Mana Chronicles - Reality Is Fatality

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  • Words: 19,319
  • Pages: 50
Dedicated to three of my greatest friends Shannon Morin Garrett Blundon and Ivan Vargas You three have encouraged me to go further and achieve my goals

Chapter One The Arrival You wouldn’t’t think that kids are different in anyway, do you? Most kids are the same playful children you should know, but some children, are, well born different. Passed down through generations children have been born with abilities, no normal ability or talent like

drawing or Mathematics, no this ability is the power of Magic. Magic can be controlled in many ways, Staff, Hand, and Wand. This story is about four friends who challenge the hardest and most difficult pain of all… Fear… This is about a boy who will keep his heart high and keep his love for his friends forever…

You may now unfasten your seatbelts

The light on the roof blinked as the woman asked on the intercom. A young boy the age of fifteen sat on an airplane seat looking out the window at the hovering white clouds below. The boy had a roughly dissatisfied face and pressed it against the small circular window, he had Dark brown hair and blue eyes, he wore a simple hoody and jeans, something an average fifteen year old would wear. The boys name was Jordan Vasquez. Jordan sat up straight in his chair, stretched and wiped his cheek from the cold frost of the window, then bent down and pulled his carry-on luggage out from under the seat. He unzipped the luggage and dug through all the clothes for nearly five minutes and pulled out a picture of two people the same age as him, they were jumping from a rock and waving their hand at the photographer that took the picture which happened to be Jordan. It’s not bloody fair… I come to Canada with my parents saying Canada is better and we won’t ever go back to Britain… but look, Britain here I come! Jordan thought with Sarcasm. He had been upset because his parents had forced him to leave for grade ten in Britain after grade nine. Jordan’s three friends in the photo happened to be his best friends when he moved to Canada, Shannon Morin, Garrett Blundon and Ivan Sanchez. Two hours had passed since the woman’s voice on the intercom said that you could unfasten your seatbelts. Jordan had finished his tapioca pudding when the light at the top of the planes roof showed. Turbulence Jordan put his seatbelt on and pushed aside his tapioca cup. He felt a bit excited for the arrival only because he got to see his cousin happening to be staying at their great grandmothers house that month, other than that he felt like complete rubbish, also wondering why in the blazes his great grandmother was still alive. He thought that she might be like two hundred years old! None of that mattered right now, his cousin Jenn Vasquez was to await his arrival in the Airport. Once the planes air lock had been opened and passengers could get off to the terminal Jordan got his luggage from the spinning rack. This always seemed to fascinate him and he always wondered how it spun around like it did. But now Jordan knew that they were just run on some little motors pushing each other. He reached the final gates and got to the main landing of the airport. It was HUGE! It had all the flags of each country hanging from the roof and all these

stone arch ways heading down the hall all the way down to the very end of the Airport, but from his point of view it looked like there was no end to this circular hallway. Once Jordan got out of the large crowd of people looking for relatives coming from Canada to England he swore he saw a girl with brown hair and the same slightly tanned skin as Shannon, but how could he? She was back in Canada along with Garrett going to Carrington High? This didn’t’t matter to Jordan all he wanted to do was find his cousin who he hadn’t seen since three Christmas’ ago. For moments of looking he finally saw her. Tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, from her great ocean blue eyes. Her red hair was tied up in a bun and she came running at him. Jordan couldn’t help but drop his bag and run for a flying hug.

“LOOK AT YOU! GRADE 10! Last time I had seen you it was your grade 7 year! Gosh you’ve grown drastically! This is grand! You’re going to be staying with Alan and me for the rest of August! We have so much to tell you!” Jen laughed as she squeezed his cheeks. “Well bloody hell Jenn! We can’t just sit here and play with each other’s cheeks all day! Help me get his luggage to the car!” the man hollered. “Oh right!” Jenn squealed lost her grip on Jordan’s face and ran to the man struggling with the large case. The man was slightly plump and he had short black buzz cut, and had the most peculiar English accent Jordan had ever heard, Jordan had an English accent also but it wasn’t as deep and different as this mans. Jordan assumed this had to be Alan because there was no other man that looked like Jenn’s boyfriend (He was the only one talking to her also). A couple of moments later Jordan was sitting in the back seat of a small Nissan car. He loved how vehicles in Europe had their steering wheels on the right side of the car rather than the left and they drove on the left side of the road rather than the right. Driving from London to Clapham was a very long exhausting drive. Jordan had nearly fallen asleep since it was too dark to see anymore, even though day time wouldn’t be any better. The last time he had lived in England was when he was five, his parents left with him to Canada because of some dark situation happening and it was getting to dangerous. He hadn’t the slightest clue why on Earth they had to leave England. Many funerals were preceded since his family’s absence in England, but it was still too dangerous to even go visit the family’s who held the funerals. The car finally pulled into what seemed to be a drive way, and made a thud when the engine was shut off by Alan. Jordan’s trip from London to Clapham was awfully quiet. Jen would occasionally look out the window, as did Alan. Jordan fumbled through the door and noticed a quite small house. But with four levels of staircases, the house looked rather tall. Alan whispered into his ear, “Well Jordan, make yourself at home, it’s not much but… It will do,” It was nearly two weeks into August since Jordan had arrived in England, the days seemed to be very short because that is how everything felt to him when he knew School was obviously around the corner, but his depressed state didn’t bring down the best of being here.

Staying in England with Jenn and Alan was like Heaven, there were still the occasional rules he had to follow, but it was still better than back home. One day Jenn asked if Jordan would come with her to pick up supplies for School, since he was going to Wandsworth Boarding School he wouldn’t be back to Jenn’s until holidays like Easter and Christmas. “Jordan, we need some of those… oh! And that… you don’t want those… they will honestly fall apart! You want these!” The day seemed to drag; it felt like ages before Jenn insisted that he had enough supplies that would last him all Term. Jordan was about to exit the mart when Jenn was stopped by a man. The man was wearing no ordinary clothes he was wearing a large robe over top of brown coloured jeans and a checker designed shirt, and he wore sandals, and odd hair, the top of his head was brown than faded to white on his side burns and to his moustache. He whispered into Jenn’s ear and her happy face had been completely wiped clean off her face. Then he was gone, into the crowds of people fighting over a Tickle Me Elmo. “Jenn who was that man you were talking to?” Jordan wondered “It was no one, don’t worry about it,” Jenn muttered cautiously. “Now you get into the car, take these with you, I will be out in a dear moment alright?” “Well… alright?” Jordan said scratching his head with his empty hand before it was filled with four plastic bags. Jordan hadn’t the slightest clue why Jenn was like this. It was as if a waterfall had just poured down her face and washed the happiness clean off it. He walked to the car, and opened the trunk with the keys Jenn gave to him to get the trunk open. Once he finished placing the bags in the trunk, he started massaging his hands because they hurt so much. He got into the passenger seat (and turned on the ignition, to turn on the radio.) The radio was slightly turned down low as to not disturb Alan when he usually drove. Jordan sunk back into his seat and listened to the Radio Tune-In Channel: “Well Tom, this mysterious phenomenon of death’s in England has risen drastically! The toll of death’s that happened in the last three years has been 2,000!” Jordan turned the Radio louder as to hear what the radio man was talking about. “Well Rex, people have been muttering on the streets that it is very dangerous here in England and Ireland! But I do not see a problem…,” “That’s just it Tom! It just happens to stop at the beginning of the year? No deaths have been heard of as of January? But December we had the final death of Bridy Fennel? People think she had just passed away with a bad heart, nothing to it? I don’t think that is true, not one bit.” “Well Rex, some people think it was the cause of something Paranormal. As you said earlier, but some people think it was just plain coincidence, but we still don’t know why she was the last death. What was the date she died Rex?” “She Died December 28th 2007, The Funeral, was held January 10th 2008. About like a Gazillion people attended her funeral ALONE! You wouldn’t even be able to tell if they were family or Friends or even old folk people!” “HA that is funny Rex, but we still have Police and other authorities looking over the Death of Bridy Fennel. Other than that we can only hope that the death’s will finally stop for good and England can be the way it used to be, thank you so much Rex for coming and talking about this,”

“No problem Tom, Have a good evening everyone listening,” Jordan shut off the Radio and sat back in his seat again, Who was Bridy Fennel? And why was it that right after her death, England was safe again? Jordan remembered what he thought from the plane again. It was so dangerous to go back to England, but look now, this is the same thing, Bridy passed away and everything was back to normal? Something was wrong. Tapping came from the window and Jordan hadn’t noticed that it was raining and Jenn was at the window, He leaned over and pressed the button to unlock the door. “Sorry I took a while Jordan, I had to fetch a few things from the Mart,” Jenn shivered Jordan completely ignored this “Jenn I listened to the radio and heard about a death here in England? It was almost a year back? Her name was Bridy Fennel? Do you know her?” Jordan questioned as he passed the extra bags to the back seats. Jenn was silent for a minute or two. “She is no one… I have never heard of her…” Jenn fell silent. “But isn’t nana-” Jordan was cut off “SHE IS NO ONE ALRIGHT?! Now let’s get home!” Jenn yelled. Jordan had never in his whole life heard or even seen Jenn get this angry, he decided to keep his mouth closed the trip back to the house. Even though he couldn’t help but wonder who Bridy was? Was it someone he knew? It seemed to all be such a great big mystery. The house was quiet but there was a smell of curry and some slight scent of Alan’s homemade pumpkin pie, ready to be eaten for dessert. Jordan climbed the stairs to the second landing which was the kitchen and Alan was cooking his curry. Jenn thundered up and mumbled to Alan but he said something that was unclear. Jenn gave a very nasty face to Alan and he slowly put down the stirring spatula and walked over to the stairs and climbed down. Jordan was up in the guest room ripping off the tags, and sticky things off the clothes, and opening plastic cases holding, pens, pencils, erasers. Then there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Come in!” Jordan said still folding new clothes on his bed and sorting his supplies “It’s me Alan, may I have a word?” “Sure, what’s up?” Jordan said sitting on his bed now. “Well Jenn won’t tell me why she is so upset; I was hoping you would tell me. What happened?” Alan asked. “Well… it wasn’t exactly at the store; it was more in the car that she started to get angry. I was listening to a radio station right? Then the two men on the radio station started talking about an old woman who passed away a year ago in December, then after they said the death toll had ceased after that?” “Would you be able to tell me what this woman’s name was?” “Her name was Bridy Fennel? Something like that? What does she have to do with Jenn?” Jordan asked. “Oh Jordan… I cannot believe you didn’t recognize the woman by her name automatically, that was… well yours and Jenn’s great grandmother, Jenn is so upset that she passed way.”

Jordan felt very stupid, he didn’t even remember his great Grandmothers name… of course Jenn would be upset, he now felt the exact same way as her. “Well Jordan, Jenn will be better soon you’ll-” Alan was cut off by a ring of the doorbell down three levels below.

