Manajemen Pemeliharaan

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Manajemen Pemeliharaan Menjawab Masalah Apa? Kesiapan dan keandalan fasilitas dan alat-alat produksi yang dimiliki perusahaan harus dipelihara agar tidak mengganggu proses produksi. Tentunya hal ini harus didukung oleh sistem pemeliharaan yang efektif dan efisien. Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh? • • • • • • • • • •

Memahami kerangka manajemen pemeliharaan. Memahami teknik analisis masalah yang dihadapi para manajer dalam bidang pemeliharaan. Memahami teknik pengendalian operasional pemeliharaan yang efektif. Mampu menyusun rencana dan pengendalian pemeliharaan. Apa Saja yang Dibahas? Kerangka manajemen pemeliharaan dan konsep keandalan peralatan. Perencanaan dan penjadwalan pemeliharaan. Statistik kerusakan. Perencanaan dan pengendalian suku cadang. Pengendalian operasional pemeliharaan. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

Siapa yang Perlu Ikut? Manajer dan staf yang bertanggung jawab atas pemeliharaan fasilitas produksi. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut: Pelayanan Pelanggan Ph. 021-2300313 ext. 1950 - 1955 [email protected] Maintenance Management What Problems Does This Program Address? The readiness for use and the reliability of a company’s production line require constant attention to avoid interruptions to the production process. This demands the support of an effective and efficient maintenance system. What Benefits Will You Receive? • • • •

An understanding of the entire framework of maintenance management. An understanding of the techniques needed to analyze the problems that maintenance managers meet. A knowledge of effective techniques for controlling the operations of maintenance staff. The ability to conduct maintenance planning and control.

What Subjects Will Be Discussed? • • • • • •

Maintenance management and reliability. Planning and scheduling maintenance. Statistics on breakdowns. Parts planning and control. Controlling maintenance operations. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM).

Top 10 Reasons To Delegate 21 Aug 2002 00:00 One important point is to remember that delegation is all about having a vision toward maximizing your time and talents by having a team of people to help you get things done. Read on to find out why you should have a team to delegate to: 1. Frees up your time and energy to perform at a higher level because there is less clutter. 2. Lets you see more clearly what kinds of tasks or projects really could use your direct attention. 3. Dispatches responsibility to others working in your immediate group and fosters team building. 4. Lends a new dimension as to how things can be done. 5. Builds others` skills and esteem. 6. By appropriately delegating, you create yourself a more professional, streamlined appearance to the outside world. 7. Delegation reduces delay. 8. Creates greater efficiency if tasks are delegated to and performed by individuals with more expertise than you have. 9. Can help to get work accomplished on time. 10. Skillful delegation creates win-win situations for all involved. --by Maria Platt, BA MBA. from [email protected]

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