Mary T. Hill Diary 1913

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Mary T. Hill Diary 1913 January 1, Wednesday A perfectly beautiful day. The year is young and the page fair. We are happy this morning that all are well and I am thankful. Telegram from Walter they arrived at Long Beach yesterday well.

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January 2, Thursday A cloudy day Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Lamborn took luncheon with us to day. Also Charlotte. We had a gay party. Mrs. Lamborn leaves for [Repredt?] Square this evening. January 3, Friday Quite cold, 10 above at 9 a.m. Went to call on Mrs. Gray and Mrs. F. Shepard found them at home. Maud gave Rachel and Egil a dinner this evening. Clara went too. January 4, Saturday 2 above at 8 a.m. Busy this forenoon in the Store Room. A letter from Gertrude to day. January 5, Sunday Cold 2 below at 830 a. m. Wrote to Mamie to Ruth to Gertrude and to James and notes. Egie and Rachel are planning to name a day for their wedding.


January 6, Monday Quite a cold day. Charlotte and I went for rather a long drive this afternoon.


January 7, Tuesday A cold cloudy afternoon. Finished reading Mrs. Lamborns Book of Sketches an account of some of her travels and interestingly told. Very characteristic of her.


January 8, Wednesday Not too cold as yesterday but cold. Went to call on Mrs. Thos. Foley and found her in bed. Then went to Mrs. E. N. Saunders to a little reception for Mr. and Mrs. Thad Jones of California. He poor man is nearly blind. Rachel and Clara are dining at Mrs. Bunns this evening. Wed. Jan. 8 {small travel diary} Wrote to Ruths to day for Cake. Sent Ansons Tie too. Rachel wrote Gertrude by same mail.

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January 9, Thursday A fine morning 18 above at ten a.m. Went to Minneapolis to Miss Helens to order dress. Wrote to Walter and to Mike Gavin last evening. Louis Maud and Charlotte dine here this evening. January 10, Friday A beautiful morning 10 above zero - at 8 a.m. Last evening Louis Maud papa and I went to the Capital to the Governors Reception. A large number there. January 11 – 13 {Blank}

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January 14, Tuesday We went to symphony Concert this evening a good concert. Alice Neilson in one act of Opera of Susanne. Quite a warm evening. January 15, Wednesday Rachel is recovering her strength after a spell of grippe. She was out a little while to day. This week all very mild so far. January 16, Thursday A dense fog this morning - and so dark a dark warm day quite a thaw. Papa went to Bmidje {Bemidji} last night. Louis went to Chicago. I went to see childrens dancing class. January 17, Friday {Blank}


January 18, Saturday A mild pleasant day. In the afternoon Clara and I went to St. Pauls Seminary to meet the students. We met the Faculty of 12 192. Students and the 5 Sisters in charge of domestic affairs. We found all in perfect order.



January 19, Sunday A fine mild indeed glorious morning. Have written to Mrs. Upham Aunt Emma, Mrs. James Mr. Farrer ect [sic] Mrs. S. Thorne. Mr. Chas. Lanier is 76 to day. January 20, Monday A most delightful day not at all cold. Mrs. Roguet came in the afternoon. Mme Boyd came down from Minneapolis with two of her women to fit on Rachels wedding dress and ect. [sic]. Mr. Walker of Arnold Constable sent out 8 pieces of fine lace to select from for wedding dress.

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January 21, Tuesday A fine morning. Ruth and Gertrude arrived this morning Maud came back from Chicago with them. Gertrude and I went to Minneapolis this afternoon. And again in the afternoon with Auntie and Ruth. It is no distance in car. January 22, Wednesday Such a beautiful day. Gertrude and Ruth are fortunate to find such fine Weather. Ruth and I went to the House of the Good Shepherd the afternoon and for a time in afternoon. Papa is in Washington to day. January 23, Thursday {Blank}

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January 24, Friday Another fine day. We went to see Genee dance last night she is certainly unique. So graceful and and [sic] Classic. It begins to look like a wedding in the house now. January 25, Saturday And still fine Weather. Telegram from papa tells us he will get home tomorrow evening. Charlotte gave a dinner to about forty this evening. Mrs. Rothwell sang. She has a fine voice. Later the party danced – until nearly twelve oclock. January 26, Sunday A slight sprinkling of snow this early morning. Sun came out at 9 am. January 27, Monday {Blank}


January 28, Tuesday Spent forenoon seeing to arrangements for Rachels wedding. We all took luncheon at Caroline Freemans.


January 29, Wednesday Very busy to day preparing for Rachels wedding. The day is pretty cold.


January 30, Thursday A mild sunny morning. Sky brightened toward noon. This is Rachel Wedding day. She and Egil are quite nervous. About 48 were present and that included the 7 children. Father Gibbons married them. All passed off well. January 31, Friday A mild day followed by a cold one to day is cold. Egil and Rachel went to Dellwood after partaking of breakfast with us all yesterday. I am about used up and must rest now that the Wedding is over.

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February 1, Saturday 14 below this morning. Do not feel well or rested. Ruth had a telegram from Anson to day telling her little Anson is not well. She and Mike leave for New York this evening. Mauds fancy dress a great success last night. February 2, Sunday I had a note from Rachel last evening telling me she and Egil are rid of the colds and happy at Dellwood. To day is pleasant 10 or more above zero. Clara, Gertrude and Norman have gone out to Dellwood to call on Egil and Rachel.

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February 3, Monday A cold day. We went to N. Star Woolen Mills Minneapolis to get some Blankets. In the evening the girls went out ect. [sic]. Papa went to dinner for Senator Nelson evening. Papa told of Anna Warner Frenchs sudden death in England Dec 31st. February 4, Tuesday Very cold - 14 below this morning. Egil and Rachel came in to Luncheon preparing to leave on Sunday. Many things to attend to {crossed out: Ann Warner French died in}. Poor Mrs. Warner is so brave. She sails for England Saturday. February 5, Wednesday A very cold day and Windy.

February 6, Thursday Still cold but moderating. I am so very busy preparing to leave plan as I may there always remains much to do and attend to. Went this p. m. to call on Caroline Freeman. What careless blots. {Ink blot on page}


February, 7 Friday 10 above this morning



February 8, Saturday Today is beautiful and mild. Egil and Rachel returned from Dellwood to day. I went to Minneapolis to St [sic] Marys and to say good bye to some friends. Helena Driscoll had a daughter today. February 9, Sunday A fine evening. 14 above at 845. Bishop Carroll of Helena said 9 oclock mass and preached on the Epistle of the day first Sunday in Lent. We are leaving for New York this evening. Papa Clara Gertrude and I. February 10, Monday Chicago. We arrived on Time this morning. Louis came as far as Chicago with us. Mr. Gray was on the Train. In Chicago we saw Mr. Miller - and Mr. Elliott. We left on 20th Century at 1245.

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February 11, Tuesday New York. We arrived here a little late in snow. Which did not continue. A very mild day. Mr. Jacacci came in to dinner. Mike and Gertrude came in later. Ruth brought little Anson over. He asked if train went fast if Louis skated. February 12, Wednesday New York. A bright & colder morning. Lincolns Birth Day and a holiday. In the Afternoon we went to see a wonderful portrait a Titian. And we saw Two – Guardis and Two Boucher. And a remarkably fine Tapestry. Also two Goyas. Bull fights such action and color. Mr. and Mrs. S. Thorne called to day.

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February 13, Thursday A cold day but bright. I went down town with papa. Then went to McCutcheons to finish selecting Rachels linens. Took luncheon at Ruths met Nina Boardman Mosely. Went in again to see Titian at _____. {line and space left by Mrs. Hill} Mr. Jacacci here for dinner. February 14, Friday New York. Valentine Day. A beautiful morning. We have been selecting Rachels silver to day and some china. We went again to Gimpel and Wildensteins to see the Titian and the two Guardi that papa is so interested in. Mr. John Carroll called today. February 15, Saturday New York. A beautiful day. Gertrude and I made a Tour of China Shops in search of a desirable breakfast and Luncheon Set. In the Afternoon I went with papa to see Mr. J Talmadgs pictures and saw them and some others at Knoedlers. A remarkable Flemish picture the Annunciasion [sic] by Bouts. We dined at Mrs. S. Thornes in the evening. Met a Miss Lyle and Mr. R. Chaden.



February 16, Sunday A bright fine morning not cold. Telegram from Rachel yesterday telling me they leave St. Paul for Washington D. C. Tomorrow. I misread the telegram. Rachel telephoned us from Washington this evening, they had spent the day there and were leaving at 9 p. m. for South Carolina. Had seen Mamie and Mary M. We took luncheon at Mr. Laniers.


February 17, Monday New York. Colder but fine. In the forenoon Gertrude and I finished up some matters of shipping. And selected at Tiffanys a Breakfast and luncheon set of Colport china. I went to see Dr. Weeks 46 East 57th. St. In the Afternoon We went to see Mr. Morgans loan pictures at Museum. February 18, Tuesday New York. Colder yet this morning. I had letters yesterday from Maud and from Rachel.

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February 19, Wednesday New York. Mr. E. A. Young of St. Paul dined with us this evening. We went to the Opera the Magic Flute it was put on and sung charmingly. February 20, Thursday New York. A very warm day like May heat. Wrote to Mamie and to James N. B. Mr. Jacacci dined here. February 21, Friday New York. Warmer than yesterday very cloudy a little rain. Went down to Office with Papa. Mr. Robert Bacon spent the forenoon here with Papa. Walters birthday. Dr. and Mrs. Biggs dined with us this evening.

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February 22, Saturday Cloudy still quite Warm a letter from Rachel this morning. She seems to like Summerville S. C.

February, 23 Sunday A cold bright windy morning. Wrote to Mrs. Upham Anson Ruth Gertrude and Mike dined with us. Papa and I went over to see Mary she looks white after her illness but is better. February 24, Monday A lovely morning. Went down town with papa - and on way up got a silver bowl for Mr. Terhunes daughter. Telegram from Walter. Letter from Dorothy, letter Mrs. Morgan one from Auntie.


February 24, Monday {small travel diary} Mamie is not in Washington- She and Mary over at Atlantic City



February 25, Tuesday Washington. Arrived here last night had snowed. To day cold but sunny. Mrs. Merriam Laura and her husband Mr. Curtis called on us. Also Mrs. Mrs. [sic] Gheen and her daughter. Mamie and Mary at Atlantic City. We visited the Capitol went into the Senate and the Hall of Representatives and saw a large Book of Letters from 1788 nearly to the present Presidents Letters. February 25, Tuesday {small travel diary, crossed out 2/23, written Feb 25th.} We have been to the Capitol into Senate and the House of Representatives In a small room there we saw a large Book of Setlars [sic] from 1788 to near present time. February 25, Tuesday {small travel diary} Washington D. C. Arrived her last nigh cold had snowed. Today cold but sunny Mrs. Merriam and Laura and her husband Mr. Curtis called. Also Mrs. Gheen and her daughter.