Chapter Two Shannon Morin Alan left the room moments after the doorbell had rang. Jordan pondered for a moment. “Bridy Fennel…. Jenn said she was staying at my great grandmothers? This doesn’t make any sense? If the two men that were on the radio were talking about Bridy… Jenn isn’t… she isn’t telling the truth…. Bridy died almost a year ago?” He finally got it, Bridy had indeed been Jordan’s great grandmother, but someone or perhaps Jenn had lied to him about her staying in England at their grandmothers to get him here? Jenn was here for something else. In this case, maybe it’s nothing to do with his grandmother… “Jordan! Get down here!” Alan yelled from three floors down. Jordan plummeted down the stairs to see Jenn, Alan and a man sitting on the couch. “Jordan! How wonderful to see you!” the mysterious man said shaking Jordan’s hand “Now I’m here to talk to you Jordan, about your year at our school? I have expected these two have told you all about boarding schools?” “Well yeah, but who are you exactly?” Jordan asked “Me? Oh dear boy! I’m the Assistant Principal! Mr. R.J Marcus. You may be seeing me around the school a lot but you will get used to it!” Marcus chuckled Jordan didn’t see any humor in this at all. “Now for this year you have the supplies you need and everything you own.” “Yeah I have everything in my trunk upstairs.” Good boy! Well, I will be calling you soon, I cannot stay to long. How about I call you er… August thirty first? OH and I almost forgot, this is your timetable of classes, see you for the beginning of semester one!” Marcus took another shake at Jordan’s hand and was off through the door. Three quarters of August had gone by since the arrival. But Jordan had finally made up

the courage to talk to Jenn. “Jenn… look, I have been thinking… The day I asked you about Bridy Fennel,” (Happiness fell clean off her face all over again) “I was told you were here visiting our great grandmother? But she has been dead for nearly a year now?” “Jordan… here, Bridy died of something that was not explained… people say Bridy died of… well… darkness…” Was Jordan hearing her right? Did she just say Bridy died of darkness? No heart attack? No brain tumor? Darkness was what he heard… “Jordan, I told your mum that I was visiting your grandmother, because I didn’t want to worry you or your mum… Bridy was living here in England alone; I was back in Ireland with Alan. Once we had heard that she died we kept it away from your parents. Since your new school was here, we felt awful, so we came and stayed here. We’re renting this place,” His heart had sunken even further. He found out his grandmother was dead? His friends weren’t going to this new school either? What was he supposed to do? There was no running; no point in going back home now, what would that do? Two days before Marcus was to call Jordan and take him to his new school, Jordan looked over his timetable; it was the exact same classes he marked down before he knew he was leaving for Britian. Science 10-1 Social 10-1 P.E 10/ Cryptic Studies 10 Language Arts 10 Each of them were probably thinking the same thing. “We picked the same classes for no reason…” Cryptic Studies was a mix between Mysteries’ in the world and the study of creatures, and magnificent wonders of the world. Jordan didn’t know why they choose Cryptic Studies out of any other course but to them it may have seemed interesting.

It had been early morning on August Thirty First, the sun hadn’t yet risen, and it was still very dark out. Jordan was thrashing around in his bed. “Bullshit Corcoran… Bridy died in vain… she wanted to protect what was left… but that protection wasn’t good enough… we finished it… we have finally finished what was supposed to be done…” a high dark voice lingered “But Lord… we don’t know where… her main objective was to hide it!” Corcoran’s small piercing voice lingered.

“What’s the point of hiding it? It’s done; we killed who we needed to kill… Now little Britain is safe for those people… half those Mana folk running about Britain are proud that we have been done for… but we’re still here… ready to strike… ” “Uh sir, do you think that day will ever come?” “Are you kidding? As I told you… she’s dead, SHE ruined my God damn childhood! She tried to protect the one true heir! But she was to late… pity… she had almost succeeded if it wasn’t for Lucre giving her away! She trusted him…,” “Wasn’t Lucre… her friend?” “He was… look now… he betrayed her for me… what he did was very thoughtful, but right now Lucre doesn’t matter. Hide the objects… hide them where nothing can penetrate there shields you cast… I’m hoping you will do this for me Corcoran.” “Yes sir, I’ll do my best, sir” A flick of a stick and Corcoran was gone; all that was sitting in the room was a large Mirror. Everything went black, all could be seen was a glowing fountain, mirrors, pertaining words and animals, even humans scratching at the reflection. Spiraling faster and faster toward the fountain, light spilt from the water and seven tremendous blue and white animals burst through and stood breaking the darkness. Jordan woke up the next morning; dazed, confused, full of bright sunlight. A small quiet jingle came from downstairs; it was the phone making the noise that had woken him. He climbed down the stairs in blue lose jeans and a white top. “Jordan, Mr. Marcus is on his way here to pick you up… IM SO PROUD OF YOU! PASS ALL YOUR SUBJECTS! OR YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO REDO THEM!” Jenn flung her arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. “Good luck kiddo, Jenn and I proud, well more of Jenn actually.” Alan laughed. No sooner than two hours, Marcus had shown up at the door, carrying a newspaper and wearing a top hat. “Are you ready to go?” Marcus folded the newspaper. “Yeah, I’m ready,” Jordan said pulling his trunk out the door. The sky was bright blue and the air was fresh. Leaves were already starting to go yellow and a few had fallen off trees. “So, how are you feeling? Are you ready for a new year of school?” Marcus said looking at the roads. “Yeah, High School will be a lot different…” Jordan said thinking of Shannon and Garrett. It seemed like they had driven all over Britain before they had reached the School parking lot, Jordan stepped out of the car and looked at the school. The enormous stone building had trees surrounding it. Also great big banners had been placed all over the doors, Wandsworth High School

Jordan was actually impressed because he would be able to look around and Adventure through the Enormous School. His heart had lightened when he got into the tremendous building; it has large hallways leading forward, turning right, left, downward. Two large staircases sat going upward against the walls, there was a large multicoloured window showing a large crest emblem with the words ‘Wandsworth’ at the bottom. “Now I have to show you to the places where you are going to stay and sleep for the rest of the year it will also be your T.A (Teacher Advisor).” Marcus gestured towards the stairs. Climbing flights of stairs had been tough but it had only been maybe six flights. “This will be your T.A and Dormitory for the Semester, just a warning to you, your T.A teacher will advise you to keep it clean. Oh I’m funny! Advise, Advisor? Bye now!” Marcus chuckled shutting the door. Jordan obviously noticed three beds first. So he would be sharing the large room with two other guys. He came out of his room and there was a hall going right and a hall going left, and the one staircase Mr. Marcus led him up. Now going down those stairs, it came to a large circular room with a maroon coloured couch and two identical love seats facing a fire place. Two large windows looked out onto the grounds and the nearest city was almost sixty miles away with a tall tower in the dead center. Jordan had already finished unpacking clothes and pens so he took a small cat nap because he was so exhausted from the really long car ride and Marcus’ nonstop talking that trip. A few hours later Jordan decided to tour around the school since it was only a day before classes actually started. (The School seemed about twelve times the size than his Uncle Bruce’s Mansion out in the country side in Canada.) He climbed down the stairway toward a corridor on the main floor below; people were actually in the school too. They must have been early unpacking also. Jordan took out his timetable and looked at his first subject. Science 10-1 “Well I might as well ask someone where it is.” Jordan thought. He walked up behind a girl and she seemed to be looking at an oddly misshaped lantern hanging on the wall. “Excuse me, but I wouldn’t want to bother you right now, but I was wondering if you would perhaps know where room four thousand twenty three is….” Jordan asked her as he looked down at his paper and made sure that was the actual number of the classroom. “No… sorry I’m new to this-” She stopped midway as she turned around to see who she was talking to. The next moment was absolutely tremendous; people had stopped walking down the halls to see the two who had just screamed each other’s names at the exact same moment. “SHANNON!” “JORDAN!” They had both just screamed each other’s names so loud that the oddly misshaped lantern hanging from the wall had nearly fallen off.

Shannon had dark brown eyes, and the same matching coloured hair, she wore a grey shirt and blue jeans. “When?! … I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO BE IN BRITIAN?!” Jordan hollered still clinging onto what seemed to be the longest hug in the whole world. Finally when Shannon let go as they sat down, she started to talk. “I KNOW! But look, after I heard you left for Britain, I was so upset, and I wouldn’t leave my room for ages! But then I got a letter in the mail telling me I have been transferred to a school called Wandsworth High School in England, but I doubted I would be in the same school as you!” Shannon laughed wiping tears of joy from her eyes. “Are you serious? I had been so glum and I would hardly talk because I was leaving you guys! Oh… that reminds me… what about Garrett?” Jordan mumbled. “Yeah… I don’t know about Garrett,” Shannon said rather quickly. “But… who are you staying with here? You have no family living here?” Jordan questioned. “Well my parents actually found out I have a relative living over in London, her name is like Rhonda Franek? I haven’t ever actually heard about her. Do we still have the same classes together?” Shannon asked pulling Jordan’s timetable out from his hand “WE DO! Except for English… but anyway that’s great!” “That’s amazing!” Jordan laughed “I have loads to tell you about my summer!” “Come on! Let’s hear it!” Shannon laughed. Jordan told Shannon all about his summer, all about his flight to Britain. But then he told her about what he had heard on the radio, she automatically had a puzzled expression. “Hmm… that’s weird. Bridy Fennel… do you think Jenn was keeping something from you? Or maybe from the dream you told me, she tried to hide something but couldn’t? But she was too late?” Shannon questioned. Jordan had never thought about that, the dream he had on the night when he left with Marcus, Bridy tried to hide something… was it meant for him? Who was this Lucre the voice kept talking about? “Well don’t worry about it Jordan, it was only a dream and they usually are just really funky things in our head. At least we’re together in this huge school together!” Shannon laughed “It is a pretty big school! How are we going to find our classes? There are like Ten Thousand classrooms!” Jordan shivered “Well I guess we will just have to look around and hope for the best?” Shannon sighed Shannon and Jordan climbed down the six flights of stairs he had previously climbed up with Marcus. They decided to peak into the large dining hall which didn’t look like a dining hall at all. It was more of a large chamber. Looking into about a dozen classrooms they noticed one peculiar classroom. Atomic models flew around the roof on small electric motors and rails; Plant’s grew meters high against

the walls and glowing stars shone on the roof. “Excuse me!” laughed a tall muscular looking man with a buzz cut and a really small goatee above his chin, Just before Jordan could say anything Shannon blurted “Sorry!” “Oh I’m just joking with you guys! My name is Mr. Sherman; I’m the Science 10 teacher for this term. Would you guys like to see the classroom? Get a little feeling for the classroom?” He laughed shaking their hands. The classroom from the inside was abnormally large, animals crawling in their cages, bats flying in their tunneled caves. “How did you manage all this?” Jordan said look at a chameleon. “Well really our Man- I mean the School District Decree Number Fifty Six allows us to have all these for teaching, er… sorry to change the subject, but what are your guys’ names?” Mr. Sherman asked. “Well I’m Jordan Vasquez and that girl over there looking at the snakes is Shannon Morin.” Jordan pointed to her. Mr. Sherman stayed quiet a moment and looked from Jordan to Shannon then finally said “OH! I’m sorry! I seem to zone out all the time!” he laughed. “Well… it’s nice to meet you but we have leave, a lot of places to see if you know what I mean… Shannon! Come on!” Jordan said tugging at Shannon’s wrist to get out of the room.

