Q4 The Use Of Ict In Teaching The Simple Operations Of Money

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• Izyan Izzati bte Ismail • Diana bte Simpai • Filzah Husna Hj. Abd. Khani • Dyg. Suhana bte Hj. Abg. Ali • Nurul Khairunnisa bte Morni • Shalha bte Awg Madnoor

(08B0527) (08B0529) (08B0530) (08B0532) (08B0534) (08B0536)

Lecturer: Dr. See Kin Hai Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education University Brunei Darussalam Saturday, 15th November 2008



The use of computers in classrooms is changing as availability of software applications expand. In the past, children spent a period or two per week with a teacher in the computer laboratories. Today, computers are an integral part of all areas of the curriculum. Computers are used in classrooms in ways not conceived in earlier days. Advancement in technology has resulted in improved programs so that today a wide variety of material can be delivered in disk, CD-ROM, as well as off the Internet. Programs have changed as technology has made colour and sound and as a result of that it creates a greater student interaction possible.

Today’s children have benefited from the advancement of the technology as kindergarten and primary children have programs with a variety of formats for developing number, reasoning, spatial-visualization, and other skills. There is also programs that creates and manipulates plane and solid figures and adds a new dimension to the study of geometry. In addition, these programs provide tools that give children the power to create spreadsheets, tables, and graphs to simplify the handling of data.

Douglas Clement and Sue McMillen state that it is the student who interprets the meaning of a manipulative, whether physical or computer generated; many students interpret computer manipulatives better than actual materials. This is because computers offer manageable, clean manipulatives and it can store and retrieve configurations. And computers afford flexibility.


Importance of using ICT in school

Information and communication technology (ICT) is now a part of the curriculum. Since the rising of the ICT, educations have been changed in a lot of ways. ICT has made education easier which raises the issues whether educators today should “accept” technology in their teaching or whether they still rely on the traditional methods of teaching and learning. Due to several factors that will be explained below, the application of using ICT had been implementing in the Brunei education. In Brunei Darussalam, the Ministry of Education had been supportive in the idea of putting ICT in teaching and learning of Brunei education. As some of the schools had been supplied by free computers, laptops, projectors by the government to support the use of ICT in education.

The first factor involve with the Brunei education system. During the 12th International Conference on Education 2007, the Minister of Education Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Awg Hj Abdul Rahman Dato Setia Hj Mohammad Taib urged Bruneians to adopt innovative teaching and learning methods for the development of an independent, confident and creative young generation which focused on the applications of technology in effective teaching and learning, (The Brunei Times, 21 May, 2007, p.4).

Secondly, ICT also had been the main objectives of the SPN 21 the Ministry of Education are trying to implements ICT in teaching and learning. As reported by RTB News hour, teachers need to upgrade their ICT skills to help realize country’s SPN 21.


This is because the main objectives of the SPN 21 is to integrate ICT into the curriculum, pedagogy and training programs to allow teachers to acquire basic competency and skills in ICT.

Thirdly, the importance of ICT in Brunei Darussalam also has become evident following His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Wadaullah, the Sultan And Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam “Titah” (royal decree) during the opening ceremony of the Teacher’s Day Celebrations in 1996 when he emphasized the following:

The career

advancement more









made have






pace with the challenging new information or face the risk of being left behind by their students (Borneo Bulletin, 24 September, 1996, p.1). Meanwhile, on another event, at the inauguration of the National Summit On Information Society, NASIS, at the International Convention Centre, Wednesday. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Wadaullah, the Sultan And Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalam, spoke on benefits of sophisticated technology in achieving an E - Brunei vision. His Majesty also speaks on the role of ICT in education such as at higher learning institutions and schools which can produce an ICT literate society, to meet the various requirements of industries and businesses. According to His Majesty, the number of graduates from educational institutions should be coordinated with the requirement and demand of industries and businesses to ensure the country has skilled and professional


human resources. His Majesty emphasizes the need to pay attention to the contents or software, channeled through ICT, not merely provide ICT technology hardware and information (Borneo Bulletin, 8 September, 2005, p.1).

