Magna Carta Of Students

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R e publicof the Philippines House of Representatives Quezon City F OURTEENTHCONGRESS Second RegularSession H OUSEBILL NO

(ln substitutionof HouseBill Nos.332,2520and 2584) Introducedby Reps. Edcel G. Lagman,Rufus B. Rodriguezand Ana TheresiaHontiverosBaraquel

AN ACT PROVIDING FORA MAGNACARTAOF STUDENTS Be it enactedby the Senafeand House of Representatives of the Philippinesrn Congress assemb/ed Section1. ThisActshallbe knownas the"MagnaCartaof Students."

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Sec. 2. Declarationof Policy. - The State: ( a ) Declaresits commitment to protectand promotethe rightsand welfareof Filipinostudentsin



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accordance with severalinternational humanrightsagreements, includingthe International Convention on Civil and PoliticalRights,International Convention on Economicand Social Rights,the Universal Declaration on HumanRights,International Convention on the Rightsof theChild,andtheConvention on the Elimination of All Formsof Discrimination AgainstWomen; Declares its commitment to protectand promote the physical, mental,spiritual, intellectual and socialwell-being of theyouth; Declares its commitment to promotethe rightsof all citizensregardless of sexualorientation, creed,socio-economic political status,physical condition, andreligious beliefsor affiliation; Declaresits commitment to protectand promotethe rightsof studentsto enablethem to participate activelyand effectively in the democraticprocessesof effectingprogressive and developmental changes in society; Recognizes thateducation is a rightandas suchit canonlybe exercised andenjoyed fullyin a climatewhere the rightsand welfareof studentsand young Filipinosare promotedand protected; Acknowledges thateducation is an important institution in ensuring thatall Filipinos are ableto participate fullyin nation-building patriotism andthe societyand in inculcating and nationalism, criticaland creative thinking, and valuesnecessary to promotecivilliberties, humanrightsand fundamental freedoms; Affirmsthat studentshavethe rightto meaningful participation processes in decision-making insideand outsideeducational institutions, especially in the craftingandformulation of polices affectingstudents,and the promotion of this rightis an integralpartof the nation'sdemocratic processes;

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(h) Affirmsthatthefundamental rightto expression of students, andsuchrightshallbe unabridged andautonomous fromtheinfluences of educational institutions;and (i) Affirmsthe students'right to organize,which encompasses the rightto establishstudent governments. organizations, studentunions, andstudent councils and Sec. 3. Guiding Principles.- ThisAct declaresthe followingas basicguidingprinciples: (a) The formaleducationalsystembeingthe principalinstitutional mechanismfor imparting knowledgeand developingskills shall be given priorityattentionand supportby the g o v e r n me n t. (b) Educationis a right and not a mere is thereforethe responsibility of the Stateto providequalityeducationaccessible to all. (c) Studentorganizations enhancedemocraticprocesseson the campus.Membershipand activeparticipation in studentorganizations, alliancesand federationswhich promote protect and students'rightsand welfareand/orcontributeto nationaldevelopmentshall be guaranteedby the Stateand schoolauthorities. (d) Studentorganizations shall not be subjectto rulesand regulations that undulyhamper theiractivitiesand are prejudicial to theirobjectivesand interests. (e) Studentcouncils/governments beingthe most representative of the studentryand the highestexpressionof studentpoweron the campusshallhavethe rightto participatein the formulationof schoolpoliciesdirectlyaffectingstudents. (0 Student publicationsshall serve as the principal medium for free expression, disseminationof information,and interactionamong the differentsectors of the academiccommunity. (g) With their democraticrightsguaranteed,studentscan serve as a potentand cogent force in the country'nationalist socialtransformation. SEC.4. Definitionof Terms.- As used in thisAct, the followingtermsshallmean: (a) Student"- any person enrolledin school in the secondary,post secondary,tertiary, graduate and postgraduateincluding those enrolled in vocational and technical education. (b) "School"- any private,public or government-run and funded academiceducational institution offeringany or all coursesin the above-mentioned levels. (c) "SchoolCampus"- the totalityof all contiguousor proximatebuildings,groundsand other facilitiesdesignatedby the schoolauthoritiesas areas or facilitiesfor the use of theirstudents. (d) "GoverningBoard"- the highestpolicymakingbody of the schoolsuch as: Board of Directors,Trusteesor Regents. - the body representing (e) "StudentCouncil/Government" the wholestudentpopulation in one schoolor schoolcampuswhoseofficersare annuallyelectedat largeby the wholestudentpopulationpursuantto its constitution and by-laws,if any. (f) "Councilof Leaders"- the bodycomposedof the headsof variousstudent organizations chairedby the President/Chairman of the StudentCouncil. (g) "TuitionFee"- The fee representing directcostsof instructions, trainingand other relatedactivities,and the use of schoolfacilities.The term "other school fees" refersto fees which cover other necessary costs supportiveof instruction,includingbut not limitedto medicaland dental,athletic,library,laboratory,and NationalStudentTraining Program(NSTP)fees.


