Martin is my bet ning circlg.
Still, this lineup can change. Why are the reelectionists leading the race?
Why are the favorites of President Duterte now part of the Magic 12? THEBE are tlree names perceived to be rying to be the next spaaker of dle
Why is there only one possibli oppositionist in the winning circle? What influence doee Presid€nt Duhrt€ hava
on tlra Sanat€ raso?
RaprcspntatiYss, nrcy arc Martin Romualdea, AlBn Pet€l eay-
to prevail. The neophytes will just lose.
In the city ofManil4 for instance,
Not€ thst Lluhrte ii o*mBrigdng for Deh Rooa,0o nnd lblentioo as e.Ano and l,ord Allan Velacao, lf ho wero tho ono running for sffioe, All thr€€ have bcen €rtdon€d by gara Thic nskoc o lo1 of dlfferonoo, 'lte prcsidential d&ughtcr Dutert€ way the Pnrldlnt ie going it'r not farOarpio. Cayehno ie oloimlug PteaiTolentino to wln, ac woll. fotehed for dent Rodrigo Duterte wentc him to bs What I consider uoglo ls thst thare Speaker,
I'm going for Romualdez. 31 l''le hAS no, the the best best Irt's go by tack record in lawmak- ta qualitng. This-, after all, is the main exDefience tO teAd the
Erap Esfada and his vice mayor Amado Bagatsing will certainly win. So will Makati Mayor Abby Binay and her'running maie Monique I-agdameo. As residents of Makati, my wife and I believe in the leadership o[ Mayor Abby. In Quezon City, it will be Joy Belmont€. *trit
In the provinces, the people always go for the candidate with money to throw around. It doesn't matter ifthe candidate is pereived to be
u6use of Representarives'
been a lawmaker.for a long time. His experience during Typhoon "Yolanda''
comrpg or a drug lord. Nothing has changed much, really. ffie masses always go for thoe
also counts for a lot.
Of course I am biased in favor of is only one oppositionist in the wrnthe Romualdezes. I.have known the ,ning circle. All opposition candidates family for a long time. His late father, with the exception of Mar Roxas are Koko Romualdez, was my best friend. neophytes or unknowns. The oppoHis mother Julietle is the aunt ofJuliet sition will still be the minority, and Dycaico wbo manied the first cousin the Senate will then be a lackey of
When I go out for coffee $.ith fiiends, they always ask me the same
question-"Who do you think will make it in the May elections?"
their gates so early in the moming to ask-for funds for all purposes,
sarily in this order): Grace Poe, Cynthia Villa! Pia Cayetano, Bong Go, Lito pid Sonny Angar4 Narcy Binay, Jinggoy EsFad4 Bong Revill4 Bato dela Ros4 Mar Roxas and Koko Pimentel. Other names like JV Ejercito, Bam
As for the local ftont I hate to say it but the usual political dynasties $ill prevail. The people will continu€:16
Aquinq Francis Tolentino and
Manila, reelectionist mayors are li*ely
Osmefla are probably within the win-
and io eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have to put up tents for this purpose ! This is why the pork barrel systern, despite the fact that the Supreme Coud has declared it unconstitutional, continues to prevail, My gulny, why do you think the 2019
For an institution like the Senate to be under the thumb of the President is doubly tragic because the Senate is supposed to pmvide checks and balances to the Executive branch.
ftose who have n16ii
ey and power.
That is the reason why in ..
have heard some congressmen
say that their constituents line up at
of my wife, Nenita Kapunan.
My answen have been (not
whp appear approachable, witb moniiy to throw around.
national budget was delayed? ;
www. e mi lj ur adb.w e eb Iy. c om
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