Benefits of using ICT

As mentioned, ICT have good sides of it as it allows the teacher to produce and modify resources quickly and easily. By using computers or laptops as part of their teaching, teachers can easily detect mistake or error and change it at that time, without delaying it and ignore the problems that arise. As mentioned above, computers are flexible and user-friendly.

Meanwhile, teachers can use different software to assess the children's work and provide useful information. Using a large screen or overhead projector the teacher can focus the children's attention on different aspects of the teaching and learning of the student’s itself. Projectors have become items of home entertainment and are now widely available in high street stores.

It can be permanently mounted or portable which are basically use by the teachers in the Brunei Darussalam. Projectors usually have several type of input sockets – the one illustrated has VGA (for computer), video and S-video sockets. If the projector is ceiling mounted it will need the remote control to switch between inputs, and a suitable wiring from the projector to matching sockets in a convenient position to attach the


computer and other devices. As a result, it can project the display onto an Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), an ordinary whiteboard or a large screen that I had mentioned above.

With up to date and real world technology of ICT, it helps to prepare the children for the modern world. Therefore, children must have access to info-communication technology, to improve their quality of life in the future. Basically, they need to be prepared as job opportunities require the knowledge of ICT as part of their requirement. Today’s people who have ICT background are more likely to be hired and from here, we could see the benefits of having ICT knowledge or skills. As a result, all levels of society ranged from children to adult need to be familiar with the use of computers.

In addition, teachers and pupils can gain access to a wide range of information; they can use CD ROMs, the Internet, they can browse through internet and find information that they need. The Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) opens many opportunities for students and teachers. Resources of information can be easily obtained by surfing the internet and this can be done by today’s children.

Disadvantages of using ICT

On the other hand, the dreadful sides of using ICT in teaching and learning, teachers need to be able to make judgments about when and why they should use ICT. It is not always appropriate. It should be only used if it improves the teaching or learning.


Not all topics required the use of ICT in their learning. Teacher need to be capable to balance the use of ICT in teaching.

In Brunei Darussalam, not enough resources (computers) for each classroom or school are basically the main problems here. This is because they only provided about 20 computers in the laboratories whereas students are more than 200 people. And some teachers need to book the laboratories in advance if they wanted to use it as they are only 1 computer laboratories in schools. And you cannot expect parents to buy their children a laptop to take to school and, some veteran teachers refuse to embrace it in their classrooms. This is true because veteran teachers feels that using ICT is tiring and they are lazy to practice it. Even if they are provided with training they refused to participate in it.

Now and then, electricity can be a problem when using ICT, as computers and projector need electric supply, so if there is no electric connection; teachers need to have a back up plan for the teaching.

The internet server can go down randomly, so you cannot connect to a webpage, and this sometimes can be a difficulty to us if we are trying to use online games for the pupils to try on. In schools, they are provided with internet services or WI-FI areas, however not all schools have this kind of services as they need to register and pay an amount of money to subscribe.


Virus and lagging laptop are common nowadays. This is because virus is easily transferred into the pendrive that are connected into our laptop or usage of the internet. Teachers need to be aware that laptop or computer that began to slow in operation. They need to update or scan the laptop to check for viruses. And this needs to be done every month.

Lesson presentation starts from set induction, lesson development follow by lesson activities, enrichment and conclusion. The lesson presentation will consist of video that will be presented in set induction. Meanwhile lesson development will include addition and subtraction involving word problem. Lesson activities consist of Quiz; Try the challenge and Push the trolley. Next, our enrichment games will involve Shopping Spree @ The Star Mall. Lastly, conclusion will involve with the implementation of ICT, resourceful teachers, carefully guided and using ICT.


Lesson Presentation

In implementing the use of ICT in Mathematics subject/lesson, the teacher may use PowerPoint slides to deliver his/her teaching to pupils rather than using traditional teaching method; chalk and talk. The use of ICT itself offers many benefits for the students, it improves both academic learning and social skills; for teachers, it is an aid to classroom management and instruction. In addition, it also gives opportunities to pupils to learn Mathematics in an enjoyable environment, hence understand the mathematical concepts better.