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Studentsshall have the right to make a writtenevaluationof the performanceof their teacherstowardthe end of the schoolterm.

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SEC. 7. Rightto AdequateWelfare Seruices and Academic Facilities.- lt shall be the responsibilityof the school administrationto provide the studentswith adequatewelfare servicesand academicfacilitiescommensurate to the schoolfees paid,and for StateColleges a n d U n i v e r si ti eps,u b l i csu b si d i e g s ranted.

CHAPTERII R I G H TT O A D MIS S IONN, ON.DISCRIM INATION AND QUALITYEDUCATI ON SEC. 5. Admission and Non-Discrimination(a) No studentshallbe deniedadmission, expelledfrom an educationalinstitution, punishedwith disciplinaryaction,includingmandatory counseling,or deniedwelfareservices,scholarships and otherprivilegeson the basisof his/her physical handicap,socio-economicstatus, politicalor religiousbeliefs, or shall pregnant studentsand certifiedreformeddrug abusersbe discriminated against. Failureof or refusalby a studentto sign waiver documentspreparedby the school a d m i n i s t r a t i osh n a l ln o t co n sti tu te a g r oundfor his/hernon- adm ission. A studentshall have the right to freelychoose his/herfield of study subjectto existing curriculaand to continuehis/hercourseup to graduationexceptin case of academicdeficiency or violationof disciplinary regulations whichdo not infringeuponthe exerciseof students'rights. SEC. 6. Right to Competent lnstruction and Relevant Quality Education. - Every studentshall have the right to competentinstructionand qualityeducationrelevantto his/her personaland culturaldevelopmentand that of the nation,and commensurate to the schoolfees paid, and for state institutions,public subsidiesgranted.To achievethis goal, schoolsand educationalinstitutionsare requiredto enforce a written evaluationof the performanceof teachersby studentsat the end of the schoolterm. There shall be at least one student representative in the body or committeewhich screensincomingfacultymembers.He/sheor they shall be regularlyelectedand endorsedby the StudentCouncilto the schoolofficialauthorizedto appointthe membersof the screening body or committee.


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Schoolauthoritiesshallendeavorto providefree annualphysicalcheck-upto shall be the responsibility of school authoritiesto providestudentswith adequatelaboratory, library,research,recreationand physicaleducationfacilities. Denialof accessto adequatewelfareservicesand academicfacilitiesshall be prohibited. Theseservicesand facilitiesshallincludethe following: (a) Freeannualphysicalcheck-upto the students; (b) Legal assistancein cases involvingthe exerciseand enjoymentof rights and freedoms stipulatedin thisAct; (c ) C o u n s e l i n g ; (d) Adequatelaboratory, library,research,recreationand physicaleducationfacilities;


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(e) Communications systemto ensurethat studentsare promptlynotifiedof lettersand other relevantinformation; and (f) Adequate,safeand cleanhousingfacilities, such as dormitories, for studentsinside campuses.In case the schoolhas no in-campusdormitoriesor housingfacilities,the school administration and the'studentcouncilor governmentshall be requiredto accreditout-ofmpusdormitories. Studentsshallbe encouragedto stay in the accrediteddormitories. " CHAPTERIII RIGHTTO ORGANIZE SEC. 8. Right to Organize Among Themselyes. Unity and collectiveeffort being fundamentalto the realizationof commongoals and the promotionand protectionof common interests,the Staterecognizes the rightof studentsto organizeamongthemselves.