Chapter Three The Reunite “What was that for?! I love that classroom!” Shannon pulled her arm out of Jordan’s grip “But that Teacher is creepy! He was like staring at both of us!” Jordan blurted. “Yeah right Jordan! You’re just scared of all those animals!!” Shannon laughed. “No really!”

“Yeah, yeah whatever lets go back to your T.A.” Shannon chuckled. Shannon and Jordan finally got back to his T.A which seemed like a really long time and to get their exhaustion out. They sat down on the couch and looked at the glowing fire. “I can’t believe it’s already dark…” Shannon twisted her head to the cool misty dark window. “Yeah… what do you think this year is going to be like?” Jordan said leaning his head against the arm rest. “I don’t know… last year was pretty good… except the fact we had to leave Garrett and Ivan behind…” Shannon said now looking at Jordan. Jordan had totally forgotten about Ivan, He was a slightly taller guy than him. Dark brown eyes and jet black hair pelted backwards constantly and his hilarious personality made him a really cool guy. He originated from Columbia but immigrated to Canada when he was little. Jordan met him in grade nine and it seemed all four of their friendships would last forever, but now Jordan and Shannon were separated from the two. They didn’t even know if they would see Ivan or Garrett again.

A couple of minutes later a teacher came walking through the door. “I’m sorry but I just cannot do this for you, it’s way beyond my league and you’re only in grade ten! Ask me when you’re in grade eleven!” The woman was talking to a small lanky little boy who had brown hair and light brown eyes. “Oh, hello you two… my name is Melanie Maunder, just call me Mrs. M, who’s T.A are-” Melanie was stopped by Shannon. “GARRETT? IS THAT YOU?!” Shannon jerked upward and ran to him; Jordan was twisting his head to see what was happening. Garrett wasn’t looking at Shannon at the moment but twisted his head to her and said quietly “just a second,” and looked back at the teacher and started arguing but then turned to Shannon and started squishing and poking her cheek. Then he looked at Jordan and ran over to him. “Shannon…? Jordan…?” “Umm… I think that’s what we were called when we were born isn’t it Shannon? By the way we were just talking about you.” Jordan grinned and looked at Shannon who nodded. “OH MY GOD IT IS YOU TWO!” Garrett yelled crushing Jordan’s ribs with a really tight bounding hug and ignoring his last comment. He did the same when he got to Shannon, (but hers seemed a little longer). “I’m guessing all of you are in this T.A?” Melanie asked. “Well no… I’m the only one I think in this T.A” Jordan said. “Hmm… do you two know whose T.A you’re in?” Melanie asked pointing to both Garrett and Shannon. “No.” They both said. “Well I guess this is going to be your T.A. The Headmaster or… Principal won’t mind, Girls rooms are up and onto your right, and boys are same to the left, I have a small meeting with the Headmaster, unpack and make yourselves comfortable.” Melanie said walking out of the T.A

room. “Garrett! Why are you here anyway!?” Shannon laughed sitting down on the couch again. “Well I got a letter in the mail telling me to go to this school for some reason, I had the letter but I don’t know where I put it…” Garrett said as he dropped his shoulders. “Hmm this is weird… Jordan is sent to England for grade ten; you and I get a letter for some odd reason to come to this school…? It seems… fishy.” Shannon questioned as she looking at Jordan as if he knew an answer, but he was completely blank. “Maybe someone sent us here? Maybe they knew were good friends and that they knew we should all be together and not split up?” Garrett suggested. “Well that is possible… but how? Could it have to do with Bridy?” Shannon asked. “That is probable.” Jordan finally answered. “Um question, who is Bridy?” Garrett asked. “Oh, we haven’t told Garrett yet, Jordan you tell him about Bridy, I only know a little about her… while you do that I have to go get my things from the lobby I will be back in a minute.” Shannon said waving to a kid going into the T.A room. Jordan told Garrett everything about what he heard about Bridy on the radio station in August and about Jenn knowing something of her death the year before. “Dude, you said her name was is Bridy Fennel right?” Garrett said shifting his position on the couch. “Yeah I did, why?” “Here, how could I be so stupid? You have to see this!” Garrett said running up to the rooms. Moments later he came pelting down the stairs to Jordan. Shannon had made it back to the room. “Did you tell him everything?” She said coming back to the couch. “He did, but we actually found something! Look, Jordan knew Bridy Fennel; she was his great grandmother right? Well my mum packed me photos of family so I wouldn’t forget them or anything, but look at this one picture! There are two women and one man standing alongside a few of my relatives… and look… Jordan, Shannon… the rest… is your guys’ family… and those three, the two women and the one man… those are our great relatives… they were friends…” “Alright so their friends… what has that got to do with anything?” Shannon asked. “Look my Grandpa told me that his mum and two others were trying to hide something! But he couldn’t find out what it or they were, Bridy was the last to die before… anyone in our families could hide them,” Garrett said putting the photo down. “OH, Jordan! That’s probably what Jenn was trying to tell you, but Bridy dying by darkness? Isn’t that a little hypothetical?” Shannon said picking up the photo. It did seem a little hypothetical to Jordan, but the dream he had last night, the two men talking about her trying to hide something but she never did and Garrett talking about their Great Grandparents trying to hide something? It seemed like hiding this object was always coming up again and again. “Maybe it was… maybe she did die by this darkness. The two men in my dream they looked dark and evil! The one that I could make out, Corcoran he looked like he had darkness built right into him! But the other man… I couldn’t see him. All I could see were Mirrors… then Corcoran disappeared… wait- what if, I’m just saying, what if that Fountain in my dream had

something to do with the three of our relatives trying to hide these objects!?” Jordan stood up looking at the three. “That is another possibility… if the fountain was connected with these hidden objects… where do you think it could be? It could be anywhere across Britain! The Mirrors… what about the Mirrors? Were they in the same place? Or were they somewhere else?” Shannon asked pacing up and down the room. “I don’t know… there were four mirrors when I saw them with the fountain… that’s what you Garrett and me have to do… we have to find the fountain… wherever it is. It was meant for us to find…” Jordan said looking form Shannon to Garrett. “Sorry to rain on your parade on finding out about the relatives and this fountain… but it’s only our first day at this school? Shouldn’t we be getting ready for classes tomorrow? Here, how about this, If we find out any more information about the Fountain or the Mirrors. We tell each other? Is that a good enough idea?” Garrett asked looking at Jordan, Shannon nodded and looked at him also. “Yeah, that’s a grand idea… maybe I will have another dream showing the surroundings. That would give us loads more information” Jordan said getting up to stretch. Shannon pulled her sleeve up and looked at her watch, “Oh my, look at the time! It’s almost midnight; I will see you guys later. I’m going to bed and not staying up any longer…” “Yeah, I’m going to go to bed too, see you in the morning bud, I’m glad we can chill again.” Garrett said patting him on the back. Garrett climbed the stairs after Shannon and they both took a different direction to the different rooms while Jordan still stood looking at the fire. He knew this year was going to be different that his last year… a lot different… the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He walked up the stairs and went up to his room. Garrett had decided to be one of the students who shared a room with Jordan; the other bed was still quite empty. No one was occupying the extra bed and no school supplies were around or on the shelves. On the other hand, Garrett had already fallen asleep and was snoring like a horse. Jordan walked over to Garrett’s night stand and saw that he leaned the picture of their families against a lamp along with a picture of his sister and parents smiling. Garrett was probably very happy that the three of them were reunited with each other once again; losing each other would have been hard to cope with. Finally getting his Pajamas on and setting his bed up, Jordan crawled in and fell straight to sleep.

The next morning when Jordan got up he had a knotted and messed bed head. He looked around the room, noticing the extra bed unoccupied but school supplies and things were on the night stand and shelves. Someone probably had come during the night when Jordan was asleep. After a few minutes of struggling to get out of bed he finally managed to. He walked out the door and down the hall to find the bathroom. He got himself dressed, showered and ready to go. Once he made it to the main T.A room Shannon was already sitting at a table organizing books and getting her pens and pencils ready. “Well you finally decide to wake up and show your face?” She laughed. “Yeah I did.” Jordan gave a wry laugh.

“When you were asleep the intercom went off and told us to be downstairs in the dinning chamber by nine. I’m all ready to go; I will see you down there.”

Jordan had gotten his books for his first two periods ready by half past eight. Just as he was about to leave the T.A. Garrett ran full throttle down the stairs. “WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME?!” he hollered and panicked as he ran to the showers and back out again getting his books and supplies. “Well you should remember its school once again bud.” Jordan laughed. Jordan walked out of the room and down the hall towards the stairs. He looked into all the science rooms trying to see if it was the same as the evening before, but they were all different compared to the one last night. Garrett came running up to Jordan with damp hair and lopsided papers in his hand. All he said was “thanks” with a smug face. Finally making to the dining hall they found Shannon sitting at a fairly large table with large silver cloths hanging from the edge of the table with the engraving. Mrs. Maunder The woman they had met last night that was fighting with Garrett was their T.A. She seemed a little on the grumpy side, but then again they only had talked to her for a minute. Other kids started joining the same T.A table as them. Some were more in the grade ten year and some were grade eleven. Some were old enough to look like grade twelve’s. There were exactly fifteen tables including their own table.

Finally when nine o’clock came around the students were sitting at the appropriate tables and the teachers were sitting at the large one at the end of the dining room with the Principal in the middle. “Shannon!” Jordan whispered into her ear. “What?” she said with a confused face. “It’s the Principal! Look at him!” “Yeah… It’s the Principal, what about him?” “Look! He is the man who was at the mart with me and Jenn!” he said pointing at the Principal now sitting down in his chair. “Oh is that so? That’s nice. Tell me later - AND stop pointing! It’s rude!” She said pushing his arm down to the table. The Principal sat down and gave a swift look at the teachers sitting beside him then he got up again. “Welcome all! Welcome back! And welcome to a new school! For all you new grade tens! I have only to talk to you students quickly. I don’t want all of you going to class on empty stomachs! Today have a wonderful set of classes, make new friends, and enjoy the teachers! A warning to all you here, you do not have to eat here in the dining area for noon meals but you can come here if you would like to, get your lunch and go eat somewhere else or go to a few

restaurants down the street from here. It was very kind of Mr. Marcus to ask the District to build a mini market not far from here! Please give a round of applause please!” Mr. Marcus arose from the teacher table and gave a small bow and a grin, and then he sat back down. The crowds of applauds died out quickly. “One more important notice you should know about! The whole school is also to only come here for special or important days of the year (Christmas Celebration, Easter Liturgy). Also come here for Phys. Ed class, unless your teacher advises to meet somewhere else. Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you again!” The Principal said as he sat down. The entire school was clapping and whistling. Jordan had finished applauding when saw what looked like five hundred thousand waiters come out of a wide pushing door with towering tray’s of food; waffles, cereals, puddings, French toast, and a whole assortment of breakfast food. Garrett whispered into Jordan’s ear, “I’m in Heaven!”