For this lesson, the teacher uses the slides to teach one of topics for Primary 4 classes which is Money; sub-topics is the Addition and Subtraction of money involving word problems. In order to enhance the pupils’ knowledge towards the topic that the pupils are going to be learn, the teacher himself/herself need to understand the concepts better, could relates the knowledge to our own-everyday life.


Presenting the Addition operation

Set induction

One of the ways to integrate ICT in Mathematics lesson, particularly for set induction purpose is that teacher may use video to show the concept of the lesson. It is good to use video camera to record video so that the quality of the video is better. One of the software that is advisable to be used for editing videos is Microsoft Movie Maker. Microsoft Movie Maker is video creating or editing software that is available in the Microsoft Windows. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration and Auto Movie.

Procedure(s) of using Microsoft Movie Maker are:

First, we need to drag the movies into the “imported media” tiles by clicking the “import” button the left side .and then click “movies”.


After that pick the first part of the movie, in this case, Video013 into the “storyboard” section which is available on the bottom of the Window Movie Maker. Then add the other movies that you would like to add accordingly.


How to add title inside the movie?

Click on the “Tasks” section on the right hand of the Windows Movie Maker and click “Edit” and “Titles and credits”.

Then click on “Title at the beginning”.


Then add the title on the space provided

The title of the movie will be available automatically in the movie.


The process is the same for addition of title at the end of the movie.

Click on the “Tasks” section on the right hand of the Windows Movie Maker and click “Edit” and “Titles and credits”.


Then click on “Credits at the end”.

Then add the title on the space provided


The title of the movie will be available automatically in the movie.


How to insert effects to show the different part of the movie?

Click on the “Tasks” section on the right hand of the Windows Movie Maker and click “Edit” and click “Effects””.


The below screen will appear.

After choosing the right effect, drag the effect to the selected storyboard section.

Apart from using “effects” to show the different parts of a movie, we can also use “Transitions” to show the shifting process of one to part of the movie to another part of the movie.


How to add or show transitions in the movie?

Click on the “Tasks” section on the right hand of the Windows Movie Maker and click “Edit” and click “Transitions””.


The below screen will appear.

The benefits of having video for set induction in a PowerPoint slide form are; 1. Windows Movie Maker can import many different kinds of media to our computer (desktop or laptop), including video from a file, video from a camera and, from a Web cam. 2. It can also import audio and music files and we can also use microphone to record our voice directly from microphone.


3. Inserting video in a lesson, will varieties the teacher’s teaching style. As a result of that, pupils will be very keen and interested to learn the topic and to listen to teacher’s explaination.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantage of integrating videos in classroom lesson. The possible disadvantages are: 1. Teachers might need to bring appropriate quality of speaker to ensure that all the pupils could hear the conversation in the movie. 2. Teachers are not advisable to use mobile phone movie recorder as the quality and the sound of speech inserted in the movie might be very low. 3. The process of editing movie may be hard and it may takes a long time for teachers who are not used to it. 4. Technical problem may also arise particularly if the movie is inserted in the PowerPoint slides; the movie may not be able to be played because the movie are not presented in the laptop or desktop. So teachers need to ensure that the movies he/she wants to insert in the PowerPoint are available in the laptop or desktop beforehand.

Lesson Development

Presenting the Addition operation

For presenting the Addition operation, I choose to use Microsoft PowerPoint as it is easy to create, edit and the number of slides that can be use for explanations is 21

unlimited. So teachers can use as many slides as they want to step-by-step procedures of the operation. Apart from that, animations can also be inserted in the PowerPoint to make it attractive and interesting. At the same time, animations can be used for the means of explaining a certain concept or topic clearly. By using PowerPoint, the lesson will not be dull and pupils will be motivated to learn the new topic and to listen to teacher’s explanations. And the most importantly is PowerPoint is free of charge and it is available in all desktops and laptops.

To present the lesson, it is advisable to use the content of movie that is played during set induction as a guideline to explain and give example for presenting the lesson’s topic.

To show the addition of money, teacher can use the value of foods and drinks that was shown in the movie. This is good because the pupils will see the connection between the movie and its relation to the topic. Apart from that, the pupils will also learn that the Mathematics topics that they learnt in school are also being practiced in their everyday life.


