, p.28

September 2, Friday A disagreeable sultry day, very hot! Just wrote to Mr. M E. Carter. We went for a drive this forenoon. Major General Samuel D. Sturgis called this afternoon looking so unchanged. He soon leaves for Panama. September 3, Saturday Not so hot. The day is unsettled. Grace Bigelow took luncheon with me to day. I just wrote to E.W. Durant. Joe took James Morrison for a drive this morning far as Mr. [Ghoons/Cohoons?].

ne ar so y T ta . H Hil is l P to a ric p al ers So ci et y

September 4, Sunday Hot morning. Wind changed. Afternoon pleasant. James Murray called this afternoon looks very well. Went to Ten oclock Mass saw Mother Seraphine there took her out to St. Katherines College. Wrote to Mary Beard to day. September 5, Monday Pleasant cool morning. Labor Day. Large Parade on Streets. Went for a Drive out on Jefferson Highway. George, Charlotte and Georgiana left for New York this evening. September 6, Tuesday Some warmer but a pleasant day. Went for a drive this forenoon - and to Office to consult Mr. Toomey about the Treatment of our Trees - that are diseased. A telegram from Charlotte from Chicago. So far they were well. Mashed Concords to day.


September 7, Wednesday This has been a dark morning. Its raining gently this afternoon. I hope the rain will quench the Forest fires in Northern part of the state. Much damage is already done. Just wrote to Uncle Alex. Father Ryan Morgan Scheindlin Fanny Prince Rachel and Clara were here yesterday.


September 8, Thursday A copious rain yesterday and last night put out the fires in the Northern part of the State - mercifully. To day is fine. Just wrote to Mrs. F. James. A letter to day from Mrs. Dahlgren from Edinburgh. Mashed Delawares to day.


September 9, Friday Warmer this forenoon. Maud, Maudie Jerome and Cortie arrived home this morning. Rachel was in to luncheon. We enjoyed our drive this forenoon. Began reading Les Miserables tonight. September 10, Saturday A good rain fell last night. To day is some cooler. Had letters from Ruth Charlotte and Dorothy jr. Just wrote to Dorothy to Del Monte, California.

1921, p.29

September 11, Sunday Quite cold this early morning. 52 at 7 a.m. Quite an Autumn day. Mittie Porter here for the day. Just wrote to Charlotte. Went to 10 oclock Mass. Afterwards for a drive. Dr. Orrens began to day to attend to my Teeth. September Monday 12th. {written on page for 9/13} Mrs. Toomey went to Hospital (the Miller) {inserted: to be operated on tomorrow} operated on for Apenticitas [sic]. Dr. Orren began to-day.

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September Tuesday 13th. {written on page for 9/12} A dark morning. Turned to heavy rain Thunder and lightning grew very dark - and poured. Rachel was in at luncheon. Just wrote to Ruth. A telegram to day tells me she returned to Tuxedo yesterday. September 14, Wednesday A dark day a trifle warmer. “Tine” Meagher was in to day. This afternoon Maud and Maudie came in. They leave for New - York this evening. Auntie Phelps and Mary came down. We began 2nd Vol. Of Vicor [sic] Hugo this evening. September 15, Thursday A dark threatening day - rained more than once. An Electric Storm just before six a.m. Dr. Orren came to day. We have been reading of Battle of Waterloo in Les Miserables 2nd. Vol. Went for a drive. While we were out Sun shone a short while. September 16, Friday Another dark wet day. “Ras” and Clara weren [sic] Town here last night he has a cold. This Papa birth day. He was born in 1838 he always said, Uncle Alex always says he was born in 1837. Just wrote to James N.B. Hill. Rachel was here to day.


September 17, Saturday This morning was quite cold. Went for a drive at eleven. Nellie Finch was in - This afternoon. Louis W. will get home Tomorrow morning. Began to take Osaferien to-day.



September 18, Sunday A beautiful day, warm no wind and sunny ideal! Went to 10 oclock Mass - met Father L. Ryans mother there. Went for a drive far as the River. James Murray came in this afternoon. September 19, Monday This is a most disagreeable day, cold rain since after ten oclock this forenoon. Mr. Toomey and Mr. Mitchell were here to-day. Just have a letter from Dorothy jr. Had letters this morning from Gertrude, Mike Charlotte and Ruth. All well. They are back in New - York.

1921, p.30

September 20, Tuesday A hot forenoon and sunny. The afternoon dark, windy and several showers. A letter from Adene Manvel [ ] {possibly Manv? Correction as Manvel?}. The Dentist was here to day. “Tine” Meagher ran in, always busy. A letter from Gertrude to day. John Kenney felt so much better he came out to Car to see me to day. To day We began to read the 3rd. Vol. Of Les Miserables. September 21, Wednesday But for the wind to day is bright and pleasant. Went for a drive this morning. Not feeling strong - these days. Dr. thinks a little Dentistry partly responsible. Just wrote to Gertrude.

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September 22, Thursday A fine day. Not much wind. Dr. Hill and Mittie Porter called. She has gone out to spend a little time with Clara. Letter to day from James N.B. Hill says his mother is much better and Mary M. well and happy. Just wrote to Charlotte. Went for a drive this a.m. September 23, Friday A lovely morning and delightful day. Went for a drive found it very warm between 11 and noon. Auntie and Mary P. were down the p.m. Mrs. Raguet came in later. Dentist came to-day. I feel pretty well to-day - had a good restful night. September 24, Saturday A warm beautiful morning. A pleasant drive To day. Dan Morison called to-day. Nellie Finch was here this p.m. Wrote to Arnold and Constables this forenoon. Sent James N.B. a package this morning. To day I - {possible space left for unfinished sentence} Wrote James N. B. Hill.