After Jordan, Shannon and Garrett finished eating (Garrett took the longest). They headed down toward the Science hall and made it to the room number on their timetable. Classroom 4212

Mr. Sherman

it was the same classroom Shannon and Jordan saw the night before classes started. “Oh! It’s you two again! Am I ever going to stop seeing you? Oh, who is this new young fellow you have with you two?!” Mr. Sherman laughed looking at Garrett. Garrett didn’t even take a glimpse at Mr. Sherman he was too busy looking at the things Shannon was staring at last night. “Oh, this is Garrett. We went to school with him since grade two and he came to this school for some odd and strange reason too.” Shannon said shaking Mr. Sherman’s hand. “Well don’t stand around! Come, sit down!” Mr. Sherman motioned to the tables. Shannon, Garrett, and Jordan sat at the same table and placed their books down and waited until others came into classroom. Shannon started talking but Jordan started ignoring her when he saw something. He got up and walked to the other table and gave this person the biggest hug in the whole world. Shannon swung around to see who Jordan was hugging, for a second she thought it was a stranger but when Jordan let go of the person. It was Ivan. “IVAN?” Shannon screamed jumping off her stool nearly knocking it over (Garrett still fascinated in the bat caves didn’t notice anything happening). “Why! When?! ” She said giving him an atomic hug. “Whoa, whoa, whoa Shannon calm you hormones!” Ivan laughed. “Actually I was being sent to a school in London Ontario, but when I got there a letter was already in our mailbox.” Shannon gave a weary look at Jordan. “What’s the matter? You don’t want me here!” Ivan gasped. “No seriously what’s wrong?”

“Well Ivan… Garrett and I both got the exact same letter as you, I think. We had a huge discussion last night on who sent it, but the problem is… we don’t know who.” Shannon whispered. “Garrett’s here?!” Ivan said looking at the table they came from. “Yes he is, but he isn’t the point right now! This is about the letters we were talking about!” Shannon snapped her fingers in his face. “Oh, yeah, I got the written letter with me right now.” He said unzipping his backpack and pulling out a rough piece of parchment (A little crinkled). Dear Ivan Dario Sanchez we inform you that you are being transferred from Newington High School to Wandsworth Boarding School in Wandsworth England. We are dearly sorry for the late letter but we think that this school will be a better learning quality for you. Please inform your parents about this change. They will decide if you should go to this school or not. Hope to see you in a few days time at our new school! Wandsworth Boarding School - Wandsworth England Luigi Gleeson Marcus “It was Marcus who sent the letter out? He was at my house the other day! That’s why I didn’t get a letter like you guys! He escorted me TO this school!” Jordan bellowed. “Alright something is really fishy… We found everything else out but the only thing we haven’t found out about is what Bridy hid!” Jordan smacked his hand down on the piece of paper. “Um… would you guys be jolly good friends and tell me what in the blazes is going on?!” Ivan asked. We’ll tell you later, class is about to start… wait what classes do you have? Are you in any with us?” Shannon asked. “Um… I have Science and Cryptic Studies with you guys, P.E with Jordan and you. Social I don’t have this semester, I have Math.” Ivan said. Science had gone by fast; it seemed fast because of laughing and joking around. Social with Garrett had been also a lot of fun too, they took a map of the world and drew things on it and circled the places they were located over five hundred times because the teacher was a neat freak. When Social class was done Gym class had started. The Teacher, Mr. Farnsworth made the whole class start to run. Shannon, Jordan and Ivan were a little upset that Garrett didn’t have it until next semester. So he just started to laugh at them through the dining hall windows and occasionally open the door and laugh as they passed. They had to do a thirty minute run for the period. “Look at this! First day and we have to run! It’s not fair! Shannon said as she jogged alongside Jordan, who was breathing heavily. “I can hardly breathe…” Jordan said feeling his chest. “Suck it up Jordan! Only like twenty minutes! You can do it bud!” Ivan laughed and ran

ahead. “Jordan are you alright do you need to sit down?” Shannon asked who had a hand on his shoulder now. “No… then I will fail this run.” He said almost hyperventilating. Then Jordan started going in and out of consciousness. “Go… you know where the fountain is…Behind the school… and into the trees, the entrance is there… use the Mirrors for transportation. The Mirrors are in there Corcoran… they will be there shortly.” The cold dark voice called. “But I don’t want the other realm to kill me, I’m not welcome there.” Corcoran said walking toward a Mirror. “You aren’t in there for long Corcoran it will be safe for you to cross through. Time for the Descendants to-” The voice was cut off. Jordan was on the ground with people surrounding him. Shannon was over top of him along with Ivan. “JORDAN WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT’S WRONG?!” Shannon said feeling his forehead. “I know where the fountain is.” Jordan whispered.

Chapter Four A False Assumption Shannon and Ivan were walking Jordan out of the chamber and into the hall and they sat on a set of stairs. “What did you see Jordan?” Shannon asked looking at him in the eyes. “I saw the one man again… and he is going to the fountain… he could already be there right now. We have to go tonight, all of us.” Jordan said. “Well sorry to burst your bubble bud but I wasn’t informed about anything in Science!” Ivan boasted. “Oh right, its best we do it now than never…” Shannon said. So both of them told Ivan all about the dream Jordan had the night previous, about the fountain and the about Bridy Fennel and the two men on the radio. “Alright, I get it now… tonight? Where should we meet?” Ivan asked. “Right here alright? Ten o’clock. We will tell Garrett.” Shannon whispered as two eleventh graders walked up the stairs. “Alright, see you guys tonight.” Ivan said going back into the doors. “Wait, where is the fountain?” He asked. “I’ll tell you later, see you tonight.” Jordan shivered.

Their Phys. Ed class went by smoothly after what Jordan had seen. His first Language Arts class went by quickly, only getting sheets on the curriculum this year and the teacher talked all class. After classes had finished Jordan ran up to his T.A and dropped his books off in his room, then made his way down to the main room and sat on the couch.

Shannon came in moments after and didn’t climb the stairs to get to her room to put her books away. Instead she ripped a piece of paper out of her binder and grabbed a pen. “What are you doing?” Jordan asked in complete confusion. “If you hadn’t noticed at ten o’clock the teachers start patrolling the school. And we have to find a way out of the school to get to… where is the fountain anyway? You never mentioned it to Ivan or me?” Shannon asked, ready to write on the paper. “Well I saw the back of the school… the forest behind it. And deep in there, there is a tunnel of some sort. That’s all I saw.” Jordan noted. “Well that is good enough information; all we have to do is get out of the school.” Shannon said as she wrote. Garrett came into the room in a hurry, panting. “Guys you have to see this.” Jordan and Shannon ran after Garrett who was running down the hall. Finally reaching a large corridor there was a crowd of large people. Shannon squeezed through the crowd and into the middle to see a girl. She was the same age and grade as the three, but her red flowing hair was everywhere and she was shaking uncontrollably. Shannon knelt down to feel her forehead. “What’s happening to her?” One girl screamed. “I don’t know!” Shannon hollered. “She’s burning up; we have to get her somewhere. Back to the T.A Room! Right now, Teacher or not! We have to help her!” Shannon yelled over the crowds of people. Jordan, Garrett and Shannon picked up the shaking girl and ran her to the T.A room and the entire crowds followed. But once they got to the T.A room Shannon turned to face the crowds at the door. “YOU DIDN’T EVEN HELP HER! YOU JUST STOOD AROUND AND WATCHED DON’T! YOU DARE COME IN HERE!” Shannon yelled at the top of her lungs at the hundreds of people and slammed the door. Shannon ran back to the girl who lay on the couch shivering. The girl who asked what was happening was in the room to. “What’s happening? Let me help! I want my sister!” The other girl yelled. “First you could help me by telling your name and her name!” Shannon fidgeted trying to calm the girl down. “My name is Laura Bronwyn and hers is Meghan Bronwyn.” Laura shivered. “Alright good, Garrett there is towels in the washroom get one and dampen it.” Shannon asked in a panicked voice. But Garrett just cowered on the spot. “GARRETT!” She said jolting a look at him. Garrett ran up the stairs and in a moment he was down with a cold wet towel and gave it to Shannon. She placed it on Meghan’s head and still tried to calm her down. Laura still shook with tears strolling down her eyes. “It’s not every day you try to save someone!” Garrett roared. But at that moment Meghan stopped shivering and shaking. A black foggy mist arose from her chest and it hovered for a moment at all of them and shot for the window and went straight through it. She lay on the couch with the towel on her head. Not shaking anymore but calmly resting. “What happened?” Jordan finally said something. “I have no clue. Was it something we said?” Garrett asked.

“I don’t know.” Shannon clambered to her feet. “But she is still breathing, that’s good.” “You saved my sister, Can I do anything to help you? “ Laura asked. “Right now, stay here and care for Meghan and wait until the teacher gets here.” Shannon said. “Shannon!” Jordan threw his and toward the golden clock on the wall. Her and Garrett turned toward the clock and noticed it was Nine Thirty in the evening. “Come on Garrett! Shannon roared as she grabbed his sleeve and ran down the dark deluded corridor toward the place they said they would meet Ivan. As they ran down the stairs, Marcus’ voice came onto the intercoms. “All Students should return to their Teacher Advisors and must not be in the hallways. Good night.” Moments after they made it to the floor where they were supposed to meet with Ivan. A woman came out of a classroom and Jordan nearly smacked into her stomach. “Excuse me! Shouldn’t you children be back in you Teacher Advisors?” The woman screeched. She had bright brown hair and deep green eyes. But she was an older woman with wrinkled skin and wore a great blue gown. Jordan was frozen with fear; he didn’t know what to say. They were busted. But then after a quick moment of thinking Shannon started to speak. “No ma’am, I was talking to my Teacher Advisor and I told her I forgot my Phys. Ed clothes in the girls change room. She told me to go get them quickly.” “Then why are these two with you?” the woman pointed at the two of them. “Mrs. Maunder said I shouldn’t go alone this late. So my two friends were told to come along with me.” Shannon looked at the old woman. She stood looking at the three of them for a while then said. “Alright good night you three, Get back safely” and she walked off in the other direction. They power walked toward the stairs they were to meet at but Ivan was already there. “It took you guys long enough!” Ivan frowned. “We got a little… caught up.” Jordan said. Garrett looked at Ivan for a minute and then mentioned. “Ivan?” “No duh! You were too focused on the bats in the science room that you didn’t even notice he was here!” Shannon gave a sigh. “But no time now, we have to go!” They ran toward the back doors of the school and across the small field to the lines of tree’s making what looked like a fortress. Jordan looked up to the cloudless sky and wondered what was going to happen in this place? Will nothing happen? Will they die of a wolf? He didn’t know anything could happen in a forest. “Come on, let’s go…” Shannon shivered as she walked into the opening of the trees. Garrett, Ivan and Jordan followed. Mist flew over top of the ground and the tree’s had been black from the dark moonlight. No colour in the forest had been visible, only the white from the moon. They walked for minutes into the darker creepier forest. The tree’s started to get bigger and wider. A few Owls would

occasionally hoot at the night, wolves would howl. “Do you know where we are Jordan? Was any of this in your dream?” Shannon asked looking around at her surroundings. “No, none of this was in it all I saw was a round stone circle, with thin pine trees circling around it.” Jordan said blowing into his hands to keep them warm. “Shannon… Jordan… is that, what you’re talking about?” Ivan shook as he pointed into a deeper extreme part of the trees. Large trees circled around a large open area with leaves rustling on the ground. Ten large stones circled around a large hole in the ground and a stone stood on its own a little ways away reading: Embro Levermente you lead the way to light, bringing joy to the world and the two societies. But when you took the time to move on, the world will be unbalanced withThe stone had been broken off with the rest of the reading and had moss growing on top of it. “I guess, we have to go down?” Shannon shivered as she looked down at a ladder leading into black darkness in the hole below. “Jordan, you go first. Then I will then the other two. You will know what is coming up… most likely.” “Jordan looked into the darkness of the hole and decided to climb down because he didn’t want to start an argument with Shannon. After he finally reached the bottom he could see clearly into what used to be the darkness. Three tunnels lead in different directions and fog flew around in the deep most part of the tunnels. “It’s safe!” Jordan yelled up at the only spot of light coming into the cave. Shannon climbed down a second after he called up. Then Ivan and Garrett clambered down. “Which way should be go?” Garrett asked. “Um, our best bet would be forward, I’m guessing.” Jordan said pointing into the darkness. With a moment of hesitating they decided to move forward. Each one of them held the back of the others hoody except for Jordan who was in the front leading the way. “I wish we had a torch or something…” Ivan said, tripping over a stump. For almost two minutes they kept walking through the passage which got deeper with tons of tree roots. “Jordan I don’t really like this… it seems pretty dangerous down here, it’s as if people haven’t been down here in centuries!” Garrett trembled as a spider flew down from the rough ceiling on its web. “Suck it up Garrett!” Shannon said holding onto Jordan’s hood. With not a second later they made it to an opening of more darkness, except for a faint blue movement falling in to a large round looking basin. “Look, fire torches. Let’s light them.” Shannon said walking to the walls. “Shannon… how are we going to when we have no way of lighting it?” Garrett mumbled.

