Malayan Heritage

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Philippine History Malayan Heritage A. Food and Drinks Rice – staple food of the Filipinos Other foods: Carabao meat, pork, chicken, sea turtles, fish, bananas, etc. Cook and store food and water in earthen pots and bamboo tubes. Ate with fingers They made fire Wines: tuba – coconut wine basi – sugarcane – Ilocano pangasi – fermented rice – Bisayan lambanog – cocnut palm – Tagalog tapuy – rice - Igorot B. Mode of Dressing Men Kangan – collarless, short-sleeved jacket Bahag – strip of cloth wrapped around the waist and legs Putong – a piece of cloth wound around the head No shoes Jewelry – gold necklace, gold armlets (kalombigas), and gold anklets filled with precious stones Women Baro – wide-sleeved jacket Patadyong – a cotton cloth wrapped around their waist that extends to the feet. Jewels – gold necklace, bracelet, earrings and tings filed with gems. -they are both barefoot - inserted gold between teeth C. House Materials: Wood, bamboo, palm leaves Batalan – a gallery where the jars of water and others They have tree houses and boathouses D. Natural courtesy and politeness Equal rank – remove putong Superior – Remove putong, hang on left, bow Conversation: uses “po” Walking together: men behind women - bathe daily – sunset hour, when everything is done - wash their feet before entering the house

E. Amusement/ Music/ Dances - Filipinos are fond of merriment - celebrate good harvest, wedding, religious sacrifice and victory in war - games: carabao race, wrestling, fencing, boat-race, stone throwing contest Some musical instruments Kudyapi – Taglog guitar

Kalaleng – Tinggian nose flute Kulintang – Moro xylophone Tultogan – Bisayan bamboo drum Siulbay – Ilocano reed flute Suracan – Subanun cymbal Dances and songs express aspects of life such as love, war, labor, religion and death Kumintang – Tagalog love dance Mahinhin – Tagalog courtship dance Dandansoy – Bisayan tuba dance Kinnotan – Ilocano art’s dance Paujalay – Moro wedding dance Tadek – Tinggian love dance Dallu – Negrito religious song Ayog-ku – Igorot serenade song Bactal – Tagbanua death song Dallot – Ilocano ballad song Tudob – Agusan harvest song F. Marriage customs/ ceremony - Custom: Marry within own rank (nobleman to a noblewoman) - no strict prohibition - bigaykaya – a dowry given by the groom to the bride before marriage - The boy renders service to the girl’s family before marriage - a priestess officiates the union of couples and when ceremony is over, rice is thrown to all the guests. - They practiced divorce on the ff. grounds: 1) adultery of wife 2) desertion of husband, 3) loss of affection, 4) cruelty, 5) insanity, and 6) childlessness G. Government/ Laws Barangay – refers to settlements and is considered independent kingdom from “balangay” a sailboat used by Malays in going to the Philippines consisted of 100 families Big barangays Sugbu (Cebu) , Maktan (Mactan), Bigan (Vigan), Maynila (Manila) – more than 2,000 families Datu, hari, rajah – leader of barangay – obtained position by inheritance Chief executive, legislator and judge - There was no national government, only independent barangays - There were oral and written laws - ugali – customs that serves as oral laws handed down from one generation to generation - written laws – promulgated by the datus - umalahokan – barangay crier to announce the written laws - the only written laws were from H. Religion except Muslims in Mindanao, ancient Filipinos were pagans Bathala – supreme God, creator of heaven and earth - Below are other gods and goddesses Anitos/ diwatas early Filipinos worship ancestral spirits Katalona/ baylana – offers sacrifice to the anitos Animistic – worship of nature (mountains, rivers, trees etc. Belief in life after death (good soul – kalualhatian; bad soul – kasamaan) I. Burial and Mourning Customs


burial customs exist because of life after death like Egyptians larao – a mourning customs for a deceased datu every activity is suspended at the death of datu such as harvest, war, quarrels and travels

J. Superstition asuang – a witch in the form of animals mangkukulam – cause people to die by pricking a toy with magic pin tianak – a creature that sucks blood through its elongated proboscis Tigbalang – appears in the form of dog, horse or old man to deceive his victims anting-anting – amulets that make the owner invulnerable to iron weapons gayuma – a love potion which arouse a woman’s affection K. Languages/ Writing/ Literature/ Education - we belong to the Malayo-Polynesian language – mother tongue of the Pacific races - Filipinos have various languages Sipol – a sharp, pointed iron instrument used for writing - they wrote in leaves and tree barks - wrote from left to right - with 3 vowels (a, e-I, o-u), 14 consonants (b, k, d, g, h, l, m, n, ng, p, s, t, v, y) Oral literature – 1) myths and legends on origin of man, woman, animals, plants etc, 2) songs and poems on deeds of heroes 3) fables and proverbs (sawikain), riddles (bugtong) Existing oral literature – Darangan – Maranao, Hud-hud – Ifugao, Biag ni Lam-ang – Ilokanos Education, mostly informal in which children study in the homes Formal education existed in Panay, Bothoan – a regular barangay school teaching Sanskrit language, reading, writing, arithmetic, war etc. L. Arts/ Sciences/ Weights and Measures/ Calendars - Architecture of bahay kubo and other houses suitable for tropical climate - painted their bodies with colorful artworks such as animals and other geometrical figures - they also cared statues and designs of boats and houses - they knew the value of medicinal plants, medicine was associated with magic - Astronomy was also known especially applied to sailing boats in the direction of moon and stars - Engineering – built irrigation, ditches, rice terraces and forts. Mathematics – counting – isa (1), puo (10), daan (100), libo (1000), angao (million), kati (ten million) gahala (one hundred million) - talaro – a kind of balance for weights and scales Kaban – 25 gantas Salop – one ganta Kaguitna – ½ ganta Gatang – 1 chupa Dipa – length of the tip of thumb until the middle finger extended Tumuro – length of the tip of the thumb Sandamak – length of the with of the hand with five fingers pressed together Sandali – width of one finger

Calendars Bisayan calendar – 12 months a year, 7 days a week, 30 days a month except last month which has 26, 356 days a year. Ifugao calendar – 13 months and 364 days a year, 28 days a month. M. Domestic and Foreign Trade/ Coinage Piloncitos – conical shaped ancient gold coins found between Bataan and Manila Barter – a trade practice by exchanging goods instead of money - Ancient Filipinos traded with China, Japan, Siam (Thailand), Malacca, India, Borneo, Sumatra, Java and other Oriental lands. - The Chinese found that Filipinos were honest in trade relations (Ju-kua, 1225 and Wang Tayuan, 1349) N. Agriculture and Industries 2 methods of farming 1. kaingin method – land was cleared through burning and holes were dug through stick and the seed is allowed to grow there 2. regular tillage – use of wooden plows and carabaos, irrigation (Ifugao) - There was private and public ownership of land - Industries include: fishing, mining, lumber, weaving, metalwork, weaponry, wine-making, poultry and stock-raising. Values: 1. Ancients Filipinos were already highly civilized and developed culture with arts and sciences, government education etc. 2. Ancient Filipinos were free from foreign domination 3. They live peacefully within their kingdom and in relationship with others because they like to have good relations

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