September 25, Sunday A beautiful day after low temperature in the morning. To day is the Anniversary of Archbishop Irelands death 4 years ago. A requim [sic] Mass to be Celebrated tomorrow. Mrs. Upham came in and stayed to luncheon. She does not look well. Nellie Finch and Miss Matthews came in in the afternoon. Louis jr. leaves for New Haven this evening. Went to 10 oclock Mass and for a drive.


September 26, Monday A fine day, rather windy. Clara and Mrs. M. Porter {crossed out: Charlotte} were here for luncheon. Had a pleasant Drive this forenoon. Saw Dr. Boeckmann this forenoon. He was coming out of Miller Hospital. Wrote to Louis and Congers to-day and to Johnson and Faukners. September 27, Tuesday A fine morning. Pleasant drive. Mrs. Raguet “Tine” Meagher and Annabel McQuillan called to day. Louis sr. came in, in the evening. Wrote to Dorothy jr. to day.

1921, p.31

September 28, Wednesday A fine morning. As usual wind came up about 10 a.m. Letters to day from Maudie and Georgiana from Westover School being Seniors make changes. Miss Trott was in to see us to-day. Clara moved into Town to-day. Wrote to Myra Grover to day. September 29, Thursday An unsettled morning. Cleared some later. Rather cold. Pleasant driving. Clara was in this morning. Just wrote to Mike.

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September 30, Friday A fine morning by Ten oclock earlier it was cold. The old Ingersoll Bldg burned last night. Still burning to day when we went to see what was left. This forenoon we enjoyed a pleasant drive. Dr. Orren was here to day, we got on nicely. Nellie Finch spent this evening here. Sr. Olivia operated on to day. October 1, Saturday A pleasant morning. Not cold. Drove out on Rice Street to see the new Road this forenoon. Mrs. Hannaford came in this afternoon. She saw Charlotte in New York. I went over to the Cathedral this afternoon. The Paulist Father was very kind. Knitted 20 Prs. Sock tops in September. October 2, Sunday A fine morning. Went to eight oclock Mass. Paulist Mission a great - spiritual success judging from number of Communicants. They are very kind Fathers. Mens mission this week childrens next week. Just wrote to Maudie and Georgiana.


October 3, Monday Much colder. Little above 40 at 7 a.m. In places frost. Went for a drive and to St. Josephs to inquire for Sister Olivia who was operated on Sept. 30th. Had not a very good night. Wrote to Adam Manvel to-day.



October 4, Tuesday A cold morning. Quite a heavy frost. The afternoon has been beautiful, no wind. Rachel was in for a few minutes. She looks well. Clara not well to day. Jessie Green came for a little while. Florence Lamprey Robbins came and brought her violin. She plays charmingly. I have been in bed all day. October 5, Wednesday This has been a beautiful day. I had a poor night and do not feel well to day. Have been in the house since Sunday. Clara was in this forenoon. Auntie Phelps came in the afternoon. She looks unusually well. Mary P. was not with her. Mrs. Raguet was here. Sister Olivia is progressing well. Miss “Van” saw her to day. October 6, Thursday The morning early showed the Sun. The day has been unsettled and dark. Not cold. I slept unusually well all night after a very poor night and trying day. Clara was in this

1921, p.32

forenoon. She looks pale. Letters to day from Charlotte and James N. B. Hill. They are all well. Bishop Carroll {inserted: of Helena Mont.} called yesterday.

{on page for NOTES FOR 1922} Famous Sea Stories By Herman Melville Moby Dick or the White Whale

Omoo Adventures in the South Seas Sequel to Typee

ne ar so y T ta . H Hil is l P to a ric p al ers So ci et y

Typee A real Romance of the South Seas

White Jacket or the World on a Man of War

{on MEMORANDA pages} The Page Co. 53 Beacon Street Boston, Mass.




Anson Beard jr. born April 27th 1909 12 years old April 27th. 1921 Mary Beard born August 10th 1911 10 years old August 10th. 1921 Georgiana, Aug. 16th. 1903 18 years in 1921 {on page for January Cash} St. Marys Mission Ursuline nuns Akuburak Alaska Dated February 14th. 1921

1921, p.33

{Separate Notebook} May 2nd 1921 Bldg. To go into Bldg. Teek [sic] wood Set in Reception Room here. Two carved oak chests in Hall here. The Pair of large vases either side of Hall as one enters room from front and their Stands. Two Vases (Vienna) in Music Room. All Bronze Pieces in Music Room (Violinist). In Gallery in Library in Main Hall - and Library. Two lower Vases in Gallery. Bronz [sic] and Blue. {transcribe line by line as it appears on page, order my be incorrect}

ne ar so y T ta . H Hil is l P to a ric p al ers So ci et y

All paintings in Residence 240 Summit ave. The Cabinet in Drawing Room. Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Hill Silver Statue in Library. Hennepins Portrait. Amought {amongst?} oil Painting Madonna in my room. And picture over mantel excepted. Tall hall clock [Lapis Lazulate?] Mantel Set in dining room.




Furniture Carved Chests in Hall.

1921, p.34

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