“I come prepared you tosh pot!” Shannon gave a sudden glance at him. She dug in her pockets until she pulled out a match case and lit the torches on the walls. In an instant the entire circular chamber shone a faintish red and orange from the fires. But as Shannon went to reach the fountain something fidgeted against the wall. “Who’s there? Shannon jerked as she ran behind Garrett. A small moan came from the movement. Ivan had gotten the courage to see what it was. When he reached closer her noticed it was a young girl. “All of you help me! She’s hurt!” Ivan said waving at them to come. They all ran around the figure. “What’s your name?” Shannon asked. “Amanda…” the girl said as she trembled as she started to look at the fountain. Shannon turned to look at the fountain. The blue watery liquid started bouncing and moving in its place until four silvery lights shot from it and landed peacefully on the ground. “Jordan…” Shannon trembled like the girl was doing now. The lights now shone in the pattern of four ominous animals; a Phoenix, a Wolf, a Dragon and an Eagle. For a moment the patterns stood looking back at the four then with a blink of an eye they were throttled toward them and blasted right into their chests. Jordan felt as if a mighty fan had blown in his face with a huge powerful force. Moments in the darkness Amanda got up and walked toward the four. “Here it comes…” she whispered. The Fountain started speaking a high voice of a Woman.

You have only just begun your task Do not try and remove your mask If you do it’s the price you’ll pay Your bed will be ready for you to lay Do not be afraid and do not hast For this may be your last

Seven brown wooden sticks started to spin from the fountain. Slowly spinning faster and moving upward slowly. “AMANDA! What’s happening?” Jordan yelled as the spinning made a pounding noise. “It’s happening… what happened to me…” Amanda shivered. “What happened to you?” Shannon screamed.

Amanda just remained silent while the wood flew even faster. Then with complete unnoticed feeling four of the objects flew at Ivan, Garrett, Shannon and Jordan, hovering. “Grab them… it’s the only thing you can do now.” Amanda said holding one up. Jordan quickly looked at Amanda and grabbed the hovering object in front of him. The others did the same. Four ominous mirrors flew out of nowhere and slammed together on the other side of the fountain. Amanda started to cry. “Amanda it’s going to be alright, let’s go Jordan before anything else happens.” Shannon said reaching for Amanda’s shoulder. Jordan turned as a rippling figure came out of the mirror. “Jordan… don’t you want to know what happened to dear innocent Bridy?” A spark in Jordan’s stomach started to flare so fierce he was about to burst with anger, but he tried his very hardest to contain it. “What do you know about Bridy?” Jordan turned on his heels pointing his newly found object at the man, Corcoran. “I see you found the Wands she was trying to hide? Boy… those are the objects she was hiding… we knew you were looking in at the Dark Lord through your dreams and visions.” Corcoran grinned. “What do you know about Bridy?” Jordan yelled as he did not care that this was the object they were talking about for the entire beginning of school. Corcoran laughed “If you really want to know, fine. Bridy was already marked for death after she had given birth to innocent little Kathy so she put her in hiding and got her friends to help her hide the wands as far away as possible so the Dark Lord couldn’t reach them. Each one of Bridy’s friends died trying to help her hide them but once Bridy was alone with no one to help her she gave in. She wanted to die. Once she was finished we were going to get the wands but no. She hid them here without us knowing!” “You killed our Grandparents?!” Shannon screamed as she and the other three lifted their wands up at Corcoran also. “Put them down you filth… you don’t know how to even use them!” Corcoran yelled. None of them dropped their arms an inch. “Those were your grandparents? This is even more dreadfully great!” Corcoran laughed. “Shut up!” Ivan yelled. “Anyways” Corcoran said ignoring Ivan, “Give me the wands. Since you five don’t know how to use them it will be easier than killing you for them.” “No!” Garrett trembled. “I’m going to ignore that you said that… and I’ll ask politely once again! Give me the wands and no one gets hurt!” Corcoran said holding out his grey sharp nailed hand. “Wait.” Jordan said looking at Corcoran. “Yes?!” he said swinging his head from Garrett to Jordan. “This Dark Lord… Why would he want these wands so much? Are they special? Who is he anyway?” Jordan asked many questions. “Enough! I’ll only tell you if you give me the wands!” Corcoran lurched. “Fine, just tell us!” Jordan barked. “Jordan! What are you doing?” Shannon whispered. “Trust me.” Jordan whispered back.

“The Dark Lord, Centrex, is a man with great potential… he has or had way more standards than any of you Mana people. After he killed Bridy-” Jordan felt like a raging fire inside now but he stayed absolutely calm outside. “-He looked for those wands for nearly a decade… but they were already hidden, his time was up. He was thrown into the Shadow World… where he is being held at this very moment!” Corcoran yelled turning toward the four mirrors. Jordan and the others were straining their eyesight to the mirrors. “But… now that the wands have been found and in the hands of you, He’s coming back… back to get the wands to the rightful owner!” Corcoran laughed. The Mirrors spurred with black flames and red flames. Screams of woman, men and children inside the mirrors were heard from where they stood. Shannon was in tears and Ivan had the angriest face Jordan had ever seen in the entire world. “Now give me the damn wands!” Corcoran yelled. “You still haven’t told us why he needs them…” Jordan slid his wand into his jean pocket. “YOU’VE HAD ALL YOUR DAMN ANSWERS! GIVE THEM TO ME NOW!” Corcoran yelled. “Shush Corcoran… you don’t have to yell to get them.” The same dark shivery voice came clear to Jordan’s ears as well as the others. A human figure with grey hands and a grey face, and deep dark yellow eyes came into view, inside the Mirror. Jordan got a sharp slicing pain on the inside of his hand and his throat went dry it felt like it had swelled up so he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t’t dare look at his palm; he only stared at the mirrors with anger and fear. “Dear boy… you have the wands I was looking for all this time.” Centrex smiled. “You would be a hero if you would give me those wands.” “Jordan don’t do it… he said the exact same thing to me. He’s just going to use them for terror and evil.” Amanda said throwing her arm up at the mirrors. “I didn’t’t think you were here Amanda,” Centrex laughed. “Shut up, your just trying to get the wands to kill us and get out of that horrid world your in!” She yelled at the mirror. “Oh now… why would you four believe that? She might as well be brain washed, give me the wands and all that has happened so far will all just become an object of the past.” Centrex said holding out a hand, but the hand had only made a large crystallized bubble around his hand. “Nothing will ever! Make anything come back! EVEN IF SHE WAS BRAINWASHED IT WOULD HAVE BEEN YOU WHO DID IT!” Garrett yelled. “RUN!” Jordan said turning at the entrance. Shannon without thinking threw her hand in the air with her wand in her grip at the ceiling and out came a streaming dark blue light. The entire ceiling came crumbling to the ground in front of them blocking the mirrors, fountain and Corcoran from getting to them. They ran as fast as they could down the dark passage but something was slowing them down. The roots from the trees were whipping and thrashing at the five of them, cutting their faces slicing their arms, but finally they made it to the ladder and climbed as fast as they could out of the painful underground passage.

Jordan crawled on the grass and tumbled onto his back and looked up at the glowing stars. He made it out alive and what did he get out of it? The wooden stick he now possessed could unlock everything about the evil surrounding Bridy. Even about the Funerals that happened previous to his move to Britain? A black figure covered the stars in front of Jordan’s face, but he did not care, he was too tired to see who the person could be. He closed his eyes only hearing a loud crack and a sound of a large rock being slid across the ground.

Chapter Five The Truth Jordan awoke in the hospital wing by the bright shining sun in the horizon through the window. He sat up against the bed post railing and looked at his hand, remembering the sharp pain he had gotten. He undid his bandages on his hand and to his surprise he a saw a very bloody message. I knew you would run… but next time we meet you’ll be dead… Jordan kept reading the scar on his hand and was afraid that that was only just the beginning of Centrex, not the end.

“Jordan! Are you okay?!” Shannon came bursting through the doors giving him a hug. “I think I am! I’m just sitting here,” Jordan laughed, tucking his hand under the sheets. “Where are the others? How is Amanda? She was so much worse than I am right now.” “She is fine, Marcus was so relieved! He told us she had gone missing for a few weeks.” Shannon murmured as she sat down. “Garrett and Ivan are in the Dining hall eating away.” They both laughed. “Come on dears, it’s time for you two to go and eat.” The nurse said as she folded some blankets. “Come on Jordan.” Shannon giggled pulling his arm.

September whizzed by and October was nearly finished, the leaves had all fallen off their branches; the air had gotten much chillier. Snow would occasionally fall the odd time. School had become a lot more difficult as each of the five tried to hid their new magical potential. It was the end of the day just before English class was finished. “Now I want each and everyone one of you to be finished your study on one famous poet before next Friday! I will expect it done!” The tall thin woman said writing the homework on the board. Then the bell rang. “This is just weird.” Shannon asked walking down the stairs. “Why is that?” Ivan questioned. “First we get this weird family occurrence, and now, now this evil man… is out to kill us! It’s all coming to fast!” Shannon jolted a stare at Ivan’s pocket. “Quiet!” he glanced back over his shoulder. “You do have a point though.” “Hey guys.” Amanda ran up behind them. “Hello Amanda.” They all smiled. “How are you guys?” She asked. “Oh, we’re good, we were about to go to the commons and do some research about magic and everything. You’re welcome to come with us if you want to.” Shannon asked. “Sure I have nothing better to do.” Amanda laughed.

They sat at the very back of the computer Learning Commons so no one would see or suspect anything that they were doing. It took them ten minutes to finally start because of all the other students goofing off and playing a game called Halo on the other computers in there station.