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February 26, Wednesday We left Washington at 935 last night and from the first lost time a too heavy train with an inadequate Engine the cause. Arrived at Charleston 4 hours late. Mr. Ed Durant and Mr. and Mrs. Rhett met us at the Station at Charleston. We were taken a short drive about City and Lack to our train for Summerville S. C. 20 miles distant. Where we found Egil and Rachel.

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February 26, Wednesday {small travel diary} We left Washing at 935 last evening and from the first lost time. A long train and inadaquate [sic] engine. Arrived at Charleston 4 hours late. Mr. E. Durant met us with a Mr. and Mrs. Rhett of Charleston. He Mr. R. the mayor. I took a short drive around the city and we took the train for Summerville S. C. 20 miles distance. Egil and Rachel met us. February 27, Thursday {written on page for 2/28} Summerville. A sultry hot day. Mr. Smith M Weed owns a place and is here. A Dr. Shepard has a Tea Garden joining the Inn Park. Gen Le Duc of Hastings introduced Tea culture in this country. February 27, Thursday {small travel diary} Summerville S. C. A Sultry day heavy rain. Mr. Smith Wied has a cottage here his own. We saw him to day. A. D. Shepard has a Tea Garden joining the Inn Park here. Gen Lee Duc first fostered Tea culture here.


February 28, Friday {written on page for 2/27} Summerville S. C. 86 here today 10 below in Minnesota yesterday. We walked to the old before the War Town yesterday. Letter from Charlotte, Louis, and family leave for California to day. Papa and I took quite a drive to Ashley River today. And later called on Mr. Smith M. Weed. He owns a place here. Jasmine blooming every where. Roads Poor.



February 28, Friday {small travel diary} Summerville. 86. 74 here today 10 below in Minnesota yesterday. We walked to old Town to day. Before the War Town. Letter from Charlotte to day. Louis left for California yesterday. Papa and I took quite a drive to Ashley River this afternoon and later called on Mr. S. Weed. March 1, Saturday Summerville S. C. An Electric storm and heavy rain last night. Cooler, dark and rainy nearly all to day. Wrote to Maud, to Dr. Turner also to Mr. Watson and Dr. Stewart. Egil and Rachel leaving for New York this evening. Just finished reading J. F. Coopers Life. March 1, Saturday {small travel diary} Summerville S. C. A heavy rain and electric storm last night. Raining nearly all day to day dark and cheerless. Not so hot. Wrote to Maud and to Dr. Turner also to Mr.

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Watson and Dr. Stewart. Egil and Rachel leaving for New York this evening. Just finished J. F. Coopers Life. March 2, Sunday Summerville S. C. Colder, 50 at 930 this a. m. but sunny and pleasant after heavy rain. No Mass today. Drove in the Afternoon. Toward Tea time Mr. E. Durant and Mrs. E D. came out in an Auto, and returned to Charleston. March 2, Sunday {small travel diary} Colder 50 this morning at 930 but bright and pleasant after heavy rain. No Mass. Took a drive in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Durant came over in Auto took and went back to Charleston.

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March 3, Monday Summerville S. C. We went into Charleston and took luncheon at Mrs. Durants. Mr. Rhett and Mrs. Durant sr. were there. We saw the 4 Durant children and the Chesin girl. She is pretty. After luncheon we were taken around the City and Navy Yards and out to North Charleston. We took the train back to Summerville at 7 miles Junction. March 3, Monday {Small travel diary, crossed out 1/9, written Monday March 3rd} We have seen a good deal of Charleston to day. Dry Docks of Navy Yd. And the Territory where Mr. E. Durant Co. are improving large Tract of Land North Charleston. March 3, Monday {small travel diary} Summerville. We went over to Charleston. Took luncheon at Mrs. E. Durants Mr. Rhett and Mr. Durant sr. there. Saw five of the children. After luncheon we were taken around the City and the Navy yds. And to roof of 8th Story Bldg to view the Harbor. Wrote to Rachel.



March 4, Tuesday Summerville S. C. A dark cool morning but little rain in forenoon none in the afternoon. Judge Brawley of Charleston invites us all to dine but we declined and feel need of some rest. Wrote to Charlotte.


March 4, Tuesday {small travel diary} Summerville. A dark wet morning. Afternoon did not rain - still cloudy and cool. Mr. Durant came over - with invitations for us all for tomorrow. Papa goes in to Charleston. We rest out here until Thursday. A long drive the afternoon. Wrote to Charlotte. March 5, Wednesday Summerville S. C. Papa went in to Charleston at noon to go to Fort Sumter and other places with some gentlemen. Clara and I went for a drive to the Experimental Farm and further. We got on some fearful roads. Mrs. E. Durant drove over about 5 p. m. yesterday to arrange for papas outing today.

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March 5, Wednesday {small travel diary} Still cloudy but promises to clear. Papa goes into Charleston to spend afternoon. March 6, Thursday Summerville S. C. A perfect morning. We went to say good bye to Mr. Smith M. Weed and took train for Charleston. Ms. Rhett met us, took us to Charleston Hotel. We found very clean nice room there. At two p. m. we went to Mr. Rhetts to luncheon. The Durants were there and Judge and Mrs. Brawley. Later we went to Mrs. [Sn. Pringles] most interesting old mansion. Saw some fine portraits there. At 5 p. m. we went to a Tea at Mrs. Durants. A hundred Charleston ladies were invited to meet us. Went in the evening with Mrs. Durant to Harry Leander.

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March 7, Friday Charleston S. C. A glorious morning for whice [sic] we are most grateful. At ten p .m . Mr. Ed Durantt called for us and took s to the city Hall. We called on Mayor Grace and saw many interesting Historical portraits. One of Washington unique in a way: full length painted by Turnbull. Then we went to old St. Michaels church, and church yard met the Pastor Mr. Kershaw. Went into Washingtons Pew and sin in his chair! Then we and others went to the Magnolia Gardens a fitting climax to our visit in Charleston. Imcomparibly [sic] beautiful. Such Azalias [sic] a riot of color and glory. Back to luncheon at Mrs. Durants.


March 8, Saturday On Train. We left Charleston reluctantly last evening after five. Mr. Durant taking us to the train. He could not do more for us than he did and Mrs. Durant is charming and so hospitable. Arrive in Washington two hours late. Clara and Margaret continued on Train to New York. Papa and I went to Mamies Mary has not been well and shows it. Mamie unusually robust looking. We took luncheon there. Mary M. looks nervous and pale. Left for New York at 3 p. m. arrived at 9 oclock p. m.


March 9, Sunday New York. This is indeed a glorious morning. We to Mass at St. Ignatious [sic]. Father Casey preached a fine sermon. Rachel and Egil here.


March 10, Monday {Blank}

March 11, Tuesday New York. An uncertain day rainy. Went to luncheon to Maria Taylors. Minnie Oaks and Mrs. Satterthwaite were there. Ruths little girl is not well. A Telegram from Maud from Monteray [sic] to day. Telegraphed Dorothy to Long Beach. I recved [sic] such a pretty photo of Little Dorothy this morning.

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March 12, Wednesday New York. This is a delightful morning. Egil has inflamitory [sic] rheumatism and pretty badly - in his knees. Little Mary Beard is not as well to day - teething and has ear trouble. Mr. Macpherson took dinner with us and went to the Opera with girls. Wrote to Mrs. Durant and to Mrs. Rhett to day. March 13, Thursday New York. A cloudy warm morning - rained a little in the forenoon. I went for a fine walk this morning. Mrs. Thorne called. Also Capt Weed and Mrs. Slade. Egils rheumatism is so troublesome that he is in his room to day all day.

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March 14, Friday A dark rainy day. Went down town to Office in morning. Papa came back to house after luncheon he left on 245 train for home. Egil is some better of rheumatism. Weather against him. Mr. C. Livinigston called this evening. March 15, Saturday New York. An other dark rainy day. Dr. Turner came into luncheon looking better than we expected he would after his indisposition. Egil is really better to day. Sent Easter cards to Hill children in California today. March 16, Sunday New York. Palm Sunday. Still cloudy but air is better - so there is a prospect of favorable change. We took luncheon at Gertrudes. In the Afternoon Dr. Stewart Mr. Jacacci and Mr. Carl Taylor called. Egil seems better some. Weather has been variable but has not cleared. Wrote to Mamie to Louis to Georgiana and notes to two.



March 17, Monday New York. At last sun shine after four dark wet days. Went to Dress makers with Gertrude, syles [sic] worse than ever. One must please herself - these days if decent clothes are to be worn. Stormy, part of forenoon flurries of snow high winds. Egil is better. Ruths children are better. Little Anson came over to day. St. Patricks parade this p. m. Mr. Macpherson took dinner with us.


March 18, Tuesday New York. Sunny, colder this morning. Went for a fine walk and coming back met Mary Gilfillan. In the afternoon paid seven visits found one friend at home. Wrote to papa. In the evening Dr. and Mrs. Biggs came to dinner. Anson and Ruth came too. Mr. Macpherson and Mike came in later after a golf day. Egil thinks he is better. March 19, Wednesday New York. A beautiful morning. We Clara and I took luncheon at Ruths. The children are better. Egil and Rachel stayed at home later they went for a drive. I took a good Walk. Letters from Maud and Maudie. Reporting Louis better.

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March 20, Thursday New York. Rainy and very dark. We went to eight oclock Mass at St. Ignatius. Later We went to see Mr. Fricks pictures. He has some fine ones. Wrote to Maud to Maudie to Jerome to Charlotte and to Uncle Phelps and Annabel McQuillan. Has not cleared is very warm - and atmosphere steamy from moisture. March 21, Friday {“Good” – written in front of printed day} New York. This morning still cloudy and warm. At noon growing cooler. We attended the three hours devotion at St Ignatious [sic]. An edifying exercise - most impressive. A Telegram from Louis telling me he and Walter have had a goose hunt at N. Sacramento Valley. Wrote to Papa to day. Mary Beards temperature went up again last night. To 102.

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March 22, {“Easter” written in front of printed day} Saturday New York. A beautiful cooler morning A telegram from Theodore Schurmeier this morning tells me Mrs. Gotzian died suddenly yesterday no particulars. A letter just received from Mrs. Upham from Rome. Sent telegrams to Theodore S to Helen D. and to Harriet Tighe. Received a note from A. B. Driscoll to day he was here with Conrad G. and his boys. And news of Mrs. Gs. death was taking them home. March 23, {“Easter” written in front of printed day} Sunday New York. A bright beautiful morning ran is predicted to later. James is here for the day from Cambridge. Muller Uri dined with us and spent the evening much to Egils amusement. Telegraphed Louis this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Geo F Baker Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell, and Miss Bigelow came in to Tea to see Egil and Rachel. The family all dined here. James went back to night. Mr. Macpherson Mrs. B Goodspeed and Dr. Briggs called.



