March Bulletin

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h o S l o h t m Bulle e B e l p ti n Purim - 2009 Tem

SPECIAL GUEST CANTOR Shabbat Services – March 6 & 7, 2009

Placido Domingo, a recent convert to Judaism under the auspices of Rabbi Felipe Goodman, will be coming to Temple Beth Sholom the first weekend in March to help lead Shabbat services. Having successfully completed interviews with Gene Greenberg and the Cantor Search Committee, he is hoping to be selected to succeed Cantor Daniel Friedman, who will be leaving our Congregation after eight years of dedicated service. Maestro Domingo has studied and listened to the CD’s recorded by Cantor Friedman so that he can lead services with tunes familiar to our members. He is looking forward to staying with Rabbi Goodman and his family, as Liz has promised him a well stocked refrigerator with kosher Mexican delicacies. A number of recent B’nei Mitzvah students were somewhat perplexed when they noticed Adam Brustein and Lillian Radomsky tutoring Mr. Domingo before or after their own individual sessions.

Although he was provided with “lead sheets” of the music, the celebrated tenor found Cantor Friedman’s CD’s more to his liking. “With the CD’s I was able to better master the t’fillah and nusach; I believe I will even be able to do a full recitation of the Amidah!”

Ritual Chair Ruth Goldfarb commented, “It will be great to have a cantor with such talent on the bima. On Saturday, come early if you want to stand close to Mr. Domingo by getting an aliyah.” Ellis Landau, Temple Beth Sholom’s Treasurer, is thrilled to report that, if hired, Domingo has agreed to a compensation package that will be highly favorable to next year’s budget. On Saturday, a special Kiddush featuring all of Placido’s favorite foods will be prepared by the Women’s League. Please remember that no photography or writing is permitted at Temple Beth Sholom during the Sabbath. Members and visitors who wish to have their photos taken with our guest or obtain autographs will need to wait until the conclusion of Havdalah services.

SAVE THE DATE: April 1, 2009  (4 am) – The Religious School will be taking a hike from TBS to Mt. Charleston led by Rabbi Adam Watstein. Arrival by 8:00 pm.

Friedman Pavilion to Include Rooftop Pool After almost two years of meetings, discussions and negotiations, Clark County has agreed to let Temple Beth Sholom build a rooftop pool on the top of the Friedman Pavilion. In the end, Clark County officials were swayed by the eloquent plea of Jon Mitzmacher, Head of Solomon Schechter Day School, who said, “Everyone knows that our students receive the finest possible education in the Las Vegas valley. With a rooftop pool, we can now recruit students whose parents will relocate to Las Vegas and want their children to compete on an Olympic level. Our swim team will be the envy of every other private school.” Jon’s comments have already proved prophetic as transfer applications from the Hebrew Academy, Dawson and the Meadows School have been arriving in record numbers. “It was a choice of a rooftop tennis court or an Olympic pool. I believe we made the right decision,” said Jon.

Termites Discovered in Chapel As part of Temple Beth Sholom’s maintenance procedures, the Steinberg Chapel is cleaned daily and the interior of the Ark holding our Torahs is vacuumed once a week. In addition, the floor, ceiling, windows and furniture are personally inspected twice a month by our Facilities Manager, Beth Lourcey. During the most recent inspection, Beth discovered termites behind the baseboards of the Chapel closest to the Ark. Upon further review, it was discovered that the termites entered the Chapel via an underground tunnel originating

in the Warsaw Ghetto Remembrance Garden. According to Ken Scholl, who was instrumental in the construction of the Warsaw Garden, “The termites must have been hidden among the stones we received from the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. Since I personally know the Director of the museum, I will make sure the U.S. government pays for both the fumigation of the Warsaw Ghetto Garden and also reimburses the synagogue for any damage caused in the Chapel. Termites are not kosher and should not be permitted in a place where members pray.” Temple Beth Sholom is confident that, with Ken’s connections, both the Garden and the Chapel will be free of termites in the near future.