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(a) The right of studentsto form, assist or join organizations, alliance,or federations along their physical,intellectual, moral,cultural,civic,spiritual and politicalinterests s h a lln o t b e a b ri d g e d . ( b ) T h e O f f i c e o fS t u d e n t A f f a i r isn, c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h t h e s t u d e n t c o uonrcgi ol v e r n m e n t , shall take charge in the accreditationof studentorganizations. The guidelinesfor accreditation of studentorganizations shall be formulatedby the studentcounciland the headsof all studentorganizations. (c) The Officeof StudentAffairsshallhavethe mandateto implementthe guidelinesand mediatein conflictsemergingfrom the accreditation process.Accreditation of student organizations shallbe granteduponthe submissionof a formalletterof application for accreditation, constitution, list of activities,and list of officers.The Officeof Student Affairsmay imposesanctionson inactiveorganizations. (d) The Officeof StudentAffairsshallcoordinateon and off campusactivitiesof student organizations. (e) The schooladministration shallendeavorto provide,free of charge,a hall or building to house the offices of student organizationswithin the premisesof the school. Furthermore,whenever possible the school administrationshall allow student organizations to use schoolfacilitiesfree of charge; (f) Acts that impairthe rightof studentsto organizeare prohibited: 1 . S i g n i n g o f w a i ve rs or similar docum entsthat use m ember shi pto any organizationas a basis for admissionto or expulsionfrom schools,including the impositionof disciplinaryactions; 2. lmpositionof unreasonablerequirementson student organizationsseeking re co g n i ti o n ; 3. discriminatorypoliciesin the assignmentof school facilitiesand in granting otherprivilegesto studentorganizations; 4. Excessivechargesfor the use of schoolfacilities; 5. Excessivefees imposedby studentorganizations to members;and 6. lmposition of unnecessary requirementsfor admission and continued membershipto a studentorganizationincluding,but not limitedto, hazingor otheracts prohibitedunderRA 80499or the Anti-hazinglaw. SEC. 9. Right fo esfablish a student council or government. - The State shall ensure the existenceof democraticand autonomousstudentcouncils/governments. Pursuantthereto:


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(a)Thereshallbe one (1) university studentcouncilor government for eachschool,college, or university campusthat shallbe recognized by the schools,collegesand universities concerned. lt shallhaveitsownsetof officers electedin annualpopularelections. (b)Thereshallbe a Constitution or Charterof the StudentCouncilor Government craftedby the heador representatives of all studentorganizations in a schooland ratified througha (2/3)vote by the studentbodythat shalllay downthe organization, two-thirds functions and responsibilities of the studentcouncilor government. Representation for unorganized studentsshallbe ensuredfor the craftingof a draftconstitution or charter. (c) Everystudentcouncilor government shallhavethe rightto determineits policiesand programson studentactivities subjectto the StudentCouncilor Government charterr constitution and to schoolrulesand regulations provided thatthe latterdoesnot infringe on basicrightsandfreedomof students; students; (d)Thereshallbe an independent (COMELEC) Commission on Elections thatshalloversee the honest,orderly,and peacefulconductof electionof officersof the studentcouncilor government. The COMELECshallbe chosenfrom a list of nomineesprovidedby the heads of studentorganizations. The school must providesufficientfunds to the COMELEC to ensurethatit is ableto function; (e)Thereshallbe a fee to be collected to financethe operations of the studentcouncilor government, the amount of which . shall be determinedby the studentcouncilor governmentin consultation with the studentbody. The schooladministration shall facilitate the collection of the studentcouncilor government withinfifteen(15)daysafter the startof the semester or schoolperiod.Thegovernments to joinfederations or student councilor government shallissueto the studentbodya financialreportat the end of its term.To takeeffect,a proposal to increase the studentcouncilor government fee shall requirea voteof simplemajority by the studentbody. (f) No policyrestricting the rightof studentcouncilsor governments to join federations or alliancesof student councilsor governmentsshall be imposedby the school administration. SEC. 10. Recognitionof and Grantingof Privilegesfo StudentOrganizations,- No unreasonable requirements shallbe imposed on studentorganizations seekingrecognition.

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The guidelines concerning recognition shallbe formulated by the Students AffairsOffice in consultation withthe studentcouncil

The processfor seeking recognitionshall begin upon the submissionto the Student AffairsOfficeby the organization concernedof its (1) conceptpaperand constitution; and two (2) a formal letteraddressedto the StudentAffairsOfficestatingthe organization'sintentto be recognized.Recognition will be grantedby the StudentAffairsOfficeupon compliancewith the .+0 gui d e l i n e s . 41 ^.\ +L

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At the tertiarylevel,the studentcouncilin coordinationwith the school studentaffairs officeshalltake chargeof the accreditation of studentorganizations. The guidelinesconcerning accreditationshall be formulatedjointly by the student council and the council leaders composedof the heads of the differentorganizations. The studentcouncilshall overseethe implementation of theseguidelinesand mediatein instancesof conflicts. Thereshall be no discrimination in the assignmentof schoolfacilitiesand the grantingof other privilegesto studentorganizations. The schooladministration shall endeavorto provide,


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free of charge,a hall or buildingto housethe officesof the differentstudentorganizations to use school facilitiesfree of charge. Excessivechargesfor the use of school facilitiesshall be pro h i b i t e d .