March 24, Monday New York. A very warm day. Mr. Jacacci brought in some Paris people to see pictures. The man who goes out to St. Paul to write up French school of Art. Wrote to Papa And to Maud. Egil so much better. We arranged an Egg hunt for little Anson yesterday. Clara and I went to Opera of Cyrano with Mrs. Geo. Baker this evening not a great success (English).


March 25, Tuesday New York. A warm morning again – cloudy. A Telegram from Papa this morning. All well. As the day progresses the atmosphere grows more sultry and very hot. This afternoon, Egil Rachel Ruth, Clara Gertrude and Mike and I went to see the Altman Collection of porcelains and pictures - everything is remarkably fine. So many Rembrants [sic]. March 26, Wednesday New York. Another cloudy sultry morning. Warm and damp. Some rain last night. Rained nearly all afternoon and all night. This evening Egil and Rachel dined at Dr.

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Biggs. A letter from Charlotte this morning. I wrote to Papa to day. We Clara and I went to the Opera Loengrin [sic] and took Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell. March 27, Thursday New York. Still cloudy and threatening. An Easter card from Auntie from Minneapolis yesterday. So she did not go to California. Weather growing cold this {“morning” – crossed out} evening. The others went to Opera. I had a quiet evening alone. Read Carlyles Norwegian Kings. Wrote to Mrs. Upham to Dorothy - to Charlotte and to Auntie today. Minnia [sic]Oakes called this afternoon also Mrs. Durand Ruel.

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March 28, Friday New York. Bright at last and cold. Egil has a swoolen [sic] left wrist again this morning. The day is fine. Mary Beard has had to have her ear punctured for second time. Still she looks better and fells better. Mr. Jacacci and his French man here again to day. Egil wants to start for home and is only waiting for some promise of getting there. Mr. Macpherson left for St. Paul this noon flood interfere with all Roads. March 29, Saturday New York. An other fine morning. I am going over to see Mother Xavier this forenoon. Clara and I missed our train to Convent Station so had to wait 40 minutes for an other. We found Mother Xavier remarkably spry and well for her age in 89th. year and in good spirits. Sister Pauline is well again. A message from Papa. Letters from Papa Mrs. Warner Mamie and James.


March 30, Sunday New York. An other fine morning. Wrote to Papa after breakfast. Before noon clouds gathered some rain in the afternoon. Egil still suffering from rheumatism. Mary Beards temperature rose again last night and she has not been out to day her ear trouble is persistent. Mr. Jacacci and a Mr. Samfel came in at Tea time. Mike and Gertrude dined with us. Wrote to Mrs. Warner, Gaspard Farrer and to Charlotte. Mr. S. Thorne spent nearly an hour here this afternoon looking so well.



March 31, Monday New York. A cloudy rather warm morning. Egil up early this morning. We he and I went to Knoedlers to see Muller Uris Exhibition not good. We also went into Public Library - Bldg. Egil and Rachel left on 530 train p. m. for St. Paul. Called on Mrs. Baker and Minnie Oakes- Went to Opera Manon. April 1, Tuesday A bright beautiful morning. Stan Morrison called last evening looking very stout and well. This afternoon Clara and I paid some visits finding no one at home the usual experience in New York. When I came in Suddenly some mishap seems to have occurred to my left eye it is blood shot. I an not in pain. We dined at Gertrudes.

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April 2, Wednesday New York. Bright and windy. A telegram from Egil tells me they arrived just on time at Chicago yesterday. My eye looks badly. Dr. Weeks says it will last days. Mike and Gertrude came in to dinner and spent evening with me as Clare went to the Opera. April 3, Thursday New York. A bright pleasant morning. Ruths Mary not out today, some rise in temperature again that little ear is obstinate. I do not feel very well to day I do not know whether eye has anything to do with feelings. Mary Gilfillan took luncheon with us. Clara inquired of Mrs. Tiltan about Theodore Griggs broken arm and Mrs. Martha Griggs illness.

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April 4, Friday New York. Slightly cloudy morning- mild. I am not just well nor am I ill only ailing. My eye seems to be improving. Clara and I have very quiet evening. Alone. I read Burrows Life and she played solitaire. Wrote to Papa this morning. April 5, Saturday New York. This morning a little cloudy. We did a few errands in forenoon. In the Afternoon I helped Gertrude to stamp and inclose some Spence school charity entertainment work. A letter from Charlotte. I wrote to Charlotte. Walked up to Jesuite [sic] Church and back


April 6, Sunday New York. Wrote to Papa this forenoon. The day is changeable. At noon Mr. Ed. Thorne came in sent by his mother to tell me his father Mr. Samuel Thorne was very ill of heart trouble. We went this afternoon he is about the same. I immediately sent Papa word a note. Mary Oaks was operated on for an abscess on her lungs. She is at Roosevelt Hospital doing well so far. We went there this afternoon. Wrote to Mary Mendenhall.



April 7, Monday New York. A fine morning but cold. Took little Anson to see goldfish and flowers on 106th St. Green houses. Wrote to Rachel and to Mary M. In the Afternoon went to Flower Show the most perfect I have seen. In the evening dined at Ruths. April 8, Tuesday A beautiful day - did a few errands. Went to inquire for Mr. Thorne who is about the same quite ill. Went to see Mary Beard and dined there that evening (Clara and I.) April 9, Wednesday A fine day. Took a walk in the Afternoon it was delightful. Mr. Thorne no better. Margaret Ames dine with us. And went with us to the Opera Master Singers. Letter from Charlotte.

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April 10, Thursday New York. Such a perfectly delightful morning. Gertrude and I walked down through the Park from 106th. Street this forenoon. Letter from Rachel card from Charlotte. Papa will be here in the morning. This Afternoon most disagreeably cold, raw and windy. April 11, Friday New York. A dark rainy day not cold. Papa came this morning from St. Paul. Clara and Ruth went to look at Pianos. Clara getting one for Rachel. Wrote to James and to Charlotte last night. Margaret Millbank came in to Tea to day.

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April 12, Saturday Rained all day. Mary Beard is really better. Mr. Thorne not any better. Wrote to Rachel to day. Mr. Baker came in this afternoon. Minnie Oakes took luncheon with us to day, Mary is doing well. April 13, Sunday New York. This morning yet muggy but no rain. Walked up to Church and back met Mrs. Slade on way back and inquired for Mr. Thorne he is no better. Wrote to Auntie to California. April 14, Monday New York. A cloudy rather warm day. Mr. J. P. Morgan was buried to day papa went to the funeral service at St. Georges Church. He has an influenza cold but it is better I think. Mr. S. Thorne is no better. I saw Mrs. Thorne to day. Alice Bigleow Allen died here yesterday have not heard the cause.



April 15, Tuesday New York. A cloudy uncertain morning. Went down Town with papa and did some “shopping” on way back. Mr. Jacacci came in early said Alice Bigelow Allen has been unconscious for some time but did not know from what reason. Went to Roosevelt saw Mary Oakes, she sat up awhile to day. Rained all day. Dr. Steward dined here this evening. Tested papas blood pressure 140 result.


April 16, Wednesday New York. Still raining. We are leaving for home to day - at 2-45 p. m. Mr. Thorne had a good night is some better this a. m. April 17, Thursday On Train. Arrived in Chicago just on Time. A very hot day. We made the morning train so will be at home to night 85 in car. Papa suffering in head from bad influenza. April 18, Friday St. Paul. We arrived nearly half An hour late last night on Burlington R. R. Today is fine. Rachel suffering from stiff neck. All at home looking well except Norman he looks pale and thin. Louis family all well.

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April 19, Saturday St. Paul. An other fine morning. Busy putting to right our belongings. Clara and I drove out to New Brighton. Roads good. April 20, Sunday A beautiful morning walked in from Church - before noon weather changed afternoon disagreeable. Wrote to Ruth, Gertrude James N. B., Mrs. Kurth Walter, Nellie Tierney and some notes.

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April 21, Monday Quite warm. A letter from Jim today from London. He arrived in New York last Friday. Col. and Mrs. Stinger called today. April 22, Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Caro-del-Vaille came this morning much to my annoyance as house cleaning is quiet enough. Maud, Sally Colt and her sister with Katherine Abbott took luncheon here today. Mrs. Shepley and her sister and husband Col. Prout came in to day. April 23, Wednesday A cloudy windy morning. Mr. Caro del Vielle began to draw a charcoal sketch of me today. Drew one of papa yesterday. Col. and Mrs. Sturgis Katherine Abbott Fielding Jackson and family with Caro del Vielles and Egil Boeckmanns dined here to night. Caro del Vielles fine Spanish dancers.


April 24, Thursday A dark threatening and rainy day. Hard to clean house satisfactorily such weather yet managed to have Trunk room closets ect. [sic] done. Mr. and Mrs. Caro del- Vielle arrived Tuesday morning April 22nd. He a portrait painter. Papa and I the subjects.



April 25, Friday A fine day first for a long while. My fifth sitting crayons and canvass photos ect. [sic]. Went to inquire for Mrs. P. McQuillan she is badly off. George, Charlotte Katherine Abbott and family dined more Spanish dancing. April 26, Saturday An other cloudy morning. I had about 18 boxes of Wine put away this forenoon. Quite a job to find place for it – in wine caller. Took Annabel McQuillan for a drive in afternoon. April 27, Sunday A beautiful morning. Frost last night. Charlottes family Mauds family the Caro del Veilles went North Oaks to picnic luncheon. Wrote to Jim, to Gertrude, to Mrs. [Ruth?] to Dr. Stewart.

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April 28, Monday A warm day. Made a few calls an Helen Driscoll left a card for Mrs. J. D. OBrien. Mr. J. D. OBrien died suddenly yesterday at Fort Snelling. April 29, Tuesday Quite warm stayed in until after 5 p. m. Then took the Caro del Veilles and drove to Newport Minn. Roads not very good we went via Indian Mounds. Papa and I went to North Oaks to see progress of building rather exilarating [sic]. There are over two thousand sheep there now.

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April 30, Wednesday A hot day. 84 to day. Portraits going well. Some days M. Care del Veille want to work every minute. Today is such a day. Very windy. I called on Mr. Shepherd Harriet Tighe Mrs. Weide and Lena Schmidt. May 1, Thursday Ascendsion [sic] Day. Cloudy, warm morning turned windy hot day again 84 at 2 p. m. I saw Mrs. P. F. McQuillan yesterday she looked better than I expected find her. We papa and I have just come in from North Oaks. Saw plans some new cows and red hogs hundreds of lambs. May 2 – 3 {Blank}

May 4, Sunday Papa and I went to North Oaks this afternoon the others picniced [sic] in the country. Maud and Louis dined here.


