Manila Standard, Apr. 1, 2019, China Opportunity, Not Threat - Spgma.pdf

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  • Words: 302
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Ch i na : By Rio N.

Opportun l$,not threat-SPGMA


OUSE Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo recently met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to adtlress tho pressing issues in the world. She said China was not a theat but instead a parftrer in development.

policies toward reform, and tliat it had become a partner in development as a result ofits opening up.

"The world must look at China's rise as an opporhmity rather than a threat," Arroyo said. With China poised to become the

Thunday night. Arroyo, who attended the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Confelence in Hainan,

Arroyo and Li met at the Boao Forum for Asia. She said their discussion mainly covered the direction China was taking on its 40th year of reforms and its relationship

developing countries induding tlre Philippines

Chin4 said China through the years had

with the rest ofthe world.

proven wrong


negaxive notions of its

During the meeting, Anoyo cited China's leadership in proinoting "Globalization V.2" or the Belt and Road Initiative aimed t
Anoyo is a member of the board of BFA, which gathers together leaders in goverffnent, business and academic institutions thoughout Asia to share their lhoughts on the most pressing issues in implementation of Deng Xaoping's sothe region and the world. cialism with Chinese characteristics, say-

should firther boost their ties with Beiiing instead of looking at it as a compefiior or a threa! Arroyo said

wodd's leading economy,

ofthe BEAAnnual Conference 2019.

. The meeting was one of the highlights

tFAqs - Ae,r

ing China's remarkable glo\lth particularly in the past two decades showed the world that no development r4odel could be applied universally, and that fhe diver-

sity of historical conditions worild determine tie development paths that countries could choose.

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