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SEC. 11. Coordination of Student Organizations' Activities. - All on and off campus activitiesof studentorganizations shallbe coordinated of the studentcouncil/government.

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The Committeeon Elections(COMELEC)constitutedto conduct the electionof the officersof the studentcouncil/government shallbe composedsolelyof bonafide studentsof the school.The conductof the studentcouncilelectionshallbe held in coordination with the student affairsoffice. S E C . 1 2 . S c h o o l F e e s a n d O t h e r T a r i f f s .- W i t h i n t h i r t y ( 3 0 )d a y s f r o m t h e s t a r t o fa schoolyear the governingboardof everyschoolshallcreatea bodyto be knownas the School Fee Board which shall study, conductconsultationand thereafterrecommendon tuitionand otherschoolfee adjustments. At the tertiarylevelthis body shallbe composedof equal number of representativesfrom the administration,academic and nonacademic personnel, parents/guardians, studentsand alumni associations.These representatives shall choose a chairpersonfrom among themselves.Greaterrepresentation shall be given to parentsthan to studentsin the secondarylevel. In justifyingany tuition and/or school fee increasebefore the School Fee board,the schoolconcernedshallbe requiredto presentthe school'sfinancialstatementsfor the lastfive (5) years immediatelyprecedingthe proposal for such increase. Refusal of the school administration to show its booksand recordsfor inspectionby the SchoolFee Boardshallmean automaticdenialof its proposalfor increases. The School Fee Board shall not act on a proposalto increaseschoolfees unlessthe studentsand their parentsare consultedat least one hundredtwenty (120) days beforethe schoolyear,semesteror term in whichthe increaseis to be effected.


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In the event the decisionof the School Fee Board is not favorablyacted upon by the schoolgoverningboard,the latter'sdecisionmay be appealedby any affectedmemberof the school communityto the appropriateeducationagencieswithin thirty (30) days from date of noticeof decision. No studentor parent shall be requiredto sign any contractor agreementrespecting adjustmentsin tuitionand otherfees as a conditionfor enrollmentrequiredto sign any contract or agreementrespectingadjustmentsin tuitionand otherfees as a conditionfor enroilmentor for any otherpurpose.

12 For purposes of this section, "Consultation"shall mean disseminationof adequate ,13 informationrelativeto tuitionand otherschoolfees,the increasesthereof,objectionsthereto,or 14 the justifications thereforeand shall includebut not be limitedto the holdingof meetingsand ;15 hearingsconductedfor consultationpurposesshall be properlydocumentedand circulated.To 16 this end, no tuitionor otherschoolfee increaseshallbe allowedunlessthe followingprocedures 17 are observed: 48 1.) Postingof noticeof increasein tuitionor otherschoolfees in conspicuouslocationsa year prior to the implementationof the proposed increase.The heads of student 49


1 organizations and studentcouncilor governmentofficersshall also be directlynotified 2 aboutthe proposedincrease. 3 2.) At leastone public meetingshallbe heldwith students,headsof studentorganizations 4 and studentcouncilor governmentofficersto discussthe proposedincrease.This shall 5 be attendedby the Presidentof the schooland at leastone memberof the governing 6 board.Parentsof studentsshallbe allowedto attendthe publicmeetings. 7 3.) All documentspertainingto the proposedincreaseshall be made availableto the 8 studentcouncilor government. 9 10 Priorto the final approvalof the proposedincrease,the studentbody shall be allowedto presenttheirpositionto the governingboardon the proposedincrease. 11 12 13 All involuntarycontributions, exceptthose approvedby their own studentorganizations, 1- + s h a l lb e p r o h i bi te d . 15 16 In releasing documents,academic records, and similar certifications,schools are prohibitedfrom imposingfees beyondthe actualcost of reproducing 17 the documents. 18 Minimumstandardsin consultation shallbe strictlyobservedin imposingtuitionfee increases. t9 20 11 SEC. 13. Prohibition Against the Use of Force and Exaction of Excessiye Fees. All ll campus organizationsshall be prohibitedfrom using force in initiationand from exacting li excessivefees from theirmembers,as well as in theirotheractivities.

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Sec. 14. Representation in Policy-Making Process. - There shall be a student representative in the GoverningBoardof the school.The chairman/president of the student councilor any designated representative chosenby the headsof variouslocalcollegestudent councils shallbe the studentrepresentative andshallhavethe samerightsas thoseof a regular member.Provided, thathis/herprivileges shallbe limitedto reimbursements for actualexpenses incurredin attendingmeetingsof the aforementioned further,that the same body:Provided, rightsshallbe grantedto thesecondary level.

