Ltad 6 Adolescence And Windows

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,777
  • Pages: 78
Long-Term Athlete Development The Timings and Sequence of Changes During Adolescence and the Windows of Trainability


Aims • Indicators of maturity status

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity • Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity • Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity • Peak Weight Velocity

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity • Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity • Peak Weight Velocity • Growth spurts in performance

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity • Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity • Peak Weight Velocity • Growth spurts in performance • Performance relative to menarche

Aims • Indicators of maturity status • Adolescent growth spurt • Sexual maturity • Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity • Peak Weight Velocity • Growth spurts in performance • Performance relative to menarche • The windows of trainability

Indicators of maturity status

Indicators of maturity status • Skeletal

Indicators of maturity status • Skeletal • Sexual

Indicators of maturity status • Skeletal • Sexual • Somatic

Indicators of maturity status • Skeletal • Sexual • Somatic • Dental

Adolescent growth spurt

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

• Most common used indicator of somatic maturity

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

• Most common used indicator of somatic maturity

• Differential timing

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

• Most common used indicator of somatic maturity

• Differential timing • Differential tempo

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

• Most common used indicator of somatic maturity

• Differential timing • Differential tempo • Individual differences

Adolescent growth spurt • Peak Height Velocity: velocity of growth when in reaches its maximum

• Most common used indicator of somatic maturity

• Differential timing • Differential tempo • Individual differences

Parameters of PHV

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO)

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO) • The range among the mean ages at TO is is 2 years and 1 year at PHV in girls and boys

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO) • The range among the mean ages at TO is is 2 years and 1 year at PHV in girls and boys

• TO is between 8.2 & 10.3 years in girls and 10.0-12.1 years in boys

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO) • The range among the mean ages at TO is is 2 years and 1 year at PHV in girls and boys

• TO is between 8.2 & 10.3 years in girls and 10.0-12.1 years in boys

• PHV is between 11.3 & 12.2 years in girls and 13.3 & 14.4 years in boys (European)

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO) • The range among the mean ages at TO is is 2 years and 1 year at PHV in girls and boys

• TO is between 8.2 & 10.3 years in girls and 10.0-12.1 years in boys

• PHV is between 11.3 & 12.2 years in girls and 13.3 & 14.4 years in boys (European)

• TO & PHV occur earlier in girls than in boys, the sex difference is approximately 2 years

Parameters of PHV • Age at ‘take off’ (TO) • The range among the mean ages at TO is is 2 years and 1 year at PHV in girls and boys

• TO is between 8.2 & 10.3 years in girls and 10.0-12.1 years in boys

• PHV is between 11.3 & 12.2 years in girls and 13.3 & 14.4 years in boys (European)

• TO & PHV occur earlier in girls than in boys, the sex difference is approximately 2 years

• Limitations to data

Sexual maturity

Sexual maturity • The assessment of sexual maturity is based upon the development of secondary characteristics

Sexual maturity • The assessment of sexual maturity is based upon the development of secondary characteristics

• Differing assessment- Photos, clinical, selfassessment

Sexual maturity • The assessment of sexual maturity is based upon the development of secondary characteristics

• Differing assessment- Photos, clinical, selfassessment

• Girls - 9.5 years to 11.5 years

Sexual maturity • The assessment of sexual maturity is based upon the development of secondary characteristics

• Differing assessment- Photos, clinical, selfassessment

• Girls - 9.5 years to 11.5 years • Boys - 8.6 years to 12.9 years


Menarche • Most commonly reported secondary sex characteristic for girls

Menarche • Most commonly reported secondary sex characteristic for girls

• 13.2 years (median)

Menarche • Most commonly reported secondary sex characteristic for girls

• 13.2 years (median) • Variation from country to country

Menarche • Most commonly reported secondary sex characteristic for girls

• 13.2 years (median) • Variation from country to country • Generally a decrease in age from 1960s 1990s

Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity

Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity Budding of breasts in girls (B2) & initial enlargement of genitals in boys (G2) are normally the first signs of sexual maturity although in some children pubic hairs coincides or even precedes

Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity

Budding of breasts in girls (B2) & initial enlargement of genitals in boys (G2) are normally the first signs of sexual maturity although in some children pubic hairs coincides or even precedes