May 5, Monday A pleasant day. Nearly two hours given to sitting for Portrait.



May 6, Tuesday A beautiful day. Had the reception room cleaned to day. Stayed in all day. Major Wilson called in the evening. I gave two hours to Mr. H. Carodelveille [sic] sitting for my portrait to day. Mrs. Cathcart called to day. May 7, Wednesday A cloudy Day. We are cleaning dining room to day. Walter Dorothy and little Dorothy came to day for a short visit. Quite cold oak trees are coming in to leaf. May 8, Thursday A bright cold day. Quite a heavy frost last night ice formed at North Oaks. We went out there this afternoon. Found lots of cowslips to day.

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May 9, Friday First again this night. Busy as a Bee between the portrait painter and house cleaning. A letter from Mike to day telling me of the Womens Suffrage Parade in New York. Even some of the me {men?} became excited. May 10, Saturday Louis took a lot of photos this morning to aid in the composition of the double portrait he is having of Papa and me. Mr. Caro delveille is learning English as he proceeds with his work. Saw 450 old Veterans at soldiers Home going to their supper this p. m.

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May 11, Sunday Bright and cool. Egil Rachel Clara and George Finch went to Balsam Lake yesterday for few days. Took luncheon at Charlottes Caro delveilles [sic] too. Then went to North Oaks picked violets and cowslips on way home rained evening and night. May 12, Monday Uncertain day - as to weather. Busy up and down stairs putting to rights Blankets closet and Den. May 13, Tuesday A really beautiful day. Louis is having Mr. Carodelvielle paint papa and me one [sic] one canvass. He begins well on it. For an artist he is a most agreeable man. And such a Dancer dances Spanish dances wonderfully well. May 14, Wednesday A rainy day. Having men clean chandeliers such a piece of work.


May 15, Thursday Another rainy day. Still at chandeliers. The Public Schools boys are playing Base Ball every where. it is inspiring to see the enthusiasm of Teachers parents and families.



May 16, Friday A beautiful morning turned to rain again at 11:30 a.m. This is Mr. A Larpenteurs 90th. birthday. I took Mrs. Prince Mrs. J Bass Mrs. Cathcart and Mrs. Raguet out to call on him this forenoon. We had a pleasant reception his memory is remarkable. May 17, Saturday Heard only last night of Mr. A. Guthries illness. Tried all this forenoon to hear from him. In the afternoon heard he was dead: died at Marcy Hospital Chicago yesterday at 6 a.m. after an operation gall stones. Clearer and cold {“today” – crossed out} in snowing rained off an [sic] on all afternoon cleared at sun set. May 18, Sunday Clear and cold this a.m. yet clouds are to the sun Mr. Saunders is more comfortable this morning had a good night. Dr. Charlie Mayo came up to see him yesterday cheered

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some for the time. When I came in from Church this morning Dr. Mayo and his wife were here with Louis on way back to train. May 19, Monday A dark wet day cold too. Louis W. and Louis W jr.s birth day. In the morning I received flowers from each of them. I went out to North Oaks to take luncheon with them Norman Georgiana Ed. Hersey and a Summer boy went too rained all day and into the night.

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May 20, Tuesday Darker, colder and more rainy than before. It has rained every day for a week. Mr. Sanders still quite ill. M. Caro Delveille [sic] is in despair over the continued wet dark weather. May 21, Wednesday This is my 63rd 21st of May in St. Paul and it is Rachels birth day. A dull dark day. In the evening T. L Schurmeier dined with us. After dinner D. Morrison George and Nell Finch Katherine Abbott and “Buster” Young came in. May 22, Thursday Weather cleared late in the afternoon. Rachel and I went to North Oaks after luncheon I too [sic] look over and dispose of the things that came out of the Bowling Alley. May 23, Friday A lovely day. Papa returned from New York last night very well indeed. He is pleased with the Portraits. Ed. W. Durant came in the evening. We were very glad to see him. Louis left for West this evening. Went to Mrs. Schulze to a Tea this p.m. to meet her sister in law.




May 24, Saturday A warmer and beautiful morning. I went to luncheon to Mrs. Cutlers in honor of Mrs. H. Hale. The guests were Mrs. Prince Mrs. J. W. Bass, Mrs. Geo L. Becker, Mrs. Cathcart, Mrs. Wm Lee Mrs. C. B. Rice, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Price, Mrs. J. L. Mirriam. All over 80 and ranging to 90. Mrs. Cutler and I youngest and only ones not widows. Wrote to Mamie and Ruth this evening. May 25, Sunday Today is slightly cloudy but pleasant. Wrote to Mrs. Dahlgren Mrs. E Tuck Mrs. Upham and to James N. B. Boeckmanns and Clara are at Dellwood for the day. May 26, Monday A pleasant day went to call on Mrs. McQuillan and found her growing weaker. Annabel went with me in search for my plants to fill boxes and vases.

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May 27, Tuesday A warm day. Hot 88. Clara and the Caro – Delveilles have gone to Lake St. Croix. Ed. Durant George and Dan Morrison took luncheon with us. Maud was in a while complaining of head ache. May 28, Wednesday An other hot day. Summer heat has come with a jump from necessity of fires - to almost 90. We went for a drive after 5 p.m. it was very sultry. I had flowers planted at Cemetery to day.

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May 29, Thursday It was 88 again yesterday. Papa went to Faribaut [sic] to day in an [sic] an auto with Mr. Ruben Warner. Walter Dorothy and Little Dorothy came this morning. May 30, Friday Not quite so hot an ideal Decoration Day. Yesterday was 88 again. That temperature three days. Claras dancing party last night quite a success. The Caro Delveilles danced their Spanish dances several times. The evening was cool. We Papa and I went to Dellwood after going to North Oaks. Ed. Durant was there May 31, Saturday A pleasant day. In the afternoon Papa and I went over to Stillwater. We found the Road good and we were surprised at the improvements of Streets and Bldgs. June 1, Sunday A windy ride out to North Oaks for luncheon to help celebrate Maudies 10th. birthday. Slades. Nell Finch Egil Rachel “Buster” Young. We all enjoyed the picnic. Clara did not seem to feel well. Wrote to Gertrude this a.m.


June 2, Monday Rather warm, to day. Charlotte in for luncheon. I believe today is Mrs. Prince’s birth day. Wrote to Ruth. Wrote to Mrs. Kurth to day.



June 3, Tuesday A warm day. Went up to see Dr. Williams house that Egil and Rachel are renovating for a “Little Home.” Mrs. and Miss Wheelock called. Judge Amidon spent the evening with papa. Papa and I drove to Fort Snelling and back via Minnehaha. June 4, Wednesday A cloudy cool morning. I have been to look at gas ranges with Rachel. Papa and Egil went out to North Oaks. Mr. Chas. Bunn and Helen came in this evening, he and papa spent the evening over Salmon Tackle. Helen goes with her father to fish.

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June 5, Thursday Mands and Louis’ twelvth [sic] anniversary. He away out west. Papa and I drove to North Oaks to congratulate her. No rain today. Just finished reading New North by Agnes Dean Cameron. It is interesting. Elizabeth and Emma came to day. June 6, Friday Cloudy and warm at 1130 a.m. just heard of Mr. Frank Wards death this morning in Chicago Hospital. Papa has a toothache. We went out to Dellwood a rather cold drive.

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June 7, Saturday Papas face much swollen this morning. He had to go to Dentist and have tooth extracted. Weather continues cool. Papa went in afternoon to North Oaks with Prof. Shawe. June 8, Sunday Still quite cool. Mr. Frank Ward funeral service has held at Mortuary chapel Oakland Cemetery. Mrs. Ward returned to Chicago in the evening, one of her children has measles there. Mr. Sidgwick conducted the service. June 9, Monday Still cool but bright very pleasant but how about the gardens? Wrote to make and to Mary M. yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson came in evening. George was here all interested in the State Rate Case. Papa is a Philosopher although disappointed. June 10, Tuesday A cool morning. Warmer day. In the afternoon called on Mrs. Brisbone and Mrs. Hayes at Mrs. Days Tea for them. Papa left this evening for Ottowa New York and The St. Johns River. Yesterday it was known that the state won the Rate Case.


June 11, Wednesday Mr. Bunn and Helen left for fishing this evening. Clara saw them off.



June 12, Thursday A hot day. Dr. Lyons in the morning (dentist). Girls came from New York to day. {accent markings/circle around sentence about girls} In the afternoon paid some calls on ill ect. [sic]. In the evening Mrs. Ed Biggs came to see me the most forlorn looking woman has a paralized [sic] son and they are in straights. June 13, Friday An other hot morning. Charlotte came in to town to day and took new cook with her. After helping Rachel to select kitchen furnishings. Wrote to Papa and sent telegram to New York. June 14, Saturday Another day hot morning. Wrote to Mrs. S Thorne Mrs. Manvel and order for Books to Duttons. Went with Rachel to Select ice box found enamilled [sic] Refrigerator.

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Saleroom close Saturday afternoon. Katherine Abbott dined with us - and spent evening. A shower to day. June 15, Sunday Hot and seemingly dry. Wrote to Mike and to Ruth. Rachel has rheumatism. Finished reading Fitchetts The unrealized Logic of Religion a well written book. June 16, Monday {Blank}

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June 17, Tuesday Medical Association of the U. S. in Session at Minneapolis. Dr. Bulkley called this afternoon. Mrs. McQuillan suffers on, no relief. June 18, Wednesday 95 at 430 to day. Very very hot day yet house is cool. Rachel does not get rid of sciatica. Wrote to Papa and gave letter to Louis to deliver as he is leaving this evening. June 19, Thursday A very hot day. Louis left last night via Soo the Soo for Montreal to join Papa. On Wacouta. This morning looks like rain. A good rain this evening the best we have had this month. Rachel not well. A nurse came this evening to care for her. June 20, Friday Last night very warm after the rain. This morning muggy and warm. Papa left New York for Montreal last night. Should sail for St. Johns River this morning. Mrs. Edmund Rice buried today.


June 21, Saturday The longest day not more than ordinary accomplished. Had letter from papa telling me of trying ordeal with J. N. Charlotte came to town she Maud and Sigrid began to move and arrange house In Rachel who is not well.



June 22, Sunday Last night was hot very this morning still hot - morning paper reports cyclone in Montana a great affliction for the poor farmers. Mr. E. N. Saunders died this morning at 130 after a long illness. June 23, Monday Charlotte, Sigrid and Maud in town to help settle Rachels house today. The unpacked washed and put in place the glass and china. June 24, Tuesday A threatening day hot and cloudy. Charlotte in again and had Rachels furniture put in place and moved. Mr. E. N. Launders was buried to day grave surrounded by more flowers than I ever saw at a funeral.

