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f)eparttnenl \.,0 t(Jmeland Security Imtnigrdtion and Customs Ent(}fc~ment Offite ~fTnvest1gations
2203 N. Lois Avenue Suile]OO Tampa. Fft)(ida 33607
Ilear Mr. Wobcr. Th~ Manatee Cuunty Shcrifl"s Office would like to pruticipal\lin tlw 281G tta:~nil1g
that is scheduled in Hillsborough County in January lor Corr(.."Clions Oniecrs. Our: c#unty has n large population or undocumt.-nled aliens, many of which end up in out .lui I tbr evetything from traffic rolated Cl'jlllCS 10 homicides. We fccl tbat the 287G jail initiativo wilt be beneficial in allowing our agency to p(utner with ICll by identityin~ \mdocu11lemed aliens that are incarcerated in our jail. detcnuine toose dIal meet deportQtion criteriu. tlDd submit lhe paperwork necessary to !lave them deported. We would like lo send thret: C01TC(:tions Otlicers t~ one Warrants. Otliccr to the January ttaining ynu are providing. Please let Ol~ kflow whUifurthcr il1wnnation 'you need from our agency ll) accomplish this.
Majo Mt~j()r COMie Shu..glCit'lCckcr Bureau Chit,)f
600 Highway 301 Blvd. West Suite 202 uraaenton, FL34205 elepillone (941) ~I (C)
Fax Numbers 744 3792 (941) 749-5401 d
September 8, 2009
Michael D. Rozas, Field Office Director Customs Enforcement 18201 S.W. 12th Street 194
Dear Mr. By this I am providing the United hnmigration and CustOlllS ("ICE") with notice of termination pursuant to Section XX of MOA ICE and the Manatee County Sheriffs (HMCSO") on 7, 2008. you are aware, recently 287(g) MOA. a of substantial changes to key provisions of MOA, is no longer able to participate in the new the obligation of law to now program. In certified interpreters render the MeSO's current budget. removal pro gram provided this of illegal aliens. From current resulted the of 181 illegal aliens to ICE with little or no monthly costs that MCSO will no longer to we look to achieving similar results ""Jl'-"L~.LJLv lV~' of the Secure Communities program in Manatee County. It is my the Secure Communities as soon as October 2009. Please me what this agency can do to ensure that the program is in place as soon as IJV'>"~""/J\..I. ..LJ.LU" ..
a cooperatively with ICE personnel, and we look forward to a under the Secure Communities program.
STEUBE, Sheriff Manatee Co unty,
An Accredited
Office of the .·lssistcllll Secretary
l.S. Department of Homeland 500 nlh Street. SW' Washington. DC 20536
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
W. Brad Stuebe Sheriff Manatee County Sheriffs Office 600 US Highway 301 Blvd. West Suite 202 Bradenton, FL 34205 Dear Sheriff Steube: Please accept this letter as formal notification that the 287(g) Delegation of Authority agreement between U.S. Imlnigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Manatee County Sheriffs Office (MCSO) is terminated. On Septelnber 8, 2009, ICE was notified by letter that MCSO no longer wanted to participate in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority progrruTI. Please know that ICE values its pru1nership with your office~ and \-ve will continue to work together to ensure our mutual conIDlitment to public safety produces tangible results for your community. Thank for your partnership with ICE. We look forward to working with you in the future on enforcement matters where \ve share a mutual interest. Jf you have any questions regarding any of ICE's state and local partnership progratns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) 732- b 6 . Sincerely,
Vdc/ ~. Ril~
William F. Acting Executive Director Office of State and Local Coordination