Malignan Hipertermia

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  • October 2019
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Propofol History 1970's: from hypnotic substituted "hindered" phenols arose:

2,6-diisopropylphenol 1977: First clinical trial. Initially in cremaphor EL -> anaphylactoid reaction. So, new formulation developPhysicochemical Considerations

2,6-diisopropylphenol SAR: increasing length of 2,6 side chains up to about 7 or 8 C atoms:  increased sleep time


increased potency

decreased induction time

Further increase in length of side chains longer than about 8 C atoms:  decreased potency  slower induction 

prolonged recovery

Present form:  20 ml amps or 50 ml vials: o propofol 1% o

soybean oil 10%


glycerol 2.25%


egg phosphatide 1.2%

pH 7-8


no antimicrobial preservatives

compatible with D5W

ed: emulsion in use today.



Liver glucuronate & sulfate conjugation -> excreted in urine (70% in 24 hours, 90% in 5 days). Metabolites probably inactive. Cl exceeds hepatic blood flow. Extrahepatic metabolism has been shown during liver transplantation.

Pharmacokinetics 2 and/or 3 compartment models 3 compartment model (2 distribution phases)  T1/2(distrib) = 2-8 minutes  T1/2(redistrib) = 30-60 minutes 

T1/2(elim) = 4-7 hours ("deep" compartment allows accumulation with prolonged infusion)

Vdss = 2-10 L/kg

Vd(peak effect) = 300 ml/kg

Cl = 20-30 ml/kg/min


older age: decreased Cl (so reduce dose)

Pharmacodynamics CNS

NOT an analgesic (but not antanalgesic as thiopental) in fact, causes local pain on injection

hypnosis in 1 arm-brain time (2.5 mg/kg)

Mechanism of Action: Probably related to action at or near the GABA receptor that enhances the inhibitory effect of GABA on neurotransmission.

lower doses -> slower onset (but less bad side effects)

duration 5-10 minutes (2-2.5 mg/kg)

subhypnotic doses -> sedation and amnesia and antemesis

alter mood less than thiopental

general sense of well being; 'amorous' ideation reported

hallucination and opisthotonus have been reported

EEG: 2.5 mg/kg + infusion ->


log blood concentration proportional to %delta/%beta


seizure effect unclear 

has been used effectively to treat seizures

briefer seizure activity after ECT compared to Brevital

lowers ICP (normal and patients with high ICP) o

+ fentanyll -> less ICP response to ETT


normal CO2 response


patients with high ICP: MAP may drop more than ICP -> decreasing CPP


lowers IOP 35% acutely (> thiopental)

relevant Cp's (depends also on age and concurrent medications) o

Cp50 for loss of response to verbal commands = 2.3 - 3.5 mcg/ml


maintenance: 1.5-6 mcg/ml


awakening: < 1.6 mcg/ml


orientation: < 1.2 mcg/ml

Uses, Doses Induction and Maintenance of General Anesthesia

Induction: 1-2.5 mg/kg Maintenance: 50-200 mcg/kg/min +/- N2O or opioid or ketamine

ED95 2.25-2.5 mg/kg

Onset 1 arm-brain time

Duration: 3-6 minutes

Pediatrics: not much change


maybe 3 mg/kg induction dose in healthy young children


slightly higher maintenance doses may be expected

Fast recovery and return of psychomotor function o

within 8-10 minutes after up to 2 hours infusion


almost as fast as desflurane and with less nausea and vomiting

Cardiac surgery o

not associated with hypotension if boluses are avoided


no change in coronary sinus flow, MVO2, or myocardial lactate extraction

Cp required: 2.5-6 mcg/ml


TIVA: propofol + ketamine o

propofol:ketamine = 4:1 (or even 8:1 for less painful procedures)


stable hemodynamics


no negative dreaming or abnormal behavior

Sedation  

Readily titratable, rapid recovery, by infusion ICU: 4 days sedation -> o

10 minutes to recover


Cp for sedation stable 96 hours (no tolerance)

25-60 mcg/kg/min

amnesia - yes

compared to midazolam


equal or better control


more rapid recovery (and extubation)

PCS, patient controlled sedation, has been reported effective

Precautions Side effects  Pain on injection o less than or equal to etomidate pain but greater than usually painless thiopental o

minimize by mixing with lidocaine or pre-administering lidocaine (0.5-1 mg/kg)

Significantly increased risk of bradycardia compared with other anesthetics (Tramer et al, 1997) Overall NNH (number-needed-to-harm) = 11.3 Pediatric strabismus surgery: NNH = 4.1


Myoclonus (thiopental < propofol < etomidate or methohexital) Apnea (less with infusion; avoid boluses)

Hypotension (especially with narcotics; less with infusion)

Phlebitis (rare)

Reported to cause tissue necrosis on subcutaneous extravasation in small children *

Respiratory  

qualitatively similar to barbiturates apnea after induction dose: 25-40% o

more likely to last longer than 30 seconds


function of dose, speed of injection, other medications

2.4 mg/kg -> o

slower respiratory rate for 2 minutes


smaller VT for 4 minutes

100 mcg/kg/min ->



slightly less CO2 response (compared to 3 mg/kg thiopental)


VT 40% less, respiratory rate 20% greater

200 mcg/kg/min -> o

only slightly more depression of VT


expect paCO2 low 50's

Cardiovascular System 

Induction bolus 2-2.5 mg/kg: o BP DOWN: systolic, diastolic, and mean: 24-40% o

CI, SV DOWN 15-20%


LVSWI down 30%


HR little changed or significant bradycardia *


vasodilation + myocardial depression

Less depression of CI with spontaneous ventilation (compared to controlled ventilation)

More CV depression in the elderly and debilitated

Less CV depression with an induction infusion (avoid boluses)

Maintenance o

systolic BP 25% less than preop


100 mcg/kg/min + spontaneous ventilation on room air: 

CI and SV unchanged

HR relatively unchanged


MVO2 and myocardial blood flow lower


Myocardial O2 supply:demand ratio probably preserved


ETT: returns BP to baseline


Other -- some nice negatives: Does NOT:  potentiate NM blockers  trigger MH 

cause nausea or vomiting

affect steroid synthesis or ACTH response

alter hepatic or fibrinolytic function

cause histamine release

Propofol - References Texts Hemelrijck JV and White PF: Nonopioid Intravenous Anesthesia. In Clinical Anesthesia, Third Edition. Lippincott-Raven, 1997 Reeves JG, Glass PSA, Lubarsky DA: Nonbarbiturate intravenous anesthetics. In Anesthesia, Fifth Edition. Churchill Livingstone, 2000

Journals 

Sebel PS: Propofol. Curr Rev Clin Anesth 12(14):113-120, 1992 White PF: Propofol: Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics. Seminars in Anesthesia VII(1,sup1):4-20, 1988 Roth W, Eschertzhuber S et al: Case report. Extravasation of propofol is associated with tissue necrosis in small children. Pediatric Anesthesia 16:887-889, 2006 Tramer MR, Moore RA, McQuay JH: Propofol and bradycardia: causation, frequency and severity. British Journal of Anaesthesia 78:642-651, 1997


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