Maruti Suzuki

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Balance Sheet(2009-2001) of Maruti Suzuki (US Format) *All numbers are in INR and in x10M

Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Loans and Advances Total Current Assets Gross Block Less : Accumulated Depreciation Less:Impairment of Assets Net Block Lease Adjustment Capital Work in Progress Investments Deferred Tax Assets Miscellaneous Expenses not written off Total Asset Current Liabilities Provisions Total Current Liabilities Deferred Tax Liability Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Total Debt Share Capital Reserves Total Equity Share Warrants Equity Application Money Total Shareholders Funds Total Liablity Check Integrity* *It checks asset and liability mismatch if any

200903 (12)200803 (12) 902.3 1038 918.9 655.5 1939 330.5 1730.9 1073.9 5491.1 3097.9 8720.6 7285.3 4649.8 3988.8 0 0 4070.8 3296.5 0 0 861.3 736.3 3173.3 5180.7 78.9 99.6 0 0 13675.4 12411 3016.9 2456.2 380.7 369.5 3397.6 2825.7 234 269.7 0.1 0.1 698.8 900.1 698.9 900.2 144.5 144.5 9200.4 8270.9 0 0 0 0 9344.9 8415.4 14374.3 13311.2 -698.9 -900.2

200703 (12)200603 (12) 200503 (12)200403 (12) 200303 (12)200203 (12)200103 (12) 200003 (12) 701.4 881.2 666.6 439.8 487 681.1 865.5 990.2 747.4 646.1 599.5 689.4 671.1 839.3 675.5 466.3 1422.8 1401.6 1029.4 240.2 989.4 71.9 87.6 31.7 1533.4 812 676.5 649.5 635.3 517.7 622.4 526.4 4405 3740.9 2972 2018.9 2782.8 2110 2251 2014.6 6146.8 4954.6 5053.1 4566.7 4513.8 4384.7 3866.7 3499.9 3487.1 3259.4 3179.4 2735.9 2258.1 1954.6 1619.6 1324.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2659.7 1695.2 1873.7 1830.8 2255.7 2430.1 2247.1 2175.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250.7 92 42.1 74.9 9.3 72.4 368.4 234.2 3409.2 2051.2 1516.6 1677.3 103.2 96.8 95.5 397.4 110.1 121.1 125.4 125.5 231.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.3 88.7 119.2 58.7 52.3 10834.7 7700.4 6529.8 5743.7 5471.4 4828.5 5020.7 4874.2 2011 1505.8 1218.8 1211.4 1135.9 1201.7 1026.7 1090.2 1061.4 471.3 389.2 320.4 342.7 263.5 239.4 325.8 3072.4 1977.1 1608 1531.8 1478.6 1465.2 1266.1 1416 277.6 199 235.4 308.8 438.8 0 0 0 63.5 71.7 307.6 311.9 300 395.1 561.5 86.4 567.3 0 0 0 156 260.9 550.6 459.7 630.8 71.7 307.6 311.9 456 656 1112.1 546.1 144.5 144.5 144.5 144.5 144.5 132.3 132.3 132.3 6709.4 5308.1 4234.3 3446.7 2953.5 2575 2510.2 2779.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6853.9 5452.6 4378.8 3591.2 3098 2707.3 2642.5 2912.1 11465.5 7772.1 6837.4 6055.6 5927.4 5484.5 6132.8 5420.3 -630.8 -71.7 -307.6 -311.9 -456 -656 -1112.1 -546.1

00003 (12)

Income Statement (2009-2003) of Maruti Suzuki *All numbers are in INR and in x10M

200903 (12) 200803 (12) INCOME : Sales Turnover Excise Duty Net Sales Other Income Stock Adjustments

23182.2 2652.1 20530.1 998.5 -356.6

21025.2 3133.6 17891.6 837.1 336.3



EXPENDITURE : Raw Materials Power & Fuel Cost Employee Cost Other Manufacturing Expenses Selling and Administration Expenses Miscellaneous Expenses Less: Pre-operative Expenses Capitalised