Both the foods and the amount of foods are taken from the movie. As the pupils have basic knowledge of basic operation, so it will be easier for the teacher to explain how to do addition in terms of money (as the process are more or less the same with addition of number).


The same procedures go to the drinks, where both the drinks and the amount of drinks are taken from the movie. As the pupils have basic knowledge of basic operation, so it will be easier for the teacher to explain how to do addition in terms of money (as the process are more or less the same with addition of number).


The above slide shows the total payment of money that the people in the movie need to pay.


Presenting the Subtraction operation

Teacher already know the basic knowledge of using the software of Microsoft Office PowerPoint. In order to deliver the lesson by using the slides; the teacher could creates and designs variety of the lesson content (based on the topics on that day) to the slides; teacher could do an introduction (set induction) to pupils in terms of video, game and etc.

For these slides, one of way to perform the set induction is by observing the video; the scenes where all interlinked to the lesson which is Addition and Subtraction of Money.

Set Induction

The students already know/understand how to do the operation of addition and subtraction and due to this previous knowledge, teacher just emphasize how to do the


operation using the words problems based on money. Thus, the teacher is crucial to prepare the lesson plan for that lesson. The introduction/set induction of addition and subtraction can be used by letting the students observe/visualize the video and state the different operations involving money. Moreover, the teacher includes some of other examples of the operation.

Procedure(s) Clicking on the blue box named ‘FROM THE VIDEO’ will linked the slides to the Windows Media Player to be watched by pupils.


As the students look for the scene that involving the operation of subtraction, the teacher could create an interaction with the students; asking questions and let the students pose the answers related to the questions. The teacher then identifies and emphasizes the points that need to know before they do the subtraction.


After this, the teacher could encourage the students to reveal their knowledge of doing the subtraction operation together.



Slide shows the operation of subtraction that is extracted from the scenes of the video. . From the video itself, we can see that there is subtraction of money which is $20.00 - $12.00 and from the operation; the balance will be $8.00. After doing this, the next slides could be shown to the students as telling and enhance the students’ thinking skills towards the subtraction operation in another words problems involving money. Procedure(s) Clicking on

button will linked the Main Menu slide.

Click on Orange Box to look for ‘Question A’

Fatimah had $8.00 in her purse. She spent $2.00 on a drinks, $3.60 on a sandwich and fries and $1.00 on ice-cream. How much money was left?


Stage 1 Thus, the teacher could approximately gives two or three examples/questions based on the topic.

Based on this slide, the question A basically asks the students to understand the problems before doing the operation. Moreover, the teacher is emphasizing that the terms ‘Subtraction’ can be equal/similar if the students find other terms like ‘minus’, ‘left’, and etc.

$2.00 on a drinks

$3.60 on a sandwich and fries

$1.00 on ice-cream

Total =$6.60

The slide above could be made by the teacher or to check the understanding of the students regarding the question given. It is easier for the students themselves to work out the total price for the drinks and foods that she spent. After that, the students could do the operation straight away and get the exact answers for the word problems.


She had


She spent

$6.60 $1.40

Stage 2

As mentioned before, the teacher could create another questions based on the topic on that day. This is aim to encourage the students thinking skills, hence the teacher should verify the questions.

Procedure(s) Clicking on

button will linked the Main Menu slide.

Click on Red Box to look for ‘Question B’


Most of the students might face the misconceptions of the terms ‘more’ which actually need them to subtract rather than adding them. It is crucial for the teacher to ensure the students understand what the question really needed. The reason is the students might acknowledge that the terms for subtraction are ‘minus’, ‘left’ while the terms for addition are ‘add’, ‘plus’, ‘altogether’.

However, these terms should be realized by th e students that the term doesn’t exactly show that the terms are answering the questions. Hence, it is important for the students to understand and clarify the problems needed. Then, the teacher shows the next slides which is the steps to answer the questions.

More =Differences This month Last month.

$49.50 $37.50 $12.00


Additional Procedures

Teachers could create as many slides as they want related to the topic on that day. The picture/graphics also could be taken from file, internet or scanning. For this slides, I’ll use some of pictures from Smartdraw Software. This software is good for teachers as there are many choices that the teacher can choose. Teachers could just click on the picture, copy and paste it/them in slides or can get the whole pictures using the SnapShots Software.

