M Ed Analysis And Interpretation Section

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Results and Interpretations (Example)



Descriptive statistics of overall creativity, Figural, Verbal creativity and their components for the whole sample The scores of the whole sample for overall creativity, fig and verbal and their components were examined in terms of their means, standard deviations, medians, minimum and maximums. Descriptive statistics of overall creativity for the whole sample MEANSN

The composite scores for figural and verbal creativity is obtained by adding the Tscores of the components of figural and verbal creativity respectively. The means, std deviation, median, min and max for overall, fig and ver creativity are shown in the Table above. From the Table, the mean score is 349.89 and the SD is 50.13 with median,…….. As for fig creativity, the mean… SD… median and the range is from .. to min Descriptive statistics of components of figural creativity for the whole sample ……. ……………………….

3 Descriptive statistics of overall creativity, figural and verbal creativity by sex, ses and cognitive levels

When the data were analysed according to sex, it was found that boys perform better than girls on verall creativity. The mean score for the boys is 368.94 while the girls is 333.92 giving a difference of 35,02 between the mean scores of boys and girls. The data show that SD for boys is 50.47 while the girls is 43.98. The range of scores for vboys is from minimum of 257.10 to max of 537.79 which is wider than the girls from 232.25 to 448.71.

4 As for figural creativity the boys also perform better than girls……. The mean for boys is…. Median higher…. With regards to verbal creativity, boys again have a higher mean scores … As for SES ….. As for cognitive levels, ….. The findings for sex, SES and cognitive levels can be summarized as follows: i) for overall creativity, the mean score for boys is higher than girls. Higher SES pupils have a slightly higher mean scores than low SES pupils and formal operation pupils have a higher mean scores than concrete operation pupils. ii) For figural creativity, the boys have obtained a higher mean score than the girls. Low SES pupils,…… iii) For verbal creativity, boys have a higher mean score than the girls. High SES pupils have a slightly higher mean score than low SES pupils and formal operation pupils have a higher mean score than concrete operation pupils. Descriptive statistics of the components of figural creativity by sex, SES and cognitive levels. ……………………………………….. Descriptive statistics of the components of verbal creativity by sex, SES and cognitive levels. ……………………………………….

Relationships among the components of creativity Two types of ststistical analyses were carried out to ascertain the relationships among the components of creativity. Firstly, the components of figural and verbal creativity were subjected to Pearson-product moment correlations. Secondly, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed, using overall creativity as the dependent variable and the components of figural and verbal creativity as the predictors. Intercorrelations among the components of Figural and Verbal Creativity


Correlations Fig Fig Fig Fig N of

From the intercorrelational matrix Table above, Figural originality, fig. elaboration, fig fluency and fig flexibility were intercorrelated to some extent. Correlation matrix: components of verbal creativity …………….


F.Ori F. Elab F.Fluency F.Flex V.Ori V.Flu V.Flex F.Creativit V.Crea O Creat

Table above shows that all the correlations are significant at 0.001 level. It can be noted that correlations between the components of fig creativity and the components of verbal creativity are generally low…….


The results of the correlational analysis between the verbal and the figural components of creativity indicate that these two types of creativities are not related closely to one another. Stepwise Multiple Regression Analyses In the stepwise multiple regression analysis of the data, overall creativity was the dependent variable and the components of figural and verbal creativity were the predictors. This method employed allows a prediction equation for overall creativity to be formulated by choosing one component at a time, first choosing the component which was the best predictor. Variables were then added step-by-step until no other variables would make a significant contribution to the prediction equation. For the inclusion of variables in this stepwise mode, the minimal F-value was 0.01 and the tolerance level was 0.001. Table shows that, figural originality is the best single predictor of overall creativity and alone account for about 60% (Note:look at R Square change = 0.59967) of the total variance of overall creativity. The table also shows that fig originality together with verbal fluency (Note: R square change: Fig Ori = 0.599 + Verbal Fluency = 0.29 = 0.90) accounts for about 90% of the total variance of overall creativity. The remaining 10% are accounted by the rest of 5 components of fig and verb creativity. Although the 4 components of fig creativity and 3 components of verbal creativity are highly intercorrelated among themselves, fig orig and verbal fluency are the


Significant Predictor Variables

Figural Originality

Verbal Fluency

Figural Elaboration

Figural Fluency

Verbal Flexibility

Figural Flexibility

Verbal Originality

contributors to overall creativity. Table shows that fig orig is the foremost predictor and verbal originality is the last predictor to be entered suggest that although Bruneian pupil who is creative possesses ideational originality but he is reluctant to verbalise his ideas. This is consistent with the common observation of Bruneian teachers that their pupils are generally hesistant to speak out their own ideas especially if these ideas do not conform to the expectations of their parents and teachers. Small amount of variance from fig and verb flexibility overlap suggest that Bruneian pupils who are creative are not flexible due to education system that is examoriented and less on flexibility development of pupils.

