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  • Pages: 9
HANOI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Economics and Management

Research Process Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung

The Research Process Business Research Methods


Exploration „ „ „ „


Discover the Management Dilemma Define the Management Question Define the Research Question(s) Refine the Research Question(s)

Research Proposal „

Research Design:

„ „


Questionnaire: „ „

3. 4. 5.

Data Collection Design Sampling Design Question and Instrument Pilot Testing Instrument Revision

Data Collection and Preparation Data Analysis and Interpretation Research Reporting

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Business Research Methods


Alber Einstein: „

“The formulation of a problem is more often essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Business Research Methods

The Management-Research Question Hierarchy 6 5 4 3 2 1

Management Decision

Measurement Questions

Investigative Questions

Research Questions

Management Questions

Management Dilemma

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Business Research Methods

Step 1: Discover Management Dilemma (cont.) „ „

Dilemma: a difficult situation facing a manager The research starts with: „ „


What symptoms cause management concern? What environmental stimuli raise management interest?

This is usually a symptom of an actual problem: „ „ „ „ „

Rising costs Falling sales Increasing employee turnover Increasing complaints about postpurchase service Worse financial efficiency

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Business Research Methods

Management Dilemma: Exploration „


At this stage you review published sources and interview gatekeepers to understand the true management dilemma, not just a symptom E.g.: “Why are our sales declining in the south and northeast, while sales are booming in the southwest, west and midwest region?”

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Business Research Methods

Step 2: Define Management Question „



The purpose of this stage is to clarify the possible management actions that might be taken to solve the management dilemma. This stage usually involves interviews with managers, information gatekeepers, brainstorming with experts, and other qualitative research techniques. Using collected information in exploration, you form the management question, usually with: “How can the managers/organization …”

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Business Research Methods

Types of Management Question „

Choice of purposes or objectives „


Generation and evaluation of solutions „


“What do we want to achieve: cutting costs or increasing customer satisfaction?” “How can we reduce postpurchase service complaints?”

Troubleshooting or control situation “Why does our department incur the highest?” „ “How well is our program meeting its goals?” „

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Step 3: Define the Research Question(s) Business Research Methods


Fine tune the research question „ „ „ „ „


Examine concepts and constructs Break research questions into specific second-and-third-level questions Verify hypotheses with quality tests Determine what evidence answers the various questions and hypothesis Set the scope of your study

E.g: „

“Should we introduce a 2% incentive commission-based compensation system on all sales over quota for salespeople in the south and northeast?” “Should we increase the level of advertising via trade publications in the south and northeast?”

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Step 4: Define Investigative Questions Business Research Methods



Investigative Questions: the questions the researcher must answer to satisfactorily arrive at a conclusion about the research question E.g.: „

„ „

What is likelihood that we will lose excellent salespeople in the south and northeast if we implement the compensation change? What is the likelihood that current customer satisfaction in these regions will decrease? What is the likelihood that future sales to existing customers will be lost?

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Step 5: Measurement Questions Business Research Methods



The questions we actually ask or extract from respondents E.g.: „

„ „ „

Please rate your level of concern for each of the following outcomes if management were to change your compensation to a commission-based system compared to the current salary system. For each outcome, indicate a number between 1 and 7, where 1 = no concern at all, 4 = neither concerned nor unconcerned, and 7 = extreme concern: ___ Lack of predictability of monthly income ___ Increased internal competition for sales prospects ___ Reduced time for post-sale servicing of customer needs

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Research Process Problems Business Research Methods


The Favored Technique Syndrome: „


Company Database Strip-Mining „


Too big management questions are not achievable

Ill-Defined Management Problems: „


A pool of information or a database may distract a manager. Data mining is often a starting point, but it rarely answers management questions

Unresearchable Questions: „


Some researchers are method-bound

Management problems or research questions are not clearly defined.

Politically Motivated Research „

Management have their own purposes.

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Business Research Methods

Designing the Study „


Research design is the blueprint for fulfilling objectives and answering questions. Select a research design from the large variety of methods, techniques, procedures, protocols, and sampling plans

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Resource Allocation & Budgets Business Research Methods


Guides to plan a budget „ „ „


Project planning Data gathering Analysis, interpretation, and reporting

Types of budgeting „



Rule-of-thumb budgeting: taking a fixed percentage of some criterion.

For example, a percentage of the prior year’s sales revenues may the basis for determining the marketing research budget for a manufacturer Departmental or functional area budgeting: allocates a portion of total expenditures in the unit to research activities. Units such as HR, marketing, or engineering then have the authority to approve their own projects. Task budgeting: select specific research projects to support on an ad hoc basis

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Valuing Research Information: Evaluation Methods Business Research Methods


Ex Post Facto Evaluation „


Prior or Interim Evaluation: „


The manager reviews costs and benefits at the end of each stage and give or withhold further authorization

Option Analysis „


The cost-benefit analysis: after and before the research

Analyze the estimated costs and associated benefits of each option, if the manager has a choice

Decision Theory „

Analyze the alternatives by a decision rule and decision variable

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process


Business Research Methods

Contents of a Research Proposal „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Statement of the research question Brief description of research methodology Pilot Testing Data collection Data preparation Data analysis and interpretation Research reporting

Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



Business Research Methods

Research Proposal Process Research Questions

Do values exceed costs? Yes

Revise questions


Revise proposal

Develop Research Proposal

Is the budget and design proposal approved?


Management decision without research

Approved Execute Research Design Nguyen Tien Dung © 2006

Research Process



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