Moreover, to create our slides to be more attractive, teacher could make some effect to the words, or add sounds/music in the slides. Microsoft PowerPoint has variety of animations and teachers themselves could select one of many choices that involving effects and sounds/music.

The teacher could also use the hyperlink button and links the related slides based on what the teacher wants them to be connected.


The teacher could use this Microsoft PowerPoint to teach or delivering the lesson(s) to the pupils as it is easier to use and attract the pupils’ attention. Moreover, it’s one of the ways to avoid the time consuming for the teacher in order to teach the lesson because it’s not just performing the lesson itself, but could add or create some activities for the students to make positive learning environment.


The Lesson Activity

For the lesson activity, we created a PowerPoint Presentation slide using both the SmartDraw 2008 software (provided by our lecturer Dr. See) and also the Print Artist software as tools for our slide designs and graphics. The SmartDraw is a very efficient and beneficial program because varieties of graphics and various groups of tools for business such as charts and for psychology purposes such as family tree as well as education needs for students such as for the teaching and learning of science and mathematics. We divided the slides into two parts; Try the challenge (a three questions quiz) and Push the story (a story-based questions).

The benefits of having the lesson activity in a PowerPoint slide form are; 1.

To grab pupils attention As we know, pupils (especially small children) have short attention span so it is a necessity for teachers to provide activities that are not only informative and educational but also enjoyable and meet all their educational needs. Their educational needs are usually those which involve active learning or hands-on activities. By doing this activity, they are required to handle the computer by clicking on the correct responses appeared in the PowerPoint slide. This in a way make them mentally active and at the same time working hands-on rather than passively learning.


2. To introduce as well as familiarized them with the use of computer in learning The new era of education are now more focusing on learning as a meaningful process. Pupils are required to get actively involved in their learning rather than just sitting down and listening to the teacher’s explanation as it is crucial in fulfilling their needs and expending their interests towards study. By using ICT for this activity will help to develop and expand their computer literacy skills.

3. To diversify teacher’s teaching method Teacher is one of the crucial resources in education. Without any teacher, school is like an empty house with no residents. Teacher does not only ensure that his or her pupils pass or obtain excellent grades in their examination (which is a necessity in Brunei’s curriculum which is exam oriented) but he or she must conduct variety of teaching methods such as using the ICT in teaching. Teacher must not rely on traditional teaching method which is mostly teacher-centered which usually covers ‘chalk and talk’ or ‘talk and chalk’ method. With the usage of this slide in teacher’s teacher he or she will be able to diversify her teaching methods.

4. To support the current implementation of SPN-21 in the national curriculum


According to the Brunei Times entitled, ICT to play key role in new education system, (http://www.bt.com.bn/en/home_news/2007/12/10/ict_to_play_key_role_in_new_ education_system ), “The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a teaching and learning tool will begin to take a central role in enhancing the learning process in line with the new, 21st century national educational system.” Therefore with the use of ICT in teaching, the teacher is actually helping the government to help in supporting the SPN-21. In addition to that, teacher is also helping the new generation as well as the school to get inline with the country’s development and the global demands in producing pupils with quality and school with up- to-the standards that are required.

Guidelines in using the Activity PowerPoint slide

 The action buttons

HOME button




 Home page

 The sound clips Gun shots: Wrong answer Applause: Correct answer

The activity consists of two sections;


1. Try the challenge This section consists of three questions.  First question: Aisya went to the Mall and bought a skirt and two shirts.

The skirt costs $18.90 and the two shirts cost $20.40 each. How much money does she has to pay?

Question 1 Aisya went to the Mall and bought a skirt and two shirts. The skirt costs $18.90 and the two shirts cost $20.40 each. How much money does she has to pay?


$18.90 1











Total =



 Second question: Yesterday Ameer went to KFC Restaurant to buy a set of

Zinger value meal which cost $6.70 and chicken popcorn for $4.00. Ameer had $15.00 in his wallet. How much money did he have left?


Question 2 Yesterday Ameer went to KFC Restaurant to buy a set of Zinger value meal which cost $6.70 and chicken popcorn for $4.00. Ameer had $15.00 in his wallet. How much money did he have left?