“Magic, search that, it’s pretty basic but it’s a good start.” Garrett pointed at the search bar. “Sure.” Shannon said as she started to type. Tons of links came up with Magic, Mana and Power. The first link that appeared seemed to be a reasonable decision. “Alright click that one, it looks pretty good.” Shannon pointed and clicked. Magic – comes from the root word Mana, Magic is a collection of abilities or strengths of one’s mind, Magic has been seen, used, and researched for many years. Magic, is formally known to be used by the means of a wand, Scientists suggest that wands are made of Elder, Oak, Pine and Willow. Scientists for years have tried to prove that Magic was an object of its Science, but to most people they believe that Magic is its own means (Magic, Science and Religion). Religion on the other hand has tried to disapprove or ignore the idea that Magic exists on planet Earth and if it did, they would most likely try to use it or destroy it. “This doesn’t help as much as we needed and it seems that all the other links just say the same exact things over and over again.” Shannon slumped in her seat. “Hmm, maybe we should write this down just in case?” Garrett questioned. “Go ahead it’s up to you, it doesn’t look like it will be much use.” Shannon said as she scratched her head. “Well if we have these wands and no magic spells to use them with, then what’s the point of keeping them?” Amanda questioned. “You saw what happened in the mirror room in the forest! If this Centrex guy even gets a hold of one… wait, if we have five of the wands from the cave… What happened to the other three?” Ivan yelled then lowered his voice to a small shaky quiver so no one would look at them funny. “What are you talking about?” Jordan asked. “Don’t you guys remember? After the fountains liquid had been spilled into the forms of the animals, seven wands came spiraling and spinning from the fountains mouth, and Amanda had already gotten hers because she was in the chamber for a while!” Ivan informed them as best he could. “That’s right.” Amanda tilted her head. “You’re right Ivan, but if we have five of the wands… what happened to the other three?” Shannon questioned with the most ghostly white face ever. “I don’t know but we have to find them, do you know what could happen if they fell into the hands of whatever his face is?” Ivan shivered. “Well this is good isn’t it?” Jordan asked. “How in the blazes is this good?!” Everyone whispered in an angry voice. “This man wants all the wands doesn’t he? Well we only have five; the other three are

safe from harm… at least I think.” Jordan commented. Just as Jordan had finished speaking the Principal and the secretary had came in through the back doors of the learning commons. “OH NO! CLOSE IT!” Shannon screeched as she tried to close the window on the computer, but it was no use, the principal had already made it to the five of them. “Hello you… oh my…” The Principal shuttered. “Go back to the office Mrs. Stella.” Shannon tried her hardest to not let the Principal see the computer screen. “What are your names young ones?” The Principal asked with a strange look on his face as he tried to see what Shannon was trying to hide. All five of them said their names in the most polite way possible. “Oh dear… I haven’t much time. I’m sorry I can’t chat for a while but I have to be at the office right now, see you later children.” He said taking a handkerchief out from his pocket and rubbing his on his forehead as he walked out. Thunder outside started to crash. “What was wrong with him? We just said our names?” Ivan questioned. “I don’t know but I feel something strange is happening and it had to do something with what we were looking at.” Amanda whispered. Rain started to crash against the windows.

Minutes past as the five of them had left the learning commons and sat at a table to eat lunch. “I still cannot get over why the principal was all edgy?” Shannon asked. “When we saw him in September he was absolutely fine and very happy?” Garrett answered. “Could we have the following students down at the office immediately; Amanda Avondale, Shannon Morin, Garrett Blundon, Ivan Sanchez, Jordan Vasquez, Meghan Bronwyn, Laura Bronwyn and Mady Burke.” The intercom buzzed then repeated one more time. “What have we done? Is it because of the thing the Principal was worried about?” Ivan shivered. “I don’t know, but let’s get it over with,” Jordan said as he stood up.

Once they had gotten to the main office there were the two girls they had met the evening they had gone to the Mirror chamber, but one other girl stood there, she had shoulder length red hair and bright blue eyes. This must have been Mady the intercom had called down. It was only minutes before the silence was broken. “Err; we were called down to the office?” Shannon asked. “Right, come this way please.” The old secretary said as she pointed to the end of the office and into a room on the right. Once all eight of the kids had gotten to the room, the Principal was sitting down at his desk twiddling a pen.

“There you are! Please just stand around my office.” The Principal asked. “Now I have asked all of you to come down here for a very important reason, after the school was quiet and no one was up or wandering the halls, I was the last one to lock up the office. When I had turned off the computer a man had appeared to me by the name of Corcoran.” Jordan and Shannon both looked at each other with shock. “Do you two know anything about this man?” The Principal asked. “Well sir.” Shannon started. “No just call me Luc.” “Well Luc, a few hours before you had locked up the office and the students had gone to their Teacher Advisors, us four; Ivan, Jordan, Garrett and I, We had gone into the forest behind the school in search of a hidden place, a fountain?” Shannon informed him. “Jordan had been having these “day dreams” about Corcoran and an Evil man named Centrex for nearly the whole school year sir, he would hear their conversations about our great grandparents trying to hide something, which are… these wands.” Shannon shivered as she pulled out her wand. “Oh my lord…” Luc wheezed. “I knew this… that is why I called you eight down; you eight have tremendous energy that I have never seen before.” “Sorry sir?” Meghan asked. “You eight… have the Gongorian Wands… Shannon it wasn’t just Garrett, Jordan and your Great Grandparents trying to hide these wands… It was all eight of your Great Grandparents.” Luc trembled as he looked out the drenched window into the trees. “Centrex wanted the wands to regain power and become the man he used to be.” “We saw Centrex inside the Mirror sir, Corcoran talked about him being locked inside the Shadow World?” Amanda said. “Yes my dear, he tried to gain the wands but he was too late, I cornered him and cast the spell on him to send him to the Shadow Realm or World.” Luc sniffed. “The law of the spell clearly stated that once the objects had been found and possessed once again he would be freed from the Shadow Realm and become a strong person then he ever was…” “He hasn’t been released yet though, He is still in the Mirror Realm watching us.” Garrett trembled. “Garrett! Don’t you get it! All those Animals and People in there were dead, he is recruiting an army! He’s basically waiting for the right moment!” Shannon yelled at him. “That’s correct, but it is you eight that have to work together, get stronger, he is getting stronger by the minute… there isn’t any way of stopping him now.” Luc took his handkerchief out again. “Sir, are we the only Mana people here?” Mady asked. “Mady… all of you and nearly half of this school is flourishing with Mana almost all of Britain is a Mana Society also! We hide our abilities from humans because they would think of us as freaks. Mana also was studied, produced, used and made in Britain but as I saw in the learning

commons, you were looking up Mana Shannon… it’s true… Religion and Science are feuding with one another both to destroy and use it as their own.” “That’s horrible! Why would we hide something so important to this society! So what people are like that, look at us we only found out now that we have Mana flowing through our veins! I studied a small amount of it last year in Science; the two were not only fighting for the basis of life but also the fact that magic existed and could control life’s capacity! Now all of us are basically in the middle of all this shit?!” Shannon said angrily. “My dear,” Luc said as he went to kneel beside her. “All of you are indeed in a tight situation… but I know it’s not going to stop any of you from finishing Centrex… hide these wands… hide your strength for now, don’t tell anyone or show anyone these, you are in danger! Hiding our strength’s right now is the best thing to do, believe you me, now I would appreciate it if you five would tell me what happened that night you had witnessed Centrex and Corcoran in the chamber, every piece of information you give me is vital.” All five of them told Luc about what had happened in the school and in the fountain; they mentioned about how they found Amanda inside the cave and hurt badly, the mirrors and the glowing animals. “Hmm… those Animals… they are called SoulAni every person on Earth has a SoulAni they are your soul. Not everyone can see or even feel their SoulAni it’s almost a lifelong partner that will stay with you forever… they give you the strength to carry on and believe in yourself… I feel that you five should give thanks to Mr. Marcus, you were all bleeding and hurt outside the cave after this incident, he sealed it and took you five back to the school… he saved your lives… he knew something was wrong… even though he isn’t as possessive of Magic as I thought.” Luc said scratching his chin. Jordan knew he heard someone just as he went unconscious that night. “Anyways now that we know Centrex is on the rise once again, the staff and I have to teach each and every one of you the way Mana, Spells and everything works, anything unknown could be horrifically deadly. I think we have talked long enough… come here every Cryptic Studies class from now on. It’s quite amusing that all of you have Cryptic Studies together and don’t recognize each other.” Luc laughed. “Show your wand to the secretary when coming for class and most of all, be cautious, anyone in this school can use Magic against you, promise me that… See you tomorrow!” Luc said as he sat down.

Time seemed so slow after they talked with Luc. They were as jittery as possible with every movement of the students walking around the halls giving looks. The five of them sat at a table twisting their heads each and every time someone walked by the table. Ivan was having a sweat attack. “Okay, now look at us… we are freaking out like crazed lunatics! Thinking we are going to die or something by someone walking around us!” “Well Luc talked about the major problems we witnessed Ivan… plus the fact that going to Science and Religion class will be harder than EVER! I have a feeling that if one

word of Magic slips from our mouth the teachers will do something about it… I have Religion… and the teacher looks like someone from the Vatican or something!” Amanda croaked at the four. “What’s his name?” Garrett asked. “Armosos Valier, two months into school and he has been so edgy about the way Religion works, what if he is a part of the Religious rivalry feuding with scientific fact? You never know…” Amanda asked. “I don’t know about him, he might be but we shouldn’t assume but I don’t think our Science teacher is one of the feuding groups. He’s so nice, fun and outgoing!” Shannon said. “Even though he is fun Shannon doesn’t mean you can just assume that he is not one of them.” Ivan informed her. “True…” Shannon said as she kept her voice low. “Jordan you’ve been quiet for so long, what’s the matter?” “Nothing’s the matter… I just feel that we have been focusing on this way too much, and its only October! I know we should keep our guard like Luc said but please can we do something? Keep our minds off of this, for now?” Jordan asked as he twiddled his fingers as he looked up at the drying windows in the small amounts of sunset. “Alright… we should keep our minds off this, let’s go grab some dinner or something at the new are just a few blocks from here.” Garrett said. “Yes! That sounds like a great idea.” Shannon laughed. “You four go ahead I have to do some homework for Religion, see you later!” Amanda waved a goodbye. Jordan’s tension about the darkest man alive was slowly being released and forgotten with the company of his best friends.

Outside on the wet pavement of the School grounds the sun had almost fallen beneath the horizon and students were walking around in the fresh autumn air. The golden sun shone on the four of them as they headed toward the place Marcus had talked about the first day of school. “Look at it!” Ivan said staring at the magnificent buildings of candy shops, motels, coffee shops and restaurants in the distance. “Can it be…? Marcus didn’t say anything about this! It has its own name! Kind of like a town’s name!” Shannon gazed at a large sign.

The Magnificent shop town of Luria

“Come on! Let’s go to that restaurant! I have been craving a burger for almost all summer!” Garrett jolted across the cobble stone path toward the small building.