March 2009 Sunday



Bereavement 3 Group 10:00 am

Women’s 4 League Board Meeting 10:00 am

Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm

Junior Ruach Rehearsal 4:30 pm

Family Workshop: Anti-semitism 6:30 pm

5 Adar

8 Adar

6 Adar


Parashat Ha’Shavuah 12:00 pm


Megillah Reading 6:15 pm - Family 6:45 - Traditional

12 Adar


19 Adar

13 Adar

Parashat 16 Ha’Shavuah 12:00 pm Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm


26 Adar



4 Nisan


TBS Ruach Ensemble 7:30 pm


Saturday 7

Michael Kanarek Bar Mitzvah 9:00 am

5:22 pm

9 Adar Cantor’s Club 4:00 pm


Junior Ruach Rehearsal 4:30 pm

14 Adar


Bereavement Group 10:00 am Junior Ruach Rehearsal 4:30 pm

21 Adar Bereavement Group 10:00 am

Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm

Junior Ruach Rehearsal 4:30 pm


28 Adar

10 Adar

11 Adar



Friday Nite Kids 6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat-Kitah Gimel 7:30 pm

Vail Pittman18 Elementary School Library Night 6:00 pm

22 Adar


16 Adar Cantor’s Club 4:00 pm


Men’s Club Meeting 6:30 pm

17 Adar Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm


18 Adar Men’s Club Shabbat 9:00 am



23 Adar

24 Adar

26 Cantor’s Club 4:00 pm


18 Adar


Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30 pm


29 Adar

1 Nisan

2 Nisan

3 Nisan


Parashat Ha’Shavuah 12:00 pm

Bereavemaent Group 10:00 am

Intro to Judaism 7:00 pm

Junior Ruach Rehearsal 4:30 pm

5 Nisan

15 Adar


Parashat Ha’Shavuah 12:00 pm

27 Adar

SSDS Family Program 3:00 pm


Bereavement Group 10:00 am

5 Cantor’s Club 4:00 pm Men’s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm


6:29 pm

20 Adar

Religious School Passover Program 9:00 am

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Parashat 2 Ha’Shavuah 12:00 pm

5 Adar

Purim Carnival

Adar - Nisan 5769

6 Nisan


The Board of Directors 2008-2009

Clergy & Staff Rabbi Felipe Goodman - ext. 104 [email protected] Asst. Rabbi Adam Watstein - ext. 104 [email protected] Cantor Daniel Eli Friedman - ext. 104 [email protected]


Chief Assistant Chief Assistant Assistant Chief Loan Shark Stenographer Old Chief

Executive Director Bruce Kesselman - ext. 133 [email protected]

Old Chief Emerita

Jeremy Bach Blanche Meisel Abbie Friedman Dan Miller Ivy Gage Dr. Steve Saxe Harvey Gitel Dr. Adam Schwartz Joel Mann

Honorary Board Member Women’s League Men’s Club

Asst. Director of Religious School & Adult Education Yonina Schnee - ext. 122 [email protected]


Asst. to Rabbi and Cantor Carol Jeffries - ext. 104 [email protected]

Office: (702) 804-1333 2







Receptionist Myrna Hills - ext. 100 [email protected]

Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV


Operations Manager Julie Fox - ext. 103 [email protected]

Sharon Sigesmund Pierce Brenda Katz Jerry Springberg

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

Director of Security Daniel “D.J.” Sinai - ext 108 [email protected] Facilities Manager Beth Lourcey - ext. 110 [email protected]

Sandra Mallin


Director of Education Jon Mitzmacher - ext. 115 [email protected] Director of Early Childhood Education Jennifer Zukowski - ext. 113 [email protected] Controller Phyllis Margolis - ext. 101 [email protected]

Dr. David Steinberg Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Sara Mason Ellis Landau Ed Kainen Edward Seltzer

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