$5.30 $4.30




 Third question: Mimie has $20.00 in her wallet. Her mother gives her

$5.00 for her to buy some foods. Then her father gives her extra money of $12.00. How much money does she have now?

Question 3 Mimie has $20.00 in her wallet. Her mother gives her $5.00 for her to buy some foods. Then her father gives her an extra money of $12.00. How much money does she have now? $10















$10 $5

There are different ways in answering each question. For the first question, the pupils have to calculate their answers first then click on the numbers on the bottom-right corner according to the answers obtained. The correct answer is


$39.30, so the pupils are expected to click

button in

sequence which will be accompanied with an applause sound which means that the answer is correct. If the pupils happen to click on the wrong button, a gun shots sound will be heard.

For the second question, the pupils are to add the amount of money that Ameer had to pay then subtract the amount of money that he have in his wallet with the total amount of money he had to pay. Once the pupils had counted the answer, they are to click on the box which represents their answer. The correct answer is $4.30. Therefore, the box with $4.30 in it will produce an applause sound whereas the other two box will give a gun shots sound.

For the third question, the pupil has to add the money that Mimie has in her wallet with the money that her parent gave her. The correct answer is $37.00 but the answer boxes do not show a direct answer. The pupil has to count the amount of money that the boxes contain and afterwards click on the appropriate box that represents the pupil’s answer. The incorrect boxes will give a gun shots sounds and the correct one will give an applause sound.

2. Push the trolley


10.00 a.m.

Hi! My name is Molly!

Come and join me shop!!!

We decided to create a story and from the story we created questions that involve the subtraction and addition operations. The character’s name in the story is Molly and she wanted to go to the supermarket because there were insufficient amount of ingredients that her mother has in the kitchen. Molly wanted to bake a cake with her mother for her father’s birthday. Before she went to the supermarket, her mother gave her a shopping list of things that she must buy in the shop.


The shopping list 2 packets of flour Margarine A tray of eggs Chocolatechips

Amount of money that my mum gave me: $50.00


Molly’s mother gave her $50.00 to buy all the things. At the supermarket, there are racks with foods and things in it with the price shown. Molly has to push the trolley according to things that she has to buy. When all the things in the shopping list are in the trolley, Molly goes to the cashier to pay the things and the pupils are served with questions to answer.

The first question is, “What is the total price for all the things Molly bought?” The pupils are to add altogether the total price for all the things Molly bought and click on the appropriate box. The second question is, “How much is the change for Molly’s money?” In order to get the correct answer, the pupils are to subtract the total price for Molly’s things with the amount of money that Molly’s mother gave her which is $50.00. [$50.00 – total price]


After all the questions are answered correctly, Molly goes home and brings all the things so that they can bake the cake for her father. Molly and her mother baked a strawberry chocolate cake for her father. Finally, as a token of thank you, we gave the pupils a virtual gift in order to boost their interest more on the activity.

Enrichment Activities


In any lesson, enrichment activities are used in order to strengthen the pupils’ knowledge and understandings of the concept they learnt earlier. Moreover, it help in enhancing the pupils’ information gained given that the activity is constructed in such a way it require them to use their previous knowledge and to apply it where necessary.

Often, enrichment activities are given to those with high ability. On the other hand, it can be given also to those of low ability given that the activity is suitable with their learning ability. Enrichment Activities can be given in various types such as worksheets, puzzles, quizzes, dramas, plays and games.

For this particular case, the aid of games is used in order to help pupils to enhance and strengthen their knowledge based on the topic which is ‘Money’. The enrichment game is known as “Shopping Spree at Star Shopping Mall”. Furthermore, it is done such that it is entertaining and playful in order to minimize the stressful environment of learning. This way it is hoped that the pupils will be more relaxed and enjoyable as well as to promote a positive learning environment among the pupils.

The Enrichment Game – Shopping Spree at Star Shopping Mall An overview This game is an imitation to the everyday life activity regarding money. It uses shopping as its main theme. Therefore, in this game it involves variety of mathematical problems that occur while doing the shopping. It seems very appropriate to use the shopping theme since we were dealing with the topic involving ‘Money’.