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The students shallalsobe represented in otherpolicymaking bodieswhichdirectlyaffect their welfare,especiallyin curriculum drafting,reviewand revision,studentdiscipline, and academic standards. The representatives shallbe designated by the studentcouncil; and Representatives of nationalstudentorganizations shallactivelyparticipate and possess votingpowersin the formulation of nationalpoliciesby governmental agencieson matters affecting students' rightsandwelfareincluding tuition.



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SEC.15. Students'lnitiativeand Referendum.- The studentcouncil/government through a majorityvoteof all its membersshallhavethe rightto initiatethe formulation, modification or rejectionof a school policy affectingthe students.The propositionfor the formulation, modification or rejectionof a schoolpolicyaffectingthe studentsshall be submittedto and


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approvedby the majorityof the votes cast by all the bona fide studentsof the school in a referendumcalledfor the purpose.

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The followingareas shall be excludedfrom the power of students on initiativeor referendum:(a) admission;(b) curriculum;(c) faculty recruitmentand tenure; (d) rules on studentconductand discipline;(e) tuitionfees; and scholasticrules(e.9.academiccreditsand retentionand graduationof students).

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througha majority SEC. 16. Right to File an Appeal.- The studentcouncil/government vote of all its membersshall have the rightto file an appealon a decisionof any policymaking to the governingboard.Suchappealshallbe filedwith the governingboard. body subordinate with the same requisitenumberof votes referredto in The studentcouncil/government previous paragraph on any decisionof the governing may file a motionfor reconsideration the board. In case of any decisionunfavorableto the students,the StudentCouncilmay file an appeal with the Departmentof Education(DepED), the Technical Educationand Skills Authority(TESDA)and the Commissionon HigherEducation(CHED),insofaras Development and tertiary students,respectively,are technical-vocational, the secondary,post-secondary concerned. All appealsand motionsfor reconsiderationreferredto in the previousparagraphmust be filedwithinthirty(30)calendardaysfrom date of noticeof decision.

CHAPTERV AND RIGHTTO ACADE M IC AND INFORM ATION R I G H TT O F R E EE X P R E S S S ION FREEDOM Sec. 17. Right to lnformation. - The right of the studentsto informationon matters directlyor indirectlyaffectingtheir welfareshall be recognized.Access to officialrecordsand other pertinentdocumentsand paperspertainingto officialacts,transactionsor decisionsshall be affordedthe studentssubjectonly to reasonableregulationshat may be imposedsuch as time for examiningthe documentsand otherpapersto preventlossor damageof the same. SEC. 18. Freedomof Expression.- Subjectto existinglaws, studentsshall have the rightto freelyexpresstheirviewsand opinions.They shallhavethe rightto peaceablyassemble for the redressof theirgrievances.Pursuant and petitionthe governmentand schoolauthorities thereto, no school regulationshall be imposedviolatingor abridgingthe students'right to as s e m b l y . Studentsshall have accessto print and broadcastmedia in their informationactivities. posters,wall They shallalso havethe rightto print,circulateandiormountleaflets,newsletters, shall ensure petitions authorities school thereto, the news, and such other materials.Pursuant the provisionof facilitiessuch as bulletinboards for the mountingof the aforementioned materials.


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School authoritiesmay designatea certainarea on every campus as a freedom park where studentscan freelydiscussissuesdirectlyand indirectlyaffectingthem, expresstheir grievancesor organizeactivities. SECTION 19. Right to Publish a Student Newspaper and Other Similar Publications. Students have the right to publish student newspapersand other similar publications,print in their pages materialswhich they deem in pursuanceof their academic freedom and freedom of expressionin accordancewith RepublicAct 7079 or the Campus JournalismAct of 1991. Pursuantthereto,the editorialstaff of the studentpublicationshall be composedof students.No personwho is not a memberof the publicationshall determineits content.The role of the faculty adviser in the student paper shall be limited to technical assistance.



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The selectionof the studentEditor-in-Chief and the membersof the editorialboardshall be conductedannuallythrougha fair and competitiveexaminationto be administeredby an journalists,representatives impartialBoardof Judges,whichshall be composedof professional from the faculty,the studentbody. The editorialstaff shall observethe ethics of shall be the responsibility of the editorialstaff to ensurethat the studentpaper is not used for purposes contraryto law. The editor-in-chief/editorial staff shall, unless sooner removedfor cause and with due process,be assuredof securityof tenurefor the durationof his/her/itsprescribedterm. And editorialstaffshallbe assuredof securityof tenurefor the durationof his/herprescribedterm, A The studentpublication shallbe financiallyautonomousfrom the schooladministration. fee for studentpublicationshall be collectedfrom studentsand shall be held in trust by the to hamperthe schooladministration. No policyshall be imposedby the schooladministration accessof the editorialboardto the studentpublication fund, subjectto existingregulationin the disbursementof funds. The school administrationshall also be prohibitedfrom using the aforementioned fund. At the end of each term, the editorialboard shall publisha financial statement.