PHV tends to occur earlier in the sequence of puberty for girls than boys

Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity

Budding of breasts in girls (B2) & initial enlargement of genitals in boys (G2) are normally the first signs of sexual maturity although in some children pubic hairs coincides or even precedes

PHV tends to occur earlier in the sequence of puberty for girls than boys

Menarche is a late event in the pubertal sequence, about 1 year or more after PHV and when most girls are in B4 & PH4

Sequence of sexual and somatic maturity

Budding of breasts in girls (B2) & initial enlargement of genitals in boys (G2) are normally the first signs of sexual maturity although in some children pubic hairs coincides or even precedes

PHV tends to occur earlier in the sequence of puberty for girls than boys

Menarche is a late event in the pubertal sequence, about 1 year or more after PHV and when most girls are in B4 & PH4

Variations in the sequence are partly genuine and partly methodological

Peak Weight Velocity

Peak Weight Velocity • Peak Weight Velocity- At PHV for boys &

approximately between 0.3 & 1.0 year after PHV in girls

• PWV is between 4.6 & 8.6 in girls and 10.1 and 12.2 in boys (very approx!)

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Growth spurts in performance

Growth spurts in performance

• Age-related trends in strength, motor

performance, and anaerobic power suggest acceleration in growth during adolescence in males but not consistently in females

Growth spurts in performance

• Age-related trends in strength, motor

performance, and anaerobic power suggest acceleration in growth during adolescence in males but not consistently in females

• Most boys show a clear adolescent growth spurt in performance

Growth spurts in performance

• Age-related trends in strength, motor

performance, and anaerobic power suggest acceleration in growth during adolescence in males but not consistently in females

• Most boys show a clear adolescent growth spurt in performance

• Corresponding longitudinal data in girls that spans adolescence is limited



• Boys reach peak gains in strength on average about 1.2 years after PHV and 0.8 years after PWV (after in 77%, coincide in 11%, and before in 12%)


• Boys reach peak gains in strength on average about 1.2 years after PHV and 0.8 years after PWV (after in 77%, coincide in 11%, and before in 12%)

• Girls reach peak strength development near PHV and 0.6 years before PWV (precedes PHV in 40%, coincides in 11% and follows PHV in 49%)


• Boys reach peak gains in strength on average about 1.2 years after PHV and 0.8 years after PWV (after in 77%, coincide in 11%, and before in 12%)

• Girls reach peak strength development near PHV and 0.6 years before PWV (precedes PHV in 40%, coincides in 11% and follows PHV in 49%)

Motor performance

Motor performance • During adolescence boy tend to

demonstrate an awkwardness in motor performance.

Motor performance • During adolescence boy tend to

demonstrate an awkwardness in motor performance.

• This is not seen as much in girls

Motor performance • During adolescence boy tend to

demonstrate an awkwardness in motor performance.

• This is not seen as much in girls • Strength and power outputs still show large increase

Motor performance • During adolescence boy tend to

demonstrate an awkwardness in motor performance.

• This is not seen as much in girls • Strength and power outputs still show large increase

• Not always in girls....

Aerobic power

Aerobic power •


max increases in the years preceding PHV and continues to increase through adolescence 2

Aerobic power •


max increases in the years preceding PHV and continues to increase through adolescence 2

• Relative ⩒O2 max (ml/ kg/min) decreases in the year or so proceeding PHV and continues to decline for several years after PHV

Performance relative to menarche

Performance relative to menarche • Menarche is a late event in the sequence of adolescent changes

Performance relative to menarche • Menarche is a late event in the sequence of adolescent changes

• There is no difference in motor performance

Performance relative to menarche • Menarche is a late event in the sequence of adolescent changes

• There is no difference in motor performance

• Absolute ⩒O

max increases from 2 years before to 2 years beyond menarche 2

whereas relative ⩒O2 max decreases

Performance relative to menarche • Menarche is a late event in the sequence of adolescent changes

• There is no difference in motor performance

• Absolute ⩒O

max increases from 2 years before to 2 years beyond menarche 2

whereas relative ⩒O2 max decreases

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The windows of trainability

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