Manila Standard, Apr. 4, 2019, No Conditional Signing Of 2019 National Budget.pdf

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Download & View Manila Standard, Apr. 4, 2019, No Conditional Signing Of 2019 National Budget.pdf as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 338
  • Pages: 1

THURsDAY APRIL4, ZOTS :: mst.daydesk@


conditional signing of 201 9 national budget'l ^o BvMaricelV.cruz




chairman of the House of Represenratives, '"ffifir#J#ffi:Xi,in:,i"Tor;,"* Appropriations on Wednesdav officlalsthatthe."senate*oi I L ommittee on presidenivicente Senate Sotro rrr was ili:tr"Ht*"",Tff:'ilr,j#::li""J :iid advised by bis lawyers" when the latter expressed :jll,^'jl1 :lg"Jq * ,udro.d-* ai "stron^g reservations'' against the 20r9 budget "T.l{J##If,Tfl:Ti',tr"$:;. blt in letter Sotto had senr to president Rodrigo duterte:

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basis, h is just Highways as he betieved rhese were ;f[ryffi11lr$,tTlr.;1,-[""X?:L*: personal request, which the pr"r;aent -ui'coniiituri""ilrr;;;;1the Commin"e nepo.t, *htch *as approved may or may not tske heed." Camarines House after it _byratifi'eA tt. tr.ian.,rn.rr*. and signed by the conferees fiom both SlrRep. Rolando Andaya Jr., the *- panel's




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t"id i" _ Andaya said he senr separate.tett".. "n"k"'""" Andava also "maintaincd that rhe Executii; S;ffijl; Mediardea realisnnents did bv the House-,in *oa"ii"fi..i*,y"j*.i'iu""r


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Motion, which


somor did_ Deparuneit A"[d"i;"d'I,i_^g_ement "id; the uou." C6rniitt"" on Appropriarions jg. "f tt" o"r'"Ji,i*.i i0?t; sotlo.s and Senare Conrninee on Finance budgetary process, and thire is rro argrunen*. """;". :.rn cons-ritutional provision *ti"rr i^ u.* my *rer. flfe fiTffi;|"f: ffiil":lff.Y; *^ cired by the Senate is. no sui:hlerers. r emphasized Lhatsrsnrns printing errors. as weit as rhe necessary ""* .trrin! _as.;;;ffi;i;;d ;llllf"o;ff or the Last March 26, sotro signed,the H.*H#li;;.inseqoenc" proposed P3.8-nillion nariona-l budger ;,iT.'rT'i,'!1"H*',lnit'f";*:l " Appropria,i"-". iliri ,"jrr,'",iiiu"r*.. o. ,i""lli.J,-"a"0 thar rhe omnibus for this year. But he asked the pre.iOJnt Oiri"ni;e"a'uii."il. "'*""' Motion also explicitiv srated; ,.In case to velo the P75 billion worrh of oroerams ..Signrng # .*oif"a'i"r"t-*1. .opy of the of coniict beiween the Coniereuce under the Local htrastructure ftJera; 6"OgL,'i.^"" rr,. i..*i-n ,r,l. printed Copy of the Departmenr of public Works-ana ""ti",i"*"t". if," S.Lri"i.r.ia.nt on of the Bill."'n.p"l?U the latter shalt prcvail.,. "F the same manner thai the Senate "are fully constitutional as Darr of








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