15763.1 193.6 463.5 254.7 1486.96 576.84 0

13791.5 147.3 346.8 197.8 1110.4 340.4 0

Total Expenditure



Operating Profit Interest Gross Profit Depreciation Profit Before Tax Tax Fringe Benefit tax Deferred Tax Reported Net Profit Extraordinary Items Adjusted Net Profit

2433.3 51 2382.3 706.5 1675.8 459.2 9.7 -11.8 1218.7 146.07 1072.63

3130.8 59.6 3071.2 568.2 2503 759.8 9.8 2.6 1730.8 61.09 1669.71

0 7025.7 0 240.2 8004.2

0 5637.3 0 342.4 7025.7

101.1 0 70 41.57

144.5 0 100 59.03

Total Income

Adjst. below Net Profit P & L Balance brought forward Statutory Appropriations Appropriations P & L Balance carried down Dividend Preference Dividend Equity Dividend % Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr

Earnings Per Share-Unit Curr Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr Book Value-Unit Curr

41.57 41.57 323.35

59.03 59.03 291.19

200703 (12)200603 (12) 200503 (12)200403 (12) 200303 (12)200203 (12)200103 (12) 17205.9 2509.6 14696.3 598.4 -243.1

14753.1 2737.2 12015.9 429.2 236

13335.7 2411.9 10923.8 403.2 141.7

11047.4 1943 9104.4 377.6 3.2

8981.5 1801.4 7180.1 276.5 -94.9

9087.8 2013.2 7074.6 318 141.9

8928.7 2211.8 6716.9 324.6 -20.3








10739 97.4 266.29 153.5 941.67 264.94 0

9335.6 57.2 211.45 141.3 668.56 211.19 0

8563.2 58.1 191.46 92.7 580.01 185.53 0

6973.3 95.8 293.76 71.1 536.44 206.7 0

5563.4 78.1 217.82 57.3 621.29 166.89 0

5839.6 49.4 227.25 60.2 635.02 184.83 0

5889.8 51.4 199.22 82.1 551.8 117.88 0








2588.8 37.6 2551.2 271.4 2279.8 621.4 6.7 89.7 1562 26.71 1535.29

2055.8 20.4 2035.4 285.4 1750 587.3 5.7 -32.1 1189.1 -7.97 1197.07

1797.7 36 1761.7 456.8 1304.9 524.6 0 -73.3 853.6 -6.5 860.1

1308.1 43.4 1264.7 494.9 769.8 251.5 0 -23.8 542.1 -79.72 621.82

656.9 52.7 604.2 322.1 282.1 35.1 0 100.6 146.4 16.68 129.72

538.2 77 461.2 342.9 118.3 13.8 0 0 104.5 -0.71 105.21

129 75.9 53.1 322.3 -269.2 0.2 0 0 -269.4 18.29 -287.69

-8.8 4393.9 0 309.8 5637.3

0 3442.1 0 237.3 4393.9

0 2757.4 0 168.9 3442.1

0 2335.9 0 120.6 2757.4

0 2269.9 0 80.4 2335.9

0 2233.2 0 67.8 2269.9

0 2502.8 0 0.2 2233.2

130 0 90 53.29

101.1 0 70 40.65

57.8 0 40 29.25

43.3 0 30 18.56

42.7 0 30

39.7 0 30

0 0 0

53.29 53.29 237.16

40.65 40.65 188.67

29.25 29.25 151.52

18.56 18.56 124.26







200003 (12) 9315.1 2325.6 6989.5 357.5 51.3 7398.3

5616.1 37.5 185.71 94.9 588.15 167.54 0 6689.9 708.4 60.2 648.2 263.1 385.1 55 0 0 330.1 5.83 324.27 0 2245 0 72.3 2502.8 33.1 0 25