The game starts off with a front page which imitates the real life shopping mall where there are varieties of different shops selling different kind of items. For this particular game, there are three different shops. These shops are the ‘Fast Food Shop’, ‘Clothing Boutique’ and the ‘Toys Shop’. These three shops offer different kind of items to their customers.

The pupils can continue playing the game by selecting any shop they wanted to go. In each of the shop, they are going to shop for different items. Later on, they will be encountering different situation where they have to solve mathematical problems involving money. Each shop provides the pupils with different situation to solve. In order to carry on shopping, these problem needs to be solve first.

The mathematical problems

The situations the pupils will encounter in this game are the mathematical problems involving the operation of adding and subtracting money. This is in line with the target topic of the lesson which is indeed ‘Addition and Subtraction of Money’. Moreover, it involves the thinking skills in deciding which operation to use. The aids of word problems are also applied in this game.

An example of the question use is from the ‘Food and Drink Shop’, this is where the pupils are given with a list of food they have bought and they need to calculate the


total amount they need to pay to the cashier. After they calculate it then, they proceed by matching their answer with the answers provided in the slide.

An example of the mathematical situation problem available in the game The Responses

Since the game is dealing with a right and wrong answer, when the pupils response with a correct answer then they will be able to proceed to the next situation. On the other hand, if incorrect response is given, they need to check their calculation and try again until they get the correct answers. The slide as follows will appear when a correct or wrong answer is given respectively.


An example of slide for correct response

An example of slide for incorrect response The software

In order to create this particular game, the aid of Microsoft Power Point 2003, Print Artist 2003 and SmartDraw 2008 is used. Basically, the use of this software specifically Print Artist 2003 and SmartDraw 2008 are for graphical purposes. This software is used in order to obtain fascinating and colourful graphics for attractions. Furthermore, Microsoft Power Point 2003 is used to present the game in a presentation slides. Hence, since we are using the latest version of the above software, it helps to use any computers with the latest version of Microsoft Power Point in order for the games to be generated to its fullest potential. 48


example of using Microsoft Power Point 2003

An example of using Print Artist 2003


An example of using SmartDraw 2008


Suggestions Introducing a Blog

Teacher could create a Blog for all of the pupils to access. Apparently, the teacher needs to expose to the pupils of how to get through the Blog. Furthermore, the teacher needs to announce to the pupils the purpose of involving a Blog in their Mathematics’ learning. The Blog is introduced because it can freely provide any accessible website link. For example, the teacher can link the Blog to the chosen website of enrichment games. The pupils then can just open up the link and start to progress. Aside from that, the Blog also gives a space for the pupils to freely have questions and answers with the teacher in the tag board regarding any queries they had in relation to Mathematics’ learning.

Link in the Blog (highlighted in Red bracket)


Tag Board in the Blog (highlighted in Red bracket)

However, as a Blog requires internet connection, this would be the limitation to some pupils who do not have the accessibility at home. Some pupils then might have the chance to use the internet at school only while the rest experience the continuous learning from school to home. This point is in relation of how the teacher planned the preparation of the lesson. Meaning to say, seeing that not all pupils can access the internet, the teacher then can provide hard copies of enrichment activities for the pupils who do not have the fair opportunity.


Interactive Online Games

Seeing that the pupils already been taught of how to interact with the internet, the teacher then can help the pupils to learn Mathematics enthusiastically through the online games. It is emphasized that the teacher needs to monitor the pupils’ progression to ensure learning is taking place. The online games have the same activity of logging in with the Blog that is, the pupils can get through them at any place and any time beyond the classroom and the school hours. However, the teacher needs to teach the pupils to wisely choose the appropriate heading to find the online Mathematics games. There is a possibility, for those pupils who are not much expose to the internet might type in the heading as “games” only. This will result them to come across a lot of games which make them to have difficulty to filter the one they desire for. So, the teacher could teach them to be specific to search for the heading, for instance, “Mathematics’ addition games”, “Fun with Mathematics game” and so on. The reason for this is so that the pupils can feel the usefulness of onlining since they can reach their targeted purposes.