Chapter Six The Hallowe’en Terror

The Bell on the front door jingled as Garrett, Jordan, Ivan and Shannon walked in. The Restaurant was filled with people eating, laughing, and walking around. Jordan got the same feeling he had after the talk with Luc, some people started to look at him like he robbed a bank, but he chose to ignore the fact some people were doing this so Shannon wouldn’t start talking about what happened with Luc and about Centrex’s release from the Shadow Realm. “Jordan? What are you going to get?” Garrett asked, looking at the choices of burgers that could be bought. Jordan came back to himself from his thoughts. “Oh um I’m not hungry right now, maybe something later?”

“Okay, your decision!” Garrett laughed as he got in line behind everyone else. “Jordan, you and Shannon go get a seat or something when Ivan and I order the food.” “Alright,” Shannon said. They both grabbed a booth by a window looking out toward the school and the forest behind it. “That was scary over there.” Shannon whispered to Jordan, looking out the window. “What was scary?” Jordan asked. “The Fountain… we could have died… I wouldn’t have been able to bear if something happened to you or the others…” Shannon quivered. “But look Shannon we got out, we’re safe!” Jordan whispered. “I know but after that, look! Luc starts talking to us about this man, people have been starting to keep an eye on us like we did something wrong or they know we have these… wands! Meghan had that scary moment in the hall just before we found the fountain and Bridy! Once you heard about Bridy, things started to go to rubbish!” Jordan thought of what she was saying… these horrible events; anything could happen from here on in. The fountain they reached only a month earlier was not the real fountain they thought they had found; all it held were a couple of fluorescent animals and seven wands, but these could possibly save their lives from the darkness that killed his great grandmother and all the innocent people in Britain. Danger could be thrown at them at any moment… all they could do now is listen to Luc’s words and learn what he told them. “Jordan?” Shannon said putting her hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, I’m just thinking…” Jordan lied. “You’re not thinking Jordan… you didn’t reply to what I even said… you have something on your mind, I can tell, I do too, but we both have to forget about it, focus on Luc teaching us about the wands. The fountain is sealed.” Shannon informed him very calmly. “Yeah, let’s focus on something else other than that.” Jordan asked. “Hallowe’en is tomorrow though.” “You’re right! What do you want to do for it tomorrow?” Shannon asked. “I don’t know but I heard that there is going to be festivities in the school! The Great Hall is supposed to have sweets and spooky music! We should go!” Shannon laughed. “We should!” Jordan laughed also.

Moments after, Ivan and Garrett came with a tray of food they bought. Jordan knew Ivan would buy him something; he was always generous that way, even if Jordan didn’t even want something.

“Here you guys are!” Ivan said sitting down opposite Jordan. “Thank you Ivan!” Shannon laughed. “Jordan and I were just talking about tomorrow, since its Hallowe’en tomorrow night we were going to participate in the schools festivals then maybe do something after?” Shannon asked taking a bite of her burger. “Sure! That sounds like fun!” Ivan said stuffing his face with French fries. Shannon started eating but then paused. “Jordan… what is that on your hand?” Jordan felt a quick shiver fall through his body like a weight. “What are you talking about Shannon?” He lied again trying not to worry them. “Yes Jordan! You have a scare on your hand!” She said throwing her Food back on the tray. Shannon read the scarred imprint on the inside of Jordan’s hand. “Oh my God…” Shannon quivered. “What is it?” Garrett asked. “It’s nothing.” Jordan whispered as he pulled his hand from her grip. “Yes Jordan! Obviously it’s something! Why didn’t you show us before?! Here we are trying to forget what was happening and you don’t even show Luc or us!” Shannon started to get angry. “Not here Shannon anyone can hear us!” Ivan whispered. They got out of their seats and walked out of the restaurant into the evening. “Jordan how could you?!” Shannon said getting angry as they walked farther from the school. “Luc said he wanted every vital piece of information!” “Shannon maybe he was afraid? What if he was afraid to tell Luc?” Garrett quivered in her anger. “You want Luc to know that Centrex is now on his way to killing us or not?!” Shannon turned her anger to Garrett now. “Yes, but…” he bowed his head. “What? Luc won’t, won’t help? Is that it?” She growled. “Shannon you have to calm down! We will tell Luc right away! Isn’t that right Jordan?” Ivan asked. “Yeah, I’m sorry Shannon… I was just… afraid; I didn’t want to scare you or anything.” Jordan shivered in the cold air. “Scare me?!” Her anger resurfaced again. “I’m scared right now! Centrex is building an army and you’re just hiding vital information! That’s very smart of you!”

“Shannon! Stop it!” Ivan broke the argument then took Jordan aside. “Jordan, you go to Luc and show him, Garrett and I will take her back to the T.A, we’ll calm her down, alright?” “Okay, I will, see you.” Jordan started to walk in the direction of the School. He slid his sleeve down and heard Shannon’s faint voice saying. ‘What did you do? Where is he going?’

Jordan walked into the School and up the long stairs to the direction of the Principals office. Once he found the room with gold and silver encrusted door frame he knew it was Luc’s Office. Jordan stepped into the room and showed his wand to the Secretary and she let him pass into the second room. “Jordan! Dear boy! Why are you here so late into the evening?” Luc asked. “Well, Shannon and I just had an argument…” He shook in the doorway. “Oh? What’s wrong? Arguments are never good. Please sit down let me talk with you.” Luc asked. Jordan sat down in the empty seat across from Luc sitting in the opposite chair. “Now, what happened? You can tell me anything.” Luc said. “Shannon and I were waiting for Ivan and Garrett to get the food from the restaurant over in Luria when Shannon noticed my hand… it was scarred when I woke up in the morning after the incident in the woods, she asked if I had shown you yet, but I haven’t. Then she got angry at me and mentioned that you wanted every piece of information… I just didn’t-.” “Jordan its fine, I’m glad that you came to me when you did. If you hadn’t have come then I would have been a little bit upset, but for now just be glad that all of you are safe. Now show me what this scar says.” Luc asked. Jordan lifted his sleeve and showed Luc the palm of his hand.

I knew you would run… but next time we meet you’ll be dead…

Luc read it Jordan’s hand over and over again for the longest time. Every time he read it his face seemed grow whiter and paler. “Jordan…” Luc shivered as he gently pushed Jordan’s hand back toward him. “I know… I meant to show you earlier but-.” “No Jordan… It’s not that, it’s the fact that this is even more dangerous then what I have expected… we have to keep our ground, I have to start teaching you straight away.” Luc sighed. “The Dark Lord is rising faster than ever…” “Excuse me sir?” Jordan asked.

“Yes Jordan?” “I know you mentioned little of this but who is Centrex?” “Please don’t say his name,” Luc asked. “Sorry,” “Oh, it’s fine… Centrex or before he called himself that .His name was Sean Zerphoxious, I had taught him here at Wandsworth for two years but in the beginning of his third year here his parent’s died in an accident, the anger and fear that struck him so hard made him go mad. I tried as hard as I could to free him from the anger, but nothing I did helped him. He soon ran away from this school in hopes that something could help him bring his parents back, but nothing of Mana could or can bring the dead back to life. The more he tried the more he got angry and started killing innocent humans. Finally, Bridy whom I had been friends with, founded the eight Gongorian Wands Sean wanted so desperately. They happened to be passed down through her ancestry; she took her own life to hide the wands from him. Then we come to what I mentioned about the spell I cast. Ten years he tried to find them but nothing worked, he was sent to the Shadow Realm until the Wands were possessed once again, and you are one of the possessors.” “He killed innocent people? Just to find where these wands were?” Jordan asked. “Yes, his followers helped him also, once he was thrown into the Shadow Realm they gave up on looking for him, but now that he has returned, his army is larger than ever before.” “That is why you’re going to teach us? Is that why we have these wands?” Jordan asked. “No, you possess Mana passed down through generations and the eight wands are passed down in your family’s name, the wands are only a powerful possession, the Mana inside of you is the thing that is most powerful.” Luc breathed deeply. “Well it’s getting late tomorrow is Hallowe’en and the festivities will be starting later in the evening then, I hope you come and enjoy! Good night!” Luc waved.

Jordan walked into the T.A room, Shannon and Garrett sat on the couch looking into the deep flames of the fireplace. He walked midway until Shannon turned around and jumped for a hug. “There you are! What took you so long?” Shannon asked in a worried voice. “I was talking to the Principal like you wanted me to.” Jordan said looking at Garrett’s worried face behind Shannon. “Good! What did he say about it?” she asked. “He was just glad that I showed him, he is even more worried than you. The most of all he talked about Centrex’s past.” “Oh?” Shannon shrugged, Garrett stood up now.

Jordan told both of them about what Luc said about the Dark Lords past. “My God that is awful!” Shannon shivered. “Well, he did kill a lot of people just for the location of the wands, what do you think he wanted them for?” Garrett asked. “I don’t know but that’s one thing we have to find out on our own.” Jordan croaked. “Let’s go to bed, tomorrow is a big day, a spooky day of that, Wait, what happened to Ivan?” “He left, it was getting late.” Garrett said walking up the stairs. “Oh, well tomorrow I will tell him everything is alright. Good night Shannon.” Jordan said following Garrett. Shannon walked up to the fire, gave a deep sigh and dosed the fire.

Jordan woke up to stumbling and running around the room, like a dog chasing its own tail. “Jordan ! Wake up! We’re going to be late for class!!” Garrett said quickly getting a sock on. Jordan sat up in his bed and gave both a yawn and a giggle. He waited until Garrett noticed it was a Saturday. He ran out of the bed room and moments later he came back to the room and sat on his bed. “It’s Saturday...” “You finally figured that out!” Jordan laughed. “Shut up!” Garrett mumbled throwing his books behind him. Half an hour later when Jordan was finished getting ready, they both walked down to the Teacher Advisor room and saw Luc standing at the window looking down at the trees. “Luc, Is something wrong?” Garrett asked. “No, I was just waiting for the teacher, but it seems she isn’t here right now. I was going to ask her to send you two down to my office, Cryptic Studies cannot wait. Come now I have to teach you. After we are done you can participate in the Hallowe’en festivities.” “Alright” Jordan said with shock.

They followed behind Luc to his office. “Class... on a Saturday... what next...” Garrett angrily said. Once they reached the classroom, Shannon was already seated in a chair. “Shannon, why is it that your always awake and ready before us?”

“Maybe I have my priorities straight?” Shannon snoopily said. “Now is not the time to fight.” Luc asked. “Yeah Shannon don’t fight with me!” Garrett whispered. “Shut up!” Shannon grumpily growled. “Stop fighting two! I called you three down here because I will be leaving for a while to the School District meeting. That means I will not be here for a month, I already told the others and gave them this book.” Luc said, reaching into his desk drawer. “You can’t Luc! What about us! What if something happens? What if Centrex get’s to us!” Jordan exclaimed. “That’s what these books are for, I want you to promise me that you will study these books, learn the spells, they will help you only if you learn and understand the spells.” Luc said reaching to the three. “You can’t Sir!” Shannon growled. “Promise me!” His deep voice rang. Shannon gave a long pause the replied. “We promise...” Jordan looked at the book he received and it was published:

Spells for the Magic at Heart

“Sir Where did you get these books?” Jordan asked. “Don’t worry about that right now. Focus on studying those books. I will see you three in December.”