243.99 2201.13

Cash Flow Statement (2009-2001) - Maruti Suzuki *All numbers are in INR and in x10M

200903 Cash Flow Summary Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of the year Net Cash from Operating Activities Cash Flow From Operating Activities Net Profit before Tax & Extraordinary Items Adjustment For Depreciation Interest (Net) Dividend Received P/L on Sales of Assets P/L on Sales of Invest Prov. & W/O (Net) P/L in Forex Fin. Lease & Rental Chrgs Others Total Adjustments (PBT & Extraordinary Items) Op. Profit before Working Capital Changes Adjustment For Trade & 0th receivables Inventories Trade Payables Loans & Advances Investments Net Stock on Hire Leased Assets Net of Sale Trade Bill(s) Purchased Change in Borrowing Change in Deposits Others Total (OP before Working Capital Changes) Cash Generated from/(used in) Operations Interest Paid(Net) Direct Taxes Paid Advance Tax Paid Others Total-others Cash Flow before Extraordinary Items Extraordinary Items Excess Depreciation W/b Premium on Lease of land Payment Towards VRS Prior Year 's Taxation

330.5 1193.3 1675.8 706.5 -192.6 -144 12.5 -213.7 -37.9 -61 0 0 69.8 1745.6 -265 135.7 645.5 -616.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -99.9 1645.7 0 -452.4 0 0 -452.4 1193.3 0 0 0 0

Gain on Forex Exch. Tran Others Net Cash Used in Investing Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities Investment in Assets : Purchased of Fixed Assets Sale of Fixed Assets capital WIP Capital Subsidy Recd Financial/Capital Investment : Purchase of Investments Sale of Investments Investment Income Interest Received Dividend Received Invest.In Subsidiaires Loans to Subsidiaires Investment in Group Cos Issue of Sh. on Acqu. of Cos Canc. of Invest. in Cos Acq. Acquisition of Companies Inter Corporate Deposits Others Net Cash Used in Financing Activities Cash Flow From Financing Activities Proceeds: Proceeds from Issue of shares (incl share premium) Proceed from Issue of Debentures Proceed from 0ther Long Term Borrowings Proceed from Bank Borrowings Proceed from Short Tem Borrowings Proceed from Deposits Share Application Money Cash/Capital Investment Subsidy Loans from a Corporate Body Payments: Share Application Money Refund On Redemption of Debenture Of the Long Tem Borrowings Of the short term Borrowings Of financial Liabilities Dividend Paid Shelter Assistance Reserve Interest Paid Others

0 0 951.4

-1620.7 7.1 0 0 -17019.1 19237.2 0 202.9 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -536.2

0 0 0 0 454.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -788.7 0 -144.4 0 -57.9 0

Net Cash Used in Financing Activities Net Inc/(Dec) in Cash and Cash Equivalent Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the year

-536.2 1608.5 1939









1422.8 1822.8

1401.6 2028

1029.4 1222.6

240.2 1074.7

989.4 1035.9

71.9 770.5

87.6 653.9

31.7 -244.8









568.2 -81.2 -166.8 2.4 -89.8 -85.5 44.3 0 0 191.6 2694.6

271.4 -73.3 -152.8 0.4 -38.9 -43.7 0 0 -8.9 -45.8 2234

285.4 -86.5 -72 22 -10 -4.4 0 0 0 134.5 1884.5

456.8 -29.4 -79.2 11.9 -1.1 -36.7 0 0 0 322.3 1627.2

494.9 -30.4 -72.3 2.2 -3.4 -8.1 0 0 0 382.9 1152.7

322.1 -48.9 -3 5.4 -35 43.6 0 0 0 284.2 566.3

342.9 -18.6 -3.9 0.8 0 -42.3 -0.2 0 0.3 279 397.3

322.3 4.6 -3.7 0.7 -19 19.2 0 0 -26.1 298 28.8

92 -336.6 356.6 -119.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7.1 2687.5 0 -864.7 0 0 -864.7 1822.8