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June 25, Wednesday There was rain last night - but temperature just as high very hot. Egil and Rachel left us today to begin their own home keeping. Clara and I joined them at the first meal dinner. Going to the Dentist this sultry weather is trying. June 26, Thursday Such a hot day 86 on south side - preserving strawberries to day. Minnesota berries are not good this season. Have seen no currents yet. We went for a drive this evening even in the motor was hot. Telegram from papa to day arrived at River 24th.

June 28, Saturday {Blank}

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June 27, Friday Hotter and hotter. A letter from Mr. G. Farrer from Metis. Past 90 to day. We had the Seilers to dinner this evening also the W. Ramsays The E. Boeckmanns T. L. Schurmeiers Katherine Abbott George Finch and “Buster” Young. The Terrace was cool.

June 29, Sunday {written on page for 6/28} Another hot morning 92 at noon. (94 today) Annabel McQuillan came over to luncheon. Wrote to Ruth to Gertrude and to Mrs. Swainson Mrs. F. James and note. Clara and I called on Visitation Sisters after Mass. We dined at Charlottes at Dellwood the evening was coll [sic] there but we found it still hot at let time at home.


June 30, Monday Some cooler house stays heated in parts. However is greatest heat first floor can be kept comfortable. Dr. Abbott went with to in Auto to North Oaks and back and learned to enjoy it.



July 1, Tuesday This promises to be an other hot day. Rain is much needed. A quiet but pleasant birth day. A letter, a telegram and a present from Gertrude. Roses from Egil and Rachel. Roses from Mr Macpherson and a basket of roses came in from Annabel. Charlotte Mittie Porter Katherine Abbott and Maud spent the night. July 2, Wednesday A hot morning. We went to the Dedication of the Visitation Covenant this morning a 9 oclock. The Archbishop blessed the Bldg. said Mass and preached. Maria Taylor and Isabella arrived the morning to spend Two Weeks with Maud. Wrote to Papa and telegraphed him yesterday. July 3, Thursday Thursday Hot! 86 or more sultry. Electric storm and rain at mid night. We went last evening to see Maud Adams in Peter Pan for some reason I could not appreciate it. At

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4 p. m. another storm coming up. Mittie went home to day. A cable of greeting from Mamie from London to day. July 4, Friday Dellwood. We Clara Katherine Abbott and I came out here last evening to spend 4th. Last night fearfully stormy so was Wednesday night. So little sleep. Nell. and George Finch came out to day for the day. After dinner we went to Dellwood Club to see Fire Works. Such an other storm came up that fire wks were not well seen such electricity and down pour - one seldom experiences. No rain to day and was cooler.

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July 5, Saturday St. Paul. We arrived back from Dellwood a fine cool forenoon. 74 this afternoon. Dorothy and little Dorothy arrived. They came to Town yesterday. Katherine and Rachel Abbott dined with us. Katherine left us after dinner. Wrote to Papa to day as Mr. Brown was going to meet him at Montreal. July 6, Sunday A delightful day 74 at 11 a. m. Called on Mrs. Shawe yesterday as I was down at St. Marys Church. Wrote to Ruth and to Mike. Clara is not well has a sort of Rose cold. I hear Papa leaves St. Johns River to day. July 7, Monday Quite a pleasant fore noon took Mrs. Morrison for a drive. Charlotte came in to luncheon. Later took Annabel out. Mrs. McQuillan continues about same. Clara is better of her indisposition.


July 8, Tuesday A hot morning a thunder storm at 9 a. m. Busy with Currents. Rachel came in to Luncheon. Clara not at all well. A Mr. Harder of Portland Ore. sent some the finest cherrys [sic] I ever saw.



July 9, Wednesday Cooler. Papa came home to day looking very well - from fishing camp. Louis came too. After luncheon we went to North Oaks to see progress on new house. Charlotte in for Luncheon July 10, Thursday A fine morning not as cool as yesterday. Bessie Sawyer Rank had a daughter last night. July 11, Friday A pleasant day. This afternoon we drive out far as North Oaks then over to Dellwood. The early part of day rained.

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July 12, Saturday A threatening day but did not rain. In the afternoon Papa and I went to North Oaks to see progress on new house. July 13, Sunday A perfect day. Clara much better to day. Went to Mass to Mrs. Morrisons and to Mrs. Finchs. I stayed at home on the Terrace all p. m. and read Jane Austins Life and letters. Mrs. P. F. McQuillan very low. July 14, Monday Was a threatening day - rain in the morning quite a hot day. Egil and Rachel took luncheon with us. Mrs. McQuillan may pass away any time.

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July 15, Tuesday A dark morning. Turned to a stormy noon. Mrs. McQuillan died at 1200 to day. At one p. m. to 3 p. m. darkness of night sultry an electric storm. A letter from Mamie written abroad Ship. They had a fine voyage. July 16, Wednesday A very sultry morning. After a fearful electric storm at a little past 5 this a. m. Our flag staff was struck and splintered on one side from top to bottom. After standing since 1895. Clara seems better to day. Wrote to Gertrude. July 17, Thursday An uncertain looking morning. Papa went with us to St. Marys church to Mrs. P. F. McQuillans funeral. Charlotte joined us.


July 18, Friday Papa and I went to North Oaks this afternoon. Maria Taylors brother Mr. Banks of West Superior was there.


July 19, Saturday Coming up Town this forenoon I stopped at Mrs. Abbotts and learned Dr. Abbott is ill again. In the Afternoon I went to Minneapolis to Aunties. Clara seems some better.


July 20, Sunday A beautiful morning and day - pervect [sic] temperature. Began to read Father DeSmet. Mr. Macpherson and Mr. Goodspeed called and stayed to luncheon. Stayed in all day. In the evening we went for Annabel McQuillan and took a drive. Wrote to Mamie and to Ruth. July 21, Monday Another very fine morning - a little warmer. Met Mrs. Agusta Pope at Mrs. Abbotts and talked over old times. Dr. Abbott not nearly as well as he has been.

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July 22, Tuesday A warmer day. Was disappointed in quality of cherries from Oregon. Preserved some to day made Currant Wine. Currants very late this year. Green corn to day for first time this year. Rasberries [sic] plentiful. Today is George Slades birthday Charlotte gave him a surprise dinner. July 23, Wednesday Today is partially cloudy streets filled to see Circus pass.

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July 24, Thursday Papa and I went to Mrs. M. Barrows to see the Dorothys hearing Dorothy jr. had Tonsilitias [sic] found her out in the Garden. As Papa goes to Northcote this evening he will take them home. July 25, Friday Normans 11th. birthday. I went out to White Bear in the forenoon and called on Mr. Markoe it being his 93rd. birthday. Then called on Mrs. Louis Chemidlin next door. And on to Dellwood to take luncheon With Norman. Mauds children were there also Maria and Isabel Taylor. July 26, Saturday Warmer this morning. Papa returned from Northcote at midnight last night. Got up at 91 to day. Mr. Rhett of Charleston was in Town to day. Mr. Geo. F. Baker telegraphs us to day that Mrs. Baker died suddenly yesterday of heart failure at Tuxedo.


July 27, Sunday A delightful morning a thunder shower at 430 this a. m. cooled the atmosphere. Papa and I went to North Oaks and to Dellwood. When I returned I was not well. T. L. Schurmeier dined with us also Helen Bunn.


July 28, Monday A hot morning. Helen Bunn started early to Station to meet her future sister in law. A pet dog of Georgianas had to be shot this morning seemed to have hydrophobia. Charlotte and Rachel to lunch to day. Clara is not well.


July 29, Tuesday St. Paul. We (papa and I) left home this evening for New York. George and Charlotte came in to dine and see us off. Clara seems better July 29, Tuesday {small travel diary} St. Paul. We left home this evening for New York. George and Charlotte came in to dinner. Clara seemed better.

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July 30, Wednesday Chicago last night was sizzling hot as we left St. Paul. Cooled off some in the night 99 in Chicago yesterday. Today is not much cooler. Blackwood is comfortable. Mr. Miller met us as usual. July 30, Wednesday {small travel diary} Chicago. Last night was hot on train - but car cooled some. 99 in Chicago yesterday, hot to day too. Mr. Miller met us – as usual. Blackstone cool.

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July 31, Thursday New York. Arrived here nearly an hour late after a hot trip on - 100 on train yesterday. Steel cars very hot - and slow to cool. Ruth was here to meet us. Papa was not well yesterday but quite recovered to day. It happens to be a comfortable day here. August 1, Friday New York. A hot day, sultry and threatening - darkness of night at 4 p. m. Gertrude and Mike came in to day - and in afternoon Jim came in looking well. Dr. Stewart called on the evening. August 2, Saturday Was hot last night and is hot this morning. Have written to Charlotte and to Gertrude. We leave on Wacouta to day at 3 oclock to spend tomorrow at Southampton. August 3, Sunday Southampton. We arrived here early to day. Anchoring in Sag Harbor. A hot day for this Section. Spent the day at Ruths, found the children well as possible Wrote to Rachel and telegraphed Clara from there. Boarder [sic] the Wacouta at about 730 p. m. Evening cooled off. Saw Mr. and Mrs. John Harris.



August 4, Monday New York. Arrive back at eight this morning. The day is some cooler. Took luncheon alone up on the roof. There is quite a garden there. Kurth has a chicken yard there over Laundry and gets fresh eggs daily. Letters from Clara and Mauds children. Wrote to Maud and to Clara.


August 5, Tuesday New York. We are going aboard Wacouta this afternoon 2 p. m. Mike and Gertrude With us. Mrs. Charlie W. Gordon was in this morning. Wrote to Mamie to day. We went to Sag Harbor. Anson Ruth and Anson jr. to joined us there. August 6, Wednesday On Wacouta. Arrived at Sag Harbor at 9 a. m. Waited there for Beards nearly three quarters of an hour. Little Anson delighted to really get to Capt Wead. On way to Newport saw the Black Naval fleet and the fleet of N. Y. Yacht club sailing fleet racing a fine sight.

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August 7, Thursday On Wacouta. Passed Point Judith twice would not know We were doing it. Weather hot but sailing comfortable. Witnessed the flash light and target practices - and saw a Naval sham battle. A little too realistic I thought. Anchored at Cottage City for night. August 8, Friday On Wacouta. We arrived at Woods Hole this morning. Went ashore to call at Mrs. Jewith on Mr. Weyerhauser - he had not arrived saw her. Went to Fish Hatchery it was disappointing. Point Judith again calm. Hot day spent night at Gardeners Bay.