The three left and Garrett quickly jolted off in the opposite direction Shannon was going. “What is wrong with you two?” Jordan questioned, looking backward to see Garrett through the bundles of people, but he was gone. “Nothing is wrong why?” Shannon said still walking a heavy pace that Jordan couldn’t keep up to while walking. “Well obviously there is Shannon. He stepped into the room and you two automatically started to argue. Something is wrong and I can tell.” Jordan said putting his hand on her shoulder. She quickly shrugged it off, and opened a door to the stairs that lead to the main floor. “Can we go get something to eat? I haven’t eaten at all this morning and I really want to read this book. I want to learn about the Mana.” She said changing the subject.

“Sure why not.” Jordan shrugged his shoulders trying not to start an argument.

The food on the table was hot, warm and tasty. Jordan filled his plate with Bagels, Pancakes, Muffins, and Cinnamon Buns. Shannon on the other hand wasn’t eating breakfast at all; she was reading the book Luc gave her over and over again. Chattering and laughs were heard from the other tables of the school, until a teacher had stepped up and gave a cough. Everything went silent. “Good morning students, I do not know it you have heard that Luc is gone to a conference meeting with the School District, but while he is absent I will take over his post for now. As of today, Hallowe’en is this evening! We would like all the students who are helping out with the Festivities stay here in the dining hall while all others please move to T.A or somewhere relaxing. Thank-you! See you all this evening for Hallowe’en!” The tall woman asked. She then went back to her seat. Students started to pour out of the dining hall, along with Shannon and Jordan. “What do you want to do?” Shannon asked, Still intrigued by what Luc had told her to read. “I don’t know? Do you want to go outside or something?” Jordan asked. “Sure.” Shannon said, focusing on the book.

Outside was chilly and the air had been even thinner than the evening before, but the sun was shining down on them as if it was summer with orange grass and leaves. They both said down in the shade beside the school walls and picked at the grass. “Jordan you should be reading this book!! You’re not doing anything!” Shannon asked, finally looking at him and not the book. “I really should, but I’m not in the mood for school work on a Saturday...” he mumbled. “There you guys are!” Ivan yelled from the other side of the field. “Ivan!” Jordan laughed, trying to get away from reading. “I was looking all over for you guys! I have good news and bad news...” he said, Shannon finally closed the book and listened to what Ivan had to say. “Give us the bad news first.” Jordan asked. “Well the bad news... I was up in my T.A and I heard that Amanda was transferred to a new school in Ireland...” Ivan shivered. “That’s ... why!” Shannon jolted as she put her book on the grass beside her.

“Well her parents were feeling something horrendous is going to happen... a war. No fist fight you get with an enemy, no she said something of a supernatural cause-.” “Centrex...” Shannon said finishing off his sentence. “Exactly what I thought...” Ivan shivered. “Isn’t this good?” Jordan cut in. “Are you mad?! How in hell is this good!?” Shannon and Ivan growled at him at the same moment. “Amanda has one of the wands Centrex wants! He doesn’t even know she is in Ireland! He most likely thinks she is still with us, He noticed her and even hurt her in the Fountain’s Chamber, the wand she has is safe! He has only the possibility of getting seven of the wands! Not enough to fulfill what he wanted the eight for. This is why it is good she moved.” Jordan mumbled. “Are you... you’re right... but we just lost a friend...” Shannon said slumping up against the wall. “We didn’t even get to say goodbye...” Ivan gave a whimper. “But you know what guys? I have a feeling we are going to see her very soon. Trust me.” Jordan smiled. They both lifted their heads and smiled back at Jordan.

A couple hours had passed. Jordan and Ivan were lying in the sun, knowing that they wouldn’t feel this heat until late May. Shannon started to read her book again, now taking her wand out and twisting her wrist around. For minutes it was silent then Ivan gave the first words. “Where is Garrett?” Shannon lifted her head toward Ivan and gave an evil glare as if she just heard him call her stupid. Ivan leaned over to Jordan and whispered into his ear. “What’s got her head in a knot?” “I don’t know... they have been arguing all day now. I don’t know where Garrett has gone to.” Jordan whispered back. “Just because your whispering doesn’t mean I can’t hear you...” Shannon grumbled with her head in her book. “Forget I asked.” Ivan mumbled.

The sun was at its highest point when Jordan finally got up and squinted into the blue sky.

“I’m going to go inside and she how the Dining Chamber is coming along, Ivan do you want to come?” Jordan asked. “Of course I will! Are you coming Shannon?” Ivan stood up, shook off the grass and asked her. “No... I’m going to study more. I will meet up with you guys this evening.” She said impatiently. Ivan and Jordan walked through the school doors and into the now jack-o’-lantern, candle, and spooky music filled room. Teachers were carving pumpkins and students helping out were decorating the walls with art class ghosts and witches. But in the middle of the whole entire Chamber a Christmas tree shaped tower of jack-o’-lanterns were towering twelve feet up into the air. The pumpkins had spooky, funny and plain out weird glowing faces. The two of the boy’s mouths dropped with complete fascination. “Doesn’t mean we can’t add a little magic to this school can we?” said the tall woman who had talked earlier this morning at breakfast. “Oh! I’m so sorry! I haven’t introduced myself! I’m Mrs. Stella. I’m pleased to meet the both of you! I’m the Spell... I mean... the Social Studies teacher. Don’t be afraid to talk to me once in a while!” She gave a long pause. “Well I’ll be... you two are in my Social Studies class aren’t you? Well I’m so sorry! Enough about school work right now. It’s Hallowe’en! Would you two be helpful enough to carve pumpkins for us?” Stella asked. Jordan and Ivan looked from her to the pumpkin tower then into each other’s eyes then back to her. “Yes!” The two of them laughed.

The sun had started to set over the horizon through the windows. Pumpkins were carved and the room was very dark, ominous, and most of all, spooky. The Intercom called out to the school asking that all students be escorted to the dining room (Now a large spooky ball room). In a few minutes time student’s started to come into the room with fascination and wide smiles. Shannon found Ivan and Jordan standing in front of the large jack-o’-lantern tower. “This is fascinating! Did you two help out with this?!” Shannon laughed lookup at the twelve foot high tower. “Yes! It was so much fun! We didn’t get to eat anything though.” Ivan said rubbing his stomach. The other two laughed. Shannon seemed to be in a great mood. Garrett had shown up later into the evening where students were having a great time in the spooky, glowing chamber. Shannon showed no sign of being angry when Garrett had shown up. Shannon looked at her watch and it was already ten at night. “Guys it’s really warm in here. Do you want to head outside and get some fresh air?” “Sure! Let’s grab some drinks or something I’m boiling!” Ivan asked.

“Okay us three are going to head outside, we will wait for you at the front of the school.” Jordan said. A few minutes later Ivan came outside with four plastic cups of punch, the four of them walked in the cool moist grass. Fog covered most of the ground, but it was still a very great and enjoyable night. Luria had children running around trick-or-treating at some of the houses. They all found a few rocks to sit on by a pond, before the forests entrance. “Isn’t it just weird?” Garrett asked. “What’s weird?” Jordan asked in confusion. “Look, all four of us were split up after school last year and now... now we’re back together in the world that was just thrown at us?” Garrett shivered, as he looked into the mist. “Aren’t you happy that all of us are together again and not in different sides of the world?” Ivan smiled. “Yes, but this whole magic thing... how are we supposed to do this... we can’t do this all on our own.” Garrett said. “I know we can’t Garrett, but we’ve got each other. We can help each other through this. Whatever happens, we will pull through and help each other no matter what.” Shannon smiled. “You’re right Shannon.” Garrett smiled. Just as Garrett finished speaking, a twig in the forest snapped. “What was that?” Garrett shivered. “It was probably an owl or something, no big deal.” Ivan said taking a drink of his punch. Just as Ivan mentioned an owl, one flew over top of their head and Garrett threw his punch into the air and it spilled all over a rocks. “Good going you smarty!” Ivan laughed, along with the others. As they stopped laughing at Garrett and his incident they heard a howl just at the border of the trees. Shannon stood up more on the rock and took out her wand. “This isn’t funny! We know it’s Hallowe’en! Don’t try and scare us!” Yellow eyes appeared in the spaces between the trees and swiftly disappeared behind another. A few moments later, the yellow eyes came out from the trees and under the full moon a large, lanky wolf like creature stood hunched over and looking at the four shocked teenagers. “This isn’t funny! Take off the costume right now! You don’t scare us!” Shannon squealed.

The animal just stood staring at them with its yellow glowing eyes. It looked upset and scared. “Take it off right now!” Ivan yelled. Now sliding to hide behind Jordan, The creature started to look more irritated than anything; it started to growl at them, then hurdled toward them as fast as it could. “Run!” Shannon yelled. As she jumped off the rock and ran in the direction of the school, it jumped right over top of her head and turned to face her. Shannon slowly backed away from it while it slowly crawled up in front of her. A rock then flew over Shannon’s head and smacked into the creatures head. It growled and looked behind Shannon. Garrett was standing farther behind with Jordan and Ivan also. “Don’t touch her!” He yelled. The Werewolf took its eyes off of Shannon and hurtled toward Garrett. Shannon panted harder than ever in shock, she knew that yelling would just make the Werewolf come back at her, but it was the only way. “HELP, ANYONE PLEASE HELP US!” Shannon yelled, but all could be heard was the partying coming from the School’s dining hall. The Werewolf shifted again moments before it had slashed Garrett square in the face. Jordan and Ivan were lying on the ground trying not to make movement. “Get over here you big buffoon!” Shannon yelled and started running backward again. The Werewolf dashed toward Shannon and into the dark gloomy mist. Everything went quiet. Garrett pulled Ivan and Jordan up standing motionless in the lone darkness. “SHANNON!” Garrett started too yelled out; Ivan and Jordan held Garrett back from dashing into the darkness also. “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!” he said squirming in their arms. “We can’t Garrett we have to wait... we don’t want you hurt either...” Ivan tilted his head. “NO!” He pushed through their arms and ran into the darkness. Jordan tilted his head down to the grass, Ivan crossed his arms and laid them on Jordan’s shoulders thinking that Shannon could be badly injured and Garrett was next. The next moment was so joyful yet very scary. Garrett came hurdling through the darkness holding Shannon’s hand. Shannon grabbed Jordan’s hand and he grabbed Ivan’s. The Werewolf was behind them running and howling in the darkness. The air flying through their hair was ice cold and the fog on the ground was breaking away in their footsteps like ice. Ivan looked back once in a while to see how close the Werewolf was and it was right on their tail. Garrett quickly sides stepped and pulled the other three to the left. The Werewolf ran for a couple meters and stopped. They all let go of each other and ran the way they had came, back toward the School.

The Werewolf turned around and sniffed the air. Its growls shook the earth with furry. It ran faster than it was before. The four ran to the side of the School and were cornered against its impenetrable stone walls. The Werewolf slowed down and came to a halt just in front of the four, gave a snarl and lifted its large grey claw. Shannon felt a force of anger she hadn’t ever felt before pulsing through her veins. She took her wand out and pointed it at the Werewolf’s head and screamed. “Angora!” A large force of light shot from her wand and blasted the Werewolf onto its back a few feet away. Getting to its hind legs it looked back toward Shannon and the others. Wobbling on its legs it fell backward onto the dark hazy ground.

Chapter Seven

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