SEC. 20. Academic Freedom - Students'academic freedom shall consistof, but shall not be limitedto, the followingrights: (a) To conduct researchin connectionwith academicwork, and to freely discussand -- 1) / p u b l i s hth e i rfi n d i n g sa n d re com m endations; i8 (b) To conductinquiryin curricularand extracurricular 39 activitieswithinthe campusand in .+0 appropriatecircumstances; .11 (c) To choose a field of study for researchand to pursue the quest for truth; to express A1 .+ /their opinionon any subjectof publicor generalconcernwhich directlyor indirectly 13 affectsthe studentsor the educationalsystem; (a) To inviteoff-campusspeakersor resourcepersonsto student-sponsored assemblies, 44 45 fora,symposia,and otheractivitiesof similarnature; (b) To express contrary interpretationor dissentingopinions inside and outside the 46 17 classroom; .+8 (c) To participatein the draftingof a new curriculumand in the reviewor revisionof the old; 35 36



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(d) To participatein the draftingand/orrevisingof the studenthandbookwhichshall include the schoolrulesand regulations, a copy of which shall be furnishedthe students upon admissionto the school;and (e) To be free from any form of indoctrination leadingto imposedideological hegemony.

6 7 CHAPTERVI 8 R IGH TT O D U E P R OCESSIN DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS 9 l0 SEC. 21. Right to Due Process. - The right to due processof studentssubjectedto proceedings II disciplinary shallbe observedand respected. 12 (a) He shall have the rightto defend himself,to be heard and to presentevidenceon his 13 14 behalfbeforean impartialbody. (b) There shall be an independentStudentDisciplinaryBoard to be composedof one (1) 15 16 representative from the school administration, two (2) faculty members,and two (2) 17 studentsto conduct investigations into and decide on cases of studentviolationsof 18 disciplinarystandards.The memberfrom the administration shall serye for five years, 19 the membersfrom the facultyfor three years,and the membersfrom the studentbody l0 for one year. The facultyand studentrepresentatives shall be endorsedby the student I1 council/government. The StudentDisciplinaryBoard shall formulatethe guidelinesfor ll proceedings the impositionof the disciplinary (c) The blacklisting, ll expulsion,suspensionand other such disciplinarysanctionsthat may l-+ be taken againsta studentshall not be valid unless the followingrights have been 25 observedand accordedthe students. 26 27 l.) The right to be informedin writingof the natureand cause of the accusationagainst 28 h i m / h e r; 29 2.) The right to confrontwitnessagainsthim/herand to full accessto the evidencein the 30 case; 3l 3.) The rightto defendhimself/herself and to be defendedby a representative or counselof 32 his/her choice, adequatetime being given to him/her for the preparationof his/her 33 defense; 34 4.) The rightto a hearingbeforethe StudentDisciplinary Board; 35 5 . ) T h e r i g h ta g a i n stse l f-i n cri mi nation; 36 6.) The rightto appealadversedecisionof the StudentDisciplinary Boardto the governing 37 boardand ultimately to the appropriate educationagencies;and 38 7.) The rightto confidentiality. 39 -+0 (d) The decisionin any disciplinaryproceedingmust be renderedon the basis of relevant 41 and substantialevidencepresentedat the hearing,or at the least containedin the record 42 and disclosedto the student affected.The deciding body should, in all controversial questions,renderits decisionin such a mannerthat the issuesinvolved,and the reasonsfor 43 44 any decisionrenderedare madeclearto the student. 45 (e) Subjectto existinglaws, a decisionon a case or complaintfiled before the Student 46 47 Disciplinary Tribunalshall be resolvedwithinthree (3) monthsafterthe filingof such a case 48 o r c o m p l a in t.


(f) The Officeof the GuidanceCounselorof the respectiveschoolsin consultation with the StudentDisciplinary Boardshallpublishon a periodicbasisactsthat are deemedviolativeof the schoolrulesand regulations and the corresponding disciplinary sanctions.Provided,that such rules and regulationsdo not violate the rights guaranteedherein and under the Constitution.

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Articlesseizedin violationof the here above-mentioned providedrightsshallshallnot be used as evidenceagainstthe studentin any disciplinaryaction that may be broughtagainst him / h e r .