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August 9, Saturday On Wacouta. This morning we anchored at New London to get papers mail telegraph ect [sic] intended going on to Providence but found weather probabilities discouraging and having had a perfect week we hesitated to spoil it and went to Glen Cove for the night. A hot day. August 10, Sunday New York. We returned here this a. m. in time for 9 oclock Mass at the Cathedral. Afterwards I took Mike and Gertrude to their boat for Seabright. I [sic] has been a very hot day. After 5 p. m. Papa and I went for a drive while out a severe wind and rain storm with electricity came up. We got back all right. August 11, Monday New York. We had letters from the girls yesterday and from James he is on Ocean returning. Last evening - To our surprise Sam. Hill and Mary M walked in having just arrived from England. Both well. Gertrude came in to town this morning. This evening I went with them to Theatre to see Peg o my heart. An amusing Play. Mary M was here to luncheon to day with her Miss Dignan. To day has been delightfully cool.




August 12, Tuesday New York. Warmer this morning. Papa and I left for Millbrook in an Auto. The day was perfect. The drive delightful, such interesting scenery and places. Albany State Road good at a place we had to take a detour which gave us much up and dhow hill until we got back on good Road. Reached Millbrook at 4 p. m. found Mr. Thorne looking well Mrs. Thorne well too. August 13, Wednesday Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne urge us to stay longer, they are so glad we came to see them but, we must start mach at eleven this morning. The day is cloudy and threatens rain. We got on well avoided the detour had some rain on the way. Roads mostly good. As we were nearing Yonkers the Road was swimming in oil and water and we had what might have been a serious accident machine turned nearly twice skidding - no injury to any one. Thank God.

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August 14, Thursday New York. Papa and I have had a good nights rest and we are all right this morning. What surprises me we were not tired of the rip going or coming. Go moderately in the safe way always. Wrote to Charlotte and to Clara last evening. August 15, Friday Assumtion [sic] Day. Cloudy rather cool. Went to Cathedral to Mass. Telegram from Charlotte saying they are going West. James N. B. arrived from Europe to day on the [Mauritania?] very well had a good trip. Going immediately to Cambridge. We sent him a Wireless to tell him at Sea that we were here. Mike and Gertrude are here to spend the night. A fine day Charlotte and Children gone west.

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August 16, Saturday New York. A sunny morning. Warmer I fear. Papa and I are leaving for St. Paul this afternoon. James left for Cambridge at midnight. Telegram yesterday from Charlotte from Helena on their way to join George at the coast. Mike and Gertrude leave us this a. m. August 17, Sunday We have been on the train to day between Chicago and St. Paul. The most trying heat I ever experienced. Arrived home at 1010 p. m. in a slight rain. August 18, Monday St. Paul. And still hot. Fined Clara looking well. Busy to day unpacking and putting away belongings. Papa has grown so stout that all his clothes must be let out.


August 19, Tuesday A hot muggy day several came in amongst them Rosa Larpenteur Harrison Mrs. Geo. Bunn Mrs. Sanford and Tine Meagher. Papa and Went to North Oaks a storm threatened. House progressing. Our 46th anniversary had messages and flowers from children cable from Mamie.



August 20, Wednesday Such a hot humid day - of suffering to all humanity and animal life. Helen Bunn came in this morning to bring back a rod papa loaned her. To night is very hot swelteringly hot. August 21, Thursday Stormed all last night and still this morning is hot. Made some calls this afternoon on Mrs. K. Clarke and Mrs. F. Bass. Mrs. Gilchrist and Mme. Bass died in my absence. Called to inquire for Mrs. Prince who is ill and saw her a few minutes. August 22, Friday We went to Rev. Mr. Popes last night to a reception to his sister Mrs. Mann. She and her husband Dr. M. Mann are visiting Mr. Pope. Was told at Mr. Popes that Mrs. Prince was very ill this evening. Dr. and Mrs. Mann came this morning to see Gallery. Mrs. Prince died last evening at 9 oclock.

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August 23, Saturday Went to Good Sheperds Sisters in the morning. A perfectly delightful day. Was told this morning that Mrs. Prince died at nine Thursday evening. Papa and Egil went to Northcote last night to return to night. August 24, Sunday Some warmer to day. Papa and Egil returned last night at 1130. After Mass to day called to see Mrs. Lee. She is Broken up over Mrs. Princ’s [sic] death. I then called at Mrs. Morgans house. Papa and I went to North Oaks in after noon.

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August 25, Monday Went to Mrs. John S. Prince’s funeral this forenoon at the old Cathedral. It looks as if most of the old catholic settlers would depart from there. Auntie was there and came home to luncheon with Charlotte and me. August 26, Tuesday Quite a little hotter this morning. Rachel and I went to North Oaks to day. Later I went to see Mrs. Meany and to find Johannah. August 27, Wednesday Rather uncertain weather to day. Went to call on Mrs. Morgan and Fannie Prince to day. And to the St. Josephs Hospital. Norman there had tonsils removed this a. m. (What was left in a former operation). August 28, Thursday A delightful morning. Norman much better to day. I saw mother Bernardine who is not well. Rachel is better to day and out.


August 29, Friday Charlotte brought Norman here to day. He seems all right.



August 30, Saturday A threatening cloudy day. Maud and the children came in for the afternoon and evening. They with Louis left for the Glacier Park a 1045 p. m. August 31, Sunday George returned from New York Meeting this morning. After Mass Charlotte the children and George left for Dellwood. Mrs. Seth Barton French called this afternoon. Clara took luncheon with Charlotte and returned here for dinner. September 1, Monday A hot morning 80 in my room at 9 a. m. A very hot day 96 on North window. First Day of State Fair. Lord Hindlip arrived this a. m. late. Lady Hindlip stayed in Winnepeg as she was indisposed. He returned there at five p. m.

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September 2, Tuesday A cloudy rainy forenoon. Cloudy afternoon cooler. Papa and Clara went to the Visitation Convent this morning he to see it. Joannah returned to day. September 3, Wednesday A hot day. Busy seeing to a woman cleaning after negligent cook. About eleven a. m. Clara and I went to the Fair. I thought the display of Minnesota apples remarkable really fine. And vegetables equalled [sic] any I have seen any where. September 4, Thursday A very hot day. Nearly 90 - on North Window. Charlotte and the children came in to day. This is a great year for Apples Plums ect [sic].

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September 5, Friday {Blank}

September 6, Saturday A very hot day above 90. In the afternoon went with papa to North Oaks to Dellwood. Telegraphed Mr. S. Thorn {Thorne} his 78th. birth day. Uncle Alex’s birth day. Mamie married 25 years to day. Judge Lusk 72 years to day. September 7, Sunday An excessively hot morning. Wrote to Mamie. To Ruth, to Gertrude. Some notes. September 8, Monday A pleasant change of weather cooler in the afternoon. Katherine Abbott Clara and I drove down toward the St. Croix and back via Highwood after going through Cottage Grove.



September 9, Tuesday Cool rather cloudy less than 60 this morning. First grapes came in from North Oaks to day. Walter in town for the day. Louis jr. arrived back from Glacier Park. Made some grape juice - and began grape jelly.


September 10, Wednesday Cool, cloudy. Papa went to Austin to day. I finished my grape jelly this morning. September 11, Thursday A perfect day. Not feeling well. In the Afternoon drove out to see Mrs. James Markoe met Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. Bingham there. Finished reading [Price Colliers Germany and the Germans. Dr. Chas. Smith called. September 12, Friday Quite cool this morning but beautiful. Papa has gone to Princeton Minn. to deliver an address. Mr. Macpherson came in this evening.

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September 13, Saturday A beautiful morning. Papa and I are starting for the Glacier Park this morning. He will speak on the way Sauk Center. Louis jr. seems all right this morning. At Sauk Center to day Papa spoke at Fair. {small travel diary, Sat. Sept. 13} We Papa and I started West this am, at 10-30. Arrived at Sauk Center at 2 p.m. Papa addred [sic] the farmers at the Co. Fair. September 14, Sunday A cool bright day going through N. D. It seems pretty Well settled up most of the way.

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September 14, Sunday {small travel diary} A cool bright day. Going through N D. And it seems pretty well settled up all the way. September 15, Monday Going through Montana. Large Irrigation Ditches are being made. Weather fine. Trees define the Milk River - many farms have beginning of sever [sic] trees in a clump. Arrived at Glacier Pk at ten p. m.


{small travel diary, written on page for 9/12} At Havre today at Hill Co. Fair. Papa addressed the People. We saw an aeroplane ascension a Mr. Moroney. {Continued on page for 9/8} We stopped at Chinook - and went to their Fair in forenoon. Later we stopped at Havre. Went through their Hill Co. Fair. After Luncheon we went to Fair grounds. Papa addressed them and a Aeroplane {continued on page for 9/7} Ascended a Mr. Moroney went up in it as the day was perfect it was a great sight. He came down so certainly.



September 16, Tuesday Glacier Pk. A large Delegation of G. N. Veterans nearby 200 arrived this a. m. to celebrate papas 75th birthday – here. The were headed by 2 pipers as they marched up to Hotel. Papa met them on Western Veranda. They presented 75 American beauties. To night they dined wined sang songs and made speeches. 1130 p. m. they left. {small travel diary, written on page for 9/10} Louis, Papa and I Went to St. Marys Lake. The day perfect in every way. Weather perfect. Scenery unsurpassed and we were not tired in the evening it was 1130 p. m. when the Banquet was over. In the morning Papa was presented with fifty roses. I with a bouquet. September 17, Wednesday Glacier Park. Yesterday Papa and I went to St. Marys Lake a beautiful scene. To day with Loius Maud the children and Bonnie Rawson we went to 2 Medicine - and on the

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way to Trick Falls. We were the 1 st. Auto to reach Two Medicine. Wonderfully fine scenery. September 17, Wednesday {small travel dairy} Glacier Pk. Weather fine. Today we went to Two Medicine Maud the children and Bonnie Ransom. It is beautiful there Mts and Water. Coming back we walked nearly a mile in the Woods to see Trick Falls. We were the first auto to ever reach Two Medicine so we were greeted thus.

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September 18, Thursday Glacier Park. Papa, Mr. Kenny and Louis went to Lake McDermott today. Theirs the 2nd Auto to reach there. They made good time. As we came West on the 15th Papa addressed the farmers at Hill Co. Fair at Havre and we saw an Aeroplane ascend there beautifully the day being very calm. We left the Park for home to night. Louis and family coming with us. September 18, Thursday {small travel diary} Very windy but fine. Papa Louis and Mr. Derma have gone to Lake McDermott to day. 50 miles and they are the second Auto to reach there. They made good time and telephoned us so. September 19, Friday {“At Great” – crossed out} On Train all day. Great Falls to day in forenoon. We went to see the Falls. At 330 we reached Helena. Mr. Wm. Conrad and others met us. We drove around the City out on the fine boulvarde [sic] and to Capitol to call on the Governor. Met many of the gentleman. Lit [sic] at 645 p. m.