The relationship between creativity and the Independent variables The analyses of the relationship between creativity and the independent variables of sex, SES, cognitive levels, IQ, academic achievement, self concept, learning styles, father’s influence, mother’s influence and home environment were investigated using the following ways:

8 1. 2. 3.

Correlationsl analyses between overall creativity, fig, verbal creativity, their components and IQ, academic achievement, self concept, learning styles, father’s and mother’s influence and home environment. 3-way ANOVA using overall creativity, fig, verbal and their components of creativity as dependent variables, and sex, SES and cognitive levels as the independent variables. Stepwise multiple regression analyses with overall creativity, fig, verbal as the criterion variables and all the independent variables as the predictors.

Correlational analyses between overall creativity, figural, verbal creativity their components and the independent variables. Overall creativity, fig and verbal creativity and their components were correlated with IQ, achievement, self-concept, learning styles, father’s and mother’s influence and home environment were presented below. Correlational analyses between overall creativity and the independent variables.

Correlations IQ Achievement Self-concept Left Style Right Style Integrated style Father’s influence Mother’s influence Home environment No of cases:

Correlation coefficients of overall creativity with IQ, achievement and self-concept although low but significant at p < 0.001. The rest are not significant. Correlational analyses between figural creativity and the independent variables


From the Table, fig elaboration is significantly related to IQ (r=0.16, p < 0.001), achievement, self concept, left style and mothet’s influence…. Results imply that pupils who are high achievers and intelligent are able to elaborate their ideas better than low achievers. Results also suggest that….. Correlational analyses between verbal creativity and the independent variables

………………………………….. Analyses of Variance using overall, figural and verbal creativity and their components as dependent variables To ascertain the differences in overall creativity, figural and verbal creativity and their components between boys and girls, between high and low SES students, and between concrete and formal thinkers, a three-way analysis of variance was carried out. 3-way ANOVA using overall creativity as the dependent variable


Source Main Effects SEX SES COG LEV 2-way Interactions

SEX SEX SEX 3-way Interactions SEX


Explained Residual Total

From the Table, there is a significant difference between the performance of boys and of girls with respect to overall creativity. The F ratio for sex as an effect is 40.015 which is sig at p < 0.05. A comparison of the mean scores for the boys and girls (descriptive) reveal that the boys are more creative than the girls. This is consistent with Bruniean society where boys are encouraged to be adventurous and outgoing whereas girls are expected to behave in a more subservient and passive role. Results show that cognitive levels and SES are not significant effects on the overall creativity of the pupils. 3-way ANOVA using Figural creativity as the dependent variable …………… 3-way ANOVA using Verbal creativity as the dependent variable ……………. 3-way ANOVA using Figural Originality as the dependent variable

11 …………… 3-way ANOVA using Figural Elaboration as the dependent variable ……………… 3-way ANOVA using Figural Fluency as the dependent variable ………. 3-way ANOVA using Figuiral Flexibility as the dependent variable …….. 3-way ANOVA using Verbal Originality as the dependent variable ................. 3-way ANOVA using Verbal Fluency as the dependent variable …………….. 3-way ANOVA using Verbal Flexibility as the dependent variable ……………… Stepwise multiple regression analyses of overall creativity, figural creativity and verbal creativity Three sets of stepwise multiple regression analyses were carried out using overall creativity, figural creativity and verbal creativity as criterion variables and all the independent variables as the predictors. All the predictors are entered step by step, one at a time until no other variables would make a significant contribution to the prediction equation. Stepwise Multiple Regression Analyses of Overall Creativity using Overall creativity as the criterion variable and all independent variables (sex, Academic achievement, Learning style) of this study as the predictors.


Significant Predictor variables

Sex Academic Achievement Integrated Learning Style

From the table, sex is the best single predictor of overall creativity which account for about 12% of total variance of overall creativity. Academic together with sex account for 15% of total variance of overall creativity. When the third predictor is added to the predictor equation, the total variance is about 17%. The remaining 83% of the total variance of overall creativity is not accounted for. Results indicated that sex differences contribute quite substantially to the variance of overall creativity scores. This finding confirms the results of 3-way ANOVA where sex is shown to be a highly significant effect on overall creativity. Results also suggest that there is a large portion of variance of overall creativity is unaccounted for. There may be other factors or variables which affect the creativity of the pupils and which are predictors of their overall creativity. Stepwise multiple regression analysis using Figural creativity Using figural creativity as the criterion variable and all independent variables as the predictors.