Furthermore, when the pupils are interacting with the online games, they could encounter difficulties in answering the problems. They might know the correct answers but they could not know how to derive to the correct answers. This is very important to be considered because we want the pupils to learn through the interactive online games effectively, not just blindly to have fun. So, the teacher must announce to the pupils any games that they do not comprehend are to be brought into discussion during the lesson.


In addition, most of the online games are not in Brunei currency. This would not be a problem to the pupils for reason that the online games are only enrichment activities. Therefore, the teacher’s intention is to let the pupils practice on their addition and subtraction of money calculations. As mentioned above, accessibility to the internet might be a problem to some pupils. The same explanation goes with this point that is, the teacher needs to convert the enrichment activities as the pupils’ written homework so that the pupils with internet connection at home and those without will have the same opportunity of learning.

SmartDraw Software

This software provides ready made worksheets which is not time consuming in preparing the learning materials for the pupils. Though this software makes the teacher’s life easier, but the teacher should not take it for granted, meaning using it as the only tools to provide work for the pupils. Teacher needs to be resourceful. Need to search for other resources of preparing the lesson such as books, internet, other software and the like.

Back-up Plans

Apparently, the drawback of using ICT as tools for teaching and learning is when there is electricity shut down. We could imagine how chaotic the pupils are when the


teacher prepares no alternative plans beside ICT. Therefore, electricity shut down will be not the only problem but the teacher will face difficulties to control the chaotic pupils.

Beside that, system down is the common problems faced by the internet users. We adults too feel bored when the system down but we could control ourselves but for the young, they prefer to play around. This will be another factor that possibly results to a loose control classroom management which should be avoided. Therefore, teacher needs to prepare back-up plans, for instance, allocate the pupils into groups to work on the activities presented. The activities could be taken from the online games that are in the form of hard copy instead.

Furthermore, to make the use of ICT effective in learning, the quantity of the computers need to be considered. In some schools, the number of computers are insufficient in response to the number of the pupils. Therefore, some of them have to share one computer and this might be a problem in terms of opportunity. When the partner get too excited, it is not impossible that he or she will not share same opportunity in using the computer. Even worse, argument among them might happen which will disrupt the teaching and learning of the lesson. In addition, there are some schools which have many computers but not all of the computers are working. This case will be the same as those schools which have insufficient number of computers. To overcome such problems, the school could provide Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) also known as a Continuous Power Supply (CPS). It is a device which maintains a continuous supply of electric power to connected equipment by supplying


power from a separate source when utility power is not available. It differs from standby generator, which does not provide instant protection from a momentary power interruption. This device could be used to provide uninterrupted power to equipment for 1 to 20 minutes. The presence of this device does not mean that every pupil in the class then can use the computers when there are problems with the power supply. The teacher could use only one computer and a projector and gather the pupils for the lesson.


Conclusion As mentioned earlier, the use of ICT should be implemented in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in relation to the SPN 21. However, teachers should not be too focused on ICT as their choices of teaching tools because teachers need to be resourceful. They need to look for other resources beside ICT. In implementing ICT in the pedagogy process, teachers need to carefully guiding the pupils. Meaning to say, teachers should not be so excessive in bringing the pupils to use the ICT from school to home to learn Mathematics. When the pupils are so enthusiastic, there is a high probability that they will be too focused on learning or revising Mathematics since the teacher presents multiple tasks to carry out especially using the computers. This will be disadvantage to the pupils in a way that they ignore to learn or revise other subject at home. Success in their profession is not only to be succeeded in Mathematic but in other subjects too. The use of ICT in pedagogy process could be one of the strategies that enhance effectiveness among the pupils. Even though so, teachers need to use the ICT wisely. It is not just to make the learning fun but teachers need to count the comprehension of the pupils towards the topic taught using the ICT. Need to be highlighted that the pupils should not go for correct answers blindly but how to produce correct responses is what matters after all.



Clement, Douglas H., and Sue McMillen (1996) Rethinking “concrete” manipulatives. USA: Scott, Foresman and Company

The Brunei Times, 21 May, 2007, p.4

Borneo Bulletin, 24 September, 1996, p.1

Borneo Bulletin, 8 September, 2005, p.1


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