September 19, Friday {small travel diary} Great falls. Went down to see Falls ect. [sic]. At 330 p. m. we reached Helena Mt. Wm. Conrad and many others met us. We drove around City and out via Boulevard to Broadwater Baths. Left at 645 p. m. {continued on page for 9/4} Mayor McGuiness came aboard at Great Falls went to Helena with us. Gov. Hanson Mr. Holter a Mr. Powers came down to Car at Helena before we left. we all enjoyed going through Prickly Pear Canyon. September 20, Saturday On Train all day. Going to Great Falls. We all enjoyed going through the Prickly Pear Canyon. Mayor McGinnis went to Helena With us. And He went to Glacier Pk with us too. September 20, Saturday {small travel diary} An other fine day. All well. Louis Car coming on with us the children good travelers. September 21, Sunday Arrived home this morning from Glacier Park Great Falls and Helena.

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September 22, Monday {Blank} September 23, Tuesday Grapes came in to day. Delawares for wine making and they are fine and ripe this year. September 24, Wednesday {Blank}

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September 25, Thursday Papa left this evening to address some farmers Fairs. Mille Lac and Madison Minn. and to go to Northcote. Concord Grapes came in to day for juice and wine. Busy days these. September 26, Friday Finished making grape juice. We went out to North Oaks. It was a perfect day a glorious sunset truly golden. This is Fashion Week! in St. Paul and such fashions!! September 27, Saturday Busy this forenoon in basement. Attending to many things. We have had new steps put in to go up on to the upper Terrace from stair case – marble. Clara Katherine Abbott and I (Rachel A. too) drove down nearly to Hastings to day, the afternoon was very fine. September 28, Sunday A delightful morning and perfect day. Yesterday I met Mrs. Simpson and prevailed on her to let me take her home in the auto. Her first experience in an Auto.


September 29, Monday Papa and Clara left for Boston this evening. Walter and the Dorothys left for Northcote this afternoon took a nurse as Dorothy jr. is not well.



September 30, Tuesday A disagreeable day. Mrs. Schell call to day. Egil and Rachel will stay with me in Papas and Claras absence. October 1, Wednesday A telegram from papa to day from Boston telling me James met them and that Mamie will arrive in Boston tomorrow. This is a beautiful day marred by a newspaper report that Louis coming home ill. Louis contradicts report. October 2, Thursday To day weather variable in the afternoon. Annabel Katherine Abbott and I took a drive. Maud came in and spent the night here. I called on Mrs. Morrison this forenoon and saw the Mexican members of the family.

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October 3, Friday Weather very trying to day. Wind, rain and sultry atmosphere. Louis arrived home this morning looking well said he had a slight cold but that was disappearing. Wrote to Clara and to Papa today. October 4, Saturday This morning was delightful, bright and bracing. Afternoon cloudy again. A letter from Lady Hindlip this morning. Wrote to Papa. Mrs. Geo. R. Finch is ill called on Annabel and she went for a drive with me.

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October 5, Sunday A beautiful morning. I hear Mr. Nichols will be here in the morning. Mrs. Geo. R. Finch is in an improved condition to day. Mrs. Raguet will take luncheon with us. Louis says he is very well. Papa and Clara in Tuxedo to day. October 6, Monday A bright windy day. Quite a house party to day. Mr. Nicholas came this morning. Egil returned from a hunt to Dawson this morning. George and Charlotte with Norman spent last night here. Mrs. Finch is some better this morning. October 7, Tuesday A perfect morning. A telegram from Papa says he may be home Thursday or Friday. October 8, Wednesday A beautiful day. Mrs. Finch is doing well seems some better to day. Had the Library put in order for Winter to day. Charlotte staying in Town to day. I went to North Oaks this p.m. found Maud at home.


October 9, Thursday A cloudy cool day. Mrs. Finch continues to improve slightly. A telegram from papa tells us he is leaving for St. Paul to day.



October 10, Friday After cloudy uncertain morning a fine day. Mrs. Finch continues to improve. Letters from Gertrude Lady Hindlip (from Lusitania) and from Canradine Lamborn mad [sic] late pear preserves to day. October 11, Saturday Papa arrived this noon 5 hours late as his train followed a wreck. I hear Gertrude Harris is here. I am reading Villa Rosa but am not fascinated by it as so many are. October 12, Sunday A cold clear morning. Gertrude Harris came to luncheon and later she went with us to Dellwood. Georgiana came to town with us and spent the night here. Wrote to Gertrude and Walter.

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October 13, Monday Cold this morning at 8 a. m. 25. A little snow fell last night. No sign of it this morning. October 14, Tuesday {Blank} October 15, Wednesday Clara and Gertrude arrived from New York. The day is cloudy damp and raw.

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October 16, Thursday Gertrude Upham Harris here for luncheon a letter from Grace to day telling me how Mrs. Upham is after an operation on eye removal of cataract at Zurick [sic] Dr. Haab. {crossed out – “Gertrude Harris is here”} October 17, Friday A sunny promising morning turns cloudy early and our hopes of Indian Summer weaken. Dorothy in town to day in the evening She and the young Griggs came in. Caro del Veille is back again. October 18, Saturday Mr. Nichols returned in the night and came for breakfast. later he, Papa and Gertrude went to North Oaks. Walter in town for day. Mr. E. T. Nichols left for New Your this evening. Papa went to Northcote to spend Sunday. Walter and Dorothy went back with him.


October 19, Sunday A cold pleasant day 30 at 830 a. m. Clara Katherine A and I went to Dellwood to Charlottes to luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Sheply were there. Later Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bunn came. Clara and I dined at Rachels. Mr. and Hulga Seiler came in later. Papa returned from Northcote at 1030 p. m.



October 20, Monday A cold beautiful morning. Charlotte brought Gertrude in from Dellwood this afternoon. I went to get tulip bulbs - and then for a drive saw Father Gibbons out for a walk and took him along. October 21, Tuesday A dark rainy day. Rachel and the girls with Maud here for luncheon. Wrote to Ruth. A letter from Dorothy. Ruth Ramsay called to day. Stan Morrison came to say good bye he may go back to Mexico depending on circumstances. Papa and Egil went out to see the new cattle. Short horns from England and some Ayrshires [sic]. October 22, Wednesday and October 23, Thursday {Pages missing from diary}

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October 24 – 28 {Blank} October 29, Wednesday Papa went to Chicago this evening to Bankers Meeting and to address them. Louis went with him. Victoria Robertsons coming to day. Mrs. Goodrich and Constance here. October 30, Thursday Went up to Minneapolis to day to Mrs. Peningtons her daughters coming out. Went to see Auntie first.

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October 31, Friday A beautiful day warmer. Had a telegram telling us Papa Mr. Geo. F. Baker Mr. Kane Mr. Geo. Harris and Mr. Underwood would arrive at 8 p. m. We expect them all here. The party arrived Mr. Underwood and Mr. Harris went to the hotel. Gladys Peets coming out to day. November 1, Saturday All Saints Day. A beautiful morning. Mr. Baker and Mr. Kane went to Minneapolis with papa after breakfast and this afternoon to North Oaks. In the evening Mr. Geo. Harris Mr. F. Underwood and Mr. Hannaford with Mr. Baker and Mr. Kane dined here later they left for the Range and the Coast. November 2, Sunday A fine morning and day. Egil Rachel and Gertrude spending the day at Mauds. Clara and I went out to Luncheon. In the evening Annabel came to dinner. I finished reading Homer Lees Valor of Ignorance. An unusual book.


November 3, Monday An other fine day. Busy all forenoon putting Blanket Closet in order. In afternoon went for a drive with Gertrude. Telegram from papa. They are on way to Coast.



November 4, Tuesday A fine day Mr. and Mrs. Sieler called also several others. Mrs. Rothwell. She told us of her musical experiences. Tomorrow will be the first of the Symphony Concerts. Mr. Carodelveille [sic] and Theodore Schurmeier will accompany us to concert. November 5, Wednesday A very fine Indian Summer like day. In the afternoon Maud and I went to Minneapolis. We went to Mr. Dunwoodys to inquire for him he is very ill. We went to Aunties to Mrs. Murphys Tea to call at Mrs. Penningtons and we called here on Mrs. A. Goodrich and the Robertsons.

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November 6, Thursday A cloudy warm morning. Busy getting ready for Young peoples dance to night. Ben Goodkind brought a very large wedding party here to see gallery. Papa and party at Seattle to day. November 7, Friday The party last night was a great success so much so that it was 2 a. m. when the music stopped. Walter and Dorothy came down. M. Caro del Veille contributed much to have entertainment. Mr. Sieler appeared to enjoy himself. Auntie and Mittie Porter came to luncheon and to see Gertrude to day.

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November 8, Saturday Mike Gavin arrived this morning. It was too bad he did not here for the dancing party. Papa and party are progressing well on the Coast. This is a very windy cold day. We are all dining at Charlottes this evening. November 9. Sunday Not Windy and some warmer. After Mass we went out to North Oaks. Caro del Veille came back with us to Luncheon. Papa at Portland to day. First Popular Concert this p. m. November 10, Monday Maud and the children moved in to town to day. They must enter their house at the back on account of the Bldg. in front. November 11, Tuesday Mrs. Lamborne and Ann took luncheon here. We hoped to have had Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. J. B. Rice they failed us.


November 12, Wednesday Went to Minneapolis found Mr. Dunnwoodie some improved.



November 13, Thursday Mrs. Severances luncheon at University Club to Mrs. Lamborn and Mrs. Goodrich. Later made some visits - found few at home as many had gone to [Dansente?] at Hotel St. Paul. Surely a new thing in St. Paul. November 14, Friday Mrs. Lightners luncheon of one hundred. Later made calls. November 15, Saturday Papa Mr. Geo F. Baker and Mr. Kane returned from the Coast this early morning. Mr. Baker so improved in appearance. Mr. D. Miller came up from Chicago and dined with us - so did Louis and Maud.

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November 16, Sunday A fine morning Mr. Baker and Mr. Kane left us this morning at eight forty going to Chicago with Mr. Miller on day trip. November 17, Monday A beautiful day. Dr. H. M. Biggs came up from Rochester Minn where he has a patient. He left for New York this evening. I went up to Minneapolis to inquire for Mr. Dunwoodie it was thought he was better.