-103.5 168 517 -152.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 429.2 2663.2 0 -635.2 0 0 -635.2 2028

-55.3 -214.6 318.5 -130.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -81.5 1803 0 -580.4 0 0 -580.4 1222.6

89.9 -226.7 105.2 -21.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -53.1 1574.1 0 -499.4 0 0 -499.4 1074.7

-20.4 47.3 113 -23.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116.7 1269.4 0 -233.5 0 0 -233.5 1035.9

167.3 194.1 -20.3 -124.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216.5 782.8 0 -12.3 0 0 -12.3 770.5

-184.1 175 172.7 105.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269.2 666.5 0 -12.3 0 -0.3 -12.6 653.9

-333.8 124.7 -74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -283.1 -254.3 0 9.5 0 0 9.5 -244.8

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 -3047.4

0 0 -2436.8

0 0 -530.7

0 0 -193.7

0 0 -1551.1

0 0 37

0 0 -128.1

0 0 -193.5

-1685.8 6.9 0 0

-1395.5 12.3 0 0

-210.3 31.5 0 0

-482.5 3.7 0 0

-140.1 2.3 0 0

-101.7 8.6 0 0

-222.9 9.4 0 0

-603.6 16.8 0 0

-18696.6 17012.3 0 149 166.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132.3

-12244.4 10925.3 0 112.7 152.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430

-9346.9 8822.2 0 100.8 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -319.7

-5224.3 5375.7 0 54.5 79.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -91.8

-5416.3 3845.5 0 85.2 72.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -234

-2290.5 2319.1 0 98.5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110

-1.3 0 0 82.8 3.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -541.5

-11 331.9 0 68.7 3.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 494.2

0 0 0 0 399.9 0 0 0 0

0 0 567.5 0 23.3 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1.7 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 7.6 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 11.9 0 0 0 0

399 0 0 0 13.3 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 41.5 0 0 0 0

0 0 435.6 0 126.1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 -63.4 0 -129.9 0 -74.3 0

0 0 0 -31.7 0 -101.1 0 -28 0

0 0 0 -237.6 0 -57.8 0 -26 0

0 0 0 -11.9 0 -43.2 0 -44.3 0

0 0 -142.7 -13.3 0 -42.7 0 -47.2 0

0 0 0 -209.6 0 -39.7 0 -53 0

0 0 0 -504.1 0 0 0 -78.9 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -67.5 0

132.3 -1092.3 330.5

430 21.2 1422.8

-319.7 372.2 1401.6

-91.8 789.2 1029.4

-234 -749.2 240.2

110 917.5 989.4

-541.5 -15.7 71.9

494.2 55.9 87.6

Key Ratios for Maruti Suzuki Key Ratios Debt-Equity Ratio Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio Current Ratio Turnover Ratios Fixed Assets Inventory Debtors Interest Cover Ratio Profitability Ratio PBIDTM (%) PBITM (%) PBDTM (%) CPM (%) APATM (%) Return on Capital Ratio ROCE (%) RONW (%)