Significant Predictor Variables


Table shows that sex is the best and only predictor of Figural creativity and it accounts for about 5% of the total variance of figural creativity. Remaining 95% of total variance is unaccounted for. Resaults show that sex differences contribute to the total variance of Figural creativity and confirms the results of 3-way ANOVA where sex is significantly affecting Figural creativity. Large portion of the variance of Figural creativity is unaccounted for suggesting other factors or variables are affecting the figural creativity of the pupils. Stepwise multiple regression analysis of verbal creativity using Verbal creativity as the criterion variable and all the independent variables as the predictors.

Significant Predictor Variables

Academic Achievement


Results show that academic achievement and sex differences contribute substantially to the variance of verbal creativity score. This result confirms the 3-way ANOVA where academic achievement has been shown to be significantly correlated

14 with verbal creativity together with sex contributed about 25% of the total variance of verbal creativity. A large portion of the variance is unaccounted for indicating there are other factors which may have to be taken into consideration when one attempts to predict verbal creativity.

Comparison between creativity-IQ groups To establish the relationship between creativity and IQ, three groups were identified 1. low creativity – high IQ group 1 : pupils from the top quartile of the IQ scores and low quartile in overall creativity scores. 2. high creativity – low IQ group 2 3. high creativity-high IQ group 3: both from the top quartiles of the scores 1- way ANOVA were used to compare the performance of the above groups on the following variables: (i) (ii) (iii)

academic achievement in BM, BI, maths, science, geography and history home environment and father’s and mother’s influence self concept and 3 learning styles

Significant results of one-way ANOVA are subjected to a multiple comparison test to determine the significant differences between the 3 groups. The Scheffe Multiple Comparison Test is used to test these differences. Comparison between the IQ-creativity Groups on their academic achievement and their individual subjects

Between Within Total Multiple Range Test Scheffe Procedure


15 Table shows that the one-way ANOVA using achievement as the dependent variable and the Groups as independent variable gives F-ratio of 4.59 which is sig at p < 0.05 level. Results suggest that Group 3 is significantly higher than the mean scores of G1 and G2. Results suggest that pupils who are in the top quartile of creativity scores also are in the top quartile of IQ score. It appears that pupils who are both intelligent as well as creative perform better in academic achievement as compared to other pupils. One-way ANOVA for BM by Groups MELAYU

……………………………….. One-way ANOVA for BI by Groups One-way ANOVA for Maths by Groups One-way ANOVA for Science by Groups One-way ANOVA for Geography by Groups One-way ANOVA for History by Groups

16 Comparison between the Groups on their parental influence and home environment

Table shows that the one-way ANOVA using Father’s influence as dep var and groups as indep var gives a F-ratio of 1.33 which is not sig at p<0.05 level. Results suggest that pupils from the 3 groups are not significantly different in their perception of their father’s attitudes and expectations. One-way ANOVA for mother’s influence by Groups …………………… One-way ANOVA for Home environment by Groups Comparison between the Groups on their Self concept and Learning Styles One-way ANOVA for Self Concept by Groups One-way ANOVA for Left Learning style by Groups One-way ANOVA for Right Learning style by Groups One-way ANOVA for Integrated Learning style by Groups Summary: Comparison between pupils who are high (creative) and low (non-creative) overall creativity, Figural and Verbal creativity The study is to compare the characteristics of creative and non-creative pupils The analyses used are: 1. T-test comparison between creative and non-creative groups of mean scores for IQ, self concept, learning styles, father and mother’s influences and home environment 2. T-test comparison between creative and non-creative groups of mean scores for achievement and individual subjects.

17 3. Chi-square analyses to ascertain the relationships between overall creativity groups, fig creativity groups, ver creativity groups and sex, SES, and cognitive levels. All at p< 0.05 T-test analyses to compare creatives and noncreatives

As shown in the Table, there is a sig difference between IQ of the creatives and noncreatives,…… self concept…. Leraning styles….. Results indicated that creatives are more

18 intelligent with higher concept but no difference in father’s or mother ‘s influence, learning styles ands home environment. T-test analyses to compare high figurals and low figurals …………………………. T-test analyses to compare high verbals and low verbals ……………………… T-test analyses to compare creatives and noncreatives for academic achievement and individual subjects

T-test analyses to compare high figurals and low figurals for academic achievement and individual subjects ……………………….. T-test analyses to compare high verbals and low verbals for academic achievement and individual subjects

19 Chi-square analyses to investigate the relationship between overall creativity groups, Fig groups and Verbal groups with sex, SES and cognitive levels. Chi-square analyses for overall creativity groups

From the table, there are 102 creatives (69 Boys and 33 Girls) and 101 noncreatives (24 Boys and 77 Girls). The chi-square value of 37.6 is sig at p<0.05. The results show that overall creativity is not independent of sex. Boys have generally higher creativity than girls. …… Cognitive level is not independent of overall creativity not related to SES…….

20 Chi-square analyses for figural creativity groups

Chi-square analyses for verbal creativity groups


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