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November 18, Tuesday A dark threatening day. This evening the 2nd Symphony Concert - at which Mrs. Rothwell was the soloist. She sang beautifully. Papa went to hear her. Pauline Emmet in town came this morning. November 19, Wednesday Another dark day very dark forenoon not cold at all. Pauline Emmet and little Grenville came to luncheon much to Dorothy jr.s [sic] delight. Rachel has not felt well to day. Busy having Trunk room cleared and cleaned. November 20, Thursday Still foggy and dark, not cold. Showed Dorothy jr. the Christmas Windows this a. m. Walter and the Dorothys left for Northcote to day. November 21, Friday A thunder lightning and rain storm in at an early hour this morning. 58 at 8 a. m. rose to 63 later. Grass perfectly green. There is quite an epidemic of diphtheria in town. Took luncheon at Mrs. Hannafords in honor of Mrs. Lamborn.


November 22, Saturday Still unsettled Weather. Egil and Rachel took dinner with us to night. So did Charlotte. We are troubled about Caroline Freemans baby he has diphtheria.



November 23, Sunday A beautiful morning could hardly be finer. I enjoyed a walk home from St. Lukes Church. In the afternoon Papa and I went to North Oaks. Egil and Norman were out there. Egil said the baby was a trifle improved. November 24, Monday Fine morning. Sending some of my produce to the girls in New York to day. Wine, mince meat and jellies. November 25, Tuesday A beautiful sunny clear morning and so warm turned to a dark threatening raw afternoon. We gave Mrs. Goodrich and Constance a luncheon. Mrs. Furness, Anita, Mrs. Chas. Bunn and Mrs. Seymour with the girls attended. Papa received a telegram to night saying Mr. Finley died in Washington to day.

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November 26, Wednesday Very dark wet morning - nearly 50. In afternoon went to Alice Robertsons to Tea for her mother. In the evening papa and I dined at Mr. Schurmeiers to meet Judge and Mrs. Sanborn. November 27, Thursday Thanksgiving Day. Cloudy cooler and wet. We took luncheon at Charlottes. The boys Norman and Louis carved their Turkey for the first time. The adult members of the family and Mr. Caro del Veille dined with us.

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November 28, Friday Last night after dinner Papa and Egil left for Northcote Minn. dark and gloomy. November 29, Saturday The sun has not shown itself since Tuesday morning for a few hours. So much fog not at all cold grass quite green. November 30, Sunday Another dark damp day - but not as foggy as yesterday. Papa went this forenoon to see Mr. Dunwoody found him looking poorly. In the afternoon He and Mr. Bailey went to North Oaks. Slades took luncheon with us. Rachel and Egil dined with us. December 1, Monday Still cloudy not quite as dark colder - but only 40 above. We are leaving for New-York this evening. {Following entries in small travel diary until noted}


December 1, Monday Left home this evening for New York. Col Clough on same train.



December 2, Tuesday Chicago. Last night very foggy on account of which we are late arriving. We went to see Land Show. A very dark foggy day. Mr. Harris and Mr. Miller met us. December 3, Wednesday New York. Arrived in Sun shine just on time. See Sun for first time in ten days find all well here. We went to the Opera masked Ball. It was a fine cast. Orchestra fine. December 4, Thursday A fine day no sign of winter. Did some shopping wrote to Mamie and to Charlotte. December 5, Friday Still fine weather. Did some shopping

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December 6, Saturday Still pleasant. Papa Clara and I saw a great many pictures. And in the evening dined at Mrs. Thornes. Mr. J. Sterling and Mr. Baker were there. December 7, Sunday A gloomy wet day. Mr. McChesney here for luncheon. He and papa left for Washington at 330. Mr. and the Ryan called. So did Mr. E. Durant and Jacacci Sam. too. James in town for the day. December 8, Monday A mist disagreeable day. Windy and very cold. After Mass this morning did an errand. Took luncheon at Gertrudes.

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December 9, Tuesday A much more pleasant day. In the evening Papa came back from Washington. Mamie came with him. In the evening Clara and Gertrude went to Opera Rosankavalier – Strauss’s. Muller Uri called. December 10, Wednesday A sunny cold morning. Papa called last evening to moving pictures of Mr. John D. Ryan. Mr. Livingston called. Wrote to Charlotte this evening. Pauline and Grenville Emmet went to the Opera with us. December 11, Thursday A pleasant wintry day. Went to see Maria Taylor to day. Stan Morison called at Tea time so did Prince de Croy. Mr. Dickerman dined here and with Mike Gertrude Mamie and Clara went to the Opera.


December 12, Friday Rather pleasant for the Season. This evening we all Gavins included dined at Mr. Dickermans. Mr. S. Thorne was there Mrs. Throne kept at home by a cold. We saw Mrs. Dickermans portrait painted since her death by Backaflan.



December 13, Saturday A beautiful morning. Letters from Rachel and Egil. Miss Bigelow brought Tea from Mr. Lanier. Mr. S. Thon brought apples, tomatoes, and grapes from Millbrook. Mr. Ed. Thorne sent quail from N. C. to day. Mike took Mamie and I to Theatre. Clara went to an other with Stan Morrison and his wife. December 14, Sunday Another beautiful morning. Mr. and Mrs. S Thorne called after church. Mrs. Selmes dined here. After dinner Gertrude brought in Mary Trayler Mr. and Mrs. Mosely Mr and Miss Tracy and Prince de Croy.

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December 15, Monday Another fine day. Maria Taylor and Gertrude Harris took luncheon here. Dr and Mrs. Biggs dined here. Mamie and Clara went to theater. Dec ember 16, Tuesday We are leaving for home today. Mamie left for Washington D.C. on eleven a.m. train this forenoon. A beautiful day. {Main Diary}

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December 17, Wednesday We returned (Papa Clara and I ) from New York to night. Egil, Louis, and Walter met us. At the house were Charlotte, Maud Dorothy and Rachel. December 18, Thursday Today is colder but beautiful. Busy seeing to unopened mail and unpacking ect [sic]. December 19, Friday A cloudy morning not cold - really remarkably fine for Season. Papa went to Barnsville today. Wrote to Mamie and to Gertrude. December 20, Saturday Colder - a slight flurry of snow. Papa returned from Barnsville this morning.

December 21, Sunday A beautiful morning. Sunny and calm 14 above at 8 a.m. Wrote to Ruth and to Mamie. Mrs. Greene was buried To day. Maud and I went to the Cemetery. Papa Went to North Oaks.


December 22, Monday Busy doing up last errands for Christmas getting off odds and ends - and doing up packages. 18 above at 830 a.m. a fine day.



December 23, Tuesday This is a delightful morning 24 above at 8 a.m. Still find a few last things to attend to for tree ect. [sic]. Trimmed the tree to day - and selected a bird for Clara to send to Magdlanes [sic] at convent. December 24, Wednesday Not at all cold. Busy as one always is on Christmas Eve. Tree all ready this morning. The children and all well. How they did enjoy the tree and all belonging to it. We take supper at Charlottes. December 25, Thursday A beautiful Christmas day. Charlotte George the children Louis Maud Walter and Dorothy all went to Little Canada to mid night Mass. We went to family gathering to

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Mauds for luncheon. The family gathered here for dinner. We have a had a fine Christmas. December 26, Friday Colder this morning. Papa gave Mr. Caro del Veille a sitting for a portrait this morning. {Written in Louis’ hand: Where now?} I have been to the funeral service of Mrs. Wm. Wood this forenoon. She was an unusually good woman. Busy all my spare time writing letters and notes.

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December 27, Saturday Cloudy and rather cold. Threatens snow. Maud gave a childrens party this afternoon to 30 children. Moving pictures ect. [sic]. Later Maud and Louis came over to dinner. At 9 p.m. Papa and Louis left for Northcote. Louis jr. got his knee hurt in some way playing ball yesterday. December 28, Sunday Cloudy, not cold 24 above at 9 a.m. George and Charlotte took luncheon here. Egil and Rachel dined with us. Major Wilson called in the evening. Papa and Louis returned from Northcote after ten p.m. December 29, Monday Rather spring like day no sign of Winter. I went to Minneapolis to inquire for Mr. Durwoodie [sic] and saw him. He said he thought he was improving slowly. Busy sending New Years greetings. A Mr. Brown and Mr. M. Chesney dined here also Louis and Maud. Maud gave a large dancing party this evening.


December 30, Tuesday A very dark morning not at all cold 22 above. Little Dorothy has been ill since last Thursday - now they say she has grippe. Annabel McQuillan took luncheon here to day. Egil and Rachel dined here this evening later Walter and Dorothy came in.



December 31, Wednesday The last day of the year a dismally cloudy one. A slight flurry of snow and hoar frost whitened everything this early morning. We went to a symphony concert to night - for some reason was not in sympathy with it. No doubt on account of something that came by mail to day. {On page for October cash} Madame Helene 563 East 56th Street On 56th Street New York {On page for November cash} Mrs. Summers Came to day to [iron?]

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714 Canton Street Mrs. Mary V. Dynan 671 Southport Ave. Chicago {On page for December cash} Charlston and Its People McMillan Mrs. St. John Reversal

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{travel diary, Address and Telephone page} Mrs. L. W. Hill care Boslyn Fuel Co. Lonman Bldg. Seattle Wash {travel diary, Address and Telephone page} A Book of Days (Winnifred Greton)




{travel diary, notes page} Room 415 Great Northern R. R. Bldg. St. Paul ___________ Great Northern {R. R. crossed out} Railway Co. 32 Nassau St. New York. (E. T. Nichols) {Travel dairy, notes page} Bessie La Paix 25 W. 30th. St. Davis Primer Trees and Birds Published by himself (Mrs. Martin Hobbins Ten Strikes Minn. Woman to whom

1913, p.43

bedding was sent) {travel diary, Insurance Expiration page} Mr. Max Schellner Nat. Geo. Amer. Bank Bldg. Vishnist St. Paul Symphony Musicales

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{travel diary, Note and Bills page} Miss Fannie Whelen The Dupont 1717 20th. St. Washington D. C. {travel diary, Receivable page} Mr. E. G. Grob Jeckyl Island Club Brunswick Ga. Mr. Chas A Dabney Dedham Mass.

{travel diary, Notes and Bills page} The Philanthropic Work of Josephine Shaw Lowell By Wm. Rhinelander Stewart Mackmillan Co.



{following entries may be out of page order due to copying error} {travel diary, Notes for 1914 page} Mrs. Dionian 518 West 151st. St. New York


{travel diary Address Telephone page} Mrs. McQuillan 128 Western Ave. {travel diary Notes page} Mrs. Chas Lanier R. R. Lee Mail and telegrams Lenox Mass

1913, p.44

{travel diary Insurance Expiration page} Miss Irene Bigelow Allen Winden Lenox Mass




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{travel diary “72” page at back} met a friend of Mikes a Mr. Segran in Charleston

1913, p.45

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