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SEC. 23. Access fo School Records and lssuance of Official Certificates. Subject to provision the of the followingsection,every studentshall have accessto her/hisown school record,the confidentiality of which the schoolshall maintain.He/sheshall have the rightto be issuedofficialcertificates, diplomas,transcriptof records,grades,transfercredentials and other similardocumentswithinthirty (30) days from the filing of requestand accomplishment of all p e r t i n e n t r e q ui re me n ts.

CHAPTERVII OTHERRIGHTS SEC. 22. Right Against Unreasonable Searchesand Seizures.- Every studentshall be free from any form of unreasonable searchand seizure.Exceptfor the followinginstances, no searchor seizureof a studentshallbe deemedvalid: (a) Searchesmadeat the pointof ingressand egressby authorizedpersonnelof the school; (b) Searches and seizuresof illegal article or articlesfalling in the plain view of duly authorizedpersonnel; (c) Searches and seizures of articlesthat are illegal,discoveredinadvertentlyby duly a u t h o r i ze p d e rso n n e l ; (d) Searches made when the student is about to commit, is committingor had just committeda crimeor a seriousinfractionof the school'srulesand regulations; (e) Searchesmadewith a validsearchwarrant.


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SEC.24. Unpaid TuitionFeesand Examination.- No studentshallbe prohibited from takinga periodicor finalexamination becauseof unpaidtuitionand otherfees not exceeding two (2) installments underthe established termsof paymentprescribed by the schoolconcerned andapproved by the appropriate education agency.


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Studentswith delinquentfees permittedto take an examinationshall neverthelessbe subjectto the rightof the schoolconcernedto withholdthe releaseor issuanceof such students' school records or of the documentsmentionedin the precedingsection or to deny such students'admissionat the next succeedingterm or year untilthe prior delinquencies are fully paid.

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14 SEC. 25. Securityof Tenure.ltshallbe the rightof studentsto finishtheirentirecourses .+5 of study in a given school,exceptin cases of academicdeficiencyor violationsof disciplinary 46 regulations. 47



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In cases wherein the school authoritiesrefuse to allow a student to enroll for the subsequentsemesteror year due to the causes hereinabovestated,the studentmay appeal such rulingto the appropriate educationagency


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SEC. 26. Collectionof Student Paper and Student Council Fees.- The school administration shallassistthe studentpaperstaffand the studentcouncil/government, in their financialneedsthroughthe collectionof studentpaperand studentcouncilfees from the students. The studentpaperfees shall be held in trustfor their unhampereduse in the publication of the studentpaper. The full amountof studentcouncilfees shallbe turnedover to the studentcouncilwithin fifteen(15)daysfrom the assumptionof officeof the StudentCouncilofficers. SEC. 27. Right to Privacy. - The privacy of communicationand correspondenceof s t u d e n t s h a l lre ma i ni n vi o l a b l e . SEC. 29. ScholarshipGrantsand Privileges.- Oppositionto schoolpoliciesinimicalto students'interestshall not be a ground for denying or withdrawingscholarshipgrants and privilegesto deservingstudents. SEC. 30. Prohibition Against Militarization of the School Campus. - The pursuit of academicexcellenceand exerciseof academicfreedomcan be attainedonly in an atmosphere free from fear and unreasonablerestraint.Pursuantthereto,no militarydetachmentshall be installedon the schoolcampus. Militaryelementsand/or policemenin uniformor in plain clothesand the school security forces shall not interferewith studentactivities,particularlypeacefulmass actions,insidethe schoolcampus. SEC. 31. Firearms Ban. - Studentsshall not be allowed to carry firearms inside the schoolcampus.They shall be requiredto depositsuch firearmswith the schoolsecurityforce priorto theirentryto the schoolpremises.


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SEC. 32. Rutes and Regutations.-Withinninety(90)daysfrom the approvalof thisAct, the DepEd, TESDA, and CHED, together with the representativesof national student organizations, representatives of school administrations and the NationalYouth Commission (NYC)shall promulgatethe necessaryrulesand regulations to implementthe provisionsof this Act.


44 45 46 47 48 49

SEC. 33. AdministrativeSancfions.-The Department of Education,Commissionon HigherEducation andTechnical Education Authority and SkillsDevelopment are herebyvested penaltiesto ensurethe with powersnecessaryto investigate and imposeadministrative enforcement of this Act. Any student,studentcouncilor government, or nationalstudent organizations shallhavethe rightto reportto anddemandan investigation fromthe appropriate education agencyintoany act or actscommitted and/oradministrations by schoolauthorities



1 2

violativeof their right as providedin this Act. As such, they may file complaintsbefore the aforementioned agenciesand shallhavethe rightto an impartialspeedyresolutionof the issue.