9% 6% 1.22

10% 7% 1.13

6% 6% 1.52

2.9 23.9 29.45 29.91

3.13 24.18 29.97 43

3.1 21.74 24.69 61.63

9.63 6.58 9.41 7.67 4.63

14.89 12.19 14.61 10.93 8.23

15.05 13.47 14.83 10.66 9.08

15.76 12.08

30.51 22.67

35.63 25.38








4% 4% 1.73

8% 8% 1.42

11% 11% 1.37

19% 18% 1.47

33% 24% 1.35

30% 15% 1.22

12% 2% 1.25

2.95 19.06 23.69 86.78

2.77 24.11 20.69 37.25

2.43 23.84 16.24 21.47

2.02 15.38 11.89 5.79

2.2 11.75 12 2.54

2.42 9.62 15.64 -2.55

3.18 11.88 25.08 7.4

13.93 12 13.8 9.99 8.06

13.48 10.05 13.21 9.83 6.4

12.91 8.43 12.52 10.11 5.63

6.98 3.4 6.4 5.03 1.44

5.92 2.15 5.07 4.92 1.15

1.44 -2.16 0.59 0.59 -3.02

7.6 4.78 6.96 6.37 3.54

34.68 24.19

31.28 21.42

25.34 18.59

9.1 4.47

5.63 3.91

-5.44 -9.7

14.6 11.93

Balance Sheet(2009-2000) of Maruti Suzuki *All numbers are in INR and in x10M

SOURCES OF FUNDS : Share Capital Reserves Total Equity Share Warrants Equity Application Money Total Shareholders Funds Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Total Debt Total Liabilities APPLICATION OF FUNDS : Gross Block Less : Accumulated Depreciation Less:Impairment of Assets Net Block Lease Adjustment Capital Work in Progress Investments Current Assets, Loans & Advances Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Loans and Advances Total Current Assets Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Total Current Liabilities Net Current Assets Miscellaneous Expenses not written off Deferred Tax Assets Deferred Tax Liability Net Deferred Tax Total Assets Contingent Liabilities



144.5 9200.4 0 0 9344.9 0.1 698.8 698.9

144.5 8270.9 0 0 8415.4 0.1 900.1 900.2



8720.6 4649.8 0 4070.8 0 861.3 3173.3

7285.3 3988.8 0 3296.5 0 736.3 5180.7

902.3 918.9 1939 1730.9 5491.1

1038 655.5 330.5 1073.9 3097.9

3016.9 380.7 3397.6 2093.5 0 78.9 234 -155.1

2456.2 369.5 2825.7 272.2 0 99.6 269.7 -170.1













144.5 6709.4 0 0 6853.9 63.5 567.3 630.8

144.5 5308.1 0 0 5452.6 71.7 0 71.7

144.5 4234.3 0 0 4378.8 307.6 0 307.6

144.5 3446.7 0 0 3591.2 311.9 0 311.9

144.5 2953.5 0 0 3098 300 156 456

132.3 2575 0 0 2707.3 395.1 260.9 656

132.3 2510.2 0 0 2642.5 561.5 550.6 1112.1

132.3 2779.8 0 0 2912.1 86.4 459.7 546.1









6146.8 3487.1 0 2659.7 0 250.7 3409.2

4954.6 3259.4 0 1695.2 0 92 2051.2

5053.1 3179.4 0 1873.7 0 42.1 1516.6

4566.7 2735.9 0 1830.8 0 74.9 1677.3

4513.8 2258.1 0 2255.7 0 9.3 103.2

4384.7 1954.6 0 2430.1 0 72.4 96.8

3866.7 1619.6 0 2247.1 0 368.4 95.5

3499.9 1324.2 0 2175.7 0 234.2 397.4

701.4 747.4 1422.8 1533.4 4405

881.2 646.1 1401.6 812 3740.9

666.6 599.5 1029.4 676.5 2972

439.8 689.4 240.2 649.5 2018.9

487 671.1 989.4 635.3 2782.8

681.1 839.3 71.9 517.7 2110

865.5 675.5 87.6 622.4 2251

990.2 466.3 31.7 526.4 2014.6

2011 1061.4 3072.4 1332.6 0 110.1 277.6 -167.5

1505.8 471.3 1977.1 1763.8 0 121.1 199 -77.9

1218.8 389.2 1608 1364 0 125.4 235.4 -110

1211.4 320.4 1531.8 487.1 16.3 125.5 308.8 -183.3

1135.9 342.7 1478.6 1304.2 88.7 231.7 438.8 -207.1

1201.7 263.5 1465.2 644.8 119.2 0 0 0

1026.7 239.4 1266.1 984.9 58.7 0 0 0

1090.2 325.8 1416 598.6 52.3 0 0 0

















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