/* Code (C) Xanikseo 2009 Use but don't let loose. i.e. don't claim it. */ var xan_bb_tags = ''; var regex_variable,regex_var_str,newline_button,x,i,bb_but; undefined;null; function while_replace(text,replacetext,withtext) { while(text.split(replacetext).length>1) { text = text.replace(replacetext,withtext); } return text; } function no_bb_codes() { $("code").each(function(){$(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\[/g,'[
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/g, '\$' + (variable+1)).replace(/<% VAR(?:\[1\])? %>/g, '\$1').replace(/<% VAR\[(\d+)\] %>/g, "$$$1") ); } if(tagtag == 'th' && document.title.match(regex_variable)) document.title = document.title.replace(regex_variable,'\$' + (variable+1));
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