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The appropriateeducationagency shall cause the suspensionor revocationof the licenseor permitto operateof any school,collegeor universityfound to be guiltyof violating rights guaranteedunder this Act. A fine not less than Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (200,000.00) but not more than Five HundredThousand Pesos(500,000.00) shall be imposed on any school,collegeor university found liablefor violatingthisAct. Upon final judgment, the appropriateeducation agency may recommend to the Departmentof Justicethe prosecution of any school,collegeor universitybeforea regularCourt for violatingthe provisionsof thisAct.


11 15 16 17 18 19 t0 l1 22 13

lf the offender is a student or a student organization, the school, college or university shall cause, dependingon the gravity of the offense,the suspensionor expulsionof the offendingstudent and/or the suspensionor revocationof the accreditationof the offending penalties,subjectto the establishment organization, includingotheradministrative of guidelines to be crafted by the school administration with the student councilor government,student o r g a n i z a t i o ns an d th e stu d e n b t o d y. To protectthe interestsof the students,the Stateshall,duringthe periodof suspension or upon the cancellationof license,and unlessrestrainedby the properCourt,take over the operationof the school.

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25 26 27 28 29 30

SEC.34. Penal Provisions.- Any personwho shallwillfullyinterfere with,restrainor coerceany studentin the exerciseand enjoyment of his/herrightsguaranteed by thisAct, or who shallin any othermannercommitany act to defeatany provision of thisAct, shall,upon conviction, be punishedby a fine of not lessthan FiftyThousand(P50,000.00) Pesosbut not morethanOne Hundred (P100,000.00) Thousand Pesosor by imprisonment for not lessthan oneyearbutnotmorethanfiveyears,or both,at thediscretion of the Court.


32 33 i-l 35 36 37 38 39 40 11 12 43 44 15 46

lf the offenderis an educationalinstitution, or any juridicalperson,the penaltyshall be imposedupon the President,Treasurer,Secretaryor any personor officerresponsiblefor the violation.lf the offenderis an alien,he shall,afterserviceof sentence,be deportedimmediately withoutfurtherproceedingin the Bureauof lmmigration(Bl). lf the offenderis a publicofficeror provided,orderhis dismissal employee,the Courtshall,in additionto the penaltieshereinabove from the governmentservice. Refusal of any governmentofficial,includingthose working in state colleges and universities, whose duty includesinvestigating or actingon any complaintfor a violationof this Act to performhis or her duty shall be consideredas gross negligenceon the part of such officialwho shallsufferthe appropriatepenaltyundercivilservicelaws,rulesand regulations. Any student whose rights have been violated as stipulatedin this Act may file independentcivil cases for damagesagainstthe offendingpersons,naturalor juridical.He or she shallbe exemptfrom filingfees.



48 49

In this regard,the CHED,and the TESDAshallbe empowered intothe to investigate violations of thisAct or the rulesand regulations issuedthereunder and for this purposeshall



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have the power to issue summons,writs, orders,subpoenaand subpoenaduces tecum to secure the attendanceof witnessesand the productionof documentsin connectionwith the chargespresentedt the appropriatebody. In addition to the penaltiesherein provided,the license to operate of the school concernedmay be suspendedor canceledby the DepED,TESDAor CHED in accordancewith Section34 of this Act. The decisionof theseeducationagenciesmay be appealedto the proper court. SEC. 35. Oversight.- The Departmentof Education,TESDA and the Commissionon H i g h e rEd uca ti o nsh a l l mo n i to rth e im plementation of this Act. They shall subm i tan annual report to the Office of the Presidentand Congress.For this purpose,the aforementioned agenciesmay availthe supportof nationalstudentorganizations. An OversightCommitteeis herebycreatedcomposedof two (2) memberseach from the Committeeon BasicEducationand two (2) membersfrom the Committeeon HigherEducation of the Senateand Houseof Representatives, to be constitutedand co-chairedby the head of the committeesto evaluate and monitor the implementationof this Act. The Oversight Committeeshall automaticallyconsiderthe reportsof the concernedgovernmentagencies, studentorganizations, and studentcouncilsand governments. or other SEC. 36. Repealing Clause. - All laws,decrees,orders,rulesand regulations issuancesor parts thereofwhich are inconsistent with the provisionsof this Act are hereby repealedor modifiedaccordingly. SEC. 37. Separability Clause. lf any provision of this Act is held invalid or unconstitutional, otherprovisionsnot affectedshallcontinueto be in fullforceand effect. SEC. 38. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its complete publicationin at leasttwo (2) newspapersof generalcirculation. Approved,


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